The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 26, 1891, Image 4

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Dr. Talmage's sermon was from Job
XXZTiiL.22: "Hast thou entered into
the treasure of the snow."
tiroasly m ligned in the season of
winter. The spring and summer and
Mtumn have had many admirers, but
wiater, hoary-headed and white-beard-ed
winter, hath bad more enemies than
friends. Yet without winter the hu
man race would be insane and effort
less. You might speak of the winter
aa the mother of :empests; I take it
the father of the whole of a family of
physical, mental and spiritual energies.
The most people that I know are strong
in proportion to the number of snow
banks they had to climb over, or push
through in childhood, while their fattier
drore the sled loaded with logs through
the crunching drifts as higu as the
fences. At this season of the year,
when we are so familiar with the snow,
these frozen vapors, those falling blos
soms of the sky, those white angels of
the atmosphere, those poems of the
storm, those Iliads and Odysseys of
the wintry tempest, I turn over the
leaves of my bible and though most
of it was written in a clime where snow
seldom or never fell find many of
these beautiful cyngelations. Though
the writers may seldom or never have
felt the cold touch of the snow flake on
their cheek, they had in sight two
mountains the tops of which were sug
festive. Other kings sometimes take
off their crowns, but Lebanon and
llount Hermon all the year round and
through the ages never lift the coro
nets of crystal from their foreheads.
The first time we find a deep fall of
snow in the Bible is where Samuel de-
scribes a fight between Benaiah and a
lion in a pit, and though the snow
may have crimsoned under the wounds
of both man and brute, the shaggy
monster rolled over dead and the giant
was victor. But the snow is not fully
recognized in the Bible until God in
terrogates Job, the scientist, concern
ing its wonders, saying: "Hast thou
entered into the treasures of the snow ?"
And now I propose for your spirit
ual and everlasting profit, if you will
accept my guidauce, to take you
through some of these wonders of crys
tallization. And notice first, God in
the littles. You may take Alpenstock
and crass the Mer de Glace, the Sea of
Ice, and ascend Mont Blanc which
rises into the coulds like a pillar of the
Great White Throne, or with Arctic ex
plorer ascend the mountains around
the north pole and see glaciers 1,000
feet high grinding against glaciers
3,000 feet high But I will take you on
a less pretentious journey and show
you God in the snowflake. There is
took enough between its pillars for
the great Jehovah to stand. In that
one frozen drop on the tip of your
finger you may find the throne room of
the Almighy. I take up the snow in
my hand and see the coursers of cel
estial dominion pawing these crystal
pavements. The telescope is grand,
but I must confess that I am quite as
much interested in the microscope. The
one reveals the universe beneath us;
the other, Just as great a universe
ben eat n ns. But the telescope over
' whelms me, while the microscope com
forts me. What you want and I want
especially is a God in littles. If we
were seraphic or archangelic in our
natures we would want to study God
In the great, but such small, weak,
short lived beings as you and I are
waatto find God in the littles.
When I see the Maker of the uni
verse giving Himself to the architect-
are of a snowflake and making its
shafts, its domes, its curves, its walls,
its irradiations so perfect, 1 conclude
He will look after our insignificant af-!
fairs. And if we are of more value
than a sparrow, most certainly we are
of mora value than an inanimate snow
flake. So the Bible would chiefly im-
i us with God in the littles. It
i not say "Consider the clouds.
but it say.', "Consider the lilies." It
does not say, "Behold the tempests!''
but "Behold the fowls!" and it ap
plauds a cup of cold water and the
widow's two mites, and says the hairs
of tout head are numbered. Do not
tamr thorefore. that vou are going to
be lost in the crowd. Do not think
that because you estimate yourself as
oaty on snowflake among a three
days' January snow storm that you
rl ha fnnrotten.
Hahnld also, in the snow the treas
ure of accumulated power. During
mom storm toT an apothecary, accus
tomad to weighing most delicate quan
titled boUbto weighing Males out
tho window add let one flake fall
sarfaeeof tbeaealea and it will not
e-sa asato it tremble. When you want
teamiaaaraxtreme triviality of weight
na aa. "Lictat as a feather," but
mtmwtiU is much lighter. It is just
tm-aatv-foor times lighter than water.
jial yet the accumulation of these
CskM broke down a few day ago, in
fof my kcae,six telegraph poles,
fire depart-
hattisd rail trains with two
-. loaaaMttvas. we nave
crfeenaito awe of tee power
7TcAl become
SLSjiS tea the atetriewlre,
eaaa wiraf tad
..' trUi "X0a
afraid of the thunderbolt; I will catch
it and hurl it to the ground, lour ,
boasted ectrie light, adorning your
... i ,,-m r,nt i
. ..r. ctniflWl
out as easily as joui .o -
out a tallow candle." The snow pui
its fingers on the lip of our cities that
were talking with each other and they
went into silence, uttering not a word.
The snow mightier than the lightning
Another treasure of the snow is the
suggestion of the usefulness of sorrow.
Absence of snow last winter lias not
yet ended its disasters. Within a few
weeks it put tens of thousands into the
grave and left o hers in homes and hos
pitals gradually to go down. Called
by a trivial name, the Russian "grip,"
it was au inernational plague. Plenty
of snow means public health. There is
no medicine that so soon cures the
world's miliarias as these white pellets
that ihe clouds administer. Pellets,
small enough to be homueopathie, but
in such large doses as to be alopathic,
and meiur.g soon enough to be hydro
pathic. Like a sponge every flake ab
sorbs unhealthy gases. 'I he tablets
of mortality in New York and Brook
lyn immediately lessened when the
snow began to fall. The snow is one
of the grandest and best of the world's
Yes, it is necessary for the land's pro
ductiveness. Great snows in winter
are generally fo.lowed by great harvests
next summer. Scientilic analysis has
shown that snow contains a larger per
centage of ammonia than the rain, and
hence its greatest power of enrichment.
And besides that, it is a white blanket
to keep the earth warm. Snow strikes
back the ricli gaies which otherwise
would escape in the air and be lost.
Thank God for the snows, and may
those of December and January have
been, high and deep, wide and enrich
ing; then the harvest of next July will
embroider with gold this entire Ameri
can continent But who with any
analogical faculty can notice that out
of such chill as the snow comes the
wheat, without realizing that chilling
sorrows produce harvest of grace! The
strongest Christians, without any ex
ception, are those who were by bereave
ments, or sickness, or poverty or per
secution, or all them put together,
snowed under, tnd again and again
snowed under. These snow storms of
trouble! They kill the malarias of the
souL They drive us out of worldly de
pendence to God. Call the roll of alj
the eminently piour of all the ages and
you will find them the sons and daugh
ters of sorrow. The Marouites say that
one characteristic of the cedar tree is
that when the air is full of snow, and
it begins to descend, the tree lifts its
branches in a way better to receive the
snow and bear up under it, and I know
by much observation that the grandest
cedars of Christian character lift
higher their branches toward God when
the snows of trouble are coming. Lord
Nelson's coffin was made out of the
masts of L'Orient, in which he had
fought so bravely, and your throne in
in heaven, O suffering child of Gcd
will be built out of couquered earthly
disasters. What gave John Hunyan
such a wonderous dream of the celes
tialcity? The Bedford penitentiary-
What gave Richard Baxter such power
to tell of the ".Saints' Everlasting
Rest," and gave his immortal "Call to
the Unconverted ?" Physical disease
which racked every nerve of his body.
AVhat made George Whitfield so mighty
in saving souls, bringing 10,000 to God
when others brought 100? Persecu
tion that caricatured and assailed him
all up and down England, and dead
vermin thrown in his face when he w8
preaching. What mellowed and glori
fled Wilberforce's Christian character?
financial misfortune that led him to
write: "I know why my life is spared
so long except it be to show that a man
can be as happy without a fartune as
with one." What gave John Milton
such keen spiritual eyesight that be
could see the battle of the angels?
Extinguishment of physical eyesight
What is the highest observatory for
studying the stars of hope and faith
and spiritual promise? The believer s
sickbed. What proclaims the richest
and most golden harvest that wave on
all the hills of heavenly rapture? The
snows, the deep snows, tho awful snows
of earthly calamity. And that com
forting thought is one of the treasures
of the snow.
Another treasure of the snow is the
suggestion that this mantle covering
the earth is like the soul alter is tor
given. "Wash me," said the psalmist
"and I shall be whiter than snow." My
dear friend Gasherie De Witt went
over to Geneva, Switzerland, for the re
covery of his health, but the Lord had
something better for him than earthly
recovery, utueaia I tmna wnen i
bade him good-bye one lovely after
noon on the other side of the sea, to re
turn to America, that we would not
meet ia till we meet in heaven. As
he lay one Sabbath morning on his dy
ing pillow in Switzerland, the window
open, he was Moung out npon Mount
Blanc. The air was clear. That great
mountain stood in iU robe of snow
ciittering in the morning light, and
my friend said to sis wife: "Jennie
yon know waat taat mow on Mont
Blanc makes ma tnina oir xt makes
ma tldnk that the righteousness of
Christ, and the pardon of God eover all
the stos, aad imperfections ef my life,
as that mow covers np that mountain,
i At UA.ifrh Aiir Ring
be asscanew TV, T do
snow." Was not that gl mous I
nnt who tou are. or where yuu are.
viu tid as much as 1 do
that cleans
, ------ ,laMar,K ite Witt
s hile he lived and glorious when
good, w
he died.
Job had trreat admiration
snow, but he declares in substance that ,
if he should wash his soul in melted
snow, he would still be covered with
mud like a man down in a ditch. (Job
ix,30.) 'if I wash wyselt in snow
water, and iake uy hands never so
clean, yet shalt thou plunge me in the
ditch and mine own clothes shall abhor
me." We must be washed in the foun
tain of God's mercy, before we can be
mat'.e whiter than snow. "Without
holiness, no man shall see the Lord.'.
Oh, for the eleansing power!"
If thera be in all this audience one
man or woman whose though s have
always been right, and whose words al
ways right, and whose actions always
right, let such a one rise, or if already
standing, lift the right hand. Not one!
All we, like sheep' have gone astray.
Unclean! Unclean! And yet we may
be made whiter than snow, whiter than
that which, on a cold winter's morn
ing, after a night of storm, clothes the
from bottom of trunk to top of
hiehest branch; whiter than that which
this hour, makes the Adriandacks and
the Sierra Nevada and Mount Washing
ton heights of pomp and splendor fit
to enthrone an archangel.
In the time of Graham, the essayist,
in one mountain district of Scotland an
average of ten shepherds perished every
winter in the snow drifts, and so he
proposed that, at the distance of every
mile, a pole fifteen feet high and with
two cross pieces be erected, showing
the points of the compass, and a bell
hung at the top so that every breeze
would ring it, and so the lost one on
the mountains would hear the sound
and take the direction given by this
pole with the cross piece and get safe
ly home. Whether that proposed plan
was adoptel or not I do not know, but
I declare to all you who are in heavy
and blinding drifts of sin and sorrow
that there is a cross near by that can
direct you to home, and peace, and
God; and hear vou not the ringing of
the gospel bell hanging to that cross,
saying: This is tne way, wan ye in
Japanese Bell.
Bells were in use in China, Japan
and India long before they were known
in Europe. In the space fronting the
temples of Nikko, Japan, there are
enormous bells of exquisite purity of
sound, too heavy to be suspended in
any tower which this people build, and
so they are swung on low frames of
stout timber, the bell being only three
or four feet from the ground.
They are rung by means of batter
ing rams, made of long joists of hard
wood, suspended so as to swing by the
united aid of many human hands. They
give out soft and muffled, though deep
and far reaching, notes. Youth s Com
Lake of Boiling Wate r.
There is a lake of boiling water in
the island of Dominica, lying in the
mountains behind Roseau, and in the
valleys surrounding it are many sol
fataras, or volcanic sulphur vents. In
fact the boiling lake is a little better
than a crater filled with scalding water
constantly fed by mountain streams,
and through which the pent up gases
find vent and are rejected. The tem
peratore of the water on the margins
of the lake range from ISP to 1SO0
Fahrenheit. In the middle, exactly
over the gas vents, it is believed to be
300. Where this active action takes
place, the water if said to rise two,
three or even four feet above the gen
eral surface level of the lake, the cone
often dividing so that the orifices
through which the gases escapes are
legion in number. This violent dis.
turbance over the gas jets causes a vio
lent action over the whole surface of
the lake, and through the cones appear
to be special vents, the sulphurous
vapors rise with equal density over its
entire surface. Contrary to what one
would suppose, there seems to be in no
case violent action of tre escaping
gases, such asexplosions or detonations.
The water is of a dard gray color, and
having been boiled over and over for
thousands of years, has become thick
and slimy with sulphur. As the inlets
to the lake are rapidly closing, it is be
lieved that it will soon assume the
character of a geyser or sulphurous
Diamonds, Their Supply un(j
a aiaroona once minded and cut is
in the world to stay. It is the most In
destructible form of matter known,
and its value secures it from the mis
chances which happened to other kinds
of property. Every year the stock al
ready on hand is increased by the
whole product of the mines, with little
or no corresponding reduction to be
made for loss or destruction of old
gems. It would be natural to suppose
that this steady Increase ii supply
which in Africa alone exceeds 4,000000
carats annually-would lower the cost
of diamonds, but, on the contrary, every
Heidi Washington..
for the u
rrw r n H
13 1 LlYLJ 1 U U "
Keep the serf corn .arm and dry if
vou want to surt a good crop for
' Do not condemn a breed because you ,
t- ....
Every farm U.y should 1 taugai u,
be at least uanuy mu.
In winter one learns ju,t wberewtnd
breaks are needed. Ixm't fa.l to phnt
I hem um -!i ',i"-' me3 f
close growing habit.
A tou of butler sold takes particular
ly n.rthius off the farm, while
ton ot
milk sold Ukes more thau 82 worth of
plant food with it.
Regulate the temperature of the cel
lar by ventilation, so that fruits and
vegetables stored in it will not spoil
through becoming too warm.
An exchange says that "large-brained
horses are the cleverest. Iu the cav
alry the horses with large foreheads
learns their drill more quickly than the
others. A gentleman measureu w
heads of all his hunters and found that
their intelligence and good sense were
in proportion to the width of.their fore,
Why support a brab wire fence on
the farm when a neatly kept hedge
will serve all the purposes of the for
mer, and perhaps a few besides ? In a
seuse a farmer's time is the only com
modity lie has to dispose of, and at cer
tain seasons of the year farm labor is
in very poor demand. At such times
work necessary to the proper care oi a
hedge could be advantageously applied
to that task. A hedge fence never cuts
up horses; it does not draw lightning
and carry it half a mile to kill a bunch
of cattle; it doesn't cost any direct out
lay of money. Grow more hedges for
Nebraska and take care of them, ana
they are the most satisfactory farm
fence that exists-Nebraska tanner.
Attentive farmers have rioted the
fact that cnps of all kinds grow more
luxuriantly when standing to the north
from a strip of timber land or a few
rows of cottonwood trees even. This
is a natural resutt from protective in
fluence exercised by the trees In that
they ward oft the prevailing hot winds
from the south, though we are entirely
free frtrn the hot winds that occasionly
visit us, yet a body of trees to the south
of our fields for any given year is an
ever active favor in pushing vegeta
tion of all kinds to the extreme limit of
its developement from the simplest
fact that it is allowed to retaiu moist
ure, a large part of which would be
swallowed un by the thirsty south
The productiveness of the soil de
pends to a great extent on the farmer.
Hadisbes or lettuce, permitted to run
to seed and shell out on the ground, be
come troublesome weeds.
In planuing a new garden make it an
oblong square and then put everything
in lon rows.
In planting trees for a wind-break
care should be taken to cut those that
have a close growing habit.
There are fruit trees tint are injured
every year by permitting them to over
bear. It does not pay to permit it
At a recent sale of merino breeding
sheep at- Sidney, Australia, one ram
Hero rnnce brought qa.m), and au-
othcr Pilgrim, 62,150.
Colts will make a better growth and
developement if they are given a light
feed of ground oats every day.
riaDt.BC n Orchard
ow is tne time lor the farmer on
the prairie farm who has not yet se
cured this very important improve
ment H) arrange ior it. Trees were
never cheaper. The spring is the pro
per time to plant, because experience
has taught the tree grower in the west
that a larger per cent of spring plant
ing lives than of the fall planting. The
dry fall weather and the dry freezing
seasons of winter is regarded unfavor
able. The early spring with its cus
tomary wet, showery season encour
ages vegetation and is sure to start the
tree growth if it is in good living con
dition. One of the greatest mistake that is
made in setting out an orchard is in
spacing tne trees. The crowding of
trees into a small space Is more fre
quently observed on our big prairie
farms than on the hillsides of the east
ern farm. As to the space between
trees, it is safe to say that thirly-two
feet is as close as trees should be set,
in order to give the trees plenty of
room when grown up. Some prefer
the plan of p'anting closer in the row
and spacing the rows wider, say four
rods apart. This plan gives an advan.
tage in the cultivation of the land. It
is a difficult thing to crop an orchard
that is closely planted without Inter
fering with the trees. It will be ob
served, however, that many of our
Nebraska and Iowa orchards, that
have the trees set so close together
that by the time they sre in full beat
ing they are so helged In that It is Im
possible to drive a wagon between their
spreading branches, are producing
great crops of fruit The yield of
fruit is even greater in many Instances
than where the trees sUnd out try
themselves. Consider all important
aaturasinsattlnc out vonr arahara.
Buv v7trees from your noroe
m'en. rt country is tuU of
soljenors, men whom jo
tidier, solictors.
vou are
...nainted wi'.b: nien
whom are
hng tomakeyouaUk.nd. of r..r-
to secure- your oraer.
raska has several good reliable miwry
. i inter direct from
them and
.w, vnn ret what you buy
u-n will a'.w I'' yu
properly rs
to planting in order to secure
the best
results.-World lUeraw
This is a very necessary part of
,, u.-,,rk if boards are
allowed to
1 broken off the fence about the stock
lots or yaw wiuioui uciug j
repla ed posts broken oil or pulled out,
W1res pulled loose on the pasture fences,
th-farm will very soon show Indica
tions of neglect and the reputation of
the owner drp down in the estimation
of his neighbor. Besides this injury
there is absolute loss introduced at the
same time. Impaired fences increase
the liability of stork to escape, causing
in manv instances damage to crop anu
iniurv to the stock, A good, secure
frp kent in repair, is one of the val
uable improvements of t!e farm, while
fence in bud rf pair is a nuisance aul
,lmatf It. COSH t)Ul liltlo III vlilic vi
"""'"" . . . .i ...
tabor to make the needed repairs as we
breaks occur, and by this rueaus every
thing is in order. Always have a saw,
hatchet, uaila and staples reauy jor use.
The majority of repairs required xor
he implements aud machinery of the
farm may be made by the farmer who
provides himself wl h a few carpenter
and blacksmith tools. It every mue
break must be taken away to the town
blacksmith or mechanic there will be a
trrpat. eineiise of time that should be
saved to the farm. World-Herald.
Th llo( in WlnUr.
Change the bedding regularly.
Feed some clover hay every day.
More corn is necessary during the
Young pigs should take exercise on
chilly days.
Oil meal and bran makes good feed
lor growing pigs.
It is not good economy to feed young
pigs frozen slops. j
Avoid dust in the beds aa well as
filth in order to maintain health.
The first six weeks of a pig's life is
of the most importance in securing a
good profit.
When a hog must be fed until it is
fourteen to eighteen months old it is
usually fed at a loss.
There is considerable risk ir. holding
hogs for a better price after they are
fully ready to market.
A dry earth floor is the best for the
sleeping ua-ters; it is usually warmer
than a plank floor.
Salt and ashes should be kept in a
box in a convenient place where the
hogs can help themselves.
During growth it is quite an item to
secure a good development of bone and
muscle; when mature, fatten.
Jt is rarely good economy to allow
the boar to run with the other pigs.
He is apt to get troublesome.
Even in winter it will be an Hem to
water the hog regularly. Slop should
never take the place of pure water.
Breeding stock should be kept with
reference to their use, and this implies
having them in a good, thrifty condition.
It is quite an item in breeding to se.
cure as even a lot of pigs as possible
They can be marketed to better ad
Oats are one of the very best ma
terials to use In feeding young pigs,
especially when they are just beginning
to eat. .St. Louis Republican,
All fanciers ought to bear in mind
that during this season much of the
natural food of fowls is securely bound
up by frost or covered with snow.
What in other portions of the year
fowls with an ordinary run could read
ily pick up for themselves, must now
De supplied.
A Lucky ilurglar.
Many a practiced professional burg
lar no doubt would envy the luck
which fell to the lot of a bad character
named Carre, In Paris, who, despite
the fact that he has already been three
months in jail for theft, must be de
scribed as a mere ameteur housebreak
er. Cane was wandering penniless
and purposeless the entire night through
the Hue Satnte Anne, Paris, when he
suddenly conceived the Idea of entering
a suite of rooms in a block of buildings
guarded by a careless concierge.
Jie succeeded In passiua the nortcr'i
lodge without being observed, and go
ing up the back stairs nearest to him.
he got, into a flat by the kitchen door,
which was not closed. Fortune fur
ther favored the happy-go luckv bur.
lar by directing- him ta th ..h
in one of the rooms, and without be In
seen or heard by anybody he extracted
rrom this receptacle a sum of i860 In
gold and notes. Then he left the place
quietly, emerged Into the street, and
would have escaped altogether with Ms
ill-gotteu gains had he not been too
eager to taste the wild delights of a
Next morning Carre waa ffMlflll Ulna
hopelessly and helplessly drunk on tK.
aaphalt ot the Boulevard Ifalasbarbas.
The policemen who searched him found
W801n bis pocket. Whan asked by
the magistrate before whom he was
orongoi to account for the rest of the
money, and to describe hla nMtHH..i
expedition In exteneo, Cam ealrnrr
Heart ebapafl )ewess an all then.
White gloves make the hands )
large, still they are vary fashions.
for bridesmaids to wear with wku,
aud colored drcasea.
A pretty usea ior tawe omm.
tion is to fold the napkin in a
complimentary to the guest of t),
rasion a boat for a sailor, a fan tot
society bud.
Iteally good linen pays by iu
ing qualities for the original utiu
If it is not allowed to become to duty
before it is washed that bard rubUig
is required to make It clean, it wil
last for tears. The first tiny hrtalu
must be carefully watched for
repaired at once.
A good nurse is more helpful u
the doctor, at least she may treble ke
efficiency; but she should be emphati
cally a good one dully trained, with t
natural aptitude for her calling, v4
in fulkst sympathy with the pbyileiea.
A self-opinion nurse may more tku
undo all the Joctor's work.
Nowhere in ine woria can so man;
handtnme, tasteful women be seen sj
in Loudon during the season. 0(
course some are foreigners, and A inert-
cans are generally among the
attractive, and it must be remembtrei
that the British kingdom tei.ds la
fairest dowers to town at that tW,
but the fact remains that many Km
lish women know how to drees welL
Mrs. Stanley has not once been U
during her stay in America. Shs It
very fond of fresh air, and kps u
temperature of her room at K 6'pm. Aw,
Every day she Ukes a long w.!k. S let;,
thinks that Americeu women an bEy f
more hospitable than the women of 'hL..
London and the cities ot the Bruit latoCti ;
isles, but that the English girl ii bet- faoo. ) '
ter nhen you can get acquainted witt Season,
her. ytt..
.Some very delicate freezing rniy t ttuanajTf '
done and is done right along, by akll P 1 not
ful letter writer. Omit your sddrai oca of a it
from the politest and most formal tuto 9 yoar C4
... ..... . Hk.J .
you can wnte ana tne inieuigeui nap
ient will understand that be or $1 im WT,
outlived the welcome of your hospital- -
ity. Cut the er.graved addreu froa r,n
the letterhead add the cut becomes m Uege ef i
lu ult Another indication of tods! Bf
paralysis is the omission of all sut- rlnJPC ,
scriprion phrases, even aha stereotype, 6,.
Yours, Truly," while to write a ui
and omit the signature altoge wit r
inn nnkitulMt rut nf itt." BHU
The prettiext toilet tables now hit "t of C
t ops or plate glass with beveled dpi V
Such make a very showy back growl -'A,,
for all the glittering Impedimnt 1
with which the women of fashion lite iBAjter.
to litter her dressing room. This air k off tfcr
ror effect is a popular one. J'requa t HftSv
a mirror is let in at the end of s lid ThWfc'lfc
iu modem bouses, producing rtn !r ihan ja
handsomely the delusion of a vista il n (" Vice,
pretty rooms. OH from their dres ot.
ing rooms, some women who carry tin g, :
operation of gowning themselves t CC
the verge of art, hare had built, tasE t tf
closet-like rooms, lined on every 46 anal
with the finest reflecting glass, wiiwt
lighted from above by electricity. Ii fetf
to this inclosing mirror, madame tta ere'
after the last lock of hair has been est
ranged and the last fold if the row It
adjusted, trusting to Its many-iiMy
views for accurate criticism.
It is not an unusual thing for a Mr I
to carry the box of flowers sent to at fl
the previous evening to the florist fns
whom they were purchased and o
them for sale at a large discos
Often they are accepted, the ton
merchant fearing that her displuM t
will cost him a rood Customer.
Tb UUM IB arto-a BtM.
Hock wood pottery is out In groups
and Japanese designs.
Cut tt-tess table bells with stl
tongues are the correct thing.
Handif of Dresden wares hart
peered on some of the new umbra
for women.
DMsartnlaiMof white china.
painted portrait centers and perform
borders, represent a popular article
One mar srratifv his taste with u
wear. cut. nlmin. anvraved. illaw
ornamented, and still be in fashion.
Serves pocelains are the deligW
every woman who snows
about ceramics, and Just now u7 m
itnmeiiMl nonular. bains' in liarsm
with the light furniture so fashi
in modern drawing rooms.
1mII. c mm i Minna aire SB
signed for pens, pin and other
obtecta. are thia season out in co'
.kin. mA ... Immm tka hllltf
VU1IM WW VMfr gMMt wv r
much the same at ibose ocoome
silver.-Jew-lers' Circular.
OliU. kalnatlta fail tl alWSfK1
an umbrella it Is also quite tb rJ
thing to raiaa ona upon
the W
u, or snoi
shine. You asa a woman
shine. You asa a woman ---dressed
and eiqulalUy gloved, earn"
Id bar left hand a silk umorw- -gay
Dreedan handle. There
that the ekaieoU wiU gi"
exiumuon oi tnstr pow. .
a. i a . m .t . JJ slt MP
...... - . 11H
ongni oay. bwmmm; m,
glaamof sun, and presto! o( fJ
t ... .i i . .ikAiikyf
aaaorauB avar mm af
and on she walks
tanor of bar trata. not W
bat almpry obeying one of J
aataa tha aalMI ttlt " I
H arrai a4 eharalnff-
There if
n work '
Prk I
a birr
nut t A
k ever