The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 26, 1891, Image 3
newly opened mines at Newcastle, and tlie road is being pushed on to Helena, Montana. TliePaciflc Short line lias a line surveyed across the southern part of the countv, and the niarti'enjent inform us that before the close of anotlier season it . -O f jiptiou Prk, 2.00 will have its line in operation beyond the we:;t line or eurasKa. ine surej oi tlie Pacific Short Line shows that the road will have over 88 miles of track in Sioux county. The Ii. & M. has a survey running west from Alliance, crossing the south'part of Sioux county and it is existed that it w ill be built, but as the amount 'of the OV- V AflENfYJen i.i.c: , - witr. J Harrison post office as sec- , j iMniir"n s tmt n.jt.jn. k A pamphlet of Information and ah-a line which would be in Sioux county is not Known, it is not nureu m cub w jday, Feb. 26, 1891. Lairaolol tn lava, wowing uow 100 V Obtain raieuia, aremt., TnarH statement. .Marls. (xipjncrila. amt ;r.. "When you take into consideration the fact tliat Sioux county has got so great TT that every case of iiuimon- -Jl Br.a4ar, a railroad mileage and has r treated id time, may te a r c red by Ayer s t uerry rec- NO RAILROAD BONDS .jrf" ix Cuuiiiy journal. 'f; f' -JULCOOTY PAPER. r isbm! r (IE HOMES! I is still a large amount of GOVERNMENT LAND open to entry in outstanding, and in fact, no county bonds of any kind liave ever been issueu oy Sioux county, you cannot but see that it is far better olf than those counties that gave a large amount of bonds for a few miles of railroad. Tin ac-cornpmyiug maps will give the reader a good idea 01 tlie raiuoau au. vantages possessed by Sioux county. The soil is of such a nature to eminently (it it for agriculture, tzperimenvs ndicate that it will soon be one of the most profitable sugar beet producing dis tricts in the world, and other crops will not be far behind. There are a great number of small streams distributed throughout the county, furnishing excellent opportunities for stock raising and still are not large enough to cause a heavy public expense for bridges. The settler can go to the sawmills in Sioux county and buy Native Pine Lumber f ir less than half what the same; of material would cost five hundred miles east of here. Good building stone can be easily obtained from various parts of the coudty; an excellent quality of brick Ii ivro bjin mile a few miles from th seat; the quality of the water is the vert bct and tlie climate is fine. Harrison is tlie county seat and the only railroad town in the county, a though new towns are being laid out at different points. The is a fine brick court house which cost $10,000, anil representatives of almost all lines of business. There is no railroad land in Sioux county, it is either government land-subject to entry; school land subject to lease or purchase, or land that has been taken up by settlers. INCOME WEST, SEE AND SETTLE. Map of the Elkhorn System. -'" A rr iix County, Nebraska. ii;' 'l'C J county is in the northwest corner of the great state of Nebraska, and is r .Jrty miles east and west by seventy miles north anil south. It comprises tiHln?1. Ine rolling table land and valuable timber land. The county contains ' 1 iS9aVcres of land. Something near one-third of this area has been filed on by fcf'Jli" large number of whom have made final proof and have deeded farms S ri .ifildsr is still open to settlement. Of course there is a portion of this t,! suitable for farming purposes, a part being timber land and is there fovfi '.llSle, and other tracts, too rough for cultivation, produce the most nutri fior'' JiaWscs and are excellent for stock raising purposes. i" "Vitality has an advantage which no other .portion of Nebraska possessed Jit'll, Posts and House Logs are FREE! -t i avlnnn makes it noisible for a man to improve a niece of land with a Ur outlay of csh than ha coull hiva cbu in other parts of the state. . V. ,"i . ' 85 Miles of Railroad. yax ciuwty hM th moia Una of the F, E. & M. V. railroad cWting it from fwMKlcotracting with th Cheyenne & Northern, thus making a line ifrOttt OnieM to Dmw and the Pacific coast, and also connects this locnl i tbecotJ fleldn just across the line in Wyoming, This road lias 8? mile in Sioux county. ( Ifl. A M. crosses the northeast part of the county and has 15 miles of it hiq the bonbn( Sioux county.. This road brings down the coal troro the NEW REPEATS RIFLL2 MAR LIN SAFET L'ODEL 1889. mi a-m I SIDE Js 1 r.lFr.TIIMft ttseZM M .. Baw mm w uvia jm 111 SOLID TOP. mm m Wilghf,6Vbt, n Using 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. Send tor free descriptive price-list of RwpeisHnir. RUlca, IuublG-Action Revolver, etc., lo ine MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAYEN, CT., U. S. A. LYMAN'S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Are Unequalled both for Hunting and Target Shooting. HcaS fhrCoUilocim A. BlioTrlnor BIsHUtail "IDEAL" RELOADING TOOLS For Rifles, Pistols Shot Suns: RELOAD YOUR SHEUSSfcVL AND 8VE MCN1Y. yjg FREE, ILLU6TDA1 CD "t CATALOGUE CONTAININQ VALUABLE INSTRUCTIONS OH "W to pncPAnc voun own ammunition. n.C!. fj Af Hifiin Imfflnifrfdtourr'.WMnf ofwork. llMlf U rKrMlv mid li.m.nihlr, by t host, of" 111 IfJ F I 'hT mi, ..uii(t or oU, and In their 11 I I ! I I owitlotBMtff-a.nhrrrvsrlylUM.Anjr III W llM I our- ran ilo Uh work. Ky to learn. Wtftirntah Kvoryibliiff. We start you. ho rUk. You ran dvoM jrnnr spar mmni'Dia, r all ynur ilm to the work. Ihla la ah anttrtr Hw I'ad.and brines woitdfrrul ufrow to avfiry wofkar. Kftiinan aro wiling from to tiU r wrafc and ayiwarda. Md mora afW a Klllo oaixwianofl, W can fumlah fan tba tl Mnvra'tit al itul you r MBK. No tmralo tUln hara. Full hfJrniatlon fMHt THl afe ttf., iUltTA, aUlftl. .1 -1 ' i a j .w . hlnir mt'la hy .T.'fm i:; . :,t,'Iry.S.V.,(il woik for ui. KoaJar, hint n -t niaka as trunk, luit ' ran fich yttiiittHtiy hi-w torn frnm wl lo 111 a Wty at tlia Kail, and as j.hi ?o n. W"lh sftfK, a.l afa. iiiaaypannr ninlt a. yu -fn emiinwii ai hima, yW- ah Vfiir Mtna.r uira noi" ' , w..rk. ll (art.'w. rai iay M'l t. I r rr vt.irit-r. iMarl yon, raritlahd't t,..UOS as tJ.t ruBTUhD, aUUftV $3000: A T'KAHf I nnritrtaha to brlrflr tach any fattly intellipvnl person nf oithrr "i, wno nn rean ana nnif, ma wno, ifir instruction, will work In rim Irion sir. how to earn Thrra Thnaaaad Dollars a f aarluihHrnwn localltlfi.whrri'vrrlhav Mr.I will also furnish tfca altaatlnn or pniploymontat whlt-h you ran ram that amount. No mnufiT for motinlrts auri raf(4laaalnv. Kavily and quirk If lanid. I datr but ona worker from fach dlatrit t orrounly. i hv already Uua;hl and provli1rd with employnirnt a Inrra aiBBbar, whoara maklnff or 0MM a ytarn Ii. It a K EVV arl nOl.l. Full partVnlaniFHsKR. Artrtrraa at ono. Ks C, ALLAN. 40, Asiaxsutai. Mttlaie. Amis; Hdlr fortune haf HafitmiWIattl wmh for us, hv Anna I'af. Avatln, finl ,Ino. Honn, Toledo, Ohio. 'ft, (nh'Tsflf A' 'nraawall. Why ,1 li'imi', w l,i r- " n- rin'.ici . iirw mHlv Vuh.m ' il)ad;'. All WaahtA, . A-'f and start you. Cast work In ajihi ' " or all lhi ilma. His; mnnay mt wu, If. Fallnra asjkanwn aniosif ikasa. KKW and wondWnsl. Parla-ulara fraa. svauifw c.,atiiirtwm,Miii 17" L 10br r Xt2J t r-M- ft. w 1 0 I " i at . s-3 I - Siit .a' I 5 3 c T T3 III h !f lip II 'a W Ssi lltlJf 1 ill-Ill Ll. IV. uiH iUs lUU 1:1?! I Vsr u I'l to r VV' S CM Uaal w-if XsTV tv" ori" No. 47 Witb Half Springs, oao Seat, Cushion and Shafts. "Good Timber and Bone D'tf-" ThclTlicii'lvt-"k-nolt P- ' l lheg"ttr lengthened out for tho use of carpenters and .Hwh.jau. u ttnisu. U pai , - " "Jl ut tho Celebrated Ewlfoid Wagon, 1010 W, 6th St., Winona, ItUia. BOOK. HOLDERS. The Most PtnrtcT Dictionary holder. Folding and Adjustable Tables, SliND FOR CATALOGUK. R. M. LAMBIE, 39 E. !9thSt.,N.Y. Are itrictly first-class in every detail, possess an absolutely perfect repeating action and handsome cases. Folly war ranted ranted. nh Bin yffiMs Are the best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 in nse. Tho people are bonnd to have tho best, and will have none but the KSTEV. Tine payments or cash, as customers prefer. Call and see ns, or tend for Catalogue and full information. ESTE1T& CM 233 State Street, Chicago. tQt. Louis House, 916 & OlS Olive St.