The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 26, 1891, Image 1

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    Fhe Sioux County Journal
rt ' 1
11 A-ZRISOILT. USTEIB.. FEB. 26, 1891.
liter aad Proprietor,
-by the
:(!:!.' f Security Co.,
; x.
s. -
OnVr :
llAS, President.
. JU.4CH, Vite -I'reeldent.
IfcmKK, .Secretary.
p. Viritt, TreHsurer.
H. T. Oonlet, Attorney.
t?Mrt 9 on our lists over thirty
? CEC j FARMS in thin county
fr t, we can sell on LONG
' lrJX and EASY FAY-
I 1 i 'Wishing to buy or sell should
. t .Mary.
lie" and sold on commission.
CI liars descrip
1. of the county
. )e had on ap-
Uon, for dis
Jliurlson, Nebraska.
X. 4 M. V R. H. Time table.
f West. Going Kant.
d, 10:19 Ko. W, mljetl 4:27
IJocrnal acknowledges the re-
fine large wall map with the
jBtn of Senator Paddock. It is
vfclnd of a map this office needed
:ance on Monday evening passed
pleasantly. The attendance
iftrge, but that did not prevent
'I were present enjoying them
tan R. Story received a pension
I on which he will draw f 12 per
mi July, 1390. That amount
aim out in his old age very
-C. X Bossel had a steer killed last
'J l'ljke cars and placed the matter in
of Attorney Conley for col
l A few days ago he recieved the
claimed by him in payment for
nother column we re-publish the
er of D. W. Woody to tlie State
Our readers can judge for
Ives of the truth of the state-
contained therein and decide
or not it was written in the in-
fof Sioux county.
0re snow fell Tuesday night and
I so that no mail train arrived from
jtftt from Tuesday morning until
jday evening. The engineers say
)he amount of snow that has fallen
Jr inter exceeds the fall of snow ony
V since the Elkhorn line has leen
i through this country.
Judging from the remarks in the last
I of the Herald, the adjournment of
Jistrict cqurt made two imlividuals
jy. One of them was (Joker, because
tried and acquitted and the other
the double-primary worker who ed
ne gang organ, because he wax not
jfht to trial. 'Record evidence will
There remains but two case on .the
liaal docket of the district court of
M county. One is the state vs. Ray-
lorMcNab, the man who escaped
i 111 over a year ago and has not
I found since, on the charge of horse-
ilag, and the other is the case of the
v. George Englebrecht, charged
itseatlt with intent to kill. All the
against the Shays and Mason are
The Woody letters which have ap
peared in the State Jmtnud have evident
ly got in their work, for a colony of Ger
mans is being organized at Lincoln with
a view to coming to Sioux county to lo
cate. Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire to
offer themselves as candidates for teach
ers of the primary schools of this coun
ty, at my home in Hat Creek precinct,
on the 7lh day of March, 1891.
A. SoraiwoitTH,
County Supt.
The winter has been severe in Mon
tana as well as other places. Frank
Ruasell, who went with Ed Remsburg
from this county, went from their home
to the poKtofllce, twenty miles distant.
On the return trip he lost his way and
wandered around for a long time and
finally reached home but was severely
The Nebraska Security Co., is this
week sending out thousands of letters,
circulars and lists of land for sale in
Sioux county to farmers in tho east.
Letters of inquiry are being received in
great numlxjrs, individuals and colonies
are asking about Sioux county, and the
indications are that a heavier immigra
tion will come into Sioux county this
year than ever before.
The Harrison correspondent of the
Omaha live sent in a report of the Coker
trial and entirely omitted the name of
County Attorney Conley therein, al
though all the other attorneys in the
case were mentioned. It is evident that
the correspondent of the lice does
not like Mr. Conley, but it indicates a
pretty narrow minded way of doing busi
ness when pretending to give news that
omissions are made. If the Dee desires
tlie support of the people of this locality
it should get a correspondent who will
not let his personal prejudice overshad
ow his statements.
For four weeks the ground has been
covered with snow and the snow has a
hard crust on top. The result is that
stock which lias to depend on the stand
ing grass for a living are eking out an
existence and not all are able to do that.
Losses are reported by various parties,
and it is also stated that although the
cattle were fat when the bad weather
began they are rapidly becoming weak
ened. The experience of this winter will
prove to stockgrowers that it is neces
sary to provide feed and shelter for such
times in order to avoid serious loss.
Ex-Governor Foster, of Ohio, has been
named by President Harrison as the suc
cessor to the late Secretary Windoni.
The selecon gives very general satisfac
tion. Tlie new secreinry has demonstra
ted the fact that he is possessed of a
great deal of ability.
The Pacific Short Line has passed into
the Iiands of the Great Northern and will
be pushed west from O'Neill as rapidly
as possible, not only to Ogden. but to the
Pacific coast. That means a great deal
for the south part of Sioux county, and
in fact to the entire county for it will
cause that part of the county to settle
rapidly and greatly increase the wealth.
The tide of westward immigration is
beginning unusually early this year.
Three special trains loaded with farmers,
their families, stock and implements, left
one locality in Illinois last week. Two
of the trains stopped in Iowa and the
other came to Northern Nebraska. Over
200 people where in the two parties. It
is generally conceded that Northern Ne
braska will receive the greatest number
of settlers' of any portion of the state
during 101.
The Herald evidently does not like to
have its pet theories knocked out by the
courts and in mentioning the decision of
Judge Kinkaid insinuatingly remarks that
"It is, therefore only necessary for the
legislature to make signs." That paper
has t-iken it upon itself to argue points
of law at various times in the past and
the arguments have always lieen from
the standpoint taken by the gang, and if
any person or court took exceptions to
line of argument, the mud-batteries of
the Hrrald were at once trained upon
him. The gang is apparently a little
timid about attacking the decision of
Judge Kinkaid, through their organ, so
they simply insinuate, hut the records of
the court are enlmceu just tlie same.
THE Journal is informed that ere the
sun rises and sets many times E.
Boyd will t'ike his hat, vacate the ex
ecutive ofllce at tlie capital and go home
and John M. Thayer will still be govern
or of Nebraska. The people of the state
in general will be glad when that takes
place. The userpation of the ofllce by
fioyd when it was evident that he had no
right to it has made many people want
to see him ousted. In the matter of de
fending the interests of the state which
he had taken an oath to do, John M.
Thayer called down a torrent of abuse
from a certain class which wo not in
keeping with the facts and circumstan
ce, a ixl when Gen. Thayer again takes
his seat as governor, fie will nave occa
sion to feel even prowler than at any
former tine.
As to a Continuance.
Tlie Heruld in its last issue attempted
to make out that George Englebrecht
who had given bonds to answer to tlie
charge of assault with intent to kill, is
not under obligations to appear under
the bond now on file for the reason tliat
a new bond was not demanded. The fol
lowing is a copy of the affidavit for con
tinuance: In tlie DUtriet Court of Sioux County, Ne
State of Nclira-.ka i
lirorfcre KiiKlebrecht. '
OeoiKt) fcntflebreciit defendant herein oelng
UrtUuly Hworn depo and uy tout he
cannot foe ready for trial at tlie present
term of tula court, f ir want of tlie testimo
ny of one William Iiiux a material witness
lor 'ieif-ndniit, wlilcu lie lian been unable to
procure. That the information In thtx rase
m flle.1 iii Mai'i court on the 17th (lay of
rehruary 1S!H, the defendant has ifiveu Ilia
r nuisance to appear before thia court the
Ht-,.1 I tiiu L..i-,n in nlildiunca to which
Hitid defendant is now in thia Court.
Atliant furtber atte that lie haa written
to the hIhivc named William Lenox Ilia w it
new that he nhould lie present at thin Court
at una time to Klve evidence in the aoove
entitled chuhi-. which aaid William Uuni
promised to do, having atfree'l to foe here at
this time. Althinl further mates that the
;iid William U-nox resides in .saint Joseph,
Buchanan county and state of Moaoria.
Atliant further states that he experts to
proof fov aaid William Lenox that the
xaii It complaint of a haviin been made by
this defendant, was not mad by this defend
ant hut thai in truth and In fact was made
hy the complainant herein. Alftant further
-ttalHn upon oath that he knows of no other
witness ny w houi he etui prooi lines iacn
and without said evidance lie cannot safely
proceed to trial, I urther anlant sayetn not.
Subscribed in my presence and
hworn to before me this lath
(lay of fubruary, A. 1). 1HS1.
Clerk District Court.
The law in such cases is that a bond
holds good until released in ojien court,
or the case finally disposed of. It will,
without doubt be to tlie interest of the
men who are on the bond of Mr, Engle
brecht to see that he is present when the
district court convenes.
School Entertainment.
Tlie following is the program for the
entertainment to lie given by the school,
at Andrews' hall, on Saturday evening,
February 28th.
Souk "Kliur of the Free.'
Declamation " Washington's Birthday'
Edward O'Connor.
Recitation "The old Clock on the Stairs"
Maud Lindemnn.
Recitation "Ceornje Washington"
uy rive isoys.
Recitation "Our French Allies'
Ellen Sattcrlee.
Recitation "Children'
Minnie Lunsford.
Declamation.. "Marlon 'a Men"
Will GerlacU.
Siolo .."lay la Done'
Ellen Sat in lee.
Declamation "V aahlUKton! A King'
;uy Hough.
Dialogue .."Anecdotes of Washington."
Tables ii. .."Washington and Mart ha ( 'art la.'
Recitation "Children1 Hour"
llotlia Bin tell.
Essay "Washington"
Will Duvis.
Acrostic "'iViishliiglon is Our Model."
Recitation "faiu ltevere s Kiue
1 oui Hester.
Mnsie . Instrumental.
Pantomime "Washington," Three Scenes.
Recitation "Psalm of LiiC
Lixzle CerlHch.
Declamation "Not Oeorgn Washington
lllto Lludeman.
Acrostic "Longfellow.'
Song. .."Geo. Washington," by the Children.
tssay vj,ongieuow
Miss Connor.
Doclaniation "Our Flag"
Yr iiinle fcaUerleo.
Little Speeches.
Solo "The llrldge
,M iune Smith.
Declamation- "Washington's Day
Adam Lindeuian.
Acrostic "Washington.1
Song , "Laud of Washington."
itecitalion "independence jteu
Claudie Hester.
Heel tation Characters Geo. Washington,
thirteen colonies, I nolo Sain and Liberty
At Harrison, in the state of Nebraska,
the close of business, Februaay 21, IS'Jl.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured
Due rrom State Ranks anil hankers
Real estate, furniture and fixtures
( hecks and other cash Items
Hills of other Hanks -Fractional
paper currency, niekles
and cents - 2 21
Specie 3.SS
Total -
Capital stock paid In
l ndlvldcd pronta
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit
Time certitlcates of deposit
Cashier's checks outstanding
Due to National Ranks .
Total - - !,K0.82
I, Charles E. Verity, president, of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Chari.ks e. Verity.
'-- Subscribed and sworn to before
seal me this '27th day of Kefory., Isld.
II. T. Covlev,
Notary Public.
There has been a good deal of talk
about a new judicial district being formed
out of Sheridan, Dawes, Box ilutte and
Sioux counties. The best information to
lie had on the subject is to the cfl'ect
that no such district will be formed. If
any change is made it will most likely be
that an additional judge will be provided
for the 12th district. If Boyd has the
appointing power at that time it is likely
that A. VV. Crites ex-receiver at the land
olllce will be named for the place, hut we
hope ere that time that Boyd will be out
and then a republican will be in the line
of npitointment. Two men in the west
ern jiart of the district have been, favor
ably spoken of in that connetion Hon.
A. Bartow, of Chodron, and Hon. V. W,
Wood, of Rush villa. The former has
stated that he did not aspire to tlie po
sition so that it is more than likely that
Mr. Wood will be the man, should the
legislature make such provision.
Experience proves that nothing else so
surely destroys scrofula as Ayer's Barea
District Court Proretdlar.
The following is tlie disposition of cases
made at the April term of the district
State vs. James T. Mason, dismissed.
State vs. John and Mary Sliay, dis
missed. State vs. Raymond or McNab, contin
ued for arrest.
State vs. Albert Rands, dismissed.
State vs. David H. Bands, dismissed.
State vs. Mary Shay , dismissed.
State vs. Mary Sliay, dismissed.
State vs. George Englebrecht, contin
ued on affidavit of defendant.
State vs. Henry Coker, trial to jury;
verdict of acquittal.
State vs. Mary Shay, dismissed.
State vs. Mary Shay, dismissed.
B. S. Taddock vs. Jacob Marking, con
tinued. State of Nebraska, ex rel School Dis
trict No. 1 of Sioux county vs. School
District No. li of Siotix county, dis
missed. Henry Brundige vs. David Lyon, con
tinued for service.
Anderson R. Merritt vs. Grand Island
& Wyoming Central railroad, dismissed.
E. Sarles vs. August Ring, continued.
Farnam B. Carley vs, Joseph F. Pfost,
A. W. Emery vs. Grant Guthrie, judg
ment of lower court set aside and action
dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
Annie Walker vs. C. L. Columbia, con
tinued. L. O, Hull vs. J. A. Green, et al, leave
given plaintiff to file amended petition
within 30 days. !
Martin Gayhart vs. C. L, Columbia,
judgment of lower court sustained, ap
peal dismissed at cost of defendant.
Mathew Riley vs. Thomas Reidy and,
David Rands, continued.
Josephine Minehart vs. J. L. Johnson,
Franklin Jacobcy vs. Samuel W. Ca
rey, stricken.
Farmers' Trust Co., vs. John Connor,
sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Hans Denker vs. E. C. Lockwood, et al,
demurrer of defendant overruled and he
required to answer instanter, jury waived
by consent and trail se (or June term
L. O. Hull vs. Sioux County, dismissed
at cost of plainutt.
James W. Hi r gins vs. A. ChristiiUi, fit
al, demurrer of defendant overruled and
he required to answer instanter, jury
waived by consent and trial set for June
Sarah C. D. Bassett vs. Franklin Si
mons, et al, continued.
L. O. Hull vs. Sioux Countv, dismissed
at cost of plaintiff.
Ed. C. Lockwood and D. W. Woody
vs. Hans Denker, on motion of defendant
the case was dismissed at the cost of J.
W. Hunter, the justice who issued the
order of replevin, for the reason that no
affidavit in replevin had been filed.
Jacob Heanrich vs. Daniel -W. Woody,
plea in abatement overruled, and defend
ant required to answer instanter, jury
waived by consent and trial set for June
L. Alice Watson vs. Elmer McFarling
and E. S. Ormsby, Trustee, decree of
foreclosure as prayed.
Jacob Heanrich vs. E. C. Lockwood
and D. W. Woody, demurrer of defend
ant overruled and he required to answer
instanter, jury waived by consent and
trial set for June term.
Stephen A, Boers vs. Jacob Heanrich,
judgment of the county court sustained.
Martha E. Miler vs. William J. Miler,
Ed. C. Lockwood vs. Thos. Reidy, Sher
iff, continued.
R. 8. VanTassell .vs. C. R. Wads worth,
J. L. Moore, Trustee vs. George W.
Cobb, continued.
J. L. Moore, Trustee vs. Soren Jensen,
continued for service.
Mary Whitney vs. George W. Whit
ney, divorce grunted.
K. tii. Spargurand A. (J. Jisher vs. I.
S. Stetson and First National Bank of
Chadron, issues not joined.
Lorenzo U. Hull vs. Hugh T. Conlev.
appeal dismissed at cost of plaintiff.
Uartlett Kicliards vs..ioux County,
L. O. Hull and E. D. Satterlee vs.
Sioux County, trial to the court, and
taken under advisement.
W. W. Seymour vs. Sioux County,
demurrer of defendant sustained and
case dismissed.
And now is the
Stoves and Furni
Mrs. J. H. Cook left last. Monday for
IL II. Russell was up from Glen on
Monday and called at this office.
Mrs. 8. C. D. Bassett went down the
road Monday evening.
J.H.Cook and .11. W. MacLachlan
went to Rushville the first of the week.
Attorney Holmes, went to Rsshville
Monday evening to attend to some law
cases in which he is interested.
Cancer and concertos tumors are, cured
by the purifying effects of Aver's rJorst'
Oats and Bran Always on
Barrel and Rock Salt for Cattle.
Come in and see our new lot of TEAS in FANCY BASKETS, only 60 cents
a pound.
fYeth Cranlierries.
A New Stock of HATS for MEN.
just arrived.
Ranch Supply House.
MacLachlan & Cook, Props.
Distil tbs Cbancter Almost Universally OiTsn to
Thb Wsekl-y Inter Oobm.
It l a ;or5letert republioai ffeuepaper,
JSlfiSfSBRf rubI,c Q?tlom candidly and ably. Whii olr.i fair treat.
0IlUlS 5SSfl'in',jyo to both publlo and private Interests.
itHSwhSSSt I?A3X$P3T ct &i raSer li excellent, and has imott
IttoontiBomeoltoe MOST TOPULAft AUTHOR8 of the "t
swoiTa?ofrEa.2 domestic correspondence? beriai. and
moXBTORIEB are toe equal of tnoee of any similar publication le hecountry.
Al Intl'i nitmnt, curiosity Shoj, i man's kubiob, ail m em
published eecb Monday sad
i lor those wtto osa not seoaie
By peclal Arrangement with the PubUstieee of
That Kagmslae an The Weekly later Ocean are
MUmtH9mbterart0a Tr torn Two Dotlua tat Kmttr Oml
Hi am un iui rei mot or ru tuAsan um.
y vtYXM OOAM, OkiMsTr,