r-. Sir ihartic Liver Pill , IDADc. t0PT II UST TO lall. (Cstdache. tyKpepala. -OH- iziness, lor furalgi r ramiriV for I rivfttrilMtvc.f iopb. A weak bom pcullu fcll cnfFerarm. IT J f1TCKfRtS' D..DfCTt,lt-L fc,oM Iratnr1t. aniKEB.V0U3 SJlFIIITYi wu of Body -.nt. Kind, Lffecti t-or Elect. in Cut or Your.. (Iy li Mtsr4. Ho to ntlarrt u) 1fc.UTlMT-ttteM.He leader. I ferta Caastrl. Writ I htm, jM prf. njtilrd (ate teal fi-. At CO., BUFFALO. H.V. IT f 1 I !;;:. .!: A i - v n f. f i- u',h, ; ri: c m- -m i i lit'iiiicjtta. Uincs which are deadlv " . vv.iioii man can betaken Kit impurity. Horses ii;ii:t!tic3 of antimony, .r.v, goats of tobacco. at? fk ;ind rabbits 'injury. On t isi? lciits arc mucin or bclia the otini more tut- lit' in:lueuee of eh jsimlueuee of chloroform Jure much sooner killeC inv;iu;ib!i ana-stlii-tic rf first upon animals wo jbly have never enjoyed ks it would liavo been : 3' p fatal tliat its discoverers a e:i arrant to te.;t its ef Mian htiinjfs. it is evt )iit an experiment uon never be. the means of luetions so f;ir as a man ii - . . . . . . I; JSo scientist can ever frying some new drug or jeration whsthcr or not jts to try it upon man the fthc same as that upon an ISlct-ifd liraiicli. ig)it in school to read find Jr. many of uh aro evei to talk ' A nci if we wishea )t: shonl'l we seek a suit And yet among all thfl Henls which men and Jfs.i tlire is not ono that Winch plea.H'iro as an ability lantly and entertainingly, nany tiling go to make uj! l goml voice, well disci land low," one that rests; Sires, a voice with muxie in p-ell stored mind. Xext, SC the art of puUiaff things, le ni impoi taiit that you fright as that you say tho Then to communieata I in such a way as to mako jal you asfiume. the Buperi-1 Vlefi I'hillips, wiio was per. litfn! and elmrmniff a con t aa Jlostoii evtr had. lmtii: "Von remember itessaid- " It was :l ion and a lileauant one. Verty-stricl-eu Millionaire! bems n paradox, but It is ex- fl don't count my wealth In (ho said. "What are all my W to me, Blnco I am a victim hmption ? My doctor tells mo Wvo but a fev moutba to live, 1m:mc l Incurable. I am poor fthat bcjrgar yonder." "But,'' W the friend to whom he spoke, iiptlon can be cured. If taken C Dr. I'lerce's Golden Medical fy will eradicate every -vcstlee Jlseaae from your nyBtem.'' " I'll laid the millionaire, wid he did; (day thero is not a healthier, f man to be found anywhere, bltcovery" otrikes at the teat of Bplalnt Consumption Is a dli (tno blood 1 notiiing more nor Vn lung-scrofula and It mutt yield to this wonderful remedy. den Medical Discovery'" Is not i acknowledged remedy for that i fetal mlnilr. when taken in W f Iran a fair trial, but also for as White Swellings, rever-Jlp-Joint Disease, Salt-rhenm, (Eczema, Bolls. Carbuncles, Lry- af .at Mil) H.1tn rtBidr for sUl lie I ten an 1 1 ,U. York Nab. H3 A Til U I L L I (; MX I I At 1 i ; N c i: i U utui Kh? Sijii input f IVrMitial U.a- Tim fiJicwicg story which is attract ing ida attention fr,.m the press h po reuta'tabla that we cannot exeesu our- eivigifwedo not lay it before our ettdr re, entire. To Hie EtUtnr lUM )t("McrS. YlhiinH-rat: bus, Oa tbe first day of June, lvl, 1 iy at my rebidence in this city surroun ded by my friends and waitio! for'ichth. Heaven only knows the auny I th(.u eudured, for words can never dftiLTiba it. And yet, if a few years previous my r:e had U 1 1 me that I was to be brought -ji tu-, and by so terrible a disease, I liould have seutfed at the idea. I bad 18)8 been uncommonly strong and 'h althy, and weighed over 200 pounds uid hardly knew, in rry own experience, hot pain or sickness were. Very many yeop'e who will rtad this statement rea i'.i at times what they are unusually i ii e ) atid cannot account for it. They feel dull pains in various parts of the body and do not understand why. Or they aie exceedingly hungry one dHy and entirely without appetite the next. This was just the way 1 felt when the rolentli si malady which had fattened liaelf upon me firnt began. Still I thought nothing of it; that probably 1 had taken cold which would soon pass away. Shortly afier this 1 noticed a heavy, and lit tiuit neuralgic, pain in one side of my head, but aa it would come one day and be gone tbe next, 1 paid little at tention to it. Then my stomach would et out of order and my food often failed lo digest, cauwing at times great incon venience. Vet, even as a physician, 1 did cot think that these things meant anything serious. I fancied 1 waa suf "ei in sc from malaria and doctored my Felf accordingly. But I got no better. I next noliced a pecu iar color and odor ulMiut tho fluids I was passing, also that 'hero mere Urge quantities one day and very little the next, and thata persistent froth and scum appearing on the sur 'acc, and a sediment settled. Aud yet 1 did not realize my danger, for indtx-d. teeing these eymptoms continually, I linally b ame accustomed to them, and my f UBfiemn was wholly disarmed by ihe fact that I had no pain in the affec trd organs or,m their vicinity. Why I should have bean so blind I cannot V.n ttmd. 1 consulted thebeet mrdical skill in the laud. I vitited all theftimed miner 1 fpring-s in America and traveled from Maine lo California. Still I grew wone. No two physicians r.greed as to my mal Bdy. One said I was troubled with spi nal irritation; aRother.dysj epsin; anoth er, heart disease; another, general debil i'y; another, congestion of the base of (lie brain, and bo on through a long list of common diseases, the symptoms of many of which I really had. In this way several years passed, during which tune I was steadily growing worse, wj condition had really become pitiable. The slight symptoms I had at first ex perienced were developed into terriole and coubtan1. disorders. My weight had Ibu reductd from 207 to 1M0 pounds. My life was a burden to mjsclf and fiienda. 1 could retain no food on ray stomach, and lived wholly by injections. I was a living maes of pain. My pulse was uncontro able. In my agony I fre uuenlU fell to the floor and clutched l ho carpet, and prayed for death. Mor phine had little or no eliect in ceacien- i c Hie nam. t-'or six days nnu nigme I had the death-premonitory hiccoughs cons' ant ly. My water was Idled with tube-castB and albumen, i was strug gling with Bright's Disease of the K'd- Uf vs in lis last stHget ! While suffering thus I received a call from my pastor, the ltev. Dr. Foote, at. that time rector of St. Paul's Episcopal hiin-h, of this city. I felt that it was mr last interview, but in the course of onverealion Dr. Footo detailed to ice die many remarkable euros of casts like my own which had come under his obtHvation. As a practicing physician and a graduato ot the schools, I derided I he idta of any medicine outside the reg ular channels beiog in the least bencti sial. So Boiicitous, however, was Dr. route, that I tinaily promised 1 would waive my prejudice. I began its use on ih first dav of June, 1S81, and took it according to direction. At first it sick- ncd me; bu: this I thought waa a good sign for one in my debilitated condition I continued to take it; the sickening sensation departed and I was finally able to retain foou upon my stomach. In u fw days I no ed a decided change .'or the better, as did also my wife and 'riccd?. My hiccoughs ceased and I xperienced less pain than formerly. I vvi.s so rejoiced at this improve i coudi .ion that, upon what I believed but a 'ew days before was my dying bed, I owed,'in the presence of my family and friends, should I recover. 1 would both publicly aud privatly make known this tmedy for the good of humanity, w hen ever I had an opportunity, and thir let .erisin fu.iillme&t of that vow. My mprovemi nt was constant from that rime, and in less than three months 1 had gained -G pounds in flesh, became nlire'v free from painandl believe 1 owe my life cd present condition wholly to Warner' Safe (Jure, the remeay which used. " . fc'ince my recovery I have thoroughly (-nvestigated the subject of kidney ! fllcultie-i and Bright's disease, and the i ulna developed are 'as-bounding. I l .rerW state, deliberately, and as a phvpi ian, that I believe mure than one half the deathn which occur in Ameri ca are canned by Bl ight's dixeaae of the Kidney- This may touna use a ra n statement, but i am preimi iu verif it- Bright's disease naa uu uib- .inetive features or iuj o", .v volnnes without any pain what- ... i.: ni. flnair vip.initv h'jt. ever in ine biuihv" -- ".C has the symptoms or neuny bvbi , ui.ict ommon complaint. iiunuieuoi -le die daily, whose burials are author ed by a pbyaiojan'. MrtiBcato i. oc- eurnr.ff from v " '-Paralysis." ''Spinal Complaint," eumatism,'' 'Pneumonia," and other Henri. jiDutirv, Hexy ..Z V..... i ..alttT-it. common ompiHim, .." is from lingniiaiw""""""" Few physicians, and fewer people, rea ize the extent of this disease or ita dan . " ... .ml innidioua nature. It steals i..i..u.tm like a thief, manifests U preaence if at all by the .commonest mptoita and fastens itself in the oon i:. i-,fnr the victim la aware of t r. nurlv na hereditary aa con mimp ion, quite aa common and fully Utab Entire families, InhtiDg rrnm their auceetors, have aieti, ana y oon. of the number knew or i wauaw the mystriou po' wh,oh M remT! nathem. Instead of common aymloiM ? of ten thowa none whatever, but bring, death auddeoly. from oonvulilona, apo- ph xy, r li'n.ri dise. As one f has tuf.Wed. and knows by bitter espr ience what he says, I explore aver one who reads these words not to neglect the shgh'eit symton a ff kidnty d:13 culty. No one can aff jrd to hazard sui-h chnnce. I make the foregoing stateeiects based upon facts which I uaa substantiate to the letter. The welf re of those who may pots bly be suff rers uch a9 I was, is an ample ii dec (tnent for me 1 o tke the step I have, and if 1 can success fully warn others from the dangerous path in w hich I once walked, I ara will ing to endure all professional and per sonal ccrs:qucn-e-. .1. ::. HFA'IOX, M. D. Rochlstkr, X. Dec. 3-JL Tlic Country IJu. A country boy is apt tougH for !he graud opportunities of the c'lildren of the metropolis. Y.-t if he is possessed of intellect, ambition and industry 1 e suffers a mistaken grief. Ilia seclu sion and loneliness prova a positive advantage. Deprived of the privilege of seeing and heiring things that transpire in the cities, he falls to read ing and thinking. Year after year 1 e absorbs books and newspapers and be comes so we.l informed abmt mates in general that a lilttle travel makes him quite a man of the world. Xo.liing will surprise him so much as the ignorance that prevails in the cities. He will find himself frequently informing his associates about matters that have been under their noses since childhood, but which they have naver heard of. A visitor to Xew York made six inquiries before he found an individual who knew of the Astor li brary, lie expressed surprise tq an old Xew Yorker, wha' replied that there was nothing strange about it, as it was a habit of city people to attend only o matters that personally concerned them. It may be that after all the poor city boy gets a narrower view if life than the poor country youth, Sha Had to Wash the lctn. A curious case of special interest to elderly spinsters and lovers of house pets is shortly t o come before the Ber lin courts. A young woman was en gaged as companion to an old lady at slated wages, but ran away from her place two days after entering servic;. Her mistress procured her airest un der the law thct a servant must give duo notice before leaving her situation, but the police, after hearing the girl's statement, told the lady that she could not compel the girl to return, and could only claim damage in the civil court. For the girl stated, and her state ments have been proved true, that on entering the lady's Hat four immense dogs jumped at her, although they did not do her any harm. In th'J next room another big dog, with a litter of pups, met her gaze, while the third room was tenanted by at least three dozen different varieties of birds. The kitchen of the old lady was given over to cats, and the girl's sleeping room was converted into a temporary hospital for invalid members of the an imal world. "The old lady," said the girl, "waa very kind to me, but as my duties con sisted in washing all the dogs daily, and 1 had to share my bed with half u dozen dogs and cats, I was obliged to run 'away to avoid sickr.ess." Lou don Telegraph. " Tlioujrht Her Husbaiirl wui a Hoise. A will c.ise recently tried at Youv ray France, brought out some remark able facts regarding the devisor. Her name was 5! me. Brochard, and she was an adherent to the doctrine of metem psychosis. From the evidence ad duced it appeared that the lady, who was a widow, believed firmly that her husband's soul had passed into the body of an omnibus horse, and the an imal in question was accordingly the object of her special veneration and even affection. She hau also visions of the periodical descents from heaven of one of her relatives, whom Dhe thought to be engaged in fulfilling the humble bet useful functions of a post- man for the celestial hierarchy, iluie. Brochard had a special cult for great men of the past, whose spirits she fre quently evoked, held imaginary con versations with thein, and wrote from their dictation several profound trea tises. Other eccentric actions were re vealol The will was broken. Thompson Was Strong. On March 28, 1841, Thomas Thomp son lifted three barrels of water weighing together 1,8:16 pounds, lie also put an iron bar on his neck, seized hold of its two ends, and bent it until the latter met. On another occasion lie , raised with his teeth a table six feeti long supporting at its farthest end a weight of 100 pounds, Ho also tore without serious effort a rope of a di-j ameter of two inches, and lifted ahorsu over a bar. Chambers, Journal. While cutting a big cypress tree near Astor, Fla., John Wilson found it oc cupied by a living aUigator seven feet long. As the opening in the tree wa not half large enough tor ine animai m get through, the presumption Is that it) crawled in while quite young and lived on other animals ana reptiles tha'j sought refuge there. . "August Flower" For Dyspepsia. . A. Bdlanger, Trcpr., Steve Foun dry, Moiilagny, Oucc, writes: "1 have used August Flower for Dys epsij. It gave ine great relief. I recommend it to all L)ysreptics ar, a very gr.od remedy " IM Person. General Dealer, Lau.ou, J.cvu, jucl.ec. writes: "I have u.ied A ugust Flower with the liest possible results for Dyspepsia." C. A. Barrington, Kngineer and' General Smith, Sydney, Australia, wri'es: "August Flower lia3 effected a complete cure in my case It act ed like a miracle.'' Geo. Gates. Corinth, Miss. .writes: " I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys pepsia. I was almost dead with that disease, but used several bottles of August Flower, and now con sider myself a well man. I sincerely recommend this medicine to suffer ing humanity the world over." C. G. f.REE.V, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. lK. DAUPHIN'S SUCCESSOR, Hr, Paul Cnnrail i:iecr-I ' relil-nt of Th I.uuisatia Mat - I.otte y omtuinv. The Board of directors of the Louisi ana Mate Lottery Company -met yes terday morning and elected Mr. Pan Conrad president, vice Dr. M. A. Dau phin, deceased. Mr. Conrad has practically manage 1 the affairs of this great corporation for the past live or six years, lie has been an attache of the company in various capacities since JH70, aud has earned Ihe good wili, confidence and respect ol all with whom he has come in contatc. Born in this city in the jear 1840, he entered the Confederate army soon after attaining to manhood and his rec ord as a soldier was as enviable and gallant as that of any of Louisanat-- sons who wore the gray, jie serveu with distinction to the end of. the war. He was a member cf Cap'. Henry St. Paul Chasseurs a Pied, a part of the Army of Xorlhern Virginia, and is ow of but a few of the survivors of tha1 famous command. The company leti Xew Orleans April 22, ISO I, for Pen -sacola. Thence they went to Virginia and other companies being attached St. Paul's Batallion was formed. Theii first big light was at Seven Pines, when more than half the command wen killed or wounded -among the formei being young Bourges, Conrad's firs', cousin. He is and always has been slricth speaking a man of the people. Of a genial and pleasant disposition and po-sessing rare business qualifications he is eminently lilted to fill the respons ible posit ion to which he lias been elected. He is an honest, upright and faithful business man, whose word is as good as his bond, and, having a thor ough knowledge of the intricate affairs of the corporation over which he now iresides, the interests of the stock hold ers may be said to be in safe and care ful keeping. .Numbers of all classes of peoph called at the lottery office yesterda) afternoon to congratulate Mr. Conrad on his election. Republishing this notice from tin Xew Orleans Picayune the Mobile. Reg-. ut'.er spys: To the above appreciative notice, i few words may be added. Attheter rihly hard fought battle of Sharpsburf. (An'tietani) Paul Conrad was desperate iy wounded, receiving a canister sho! n the left shoulder which scraped every rib in his body. The ball ertere l just above the point of the shouldei blade and passed perpendicularly down the back to the waist, where it was found and cut out by the surgeons, bill not until eighteen hours had passed after the wound was received. Though the ball weighed not more than ten ounces Mr. Conrad said that after sev eral hours had passed he felt as if be had a ten-pound ball, a cannon and carriage in his back, so great va3 the shock to his system. Upon his recov ery from his wound, he rejoined h s battalion and served gallantly to the end of the war participating in all the great battles with the Army of North ern Virgini.il Boston's Single Women. ' Single women in Boston, who have iaken upon themselves to be practical, 1 lensible and useful according to their own methods, are so numerous aud happy that they are envied all over the world. In many parts of the west it is the chief ambition of unprotected women to "come to Boston," ostensibly to study or work, but often in reality to enjoy the freedom and respect which is' accorded to single women in that city; the result being that the superfluous female population in Massachusetts has never achance to diminish, but increases teadily through western immigration. Such a pleasant state of things is created by the independent action of tingle women in securing an education, and afterward in making ase of acquire ments, and opposition becomes less and less each year. Boston Herald. . a .B X-a I v tl O III IB IU lit. TJI V H If II U V Used ire Millions of Homes AO Years the Standard. TO I. L. BAHBER. PiaaMMit. A. BTRQ rr1 Medicine. Recommended by 1'hvsicn.nB Cures Trhere all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the Ucte. Children take it without objection. By drugguiU. The entire book is ably wiiltx-n, and rives trusty information for all who ?rov fruit of any sort or kind. Stark Bros , nurserymen. Louisana, Mo., will send it free to all interested.- Orange J udd Farmer. The Pal-ling of Ihe WajT4. Wdkica aud Wattiius wero col leg' ;hu jiaand close friends. They had lei lard sludi-nis and had taken little out ioor exercise. When they shook hand nd f aid good-bve at the end of iheir sillage career, ir ey were in impaired h-hIiIi. Both had dj'Fpepsia, livei 'rouble and troublesome t ougl.e. Wi kins hml plenty ot money, imd de ruled to travel for bis health. W(.tKim was poor. "I must go to work for nij living," eaid be, 'but I'll try theremau ihnt Robirson talks bo much about Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovei y." In less than iwo ysars, W ilkins caaie home in his coffin. Wat kins, now m the prime of life, is a bank president, rich and respicted and weighs 2(X pounds. 'The 'Golden Medical Disf-ov ery' saved my life at a critical time," he often says. "Oh. if poor Wilkins had only tried it !" For weak lungs, spittin? of blood, all lingering cough , and con sumption in its early stages, it is an ur equalled remedy . Lot!ery Ma I nialur teli.d. Camden, X. J., Jan. 21-PoBlmatler Browning made his third seizure today of lottery mail matter addressid to r si denlsof ibis city. 'J he matter on is ted of about seventy five circulars of the Lousiana lottery cjmpauy, stating that a drawing of the lottery would be held on the I7lh day of February, and that all tickets drawing less than 81.000 would be cashed at an address in Bos toe, and those drawing over that amount would be enshed nt New Orleanc. In accordance with i he instructions he as received from Washington, Post master Browning forwarded Ihe entire lot to Poet master Geneial Wanamnker. N. Y. Sun. Jan. 21. THE POIIVT. aa From a Catholic Arch- M bishop down to the Poorest of the Poor 1mm all teatify, not only to tha ' " virtues of qt iirnR? nil The Great Remedy For Pain, bnt to 1U uperioritT over all other remedies, ekpreaecd thua: It Cores Promptly, Permanently; which meant itrictly, that the paln-etricken aeek a prompt relief with no return of tha pain, and thia, tbey aay, St. Jacob! Oil will tlra. TbiiiiiU excellence. A favorite l-.ejrcM.ct. There is a favorite legend in Cer' many of a certain, luck-Hower, which admits its fortunate fmdor into the re cesses of a mountain or castle, where untold riches invite his grasp. Dazzled by so much wealth, with which he fill! his pockets aud hat, the f avored mor tal leaves behind him tho flower to which he owes his fortune; and as h leaves the enchanted ground the words "Forget not the best of all," reproacb hiin for his ingratitude, aud the sud denly closing door either descends on one of his heels and lames him for lift or else imprisons him forever, ii Grimm is right this is the ohgin of th word forget-me-not, and not the lasl words of the lover drowning in thl Danube, as ho threw to his lady lov the flower she craved of him. The tra dition, however, that the luck flower, 01 key flower, was blue is consistent witf the fact that the primrose in the Sehlus-sel-blu me (key-flower). However tfai Wav be. there exists in Germany man) subterranean passages, under hillsides, dating from heathen times, and asso ciated with legends of former Ireas' ures there: and it certainly seems morl likely that the flower was simply adapted to the legend as readily occur ring to the story maker's mind, that that it really signifies the lightening which opens the cloud, that "prima, wealth of the pastoral Aryans, th4, rain that refreshes the thirsty earth, kind the sun that comes after the ten ... " . ', iv.iinpacKSTOP acnooi ijtris. The tendency of young girls carry in? ;heir school books under their arms, 01 u bugs or portfolios hung from the arm :s said to be to distort the figure. Ger man doctors are exhor'ing parents tc provide young girls between the ages ol tl and 14 with knapsacks for carrying .heir school books. In many parts oi Jermany this equipment Is already ir ase, and to the unaccustomed eye ol ;l,e 'stranger nothing is more comical han suddenly to come upon a crowd of ittle g'rls trooping out of school each jrovidcC with a knaosack for the man TaSSialSC'iSfc V.iSl at a neat diManea. moDiala. Bead for eirooian Hrti Wira. Vldi Spur Wire Fence Co., Oft. Sw - ratarr - WL BOLDEMWKK, ' Opium Or Morphine Hifcii Dr. H. K. C01Xi, Orliiua Utmrwm FalBlffs Oplaaa AatMaM. WIT. ! roo at hwr wtthoot awrfef" g alChtaan. I1L. P. OTSrawrlT(l5ri IS THE BEST MEDICINE for Mi? General Ailment of Horsea,CatUa, I and Hlieep. iney pnnij iiu vmau. pi eure disease. Iionwrt and reltaMa, ...k,.M.- hum! nil arSLrrantMl foray ear. Kveryone owning a horMOrrUW4Baw liveitatrlaf. Madehf EHMSn PajormiaWJbM Co.. Cbleao. Bold by all drucxlna. OHILCC .CACTUfl Cm Chapped rbali, I Make raorh akin aaft aal .na ian. mm. withont beinf aw? 'Jf Dalitauly parinmed .11 iiiillljlil powder inristUe and nmaaa Had. (ere ta die Ida, lmpartiaw-1 M a brilliaat complextoa, rnM Hailed to any addreataa faeaM ot price. Send noatal nota, aVMe ar (Urnr. Addreai iptalaly. fll Chamber of ( The largest alack ol Ara clml r.yel in uic wen. ortment ol cyea aaat I 'addreiM, allowing par r J" to lelect one or awn ijf turn the balance taataa a P-rfectO V ST .ltin and ooeraoriC eurmon w vn. . - - " . 1 . W and Ear Collen. t andlar Colere. Patient. .re aroriiled FAT FOLKS DadueedlttoStg moDtn dj aara remedial. Not iBooDvevtaooa. let Bud te. for circulani nd tejUmauala M.11. w. r. aaiDU. Ml auu M- 0-ncS IUHJKit,atotdaU7ito8Wad.aad Free Trade PriK No Prnteetloa' No Mao anlleal $45Me.t$$ Wee now aelunj dS Wentern Improved Hags Sewing Maohlm law la cot oompleta with aff dk. taohmenta and aaiiaaMl for reara far onlr SIC '.Bi,.i 10. u.rcolar andaea raUt-eeciiptlonOf Hrw tucl nther m.ylee to M. A. SeaiUa AOa, M W I nk at.. I'hicaau-1- POSITIVELY, SSmwuvoSiS, Baa no .eqnal tor H mm of DrapepaU mi Udi,M,i0piIoo7SCeiitiPorB-, Bnflolent for daya treatment MaUed to Mf addreea upon reoalpt ot prioe. Writ W ttmoniala. POP'S GPSMAN STOMACH POWDOev (UW. Folks CONSUhlPTim 1 hare a positive rarnedr for the above dlaaeie ; hy Ita ih thoaaands of caeee of the wont kind and of long tandina have been cured. Indeed fto Btrong Is my raltk in IU efficacy, that I will wnd two bottlu racB,eith a VALUABLE TREATISE on thia dleaaeeleaByeaf. lerer wbo will eend me their Eipreai and P.O. addrcaa. T. A. Slornm. ,t. C-. 181 Pearl mu, H. T. The most complete line rf rirrni Keform Ooode in tha nortli weet. lucinding the ioel brted Eqnipoise and DetaarW waists, Jenneas Miller peoiai tie and Jersey Knit Underwear, bend htamp lor free illnairatea S1KS. L. W. PIKE, l.i Mndieonat., Chicago. ptiotogrcp OOTTITI tVWSSi L. rmoi ueT run. V SWEET, WALIACT C 2WatMkAfi.l A GOOD FARM near a County Seat in the Republican Valley, Xebr., to trade for lire stock, 01 stock of merchandise. Address Box 180, York, Nebr. VASELINE, FOB ONE DOLLAR pent ae by mail, wa wUl da lirer, tree of all 0 harms, to any .pareoa t United r tatee, aU the following erfleasaeT packed in a neat box. , lf une two-ouuoa ooiuain. ran v . One two-oonoe bottle Vasal ice I'ataaae U " QneJ&r ot Taadlna CoU Cream " Que cake f Vaseline Camphor las.... .M " i One cake of Vaaallne soap, oaaood..JB - One cake ot Vaseline soap, soeted. " On two-oaaoa bottle Whfiw Taaallaa. .. Or for stamps aay slagls erUole a prlaa aaajaaA. if yon nsv . oooaaion 10 nsa isaiinnsi-w be oarefnl to accept only geonine goods f' oa.ln original rkafea. 1 great manr lieW are crying torajranadeboyers x taUkwaw Utaw gasll OP by uiem. nvrw naa 10 eenu iubwi "ITT article Is an Imitsitioa withowt Talaa, aad wjibss ChBSBbroack MMbnAbObsw tBT t to .. trig. 'lite raftat f'Uflf . II "-av aS3 1 rMiiiala. a. Bet a a Bate aVa.4 US fl 1 sfc iuiiioi.i inai .nove lAmjy The sloth is by no means a smal animal, and yet it can travel only ftft) paces in a day; a worm crawls over flw inches in fifty seconds; a lady hire oat fly fifty million times its own length h less than an hour; an elk can rni mile in seven minutes; an antelope ea run a mile in a minute; the wind on. of Tartary hasa speed even greats than that; an eagle can fly fifty-foil miles In an hour; while a canary faleoi can even reach seven hundred and Af, miles In the short space, of slites, h(iira V.weBroei