The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 12, 1891, Image 1

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    Sioux County Journal
HA.IIIS03Sr, IsTBB.. FEB. 12, 1891.
jm. Editor and Proprietor, j
by the
a Security Co.,
I Incorporated.
IILACii, Vice-President.
. JONEfi, Hecretary.
-1". K. Vkbitt, TrcHKurcr.
I II. T. Conlet, Attorney.
re on our lists over tturtv
X FARMS in this county
i we can Hell on LONG
21E and EASY PAY- -
wishing to buy or'selffihould
rht and sold on commission.
jjlars descrip-
lof the county
on ap-
Hon, for dis-
hasm secuwc v oo.
llurtison, Nebraska.
Widi-cd, I) ..
tadred lb
hundred ft .
p& per hundred lb
T hundred fc
1 2ft
I no
1 20
1 20
1 60
1 so
r do , 1 75 s oo
" 6
- 6
ie per ni.'fl
eclea every Thursday.
S 50
15 00
tM. VK. R. Time uiblp.
feat. Going East
L... 10:15 No. 92, mixed 4:27
H W. C. T. U. will meet
Jb, 14 at Mrs. Conley's
JB1 pump has been, urulergo
1 thin week and now works
JK than formerly.
to the severe storm and the
work The Journal is issued
1 this week.
buying call, and see my com-
jfc of harness, saddles and
ctMrs. wut scholars are pre-
Ntlebrate the anniversaries of
Jn and Longfellow, The en-
3t will occur on Friday, Feb.
I two will be combined as cir-
V will not permit of se(arate
adenugned will give a migic
bibition of Bunyun's Pilgrim's
aq miscellaneous views, at the
Harrison oo. Friday and Satur-
Feb. SOU) and 21st Ad
fAfolK W cent; children. 10
I O. V,. Hajnbb.
rm of district courfr which
on iwat Monday wjl. in all
f be the moirt. irnqortontt term
!n Sioiycounty.. TN trial, of
Sr, charged, with murder will
)r a bearing. This will be the
'or murder sinos Sioux, county
'jadj There are a number of
l'dU aaaee to be tried,. and al-
Will Drqi 9 be quito an in
Jftl. TTw iodiaaUoos are that
btr of people will p io at-
The village board Ims apjxnnU-d f.
Oulhrie as treasurer to fill tlie vacanc
causetl by tlie death of D. P. Davis.
J. H. Bartell liad a cstlf killed by the
engine oi a tij)eciul train one day last
Rev. Moore came up from Crawford
on Saturday to bold quarterly meeting
out owing to the storm the program had
w oe abandoned. He preached at the
church on Monday evening.
a car load of coal came down to G,
Guthrie on Saturday and tlie arriva
....c, ci,, very iimeiy lor the severe
storm caught many of tlie people with
small supply of wood.
iwolartners whe left Cbadrou for
home on Saturday are known to hav
irciimieu in me storm and others are
missing. Two lost their lives at Kear-
j woman uieti irom expoBiire
at Rushville. So far no loss of ilfe has
been reorted in Sioux county.
, -Stoayepor Stolen From my place
10 miles northwest of IUrrison on Jan
J4, 1891, one dark gray horse colt, 8
months old, weight about 000 pounds.
HiuJ a strap around his neck with rin
attached. A lileral reward will be laid
for information leading to his recovery
A. R. Kkxnedy.
All the farmers interested in the ad
vancement of the agricultural industries
of Sioux county are requested to meet in
Harrison on Tuesday, Feb. lGth, for the
purpose of effecting a permanent organ
ization. This course was decided on at the
meeting of farmers held on Feb. 2, 1891
Robert Wilson, Sec.
1J. II. Gnswold and J. E. Marsteller,
each ojcupy suburban residences
and since the recent heavy snows
tliey have provided themselves with
snow shoes. The hitter got some "expert
ence" before he had gone far the first trip
he mada with them.
During the storm on Sunday it be
came necessary for C. E. Verity to get
some wood. While splitting a stick the
ax came ii contact with a clothes line
and rebounding, Mr; Verity received
heavy blow on the head from the back of
the ax. The wound was dressed and he
is now about all right, but he thinks
high wind, a clothes line and an ax make
a bad combination.
County Treasurer Gayhart arrived
here last Saturday from his trio east.
while absent he purchased a fine red-
polled bull. He thinks dehorning is all
ngni, out no norns are better still, es
pecially when backed up by the records
of the red-polled herd books.
James W . Scott who has teen at
Chadron for some time receiving treat
ment for his eyes,, has returned home
with his sight restored He had been
blind for quite a time before being placed
unoer tne care oi nr. uiary and tie is
happy to lie again restored to usefulness.
His many frieudjs.gladly welcome him to
their midst.
Commissioners Green ai.d Knott
were storm bound in Harrison last Satur
day and occupied some of the time in
looking over the past records of the
county. The popular demand for an in
vestigation of the records is growing
stronger all the time and the board of
commissioners cannot do an act that
will meet with more hearty approval
than to employ an expert and have the
books investigated.
We regret that tlie storm last week
caught us with a very limited supply of
wood. A number of our friends have
promised to bring us wood and we de
pend on them to. keep, us supplied, but
they delayed longer than was convenient.
We will take it as a favor if, as soon as
possible, those who intend to bring us
wood see that we have a good big pile,
so that if another storm comes, our wife
and little ones will not be without fire.
On last Saturday morning snow be
gan to fall and kept it up at a good rate
Later tlie wind began to blow and the re
suit was that a veritable blizzard ra,
from before noon on Saturday until
near Sunday night. A great deal
snow fell, as near as can lie estimated ful
ly twelve inches of the Ixjautiful fell du
ring tlie storm, and there was about 11
same amount on the ground when tl
storm liegau and tlie high wind made
fly in great shaiie. Those who lived here
for years say it was the worst storm ev
er exiierienced in this locality. Tht
train from the west did not get. throug
from Friday until Wednesday night and
no train came from the east from Satu
day morning until today (Thursday), and
it was reported tliat it was about tlie
same all along the line. On Wednesday
one of the rotary steam snow plows
winch came across from the U. P. on 111
viiyenne & rsorthern came down tins line
owning the track in good shape and at
rapid rate, and a little later a train wen
east, a large number went down to in
vestigate the rotary plow and some
them found out just how it worked.
A good deal of anxiety has been felt to
know how the people throughout the
county fared during the storm, for it
known that some of them are not well
provided with clothing, but tlie fact that
fuel is free and plenty makes it an easy
matter for suffering from cold to
avoided, and so far no bad reports have
come in. The cattle that were not pro
tected and supplied with feed are report
ed to have suffered greatly, and it
quite likely that some loss was sustain.
ed. The fact of the pleasant weather
during tl first part of the winter result
ed in the cattle being strong and in good
flesh and consequet tly able to stand
some rough weather, but it was a bad
storm and no one cares to experience an
other like it for some time. It was a
good thing that it occurred on Saturday
and Sunday for, as there was no school
on those days, children were not caugh
away from home and exposed to the
vere cold, ' '
The convention at Sidney on last Sat
urday which was held in the interests of
irrigation projects was a large and en
thusiostic gathering. It was addressed
by a number of well-informed men of
this and other states. The result was
uecision to urge irrigation in every way
possible. The people have come to the
conclusion that irrigating is the latest
improvement in farming and the indica
tions are that in all parts of the slate
preparations will be made so that the
land may be wet when needed in case
season like 18110 should again visit the
The settlers of western Nebraska who
have gone into that country and endured
the hardships of frontier life in establish
ing homes for themselves and families,
uaturaiiy reuei against tne idea ot giv
ing up their homesteads, timber claims
and pre-emptions to the cattle barons
that their frisky bo vines may roam at
trge over a thousand hills. If the leg-
slature makes any serious attempt to do
this there will be a whirlwind about tlie
pitol building compared with which
the Meiklejohn combat was the gentlest
nd of a zephyr. Fremont 1'ribune.
A monster mass meeting was held at
Ogallala on last Tuesday to discuss and
encourage tlie irrigation movement
Western Nebraska is solid for irrigation
and free silver coinage.
Not less than 30 inches of snow has
fallen in Sioux county this winter,
This is more than is reported in the past
four years. It puts the ground' In good
condition and a big crop will reward
those who properly sow and care for the
seed. A good crop is bound to be fol
lowed by a large number of new settlers
and it all means prosperity to the entire
The resolutions passed by the state
senate to the effect that stringent usury
laws and an extension of, the stay law
would be bad policy and against the in
terest of the state, will meet with, the
hearty approval of the ' settlers in the
western portion of Nebraska for with no
fear of unfriendly legislation it will not
be long until the loan companies will
open up again in the line of farm loan
and that will afford relief to a great
many of the settler.
Mrs. F. M. Smith came up on the train
Friday morning.
J. A. Hanson gave us some cash on
subscription last Friday.
Mrs. S. E. R. Maine returned last week
from her visit to the east.
Dr. E. B. Graham sends us a remittance
from Ogden, Utah, to apply on sub
Frank Conlay returned home last week.
The deep snow made it impossible for
him to get around much, but it is quite
probable that lie will become the owner
of some Sioux county real estate before
Not a Desert.
The Fitmnnt Tribune, in: speaking of
the condition and prospects of the west
ern counties has this to say ot Sioux
It is not a very great exaggeration to
say that fifty per cent of the settlers', of
Sioux county are facing the grim spectre
of wont caused by conditions entirely be
yond their control, and it is, al io true
that the fine crops of, this county during
the yaars prior to 1881) establish the fact
Unit with the ordinary amount of rain
fall the soil is fertile and Capable of
raising excellent crops of wheat,, oats,
barley und grins and fair crops of com.
The Financial Question
EMtor Journal : In the article w hich
appeared in TllK Journal of Feb 5th, the
writer evidently means confederate mon
ey or "green goods" when he says that a
man might have a million "dollars" in
his pocket and yet be unable to buy a
"two bif meal of victuals. That is not
the kind of money under discuasion.
Now as farmers let us look this thing
squarely in the face. Wel then we need
more money, dont we? You bet! Sena
tor Plumb said on the floor of the senate,
we nave less tlian ten dollars per cap
ita in actual circulation and about as
much more tied up in the U. S. treasury
vaults." No one disputed Senator
Plumb's assertion, so we take it to be
true. You see just as the circulation is,
so are the prices. Plenty of money,
good prices. Little money, low prices,
Now let us look and see if we can find
out "who struck Billy Patterson." Who
raised this hob with our money anyhow?
Who did it? Go back, say about five or
ten years and see the make up of con
gress. We think in 1883 there were then
as now about 330 members of the house
and they had thirteen farmers, then as
now, 100 lawyers, 80 doctors, merchants,
etc., and 175 bankers. That tells the
whole story. JIow on earth are the
farmers to ever cope with these lawyers
and bankers? They will keep our noses
to the grindstone and keep us paying in
terest unfit- doomsday ir.we don't do
something. Dou't you see who has the
"pull" on us? What does it mean? Re
new your note every tlr.-ee months and
add in the interest. Let us see how a
national bank account looks in figures.
Put out 1100,000
Clot buck (Nut Bunk notes) 60,000
Loun on interest 10,000
Oruw 4 por cent on , 100,000
Draw 8 per cent on 90,000
Draw to tul on 100,000
No wonder "farming don't pay.
wonder they put up 250 new national
banks this year. Big thing isn't it for
the banks? See now why not a congress
man stirs a peg or lifts a hand against
national banks. Then what we want is
the abolition of the national banks of is
sue, and the issuance ol legal tender
treasury notes in sufficient volume to
meet the needs of the business of the
country without special advantage to
any class or calling. We want one
standard rate of interest, say 4 per cent
and attach a penalty against any other
rate. More money means easier times.
People will then buy and not study how
to make a dollar go as far as possible
Money plenty means more meat
eaten, more floor consumed and farm
products of all kinds. More money
means more waste and more enterprise
but it also means better times.
Yours for the farmers,
W. J. M.
( 4 000
7 200
11 200
' No
And now is the
tu re.
Oats and
Bran Always on
To create an appetite, and give tone to
the digestive apparatus, use Ayer's Sar-
Best Line to the East.
The Burlington Route B. &. M. R. R.
s running elegantly equipped passenger
traines without change from Newcastle,
Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct
to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection
at that point with their own through
trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all
points west, and for Kansas City, St.
Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi
cago, and all points east.
Remember this is the only line by
which you can take sleeping car from
Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin
coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and
in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol
lowing morning.
For further information and tickets ap-
plx to nearest ngont ' of Burlington
Route B. & M. R. R.
The Nebraska Legislature.
Now that the legislature of this state
in session all those desirous of com
plete and unprejudiced reports of the
proceedings of that body should at once
subscribe for that great newspaper,. The
Aebrmka Slate Journal. Being located
at the state capital none of its would-be
vak are able to compete with it in
handling the proceedings of the legisla
ture, or in gathering other important
capita happenings. A comparison of
the reports of tlie legislature in the dif
ferent state dailies will estbalish this
claim. Tlie daily will be sent to any ad
dress for 1U per year and the Weekly
lor f i.oo per year.
Barrel and Rock Salt for Cattle.
Come in and see our new lot of TEAS in FANCY BASKETS, only 60 cents
a pound.
Fresh Cranberries.
A New Stock of HATS for MEN,
just arrived.
Ranch Supply House.
MacLachlan & Cook, Props.
Xbatla the CfcaraoUr Ainxwt Universfay Qf Tan to
The Weekly Inter Ocean.
Mothers should remember, when a
physician cannot be procured, that
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral- promptly r&
lieves the croup. , .
The Journal and tlie Omaha Week
ly Bte for one year for 12.75, cash ia ad-
Removed to Cleveland, O.
Tlie office of the American Former, the
iwuuiu juiirimi which is sin I being of
fered free to the readers of The Jopr
al, hag removed to Cleveland, O., where
in its new field the American Farmer
will be better able to meet the require
ments of its rapidly increasing National
circulation. Many valuable improvments
and new features are contemplated by
the-management of the American Hrw
f during tlie coming year, Making the
paper more valuable to ita readers. The
rcgtwnr subscription price of th Ameri
can Farmer ntnuiiA u
- - -- www. minwiui.
Bo oreat is its popularity that for rears It hat had tha LARGEST CTurrrr a
TION o any Ohloaao weakly newspaper. " CIRCULA-
It la ably and carefully edited In every department With a emciai Mntoiu
aaetalneaalaTHEHO-fe, THE WORKSHOP, and THE DsSkesb IOFTO;e!
It is a ;orj5i8terjt Fepublioar; Newspaper,
But dlacusaes all puhllo questions candidly and ably. While It aires fair traat-
5?i. Political opponents, It la bitterly 0PPO8ED TO TRUSTS AND MONOP
OlilESa? antagonistic to both public and private Internal.
.ii1.V1ft;RAH,r DEPARTMENT ct the paper la excellent, and baa amono
lt,SS.nt,lSSSSS.,,2me.0t th0 MOST POPULAR AUTHOR B fit the daV. "
mJ&r85f &?. H2 -P.?"B CORRESPONDENCE? 'beSiAI, AHD
mi. djUBi - luuhh ui any Miuuiar puDucauon la the country.
Tie Ml't Departneiit, Cariosity Shop, Woman's Kincdom, ul Tie Htu
TOE SEMI. WEEKLY INTER Ocean it publlabed each Monday and
By Bpaclal Arranaeinent with the Publisher ol
That Maoatlne and Tha Weakly Inter Ocean are
Beta Stat to Sutucribtn 0a Yttrtor Two Dollttom4Hlmoty CeaU.
LIBERAL commissions
w mum vvr mmMw.i nr.
'SMONS olTen to active aeanta IAMPLE OOPXM
AoorvM All Orurt