The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 05, 1891, Image 6
OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, TTEomii:iit aw. : . - I IV...:::. l.3 Sioux County Journal. omcUl COCJiTT PAPER. Subscription Price, $2.00 : j. sii Editor. 'Entered at the HarVUoii ort office as sec ond elmaa RmtTLtjr. THraaiiT, FSB. 5, mi: PrrnlHoM Leyfctatioifc . The first hill introduced in this state senate was Senate File No. 1, by Senator Wilson, of this district and provided for toe suspension of the herd law in 'an y township, precinct or county by : a ' vote, so that stock could rang' at large over fe' territory. The' bill 'was 'referred to use1 committee on "agriculture and on Jan. 26th was reported back with Tecon) memfetioti that it he' indefinitely postpon- On Wednesday, Setiator Wilson intro duced Senate File No. 86, to repeal chap ter 53, of the session laws of and to amend section 10, article 3 chapter 2, compiled statutes of 1387, eDtitled "Ag- r!cuRm,u and to repeal said section so ainendedV This it the law relating to the herd law. Th question' of hireling stock and pro tecting1 the growing crops snd the prop erly of settler's has been one of great ini pbrtauce to the people of Sioux county The first people who located in the eoun ty were the owoers of herds of cattle, who saw the opportunity to range their stock on government land, the rich grasses fit ting1 them for market without the own ers etfen paying taxes on them. After a time the homesteader came to spy out the hind and secure for himself a piece of reaf estate by converting the vriM pararie into a farm. He was met by the cattle men who sought to dissuade him from h'is purpose, but this did not avail in all cases. Matter's continued thus for some time, until in 1888 a proposition to sus pend the herd law and thus compel the granger to fence his crop in order that the cattle men might allow their herds to wander at their own sweet will, vas Submitted at the. general election. It was evident that the proposition would be defeated by a fair vote and when the returns came, one precinct returned over 60 votes for free range, although it was well known that there were not one fburth that number of legal voters in the precinct, birt the cattle interests were in possession of machinery and the home steaders were poor and no prosecutions were commenced. At tne legislative session of 1889 the Jaw relating to' the suspension of the herd law was repealed. It took effect in fhe following June. As there was no protection to crops until June, the farm ers did not dare to put out crops as they Would be destroyed by stock unless fenc ed and they could not afford to fence, so the year 1889, which was a fair crop sea son", did little good to the settlers. Since the herd law went into effect, some people have held that because it had been suspended by a vote, the law passed by the, Lef islature was not in force in Sioux county, and a number of Cases are now pending in court growing out of such advice, and a great deal ot trouble has grown out of tlie matter. Sioux county is bounded on the west by Wyoming and on the north by South lKvkota and in both of these states are targe herds of cattle, which would be turned foose upon this locality if the herd law was removed. The whole plan is directly opposed to the interests of the farmers, and in the ' interests of a gang which is opposed to Urns ieveiopement and progress of the county. It is the same gang that denied seat on tlie board of county commis sioners to two different men who were elected to represent the settlers. It is tbe same gang that the people repudi ated at tbe polls in Piovember, 1889; that had run the county into debt to the in terest of their special pets; it is tlie same .gang mat Attempted to Keep the legally .elected officers from taking their secti on the 9th' of January 1890, and made it necessary for tlie settlers to be on hand prepared lor the worst u the tools ol the cattle barons refused to peacefully mubmit to the, will of the people, There are but a few of tint class, but there are enough to keep tbe county in a turmoil and deter people irom coming .here to settle. Many of the largest cat tle owners ia tbe country are satisfied as the matter now stands, for it prevent the great herds or range cattle fron eommg in coon Wyoming and South Dakota And eating up the feed and leav ing their cattle astray, and also gives the owner of small Jienls an opportunity to .improve the grade of their cattle, whicl could - not be uooe u the range atocB was permitted to over-run tin .country , but there are some who are ap jfwwiuy poMfcaied with the same spirit ah were unve ana nis gang when they mur .derad and burned Alitchel and Ketchum in Custer county some years ago. The state of Nebraska, owes much ol its rapid aettlenieot to tlie fact that the farmers were not obliged to fence thei Jano. ine men woo develops a new (Country are ae a rule poor and those ol extreme northwest county are no excep tion to the rule. ' What is the am of the tatefurnishinj. uwoqana eeea to me etuera it the same -legWature that made an appropriation imaaw law - penntiung tne crop: :to he destroyed hf cattle unless a fence .MBpfoetrabie by range bulls is built Mwiad it. If free-range is to be eetuh Usbed the legislature should also make ) ppopriatton to enable homesteader ito build feaeeaVeftw it will be oecesnarj itoeefyijr Una with the necessaries ol ilire year after Vear. Tbe. hwrttabie hardships which have to lbe net by pioneers are enough, to which !ba bee added the Indian scare and now tto jtaMfattata ft fight between tbe cattle m the ttMasjers, k not in keeping With the gewrmi spirit to assist the noot V" wewt oevwv iovr ovsuiuoa. Prof, liiidd n f t Sugar. Tr-p I ji Homestead. The possibility of producing beet sugar in America in quantities surticieut to supply the enormous home demand is one of the questions tlrat are now pre dominent iu the minds of the American people and espet ially farmers. For t ! ns reason great interest was manifested if the paper read by Prof BudJ at the re cent meeting of tlie -tock breeders at Oskaloosa, After sketching tl orgit. and history of beet itr. a chemical discovery in It IT a manufactured pro duct in 101, established as au industry in Spain and Germany in 1 10 the crop amounting to eight and a half billion pounds in Europe in 19 the profe-soi proceeded to describe the soil and dimaU adapted to tbe plant . as follows: )u Euro) the most profitable prowiiif: of the sugar licet has twet rwiclud on easily worked aria hie in;mutain drift mm) sm-h'as are found in parts' of. California. Utah, Colorado, Kansas ami Nel rasak. or on glacial drift with quite a large per centage of lime such as is found in our mimtrv m-pr hirire parts of the prairie ,t i during sU k, a jwn.d of truj iiiie.-es' and en-! lint j lories tlie mi! dltenng of 'lie iui. are ', t-rre-llv un;e!sUKl that a viraitiaeofUowu s:xar is pro- reat ijii:ii)'.ny. uir - i llic reiiuery at bu' fr 1 r, i i - f.ict that 1, ab.nt have a j.rolit :.r, and that fit"" 1" can !,r..lits of tlie mai ly d'lutdod v. irs wljen tle i,au,-,l value of kinds are a.i-. even m the tuost pritnune kimmiKa'. hmmg dunsl in whi'h is taken l'i ,t :.l )i.t tii- same price a t a:i 1 .l(l:lH'M'KT-: K..rTrr !:.--. V"rtl'j"' V ,,., ItlU MS. lt- mn K. By i(.vein,, 1 1 Urn), iditps. pas of Hie Missouri to 1-iKe .uicit- igaii. I was jtured by Sir JJeury Vil morin, of France , who has a worid-wid.-reputation as an improver of the suyai' lieet, tliat, with given varieties, richest insular the hige-t per cent one ytai with another has lieeii readied on the glacial drift soils of south Kussia. north of the Carpathian and 'aucaucus ranges of mountains, in character of drift and underlying limestone these parairies are almost a perfect counterpart of large parts of Iowa, and if W3 trace iso thermal lines around the earth we will lind that the line of July August and the lirst half of Keptenifierheat of tlie part of Iowa lying ln-tween the -tl-t and 4Md liaraMels cisses througli the Province ol Kiev in Russia, which lias about one hundred and fifty sugar lie-t factories, supplied with the richest grade of Wfs that can 1 grown in west Europe-. With our young experience we can pro 'itably study the interest as devep-d ji, the old worid. This will lead us to sus pect that the mountain drift west of th" Missouri will not produce beets as rich in sugar as large areas of our glacial drifts and the analysis of Vilmorin's Iw-st vari eties at Ames as enmparied with tlie test of the same varieties at (hand Island, Nebraska, appears to conlirni this view. While it may lie we will now and t hen have too wet a season for'tbe highest per cent of sugar, we have the liest reason for believing that during a period of ten vears we will be able to grow more tons to the acre on an average and that they will grade at least two per cent richer in sugar lor a line penou as an average. Judging also by European results we can say that tlie expectations ol beet sugar enthusiasts of south Iowa and the parts of the West where the heat during the growing period reaches an average of 74o will not lie realized. In Fram e, Spain and Italy, so far as I could learn, the beet sugar interest has not proven remunerative or satisfactory at any point where the summer heat of the last ha If of the growing period reached an average of 74) . The general impression being that beet sugar can be manufactured only in large factories,, the professor stated the ob stacles that must be encountered as fol lows: (1) The transportation of the beets is expensive. Hie grower within three miles ol the lactory has an immense ad vantage over the one who hauls his roots a d.'itance of from six to ten miles, and the grower who ships by rail even a dis tance of twenty miles loses mainly or wholly bis margin of profit This be comes a serious matter when it is under stood that the Grand Island plant con sumes in one week all the roots which can be grown on suitable land in the near vicinity. (2) lbe feeding value of the tops and the factory pulp is an important neigh borhood consideration. As a nutritious and healthful feed the pulp is far more valuable than is suspected in this coun try, and one that can be fed for months alter it is stored. 1 saw mounds of it in perfect condition six months after its re moval from the factory. It is put up in conical mounds and covered with straw and earth as we cover potato mounds, or it can be stored in bin i and piles more clieaply constructed than those used for ensi lage. (3) With our recently restricted ex perience it is risky to invest so large a sum as '2.'j0,0(X) near a large citv with surroundings such as those of JJes iloiues Omaha or Kansas City, where the land is exceedingly variable and only in small parts adapted to the growing of high grade roots. He then goes on to show that in Rus sia the great bulk of sugar is manufact ured i.. small. plants, probably costing in America from $0,000 to $10,000. He de scribes one of these, which he visited personally, in the following: In many cases these factories are own ed and managed by a little syndicate ol farmers who grow the lieets" and make the best possible use of the tons and null) for stock feeding and keeping up the fer tility 01 their lands. 1 visited one ol these farmer plants near the city of Kiev with a capacity for turning out twenty barrels of brown sugar ier day during the fall and early winter months the cost of which would not here exceed $r,000. including building machinery and fix tures. The diffusion cells were of wood. The one large boiler furnished steam for the heating chest through which the cell coimecuiig pipes passeu, lor pulping up tne roots, lor lumping anil lor the suc cessive stages of evaporation. The plan of boiling down did not differ very ma terially from that used in the bext sorghum factories of the pararie states, except that the skimming, liming, filter ing, etc., were more perfectly systemized and the pan in which the final boiling was done was covered, and combined in a simple way the main essentials of the vacuum pan. Each one of the small squad of hands employed worked contin ually at his allotted post, and everything went on with tlie clock like regularity of tlie big .factories. The only drawback that 1 could discover was that of sending the brown sugar not used in tlie neigh borhood to tbe largo city refineries for purification. With the present outlook I would pre fer taking stock in ten factories costing 110,000 each, properly located among beet producing fields, than in tine big factory located near one 6f our great cities. The dividends would certainly Ih. 4largw, and it is equally ttrUuii tUt the,, f.f Kiev for mole 1 rfe. A f. r ct'i! I, all si."J 1 vr cent of s to fveirtv t-ns l-er acre planted eighteen in ties rows, anil that the pru t of the l e. t abrne ground has but a "' .1.. ..C. .fills ,a sip'.ir. me. nui.. ia! attei.lion to a most im; bl the follow nig. t!,C s able teen !-ro'.vn v.1.0 and thickly i-Uint -THE per spec; ixii :i I to draw sj-eei.d attention to the r. .1 ,i.-,t cvikTts are not as ni'iner- o'lis in 'htirope as many suppose. ,1 l-'.-.rer who has worked l ie. and bis fatftt-r before hun.-ia the; !..( sugar factory. also! v.y ' nothing about tie machm ?: y a a i". .,r t- general dctus of X:i work. isui.exi-.-rt m his e,.e ial division re HV ,- a. the skilled workman 111 our stmiJ'S. 11 mi . Tb ail las! n'ece '.vol!; liiaci.ine v. '.ih one of 1 i lev; men of superior nieii ,:,) a.'tivi'v he will assure you that be is icjiiuiiib d with nil parts of the work. V,t in practice such a man will bring d. lister to any factory as manager in .-hief. The manager inEuivpt; jf even a small factory must have the same training which Mr. OxiiurJ of Cratid island received. Ho must become familiar with all the underlying princi ples in chemicals, physics, etc., in the gymnasium and school, to Which u.tist le added an extended appren ticeship as head foreman under a skilled manager. At some of the tediiiii-al choo!s in S,!esia and south Russia, the -peciul student has his lessons ill applied sciences supplemented by daily practice in a small model beet sugar factory con nected with tbe school. Tlie point J wish to make is, that no 111:1:1 should lie ed to Miin riiiteiid the ereelion and man agement of a sugar plant who lias not coma no in the regulation way, m did Mr. Ox'nard, and ail otner sifoce.v-ful managers. The failure at Prec.ort, 111. and at other points, has come from the eiiiplovment of nun who have only been skillful in a single division of tbe work. Here is an important matter for our agricultural colleges to consider. This industry cannot lie developed extensive ly without expert managers, and the i-nnntrv cannot deix.nd for tho-e on the foreigner. Experts cannot be trun?d 111 I he school room alone. There is only one way to teach them anything tl orougbly and that is to do it. Icssoiis on dairying do no! make a dairyman, nor d lectures on farming make a farmer. Even the Bible itself can lie understood only by practicing its precepts. So mure can beet sugar making be learned except by actual work in a sugar factory. The en tire siihjwt is one of great importance, end there is much preliminary work to do. The first thing is for the farmers to learn how to grow beets with a large per cent of sugar. The rest will come in due li.ue. The national framer-i alliance held a meeting in Omaha last week. I clegate-i were present fr an a number of stales and plans wer- prepared for active work of organizing'. ' fhe success of t lie alli asce last fall as a political organization is stimulating fhe lenders to greater ef forts. t Tlie inji'M' tioii m ilter of Thrive: against Boyd did not come up in the su preme court last Tlmr-day. It is likely that the attorneys had come to tlie con clusion that an injunction would not be issued by the court in such a case, and the question will now be settled by the quo warranto proceedings. BANK OF HARRISON, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. Transacts a General Banking Business Bavs Sdcol Or.r .( ounty ami Village Warrants. s-J-lnteiest Viud on lime it-posus. Loans Money on Improved Farms. CHAS. E. HOLMES, CASHIER. v I u.liin, -LJeUUh..t . I ' - - ' - J C. llen S r,',7slk. T II. H-nloo. 1 John K. Hill -- Tr, i;. ii.iimiiik . """'rc A. It. Iluiutir'y iMtii -uiih. A. k. t.uu'ly ipt. lllbik 'iirtru,,,, f f WE HAVE JUST KD'EIVE!) A CAR OF FLOUR. all jtra.l.-s, lii. li w ill lie m,1.I nt lo-l IHIr-K l-nee-. IKIOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Shoes. Good Quality. 1.25 a pair. Indies Slices, WARKANTEi . only 1.T5 a pair. Mens' felt Hoots 0'i cents a pair, and others equally cheap. Felt Hoots and ItiibU rs ii. 10, t HEAFEST ON K.VHT11! C.kkI fh-ade of Prints. 7j cents a yard. Overshoes 1.4" a pair. Bargains in Dry Goods and Clothing. Call and be Convinced. toSi.KK'.-M'NAl. I'M f., iT!o A. I'ili H ...I . s. futi)t, C. t. Miilfron P. S. "ftistor 1 W. J. 'miell. t'onirmnnui lt IHL,ft ,eo. W. V.. IHr y, 5d " rrt Jt'KK IARV: timsn tol'b... IliW JuIm, Uin . Mirll AH-Ut. Jwttf-, trr T. I.. Jiorval AK-iate Jurtf,, i. A. l'uiplirU..riiTli n! lU'iort-r, Ltv, TWK.1.KTII UHTBH7 f X. r. KirikHl'l J'l,(rvr Conrad l.lii'leiiin.... l-rk, Hinr or.NTT nm( FRS: i . flmlier until j JL,.v utirn-l I lmleiiian . i!A M. J. (iaytmrt Trt; A. siittiiirtU t-tipt. I'll 1,1 It- la.t-. ! ni.Bi. Iteiily m.' ;-o. J. Metier i utt A. K. IH'W hnnr. toiirurt I.imleHimi Clerk of HlstrlrK II. T. oilier l om ij Attoy? ItoAHK OK )MMlsONH!- 5. Chum. I', t.rove, (chaimian) Win, J. A. I.imi VI . t . W. K iKitl lt I.K,sr.ATIVK: w. wiuim s,.,tr) rnt so. u.ctac,. H. I., liei.tll Hep., Il. So. sa, Kn.. ft VII. I. At. K OKKICKRH: C. II. Welii-r ii'lmlriiiati ) Trx' W.K. Smltli .' J. t . Northrop ... ' I I ". K. Hilinr" - - - W. It. WrShK y C. K, Vrrtty.. i.'fl i. r. piivt- Tiwj.. K IHMil. Ot rU KKS: L S. I. li. MllillC Pile'" Y"V: W . li. su.llli Mirtml, 1 I.. W. II.-HT lt.,I TUtMSOl-WH IIT: Ul-trlrt Court, - At llsrri-on, ciirniiA. , t elirmiry li.tli mul Wit-mtier fth.'lK. v V. Comity Mirt,-At ilnrrtMin, roninn ! flrt MiiikIht ol each niontli. ' H is reported that the B. & M. will build from Alliance to Chyeiine during the coming season. In this Sioux coun ty is interested for it will put several miles of track in this county and will thus increase the wealth and also have a tendency to at tract new settlers. Let the good work go on. A bill to fix a maximum freight rate was introduced in the legislature and was about to be reported favorable by the house committee, when it was found that the rates proposed were higher than those now in force. The legislature will find that it is not an easy task to adjust rates and work no injustice to any party or place interested. The bill re-district the state for con gressional purposes divides it into six districts, as that is the numlier of con gressmen to which the state is entitled under the apportionment bill which has been passed by songress. Sioux county will be in the sixth district, which will be about l"fl miles north and south by .rJa miles east and west. Groceries Fresh and Prices Low. c FRESH and SALT MEATS always on hand. Geo. H. Turner. Tho Majority Of sfwalli'd cotiElM'iires On little more than impair the digestive fuin-Uons anil create Wle. Avar's Cherry lVtioru, on the con trary, while it euri'H the couidi. dot's not In tci fere Willi the functions of either stomach or liver. No other mi'ilii:iiie h so safe anrl cflliaeloiis In (Uncases ot the throat and lungs. , "Four yean aco 1 took a severe cold, which was followed by a terrible couiili. I was very sick, and confined to my bed about four monllisi, I employed a physician most of tlie time, who finally said I was hi ronsuinp tion, ami that he enuld not help me. One of my neighbors advised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so. and, hefore I hud finished taking the first bottle was able to sit up all the lime, and to (ro out. By the time I had finished the bottle I was well, and have remained so ever since." L. I), llixliy, Bartnnsville, Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARKO BY DR. J. C. AYEH & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DnigglnU. l'ricc $1 ; tlx boltlei, Im. I.EOXHARIT. Wa O strcH t, I-liieoln, Net). Practice liniitetl to diseases of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, HEART and RIXJl). Read the press notices, Send for symptom chart, State your case. If you are sii k and want to get well, write nil about yourse lf. No trouble to read letters: send stamp for reply. B. E. Bkewstkr, President. F. ( ' IFKKK, Vice Pres. ! 14.-i2 0 St. Dr. Leonbardt, Linculn, Neh. ('HAS. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. flNCORPOnATEt). General Banking Business Wells Drilled! I have a good well drilling machine and ant ready to drill any sized well on i snort nonce. terms cood and nrices low. Postoflice, Harrison. 0. S. Scott. L. E. BELDEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. lieiralrhiK done 011 liort notb c (;ood work awl rratonnhle rhnrtren. I'lll'm MKS ASDStHlKTtK M. I'.. hnretj- 1'mn litiin en nj; wtn, sini'liiy ut 0:3i a. tn., mid every mmkIkvi, liitf nt ::,. K. V.. K. IIomii K, Vt-i' Itev. WllllHllI Wllnon pn-a he 11 ' ' 1 -hnreheaei Hlt4-riiHt M"sloesy wntt, I . C 1 ' lieKlnnlDir nt 7::io. Kptt-opsl m-rvieri l the t'linrt b ? " ' I' ri'tiiy evening tntWMn tht lwn4-. flaywiif eHetiiiioritti.pondurti by Rt , Milter. , l iiloti su!,,My -s inxii every Humliyt & - i. K. K. K. Holm 1 '( , Ultile School tiiM-Ui nt the cliiiri lit!... ilny afternooii at S o'clock. n. (', I. lun-m.if v " h - 1 Fremont, Elkhorn -AND- K ltd J Mo. VaM (NORTHWESTERN UN( HCTWKKN 1 Harrison, Nebrasr OMAHA, SIOUX CITY CHICAGO AVD- ST. PAUL And All Point in the-1 -TRAXSACTEl).- Shop nomii of livry tmni. NEB. Harbison, Kkbrakka. j I TC 1... l.:..l..4 ...... :.. .1 . . . , . xi i.n-5 K ginpinuie is tievermineu to re peal the law providing for a hoiiutv on hect suar, it should one porviding a bounty to be paid to the farmers for growing sugar lwets. The industry should lie encourafd and if there is a good thing in the business for tho rnuriu facturer, it should l m(J(le a g(KXj tlin for the farmers, " William Windom, secretary of the treasury, died ut New York on Wednes day evening, Jan. atlth. Hu was at a RMMiwi i;i in tM,aru ol trade of that city and had just closed a sK;ech when he heeamo very pale and exj,ired in tt few moments. The cause was heart trouble. Secretary Windotp Wils a statemun of marked ability and hud worked his way up from a .farm,.,. v to a member of the cabinet. His dealt, w uaivernu,!' retfretkO, II. T. CONLEY, Lawyer. Loans no Money, ! H.pp-,eiiN no'p t onipjiiy uini ,m ! 110 hiii.l lo sell bn Kxo hi entire lime si.. ! HtU'iitlon to the pinctieeof the Ihw. j IlABHWW, . . . N EDM AK A. I Grant Guthrie, Dealer In- C. E. HOUIKS, Attorney-at-Law. Allhushie.ntnn.ty:fUohlHciire w r,. eclvc prompt nnd eiiivfnl nttcntlon. HUilifHON, . . kkrhaska. GEORfiE WALKER, AHoriiPj.ftt.Laff. Will rntcticeUforeHlleoiiiUanrl t1(. p. S. Und firthe. li,hie, .,,tri)Ht.-. i my tftre will rwciv. j,rtnpi. Hti,.ti. Lumber, 1 Lime, East, North, South it Tmhouoh Tickets TO ALt P9 Hnt-KH(fe rlin kH to liilliutw m Tttrmiirli Vnlnco Slrcprr bcttret Valley hii1 lle'loKt. J. ( ', Xoirnmor. SsA hrrm H. d. Ut irr. fh-n'l Manngfr. J. R. fii-oum (hnl P OMAHA, NEB. -ANt- Coal. HAHRIW.1N. MKKRAKKA. L. O. HULL, Alfiiniry.(.,aWi AIAKWSOW,, - . wbAW4. -AI L Agcnt ron WindMiu 90 mrtT '' I.