The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 05, 1891, Image 5
1 Stimuli IDB. , Tor- X suIJw Iras nail istsaKvH fily tor an icarafca-tteaehtli nn til nwini wibaHaadfaaleafi l 111 BcirefuL Tb fand found the P shape that b fre.- Puck. DMAalU He fortune of fUX . 61m dm pro ,from Um tnootm the tmJJ$ wr ls0il tee ;hes Y jtfo't Adrtaa. J 44 flow, see her 1 to pay that bill, jcalyto anoth second citixw f cent, for bIbm ir.o bats an "ro.on who but nave brains 11 jrrli for them I they area no k brain of a s!:i' jury the 'GoWt B fonnd out th Wofuln, bronchi Ae luy in th b Eipure blood fcr I system; that ti ts was to remo" I nHture being! 11 might bo look' M. Bo confide tiong were unco: rink of giving ti Idn't beuoilt (' jits have prov 6.. "eal Disrovo.-" Illion! The ou' loud and Lui .back if it doeeb Nines. k why Hilar July, doctor! Y( i a lawyer, so I papa's money also. Munsej JJAL 1 little coiner on of late, but there W musical doodIc. in of Mist B , singer, who has 11 a severe throat lion, superinduced t Head, and who Jr cured by the I Catarrh Remedy, See of Dr. Pierce's (DUeoTery. For U and lung affec J oaghS it if mi t. When oompli io Nasal Catarrh, ( eoapled with the Catarrh Bemad. 113 NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. District oourt has op joed in Butler Munty with an unusually large docket, May eases hiring beau carried over from the lawt tern. Albert Mayley, who recently appro priated K&O of his brother io -la wr' fuads at Nebraaka City, baa been belu in 1700 bail for his appearance at the next term of the district oourt. defective flue caused the destruc tion of W. S. Young k Co's implement bouse, at Orchard, by fire, Tueeday night The total loss is placed at I3,'C0. The baard of supervisors of Kearney lounty will appropriate M.003 for the reiiet or tie drowth sufferors of that lection. Saloons and business houses in Oret oer will hereafter be closed on Sunday, in accordance with the provisions of the late ordinance. William SchwurU, a young German former at Tobias, absconded last week, 'eaving numerous creditors lo mourn his sudden departure. The young roan me to that place last Spring from Pul ki, 111, and lived on a rented farm, we half mile south of t jwn, moving on he Popelle farm last summer. List harvest he bought a Deering harvest ing machine, giving his note secured by 1 mortgage on his team in payment. Ybout a month ogo be borrorel $100 'rom the Peoples' bank, giving mortgage w the same team as security. lie then Jaded his team for aapnn of colts, which as mortgaged to the First National 'jank foi lluO- -then sold his grain and 'arm utensils and left foreparts unkno wn. The Crete creamery is turning out ISO pounds of butter per day. Madison county wi.l have a fair this ear at Norfolk September 2i, 24, and S. The creamery at Neligh made 60,000 muoda of, butter from May to Novein Mr and paid out f 10,000 to its patrons. The resideooe of Rev. It. O. Wood, of Csnesaw, was destroyed by tire which ;rigitiated from a defective flue, but the Household goods were saved. The Thayer county jail is again va cant, DaveCoapmao, its lost occupant, n for ateliog a saddle and bfidle, hav ing served his time and been discharged. Perkins county has never had u jail, out the town of Grant and the county commissioners have jointly leased the basement of the First National bak and will transform it into a bastile. Thirteen inmates have been dis charged from the Dodge county poor house during the year and twelve re maining. The total eapense of the farm was fG04,6J, and the cash income was K17.15. Thsre waa also on hand Jan uary 1, 1,800 bushels of corn, GOO bush ols of oats snd thirty tons of hsy. Martin Grinning, of Surprise, chopped a red elm tree down tor Mr. Ezra Pais ley the other day that measured thir teen feet in circumferjnoe at the base. Martin claims the tree is over 100 years old, and badly scarred by Indians with their tomahawks. Colonel Gage of Franklin received a box of oranges from lis grove in Flori da. One of the oiangea measured thir teen inches around, being a little over four inches in diameter. His grove is bow beginning to bear well, some of the trees bearing 1.000 oranges. Trie goods sect to Hay Springs, Neb., for the benefit of drought and Indian raid sulTerers were duly received and die' ributed. Rer. E. S. Smith, wno had charge of the work, has received a letter from Rev, Samuel Deakin ac kowledgiog receipt of the goods. Grant schools has been dismissed for two weeks on account of theprevailence at diphtheria of the malignant type. One death has occurred and several oth er cases are reported. John Blast, of Stanton was brought to Myer A Underburg's drug store by John Lsmmli. He bad found him i.i a wire fence two miles south of town. He is badly shaken up, but at present writing it is not known how badly he is hurt. He was driving a pair of brou bos and they ran sway with him. Hon. C. W. Heomiok's son Harley, of Bur well was Injured Wednesday by be ing thrown from a horse, and died from '.be wound in the head. The entire neighborhood is shocked, and the fami y overcome with grief. It will indeed bard for the father to again leave home to take his part in the legislative work. The improved stock breeders' sssocia tion of Nebraska meets th is year at Heat rice, February 17, 18" and 19. James L. Thompson is now postmaster at Frrnkiin, having received the appoint ment last week. Mr. Thompson is one of our old citizens and well known in this sounty Ths oourt house was crowded with needy ones who were on hand to re ceive their share of the distribution of oods atnt by the relief association to 3ar field oouoty farmers. Some of the net needy ones of the county were not attend, being too backward to ask the !A to whiob they are sa justly entitled. However, we have no doubt that the re lief committee will thoroughly investi eU and set that full justioe Is done. f oU Thompson k Bon, vlothlers ol Cearaey wereolooedby the First Na Basal bank with a m engage ot H0O0 Toe ateek will Invoioe 17,000 to 1000. KANSAS IK BRIEF. Abel Cushman died at the rseideoof of his son, G. A. Cushman, west ol Atchifton. He waa born in Missanhu sett Nov. 28 17.7, and be came to Kan ass aud settled in Atchison oounty in the spring of 185) and baa resided here ever sinoe. The funeral vsa one of the largest thst ever occurred in that sec tion. Charles Pounds wsa arrested at Jop lioforthe murder of Mollie Woo la. Kome years ago Pounds waa married to tbe woman and it is repor ed tbat he was engaged to be nurried o a young woman at Eminence, lie and a young man of Joplin left thst city in the eve ning and returned late io the night and the circumstantial evidence is very strongoguiDst him. At the annual oratorical contest of the Ottawa university J. S. Crawford won first h onors and F. N. Kingsley sec ond. Fire broke out in Garnett about 1 o clock burning seven frame business building Albright's drug store, Cole's cigsr factory, two meat markets, Fobh ibg's bakry and restaurant and Tillot mu'i nnd Beemis' barber shops, The less is about I2J.CO0 partially insured. Atchison is put up by tbe ears over a profound local sensation. A woman of that place who has tbe gift of writing almost as mark jd as "Jim, tbe Pen-ian" writes anonymous letters to her wiuiao eoemiee. She pretends that the letters com from men, and they propoeeall sorts of things. It is claimed tbat tbe experiment made this year at the different sugar mills in Kansas with beets as a sugar prod ucing and profit yielding crop is entirely sat isfactory to the mill men and the pro ducers. The beets are worth from $i lo 15 per ton at th) mill and the yield is about seven tons per sore. Bennett township, Kingman oounty voted by an overwhelming msjority in favor of Issuing bonds to the Wichita A E Paso railway. She waa asked for 5,500 in bonds, because tbat would be the full amount she could issue accord ing to law, having voting in aiu of two other roads within the past tour years. The story tbat a woman named Clif ton and three children were frozen to death in tne Blue Hills in Rooks oounty during a reoent blizzard is true, with one or two trifling amendments. There was no widow in Rooks county named C'iftoo. There are no Blue Hills in Rooks county. There has been no weather in Rooks county cold enough to freeze a Mexioan dog. The following is clipped from the Mercer, Pa., Dispatch and Republican 25: "A well known fruit dealer at C! ar on u few days ago opened a fine barrel ot apples. In the center of the barrel be found a very large one wrapped in paper on whioh was written: "It any young lady who chances to eat this apple is desirous of matrimony, she will pleate to correspond with Harry Camp bell, Topeka, Ksn." Tee apple with the note was put into a package purchased by a school teacher nesr Curlisville, and developments are awaited." It is said that wolves are invading the western oorder counties of Kansas in great packs in search of food and are at tacking women and children, Probably another lie gotten up for campaign pur poses. It is doubted thet there are so many wolves, either two or four legged, in that retflon. The Ness county jail is now empty for the first time in many months. Tbe Hiiochinson boy who wrote back from Iowa that "times are very scarce here," is getting numerous notices in tbe pspers. Ten wagon loads of broom corn drove into Iiakiu from Stephens and Morton oeunties. The price paid waa 140 per ton. There are only seven inmates at the county poor house in Marion oounty It is very difficult to raise paupers in the Cottonwood valley. The Hutchinsen people are all dis cussing the question: "Did the Lon don Gaiety Girls, in exhibiting their performance in that city, give an im moral show?" t All the boys in the senior olass ot the high school at Wellington have been suspended for washing the girls' faces with snoA'. Publio sympathy is with the boys. A society of Friends is to be organized in Lsavenworth. Col. Anthony refuses to recognise it, being suspioious that it has some intentions personal to him self. , A formerly Kansaa woman, Mrs. El ridge, of Lawrence, is matron at the Pine Ridge Agency. She is much pleased with the Hotohkias guns and tbier effect on the Indiana as persua ders. Tbe winter monthe are half paesed and but little oold weather hat yet been experienced. - The fellow that pre dicted a long and severe winter wis evidently in the employ ot the ooal trust or some other ooni bine. It has been agreed, aaya the Atchi son Globe, that Mr. Fisher, member of Lbs legislature from the country dis trict, ehsll totroduos the bill appropri ating 175,000 for tbe enlargement ot tbe doldiers' Orphan home in that city. Judge Graves, ot Emporia, ruled a jsse the other day in the Lyon oounty oourt that the worde "with exohange, Jcotroj ed the negotiability ot a promls oarnote. It is a Question that hat osvsi been decided in Kansas baton, netting Her Pa's Consent. A tale is told of the great flood ol June, 1889, which devastated the Sus quehanna valley at the same time the Johnstown calamity occurred. A well to do re ident, whose bouse stood close to tbe river, bad a beautiful daughter to whom a i a idsome youug lumber man bad been paying suit For some reason the wooer did not find favor in the father's eye, and he was forbidden to communicate with the girl. He continued his toil and patiently bided his time. A few days before the flood lie started up the river to assist in bringing down the raft. The raft was duly started, but the water continued to rise to such an extent that it was deemed advisable to tie up. This vim, found to be out of the question, as the fiood had covered the "snubbing post," tsnd so the raft drifted on, carried bj the current. Bcores of untenanted houses were passed, and they finally approached the home of the young man's sweetheart As they drew near they saw the whole family uiwii tho roof frantically be" seeching for rescue. Aided by the cur rent the crew guided the raft so that it just scraped the eaves of the house, and with one accord the victims begun to leap upon the modern ark. The lover, however, seeing that bis sweet heart was safe, grasped a pike and re fused to let the father on board, shout ins: "Will you givo me Mary ? Will you five me Mary ?" The old man's face depicted wofully the inward strife be tween prejudice and self preservation, but meanwhile the raft was slipping past, and a moment's hesitation would be tataL "Takh her," he yelled the pike was withdrawn and he leaped aboard "but," he continued, "if I ever get you in a hole like that, Bill, I'll drown ye." The couple were married at Lock Haven. Philadelphia Times. r'bSsAwdtt Two Plucky Girls. Miss Angie Graham, who, in coin pany with her younger sister, Miss Nellie, left Beaver county some five years ago for the far west, is now at her old home in Economy township on a visit. Five years ago next spring she and her sister determined to try their for tunes in the west. Their father was a well to do farmer, but it was simply a desire to be independent that caused the ladles to take the step, and their success shows what pluck can do. Taking with them a few clothes some books, and a small sum over and above their' actual expenses, they sta.ted. Arriving at Julesburg, Colo., they each pre-empted a quarter section of land and settled. Six mouths in the ear they farmed, doing much of the work of plowing, sowing and reaping themselves. The remaining six months they taught school. They now have a c ear title io their land, which has pteadily increased in value. The gov ernment is suryeying the tract in which their farms are located, for the purpose of irrigation, which when accomplished will make the land among the most valuable in the country. Miss Angle has long had a desiro to visit Palestine and the Holy Land, and will do so before returning to the west. r-Bearer Falls (Pa.) Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch. Because Willio Went S katiug. Parental solicitude is natural and proper, but it has its ridiculous phases, It wasn't very long since Willie went tkating. His mothe was filled with apprehension, aud spent about half the day standing in. the front door to see whether he was coming home stiff and cold on a shutter or otherwise. His sister waded through the snow to tell bis father, and the old man got his feet wet standing on the edge of the pond trying to make his son hear his com mand to come home. Nobody but Willio bad an appetite for tho evening meal. His mother now looks after the hiered girl s little when she can leave her room; his father has such a cold iu his head-that he cannot talk, and his sis ter has such a cough that she is afraid to leave the house, and when any of them wants any medicine Willio goes out and buys it. Washington Post. "IS Known by Their Hats. ' A man who knocks about a great deal, and is a close observer, said: There is a man in this town who makes a livirg out as the manufacture of hat linings. He has stamps of all the lead- ng hat houses in this city and Aew York and Paris. You know, maybe, hat a man is often known by the hat io wears. There are a few hat men whom? names take the lead, and the youug men who want to appear as if they were near the head of tbe process ion get the linings of these well known hat manufacturers from the man of whom I just told you, and he put them In cheap hats. The customer turns up his hat then whenever he takes It off and shows the stamp of a well known house, and thus, in some circles, he es tablishes himself without the assist ance ot any letters. The hat lining does it Chicago Tribune. x Heine Every man who marries is like the doge who weds tbe Adriatic lea; he knows not what he way And therein treasures, pearls, monsters, hnknown storms. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Spur TJVl: Tba ufMtfnM maim. Dom mo laJsn skMSL Viaibleataiatdiauiiea. Tbowuds mt SMS moiuala. Bend far oucalBts Barb W in. Andraaa . S, BARBEB, PNddant V isa of a; . A. STREET, 8vreUry. Spur Wire Fence Co., t-l&A UOt SB UUiMJlMO. CHICAGO. Wa. BOLDKMWBCX. P ISO'S EEMEDY FOB CATAEEH. Best. Eaai eat to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold io the Head it has no equal. SESsD. It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price 50c. Sold by druggists or sent by mail. Address: E. T. Hazeltinr, Warren, Pa. CHICHCSUR S ENQU8H, REO CROSS TM LtW boXM awmled C ONIGINAL AND GCNUtNC. The fl7 Rafo, IHsre, and rtiUkU Pill tr ml. MM aak I)ru Tist for CkUkuUr M HtuiUik Diamond Brand in li4 amd Hold BMrtaUHa W with bine ribbon. Take mtkmr kfad. XcAsm Suhtuultom mmd IwdHXmm. v "German Syrup" For Coughs & Colds. John F.Jones, Edom, Tex. .writes I have used German Syrup for the past six years, for Sore Throat, Cough, Colds, Pains in the Chest and Lungs, and let me say to any one wanting such a medicine German Syrup is the best. B.W. Baldwin, Carnesville.Tenn., writes : I have used your German Syrup in my family, and find it the best medicine I ever tried for coughs and colds. I recommend it to every ae for these troubles. ne Habit Opiuniw Dr. a B. OOIXiflS, OrliUKl IImvm FatnteM Oplaaa AntldoU. R. Schmalhausen, Druggist, of Charleston, 111., writes: After tryh'g scores of prescriptions and prepara tions I had on my files and shelves, without relief for a very severe cold, which had settled on my lungs, I tried your German Syrup. It gave me immediate relief and a perma nent cure. G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A Italy and Colorado. Italy is tbe land of the imagination, but the sensation on first beholding it from the northern beightn, aside from its association of romance and poetry, can be repeated in our own land by whoever will cross the burning desert ot Colorado or the savage wastes of theMojava wilderness of stone an sage bush, and come suddenly, as be must come by train, into the bloom of southern California Charles Dudley Yamer in Harper" Ammms i nai iuove i-iiveiy The sloth is by no means a sma) animal, and yet it can travel only fift paces iH a day; a worm crawls over fivi inches in fifty seconds; a lady bird cai fly fifty million times its own length ii less than an hour; an elk can run i mile in seven minutes; an antelope cai run a mile in a minute; the wind mul. of Tartary has a speed even g-eate than that; an eagle can lly fifty-fou miles in an hour; while a canary falcoi can even reach seven hundred and fift miles in the short space of sixieei A Fact. (From an Interview, N. T. World.) In an interview with a leading drug house the N. Y. World, Nov. 9, 18B0, gives the following comment on the proprietors of reliable patent medicines: "lie is a specialist, and should know more of the disease be actually treats than the ordinary physician; for while the latter may come across say fifty cases in a year of the particular dis ease which this mediciue combats, its manufacturer investigates thousands. Do you suppose his prescription, which Sou buy ready made up for 60 cents likely to do more good than that of the ordinary physician, whocharges you anywhere from $2 to 810 for giving it, and leaves you to pay the cost of hav ing it prepared? "The patent medicine man,too, usual ly has the good sence to confine himself to ordinary, every-day diseases. He leaves to the physician cases in which there is immediate danger to life, such aa violent fevers. He does this because, in the treatment of such cases,there are other elements of importance besides medicine, such as proper dieting, good nursing, a knowledge of the patient's strength and so on. Where there is no absolute danger to life, where the dis ease is one which the patient can dia gnose for himself or which some physi cian has already determined, the patent medicine maker says fearlessly: '1 have a preparation which is better than any other known and which wilt cure you.' In nine cases out of ten his statement is true." This is absolutely true as regards the freat remedy for pain, St. Jacobs Oil. t can assert without fear of contradic tion, that it it a prompt and permanent cure of pain. It can show proofs of cure chronic cases of 20, 30 aud 40 years' standing. In truth it rarely ever tails If used according to directions, and n large proportion of cures is made by halt tbe contents of a ningle bottle. It is therefore the best. Wll' ami ran at hmr m wtthant anr ft rdinvr bwineaa. Book s SrStttua ad. me. "lif '- of original tmtimoci&U W JusASH ana omen R-r uupectmn at my o M, Room 27 American Extwexa Baildina, Hea ras it., Chlowo, 11L, F. O. Drawer SSI (fSnurl? La Porta, Lnd.) IS THE BEST MEDICINE for Vie General Ailments ot Horses, Cattle, Hen and Sheen. They purity the blood, pre rent ail cure aisease. uonrai ana rename, m oarkajfes: used and warranted tor orer tweaJ none or cbh i w hit Paorsuasaw drucftsta. years. K very one owning a five it a trial. Made by Em i Co.. Chicago. Bold by all l t CHILEtV 1 Cactus ckbpi Once Chapped Heads, Faos aat lpa. Tan, aunoarn, i tmmmk Make rou-h krn toft and anee without beinf aticky or freaeji, Delicately perfumed .Render SMa powAr invisible and make it ad here to the akin, lmpartiacet aaa e brilliant complexion. Price Be, Hailed to any addreu on ncaajr) ot price. Send poetal note. aUvei er Mam pi. Addrew plainly, CHILES a CO t Chamber of Commerce, ralnaga. The largest stock of Area clml Eye in the Wed. Aa ortmentoi eye aentleaai ddrti, allowing porchaat) to select one or more ana re turn unbalance thui a perfecTiTorace, idj State j, CWcjfo, III. vat. is. a. ", can sul tine; end operating surgeon to the CsssaVM Xre and Ear College. Patient, at tiaUxtOmtU wish unparalleled success and when viilting the etty tTloen ooara a iwawy - ' Keduwd U tote nominal monu or naraM .asaw i a "l rni ties 1-AI hULEBJl i.l &ul ftc. for clntilAr nnd tfwuiniuua aJMrasn. pa. o. w. r. mipkb, m.u au, niatajsv OITICS uouiu, I to 6 dailril to Wad. and Sat, . 6JL Free Trade Prices Mo Protection" no now anneal - - w i IMachineac M nna ull n B M.M Am. 1 ill miiq io, uircniar ana eee raui.eecnnsioB.OT 1 ind other style to M. A. Senilis A Oe, M m ne t t-nioaao- a- we bp now MUinj oat Western Improved BUajen Bowing Machine euane a eat complete with all e. taohment and warrantee) na. ftnClTIVPI T POP'S GERMAB rUMlJltLI, Stomach Powder Ha no aqmvl tor SkS anr of Dyqtoaia sat IacUgeetion. Pile 78 Cent Per Boa. BolBcient for S day treatment Mailed to ang eddreM npon nonlpt of prion. Writ few tsnv timoniala, POP'S GFSKAX STOMACH POWDBB C, SU W. Polk eU Cblcsayo, IB I CURE FITS ! Whan I lay ear I do not mean merely toatop them for a tiros and then have them return again. I mesa a radical cure. I have mads the dimes of PITS. EPl I.KFST or FALLING SIOKNB&Salifa-longstudy. I warrant my remedy to oure tbe worstesees. Baoaen ethers have failed Is no reason for noinowraesisinga aura. Bandatoneefor a treatise and a Frea Bottle or my Infallihle remedy. Oira Eui ass aud Post OBea, H. U. HOOT. M. Cs IS8 f aari eH-, H T. Ihe mont complete line of I)r..a K-form Unod in th north west liiolndin ihe eel -brnted Equipoise nnd Delaart waists, Jenness Millet special ties and Jersey Knit Underwear, bend htump lor free illustrated SUM. L. W. PIKE, 7.) Mndieonet., Chicago. photogrcp-3 OuTTXTI IfOlTUSt rioi tiar raits SWEET, WALLACH ft. CO 2ISWakaak Avul A GOOD FARM near a County Seat in the llepublicnn 'alley, Nebr, to trade for livestock, or stock of merchandise. Address Box 186, York, Nebr. VASBLINB. FOB OHB DOIXAB sent n by mall, w wUl d liver, frea of all ohargea. to any person la tte Unltai KUtee, all trfwligartialeenally parked in a neat box. vme two-onno ootuaoi ran vbsbhibb. sweash On two-tmnoe bottle Vaeeline Pomade U jar of VaaxUn Vou Uream - tae ai- -axis Or for stamp aay dagUarwo'a at artoa sasaamV U you bav aomeiaa to nee TaaaOiMlasaf rarm to oiraral to aeoept oaiy geaain good pi W B in original pe&M. 1 great avaay dsthi are crying toBSajad bnyar so ekaaVaMttawaast ham pake nf Vaseline (femnkor ne cake or, y aeeiine aoap, naerameaa cake of Yaeoiine soap, sells..... i two rnisnwbaitieWtasTsaaiiaa. r ....