The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 05, 1891, Image 4
TALILtCE'SSEREOh Dr. Tibun pMcktd the following frose the text Luxe xxiv.. Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem un til i be endued with power from on hick." Per a few months, in the providence rVJ T 1 a 1 nna Rmoki anil th niW in New York mad throe ch the kindness of the print- i. ij;- nrtiiiiitv UU BJBlwaam SftU SB V n W HKMUUBl VVK" -j To all such hearers and readers I come M ,..l maaM The time r7X. . r,t movement ...-. .i i . j nrM have nerir seen. Tn there is a need for soch a religious movement is evident from the fact that never since our worla was swung out from the planets has tliere been such an organized miiH a(miiMyt offnrt tn overthrow righteousness and make the Ten Com- mandments obsolute and the "ole Bible a derislen. Meanwhile alcbolism Is taking down its victims by the hun dreds of thousands and the political parties get down on their knees, prac tical! aavinr: 0 thou almiehtv lium in-, wr Low down before tnee. out us the city, state and national TLst is one side of the conflict now raging. On the other siae we nave me most magnificent gospel machinery hit the world ever saw or heaven ever uvented. In the first place, in this oiiatry more than 70,000 ministers of eligion and, take them as a class, mere jonsecraiea, nouer, more f""" more self denying, more faithful men never lived. I know them by the thous ands. 1 have met them in every city. I am told, not by them but by people outside our profession, people engaged in Christian and reformatory work, that the clergy of America are at the bead of all good enterprise and, who ever else fan' they may be depended on. The fruth of this is demonstrated by the fact that when a minister of re igion docs fall, it is so exceptional ,hat the newspapeas report it as some thing startling, 'vbile a hundred men in other callings ni y go down without ihe matter being considered as especi ally worth mentioning. In addition c their euqipment and moral character the clergy of this country have all that the schools caa give. So much for the Christian ministry of alt denomina tions. In the tie', (.lace on our side of the conflict we have the grandest churches of all time and higher style of membership, and more of them, and and a host without number of splen did men and women who are doing their best to have this world purified, elevated, gonpelized. But we all feel that something is wanting. Enough hearty songs have been sung and enough earnest sermons preached within the Uwl ix months to save all the cities of America, and, saving the citiesj you save li'e world, for they over flow sal tbe land cither with their re ligion or their infamy. But look at some of the startling facta. It is nearly 1,900 years since Jesus Christ came by the way of Beth lehem caravansary to save the world, yet the most of the world has been no more touched by this most stupendous fact of all eternity than if on the first Christmas night the beasts of the stall, amid the bleating of their own young had not heard tbe bleating of the Lamb that was to be slain. Out of the eighteen hundred million ot the human race fourteen hundred are without God sad without hope in the world, tbe camel driver of Arabia, Mahomet, with his nine wives, having half as many desciples as our blessed Christ, and mora people are worshiping chunks of pejntbd wood and carved stone than are worshiping the living and eternal Goi.' Meanwhile, the most of us who are engaged la Christian wor I sp:ak for myself as well as others are toil ing up to our full rapacity of body, mind and soul, harnessed up to the last buckle, not able to draw a pound more than we are drawing, or lift an ounce snore than we are lifting. What is the matter? My text lets eat tbe secret, We all need more of the power from on high. Xot muscu lar power, not logical power, not scien tiikrpower, not social power, not brain power, but power from on bigh. With it t could accomplish more in one wo$k than without it in a hundred years A few men and women in each age C the world have possessed it Caro ttM Fry, the immortal Quakeress, had it, and 100 of the depraved and suffer ing of Newgate prison under her ex. hortation repented and beLeved. Jona than Edwards had it, and Northamp ton meeting house heard the outburst of religious emotion "as be spake of righteousness and judgment to come, gajaael Budgett, the Christian mer it and bis benefactions i world. John Xewton had ft. Bishop LaUmerhad it Jsa baaaQrahaaB bid it Andrew Fuller had It The groat erangaiist, Daniel Eaker and Dr. ItetUetoa and Truman Csborn an Charles U. Finney had it 2a say boyhood 1 saw Tnunaa Oaborn to preach in the Tillage church at JssasvrtSX. J, and baton ho had gjttss3tkJftxt or uttered a word praka Cw Mfiawa sobbed aloud gkfSwsj ajMttoa It was the frrarfewiki. An in a greater r'i Cm mc? km It Onos get i.r-irjes ttaad before you, ' ;jl r? : ( 1 -'i-77J poca cw.l tfniM in t h hlCCOTT Of tl church mm! the world has hi. power from on high been demonstrated. In rvvviw the seventeenth century, after a gre" season of moral depression this power from on high came down up.n Joun I Tillotson. an J Owen, and iiavei, aim u ....n., ami there was a ouw "u": i deluge of mercy higher man i"- i III! . ..... 1. 1 !,. mAMTlta'TtS OI Bill. 1 " th eighteenth century, in England ana America, religion was at a low wa. i, Ai-iiii.m Cnwoer. writing 01 - i moi K.. " ' the clergy of those days, said FxeftDt few with Ki- s.-rit bleat Hi'phai aod Plan m.j dwcr.b tk. rt. The innaei wriuiure "i ' ai-d Hobbes and Chubo had done their wor But power from on nign came UDOn 51, tne esieys ana uiuy ui-ui- jngton on the other side the Atlantic, ana upon William Tennant ana uuoen, Tennant and David iiraiuerd On U11S gid6 tne Atlantic, aud both hemis- ni,pres felt the tread of a pardoniug God- Coming to later date there may be here and there in this audience an aged man or woman who can remem ber ew Vork in 1S31, when this noncr from on biirh descended most woudrously. It came upon pastors and congregations and theaters and commercial establishments. Chatham Street theater, Xew York, was the scene of a most tremendous religious awakening. A committee of Christian gentleman called upon the lessee of the theater and said they would like to i b tu leage of tbe theater He said, They re what do you want it for?' plied, "'for a church." For wh-a-a-t?": said the owner. "For a church," was the reply. The owner said- "X ou may have it and 1 will give you 01,000 to help you on with your work." Arthur Tappan, a man mightily persecuted in his time, but a man, as saw him in his last days, as honest and pure and good as any old Chatham theater as the acto s were closing their morning re hearsal and said: 'There will be, preaching here tonight on this stage," aud then gave out and sang with such people as were there, the old hymn: The T0406 of frm pioa criei, Moap to t moaatiin For all that beliera Chrut, ha opaaed a foun tain. rue bar room of the theater was turned into a praver room, and 800 per sons were present at the first meeting, For seventy successive nights religious services were held in that theater, and such scenes of mercy and salvation as will be subjects of conversation and congratulation among the ransomed in glory as long as heaven lasts. But come, to a later time 1857 remem bered by many who are here. I re memoer it especially as i naa just en tered the office of the ministry. It was a year of hard times. A great panic had flung hundreds of thousands of people penniless. .Starvation entered habitations that had never before known a want Domestic life, in many cases, became a tragedy. Suicide garroting, burglary, assass ination were rampant What an awful day that was when the banks went down. There has been nothing like it in thirty years, and I pray God there may not be any iningiiice ii in tne next thirty cen turies. Talk about your Black Fri days! It was Black Saturday, Black Sunday, Black Monday. Black Tues day, as well as BlacS: Friday. This nation in tits extremity fell help less be lore the Lord and cried for par don and peace, and upon ministers and laymen the power from on high de- sceuaea. engine nouses, waie rooms, hotel parlors, museumi, factories from 12 to 1 o clock, while the were resting, were opened for prayers and sermons, and inquiry rooms and Burton's old theater on Chambers street, where our ancestors used to as semble to laugh at the comedies, and all up and down the stn et i and out on the docks and on the de k i of ships ly ing at the wharf people sang "All hail the power of Jesus' name," whilethers cried for mercy. A great mass meet- of Christians on a week day in Jayne's hall, Philadelphia, telegraphed to Ful ton street prayer meeting in New York saying: '.'What hath God wrought?" and a telegram went back, saying "Two hundred ouls saved at our meet ing today" A ship came through the Narrows into our harbor, the captain reportingj.hat himself and all the crew had beenr converted to Gbd between New Orleans and New York. In the busiest marts of our busiest American cities, where the . worshipers of Mam mon had been counting their relden leads, men began to calculito, "What shall it profit a man if be gain the whole world and lose his soul" The waiters in restaurants after the dos ing of their day's work knelt among the tables where .they had served. Po licemen asked consent of the commiss ioner of police to be permitted to at tend religious b.-eetings. At Albany members of tbe New York 'legislature assembled in the room of the court of appeals at half past 8 o'clock In the morning for prayer and praise. Printed invitations were sent out to tbe ore- men of New York saying: "Come suits your convenience bast; whether mnre or auxeus ureas, but comel comer qmairymeirknelt among the rocks. Fishermen knelt in their boats. Weavers knelt aasong u looms. Sail. mkneaaMsthhaaiaoeks. gehoot- ItaattsMUisireiaoBaa. A traTrffagsaJ4 thorn was tl-, irw Mltd fl 111111 .1.1 Holy Ghost, ther- have ham no gene. awakening. I)." it n . seem to r.i that we ought to h-j and may hart j the scenes 01 power m i-i, eci.peeu the scenes or power in in r ion cir- - cuinsunces are somewhat sin While we have not had national panic' and universal prostration as in 1857, there has been a strinaency in th money market ttut has put many ol the families of the earth to their wits end. Large commercial interests col laiing have left multitudes of em cloves without means of support. The racked brains of business men have al most or entirely given away. New illustrations all over the land of the fact that riches have not only feet on which they walk slowly as they come, but wings on which they speed when they a-o. Eternal God! Thou knowest how cramped, and severe and solemna time it is with many. And, as the business ruin of 1857 was followed by, the glorious triumph of grace, let the awful struggles of 18(X) be fallowed by the halleluiahs of a nation saved in 1SS1. Many of my hearers today are what the world calls, and what I would call splendid fellows, and they seem happy enough and are jolly, and obliging, aud if I were in trouble I would go to them with as much confidence as 1 would to my father, if he were yet alive. But when they go to their rooms at night when tbe excitements of social and business life are off, they are not con- tent, and they want something letter than this world can offer. I under stand them so well I would, without fear of being thought rough, put my right hand on their one shoulder, and my left hand on their other shoulder and push them into the kingdom of God. But 1 cannot. Power from on high, lay hold of them. At the first communion after the dedication of our former church, 328 souls stood up in the aifles and pub licly espoused the cause of Christ. At another time 400 souls; at another time 500, and our 5,400 membership were but a sma 1 part of those sacred walls, took upon themselves the vows of the Christian. What turned them? What saved them? l'ower from the level? Xo. Power from on high. The history of these unanswered prayers for you God only knows. They may have been offered in the solemn birth hour. They may have been of fered when you were down with scar let fever or diphtheria, or membrane ous croup. They may have been of fered some night when you were sound asleep in the trundle bed and your mother came in to see if you were rightly covered in the cold winter night. They may have been offered at that time which comes at least once in almost every one's life when your father and mother bad hard work to make a living, and they feared want would come to them and you. They may have been offered when the lips could no longer move and the eyes were closed in the long sleep. O, un answered prayers of father and mother where are you? In what room of the old homestead have tbey hidden ? O, unanswered prayers, rise in a mist of many tears into a cloud and then break in a shower which shall soften the heart of that man who is so hard he cannot cry, or that woman who is ashamed to pray. 0, arm chair of the aged now empty and in the garret among the rubbish, speak out. O, staff of the pilgrim who hasended( his weary journey, tell ofjthe parental ai xieties that bent over thee. O, fa; 11 Bible, with story of births and dea As rustle some of thy time worn leaves and let as know of tbe wrinkled hands that once turned thy psges and explain that spot were a tear fell upon the pass, age:"0, Absalom, my son. my son, would God I had died for thee!" Good and gracious God! What will become of us, if, after having had such a devout and raying parentaga, we never pray for ourselves! We will pray. We will begin now. Oh, for the power from on high, power to move this assembled power to save Brooklyn and New York, power of evangelism that shall sweep across this continent like an ocean surge, power to girdle the rnd earth with a red girdle dipped in the blood of the cross. If this for ward movement is to begin at all there must be some place for it to begin, and why not this place? And there" must be some time for it to begin, and why not this time? And so 1 sound for your ears a rhythmic Invitation, which until a few days age, never came under' my eye, but it is so sweet, so sobbing! with pathos, so triumphant with Joy that who ever chimed it instead of be ing anonymous, out to be Immortal Work will soon begin at Fairbary oa the now court hops, the architect bar ing completed arrangements tor ship pUg the stone for the foundation. building ii to be of stone throughout The bonds were sold at par value. Fred PatUrsoar Rook Bluffs, Can ocuty, was elected justice of the psaco asMroadorerseer last tail. LaUr he Lwjt apfomtsd school district tnanrer kaadaowhio latest appoiatam mat lO HiNllUwu wJi w-- added a line of pra er meetings fro the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, from the Lawrence to the Gulf Mexico. That was thi-y-three years ago, 1 1 though there have boen in variiM, parts of the land many stirring of lb. DERALTE CHAPERON. They all thought he was a fool; M then they often mate mistake like that iCangaroos cant jump Lke women when the women are jumping at con elusions. You see, the trouble was that Collis Beattie-oMe they called him when they wanted to be funny did not have much to say. He used ti lie about the hotel veranda in a big steamer chair and real novels. He wore a yachting suit and cap and a silk shirt He did not look a bit salt, because the skiu of his face was as white and as smooth as a baby's. " So they laughed at him for wearing a ,-achting suit All the other fellows ore them, because it was a yachting xtrt upon the sound, and pretty much Wery one went in for sailing, which as about all there was to do at the ilace. Coliie went sailing once or wice when so tie generous fellow took ity on him and invited him. Then he women laughed at him more, and u strange German called him Der Alte haperou the Old Chaperon-b-fause le always went down into the cabin, tretchetl himself on a locker and fell sleep. They said he was afraid the pray would spoil his complexion. tollie didn't seem to know that he vas being laughed at If he did know t he did not mind it. He never said inything, but went on reading novels. German novels, too; and he read them u the original It was most exaspera ing. What business had a man at a ;ay, active summer resort to wear nau ical toggery, have a skin Like a queen's aby and read German novels ? Once tome one said to him: "Come aud play a game of billiards." "Thank you," he replied, ' it's a little oo much for me you know." He certainly was a fool and a lazy jue, too. They tried him on several .lungs, but he lay in the steamer chair ind read German. And there were at least six beautiful girls in the hotel. And every one of them had been piqued .nto trying to Interest him. But he just staid in the steamer chair and read German, or went te sleep in the cabiu of the yacht. He didn't get seasick. They remem bered that after he was gone, as one of his good qualities. They had him out one day when it blew fresh and there was a lively sea on, but he went to sleep like a rocked infant. He certain ly was the most torpid man that ever lived. "Never mind," said Mrs. Bisbee one morning, "Miss Silver is coming here next week. Perhaps she'll wake him up." "You don't mean Mattie Silvers, do you?" exclaimed Gertie Greer. "Yes. I do." "Oh, dear!" And Gertie's mouth went down at the corners. "What's the matter with Mattie Sil vers?" inquired Ethel Brisket. 'Oh, nothing," answered Gertie, de jectedly; "only I was at a place where she was once." "Well, what of it?" demanded Sybil Vane, that tail, white girl, you remem ber. "Well," sighed Gertie, "every man in the house dropped right down at her feet." "Oh, my! is she so very wonderful?" asked Ethel "Oil, nothing much," replied Gertie; "just the most beautiful woman I ever saw, and with two little millions in her own right." There was a paintul silence and all the young women looked glum. Gertie was not a girl to be sneezed at, and she 1 1 -V w a . useu ner mirror, iier dejection was omninous. The girls gazed anxiously at Mrs. Bisbee. "I don't want to be disagreeable,'1 she said smoothly, "but I am afraid it's true." "What's her style?" asked SybiL "Brown," replied Mrs. Bisbee, senten- tiously. "lirowur "Yes; burnt sienna. Burnt sienna hair and eyes, dusky pinksheeks.durkv crimson lips, silk plush complexion all cream aad coax and two millions from her uncle," said Harole Beaver who had just come up. There was a general biting of lips. "Haven't seen her for three van" he continued, "and" "Ah! Perhaps she has faded rv. claimed EtheL "The dusky brown don't fade much ' said Harold. 'No " said Mrs. Bisbee. "I aa w in a box at the Metropolitan last win ter, and she was radiant" Why she doesn't belong in New York," Sybil said "No, Baltimore," responded Harold. "Idontsee what she want to come away up here for," grumblod Ethel spitefully. "What,s the matter with Chess peake bay?" 'Well she's cominr nt ir said Mrs. Bisbee, moving away with Harold. "1 had a letter from her mmh. er today." "I hope she'll like him - aM v.i,.i looking scornfully t Collla in his steamer chair. -inai win not do an an ail swered Gertie; "the other men will Koner.- Weoom- said Sybil; Wis not worth two millions, any of us." Asi'wVftBotoratowsiuin. rd Ethel, caressing a stray raven lock, r . x Iliimnh1" ajj cream suu cuu. - r- -But she's a lovely girl," sighed Ger tie; "or she wss two -haven't met ber since then. I was at Cape May. , You can't help liking ber " -Oh, yes, I cab, and I will," decided Ethel as they rose to go down to tbe water. Thf dav before this paragon of heir esses was expected ILL! I'srtridge in vited a!l bauds to go sailing on bis sloop. And then he got a.telegarm which compelled him t j go to tne cuy But he insisted on their going sailing just the same. Jus sailing would take them, and they couu in vite Der Alte Champeron to go along as his substitute. That maae uiriu lauTh. But they got Collie out of H:s steamer chair and took him alonj just the same. Cf course, he went right down in the cabin and preparel to go to sleep. "Bless my soul! exclaimed .Mrs. uis- bee, "that's a little too bad. '1 he only man in the party. 1 wouldn't stand it, Man!" exclaimed EtheL ' laiiuiai pudding faced gelatine a niaa! Lord forgive us." "Oh, I say, Ethel," remonstrated uer- tie, "you ought not to talk like that" Don't say 'ought to me. 1 m tireu of doing what 1 ought to do." Ethel was 26 and h r skin was grow ing yellow under ber eyes. "Go down into the cabin ana keep Der Alte Chaperon awake, suggested SybiL "Do it yourself." "Not such a bad idea." said Sybil, slipping down the compauiouway. Collie Beattie was not asleep yet. He sat up and stared as the tall, white girl came below. "Awful good of you, you know," he murmured. "Oil, it's not so very gcod; but what do you mean ?" "I mean your coming down here to keep me awake." Sybil turned just a trifle piuk under the ears. Had he been usteniug to their conversation on dec ? It must have edified him, she thought I came dow n to keep myself awake, she said hastily, and then added, incon sistently, "Why don.t you go on deck and enjoy the breeze ?" "Because I can't enjoy the breeze, he answered. "It's too strong for you, I suppose," said Sybil, with a touch of scon-. "Yes, much too strong." "Makes you chilly." "Yes, makes me chilly." T "Might spoil your complexion." "My what?" "Your complexion." "Didn't know I had any." "You're as white and pink as a baby." "That's true, but I don't think that's much of a complexion for a man, you know." "Neither do T. I should think you'd get a little sunburn on yon just from shame." Collie laughed. He seemed to be Im mensely amused. He had a funny way of being amused at things that didn't amuse other people. It was jolly for him, but it made the other people angry. "If you're goina: to laugh at my con versation I'm goifcg back to the tbe girls," exclaimed , Sybil, springing up the steps. Collie laughed some more. Then He stretched himself on the cabin locker and laughed again. Next he closed his eyes and smiled. A minute later he was sound asleep. All the women came down and looked at him half an hour later. He didn't seem much to look at. He had deep lines under his eyes when he slept, and a worn appear ance. Yet they all looked at him and despised him. He just slept on and didn't mind It "Valuable persons to have on a yacht ing excursion, ; isn't he?" whispered Ethel, with a genuine growl in ber pretty voice. "If 1 had a thing like that for a husband I'd bu I'd never have one. "Let's go on deck. I do believe it's fallen dead calm," said Mrs. Bisbee. m it naa. ine Clover s mast was plumb perpendicular. So were her mainsail and bar Jib. The water looked like molasses. And it was seeming hot The skipper said there was going to be a sqiall, and sent the one sailor, a boy t aiort to run tne topsail The skipper was right. There was going to be a squall. Big blue black clouds ware pil ing up" in the -northwest Lightning played around their lower edges. The skipper said it would not be a bad squall Tbe Clover would stand it under jib and mataeaii. k came along in a rew minutes. You could see it strike the water over near the Con necticut shore. It made the surface six shades darker. The girls had their rubber goods on, but the skipper said woum not rain. However, they had beard skippers say that before. The squall came bounding over the sound. Then, they never knew how it hap pened, but the boom vara a torrlne Jump right across fho yacht It alt the skipper on the bead and knocked him senseless. The next moment .ho was halfway over the lea rail with seven shrieking women pulling at him. The yacht was pretty nearly on her hemm ends and the tailor boy was paralysed. . Jft!M2!-W P -t of -Did some one scrsr f La asked. -Oh, look at that useless thing'" cria Ethel tugging at the lag of the skip, per trousers. Whereupon Coffle woke wp. He brushed the women aside like at many flies and pulled the skipper iut the cockpit Then helot go the jib sheet, and the yacht righted partly. "Here, my lad," bo called to the boy, "take the wheel." Tbe dot obeyed, and Collie pulled off hie seat Than was a red spot in each of his cheeks. "What's be going to dor" inquired Gertie, awestruck. "Lord knows I'm glad to sea him le inything," said EtheL "Hard down upon your helm!" ex claimed Der Alte Chaperon. "Mrs. Bisb, you and Mirs Sybil please bold the wheel there a minute. Mow, lad, main sheet; In with it!" Collie and the boy got the main boom trimmed flat as tbe yacht came up into the wind. The jib flapped madly. "Bight your helm!" cried Collie. The boy obeyed the order. "Keep your head to it," waa the next order. Then Collie sprang forward and s!acked the jib balvarda, unbent tbe sheet, slid out on the bowsprit, which was plunging into tbe young seaa like a crazy porpoise, reefed the jib, cams back, bent on tbe sheet and hoisted away again, while the women huddled in tbe cockpit like petrified mummies. "Now let ber blow," said Collie as he went aft, put on his coat and took the wheel "Get the captain below," said he to the boy, "and give him a good horn of brandy. He's coming to. The boy dragged the skipper down stairs, the women all foUowing in si lence to see if they could do anything. Sybil Vane asked tin boy when they were below whether be badn t better go up and sail the yacht "Guess not," said the boy. "That feller don't need no help. I can see that without a telenscup." The boy's judgment appeared to be right It was blowing great guns. But the Clover was riding like a canvaiback duck. Collie looked very composed at the wheel. The girl stared up the com panionway at him. He seemed to be enjoying it The captain recovered his senses presently and hurried on deck. Go below and lie down, captain. said Collie; "your bead must be rattling like a locker of shot in a gale." The captain looked surprised. "Who reefed the jib?" he asked. "I did," said Collie, humoring her neatly with the helm. The captain watched him do it Then he went below and stretched himself on Collie's favorite locker. "That man's the best ameteur sailor I ever saw," he said. The women looked atone another end heaved long sighs of relief. "That useless thing appears to Le some good after ail," said Mrs. Bisbee te EtheL "Hum!" said EtheL Collie sailed the Clover back to her anchorage off the hotel after the squall. Tbey atl went ashore and he immedi ately retired to his room and was seen no more until tbe next day. About noon te was discovered In the steamer chair with an unusually formidable German novel They surrounded him and began to thank him for bringing them in safely. He didn't seem to pay much attention to them. Just keep listening for something down the road. Presently tbe hotel stage came rattling up from the station. "Here she is," said Mrs. Bisbee, beck- !nhig the girls. And tbey all deserted their preserver to see tbe beautiful heir ess. She was beautiful. Then was no mistaking that The girls groaned in wardly. She came airily up the steps, hei brown eyes aflame with expects tioiu She caught sight of Der Alte Chaperon lying in his steamer chair She ran right to him, threw both arms about his neck and publicly kissed him on the lips. "Collie dear!" she said passionately. "But, dear old fellow, you look real done up, and I expected to find you so much better." Better? He must hare boen sick, then, when be came down. "Well, sweetheart," ho replied laugh ing "X have been mending slowly but surely till yesterday, when I had to do a little woik aboard a boat and" "Aboard a boat! Now, dear, yoo know the doctor said you ware not to exert yourself, and when you sail s boat yon always" "cut w got caught in a squall and the captain well, perhaps these young ladies will explain. Let ma Introduce you all to my flancee." And then the whole crew of tbesi figuratively got right down on tbdr knees and worshipped Der Alto Chap eron. It isn't mnch of a story, is It? Bat then it has a moral Two, maybe. W. J. Peoderson in New York Timet. A Kstssi lUKi lira. ReJLar that siatar of Ars-onla, Kan, is now admlaiatTing tbe affair of that town for her emdal term. is said to be a nerroas looking ati timid little wosmul bvt It most be eoa- stdered that besides attending to ktf Ehlic and social duttea the has dost hebeuoshcUworfctneisrfiaiwasV lag. Ironing and neetlnr far a :ts? of live, and taring the ft y has lncreaesd her asi fxe.r v m wing uim eyes. sis.