f 7 i : .!:ux County Journal. 'tF"CU.I. (VW-vTT PATES. mum, ... Editor. M tba Harrlsoa post office u wee Iter. 4 acoAT, Feb. 5, 189L Jtioual or scrofulous catarrh, - LVtc., surely cured by Ayer's newly opened mines at Newcastle, and the road is being: fuelled on to Helena Moi.Una. The Pacific Short line has a line surveyed across the southern part of the county, and the maueineot inform us that before the close of unotlier season it will have its line in operation beyond tlte we ;t line of Nebraska. The survey of the Pacific Short Line show that the road will ih,v over 3H miles of track in Sioux county. The B. & M. has a survey running west from Alliance, crossing the south part of Sioux county and it is expected that it will be built, but a Ilia amount of the line which would ba in Sioux county ii not known, it is not figured in the alove statement. Whin you take into consideration the fact that Sioux county has got so great a railroad mileage and lias NO RAILROAD BONDS 5 V AsaBSfclstof InfniaMliw J ,Sfrta' iMx.ibowtaa Sow w r I I ess l- CO 1 1 V- -r a i- 4 Si it ft "tt REE IK! is still a larye amount of GOVERNMENT LAND open to entry in Map of the Elkhorn System, , ix County, Nebraska. fori u. r i- i county is in ths north west corner of the great tat of Nebraska, and is ,ty milas sost and west by seventy miles north ami south. It comprises , fine rolling table land and valuable timber land. The county contains jlcras of land. Something near one-third of this area lias been tiled on by large number of whom have made final proof and have deeded farms. der is still open to settlement Of course there is a portion of this 1 auiUble for farming purposes, a part being timber land and is there -M, aod othee tract, too rough for cultivation, produce the most nutri iwit and art excellent for stock raising purKses. JcaJity has an advanUga which no other portion of Nebraska possessed, h:..': Posts and House Logs are FREE! ilon, make it posMible for a man to improve a piece of land with a IUr outlay of citsh thati he could have done in other parts of the state.? ft ir " " ".- t 06 Uileq of Railroad, unty Km Um main few of tba F. E & It V. railroad crossing it from t aad cooaecUag it la Ckeytoo A Northern, thus making a line 'jq Chataha to Deatar aaA ton Fciflc coast, aad also connect this local 1 eoaj Oakii just across tits lift in Wyoming. This road has 83 miles ou county. A If. crossjsa the northsast part of Um county and has 16 miles of it ftl b JfJoM 0 fyfiH Mflty, TWirtd brings dowatM coal from the outstanding, and in fact, no county bonds of any kind liave ever been issued by Sioux county, you cannot but see that it is far better olf than those counties that gave a large amount of bonds for a few miles of railroad. The accompanying maps will give the reader a good idea of the railroad ad vantages possessed by Sioux county. The soil is of such a nature to eminently (It it for agriculture. Ezeriments iudicate that it will soon be one of the most proll table sugar beet producing dis tricts in the world, ami otler crops will not be far behind. There are a great number of small streams distributed throughout tle county furnishing excellent opportunities for stock raising and still are not large enough to cause a heavy public expense for bridges. The settler can go to the sawmills in Sioux county and buy Native Pine Lumber for less than half what the same grade of material would cost five "hundred miles east of here. Good building stone can be easily obtained from various parts of the coudty; on excellent quality of brick have been made a few jriiles from the seat; the quality of the water is the vert liest and the climate is fine. Harrison is the county seat and the only railroad town in the county, al though new towns are being laid out at dilferent points. The is a fine brick court house which cost $10,000, and roprescntati ves of almost all linos of business. There is no railroad land in Sioux county, it is either government land subject to entry; school land subject to lease or purchase, or laud that has been taken up by settlers. rT'OOME WEST, SEE AND SETTLE. I NEW REPEATING RIFLES MARLIN SAFETY L'ODEL 1889. SOLID TOP. SIDE EJECTING. fim Wtlght,6lbs. Uilng 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. Bend for free nmwriptlve price-Hut of Repeating nines, Pouble-Aotlon ltevolwsrs, etc., to the HARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. LYMAN'S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Art Untquallod both tor Hunting tnd Target Shewing. "IDEAL" RELOADING TOOLS For Rifles, Pistols 0 Shot Guns. RELOAD YOUR SHELLS AXD SAVE MOSSY. FREE, IlLUSTRATCO , CATALOCfE .'ONTAINIKO VALUACLt INBTBUCTIONS OM fi k cy; io prcpade Y"un own fiMMuniTiCN. Pfl I I PI I W Mikity "'"I ntblr, y IbnM of I i I I I J f I 'l'U''r ,"", "r ,n thffiv lillJIlL B owi1,,,("-.t'r'rlh-y)lvi'. Any I 0 I mm I (An do Uie nt.rk. iimy to I Mm. W AirvilMk ovrrytiiiiisr. W tint yuu. hu risk, Vv ffli (fol ftimt sfMrr ni'xitrnia, or nil yont tlnw l ih wr. tis If an ftnlifr jr uw lead jiml tirtntr wOndt rfiil lurctiiluttfij workrr, M'trtMiM'n mrm mwiw Ir'ni a la f SM r mn k anil amardt, artff t9"r afirr a 11 HI r Kimirnri. W ran Ainilah you thr rm- tlxwfni ttf anl tcaoh HVK Ki i itct tu riihiln htre. full ifonwlfui fHCK. TKt i: A. CO., AIM T4j IllKK. 9 1 -9 J.i.liM,iri..y.N.1.l h r. r u. Itaadcr, ft Ay p- i iittb" a mi., k, lint we fhi it ' K1 h-w lO't iu (rum If in I ) ,i tr v I ilio "art, ri'ti " ym tfa -, It. .It i , i. I In r.tij r'''' sit - t i S3000 A TEA R I I nndrrtakc In hrfrl , laarh any (airly IntrlttfTi nt itrn of iihr !, whu run rrsrj and write, and who, after Instruction, will work tiidnatrlously, TartBilhlrnwn IlK tlhlm whrrrr(irlki llv I BlIlilHAinlik th allnatloti nrrnilnymi nt,at wblcfc you rati ram I htt amount. Wo motif fW mrunlf-Mann iWulaiali'iVA. Kally ami quirk Ij navaalrrdytauirlit and rrvhl-d with tmnl'o anrnf a larra traraai-u. nan . w onc Maine. fiumf .f,hn am making avrr VWNm a trarea ti. Ii a N . and MOV, ft. FiilliartkuUriFKfer. Addn-oaai K. C. AlLKMi llwm 4SO, August, Ma ntia; Htdf fptitmhTf l)aMtM4tftl work Tur tta, by Anna Tii, and Jno, llonn, ToVno, ttilo. Hi'c cm, Olhpman'dotnsrMWfll. Why i l v.iu nmt rare or aaw.w a nniilli. Ymi rand tba work and llni il moid, whrrri-cr yn are. Kwi bf fmn'r ara Mliv rantint? frciu Va t laly. Allaya. W shw ym kow and Mart ym, t tin work In tar Hum it all i If Hma, HI motif) for work era. I viln it unktiown aniontt th'tn. M,W at4 w.Hdarfnl. lartlriilnrarV. T Lt'vJ i. 1 HI HI HUH! 1 Ea III C 3 jil a j 6. S S ESfc 'Sat . fi c islsl - ag Ss il l JIsi jrwit am 3 a V Vho? 'ii if Everybody Wagon Witb Half Springs, one Ssct, Ou3hlon and Shafts. Good I'imberand gone Ejry." l Th box IsfRailvtnkPT ofT a i l ihn lcnirlhrriwl out for Mio usn of onrponters ana mn.'ni Th'B wnir in b n 8 :! -.h lliflab, is piiiia -1 bn.t iiti'1 nunctivo, and in strong and ,,:,., lfr,MH-lllI DriC.-SW iH' THB S1INONS WSOON CO.. ' iiltsr. !.'.: the Oolebratjd CusLfuiJ Wagos, 1010 W. 6th St., Winoaa. Ulna, BOO.t HOLDERS. Thc Most Pexfict Dictionary Holoir. Folding and Adjustable Tables, SKNO I OR CATALOGUE. n. M. LAMBIE, 39 E. 19th St.,N.Y. Ara strictly Ant-class in every detail, posiess an absolutely perfect repeating action ana nanasoue cases, may war ranies, Are tbe best in the world, and have led all others for years. Over 210,000 in use. The people are bound to have the beat, and will have none bat the KSTEY. Time payments er cash, as customers prefer. Call and tee at, er send for Catalogues and full information', 233 Stats Street, Ch!C; aw a aw ami , 1 1 If- n jnd n , Jiny. a nr. 5. CSt- louis House, 010 & Q13 OliY Ueii.H'n. tjj; l-t. in i ,1 . - fry '