The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 05, 1891, Image 1

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    The Sioux County
'j. 3.
H-AJEIRISO-N". UEB.. FEB. 5, 1891.
3STO. 21.
r ir, :n a. l
Editor and Proprietor.
by tlie
Security Co.,
1 0,000. 00
Offlcf n :
Imav, President.
RKLACII, Vice-I'leslllciit.
Jon'KS, Secretary.
r.. ekitt, i rcusurer.
H. T. CONLtr, Attorney.
tin our lists over thirty
J FAR.Mi in this county
we can sell on LONG
wishing to buy or st-U'should
.tit and soW on commission.
)lars descrip
)f the county
1b had on ap
ion, for dis-
lar; bum, nvhtnnki).
iu Id like tp hiive some I my on
J' ' "
I Mrs. G. Guthrie entertained
I tlioir frierals at their home
C .
"Stations are that there will lie
r . ,
moisture in northwest Ne
)g the year 10J.
iday night the mercury of
Meters went down into the
luving call and see my coni-
of harness, saddles and
H & Ct'NNINi.iUM.
i made arrangements where-
brnish The JoritXAi. and the
. Jjany published; at Lincoln,
in advance. Tins rale will
3d Cur a Uiiiited time and now
V((0 tiikc advantage of the of-
zee Tee" at the church on
levelling was quite well at-
a great deal of sort was
Jhe bill of fare. The receipts
I m toward defraying the ex
curing medical treatment for
Monday the train djd not ar
Jrom th4 east until about
twin due from the west on
j Qot get here until Tuesday
Out four ho un behind the regu
Tfie deep snow is a little hard
)tag but it is-a'good tbing for
Wd Ll'HOEr: We liave a good
Wsoned lumber constantly on
r mill ob West Boggy. 10!
jia.00; H&ntl 16 feet $12.00
IMul feet First-clus native
ways on hand. First-class $3;
M $4 per tliousand.
LJ. E,4 AjlNEU,
w of lat week wan from'
fifteen inches deep on the level
Mquence the farmers are hor
' excellent prospects of a good'
oming neanon. The indicntiftus
Houx 'county is jiist entering
m of prosperity and the home
ho'hftve withstood the hartl
M pant' will reap a reward such
n experienced in every new
Farmers' Indignation Meeting.
The following is tlie proceeding of the
farmers' indignation meeting held at
Harrison, Neb., on the 3d day of Febru
ary, I8tl;
A. R. Kennedy was elected cliairniun,
and Robert Wilson, secretary.
On motion it was decided that when
this meeting adjourn it adjourn to meet
at Harrison, on Tuesday, February IT,
iKttl, at 2 o'clock, p. in., for the pnr
)se of perfecting an organization of the
farmers for the advancement of the agri
culturel interests of Sioux county, and
all farmer are urged to be present at
that time und particulate.
The following preamble and resolu
tions were read, and on motion unani
mously alxipled:
WhcrciK, Tlie issue of the State Jour
nat of January 30, 1491, contained a
statement from a let ter written by D, W.
Woody, of Gilchrist, Sioux county, Neb.,
to the effect tliat it would lie a waste of
money for the slate to furnish seed for
the farmers of Sioux county, for tlie rea
son that said county had been proven not
to be good for agricultural purposes;
that no rain had fallen since July, 1H90,
and that many were waiting in idleness
exjiectiug a living to be furnished. And
Whereto), The said 1). W. Woody
thereby makes a statement that is not
true und calculated to work a hardship
on the homesteader inasmuch as it is
an attempt to deprive them of much
needed aid and thus force them to desert
their homes in order to obtain a living
for themselves and families. And
Whereat, The said D. W. Woody, is
the justice of the peace appointed by or
der of the board of commissioners to re
ceive applications for aid from the set
tlers of his precinct, and that nearly
every voter in his precinct has made such
application and that' he, the said I). W.
Woody, lias applied for seed for 100 acres
of land, the following application for aid
contradictiiig'his statement made in tlie
State Journal:
"Wheat 10 bu.; oats 20 bu. ; spring
rye 20 bu.; corn 2 bu. : potatoes 4 bu.;
millet 20 bu.; Max 5 bu.
L. W. Woody,
When a. The said statement of D.
W. Woody is in the interest of a few
men who desire to control a large
amount of land for range purposes, to
the detriment of the farmers and to the
injury of the development of Sioux
county. And
hereon, The year 1889 was not a
crop failure in Sioux county, and al
though but little was raised it was for
the reason that stock was allowed free
range until July, 1W9, so that the farm
ers did not dare put out crops as they
would Ije destroyed, and that the year
1S9I) was no drier in Sioux county tlmn
in many other counties in Nebraska, and
that in some instances fair crops were
grown where the farmers were able to
obtain seed and that Sioux county has
demonstrated that it will yield as fine
small grain as any portion of the state,
and that sugar beets yielding 23.2 per
cent of sugar were raised in 1890, and
that all udmit that the past two years
have been unusually dry. Therefore
be it
ResolvW), That the tindersigned
farmers assembled together at Harrison,
Sioux county, Nebraska, denounce the
statement of the said D. W. Woody as
being false, malicious and against the
.progress and developement of Sioux
county, and
Uksolved, Tliat the stats relief com
mittee be requested to refuse any aid to
the Slid D. W. Woody or any person re
siding in Sioux county who is known to
be opposed to the agricultural interests
of said county, and be it further
Resolvkd, Tliat as the ground is in
good condition to receive the seed for a
crop in Will, we pledge ourselves as
farmers to use our best efforts to pro
perly plant,' cultivate and care for the
seed furnished and the crops growing
Resoi.vkd, That the Sioux Coirs
TY Joi.'liNAI, and tlie Sioux County llr
ald be requested to publish the article
referred to which appeared in the State
Jiiurual of Jan. 30, 1801, and these reso
lutions, and that the secretary be in
structed to send copies of these resolu
tions to tlie Bee and World-Herald, of
Omaha, and the Slate Journal, Call and
Ihrmeia Alliance,, of Lincoln, with a re
quest to publish the same.
A. It. Kennkdv, Chut mm n,
Roiieiit w'iijio.n, Secretary.
Jauiea t'liiniini, Hull KJhi rt,
C, J Torltcnhiiiipt, John Corbln,-.
I). M. Sutton," Ki'llum I.lmlsey, .
Ileimy Zliiiineriiimi,' Joliu I'lii n Wet t , -
linns Iieukvr,
J. II. Itartell,
J. A. Hrtll,
J'jhn llermiiii,
TlioiiittM J. ( lurk,
II. f. f.i mids,
Krinl Iletdchen,"
Jerry II. Will,-
E. A. UlKlow,"
(3. S. ficotl,
lxiilor lllelisleln,
CIihh. V.. Sehlll,
Jon. M. Kobliiaon,
V. B. Illitelow,"
K. A. !IUHMiIiiilt,
II. T. Zorl
V. It. Wudsworth.
The following is what appeared in the
State Journal in the issue of Jan. HO,
Will, referred to in the ubovo resolu
tions: There re two nldc to nearly every qur
Uon. lta Jouruul han been handed a copy
of h letter written to W. (.'. Crook of thl.
elty by D. W. Woolly of Gilehrisit, Woux
county, lu which a vigorous protect la made
against Kppronriuling money to buy fteetl
for the destitute In the northwestern part
of the state. He insists that the experience
of the pant two years han demoiiktraled the
untune. of Sioux county for agriculture,
ami thut the appropriation of any uioney
for seed will Ije not only a needless waste of
money, but will cause in actual loss to the
supiKwed beneficiaries, ait it will Induce
many of thein to remain and plant w here
they h.ive but a slender chance of reaping a
profitable harvest. He further deelareo lie has canvassed his precinct to find
how many of the fanners w anted seed In a st.tte appropriation is made for the
purixJse. Tlie report is that "not H man 1
williiiH to invest a dollar for seed, but nearly
all will put in wnne crops If seeds were gra
tis. Nearly all could buy seed if they had
suftiilent laith in the Investment. " It is
fi.rther deelured that a number of people
w ho were preparing to o away to find work
h .ve heard that the slate would take of
tin in, and are now doin nothing and wait
ii.S for public aid.
"Mr. Woody makes an entirely different
rejaji t w hen discussing the condition of the
stock In Sioux and adjoining counties. He
says that there has been no rain since last
July und but two Indies of snow. Many of
the plockuicn have cut no hay at all and the
cattle have been left to look out for them
selves. In spile of these seemingly adverse
circuti, stances he declares that i0 per cent
of all the cattle in that part of the country
are in giswl beef condition. Of course he
speaks as a cattleman, and nil hunt doubt
there are plenty of settlers in his county
w ho disagree w ith him vehemently on the
future of Northwestern Nebraska as an agri
cultural region. Kor two or thrco years a
bitter wiirfarc lias 1mt.ii going on between
the cattlemen and the settlers w ho have
gone Into that district to engage in fanning.
Tlie tight between these factions w as noticed
in tlie lut republican state convention, and
it mips out In local affairs constantly.
Which side Is right this paper does not pre
tend to say, but .Mr. Woolly's protest against
what he cults the further wastu of time anil
money In attempting to farm in a region in
which agriculture can only be mnile. suc
cessful by Irrigation Is at least worthy of a
respectful hearing.
"Sioux county, it should be'-remembered,
is 401) miles from Lincoln and at the base of
tne lilnek Hills. The elevation is quite high,
and the soil and cliiuatH are different from
anything found in this p:irt of tlie state. It
is therefore diltk ult for anytxxly to form
much of an Idea of ttie probable future of
agriculture there without paying the region
a visit." '
So far tliis winter there has been a
fall of not less that 20 inches of snow on
the level and many claim that it will
reach as high as 24 inches or more. That
is a greater amount limn fell during the
entire winter of lH9-&0, nnd tho indica
tions are that there will ! no luck of
moisture during the coining soason.
Stkayed ok Sti From rny place,
10 miles northwest of Harrison ou Jan.
2-4, 1891, one dark givy horse colt, 8
months old, weight about fiOO pounds.
Had a strap around his neck with ring
attached. A bin nil reward will be paid
for information leading to his recovery.
A. R. Kennedy.
. lu this issue appears tin article on
the financial question, the writer of
which differs with Mr. Stewart. The
discussion of such questions through the
columns of a paper cannot but be inter
esting and instructive if properly con
ducted. We hope that any one who de
sires to express, his views on the subject
will not hesitate to take a bund. All
will lie treated alike in the matter, and
the readers can draw their own con
clusions. The Australian ballot system of con
ducting elections has been considered in
the house and recommended to pass. It
provides titat two members of the elec
tion board shall sign the ballots on the
buck and tliat when the ballot is offered
by tlie voter it shall be folded so as to
conceal the markes inside, but expose to
view the names of the election ollicers
on the liack. An emergency clause is
attached so that it will be used at the
city elections. If it becomes a law the
legislature will have accomplished a
goxl deal.
Tn another column appears the pro
ceedingsjof a farmers meeting held in
Harrison on last Tuesday. When the
Stale Journal of Jan. 30th was received,
it was found to contain a statement con
cerning Sioux county, made by D. W.
Woody which is published in another
column of this issue, and the fanners de
cided to have a meeting for the purpose
of expressing, their indignation. What
the ob ject of Mr. Woody was can only lie
surmised but it certainly does not show
a desire to do anything but retard the
agricultural interests of Sioux county.
The inconsistency of the man is clearly
demonstrated by the statements he made
and the fact tliat he asks for need to put
out a crop of 100 acres. The famietn
are thoroughly aroused, on the subject
for it looks to litem like a deliliernte at
tempt to take the bread from the mouths
of themselves and families, and no sane
man can blame them for resenting an at
tempt to drive them out of the country.
The stab was not made at Sioux county
alone, but at all. north "vent.Nebrask and
it will to surprising if Mr. Woody does
not hear from the farmers of other
counties. .
Tbe Financial Question.
Editor Jot'RNAL: In his article which
apjiearej in The JoCKNaL of Jan. 20th
Jfr. Stewart states that the banks own
every dollar in the United States and
tliat the money Kwer can render this
eople homeless and projiertyless.
What of it? What are the "dollars" and
w4iat are they wortfi, and what will the
'money power" do with all of our homes
and all of our property"; I would ask
the gentleman to commence where he
left off and tell us the linal outcome.
Does he believe that dollars and money
are wealth? When he says tliat a cer
tain class owns all the dollars does it im
ply that the' possess any mote real
wealth tliun the fellow with all the "po
ker chips?' If tlie people should refuse
to exchange the commodities which
make up the necessities and comforts of
life for dollars, who would lie the money
power then the fellow w ith the dollars,
the fellow with the poker chips, or the
one with the things which sustain lift?
When John Smith exchanged his brass
gew-gaws with the Indians for furs,
skius and provisions, w hich was the ca
itnlist before the swapping process began?
In my opinion no nation on earth was
ever richer in God given wealth than are
we to-day.
Will Jfr. Stewart kindly give us the
definition of the terms "wealth", "capi
tal" and "money power" which he has
used so frequently during tlie past half
The people seem to worship the dollars
and the dollars are therefore considered
by some to lie wealth. If they should
tran.'fcr their affections to white ele
phants and nature should remain obsti
nate and al4ain from producing enough
so we could nfl have as many as desired
would we be any richer or any jioorer be
cause we did not'possess that which' we
One moulder of public opinion has told
us "a contented mind is a continual
feast." Would one so endowed lie rich
and a capitalist? ; Eminent economic
writers have told (and I would as soon
take their judgment as that of Mr. Stew
art) that "the capital of a nation really
comprises all thosu portions of the pro
duce of industry existing in it that may
be directly employed either to support
human existence or to facilitate produc
tion." , As "food in tho possession of a
hotel keeper; pig-iron in the hands of tlie
smelter, or founder or dealer; the bel
lows of a blacksmith; tlie looms of a
factory, would lie accounted capital."
Yet Mr. Stewart evidently believes and
would have tho people believe that the
"dollar'' is the only wealth, although he
migni, nave a minion "dollars in Ins
pocket w hich were at one time consid
ered wealth by those in possession of it
and yet be unable to buy a "two-bit"
meal of vituals. Such "money" is in
existence to day in plenty, and I should
think that the sight of the worthless
stuff ought to convince any sane man
that "dollars" are not wealth nor the
possessors thereof capitalists.
Yours for knowledge,
On last Saturday word was received
by Will Davis that his father, D. P. Dav
is, was sick at Hot Springs, S. D., and
later in the day another message was re
ceived that he was dying and for Will to
come at once. He left onthe evening
train and his father died at 1 o'clock Sun
day morning. Mr. Davis was an old set
tler in Sioux cobnty and was known to a
great many of the residents. Tho be
reaved family have the sympathy of
friends in their affliction.
Notice (t t'eiiicst.
t s. Land Office, I
l iiaiiko.v, Neii. j
lice. 12, 1800.
Complaint No. 2W having been entered at
thin office by Hugh V. Macl.nchlan ngainst
John A. Serlvner for failure to comply w ith
law as to timber culture entry No. W, dated
January II, lssfl, upon the e iiwX.hwIC nwK
and nw i, sw V, section I.'!, township 28,
ningo Wl, in sloii x county, Nebraska, with a
view to the cancellation of said entry; con
testant alleging that said claimant has
w holly .abandoned said tract In that lin has
lulled to break or otherwise cultivate any
lsirtion of nald tniet sinee making said en
try, and that lie has failed t euro such de
fee tn up to dale of this nllldavit, to w'lt:
Dee. 8, Mm.
T he said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 12 day of Febru
ary issil, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and
furnish testimony concerning wild alleged
Testimony of witnesses will bo taken be
fore (leorge Walker, a notary public, at his
office In Harrison, Neb., on the ft dav of Fcby
Isai. nt 10 a. in. T. F. Powhlts, Keceiver.
II. T. Con ley; Contestant's Atty. hi 21
Notice of Suli? I'uder Chattel Mortgage.
Notice U hereby given that bv virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated on the 23th day of
March, Ikiiii, and duly tiled in tbivolllce of tho
county clerk of Sioux count v, Nebraska, on
the t h day of October, IMW1, and executed
by John I'lelersen to Henry IMcslcr to se
cure the payment, ol the mini of HW.M, and
upon which there Is now due the sum of
fnf.CI. Ileinnlt having been made In lh of satd hiiiii, and no suit or other
proceedings at law having been Instituted to
recover said debt or any part theseof, there
lure I will sell a part of the properly therein
(lesei llM)d, viz.: red heifer, a years old, nt
pillule auction, at J! mtrose, Slonx county,
Neli.ion the Mill day of February, Isttl, ut I
o clook, p. in. of tr.iiil ilav.
Administratrix of the estate of Henry Illes
ter, deceased.
Hy Thomas J. Clark, Agent.
Ihtted, February 3, 1hj, ,
And now is the
Stoves and Firni
Oats and Bran Always on
Barrel and Rock Salt for Cattle.
Come in and see our new lot of TEAS in FANCY BASKETS, only 60 cents
a pound.
Fresh Cranberries..
A New Stock of HATS for MEN,
just arrived.
Ranch Supply House.
MacLachlan & Cook, Props.
Tne qu-estloiii is frequently asked
"What salary is the county attorney of
Sioux county entitled to receive?" The
I J.w provides that in counties containing
less than 2,500 people the salary of that
office shall be $:100 per year. Tlie census
of 1890 showed that Sioux county con
tained 8,449 people and fcorwequently the
county attorney is entitled to but $300
In the past the counly-attorr.ey has been
allowed $"00 and at the last meeting of
the commissioners some who were inter
ested told the board that they could not
reduce the salary during an officer's term
of ofllce and tliat consequently the pres
ent incumbent could get $f)00. County
Attorney Con ley was consulted on the
point and he stated that the fact that -am
excessive amount hud been paid in thi
wst was no reason . why the practice'
should be continued and that all he wa
entitled to for the year 1891 as salary
would 1 f300. Should the population
increase so as to reach the 2,500 the sal
ary would increase to $500 after that
It is a fact worth knowing that, as a
household remedy, for children and
adults, Ay 91-' it Pdlsare invaluable, .
Smith Merriam At the residence of the
parents of the groom, in Harrison.
Thursday, January 29, 1891, by Rev,
E. EvE. Rrttick, "r. Krai if D. Smith
and Mias Silla Merrioiu, both of Har
rison, Nebraska.
Both are well known to the people of
Sioux county, the groom being a mem
ber of the firm of W. R. Smith & Son,
and the bride has occupied a position in
the ranks of the teachers of Sioux coun
ty and all extend best wishes for a long
and happy married life.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned desire to express their
thanks to tlie people of Harrison and vi
cinity for the kindly assistance rendered 1
and for their attendance at the "Crazee '
Tee." The receipts of the evening, $6.75 '
went in the fund to pay the expense of
restoring the sight of J, W. Scott.
Ellen Sattkrlee,
Minne Smith.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood,1
and expels all poisonous elements, SolcM