The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 29, 1891, Image 5
i 3 J'D Well, Unci! A with youi )cla Israel J Jr. You sea. on sbeera for hart fa it harf crai , I didn't g carrlsfl on a Biothtr, and it ng to at a child Jtlna; astrida of lokinf a eLpr ust yer" ck of Seneca, 1 two years has Jeuralgia of the A Womb, and lid not seem to 1 and my appe kble. My face I dull, and I had t side. In the jot up I would Is in the mouth, jtc. Sometimes hart, and I had ling, palpitating )t heart. I ached houlder blades, i4own the back jned to be worse lther of Winter jtnever the spells id hands would ild get no sleep jrwhere, and got g August Flowci me. It has done 1 of good during jtn it and is work " 9 Vfr, Woodbury, N.J jjle Women. Bosltin, who havi M to be practical fecording to the:. 0 numerous aw nvied all over tlx ii of the west it i: 1 of unprotectet loston,' ostensibly often in reality t i respect which li men in that city k the superfluou: Massachusetts hat Wh, but increase: rn immigration f things is createc . action of aingk u education 4 one X use of acquire jo becomes leu ano Vm Herald, , yr, we belie vp, wht i'a question, "la lift mm), 'That depenli &n Johnson doubt joint to tiio un Jbk life rosy,very king of troublo moll I anew. The live) f everything Milt. m into mountain) i result sick head ipstion. Two wuyr nnanentlv, or relieve I-a pill and suffer, oi fell. Shock the eye i or com it by a mild. ni Pellets are the j work effectively ( leave the system sugar-coated pallet I a whole vial costs I ilng and heeling is i Kemedy. Only GO April a, is sad others of sty aaalir.bsveMeaM. JMOOS Oil fcc M Mlfta sad rhaad M speedy, sJMtrs ttaaAmUust. iium tesana "iBtiHtrgMst Id tome." Some one writes to the 3f. T. Tri bune asking: "Are the expressions t better serve," to correctly understand, to carefully protect,' etc, grammati cally cor; act, or, if not ungrammatical, are they elegant The Tribune an iwers that "the ezpressioni cited and all others of similar construction, are utterallr ungramatical and inelegant, and should be scrupulously shunned by ali writers and speakers of the Eng lish language." Jim in altogether too j weeping it is the utterance of a mar tinet of language. The genius of th English tongue is its freedom from rigid grammatical fetters, and it is now fortunately escaping from the artificial restraints the grammarians, borrow ing from the rJaasfoaJ languages, hart Imposed npon ft. In order of the ad verb ana the uartlcle which is the sigr of the infinitive Is a matter for tht writer to decilk, 1 1 is as allowable t place the adverb between the sign and the verb in this Mie as it is to put it between the auxilarv and the verb ir such a phrase as "i iuld have bettei spared a better man." Later auothei paper presumed to pronounce the end ing of a sentence with a preposition in elegant whereas it depends entirely on the skill of the writer of the sen tence the usage is excellent idiomatic English. 1 lie Colors of Cigars. One of the most interesting things to me, being an ex-member of the trade, is to study the simple little brands o:i the ends of the cigar boxes in the to oacconists' stores and wonder how nany of the people who use the con tents know the meaning of the won) "claro," etc. Nowadays a smoker call) for a light, medium or dark colored cigar as his fancy dictates. To tlx lealer, however, there is a nicer and more exact method of naming th jhade. "Claro," for instance, standi for the lightest shade of all and is most ly found in the cheaper grade of two- fers. About the palest in color of the ordinary cigar is the "Colorado." Then somes "Colorado Maduro," next "Maduro," and lastly "Oscuro," which is the darkest heaviest cigar made The "Colorada Maduro" and "Maduro" shades are the most sought for in the best grades of domestic cigars, while consumers of imported brands run to "Maduro" and "Oscuro." It seems difficult to get a really good imported cigar that is not dark colored All of them are strong, and while many men effect the darkest, high priced kinds, I believe that but few of them really enjoy them. As good a cigar a? any man need smoke can now be bought for ten and fifteen cents. A few ex perts may find value and solace in a tin foil covered twenty five cent weed but when anything over a quarter is paid it is money thrown away for or nameuts like tin foil, band, fancy lin ings to box, etc. At present prices ol tobacco and labor a manufacturer can't put a value of fifty cents in out cigar unless he folds in twenty-five cents' worth of postage stamps, and yet many people smoke these expen Jive sorts. Chicago Journal. Fires and the Open Window. It isjneedless to point out the. good that a fire w ill do in keeping a room free from damp and all unwholesome moisture, and in many climates fre quently saving valuable furniture pianos tn particular from decay, nay. otten ruin. But it is not the air which is purified, but that a new, fresh am wholesone atmosphere has replaced tha one that has been used up. It ihort, the infected air has been rareilei by the heat, and proper ventilation be ing provided it expels itself from th. apartment Fire and combustion ii genera', so far from purifying polute air actually deteriorate a prodigioui quantity of it in a short time. Therefore not only a common fire but even a lighted candle (to say noth ing of lamps or gas), when kept in i well closed (or, more properly speaking an ill closed) room, wherein the exter ual air has not a free access, renden the air of that room noxious in an in credibly short space of time. Tht remedy is in our hands. It is for m mothers and housewives not only t give instructions, but to personally set that the upper sash of at least one win dow in each living room is opened at day long, and then gradually to accus torn ourselves, out children, and at over whom we have control, to sleet with them in that position. We should quickly find our own restless nights be come peaceful, while our little one would have the proportion of oxygen so essential to their young lives. Lon don Queen. . . ' t Haw te Saore). In order to snore one must keep the mouth open as well as the nose, and iu this condition the two currents of aii passing in and out together daring the abt of breathing eaten mis uuie cur tain between them and throw it into rapid vibration. This vibration, more or lest interne and sonorous, is what we call snoring. Hall's Journal. . Ttum (a as vet no satisfactory ma- china for cutting cornstalks In ths flald. Self binding reapers are used In some localities to cut we smauer vane ties of corn, but for Urge, fully ma tured torts these do not work well run TtiMth utb. "Out ot every flvi ummib in Tendon one diet either it faa botpUal, asylum or workhoussa." NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. There is a!k of reviving the Araos hoe cornet band. The Sons of Veterans' camp at Hardy has bear, reorganized. There, are five prisoners in the Lin coln county jail at North Piatte. An anti-high five club has been organ ized by the young people of Yorir. Madison county will have fair this year at Norfolk Be) t -mber23, 24 and 2.1 An independent military company has been organized at Candy with 49 member. The commissioners of Garfield coun ty have taken steps to secure aid fort .e oetd citizens of the county. Rev. John Power has been invited to remain another year as pastor of the Blair Congregational cburcb. The creamery it Neligh made 00,000 pounds of butter from November and pad out 110,000 to its patrons. The rc sidence of Rev. R, O. Wood of Keoesaw was destroyed by fire which originated from a defective Hue, but the bouaehold goods were saved. The Thayer county jail is again va cant. Dave Chapman, its last occupant in for stealing a sadd e and bridle, hav ing served his time and been discharge! A crazy woman in the Wayne county jail pulled the straw from her bed lick and net it on fire, but the flames were discovered by the sheriff before any damage was done. Stock ville ice harvest is reported atnut over for this winter. There is about 300 tons stored now. Diphtheria is prevailing to an alarm ing extent in the region of Elwood and in many cases is proving fatal. L. O. Brooker of Scott s Bluff t county found a pair of Tex us horus ths other day which measured five feet nine inches from tip to tip. It reminds us of old days, A. Shimmel's little boy, who lives at Napanee, died with diphtheria. Their little girl and only child is sick with the same disease. W. C. Gordon, superintendent of the poor farm of Saunders county, died Jon. 11, 1801, aged Co years and 4 months. Mr. Gordon lived near Ashland until he was appointed to the superintendency of the poor farm, several years ago. Oneida township in Kearney county indulged in a grand wolf hunt recently. An army of men aud boys with guns and pitchforks marched halt a day, ut tering unearthly yells; they finally met in Ball's pasture and surrounded two jack rabbi It. George Reed and Reuben Pooth, were apprehended near Ellis, in the act of stealing a wagon load of bated hay from the farm of D. D. Clemens. The bay was found in their posseeaion, aud they were compelled to return it at the big end of a shotgun in the hands of Mr. Clemens. The thieves confessed and were later lodged in the county jail. Reed has only within the pa t year been released from the penitentiary at Lin coin from a term for forgery. M as Nellie Royce broke through the ice and came near drowning. She was rescued by Colonel Bills and taken home. A Bohemian was taken out of the Platte river nearly drowned near Morse Bluff a few days ago. lie only lived Bhort time. It is supposed that in at tempting to cross the river he broke through the ice, and in falling hid hurt himself in some way, as he had bled quite freely. He had managed to reach he shore and lay there insensible. He was a sober, hard working man and had laid un quite a sum of money. He had no relatives in this country. The elevator at Danbrog owned by G. B. Salter, burned down the other night. The town has no fire orotectioa and the oitizens were powerless to check the fire. The insurance is about 12,200 but still Mr. Bolter is a heavy loser. Fully one thousand buahe's of grain were de stroyed. There is no clue to the origin of the fire. Nelson A Cc, general merchants of Bertrand, who were closed on chattel mortgage recently, will hardly be able to resume business and several parties are negotiating fcr the stock. Perkins county has never had a jail, but the town ot Grant and the county commissioners have jointly leased the basement ot the First National bank and will transform it into a baatile. " Thirteen inmates have been dis charged from the Dodge county poor bouse during the year and twelve re main. The total expense ot the farm was 1604 .62 and the cash income was 1617.15. There was also on hsnd Janu ary L 1,800 bushels of corn, 600 bushels of oats and thirty tons of hay. Great excitement is aroused by two attempts made to fire tho town of Covington, Neb. Five buildings were Hied and nine prepared, all of them be ing in communication with other build ings, chiefly wooden, snd ia eaoh case aunr holes had been bored through the sidings and oil poured in. Preparations had been made to destroy the pontoon bridge to out off assistance from Sioux Citr. It was at first believed to be the work ot vigilantes to destroy and rid the place ot bad resorts and tough charac ters, but lster Bob Setter, alias "Beef steak Dob," a notorious character, was arrested oa strong oiroumstantial evidence. A. AN 8 AS IN BKIEF. J. L. Bur well, s prominent stockman, of Hutchinson, oommitt! auioile by bing himself three times in the right side with a pocket-knife. Financial trouble added to LoJily illneee wse tht cause. He was 36 years old and un married. The Kansas improved stockbreeders association met in Topeks to form a state orginizstion. The Hon. Martin Mohler, secretary of the state board of agriculture, read the call after which E. Bencett, of Topeka was made tempor ary chairman and B. A. Heath of the Kansas Farmer temporary secretary. A committee consisting of S. S. Benedict, Mfj-jr William Simms and IL HMth was appointed on permanent organiza tion and constitution and bylaws. In the af.ernoon the following officers were elected: President, Major William Sims, of Topeka; vice president, J. W. John son, ot Hamilton; secretary, W. II. Pope- noe jr., of Berrytoc; treasurer, J. B. Mc Afee of Topeka; directors, S. E. West brook of Penbody, O. E. Morse, of Mouod City, Colonel L Stewart, of Wichit i Samuel Jewett of Livrence and Colonel W. A. Parish of Lion wood. A resolu tion was adopted urgently requeuing Senators Ingalls and Plumb to secure the passage of the Conger pure lard bill at the earliest day possible. Tne state board of agriculture con vened at 6:30 o'clock Jen. 14, in Rspre- sentative hall. The usual committees were appointed and the od drees of wel come was delivered by Governor Hum phrey and was.reeponded ' to by the president ot the board, the Hon. A. W. Smith. Papers were read bv Joshua Wheeler of Nortonvillle, A. C. Smith, of Ottawa, S. M. Alexander of Ulysses snd W. F. Lyon of St Francis. A tariff wrtngle resulted from Mr. Wheeler's paper in which ex-Governor Glica at tacked the protective policy as tending to centralize wealth. E. P. Harris jr., son of E. P. Harris, foreman at the state printing bouse at TopeKB, attended an oyster 6upper at Glenn's school house, near Lecompton, with a Miss Heise. While returning home, about 1 o'clock, a man climbed into the back of the wagon. Harris or dered him out and struck a match and got an imperfect glimpse of the man, who jumped from the wagou and ran up the road. Harris left his wagon and pursued the man down the roiid. Sud denly the pursued fe'l and Harris fell on top ?f bim aud was stabbed ropeat rdly in the breast, arms and wrist, a cut on the wrist levering un artery. Miss Heise drovo him to a doctor, where the wounds were dressed. The man is un known. Bishop Engle of the United Brethren church, Bel e Spring?, a prominent minister and leading farmer, assigned for 100,000. His esseVs are land and stock; value unknown. He has a large acquaintance in Kansas and the credit ors are mostly members of his church. In the oratorical contest of the Kan sas Wesleyen university to select a dele gttte for the annual state meeting held at Saline, Mr. Eugene Harris was the successful contestant. His oration on "Reserve Poer" was a masterly effort. C. V. Burtch won second honors and J. W. Speese (colored) third. A valuab'e portion of Horton, Brown county wis destroyed by an incendiary fire, and the loss is estimated at 1150,- 000. The fire included among other property the handsome building owned by the Rock Island railread. Horton is a prosperous town of 5,000 inhabitants that five years ago was a cornfield. Its sudden growth was caused by the loca tion of the Rock Island shops there. vV. W. Curdy, ot Topeka dealer in dry goods failed. He made an assignment to L. L. Turner, vice president of the Kansas National bank. The assets are estimated at $20,000, liabilities 140,000. By the breaking of a scaffold on the in Uiawatha two painters, unaries ... . . A 1 Darville and John Frazer. fell a distance of thirty feet The former sustained a broken ankle. Fraser struck on his head, producing concussion of the brain. Dr. W. W. Nye happened to be near the scene of the accident and made hasty examination. He says the injur ies ot Frazier may prove fatal. Lieutenant James D. Mann, Seventh cavalry, died at Fort Riley at 3 o'clock on the morning of the 15th. He was wounded in the battle on Wounded Knee creek, South Dakota, December 29. With military rifoe the remains were laid to rest in the military ceme tery. The service of the Episcopalian church was read at the post chapel, which was filled with sorrowing friends. The Kansas and Missouri railway oompsny has fileda charter. It is for the purpose constructing and operating a railroad and telegraph line of stand ard guage from Boonville, Ma, to Tope ka, 200 miles in length, with offices at Kansas City, Kan. Tha directors named are J. R. Taylor, H. A. McCreary O. II. Pettibone, John Killer, Kansas City, Mo., W R. Taylor and R. W. Wig gins, Wichita, Kan., and W. H. Wilkin son, Kausas City, Kan. The capital s'lock is to be 5,000,000. In oxpeotstion ot the psssage of Man sur's bill to open up the Cherokee strip an effort is being made to concentrate the O'Connor and D.ll colony, number ing about three thousand persona a Caldwell tor immediate settlement of lbs strip. - - v HP Used in Millions of Homes O If f. a. BABBEX, nhat . a. STREET, I Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. I Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the I taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. !tlfewiailuil(j)lb A GOOD FARM near a County Seat in the Kepublicai Valley, Xebr., to trade for live stock, oi stock of merchandise. Address Itox 18G, York, Nebr. A Fact. (From u interview, N. T. World.) In an interview with a leading drug house the N. Y. World, Nov. , 1890, gives the following comment on the proprietors of reliable patent medicines: "lie is a specialist, and should know more of the disease he actually treats than the ordinary physiciau; for while the latter may come across say fifty cases in a year of the particular dis ease which this medicine combats, its manufacturer investigates thousands. Do you suppose his prescription, which you buy ready made up for 50 cents, is likely to do more good than that of the ordinary physician, whocharges you anywhere from 82 to 810 for giving it, and leaves you to pay the cost of hav ing it prepared? "The patent medicine man.too, usual ly has the good sence to confine himself to ordinary, every-day diseases, lie leaves to the physiciau cases in which there is immediate danirer to lite, such as violent fevers, lie does this because, iu the treatmeut of such cases.there are otber elements of importance besides medicine, such as proper dieting, good nursing, a knowleugo of the patient's strength and so on. Where there is no absolute danger to life, where the dis ease is one which the patient can dia gnose for himself or which some physi cian lias already determined, the patent medicine maker says fearlessly: '1 have a preparation which is better than any other known and which will cure you.' In nine cases out ot ten Ins statement is true." This is absolutely true as regards the freat remedy for pain, St. Jacobs Oil. t can assert without fear of contradic tion, that it is a Di'oinot and uermanent cure of pain. It can show proofs of cure chronic cases of 20, 30 and 40 years' standing. In truth it rarely ever tails if used according to directions, ami u large proportion of cures is made by halt tne contents ot a single uoiue. it is therefore the best. SARCASTIC. Texas Siftings: -'Now, my friend, a-hat will you do with that money ?1 aid an old gentleman to a tramp M whom he had given a nickel. Tram tgazing at tho coin): "Well, I guess I'l 0 to the races and bet some of it. l I lose I reckon 111 spend tho summet atAshbury park instead of going Is" Saratoga." Everybody Had a SUoa Philadelphia Times: -I like tha ftitH lisposition," said Scadley as a maides passed down to the beach in particular! iy abbreviated bathing robes. "Know tter V" asked Rathbone. "No, but I cat tee she's disposed so far as she can U civs everybody a show." Let every enfeebled woman know it! There's a medicine that'll cure her, and the proof's positive ! Here s the proof it it doesn't do you good within reasonable time, report the fact to its makers and get your money back witnout a word but you won't do it ! The remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it has proved itself the right remedv in nearly every case of female weakness. It is not a miracle. It won't cure everything but it has done more to build-up tired, enfeebled and broken - down women than any other medi cine known. Where's the woman,, who's not ready for it? All that we've to do is to get the news to her. The medicine will do the rest. Wanted Women. First to know it. Second to use it. Third to be cured by it. The one comes of the other. The scat of sick headache is not in the brain. Regulate the stomach and you cure it. Dr. Pierce s Pellets are tne little regulators. ,K V U.-HL York.Nsa. Bakiol 40 Years the Standard. MlMhsM Md. Dos a fajeva skssfe, bfeatagiaaldiaUiic. Tsussssh eC fist i&U. amdtoreiraaJM sea ffiasa, aaas) 1 Win. AiMmi Spur Wire Fence Co., MODS BUILDING, CSUOAOO. OfK Barntuy. Ws. BOLDENWKK. npilimOrMorphine Habit Dr. S. n. COLLi'nS, Orlaiaal Ufenovatwi Fofalsas Optus AatMet. WU'.jbi roe. at barj without say nrwnunarf dumb, a: oman sr inspection scare lerieaa Blypr Bnildia. Men r unUnjo. UU P. a Drawer Ml (OnMrir IS THE BEST MEDICINE tor 9w General Ailments ot Horses, CatUa, Bass and Sheep. They purify the blood, pravsat aad cure disease. Honest and reliable, la m aarluirev used and warranted (orevart ear Rvervofie owning a horse or cattle lve li a inai. jnaae 07 r. k ( - rnitriir 10., Chicago. Bold by all draaslsta GMIIIECT Cans Chapped Haads, fas ass Line. Tan. Sanborn, rial plan. Makea roug-h aUa tort and saMMS without being tricky or gnu. Delicately perfunwd .Raneenanii powder inrinibft and makes KM. Bare to the ikia. Imparting at aaas a brilliant complexion. Pries Be. Hailed to any addreeio ncilpl oi price. Send postal nota,aUvej arstampe. AddreetpUialy, a biliuflawii Til Chamber of Comrades, rhlrsgai The largest ttock of Aram cUl Eye in the Wat An ortmentoi eyes senitaan 'address, allowing parch s to select on or mora aad re turn the bslaaee tha ran Office, 16J State Chicago, Ul. B. B. A. CAMriJCI.U, US. SS. JU . luna- and operatistT urgeoa to Use CI a v.. rwr.OT Patients at distance 1 artta anDaralleled nccsa and when visiting the da arriddboardadlodatraasoaal FAT FOLKSiiS ISU. astallal C. IOT OrCUisUV SU11 VlamunsJllSsUeV awuraaaas. lioTw..lIBsAsmit,Cal pma UUtss. 8 todaliTi8toli Wad.aad gat. Fre8 Trade Prices Ho Protection No Hon aotlaal We are now sellinc oat Western Improved Binast Bowing ffrrhlns si an as eni complete witb all at tachment and warranted taohmenta and for f rears for only Si C teiio toi circular and see fnlliWriptlonof tb ind other style to St. A. SealUa A Oa. Hlw 1 alee ,. Ckieaan- W. POSITIVELY, Stomach Powder, Ha no atrosl (or as anr of Dyspepei ssat Indi"ti0piloe 7S Cents Per Box, Boflolent torS day treatment. Mailed to f address npon receipt of price. Writs few tjmoni). rOPH OsVJSKAIC STOMACH POWDISOa ssa w. Poik at, chioLao, m a MssUfatMslsrailatlft iewltnf wdl ' lorU I nHT.vtad.MMM of ml..A I 11.1. tVsas alaaMllt b weakness psoalis to women. ... -rrr.a. ' Iorcrlt)ltandf1 I "ai-jvr-i-war sraisiawww VASELINE. FUB Un n. sem on uj niu, we win Urer, free of all charges, to any ,Pron iaj ths United Ktatee, all tha foDowiag article oarafnllj packed Id . nsst box. . JQ IWO-UUilUPJ uuiUBVaaaWa TVaWaism. 4rrwaaa On two-onno bottle Tanlin Pomade U One Jar of Vaseline Cold Cream " One cake of Vaseline Camphor las.... .IS On cake of Vaseline soap, nnsoeatd..W On oak of Vaseline soap, sooted. " Outwo-ooaos botttoWhSlsTssaUM...IS ' earn sTlU Or for stamps snysiagls artlo! at pries Bamed. ai ou na awwuu w nw - be careful to aecept only genuine good ftby u in original paokwes. A gnat many druggtoU ar. M-Tlni to persuade buyer to takeVasaUae act up by them. New yield to moh persuaaipn.ata articl is an Imitsttion without valne, and wlllnoi Meal T SWIll 1IST SW1 a atSA UIiAe1M waaaa Chesebrough atTg Co, MStaUBtKe-iork. The roool eomplnle line of yjreas lUform Uoods in Ins north-west. Including Ihe eel brated Equipoise and Vf aists. Jennces Millr special Uee and Jersey Knit Underwear, tiend rtamp tor freo Musi rated catalogue. 75 Madison si., Chicago. r-npiiotoarc;-3 I OUTTXTt wmn u "1 pmol utr raits h mET.WAlUW4VW iJ IW aiaWsfcaaaUs, GonsunPTion. I hat a posHifa remedy for ths shot oanaasi by Ma ass aheaaud of ease of the worst Mod aedef keag saShigastabsea eared. ladesaMaMeagtaawfaah aiasaSMaey, that I will asad two sxrfnas rnB8.wah STALUABLI nUATIU sa tha erases la say avi an who will sssdsM tketr BiptastMMi P.O. .atliata f, A, atwawas, tX. Cm 111 rMtH law K. a mam mm liiiilii&iliil TI0Ssf OK spatfactiL r o. 1 TBI ATyMrr.nisTts sriar llrni