The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 29, 1891, Image 4

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I was a bachelor, not wealthy, but
ror'ented and happy. ) am stiJl a
bailor, contented but cot happy.
Till is the difference between Thomas
Growler of a month ago and the same
person today. 15ut one short month ago
I thought nothing of matrimony. I
smoked my pipe in comfort at my lodg
ings (in the city of Canterbury) or sewea
refractory buttons upon my clothing
without a thought of any female to
take that employment out of my hands.
But 1 was one day seated in the beau
tiful grounds of the Daue John, watch
in the children drinking at the foun
tain, when a shadow fell upon the path.
It might have been the shadow of eom
lng events, but upon looking around I
Mi,rf n, substance was n
n(iitvu "
very beautiful young lady, with rogu
ish blue eyes that might have been the
headquarters if fun and good humor,
looking at me from a frame of golden
Now, you need not imagine that I,
sober gentlemen of 40, was in love
withagirL Nothing of the kind. She
was at least 30, and a ragged little boy
who stood near, whose tongue I loos
ened with a piece of silver, told me
that she was a widow, who owned a
mail f,.rm niitside the town, and tuat
her name was Mrs. Faber. He also in
formed me that her brother lived with
her and managed the property.
Upon the following morning I great
ly surprised my friend, Harry Powers,
by praising the Widow Faber, and re
questing an introduction. He gazed
at me a moment in speechless aston
ishment, and I think that he really
thought of knocking me down with
Webster's Dictionary and calling for
assistance. But Harry was engaged
himself, and soon comprehended the
state of afiairy. So he dropped the
Itook upon the table and invited me to
a picnic which was to take place in the
woods in a few days, where I should
meet the lady and be introduced.
I immediately purchased a new suit
f clothes, a beautiful wig and a pair
of tight boots, and when the morning
of the festival dawned crowded .myself
into the broadcloth, put on my wig,
and after much preparation and stroug
language had been wasted managed to
sqn-eze my feet iuto the patent leath
ers, where they felt as if incased in red
hot iron boot.
At the picnic 1 received the prom
ised introduction, and had the pleasure
of escorting Agnes all day. She talked
with me, aud we attacked the stables
In company, investigating the interior
of pigeon pies and dissecting chickens
together. I was happy all day, and
when at parting she invited me to visit
her I believe the tightness ny waist
coat was all tht prevented my heart
from bursting its bonds. My feet pre
vented me from sleeping that night,
but I was willing to suffer in such
cause, and I bore it without a murmur.
One day 1 hired a horse and gig at
the livery stable, and started toward
the farm to carry Anges to a party at a
neighboring town. She was already
dressed when I drove up, and looked
beautiful in a new bonnet and shawl.
We were very comfortable and our
conversation was very interesting. I
was advancing rapidly in her good
opinion, and was beginning to think
seriously of popping the question, when
the horse stopped suddenly as if turned
to stone. We both tumbled suddenly
foffurd with a low bow, and my com
pamws lovely nose came into sharp
contact with the dashboard.
I immediately jumped out to see
what was the matter, but everything
about the horse appeared to be all
right, and I again climbed into the gig
and prepared to start. But the horse
obstinately refused to move. I coaxed
and flattered, but be would not be per
suaded. I thrashed him with the whip
until my wrist ached, but he remained
immovable as a statue. At last I
sharpened a hedge stake, took my seat,
gave the reins to my companion and
him a tremendous blow. I hardly hoped
to see him stir, but he did, and started
with a leap that almost threw me on
my back. 1 immediately seized the
reins, but his determination had taken
another channel, and he would not
stop. I tugged at the reins and shouted
''Whoa!" but be held the bit between
his teeth and rushed along the road
like a runaway comet
Agnes screamed and 1 roared as we
dashed by the farm houses with the
I of a locomotive. The horse's
i splintered the dashboard at every
leap, and the bright shoes twinkled
Ill s small stars in dangerous proximity
w oar eyes. Finally the wheels struck
: a tree, the horse stumbled and the next
iaemnt I was lying upon my back in
the road.
, FeeUng like an txhauited bellows I
regained my breath and picked myself
op after a while, but what a situation!
Acaat lying upon the trass,' with torn
.ttx sad disordered hair, while her
djsen was roiling along the pathway
pmaed by a terrier. The horse stood
;psfaodgaedealmly upon the
rcaa.jl was without hat, covered
Ci BBfc . The boys shouted boister
asl the oocapany, who preceived
Ctwvwwere uninjured laughed. I
WUrajsaped into the river to
Vn$mU,mil ssrtertalwd serious
t " i 1mm m t At. . La
I J wi,wii i uwugm
IT 'CiAtMutmi Afnes to arise.
XltrC fcawjr tarn for the
wrecked gig. I was scratched and dis
couraged. Agnes had turned the cold
shoulder and I was in despair, nui i
wrote her a letter explaining matters
and begging to be again taken into
favor. 1 was overjoyed to .'receive an
encouraging reply. She forgave me
and would not give me up, but her
brother was very angry and would not
permit her to see me. If 1 wouiu
come upon the following evening to
the farm I could reach her window by
means of the grapevine, and we couiu
think the matU-r over.
This letter cheered me wonderfully
and when the clock struck 9 upon the
fniinwin-nurht I walked gaily to the!
farm, passed around to the rear and
perceived a white figure at the window.
A large dog, which was lasi'-ueu m
kennel under the window, threateud to
raise an alarm, but a few words from
Agnes quieted him. I clambered up
the vine and was soon at her side, I
was so happy that the grapevine might
have been the ladder to paradise.
Agnes was forgiving and lovely, and
we conversed for an half hour without
a thoutrht of the lower world.
I was calmly gazing at the farm
which would soon be my own when the
door opened. Upon turning I saw the
obnoxious brother standing in the door
way with a very suspicious whip in his
hand. He looked angry, and 1 imme
diately comprehended his purpose. It
was not in human n dure to remain
quiet, and w hen he sprang toward me
with an angry howl I answered with a
yell, and springing through the window
began slipping down the vine.
I would no doubt have made a
masterly retreat, but I was a few feet
from the top when the brother cut the
fastenings with his knife, and the vine
and myself fell together. Unfortu
nately I dropped upon the roof of the
kenneL The roof not being able to
hold showers of fallen humanity, gave
away, and 1 tumbled directly into the
jaws of the bulldog. The jaws, with a
howl, fastened upon my leg, and for a
moment there was a terrible battle be
tween us. At last the dog unfastened
to take a fresh bite, and I took advant
aare for the moment to get away; but
my enemy again fastened upon my
coat tails, and as I could not drag dog
aud kennel over the fence I was unable
to move.
The dog pulled one way and I the
other, and for a while the issue was
very doubtful, but I caught a glimpse
of one of the farm laborers advancing
with a pitchfork and gave a desperate
jerk. It was too much for the strongest
of cloth, and leaving the torn portion
in the dog's possession, I bounded
away toward the barnyard fence. But
I discovered in time that I was charg
ing upon the couched pitchfork of the
servant and. turnine quickly to the
right, took a fifing leap over the gar
den wall Unluckily I attempted to
fly without wings; my feet caught in
the stones and I turned a somersault
into the garden.
Instead of falling upon the grass
dived headforemost iuto a straw bee
hive. The beehive went over on the
ground and I followed; but the bees
were the first to pick themsslves up,
and when I arose to my feet a whole
colony was ready to settle upon nie.
Tney swarmed in my hair, and
crawled under my clothing until I was
frantic. The more I stamped and beat
and raved, the more they stung me,
At last I gave a stamp of tremendous
force: my tight patent leathers burst.
and just as my feet protuded at the
sides I stepped in the overturned hive
I meght as well stepped in the fire; the
little tormentors stung my feet, and I
danced like a bear upon hot plates for
the same reason.
i was stm wildly beating the air
when I perceived all the farm servants
whom my shouts had aroused, charg
mg in a body. They shouted "Thief,1
and flourished their weapons and
began to think of leaving that neigh
borhood in a hurry. But i was deter
mined upon revenge. I could not be
stung any worse than I was; so I
grasped the hive that stood upon the
bench and hurled it into the crowd.
I had the pleasure of seeing it drop
upon the brother's head like a huge
hat, and to see the individual throw it
off and roll upon the ground in anguish.
I never derived so much pleasure from
hearing a person swear before.
I could hear my pursuers breathing
hard near me, and expected every mo
ment to feel the spikes of the pitch
fork behind, when I stumbled over a
stone and fell headlong into the river.
The men behind, unable to check them
selves, followed, and the next moment
we were all struggling in the water.
It was not deep, and was the best
accident that could have happened to
me, as it rid me of the . bees. I soon
arose and scrambled up the steep bank,
where I stood to look around. In one
place a head appeared above the water;
in another a pair of feet kicked in the
air, without any visible owner. Hats,
pitchforks and men were mixed in a
confused heap, while all plunged and
pulled like a shoal of porpoises. Al
though I was smarting with pain the
scene was too ludicrous to be gazed on
with a sober countenance, and I
laughed until I could roar no longer.
Bnt when I reached my rooms I did
not feel so welL 1 knew that I bad
lost Agnes forever, besides the bear?
sum for the gig and toe new suit My
face wai swelled for many days, audi
could not leave the r.ouse. To be sure
.r,mnff!,B neighbors had witnessed
the battle, and wliei it was shown how
I had punished them I was quitea hero
among my friends, rraise, iiuunc,
did not replace ihe missing money, aud
Agnes would not speak to me in me
street. So I was w retched.
. I am now a confirmed bachelor, aud
I look with a thankful heart upon the
chaos cf 1 oof jacks and boots in my
room will o it the least desire tochange j
my condition. I look upon all widows ,
as attractive destroyers, and my exper-1
i-nt has been such as to confirm my
hatred of the sex. Of course all w ho :
think different are welcome to be fet
tered, but if 1 was to choose between
hanging and winning a widow 1 would
select the least of the evils, aud patron
ize the executioner. Agnes is Uill a
w idow, and her brother is married audi
hear, with grim satisfaction, that he is
henpecked. New York World,
Surprising, if True
A robust man of about (5 years of
age entered the oflice of the board of
auditors a day or two ago. He called
Auditor Ilolihan aside and related the
following: "In the year 1840 I arrived
in the city of Detroit, sick and desti
tute. I went to the mayor, whose
name I have forgotten, laid my case
before him, and he kindly allowed me
quarters in the county house. I was
there three weeks, and now I want to
square myself with the county for the
favors rendered." V liereat the robust
man pulled out two 850 bills and waited
for the astonished Ilolihan to gather
himself. "Why." exclaimed Mr. lloli
ban, "that was fifty years ago, and, of
course; there is no charge against you,
ana But tne robust man insisted on
paying up. He urged so firmly that
Mr. Ilolihan finally accepted S15 and
covered the sum back into the treasury.
But the old fellow would give no scrap
of his history and refused his name.
Detroit .News.
Young 51 u n, Get a Pretty
The pretty, wise head of a pure
hearted girl friend can help a young
man immensely.
Perhaps nothing will ever come of it
in the shape of aflianciug, but if you
know such a dear, sharp eyed creature,
my boy, just you value her friendship
Be sure you live so as to deserve and
keep her friendship. Then consult her
on a good many things. You will be
surprised how she can help you.
She will warn you against base fel
lows and silly girls. She will prevent
you repeating some society blunder
and a foolish mistake in your attire.
Hie will detect whether you are losir.g
ground with your customers or em
ployers and give you word in season;
you had better heed her, too. She will
see to-morrow plainer than you do yes
terday. " She sees by flashes where you
plod in slow reasoning.
There are few of us who do not have
occasion to remember the softening, re
fining society of some gentle girl friend
along our path; a real friend, whose
pretty head stands out along the mem
ory lands, surrounded with a halo al
most as bright as the head that is now
growing gray at our side. almost not
quite. Xew York Weekly.
Where the Ass Amuses a Crowd.
The common people ot Cairo resort
to the exhibitions of mountebanks who
teach camels, asses and dogs to dance.
The dancing of the ass is diverting
enough. After he has frisked and
capered sufficiently his master tells him
that the sultan means to build a great
palace, and will have to employ all the
asses in carrying mortar, stones and
oilier materials. , u pon ims tne ass
falls down with his feet upward, clos
ing his eyes and extending his chest as
if he were dead.
The owner loudly bewails his loss
and appeals to the bystanders for alms
to make it good. Then, having collec
ted as much as possible, he announces
that the ass is not really dead, but be
ing sensible of his master's necessity
has played a trick to secure provinder.
lie commands the ass to rise, but the
brute remains motionless in spite of all
the blows he can give him. At last he
proclaims that by virtue of an edict of
tlie sultan all the handsome ladies are
bound to ride out the next day upon
the comeliest asses they can find in
order to see a triumphal show, and
that the ladies are to entertain their
beasts with oats and Nile water. These
words are no sooner pronounced than
the ass rises up, prances and leaps for
joy. The master then declares that the
ass has been pitched upon by the war
den of his street to carry his deformed
and ugly wife, upoa wttafc the ass low
ers his ears and limps with one leg as
if lame.
The showman after rvtrarking that,
his donkey is a great adtiher of hand
some women, command him to single
out the prettiest one in ihs company,
and the well trained beast completes
the show by going about among the
peeple, and finally touching one of the
prettiest of the women witn big head,
to the great amusement of Ut crowd.
Youth's companion, .s
Crackers may be served out of a
cracker jar at dinner, though they are
usually in a dish at dinner, the jar be
lng most used at luncheon and teas. It
if still fashionable to make tea In the
parlor and offer it to callers, q,.
Have the team wJ nhod, or not at
Be sure of a
full supply of rough-
Always breed from a stallion that
will improve your Mock,
Keep the horses under good shelter
when the weather is cold and stormy.
A good colt will hardly come from a
poor mare, even if she is bred to a good
Id breeding good horses you have the
advantage in always having a gooJ
market for them.
If you breed a poor grade of horses
the market you will generally find, is I
one of low prices.
Hard work is not so apt to injure a
horse as the failure to receive proper
attention after the work.
The colt raised in a stall or close lot
is apt to be more awkward and soft
than one given plsnty of room.
The amount of dead capital invest
ed in idle horses is an immense sum.
How much are you adding to it?
To make horse raising profitable
breed the best. Pork will grow on
grass as well as either beef or mutton.
The man who is continually jerking
on the lines is not a good driver, and
will not succeed in getling the most
out of a horse.
To produce horses of a good appear
ance the mare must be carfully se
lected, of a good color and with fine
hair and a good form.
Care should be taken in handlino
young colts to be svstemetic. Train
them to do one thing at a time but
have them learn that thoroughly.
A horse that seems to work hard in
moving is really working hard, and is
not as desireable as one that moves
During the winter is a good time to
rest up tha work teams. They will be
vigorous and thrifty by the time spring
work coramenc-js.
It is a good plan to learn the disposi
tion of your colts while training them,
as under different dispositions they
require different treatment
The Poultry Yard.
Keep the feeding coops clean.
Young guineas are very tender.
Sweet corn makes a splendid
for young poultry.
A broad board makes a good feeding
place for soft feat.
During the winter, especially, it is
important to see that plenty of grit is
Poultry often do considerable dam
age if allowed to roost in the stables or
Systematic work in feeding and car
ing for the poultry Is what returns the
most profit
Rightly managed' red pepper fed to
poultry will aid materially to prevent
cholera at this time.
In some localities Kaffir com is
highly recommended as a food for
poultry during the winter.
All hens that do not show some par
ticular merit or evidence of thrift,
should be fattened and marketed.
Feed soft food in clan troughs.
.The poor farmer cannot afford
keep poor hogs.
Clover straw can always bo used
a good advantage far bedding.
Sorghum cut and cun-d in good sea
son makes an excellent n'iuter feed for
After it gets well ss-ued, blue grass
makes one of the best, If not the best,
pasture gr.As,
On the av.r?n fa m at least, there
is but little i!;injr f the hog house
being too v.'.-trm.
When it can Kt readily secured,
sweet skim milk is piesferable to sour
for feeding tp p;j?.
The cleaner the l.ind can he left in
the fall the more thoroughly the insect
pests will be .ksfroy-iL
A little work in imping, with a lit
tle work in making paths, will lessen
materially the necessity for tramping
uirougu me mutl.
juuuon, wool .via wheat are a good
comuinauon, dnring the
winter. Theshtcn will
while the wheat will often bs benefited;
, While dirt and litter do not always
prouuee cnoiera, yet they are condi
tions that aid the disease materially,
and if avoided will certaiuly promote
Unless fed under proper conditions
a considerable amount of feed fan
easily be wasted in feeding cattle dur
ing the winter. It is very necessarv to
secure a good growth.
It shouid be understood that late
grass does not confain the
it is in the more mature eras, of
summer, and for this reason the ra
tions should be iucreased.
It is not a good plan to mi ti.. mm.
from a fresh cow with the balance (on i
eoon. It often is the chum i,r i I
not coming and for this reason alone
will be best kept separate.
After the orchard rets .well -.(-i.ii.i.
0 It rarely pays toisonf fmio to crop ft
Th trees need all of the
plant food, in order to make a food
growth and yield a croy of fruit
A yard or lawn always look barren
without some flowering shrubs and or
namental shade trees, and especially so
in winter. A few shrubs and ever
greens will relieve this appearance.
Too eloae pasturing, if kng contin
ue! will rob the soil of its fertility, the
same as eontinued cropping year after
year without adding to the plant food
by manuring, and in additiou the stock
will not thrive so well, as they must
tramp over a considerable acreage in
order to secure what they waut to sat
isfy their hunger.
The use of unripe seed of tomatoes
- j anJ otuer ve?eublt-s lias been found to
promote earliness in these vegetables.
At the same time, however, it alSJ re
sults in weakening the plants ani pro
ducing enfeebled strains. We do no
hesitate to pronounce in favor of well
ripened seed. We have sacrificed al
ready by far too much in quality, size,
productiveness, vigor of plants, tlc
for the sake of gaming a slight point
m earliness. ine auvaiiutgo n u
small to overbalanca all the drawbacks.
llt-alth and vigor are the last thinm
weshmld jeoparpiz in the improve
ment of our vegetables. rracucai
History of the Turkey.
The turkey is a lineal descendant
from the wild North American species
which was found in Mexico by the
Spaniards at the time of the conquest,
both wild and domesticated. The
Spanish soldiers and sailors introduced
it into the West India islands under
the name of pavon, or peacock.
From the West Indies tli9 bird was
taken to Spain, where It was called
pavon de las India. The French
called it dindon, a contraction of cop
d'lnde. Evidently the East Iudies
were confounded with the West, for
when this fowl was introduced Into
Germany it was known as the "Calicut
Maj. AV. Bess King says that the bird
was introduced into England about
1520 to 1521, and that it received the
name w hich it has since borne simply
because it was the custom to refer the
origin of all strange and foreign articles
to Turkey. It would not be at all Bur
praising to find all the trade w ith Medi
terranean ports at that time credited to
that country.
Headers will recall how In the time
of the Crusades, a few contitrie before
it had been the practice to speak of all
Mohammedan people as Saracens,
while the iact was that people were
but a small tribe in Araba. The in
stances are quite parallel
When the fowl was brought to this
country, its original home, it kept the
name which had been given it in Eng
land, and more than that it anve this
name to the undomesticated variety,
which has since been" knowa as the
wild turkey. The circle was completed,
and a bird that belonged exclusively to
this continent, without having gone
away from its home at all, got credit
for having been brought from the east,
It is a good example of the confusion
of names likely to occui almost any
where. Youth's Companion.
The Management of Children.
If you would see a woman or a child
graceful, beautiful and charming, you
must find one that is loved, says Har
per's Bazar. The child that dreads to be
corrected or criticised for every word
or movement never has a manner of
elegance or an expression of charm.
t ill your child s soul with an ideal of
good manners, of benevolence and
beauty; teach it abstractly to dislike
vulgarity, selfishness, rudeness and to
feel that you love and admire it, and
expect of it charming manners, and
the work is accomplished.
It is impossible for a slave to have
any style. If you would have your!
cinid dignified, you must treat it wkn
It is wrong to correct a child in pub
ilia Any proud child feels degraded by
it It should be a case of dire nivm
Ity when you find fault with a child
before strangers, and to destroy a
child's pride is to do biro an irreparable
injury, lake advantage of some inti
mate iipur when parent and child are
alone together, and then let the parent
tenaeny explain now the child has be
haved ill the day before or that morn
ing, and why the child's conduct was
wrong, and how it should h ive be
haved, and show the child that the
parent respects It and loves it, and be
lieves in its capacity to do all good
things. This will have the effect of
puniMimcnt, when the child is in a
state or excitement and the parent us
ually angry,.
Get in the habit of explaining the
reason of things to your child i.
mere oe as uuie confusion In iu mind
as possible. Above all. keen tl,
oi your love uppermost in the chid's
- , sr
....mi, arm iex n understand that you
have no wish to domineer over it oulv
that being older and wiser, and loving
the child so much, yon would save it
- ... inexperience, that.thls is your I
, "'"juunicumctiihg it to be its
ww.i .noaier.
...., uu.uwmbct, nis mind from the
.""jrtvwuii annoys mm. If he con
twues to be cross, suspect his stomach
and assure yoursels that this is la mJ
root of bad temper.
fatal sua QtWmJZ
. i ; .. 11 ImK iMM . tm .1
a tb O
Wl M ! II -UI IOS ,
seems to be none ks fltud tm J
than Thanksgiving day, 14 !S
was the very one wfeich Tos-
worth chose for fatfaf fro
mow and almost reeking ki
He was picked u nneonHfJ
be shock, and yet aafe attain
Uncle John canted hioTu
house, and Aunt Sarah nostaa-J
lng the turkey for am tadeS,
while she robbed Mat in
held the smelling salts to hit
Then, when be did "come to
old people rejoiced, aad the
1 ' - . s
COIUIUB, lUUMlllf aooui tnm
awe, went wnoopmf eot to pfc-l
in ma prayer, swore urttt.
tuai noon, l new joan oirenrf 1
... . w . " I
thanksgiving that-the little W
suffered no serious harm. n
trembled and grew husky m J
ceeded,and Aunt Mary pt J
handkerchief and wiped awtTb
tears trickling down ter chafe j
Aunt Mary was a practical J
and one, moreover, who was rJ
any unexpected things at any sV
when they happened to occur uJ
"Amen,'' said Uacle John, m)
Aunt Mary opened her eyes, stf
parently dismissed for the pre--.
dismal possibilities.
"Well, Tommy," said she hi
there's one thing I'm thanxfisf -that
them nice new pants at
didn't get a rip or a stain sw
1 she wondered whr tn)
laughed, and why- she was tkajL.
accused of loving little Tomoiip
sers more than little Tommy ka
Youth's Companion. j
She Made Nudels.
Women, being so much mora m
in their field of work, are driven X
ci 1, i0v vuou iucuuii; ivl iuc im
01 unaing opportunities mat mail
i that mttjf
neof Uk
of us
east side A.
no need to look for. One 1
curious has been that
German woman on the east 1
city who was left alone by the detlf
her husband with a family tfj
young children to support isk
means whatever. She was a hran v
to despair, but to think of her I
means out of ber difficulties. J
She had a little knowledge of si tj
cooking, and it occurred to her tt
few of her neighbors might like ul
themselves the trouble of making
the Germans use a great deal in
kitchens, a kind of homemade t(
ronl which they call nudels. Thai
made by rolling out dough into 1 1
cake and cutting it up into long a!
which are usel in soups, as well I
separate dish, and also for puddisjr
This woman had great skill in i
ing nudels, and readily found f.
her neighbors people who woukA
them of her at the moderate pw"
which she sold them. Her rmf
was greatly in her favor; she u i i
cal clean, wholesome looking Gee
and by degrees she secured a larfi
ronage. She has been enabled k
the profits of this peculiar Idow
alone to rear her Ore children deaf
and comfortably, send them to at
put them into good and desjrabletfi
and employments aad even to aces!
late a little hoard for a possible
of need. She has had the satlsfa
of seeing her children all turn out!
ana sne is now about as happy a i
" p do mane oy a sounu
cheerful nature, flourish! n fan
her consciousness of duty well
iew xora limes.
His Idea of Thenkag it.
In an uptown household is t
boy whose views of the beau
Thanksgiving have undergone i
cal chang. Like most other
boys, he had looked forward U
family feasts with joyful antic
and he had gone to the table
mined to prpve himself a fully
oped trencherman. It was a 1st)
iter, ana soon arter It wm on
youin was put to bed In a
aisienaea condition. Half as
later he was suffering the worst d l
"Mamma," he gasped in one a!
intervals between his fits of aft
know now why we new have
giving dinner till evening.'1
. "Why u thatr queried hk
forter. "HAdUM" and hwi the
began to writhe aMin "be.
wouldn't do any rood to call It
giving day if we had it early. Si
can give thanks after dinner cuvl
new xr Til
The Editor ot the Gen tun.
Mr. K. W.GUder. editor of Tto
tnry Magazine, who has attainsdil
ranx in tne world of literature,
menced his literary career as s
at a smal salary on a Xewsrk
paper. lie is the son of a M
clergyman, and was for a tin
ployed in connection with on a
New Jersey railroads lb atu
position. Frosatha bewinnini
newspaper career be display
poetic faculty, Insomuch that
vested many of the most trivial
with the "glamour of poetic"
ambitious, diligent and waft
especially studioue kept sbrss
literary movements, and also kef!
eyes open for opportunities of F,
tlon. The position ha hat schlJ
the legitmsto ootooae of his af
and pirslatanea Jm orercomlaf
naryobetaessa. Ltte aoti awe
have nude tft wmr to success, mj
tains in aatftt a-res the a
UnpUett ticrtur.d bia im
cure and wrMtm-Fraol J