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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1891)
newly opened mines at Newcastle, and the road is tjein puslied on to Helena,! Montana. i The Pacific Short line has a line surveyed across tlie southern part of Uie i county, and the management inform us tliat lfone the close of anotiier season it j will have its line in operation beyond the we ;l line of Nebraska. The survey of the Pacifio Hhort line shows that Jlie road will ive over iuij of trw k in j - Editor. Sioux county. The 1$. & M. has a survey running west from Alliance, crossing tlie south part of Sioux county and it is expected tliat it will be built, but as the amount of the line which would be in Sioux county is not known, it is not figured in the above statement. When you take into considetion tlie fact that Sioux county lias got so great a railroad mileage and has NO RAILROAD BONDS mt th Harrtaon pout oitloe u 't J nulUr. , THCBHDaT, Jas. 29, 1881. : Jadidrs and vegetable alteratives .Tjrar's Sanaporilla tlie beat, blood !l r - Br A .sax County Journal. V". - SubwTTj tlon Vrif, fii.OO V A Bfkl of Information an tk. - 1 atfXo Um lawt,tltuvui Ho to f W I Obtain PubU, Cveal(, TmtmJ V Copmcnu. mnt fru.A 1 "V"- MUHM CO.V CD GO r r f ft 11 IE HOMES! a ; ire is still a large amount of GOVERNMENT LAND open to entry in & fo l mtv"? , , yL v., J jw , it . Map of the Elkhorn System. oux County, Nebraska. oox county i in the northwest corner of the jfreat Rtate of Nebraska, and is p thirty miled east ami west by seventy miles north and south. It comprises .Valley, fine rolling table lunJ anil valnahlfj timber' land. The county contains ),000 acrea of land. Something nuar one-third of this area has been filed on by f" a large number of whom have made final proof nml have duelled farms. Jmainder if still open to settlement. Of course there is a portion of this le not suitable for farming purposes, a part being timber land and is there- Sluable, and other tracts, too rough for cultivation, produce the most nutri f grasses ami are excellent for stock raising purposes. . JIms WK-.lity Ivas an advantage which no otlr portion of Nebraska. rossRsel, i )el, Posts and House Logs are FREE! Tliis, alone, maks it poihilile for a man to improve a piece of land with a i smaller otitlAy of ciish than he could have done in other parts of the stale. 85 Miles of Railroad. NUmm oornitv Ium Uie main line of tlie F. E. & M. V. railroad crostn it from i la went and connecting with the Clieyenne A. Northern, thus making a line WmK from OmaJttk to Ifcnver awl the Pacific coast, anil also connects thin local- . T . . . . i l nr.. Ttiiu s.nil ht.a Jt'3 miliH J WIIO Ml Coal neiiw juw acrotw ine line iu v vuiiiiiif,. I tivk in HJnui rountv. ( The 6, AN. crowes the northeast rt of tlie county and ha 1ft miles of it V .1 . i . u: Tki. aul kmnim ilwn th noal from the outstanding, and in fact, no county bonds of any kind liave everbeen issued by Sioux county, you cannot but see that it is better off than those counties tliat gave a large amount of bonds for a few miles of railroad. The accompanying maps will give the leader a good idea of the railroad ad vantages possessed by Sioux county. The soil is of such a nature to eminently fit it for agriculture. Er.pfirhts indicate that it will soon be one of the most proftahle sugar beet ti"odo"(ig dis tricts in tlie world, and oth;r crops will not be far behind. There are a great nuinlT of sural! streams distributed throughout the county, furnishing excellent opportunities for stock raising and still are not large enough to cause a heavy public exjiense for bridges The settler can go to the sawmills in Sioux county and buy Native Pine Lumber for less than half what'the same grade of material would cost five hundred miles east of here. Good building stone can bo easily obtained from various parts of the coudty; an excellent quality of brick have been made a few miles from the seat; the qualify of the water is the vert be-d and the climate is fine. Harrison is the county seat and the only railroad towu in the county, al though new towns are being laid out at different poinls. The is a fine brick court house which cost 10,000, and representatives of almost all lines of business. There is no railroad land in Sioux county, it is either government land subject to entry; school land subject to lnas! or purchase, or land thatVs been taken up by settlers. tlf-COMB WEST, SEE "AND SETTLE. MEW REPEATS! a RIFLE MARL FETY UODEL 1889. 3& kff Wtpi irvi S0LI D Uilng 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Cartridges Bend for free descriptive prlce-Hat of Repeating BtSea, , uouDicAeuun neToi vera, etc, uun MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. LYMAN'S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Art Unequalled both tor Hunting nd . Target Shoaling. "IDEAL" RELOADING TOOLS For Biflss, Pistols Shot Gnns. RELOAD YOUR SHELLS AfiD SAVE MOREY. FREii, lltUBTRHTKO CATALOGUE 9 P.OrjTAirJtNa VMUAnLF tMSTRUCTIOM 6'J 'c Tv rTrf.n : vr-r. oun -miTioirf. 1 MONEY lie cnnnd ft' ((orRW linf ofwnfk, miplill k.1 liiii- rMy, tiy I how if rl'liT t, tiuitff or )l, ikI In their own lot nlir )ri,w ticrcvsr lliry Iivr. Atif h do lit wntk. H-aiY to ifurn. W ftirnUh trnryfliiitir. W,-iri yu. No rtk. Vorn tevct jroar r ir'im'iii, or tl fnur lini to In wi-.rk. toi la an lTi-tv it" !(! .iirt'l IiHiiw v ml. -rful 4irrfM t every WOtfcfP. ririnitm ar rmruuig fmtn -6 lit il r wfrk and iijiwanK and twiff ft't IUM'pm f W. run ftiniUh you ll m iilonn nt md tvaelt viu vHV.v.. v ifxrMo unlnln btra. fall taforwaiA i U t'XO Al IU., Alliisn, ilh. i v . . -it ........ ... t i. .!i.t r.a um. h I .it w run tk l 1 ?M 1,.. ,n-r. hi.i1 n hi -ri.i an kit. f?V ' h " !l 1,1 i "" " h w'j ,. ,Uh. ,,, a...tinmrp El i.Miir, VW. 'v JS - , : ,. it,- f i t , r j,mm iioiiiii)i only In VS'ri ' 1 11 t'Mtit 1V ft ' t I . , 7 , 1.Jn(r. KAHil.Y.MM I'IlA lpr.Hl. li i ir mt i" " - - w' Ma,. JUai, S3000: A YKARI t tmrlrrlakr to hrli-fl tMtcti tiny fairly Intf llit' iit irenun f Hthvr ho van reaa and wntr, and who. after inntnictfon, will work Indunriounly, how Ia nrn Tbra TbaaMtttf Itnllara a Taartn lhlrwn lix-allilM.wtifrvvmtier llvf.l will laofuraltli th )ftin.llon orcmi1rij'mnl,at wlilrh vmiciin rum (hat mount. Mo moiirv for m unlrw iirrr-MAil nt ilmvp. Klly ami uirklv Inrnnl. I lalr but on worker from tnrb dUtrict orrnunlS'. I navn aln-a'ly taufrht mm provldrd with tniloymrnt a iaira number, w ho an tnaklufr nvar flilMNI a r a n It'i N l!W and MOMIt. Full trLla)ara FHFK. Addn-M at ect K. C, ALLkN, HK 4H, AMfSita, MkImc, mi ?llll rortnnahavhalllM4M Wirk f.r n, hv Anna t'lT, AiiMtn, 1 !, itiift Jim., 'lolfdo, (hlo. : nit, iith'Tiiri n")nir"fll. why t v..u? Miia oni vr raW.f. lotttii. V'n enn to thawork and Dva i li-.nie, whtr'vir y-n ar , f.wwn hf (jlrrnrr ri n"ily ranilnir frvHi fa to a imv. All air4. Wuihow yoa aw and ttart yon. an work In nara th ir all tliH tlnii. Hlar mnnay warfc rra. rillurc naamiwn amonf Ifcam. NIW milnaWii!. Partbulata fraa. .AJIU4 CHm liqrrMaWl(dataapa OK Is n ivqwb,. M - T - ' m 0! S'-H 3 oi.iii-l J 1 a-a SI S J5 a 4 al 09 a CD Id UJ CO iiiiu filiif 12-. f e I J 8 1 - SI 115 O a e j j 111 !!.P ! I I S s 8 ill 1 lal-l!iS55 if lsf li sal Mi rjp c 'Everybody Wagon" No. 47 Wltb Half Sprinffs, oag Seat, Oustlon and Shaft. 'GoodTlnkirond B" D"TT- &WMr Sat '5:.WKl V.. '-:7 Minn WH""1,., MB Th"5;ox lson'lrtnkn'.lf an.) the (rnar li-nil hennrt out for the use of carpenter an ... Thi, -nmvn h i i h .rn iiti llnlsd, is puim.'-'i onxnr and nttractive, and is strong ana P teSJor the Celebrated ftiuU&rd Wagon, 1010 W. 6th 6t Winona. Ulnar BOOK HOLDERS. thc Most Pinrtcr OlCTIONORY HOtDCR. Folding and Adjustable Tablet. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. R. M. LAMBIE, 39 E. 19th St.,N.Y. An ttrictly flnt-elus in nerj detail, poMu an absolntely perfect repeating action and huxUome caiei. Fnlly war-ranted. EM Are the but in the werld, and have led 11 ethers for yean. Over 810,000 ia nse. Tke people are bond to have the beit, iad will hare none but the ESTEY. Time payments or eaah, ai customers prefer. Call aad see ns, or send for Catalornes and Ml information. 233 State Street, Chicago. 03t. Iouia House, GIG & G18 OUva C WaJKrllathlaT Ja?pitV k 1 "II LM'I "