The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 29, 1891, Image 2
NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE. The following bills were introducer. nd ordered filed for a second readirg IL 11. Xo. 123, by Bartholomew Compelling railway companies to con- struct switches for the transfer of cars at railway intersections. IL K. Xo. 124, by Flamrne To levj a yearly stale tax of S 100 on peddlers II. 11. Xo. 125, by Taylor of Butler For thi relief of George AW Davis wounded by a boiler explosion at th; Lincoln insane asylum, and appropriat ing $7,000 for that purpose. IL K Xo. 120, by Nichols To amend chapter 77, revised statutes, entitled revenue. . II. K.Xo. 127, by Waldron-Kepeal, iug the act entitled industrial statistics. IL IL Xo. 12$, by Soderraan To prty vent the evils of intemperance by local option in any county. IL K. Xo. 129, by Schelp To provide for the appointment of deputy sheriffs, constables and special policemen. ILlLXo. 130, by Kiley providing or a lien upon the get of stallions and bulls. II. 15. Xo. 131, by Stevens of I'iatte -Repealing the act relating to the re locating of county seats. II. K. Xo. 132, by Oakley To pre vent cruelty to animals. II. IL Xo. 133, by Oakley Concern ing the inspection of steam boilers, and providing for a state inspector. 11. IL Xo. 134, by Oakley lo pro hibit keeping or harboring girls undei eighteen years of age and boys undei twenty-one in houses of ill-fame. II. IL No. 135, by Polduian Amend ing the toad laws. II. IL Xo. 136, by Bartholomew Keg ulating the organization of new coun ties. II. E. Xo. 137, by McKesson-Tc amend section 477, code of civil pro cedure, compiled statutes of WS7, and to repeal the said original section. II. H Xo. 138, by Nichols Fixing liability of railway companies for in juries done to employes through neg ligence. , ' ' IL IL No. 139, by Sternsdoff-For th organization of loan corporations and other associations. II. IL No. 140, by Mullen To em power county boards to use count) sinking funds where sinking funds ex ist as when the county iot abletc cash warrant H. It. Xo. 141, by Porter To promott the independence of voters at the polls. enforce the secrecy of. the. ballot and U provide for the" distribution of ballots at the public expense. H. IL No. 142, by Breen To empowei mayors in cities of over 8,000- and less than ,000 -to levy and collect certain taxes. ".' " "" " ; " " H. IL No. 143, by Gale -To regulate charges of telephone companies, lixing me rental at 82 per month. 11. IL No. 144, by Smith Making section lines public highways. - II. B. No. 145, by Taylor of Butler Providing for changes in bouudarj imes in school districts. ti. IL xo. 146, by Schrader Makinj usurious contracts void. II. IL No. 147, by Purnell-To providt ior the organization of irrigation dis tncts. IL E. No. 148, by Shipley Regula ting the time of school year and ap poruonment. IL R.No. 149, by Mullen-Making usurious contracts void and providing a petuuty for taking an illegal rate ol interest. H. E. No. ISO, by Parke--Joint reso 1.. : .. j ... ..... iuuuu wneuaiDg Uie constitution Al relation to the handling of , salooi licences. II. E. No. 151, by Moan Making i( uuianiiu iur jiuuuc omcers to receiv railway passes or to ride free on rail way lines. .The penalty shall be a fln oi irom aaw to i,uw or three monthf imnrisonment H. E. No. 162. bv Moan Reirniaf ;nn passenger and baggage charges by rail way companies. The passenger rate ib una oiii is nxea m z cents per mile H. R. No. 163, by Stebbins Taxing sleeping and dining cars within the - SI!. - H. R. No. 164, by Hennlck-Joinf resolution submitting to the people a call for a constitutional convention. H. R. No. 165, by Felker To amend sections 1,4 and 3 and section 5 of chapter 44, compiled statutes, relating H. IL No. 15, by Felker Amending the statutes in relation to disposing oi mortgaged property. II. R. K7, by Felker-Makina women eligible to serve on city boards of education: - - H..B. No. 1LS, by Felker AmendinB , section 1,010, civil code of procedure H. It No. 19, by Felker-To providi ' ",tw'ty tot disposing of mortgaged H. R. No. Ml br Berteaad Tn Mrt railway companies to maintain .r2r.nd frt ' frogs. H. B. No , let by Stevens of Furnas To mend' twcocotlttition so as to tur? iUJsM4 IMBM aoeroJng nadar UMamral lawsiato the stats a s. No. IK by Herman-CumuU-'!?r2 wr(tntaUon j, k t xtwvk um wo xuruer read CEO. BANCROFT DEAD. 1 he Greatest American Histor. irn Dies Suddenly at His Throne iu Washington. SKETCH orBtSUfE. Washikctos, Jan. 19. This commu nity was greatly shocked by tu news Lhat George Bancroft, the venerable historian was dead. He had been in ipparently better health this year since aia return from Newport than for sev sral seasons pat t, so that bis death was sudden and unexpected to all save a lew intimate friends who knew of the at tack of illness which carried him off. Qis death occurred at 3:40 o'clock Sat turJay afternoon. fGoorge Bancroft, Ph. D-, L. L. D., D. a. lu, was born at Wjrsester, Mass., Oc tober 3, 1800, entered Harvard college in 1SI3, graduated in 1817. Almost im mediately afterwaids he went abroad, here ha remained for five years. He received the degree of Pb. D. at Gottio gen in 1820, and returning to America io 1822, was for a year Greek tutor in Harvard college. In 1823 he founded the Round Hill school at Northhampton, Mass. The same year he published a volume of poems, and in 1824 a transla tion of Heeren's -"Politics of Ancient 3reeee." He was also at this time med itating and collecting materials for his History of the United States," the first volume of which appeared in 1834- In 1835 he removed to Springfield, Maes., where he resided tor three years, and ximp'eted the second volume af his his tory. In 1838 he was appointed collect ar of the port of Boston, a position which he occupiei until 181L The third volume of his history appeared in 1810. In 1814 he was the democratic candidate for governor of Massachu setts, but was pot elected. In 1815, Mr. Polk having Leea elected president, Mr. Bancroft entered his cabinet as secre tary of the navy, and also served for a month as acting secretary of war. In 18. C he was sent as minister to Great Briain. During his residence in Europe he made use of every opportunity V perfect his collections of documents re lating to American history. He re turned to the United States in 1819, took up his residence in New York and set about the preparation of the re mainder of his history, of which the tenth volume was published in 1873. This brings the narrative to the close of the revolutionary war, and completes the body of the work. Two supplementary volumes were issued in 1S32 under the title of "History of th. foundation of the Constitution of the United states," which brings the nar rative down to 1837. In February 18GG, he delivered before congress an address io the memory of Abraham Lincoln In May, 1807, he was appointed minister to Prussia; in 1868 be was accredited to the North German confederation, and in 1871 to the German empire. He was recalled from this mission at bis own re quest in 1874. Mr. Bancroft is a mem ber of numerous learned societies at home and abroad. In 1855 he published a volume of Miscellanies," comprising a portion of the articles which he bad contributed to the North American Re view. In 1883 the first vol u me of a care fully revised edition cf bis history was published, of which the sixth and con cluding one appeared in 1885. His lat est publication is "A Plea for the Con stitution of the United States Wound ed in the House of Its Guardians." Brntocd Under Carting, Pittsburg, Jan. 19. Last night An drew Ken mere, foreman; James New gem, ana John Muuier, laborers, were working with a !arge crane in Carneigi's Twenty-ninih street mill, hoisting a massive casting of several tons weight. When several feet from the ground the chain broke. All three men were caught under the casting. Kenmere re ceived injuries from which he died a few h.rars later. Newgents feet were crushed and he wss otherwise senously hurt. Mullier's thighs were crushed and he received internal injuries. He will probably die. Kenmere leaves a widow and seven children. DrowMi WblU MaMa. Custom, Ia., Jan. 19. Some boys were skating on the Mississippi oppo site Albany, II)., when two named Scott Hoffmon and Young Cross attempted to cross and fell in. Cross was rescued, but Hoffman was drowned. His body has not been recovered and probably win not be until Spring. Both boys wars of prominent faauies in this city azd were about L3 years old. serious AceMeat, Cortdok, IaJJu. 19. Dan'Ekebefry a farmer living five miles eeot of this place, met with a serious, if not fatal accident last evening. He was fooling with a gun and on attempting to force B she'll into it the ahell exploded, tear ing away a portion of the cheek, entire ly destroying one vf his eyes and barn- lag bis face in a horrible Banner. His A Pretoeml eill . Bordeaux, Jan. 23. A noted clerical. Abbe Lspo miere, has bosa arrested on toe serious charge of embeulement and infantloicU. The neios of th Abbe's oure was aoou-ed of oocnplioity in the deth of the ohild, and, whsa Abb La poor iere learaed of her arrest, bo fled from the place. Fhen the wocnan was searched, however, letters Vers fouod on her person whioh disclosed bis whereabout to the officers aad thev were soon able to take him lata Bmatorir in anair ns orsaieo a procooaa teM A U11U Old Mm t of tk . , Chicago, Jen. 23.-What thoss mort i . t at.! or less intimately connected wun . railroads, but ouUide the regular offi cial class, think of the new Western Traffic asociation may be inferred from beerviUoBS on the subject sent our. by s commission house, in a circular letter to its customers, wBo are dealers in rail road stocks and seeurites. In '-he course of the circular iliey say: "The Western Trafij uteaciation as planned and partly organized, is erv weak in several particulars, among them ia the almost certfcin inefficiency, unlw it violates the prohibition of pooling, but its specially weak feature consist in inahiht to conceal Mr. Gould's absolute Dereonal control of lU manage ment. Pnur roads which he bestrides like the old man of the sea contribute a majority of the members of the govern- intfbodv. If Mr. Gould's interest in the oronerties was that of a permanent .T'r,r Hanandinz fjr profit on the steady enchantment of thoir intrinsic value, this might not be fatal, bui as everybody know3 that, on the contrary, it is an unscrupulous speculative inter est the perception of his absolute eon trl hi i nublis oucht to. aad thus far has acted to defer any but specula live buying of the ctocks concerned. MurphT Knocked Out. Uaumond, I.nd., Jan. 23. .Tim Doyly and Coo Murphy engaged in a finish ilttt south of this city in the of seventv-five spectators, last niaht. The men were evenly matched. Each weighed 1C0 pounds. At the call of time they went at each other like hyenas, Doyle winning first blood anc1 knock down. Then the mill was on the Umrhter house order. In the hftb round Murphy led with a straight left but fell short and missed. ",ln return he received a terriffic blow on the eye which sent C him under the ropes where he lay uotil Doyle was declared winner. The fight was for 2o0 and the gate money. Farmer' Alliance. Washihgtos, Jan. 23. Representa tives of the Knights of Labor, colored farmers' alliance, farmers' union and citizens' alliance began a meeting here today in accordance with the Ocala con ference, Tne representatives of the three other organizations are expected here tomorrow. A plan of agreement looking to a confederation has been drawn up. It provides for a joint com mittee of five from each organisation to represent the confederation. The St Louis platform shall be the basis; ea& shall stand pledged to assist, when pos sible, in all local efforts to better the condition of the people. The joint com mittee shall have nower to admit other organizations with a similar object. Each organization shall be hound to support the plena agreed upon by the joint committee. Adjourned until to morrow. A Jockej'a Marrlag-e, Bt. Louis, Mo., Jan. 23. Anthony Hamilton, one of the'Big Four" jockeys of America, ranking with Isaas Mur phy, "Snapper" Garrison and Jimmie McLaughlin, and last year the leading jockey tor the late August Belmont, was inarried here tonight to Miss Annie L Lessley, the acknowledged belle of African swelldom. The bride is the stepdaughter of Frank Eitell, head jan itor of the Laolede bui ding, himself I negro of considerable wea! th. The cere mony was performed on the eighth floor of the structure which he controls, and invitations Vo the number of several hundred were issued. Hamilton has made a fortune riding for the Belmont, Haggiu and other sUblee. Ferty Miners Killed Outright. br fETP.BSBcao, Jan. Z). Uetails re ceived hereof the colliery explosion yes terday near Cracow show that forty miners at wok in the pit were killed outright. Eighty others were taken out in an unconscious condition and it is feared many of them will not recover. The Engineer not Involved. Clevmjuii), O, Jan. 23 Chief Ar thur of the engineers' brotherhood, speaking of the likelihood of the engi neers on the Chicago k Erie joining the strike, said the engineers have no griev ance against the road and "generally try to mind their own business." Condactor Murdered. Dubuqce, Ia., Jan. 23. Conductor O'Neill, of the Chicago k Northwestern railway was murdered at 3 o'clock yes terday morning by three tramps, whom he was attempting to eject Irom the train. The murderers escaped. O'Neill leaves a wife and family at Belle Plaine Aaether Iaturreotloa. Lokdoh, Jan. 23. A Buenos Aysrs dispatch reports that news has been re ceived there from Cbiii that insurgents have taken possesion of the port of Pis aqua, forty miles north of Iduiqne. A battle between the insurgents and s portion of the army remaining faithful to the president, Balmaceda, is imml- nert. Charted win, Orud . WAsaiwoToir Jan. 23.-Young Frank Kbrt.SOD of Omrm P.hart ik. :n: airabrswsrofNs York, whose sister recently married a noblaman u v,.. Hli Clrt UrJ -t house h.nT.f . nratuated with bar and st different times gavs her voasy On one onnaai h. maxiDf as atffre- THE SHEEDY MIRDER. Mt Fa Hand, Mr. Slieefly ati'i Walftrom to be triel. Important Tratlmonj not Made 1-ablle. Liscols, Xeb, Jan.23.-(Srec:al Bae m W.ST The preliminary hearicg oi Jim. Mary bheedy, Monday McFar!ai,d anJ A. Harry Waist rom for the muraorof lohs Sheedy on the night of Janumy IL was to have taken place before lude Houston this morning. but by the of all the attorneys in the ca t was continued until next week, ti:e late to be fifed hereafter. Shortly Bfter 1 'clock the jury earn to a verdict, having decided that then- was evidence enough without waiting for the result of the eootenta of the stomach. The verdict was handed to the coroner shortly after two o'clock. rhe document is a long one atd full of technical terms, but in brief the jury finds that on the fiist ccunt John Sheedy 3a me to his death on the night of Janu a ry 11, 1891, by a blow administered by Mnnrinv McFarland with a steel cane sovered with leather, and holding Mrs. Mary Sheedy and Andrew Harry Wal strom 86 accessories. The second coun: charges Mrs. Mary Sheedy with the murder of ber husband and finds that she did administer a cer tain mixed preparation of deadly poi son to JohL Sheedy and holds Monday McFarland and Andrew Harry Wal- strom as accessories. The jurymen acknowledge that some of the most important testimony haf not yet been made public. The verdict meats with general public approval The Fair Handing-. Chicago, Jan. 21. Ibe grounds ano buildings committee has approved th layout of the grounds at Jackson park submitted by the board of architects, aod has instructed Ubiet or construc tion Burnham to advertise for new bids for filling and piling. Under the nea arrangetneot the nine main department buildings are to be confined to seventy- four acres south of f ixtielh street' wit! a referve frpacs of thirty-four acres ft i approaches and other extensions. The blans, as agreed U.on, will place seven ty-! our acres under roof. The space t: the park north of Sixtieth street is t be occupied by state buildings and minor display?, and the space between Sixiy third and Sixty-fifth streets is re served for the railroad loop. The bort cultural uuiiuing will occupy space along the east front of the lake and, just beyond Sixty-fitth street will be th mining display and the electrical build iajt. The machinery building clainu eleven and one-halt acres along the linn of Sixty-seventh street, extended. The department of manufactures, liberal arts and ethnology is given twenty-two and a half acres for a building near the northwest corner of the park, while im mediately south of it the live stock de partment will occupy ninety-four acres. As soon as received on Mie specifications to be furnished, the contracts will be let for filling and the actual work on the exposition will begin. What the Goulp 8ay. Brussels, Jan. 24. The excitemen created by the announcement of th sudden death of Prince Uandoin, heii to the throne of Belgium, increasei hourly and is fed by the alarming ru mors already in circulation as to the cause Oi the unexpected catastrophy Une of these rumors Iwhich gains th attentive ear of the public hints that when the mystery surrounding the af fair is dispelled it will oe found to be in circumstances and details almost a rep etition of the tragedy which recently culminated in Austria with the death Archduke.Rudolph and the young Baro. ness Vetaera. Attention is directed to the fact that a German governess wni recently and under peculiar circumstan ces dismissed from her place at the court of Brussels. It is now slid that this woman had been engaged in an in .:! ti r i ... tua-ue wiiu 1-riDce ivauaoin which re sulted in the birth of s child. The of Bcial notice of the dath gives a hemor rhage as the cause and staves that the prince had been suffering from a chil1 resulting from the prolong! d attend ance at the bedside of his sister, Henri etta, who has been critically UL She has not been allowed to learn of her brother's death for fear the news would cause a fatal termination of her illness The prince's death leaves Prince Albert L...:al n . uwr io me mrone. u is brother to the late Prm ce Baudouin and was born April 8, 1875. Opeiatur MlMlnf. St.Louis, Mo., Jan. 21Lewuin uamuton, the well-known UlecrBuh operaior, wno nss been missine sin tbe 15th inbt., and who was reported to hive committed suicide by jumping in to the Mississippi river, is st the city hospital. His condition is serious. th result oi a protracted spree. A Cempromiae Probable. tr . n . if .'T. - a.-8ino the " : preposition ror a compro mise of the lecis stive imm.u i. iT I,'J ' fmocti m-mbers of the h. Z. ,"" uT,i ,,ronr lensDd w","7 'UMjrewis ior a settiemenL As a result it stated that iTl Tln crate will make a Bmn.ii7. . ."mo" ty-flvs member. J2rr, SMU frr,mHlh'dum0Cr,lU Wh Claim tMed a Ber. lKvt.B, Cou, Jan. 20. -Two jars in s train on the Denver k Northern caught fireSatuiday afternoon from sparki (r-ym the locomotive and an intervenicg car prevented the engineer and tlremac from seeing the flame, ine p-" gurs were driven to the rear car. A brakeman named Anderson rolunie?ru to warn the engineer and at great pen. crswled over the burning cars to th front of the train. The engineer div ided to make a q uiek run to the near- estwater tank two miles distanL Wber. the tank was reached both cars bad oeen burnedjup while the front passer, ger car was nearing d truc'.io t Brakeman Anderson, who nsKeu nit life to save others, died last night from fata! burns. A Terrible Tragfrfy. Chatta.nooua, Jan. 20.-An awful tragedy cccurred here. S.M. I' ugette cashier of the So-ith Chattanooga sav ings bank, being Bhot and killed by hu father in-law, J. A. WarJer, city attor ney of Chattanooga. Warder is probab ly fataHy injureu-Bnd Mrs. Fugrtte ba a dangerous wound io the right thigh. Judge Warder came home at 1 o'clock in a drunken condition and went to Mr and Mrs. Fugett's room where the trsg edy occurred. Exactly how it Iiapp.'neu is not yet kno-n, as V arder and Mrs Fugett are not able to talk. eighbore hearing the shots rushed iu and fouod Fugett dead, with a bullet through hit heart, Mrs. lying on the floor while Warder was strug!irg dowr stairs, with blood streaming irom e wound in his breast. Jude Wardir i one of the best known lawyers in tht state, and during President Hays' ad ministration was United States Jistric attorney for the middle district cf Ten n ee. The opinion prevails that h abused his daughter while drunk end the shoo'.ing resulted. Th.y My Strike. Chicago, Jan. 20. There is troublt ahead for the Chicago city railway uni it is dot improbable that ageoeral striki will take place before long. As mnlten now stand loere is general dissatisfac tion among the employes on account o the retirement of C. 15. Holmes an 1 tht appointment of C. J. l!uck. Buck wa. formerly track foremiin BDd employee cheap ItaliaD lalwr, and it is feared among the men that be will ad vocal 1 the policy of cutting down wages al eround. It is said that some time nx he made the remark ihut if he hut charge of the men he would rediio their wages to ILC0 a day. Whaleve cause there moy be for it there is car- tainly great dissatisfaction among th 2,iJuO employes of tbe south side corn pan. Whether this dissatisfaction U general enough to result in a striko wih be determined in the next twenty-four hours. A majority of the men soem to be in favor of striki ug at once New York's Joint Sexlon. Auu.ny, N'. Y, Jan. 20. Demarest, the liojklatid and connty momoorof the assembly, ia here and w ill vote on today tnd tomorrow for United StaU?3 sena tor, though he w.ll probably not attend the democratic caucus. II) will not talk, but his friends say that ha will show that the case against him is in spired by po itical enemies and does not amount to anything. It is understood that the republican have prepared a resolution to be introduced in the as sembly expelling him. A new coinpli nation has arisen in the sickness of As semblymao Nolan of Al'-any. He ie threatened with typhoid fever, but hk physicians think they have broken up the fever and that he will be able to at tend the joint session on Wednesday long enough to vote. A Writer Dim New Yoitsr, Jan. 20,-Charles Tabor Congdon, njwspaDer man, author, poet and mngazine writer, died yesterday norning from heart failure at the Ho tel Albemarle. He wis in his 59th year. fte funeral will take place from his old home at New Bedford, Miss.. Wednes day. Will I'nll ThroufH. PiTTSBCBG, Pa., Jan. 20. At a meet ing of the creditors of tbe Westing- house electric couipanyyesterday s com mittee reported that they found 1175, 300 due the Pittsburg creditors aud.ljO, 300 to outside creditors. Vice Presi dent Banister told the committee that the company wasdoisg well and would soon be on better paying bas'x. A proposition was offered the cieditors in the shape of pieferred stock to coer a :ertsin per centage of the indebtedness, some accepted and others want to cor suit lawyers. It is believed thst be jompscy will pull through. Coaeten llrownrd. Osii.osu, Wis.,Jan. 20.-Whiles party sf nine young people were cosstinir st Appleton the tied ran into the river snd lay Briggs, Emms Asid aod May Carev were urowneo. 1 ney were children of .1 1 m. . .. : orominent reeidenta, An Obuoiiuua Official. f If I.. . T fV. 0uD. AJ. A comm it. --pioysa or the South Side cable roaJ lo demand the removal of Assistant Ru. Pennteodent Luoit called upon Prssi dent Wheeler. He tM tZZ.. T. 1. - wuwass wi4v ina Rector, would meat and would giv. them an answer. The threatened at rii.. 1 . tbeft.i.ii,oij .. """"' we South Side 0 bis intern h.. 1 ABANLKi tD THEH OLD CJC Tiie luttiana Between the (lierwaual'loe Itidfc Agenr; Hrale Sle M Have A Ike I TUK RKDbKIX TUI Kbt, Pise Riixie Aoesct, S. D., (vis Est viUe, Xeb,) Jan. 22. Yesterday m. all the troops with the exceptional Firet infantry remained oa the bas occupied for lb last two mMlJ short distance from the ageot's ter. It had been the intention to cai jo Wo'i creek, but the cranse tM 4 2ided upon late yesterday. Thi ptMt: site places the Indians oetweea ta troops snd the agency and iu select has been a source of aonoyince toll redskins. J hey are at a loss to olIt stand the move and note few of tbe: iuok upon it with apprehension of d er. They have accordingly douUe their pickets and are preparing for t mergen j notwithstanding that Ur . - 1 r. 1 . hive been iniormeu uy iienersi I, y hit tbe move is in no manner a u7'Tj Jt oci to their sareiy. M General Brooke has establiahel UV headquarters in the crop, while Gej r y il Miles remains at the agency. ,; T(Mlay the promised inspection troops, it is expected, will take plaot About one hundred snd twenty Bra ..... .. Sioux have aoanaoneu ine uuu amp snd established a camp of U )-n, preparatory vo rev jrniog 10 r..A.. bud under Captain Lee of the nfantry, who his been appointed tt& tary inspector of that agency to a -f with the present agent. Captain UcaJ f ih Eighteenth infantry, wlio k Ven appoirte as military inspector he Chejenne Kiver agency, has left tr luty nt that place. Genoral Miles k'l uht Jelined tbe duties 01 tbeae inspr era so that the latter may not iclr ere with the civilians at the sevr.'-jj 1 igcncies. They are to anticipate a W- .urbulent feeling that may require 11 w. - ion cn the part of the militarj ; tvi ? lumber of men capable of bearing are' T he srnis they own and where thpy osf " " ained them; the namber of hortr" ined by the Indim.s and suitable nilitnry purpfes; report al diasatA. 4 action to division headquarter n hrouh the commanding general fv t e department ; ascertain the suflicieo' i it icsuflicieney of rations; ihi numl nuaged in civic pursuits and as pohei,1 ' tnd scouts; what additSopal occu; lions llio Indians may engage in, whether or not they could not mi Uct ure the clothing, implements tools required on the agency and agency and amount of money re 10m his work by each Indian. Today the term of enlistment oft extra agency police expiree, and Ar Pierce proposes to organize the nui js a band of scouts with an increaM 1 pay of about $15 per mouth. It has at length been decided thatti (irst in.actrv, Colonel Shafter, of i-Vancisco, and four troop of the Mini :avairy, uoionel Henry, will remain he agency after the main body of iters should have been ordered boo With regard to the criticism whs iieoeral Miles' method af disarming: It dians hrs evoked, that gentlemen .hat tbe work has proceeded satisfafl ly and that be will continue to (ten ham in his way and take his own Iu 0 do it, so that the work may be it ive and bloodshed averted. There was nn issue of beef todi; a ,100Indians wero supplied Boom o Agent Pierce's new method, sis ,-ives twenty-two people as much m & was formerly given to thirt" Doairlce Wante Rate. Chicago, III, Jun. 22. A comi -,ro voting the board of trade of rice, Neb., conferred with the managers of a number of western -oquesting the same rates on freigt: lleatrice as to Lincoln. It will b) sj ncuit to arrange, as the proposed tea. ion will cecewsitale a cut to near); I ansas points on account of tbs 4 md the short haul clsuse. HoM ihe oflloial took the matter under iideration. The reeort from Od hat the teiegraph operators an4 f the Union Pacillo would boycott it. Paul roau is declared by the Ci Pacific repreeeutatlve here to bt foundaticn. Majr II alp the Hank Kansas Citv, Mo., Jan. 22. It m wbst seems to be good auilwntM number of Kaosss City capf av decided to came to the r( the American national bank i failed Monday for HOOOWa IMJ take up the stock and assnme t1 blities. Nonages in this cosae. hive yet been mads public Tb 1 ou the Ksnsaa City savings bu tinues today. About flOOaOhst been paid out, chief! v to small tors. The bank ia unaffected If run. -' tM Ha S. i- SWakaa Bocmrster, N. Y., Jan. ft -J Miller, a blacksmith living at U mn a.l. I .1 l last K "ni ywi, wumi IMW UfHli . and wee at onna MauMiatratetl 2 bis aoo. John MUlar. for hu lie , aod neglect to sopaort bis famHf J Tna father attackad the , "lesperate sirugxte followed, J; the fsthar slevbosd ths son e'! ilb pookM koife, from the 2 whioh iba aoa died early thif U411 1 . aw mWi woo as aaoav aii WsaibwH sMtiliaf of tbs orxrsD its Wll lirac