The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 22, 1891, Image 6
Li fjg Sioux County Journal. omCUL OOCSTT FAFs. o - Subscription Price, t.OO Editor. L. J. Mmmh, - Enterad t the Harriaoa port office aa sec THrBSDAT, Jan. 22, 191. Church Howe lias introduced a bill for lie assessment of ail property at its full value and also providing for the taxation Howe is alwavs up to wi " - the times. - The people are becoming aroused at the action or rather inaction of James E. Boyd on the question of citizenship. He is the one roan who knows if naturaliza tion papers have ever been issued to bin) and it is about time he showed them up. The circus at Lincoln is- stilt on to (uite an extent The contests will have to be settled before any work can be ac complished in the way of myitis laws. A notice of injunction proceedings has Been issued on Boyd and will be heard in court on the 29th. The howl whicn went up from some nartjs of the state because Gov. Thayer did not vacate the office of governor and admit James E. Boyd without raising the question of the eligibility of that in dividual, has subsided and on all sides it is admitted that Thayer did no more than his dirty in the case. The free silver coinage bill has passed the United States senate, both of the members from Nebraska voting for it It is likely that it will soon pass the house and become a law, and as soon as that is done the financial strain on the Country will be relieved quite material- Kr. More monev in circulation is what j - is needed. he harvester trust has coNaTtseet It was found that there were some legal obstacles to the operation of such a con cern and the plan was abandoned. Trusts have en their palmiest days in the United States. A few more wise laws on the snbjecb will make them an impos sibility and the sooner such laws are pass ed the better. Hon. El. L. Heath, the representative from this district, has introduced ona of fte best bill's whieh will come up before1 the legislature. I is tcf put a stop to the watering of railroad stock.- That will lop off the main cause claimed by the roads for demanding such high rates. It strikes right to the root of the evil and the bill should be made a lasv by the nnatiimons rot-a of both houses. A lit if ul Plea for Pap. The last issue of the Herald raises a great howl because The Jotjknai. was made the official paper of the connty for the year 1891. The 7fero.'d put in a proposition to print the proceedings of the boarl and leal notices autlwrized by the board at the rate of 33i cents per square of 10 lines. The JoCRNAL also made a proposition, and as the proceed ings of the board is all th it body is au thorized to make an order for that is all that the proposition mentioned and the rate was the same as that offered by the Herald, 33 j cents per square of 10 lines. It might be well to state here that the Herald did not seek to save any money to the cnunty for that is the rate fixed by law. The board by a unanimous vote made The Journal the official paper. Later in the day after the above ac tion was taken the editor of the Herald submitted a second proposition, offering to do the work for 5 cents per square of 10 lines. Why was such a trick as that 14 rmist certainly have been done for one of two reasons. Either the ed itor of tfee Herald sought to get the board to do a thing that was illegal by Wgain taking the matter op, or else be wanted something to howl about The board was not caught by the bait and 'did not do any illegal acts and in all mat ters relating to the printing the board Voted unanimously. The Herald cries "Shame" on Commis 'atoner Grove and Green for their action and charges Grove with being an alliance man in theory only, and twits him with being young. Mr. Grove may be young but hs is old enough so that the organ of the gang which reviled him and attempt ed to induce him to Withdraw Jrom the ticket is i889 con neither catch him with 'chaff nor fcaU-doas him into playing into -the bands of the eaemie)! of the county iand Mr. Green is old enough so that he tm cttthiaoy teeth. ' Th Herald speaks of of the past year. Thar ma? have been some errors but . tim reoords of the past year snow up in a Very creditaUs manner when compared , wits the records of former years, and if to4jojatytaarteetietodoi well "bn the ftrture as in the past, the people of he county will .have no complaint to When the. U fang had control of Vvevy tains; and anyone attempted to go rsins4 them, the Htratd had a pleasant Vay of fntortarto such appaaent fooi- 'Vswinf iv. On the pitaft-j natter the Herald Kb widened nanny, or 001 VUdt lUteiwwtJ rwT until nil the V tolMngn wHfnM, and wanted some TBEAtriEK'S STATEMENT. SeuriamiUal of tlnam-es ,ioux county. Nebra.ka. from June 1, 1. January I, Wl: state rrsii. Balance June 1, 1U . 75 4 13 V Ullf t IUMI-. -- , Paid Male 1 r-iurt-r Krluu.ied by order board Balance 75 14 as 7 ) OOCSTT GENESAL, JXH7. Balance Juue 1. 1SW-- is vo tt 54 VilW-ting COlumiew-iou for 'eIr Balance ... 1 M Si Iti 34 44- COl'KTT GENERAL, IMS. 34 44 A-Unoe Jane 1. liu 65 Collections . 11M) Warrant redwmcd- .IOM 4 ( omniiaaion for ear Halauce k 44 " W ias m eOl'KTT GENEKAL, 1?4 Ralance Jane 1. IBM ! 193 W Collrrtloua 14UH il ..1244 44". Warrants nHiwnit-i Relunded by order Couiiuisciou for year Ilalaiice i IK ( 14ti 75 ua 4i; 1572 7 COfNTT GENERAL, 1M. 1572 7J Colleetlona i73 11 Warrant" rwleemeU .1535 11 ( ommuiiasion for year. Balance 7a 37 21 1573 11 COr.XTT BOAD FI'N1, 1W. 1573 11 Rah, nee June 1. M 133 t olIectinriR-. .ni U5 W arranu pniti... ,.12 f U.. Funded 1V imll'T lajanl 1 44 ( muniinskMi for year 12 j; Kaluuce ei ' 23V 65 COCNTT BOA D, 110. Collwtions 77 01 Warrant, redeemed Coumiiasioii n-t-ul year Balance , 4 77 02 30 tl 77 1 COl'NTT BRIDGE, ltWH. Balance June 1, 18SO 75 44 Collections Warrants rtleeined CoimntsHion for year Balance 151 03 6 M 3 33 l(il Ml COl'NTT BRIDGE, 9. Balance June 1, 1800 205 37 Colle tioll8 6W 20 Kefuuded by order . Couiinisfciou for year Balance , Hit 00 7 59 . (il 7 . 7211 1 7!f7 57 7!7 67 COCXTT BRIDGE, lff.10. Collections e 16 CouiuiiHsioii fiscal yeur 35 Balance - 0i 81 tV 16 BOND FUNDS. Balance June 1, I8! 744 fll Collections 13D5 33 Coupons Pid aoi Oh Refunded order board 31 81 Couimiion fiscal year 4S 1H Balance 15S 3H 2140 24 2140 24 TILLAGE FUND. Baianw Jnne 1, 1890 50 Collections 3M Paul village treasurer ia a- Warrant redeeineil (taxes) 60 00 Kefuniled ordr bourd Transferred to bond fund.. Commission for year Balance M 74 Is 17 4:1 32 8Att 05 3.V1 4i5 SCHOOL LAS1). Collections 425 73 Paid state treasurer Application returned 209 93 156 66 5VI 14 425 73 BOAD D1STK1CT PUHDS. Balance Jne 1,1W0 ., & 44 Collections... - 374 52 l'aid overseer' orders Commission Hefunded BMhMice -240 77 . 10 07 - 1 43 .185 W 437 96 SCHOOL UISTRICT NO. 1. Balance June 1, 1B90 14 53 Collections. . 324 29 437 Wi ADlM)rt;ouijieiit 25 90 raid treasurer . m re Commissions to Dec. 1 1 52 Balauee , 15 2s 364 72 A 72 SO. i. Balance June 1, 1890 ..291 20 Collections 397 65 ADDortioninent 21 70 rata treasurer 291 00 Commission, Dec. 1.. Balance ..419 02 710 55 KO. 3. Balance June 1-, 1890 81 '6 Collections...... 86 98 Apportionment 35 00 rum treasurer Hefunded Commission Balance - ...154 26 1 52 2 91 156 65 156 65 NO, 4. Balance June 1, 1890 4 48 Collections 58 50 Apportionment 20 30 I'aid treasurer G3 28 Commission . , 5 Balance 19 43 83 38 83 2! KO. 5. Balance Jane 1, 1890 27 Collections Apportionment - 30 48 23 10 J'ftlU treasurer 23 10 Coimnlssion. Balance . 80 41 53 85 53 89 KO. 6. Balance June 1, ISM 34 50 Collections 166 34 Apportionment 31 50 Paid treasurer - - ... Coinmlssion for year Balance - ' . 332 34 KO. 7. Balance Jane 1, ISM 1 SO Collections 266 68 Apportionment 47 60 66 00 2 8H .163 48 232 34 I'aid treasurer Me a Commiwdon ... . gs Balance .... 14 s8 316 08 jro. n. Collections.. -35 (M Apportionment ... 8 OA Paid treasurer : 30 vommiHston si Balance ... H 71 43 71 43 71 KO.. Collections 10 OS Apnortifinuient -- 87 10 Paid treasurer. - 196 M commission . j 74 Balance ...... w . 49 1W IS KO. 10. Balance June 1, 1SW 77 Collections.. ...SO 8S Comnilaflon . Kalancfl 1W IS 17 65 tm. II. Balance inn 1, ISM. . tl M Collection I It Apportion incut ,...11 M FaM trMwnrer .. (XHiimlmlon .. . '-' Balance.... . tl B a 40 .... 4ft ....IS 70 it. Collections M .ptwrtioiiuwMrt paid tmi-ur. r 4 out uilii -- " . Si .15 Balance - Si 7S no. 15- Balanee "" 1. J; 2 (.OlltH liUll ' Auuortiomueiit " 75 Haul trt-a.-un-r-.. fouimi.KUl . Balance Balance June 1, l Collection rj '.t Auuortlonment ' I'aid treasurer- 1 omiuiHion Balauce - Balance June 1, Collection Aiiuortioiiuieut Vnid treasurer "omuiisioii . balance IH 57 154 5T SO. Colllection AoiKjrtioiiineni 25 20 l'uid treasurer Cnniiiiioii . Balance 2 37 KO. 17. Balance June 1,1 l'uid treasurer ,0 t ommirwiiou ... Balance 1 Kb 27 W) KS4 K3 SO. 18. S4i 1 .1 11 20 134 U Collections A: -port Urn men t . 3t7 20 l'aiil treasurer Coinmirfsiuu Balance a; 357 HI SO. 19. Collections AiilxJl tlonment ' w l'ald treasurer I ..! in i. mi, it, 357 P 1 m w...,,d,.d 02 Balance 307 m so. 20. Balance June 1, 1890 8 76 Collections 'rl M Annortionment 20 30 307 on .79 20 raiu treasurer Commission , Balance . 5 . 9 80 70 NO. 2L Balance June 1, 1H0 9 34 Collections 2tf 13 Apportionment U,J I'aid treasurer 8 Commission .. Balance 37 24 45 52 so. '22. Balance June 1, 1890 40 70 45 5: Collections 17 99 Apportionment 14 iU Commission Balance 73 39 KO. 23. Balance June 1, 1890 13 21 Collections 49 39 Paid treasurer Commission Balance 49 73 39 .62 03 09 no. 24. 63 09 Balance June 1, 1890 21 (Collections 51 7(5 Apportionment 28 70 fam treasurer Commission 70 6: 6' Balance 9 4 80 07 NO. 25. 80 (i Balance June 1, 1".0 2 95 Apportionment .23 10 lortimiv- hi . Paid tr :. i.rer . 0: 2i 02 20 05 20 0, NO. 29. Collections .. 9 61 .10 15 Apportionment .. . . Uommission . Balance . 10 .19 06 19 70 no. 37. 19 5S Balance June 1, 10 15 Collections 27 Apportionment 12 01 77 55 Commission Paid treasurer 35 Balance 19 6: 87 APPORTIONMENT FUND. Balance June 1, 1890.... 26 67 June apportionment 516 69 Transferred to districts 542 8 Balance 51 543 36 543 WARRANTS PRESENTED AND REGISTERED. General fund, 1890 3726 Koad fund, 1890 46 Total amount of registered warrants unpaid (W22 State or Nebraska, ( Hioux Coiixtt. ( I hereby certify that the foreuoinK is a correct statement of tnc receipts arm insinirsemeni of the cou ty treasurer's office from June 1, 1H90 to Ja uary 1, Isftl. It. Cavhart. 30 Dated: January 1, 1891. Treasurer. Relief for the Settlers. In accordance with the letter from I 40 45 as el 5 "i SO. 14. 37 50 S i OU 03 S5 53 SO. 15. J0 .19 43 I 2fc 70 143 K 1 53 7 7 Senator Wilson which appeared in the last issue of TUB JoCBNAL, County Clerk t i . i .1 ... Lauuemuu nas appuinteu uie loilowing pei-nou mj report to mm trie needs tne people in the various precincts: Andrews John S. Tucker. Antelope S. R, Story. Bodaro a W. Hall. Bowen Robert Wilson. Cottonwood A. G. Chandler. Five Points F. M. Smith. Hat Creek D. W. Woodv. Isower Running Water O. J. Gowev nuuiiuBo m, u. uoruon. Running Water J. H. Cook. Snake Creek Charles Palmer. ' Sheep Creek T. B. Snyder. War Bonnet-Eli J. Wilx White River Isom S. Mcintosh, Instructions have been sent to those parties and blanks furnished for appli cants for seed, provisions, feed and clothing to fill out, setting forth the residence and other necestary informa tion concerning those seeking relief The settlers shonld assist those in charge of the work as much as possible as there is no pay attached to any part of the work and therefore it should be divided up as much as possible. 4.Tbi?arash'P "d to the settlers by the Indian outbreak makes it the duty of the national government to extend relief to the settlers and there is little doubt that congress will provide assistance. Ai0di"uand T8teh alteratives make Ayer's BarsapanHa the best Wood CjRKF.r)SIl.'r-: K"! B or ( " ko, Cbadrou, - DANK OF nABRIS05, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $25,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. T . .ta C.T.1 Onlrs. rv.untV and 1 -Interest Paid Loans Money on WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF all standard grade., which will 1 told at lowct living price. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Shoes, Good Quality, f 1.25 a pair. Ladies Shoes, WARRANTED, only f 1.75 a mt. Mens' felt Boots 65 cents a ir, and others equally cheap. Felt Boots and Ruhlrs f2.10, CHEAPEST ON EARTH! Good Grade of Prints, 7J cents a yard. Overshoes $1.45 a pair. Bargains in Dry Call and be Convinced. Groceries Fresh J1TFRESII and SALT MEATS The Shah of Persia Though advanced in yearn, lias balr ol raven hue. Gray hairs are strictly prohibited In his domiiiions, and hence the large ship Biciits to that country of Ayer Hair Vigor, by the use of which the Shah's subjects savo not only their hair but their beads. Ayer'i Hair Vigor restores the natural color of the hair. It should be on eve ry toilet-table. " Some time ago my hair le&an to fade and to fall out so badly that I thmiKht 1 should be bald; but the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor has restored the original color and made my hair strong, abundant, and he.,lthy. It does not fall out any more." Addle Hhaffwr. MO Kace St., Cincinnati, Ohio. "My liair (which had partly turned grayl was restored to its youthM color and licauty by the use of a few bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor. I sliall continue to use it, as there Is no better dressing for the hair." Caldo Oapp, Georgcana, Ala. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rBEFABED BY DS. 3. C. ATEB ft CO., Lowell, Xass. Sold by all Druggiita and Perfumers. 59 B. E. Brewster, President. C. F. CorriE, Vice Pres. 69 CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. flNCOItPOBATn). 36 39 -A. 00 General Banking Business -TRANSACTED.- Harrisou, Nekrakka. IL T. CONLEY, Lawyer. Loans no Money, Represents no insurance company nd has no land to tell but flr., bis sntire time and attention to the practice of the law. Harrison, . . . Sn,m of C. E. HOLMES, Attomey-at-Lsw. All buslnesa entrusted to his care will ri. celve prompt and careful attention. HARRISOS, - ,. snRAni4 GEORGE WALKER, ' Attornfy-st-Lsw. Will practice before a, con ihf r S. ln. Office. Btisliie., entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention. HARRISON, . . KKBRASKA. L. O. HULI., Attornfj-at-Law. ABMOOH '-NIB ..RATED l DttT ATI U. Scb. THE II A.R BISOn, 5EBBASE1. lias Wsrrants. on Time Deposits. Improved Farms, CHAS. E. HOLMES, CASHIER. FLOUR, Goods and Clothing. and Prices Low. always on hand. Geo. H. Turner. rirt. Leoxhardt, 14-Vi O Street, l.lni-oln, Sell. Practice limited to diseases of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, . HEART and BLOOD. Read the press notices, Sens' for symptom chart. State voiir case. If you are sick and want to get well, write all about yourself. No trouble to read letters; send Htamp for reply. Dr. Leonhardt, H'.2 0 St. Lincoln, Neb. Wells Drilled! I have a rood well drillinir machine and am ready to'drill any sized well on snort nonce. terms good ana prices low. Postoflice, Harrison. C. S. Scott. L. E. BELDEN.A SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing- donejonidiort noMae. Gool work and remonable har. Shop south of livtry barn. riAiuu.n., . . . KEB, Brant Guthrie, Dcalcm In- Lumber, Lime, -AXC Coal. TATE OFFICE B J.aie. E. Hoy" T J. Majors liArarm... Llewtiin jK J.C.AUea - J8ecre T. H Bum .. . John E. 11111-.- G. II.Iltiuga Attorney A. K. Humphrey. Laud Vvma,i A. K- Ooudy Sept. Public ! (SGRE.VIOSAL HELEGAT101 A. . l adaocK -i , .ser' tor, fc-J C. f. Manilewon ...I . . Kmalur. OaJ W. J. Coniiell, Cmsrenan 1st WsL,0iJ (o..w.Ti..ior-y, - ' .".rnj JC UK I ART: AmasaCobb Chief JuMift.iJ S. Maxwell Associate JuagtrwaJ T. L. Sorval Aaaoclate'Judi 4J a ( .mnlIl Clvrk ami KJ.rv.r, , a ... . -.- l -v"'iLii-" TWELFTH eJCDIClAL niTRlft . p. JUnkaid Jur.o 1 1 an i .j tnJ rcrnTT.orricERS: f. J S. Barker. . .....ttxintr J, t Conrad Llndeman. ................ tx t M. J. Gayhart TnA A. hnutliworth SupU Publlcluutr.,?- Tho. Keldy.......-...... Geo. J. Chafer . , ' A. K..IfW... fan, Conrad Undeman Clerk of Dlmrlrt V 11. T. ( onley .... ..Couui j AtvP, IHIAIll) OF COMMISSION r.LVV I (1ia. I'. Grove, (chlrnisn). J. A. Green ,M f. W. Knott 1st I.K4JIHI.ATIVE: W". Wllwm Senator, I)it So.'ll.rjj- . F.i. I.. Heath Rep., IUt. No. 5, Ba- Vll.LAtiE OKElCERs J C. II. Weller trlialrniao) TrK3 : W. II. fuiHb J J. C. Northrop v C. K. Holnie !.f W. II. Wright tt C. E. Verity fr 1. I'. 1h vlM... TrK mi US'lfltflf rkVt'U't'llu. I - - S. I. P.. Maine Ir VV. R.. smith G. W. He.ter Trf TERMS OF COf HT: I,!., vl... I ..11,-1 .11 llnrrtttf.n frimtrnt. IVIiruary lU ami xptomber'iMi, J. Counlv Court, At Ilarrivon, romiw" nrt Monday of each'moiitli. - CIIC RCHES AM) MX IF.Tlt t M. E. Chnrtb-rreachlng- en(;utt l .Sunday at 10:3n a. iu., and every ."iiiKlijfi ( - liiBHtT:WI. K. K. K. RoKHK,lm ; Itev. William Wilwo pri-acbfi tt f churcb each alternate Wednewlaj eicn.,,. IM-Klniilnx at 7:30. t' Edcoial wrvir- at the churcb f Friday nvviilnc lietween the lant t! i day of each month, xjnclin tel by E".. IIuU-m. t nlon .Hunday -lwol every nndaynj a. in. K. E. E. Rokici.' liiuic Vhool tne cnunu day af teruoon at H oVUk-U. k. V. I. Hrr,' Fremont, Elkhorn -AND- Mo. VallJ (NORTH WESTERN LINI -BETWEF.S- Harrison, Nebras OMAHA, SIOUX CITY CHICAGO AND ST. PAUL And All Points in the East, North, South it Thnouah.Tickets TO SlllrW Rao-gage checked to nestln1 Tbrongh Palace Hleeper betw H Valley and Head wood. J. C, NOrmiROP. Affl liarrw H. O. Brrr, Oen'l Manager. Oen'l P OMAHA, NEB. 1 I I t-'a 4 4- Batanee Jane i, 1M... lAMU. i r-