The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 22, 1891, Image 1
- '' 4 . The Sioux IsTO. 19. 1 - - GoUjmty Journal At3E SIOUX COUNTY ,. 0 jmMi Editor aad Proprietor. ill X)UGHT AND 80LD i ...... by the Ja1 Security Co., I HARRISON, NEB. Interpolated. (Capital I Capital 30,000.00 19,000.00 !1f DEM AN, FTMldent. its Giiuch, Vice-President. . V- Jokes, Secretary. " C. K. Vbbitt. Treasnrer. H. T. Coklbt, Attorney. fhave on our lists over thirty R E FARMS in this county Jhjeh we can sell on LONG TIME and EASY PAY- l MENTS. fties wishing to buy or sell should Secretary. 'nought and sold on comrais Jpulars descrip ) &i the county be had on ap tion, for dis-Wion, ESP0NDENCE SOLICITED a ren, i HEIHASKA bicukict 00. Harrison, Nebraska. HTTBV A kitchen girl, at onoe, at irtsorr Hucfoe, fA. Cunningham is treating his Tehop to a coat of paint David j is doing the work. 'cottage prayer meetfng will be (Thursday evening Jan. 22nd at ypatMrs Basaett's room. The I exercises will consist of a brief too of the lesson for tW following I Indian war is over. Some of tone will likely be kept on the xor some time until all is quiet I do further cause for the settler imid of Indian raids. L Idfe 'linger lost her pocket book Mb, containing a twenty dollar . ,o til vet dollars and some small i, ana so rar no trace oi it nas oeeo fOUnd Worse t It may be that some one i ttaiight they Needed it be owner. ' good deal of space in this issu is ad by tHe proceedings of the coun Vd and the semi-annual statement i county treasurer. A perusal Of Iter will demonstrate that the fl A ootiditioQ of tha county Is con Wy improved. It alio shows just Bouut of warrants) issued against vy of 1800. Whoed LvitiltM: W hare a food V of seasoned lumber constantly on M our mill on West Bom. 10 I feet $10.00; 14 and 10 feet $12.00 )saod feet First-class native !a always on hand. First-class 8: i-class $8 per thousand. f 4.K Aft!. I would be a good plan for parties f to begin criminal action against t to consult the county attorney V getting out a complaint A com i not properly made is worthless B begin a wit and hare it dismissed xouot of' defective papers only cost-for the coVnty. mewting of the Pleasant Bour ott Tuesday evening was well at 1 Steps are being taken to make jgaaifmtion fwrmatWnt and estat. I Ubrary therewith. Th plan t or ao excellent one and should be as by H who Uvor intellectual ad Jimeiit. Tlw hih rnv ivri Tmps v:trifc- n(, 7(0, ahwrp. All r. v 1, dOaLWlgglOJElS KECOtri: , i 00 Hal.) t HsBBiao, M(b., Jan. IS, 1890. Jloard of commissioners met lo reffular lTot: John A. ureea.Cftt C. Howg. Fred . W. Knott end clerk. Minute of IxsUBJsUns; read and apprared. Tke following Aclal bonds were present M and anproved : Samuel W. Hall, assessor Bodarc preclmrt: Sapinel W. Hall, road overseer district So. Uaiuel W. Hall, justice of (be peace, H dare preelnct. M. J. Weber, constable. White EiVer pre' clnct. O. J. ttowey, assessor,' Lower BuDulng Wa ter. J. II. Cook. anMor Bunning' Water pre cinct. Daulel A. Publow, assessor, Cottonwood precinct. jJobn.G. Klbule,;road overseer,. dttrlcto, L. W. Bryan, road'overseerllstrlet Mo. I. Geo. W. Cobb, aascMor, Antelope precinct. 8. W. Kemp, road overseer, district No. 11 V. C. Hutchlngs' statement of iiettlenient a road overseer for dUtiict No. 10 for tbe year IMO was examined end a certificate is sued to N. C. Hutching for tbe sum of 14. M on road district fund of dUtrict;No. 10 8. W. HU' statement of settlement as road overaeer for district No. 6 for tbe year IHW was examined and a eertlflcateiatued to 8. W. Hall for tbe sum of . on road dis trict fund of district No. 6. Cbas. E. Shllfi statement.of .settlement as road overseer for district No. "4 for tbe year fM was examiued and a certlncute Issued to (-has. Miilt.for'tne sum of .B3S.00 Wioad,dl. trlct fund of district No. 4. 8. W. Kemp's statement' of settlement as road overeoer for.distrlct No. 11 for.tbe year 1N0 was examined and a certillcate.lssued to 8. W. Kemp for tbe sum of.KI0.00 on road.dis On motion board adjourned for.dinner un til one o'clock p. in. AFTEBNOOM SESSION. Tbe county clerk mude a statement to" tbe board In regard to tbe provisions sent to. the county for tbe poor and asked that a com- lttee be unpointed to dlstrlbute.nie same. After consideration1 the..matter w a post poned until Jan. 14. 1891. J ustlce.doc Set of.IsoaiJS.cIntoshN'as ex amlned'and approved. The annual settlement of the following Earned road overseers'.were examined and certificates for the amounts stated Issued to them respectively on tbe different rond di trlct funds: C. L. Columbia, S2T.00. district No. 7 road' fund. L. W. Bryan,-7.00.dtstrict No.4.road;rdtid. Hsnry.Waseenburger.tKMidistrlct No.. 1 road fund. N. O. Whlte.tW.OOdl.trlct No. ll.roadfund. Kamuel Tebbet,:o.OO.'district No. 6 road fund. H. U'tnonklng,'B17.M.dlstrlct No. .8 road rued. J. C. L. Bugland, 1(1.00 district No. 1 road fund. Affidavit and communication from T. E. A 1C. V.;BK. Co. In regard to labor tax was pre sented and after due consideration, on mo tion, the clerk was and is hereby Instructed to notify tbe railroad authorities that they did not appear to perform tbe labor at the proper time and cite them to the eta uteajof Nebraska. Demand of Satterlee'A Walker," attorneys for W. W. Seymour that the board1 Include In their estimate of expenses for the year IMI an amount suf ficient to pay certain claims against Sioux county was considered and on motion lald.over until Jan. 14, 1S91. L The following statement of county elerk was presented and, on motion, approved: Statement of fees received by Conrad Lin- deman, county clerk of Sioux county, Ne- braka, for the year ending Januury 1, 18V1 : For recording Instruments, filing cbattle 'mortgages and district court fees 81308 For work on assessor's books and ser vices on board of Insanity I9 60 For three.fourtns yeaf salary 900.00 MM.) Paid deputy. 700.00 S60.J8 On motion tbe board ordered through G. Guthrie a carload of coal at Ungrate of 86.00 per ton delivered in bin at court bouse. Claim of hi O. Hull, for 1873.00 for services at county attorney, was taken up and, on motion, rejected. On motion tbe clerk be and Is hereby In structed to surrender to the Home rtre In surance company the policy for Insurance on the court house and request of said com- pany to withdraw allowed account No.644, filed Ang--i4t , 1W, and allowed August J, 18W, and inform said company that they will consider a just claim for premium due On motion the board accepted tke propo sition of Cbas. Ki Verity and 8. H. Jones to Insure tbe court houss for 87,000 and tha county recordsi books, furniture and fix tures for 81,000 In the Springfield Fire and Marine and.North .British and 1'noenlx of Hartford Insurance companies for five years for tbe sum of two hundred and forty dol Ian, against firs and lightning only. Petition of A. K. Gates .and otberajfor a road commencing at tbe northwest corner of section I, township 80, range M, and run nlng east uu.seetlon.llne to the northwest corner of section 1, twp SO, rang as; thence north to tke northwest corner of eeotlen M, twp 11, range At, theuee east to the northeast corner of section SB, township II, range Hi was presented, and the same being what Is known as a consent road, the pell Uou was granted and tbe line described de clared to be a public road. Ou motion board adjurued until ( o'clock! e.m.iJau. 14, lovl. Hamison, Maa., Jan. 14, urn. Beard of commissioners met as per ad journment. Present : Grove, Green, Knott and elerk. situates of last ueeUttg readjand, approv ed. lite demand of aattertoe A Walker, attor ney tor M . A . Msyiuour, w tits boai-d that UH.f .UC.UUO 1U UiVil ltlitfM Ut VApUiMMS lor Mie ysar lasl, cei twin allowed, viaiui oi W . W . awy uiour, auU uivtude Um eauui la tbe levy for lest, aud issue warnwts for tUe same, including lute rest, as Sood as the lery or Ule yei imI !;) hu uvuii.uio, wm .:. ..II' I u.luf ,;,..,.,... ,,-HI .!.!. U M, OK UIWli'.'ll, rvl M'TV'1 rWtloe of Bobrrt Barrlsosl uii&t&SlSn the wrtabllaSj stent of a road to eomsjisasi a 1 1 1 i n MiiM, is tsra SB- rassie at, la Cotton wil precinct, road dissrtet Vef . and ruaalasj thence three miles and tkrea fourtks of a mile west, tbenee eoatbweet te a pine tree; tbenee so til on ridge aboot 18 rods; thence ok west side of rlds to tS ef bUl; tbenee south and west of breaks Of Ce sar and Spring oaayons to the center of sta tion twenty; tbenee south aad west the line of old Umber road, and on tbe practical rout, and terminating at southwest corner of section thirty-five, twp S, range M, and all other papers relating to said road wen taken up, and after da eea- sideratlon. the request was treated aad the line as surveyed by tbe surveyor aad re ported by the commissioner declared a pub lic road. The proposition of L. J. Simmons aad Davis SUngerland to publish the comsals- a loners' proceedings were considered. both being the same rate (one-third legal) Thk Sioux Coorrt Joobbal was, on motion. declared tbe oeadal paper of Sioux eoaaty for the year 1181. On motion D. H. Grlswold, Thomas Relay and Conrad Lindeman be and are hereby ap pointed a committee to attend to the dlstrl button of supplies for the poor donated to 81onx' county, and that the county and Is hereby Instructed to sppolnt oae Jus tice of the Deuce la each precinct, and in precincts In which there no justices, oae re sponsible cltixen to whom shall Ibe. present ed appllcetlons.for ald,nd uponhe certlfl cate of whom aid shall be Issued for seeds or provisions tbst may be donated to Sioex cou.-tv during Uie'ys&r 1891, and the provis ions at present donated tb be dntrlbuted by the committee wlthout.certlflchtee from Jus tla of the peace. Affidavit and request of B. F. Johnson in regard toarf undlng. taxes was taken up and, on motion, the request was refused on tbe ground that affiant did not pay taxes under protest as required by law. Affidavit and request.of Baitlstt Bfchards in regard to refunding taxes was taken up and, on motion, rejected.on the ground that the property taxed was not taxed twice or double, but taxed separaOsly, part ot same being listed as real, lata is and perta'.im provsmente on same. The statement of M. Gayaart, county treasurer was'examlned and, on motiontiap proved. The board proceeded to get tbe Informa tion necessary in order to select the names of persons from which to draw a petit Jury to serve at the February term of the district court. Tbe names of all persons who were drawn as Jurors for the past two years were first obtained. The abstract of votes cast-at tbe last general election was examined and tbe total number of votes polled wss foaad to be 4M. It was foand that there was an election held In Sheep Creek precinct tbe assessor's book of saiof preelnct was es amlned and found to contain ten names ef persons who arc eligible a Jurors, iinjrtkjfj total of 46B voters to ssiact.nsntet from.By dlvesnsywss, tws(wOBnwsw'osOBBeexssjrssn the number of persons to be listed for jury purposes, it was found that one person could be Us tod as Juror for each 1 electors found In each precinct. The following list names of persons eligible for Jurors was then selected from the different precincts: Andrews preclnct-a votes J. W. Robinson. Antelope precinct 14 votes John P. Eck. art, John Weber. Bowen preclnct-74 votes Henry Warneke, William A.'Blgelow, Kobert Wilson, W. II. Green, Eugene Bigelow, D. II. Grlswold, Pason Higcluw, G. W. Hester, Kggert Boh-wer. Bodarc precinct-SO votes 8. W. Hall, C. L. Columbia, 11 Smith, C. D. Plimpton. Five Points precinct SB votes H. 8. Wood ruff, r. If. Smith, James Procunler, S. B. Cof fee, Joshua Baker. Cottonwood precinct 08 votes William B. Dove, Andrew Procunler, William Kla berry, W. D. Artier, D. C. Grosbeck, James Eveson, George Brown, Kli Sowars, William Bennett. Hat Creek preclnet S7 votes J. C. Par sons, A. Orton, H. C. Doan, George Cant. Lower Bunning Water precinct 17 votes O. J. Gowey, Alvln W. Nicholson. Montrose precinct 47 votes II. Zimmer man, James Clerk, Joseph Asbton. Alex Williams, sf. D. Jordon. Peter Henry, David Anderson. Bunning Water precinct 18 votes J. 1L Cook, Arthur st. Green. Snake Creek precinct 17 votes Frank Harris, E. C. Bird. Sheep Creek preeenct 10 votes Martin J. rntx. White Blver precinct 47 votes H. G. Stewart, M. J. Weber, 5. C. Hutcbiugs, Isom S. Mcintosh, J. Stlmson, K. 8. Q. Hamaker. Waroonnet precinct 4S votes A. B. Dew, A. B. Kennedy, Oscar Garten, John Blee- dorff, Charles Biehle, Chas. K. Shut. In proportioning tbs number of names on ths above basis it wss found that it would take but 49 names and as Hat Creek has tbe largest fraction, the one name required to make tbe full number was assigned to said precinct. On motion board adjourned until t o'clock a. m. January ,1s, Habbisox, Ncb Jan. is, Ml. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present Commissioners Green, Grove, Knott and clerk. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. On motion tbe treasurer be and la hereby Instructed to transfer from the bridge fund of 1890 tbe sum of 8(00.00 to the general fund of 190. On motion the clerk be and Is hereby in structed to draw a warrant on tbe general fond of UttO, for the sum of 800.00, In favor of A. K. Dew in payment of balance due on field notes of Sioux county. The second proposition of Davis A SUn gerland in regard to publishing commission rs' proceedings aad legal notices wss taken up and being as that matter was disposed of at tbe meeting of Jan. 14th, the board re Jccted tbe same. Ou motion J. M. Robinson and Robert Wit son were appointed Justtoos of the psaee for Bowen product. On utotlou 8t R. Story was appointed jos tles of the peace for Antelope precinct. On luoUoa o. J. Gowey was appointed Jut tieu of toe peace let Aaiwer itauuiug Water preuiuvt. mi uiouaii J. M. uook waa annolntad lua- ftloe of the pesos for Running Water pre- cluck on motion T. B. Snyder was appointed Jus- i f a'.!.. l-'t . hi-.-p t.'r.-.'-H ilt.v;iu l. ifn yniu"n J,k Um i nt wtti .'I'tMHntcil ;' fapsMierCiwak precinct. On mot&on Valentine Thomas was appoint s4 road overseer for Sheep Creek precinct. On motion tb elerk waa and Is hereby in structed to attend to having the cistern covered with plank covering. On motion, county clerk be and is hereby las true ted to purchase a stove for court loom according to recommendations of tbe beard. Oo motion board adjourned for dinner. - aftbbmoom sbssiss. -On motion, the clerk beraUoejMF1 a sstar sf 8S0SO9 for tbe yearn! , as der k-fo coon- t board. On Bsetioo, the connty clerk be allowed an assistant at a salary not to exceed (Oao for the year UOl. ' On motion, tbe county superintendent be allowed 88J0 per day for tbe year lstl. On motion, Philip MoCann was appointed Isaeesor for Hat Creek precinct. ? The 1 olio wing estimate for expenses for Ike year Ml was made: Plstrlct court expenses,.. 88.000 Salaries 9,000 Stationary 175 Printing 1 Roads and Bridges 9,000 Indebtedness and Interest as indicated ' by mandamus in favor of Bank of Har rison 3,000 Institute , 100 Incidental 1,000 Insane and poor fund .... .- 800 Soldiers relief fund 900 814.075 On motion, Solomon R. Story was appoin ted a member of soldiers relief commission. On motion board adjourned without day. CONBAD LIHDEMAW, County Clerk. Notice of Contest. U. 8. La mo officb, CBAUBOM, NBB. 1 Dec. It. 1890. Comnlaint No. tMt bavins- been entered at this office by Hugh W. MacLachlan against John A. Scrlvuer for failure to comply with law as to timber culture entry no. owh, dated January 11, 1HW1, upon tbee H nw 14,wi( nw X anu nw X sw , secuon- is, lownsnip a. range 58, in sioux county, neurasaa, witn view to the cancellation of said entry; con testant alleging that said claimant has wholly abandoned said tract in that he has failed to break or otberwlae cultivate any portion or said tract since making said, en try, and that he hasalled to cure such do reels up to oate oi tms .amuavit, to wn Dec. 8. lft. The said parties are hereby summoned to Sppear at this ofllce on the 19 day or Febru ary IH91. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to respond and furnlab testimony concerning said alleged 1 ui lure. Testimonv of witnesses will be taken be fore George Walker, a notary public, at his office in llarrlson, Neb., on the A day of Feby imvi, at to a. m. J r. rowcae, neoeiver. H. T. COMLBT,:Contestant's Atty. 16- Nf"to'on-RaldaI)fcB(lSwt. In the DlstrlcfCourtof Sioux county, Ne braska. L. Alice Watson, plaintiff, vs. Elmer Mc Farllng and K. 8. Ormsby, , trustee, defend ants. tioe that on tne sotn day or September, lsss, Dlalntlff nereln filed his petition In the Dis trict Coart of Sioux county, Nebraska, against said defendants, tbe object and nraver off which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by said Blnisr MeFarllng to W. J. Bowden upon.lota I and 4 andJ) H ot NW of Section 4, township 80, ; Range as, wsst oi ut stn r. si., in iuoux county Nebraska, to secure the payment of 10 m-oiniaaorv notes dated Nov. 17th. M. the first one of said notes being for the sum of 84.66 and due and payable on the 1st day of July UM. The other 9 notes being for the sum of 88-75 each, and one of tbem falling due and payable every alx mouths thereaf ter. Said note and mortgage provide that If aeiauit tie maae in ins payment oi any one of said notes for more than ten days, or if there be defsuit in tns payment of any in' terest when tbe same becomes due, tbe whole amount secured by said mortgage shall become due and collectable, at once. Before tbe nommencment of this suit said W. J. Bowden sold, endorsed and dcllv ered said note and mortsnure to the nlain tiff who Is now tbs owner and bolder there of. Def ault has been made in the payment of tbe said notes which became due ou tbe 1st day July, 1889: thelst day of January, 1890, and the 1st aav of July. 1890. for more than ten days and plaintiff elects and declares that the whole amount secured by said mortgage Is now due and payable. That there is .now due upon said notes and mortgage the sum of 889.40, for which sum.with Interest from Sept. 80th, 1H90, plaintiff prays for a decree tnat tne aeienaant, aimer aocr arnng, dc re quired to pay the same, or that said prem isea may bo sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before tne letn day or reuruary, mi. L. Alice WATSoir,.Plaintiir. Dated Jan. 7th, Ml. fl7-il By W. W. Wood, Attorney. To Secure Nebraska Settlers. In another column appears the adver tisement of the Nebraska Security Com pany. Some time ago a number of our business men determined to make an ef fort to draw immgration to Sioux county and act to work to perfect an organiza tion for that purpose. The company waa formed and is composed of parties from .among, the leadins; men of the place. Sheriff Reidy has been absent for about six weeks and visited a number Of places both in the eastern part of this state and in Iowa in the interests of Sioux county and tbe Nebraska Security Company and it will not ;be long until the results of his work will become ap parent The company wilt do a largo amount of advertising in tha east, arrangements already having been made to place ad. vertieemenu in over 500 papers each week and such work is cer tain to attract attention to Sioux coun ty. People will And out that there is free land here, free timber and good wa ter to be had bore, aod also that they can pure has improved land cheap aad it ia safe to say that there are hundreds in the east who an looking for just such placoa ia which to locate. ' The members and officers of tha Ne braska Security Company are such as to give people ooafideoce in the institution and the entire county will be tbe gainer by their effort w NTER 19 UPON US, And now is tne TIME TO BUY Stoves and Furnr ture. COME IN AND SEE US, GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. CAR-LOAD OF CORN, JTST RECEIVED. Oats and Bran Always on hand. WE BEAT CRAWFORD PRICES! Barrel and Rock Salt for Cattle. Com in and see our new lot of TEAS in FANCY BASKETS, only (HTcsnts a pound. Frtth Cranberrie. A New Stock! of HATS for MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN, just arrived. RELIABLE GOODS AND LOWEST PRICES. RANCH TRADE SOLICITED, Ranch Supply House. MacLachlan & Cook, Props. Sugar aad public speakers And Ayer's !fhrrv Portoml invnUutlilH. It never fails lo clmuw Uifi Urn nil. utid stiytiuiliurt j hf vine, PERSONAL. John Pietersen was in from Indian creek last Saturday. Sheriff Reidy arrived on last Saturday from an extended trip east. A. R. Kennedy contributed on sub scription yesterday. ... A. Hasselquist contributed on subscrip tion on Tuesday. Charles Palmer writes us to send The Jocbmal to him at Canton. Deputy Sheriff Decker was up on of ficial business last Thursday and Friday. A. T. Hughson was up from Andrews, yesterday and called ana contributed on subscription. . W. B. Wright and family returned on Friday from Ihetr visit to Sioux City and other points. Mrs. Mollis Reynolds who has been visiting Mrs. H. A. Cunningham went east last Friday evening. M. J. O'Connell, who presides over the school at Montrose, was 1n Harrison on Saturday. Isadora Richstein brought us a ' fine quarter of beef to apply on subscription.' Such things are always appreciated. Z. O. Deuel sent us a tine quarter of venison from bis home in Wyoming last Saturday. Us knows that good things' are appreciated by the editors family. Adj. Eaton, of the 2nd regiment N. N. O., was in Harrison over Bunday settling up the expenses of Co. U while here. H via.tX'd tut) (,uJ lruuU ou Sundav and R. R. Randall, Sr. of Lincoln, special agent of the Nebraska Relief Commission was in Harrison yesterday looking after the needs of Sioux county. The gentle man stated that the intention was that the people of Nebraska should not starve nor nave to leave tbe country for want of seed, our settlers should not be dis couraged. A bright future is in store for Sioux county. The following is the 'list drawn to serve as jurors at the February term of district court, -as made by Clerk of the District Court Lindeman and Sheriff .Reidy: R.8.Q. Hamaker, Payson Bige low, Andrew Procunier, William R. Dove, 8. B. Coffee, D. H. Oriswold, Isom 8. Mcintosh, William A.. Bigelow, Charles Biehle, Joseph Ashton, N. C. Hutcoings Alvin W. Dickenson, Oeorge Brown Frank Harris, David Anderson, Charles E. Shilt, A. Ortor, Joshua Baker, O. W. Hester, Peter Henry, Alexander Wil liams, John Rioedorff, Eggert Rohwer, H. Q. Stewart Aboat Right. ' The defeated candidate for county at torney of Sioux county contested too right of Hugh T. Conley, the attorney elect, to take his seat, but the court knocked out tbe contest on a demurrer that it was not commenced within tb time prescribed by law. Hugh is "corker," to draw it mild, and the soon er tbe small bore fellows of Sioux coun ty realise this fact, U better it will to for them, Ansley Chrmkk, J : 'I : I I