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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1891)
The JouRNALa ioux OXu 3. HJEIISOlsT, CTJlN. 8, 1891. 2STO. 17. MARNISOM MARKET. er hessied B? M I at par kindred ft 1 -wtaatfnift 1 -par handrad . 1 aaoypail per handled W I W kradrM - in r-per H pardos . S 7-er do. 1 ntm fper . -pr . t ton M I paraord.. ,, .. I M rs yrai. fi U M VtkmeM ewery ThandaT. r-aas r.I..Tt.B.TJUW. Seta- wm Cotes EhL I, nixed,. U:M Xo. M, mixed 4 f ; Jot faun low go to S. H. Jones. Wakwp Several loads of wood on Wiption at this office. Tlw Ladies AM wil meet at Um resi le of Ur. Batteries at 8 o'clock p. ra. Mrdey. Word has been received here that oourt wilt convene for Sioux ity February 16th.. The county W. C. T. U. is requested t at Mrs. Pasnott's, room for im- taat business on Saturday at 8 o'clock -Be. Wm, Wilson will bold services jjat church on next Wednesday even f beginning at 740, All are invited to lend. ... Bible school at Um . church at 8 lock sharp. All who oan are corially vited to be present fifteen minutes lier for practice in singing. The board of county comtnissioers uesday, Jan. 18th, at which time the w roemoer, r . n jvuoiv win utKe nu 1 Petitions are in this locality for sjg- re asking that congress to do aome- to provide for irrigating the west- nart of the atal. Evervona should J it Those who are in need of outside as Stance can And petitions to sign asking at the governor send supplies, There ' some who actually need help and they jould not be permitted, to su,ffer. ftuaantD Lpyse: We have a good jply of seasoned 1 amber constantly on aat our, mill on West Boggy. 10 'id 18 feet 110.00; 14 and 16 feet 118.00 Sr thousand feet First-clans native ogles always on hand. First-class $8; lass 3 per thousand. J. E. Askkr. r-8oni of the people from southwest town come in. on Monday and remain- over night, fearing that Indians might on their locality. , Some Arties from Andrews got frightened and ame to Harrison during the night, but Seir fears of all were allayed and they aliened to their homes the following at Monday as Mrs. J. W. Scott as aoput to start from the farm to the team became unmanamble ind ran awav. After circling around tad throwing Mrs. Scott and two of the bildreo oit, the horses started (or town rith fhs bkby still iq Uie wagon. J. W. loauMon awa Jas. Fa mam were going to he farm of the former and stopped the earn. With the aipeption of a few light bruises no tarro was done. r-We art Informed that Daut Brothers mm RteedoM bad a little bad luck a few Wvsaco. Ih tbe fall tbev brought a Jae Clydesdale stallion from the east and "efestlr wbtle leadieg him by another jbrse be received a terrible kick just lack of the fore leg, causing an, a boons to tonn, and it is qropabk toe animal will JStv It is to be regretted for the bone was iit i valuable one. I Meting for tbe orgottaioo of Utmrv adtietv oc Tuesday eveoimr af- ectel a tatedrary organization by the lsctfrtaof g.. V. Basset, chairman, Oi Kimut CmiUKsecreUiry. A commit- eajCMisis of aV Wilson, O. Guthrie, Z. f Bmbms waj avpwDteU on perma- leat orzanisauon ana. constitution ana W-law Mrs. OuUirieVod Miss Minne nilh were apoointed misic committee ad Mrs. & 1Z. Jones seticitinR com' aitte. L. 3. Simmons was instructed to prepare a paper oa tbe subject of "The wet setbod of governing the Indiana." ' ka fallowed by general diwusaion. .1m nasi meetiaf will oocur on Tuesday ivetttsf , teaoary um, at sharp. Ul are aaasd toattand and help make snaaneat organiaayon rreierttaa far getUan. Oa last 8unday, the news of a battle between the soldiers sod the Indians near Gordon got tbe people pretty badly ex sited and C. H. Waller, chairman of the village board, wired the governor for two companies of Nebraska National Guards, and on Wedaerday Company D, or me second regiment, or rati-bury vtA rived here and are quartered at the court bouse, Tbe company is composed of forty pri vatesaad the following officers: CapV Jobs Heasty; First lieut. L. W. Good rich; 8scood lieut Bv. Munger. They are well equipped with arms, tents,' pro visions and ammunition. This is ene of tbe finest companies in the state, having won the governar's cup and also the governor's flag at the state encampment and more of the members answered the call to take tbe field than ever did to at tend the encampment. It is stated that other troops have been stationed along the B. A. M. to prevent any 'straggling bands of Indians getting across the country, should they get through tbe regular army in the field. In addition to this kind of defense, J. H. Cook has been sent to tbe reservation by the citizens of this place for the pur pose of giving the people of Sioux coun ty warning if any danger should arise. Mr. Cook's long experience with the In dians as a scout gives him tbe ability to learn things which no one else could get hold of. The fact of his having his fam ily and large property interests in the county also tends to assure the settlers that word will be sent should any dan ger threaten this locality. Th settlers are also prearing to de fend themselves and are building a fort at J. G. Morris' a few miles north of the hills, and altogether the people are get- ing in pretty good shape. On the reservation the troops have the Indians surrounded and are closing in on them as fast as practicable and tbe ndications are that in a few days some hard and decisive battles will occur. Gen. Miles states that be is prepared to be master of the situation, and if need be the state troops will assist him, and there are about one thousand of tbe Ne braska boys now on duty and they are prepared to'do'all they are caIledto1Jda There does not appear to be any need of the wttlerq leaving their homes unless mesteagert are sent out The prepara tions for the defense of the county are such that all could get warning and seek place J of safety before any Indians could get to them. A telegram was received from J. H, Cook to tbe effect that all was quiet at nne tuuge. lie win Keep uie people in formed as to the situation. . The report of a man being found 'ml last week, as -ed by Tux Jouax Ui ma found by OyaeV flbafer to be rroaeauaia some i&3sots. lne bum im to the section house at OWn and Had that he was from Laramie and m ffoiny to Oaaafca. I stayed all leMxtatarM oa. Us re jttr Me4a tbe dry and said ha was i 1 ILUI. kl. MnJIMf Nmb tAta a asaav there aai toM trim t tNwtr$ to five Mat A dtoaot bar- V I IWMDTN a imp "" rewrw "- fmaT kMrt (allure a t- f ine, '-aaiiwaUtAat was a;uufy lulsiaSfi c aaftraaN If ri-! Tbe Conaty Attorney Context. According to the statute, Uie county court convened on but Monday at o clock a. m.. and that was the time set for the Hull Conley contest over tbe county attorneyship to come up. There were present at the appointed hour, 8. Barker, county judge, and H. T. Conley, contestee. Time rolled by and tlie con testant did not appear and in order that there will be no grounds for a howl, tbe hearing of the case was set for Tuesday, at 9 o'clock, a. m., although it would nave oeen legal to nave caned the case and decided against Hull on account of default. At noon Mr. Hull put in an ap pearance and the court Informed him what had been done in the matter. un'jLuesoay morning tne parties ap peared and Conley filed a demurrer in the case alleging that the contest had not been commenced within tne time per scribed by law, and also that the petition of Hull did not set up sufficient grounds for contest The court listened to tbe arguments and sustained tne demurrer and the result is that H. T. Conley toda, becomes county attorney and for this who have an interest in tbe welfare of Sioux county have reason to be thankful for they may be certain that the interests oi tne county win be wen looked alter. FEB80IAL. N. D. White contributed on subscrip tion last Saturday. C. R. Wells came down from Hot Sttrings Saturday and remained until Monday. J. E Bradley was in Harrison on Mon day and called and. contributed liberally on subscriprion. fMoatlaVs Ajawrkaa. Every week this most valuable period ical presents whatever is new in the world of sossoos. art and manufactures. Full of araettml information, l( discloses to the wwurtfui aot only what i ascertained, but also suggests toe poe sibilitiss still to revealed. For forty live vaare Mkinn' A On. bnva conducted this paper in cootWctea with the prorar. itf of patents for new. inventions. Ttte W.1RMVM American is suioomy on ail mttae and mecnauoai suMeuta, aad old be id aver household. . Copies of dapar may be seenft this office aad If faithfully used, Aver s Sarsaparilla wm a3ry farcia-waatovss form It WE HAVE JUHT RECEIVED A CAR OF FLOUR, all stbtfidard grade, whk-b will be toM at lowest living prices. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Shoes, Good Quality, 1X25 a pair. , Ladies' Shoes, WARRANTED, only 11.75 a pair. ( Mens' felt Boots 68 cents a pair, and others equally cheap. Felt Boot and Rubbers 2.10, CHEAPEST ON EARTH! Good Grade of Prints, H cents a yard. Overshoes $1.43 a pair. Bargains in Dry Goods and Clothing. Call and be Convinced. Groceries Fresh land Prices Low. fjf FRESH and SALT MEATS always on hand. i, - Geo. H. Turner. m s r it HEW REPEATS S.C MARLIN SAFETY ) EJECTING. EZJ 4 SOLID TOP. Utlns 92-20, 39-40 nd 44-40 CartridgM. DAfcLW FI3E CO NEW HAVEWCT.,U.S.A LumftCfii r.' its aw UsssjyaselUaai aaf t a '. far 'r.L..luim A. shf1n6!,tl.'Jifcul 3; m" wm TO 8R0A0 Tam CHE113 AND IAVI M0HET. FREE, KUISTRSrCD C ATA LOGOS CCMT.-'HIMO vluLe mVSOCTIONS OH now -o riCMU To u.i own smmunitiou. I The 8enlAnnual Apportloament. Tlie following is Uie amount to which each school district in this county is en titled under the semi-annual apMrtion ment of the state school funds. The di vision is made in this manner, one-fourth of the amount is divided equally among the various districts and the remaining three-fourths are divided according to tlie number of children in the various dis tricts. District No. 1 , . ; i ; M H a 4 S4 H S !W M 6 ! H4 7 . 43 04 11 - 04 I , . M Id is : , n w 14 , m is . n i " 1 . l 44 n mn IS . 17 30 19 a ii4 m"llZl7.tZl7."7."."Jl 17 s 23 . 36 94 as ,w . MM 7 . wse' W - 1 t ' : 14 48 S7 - - 1 4 A Favorite Paper, The publishers of Youth' $ Companion have issued a beautiful Calendar for 1891 unique and convenient, which contains also the announcements for next year. Among the new names which, .rill grace this model young folks' weekly paper are the Lord Chief-Justice of England Coleridge, Hon. Seth Low,, tbe venerable Qanoibul Hamlin, Camille Fltunmarion, Sir Norman Locyert Gen. O. O. Howard, Rev. Lymen Abbot, Julius Verne, Max O'Rell, Julia Ward Howe, Walter Besant Beusoh J. Lossjng, the eminent historian tnd Carl Lumbolta. Truly a host in themselves, sufficient to Warrant tbe sucosas bf a paper. Five serial stories are promised by Mol ly E. SMtwell, Rebecca Harding JJiavis. Julie M. Llppmau, H." ELBoyesen, and Elisabeth W. Bellamy' A popular series of the latest discoveries in science; will treat of the stars, tlw sua, the moon the earth, the ocean, and tbe Gulf Stream. . - . There will be another popular series oa Susie by. Mnie. Albaoi. Emma Juch, uie. Nordica. Marie Van Zandt, and Emma Nevada, while Amelia E. Barr, vr. a ri. T..HH.. t.. l Marlon Harland will tell what a girl: of sixteen can 09 wneaxurown on iwr own resources, Full nivMirftcliis nd sin imna couivs sasntliw, on apiiliCAlloit. Nuw subw.-nb-'t ers who aend ftl. IS now will receive th ) gerJaowary 1, tva a-fvii-year E. Bkewstbr, President. C. F. Corrnc, - Vice Pres. CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank INCORPORATED. General Banking Business w NTER 0'-t IS UPON US, And now is the TIME TO BUY Stoves and Furnr ture. COME IN AND SEE US, GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. BUY YOUR GRAII AT THE Ranch Supply House. Born, Oafs, Dran and Chopped Feed r Voys on hand. LOWEST PRICES. XWSpecial Inducement to Ranchmen, COME AND SEE OUR STOCK OF -TRAN8ACTED.- Rarrison, NCBRABX. Db. Leonhardt, 14M O Street, IJucoln, Neb. Practice limited to diseases of tlie NERVOUS SYSTEM, HEART and BLOOD. Read the press notices, Send for symptom chnrt, k State your case. It you are sick and want to. get well, write all about yourself. ' No. trouble to read, letters; send stamp for reply. Dr. Ueonhardt, 145OSt. Uncoln, Neb. j --el Vrilw, ( , Winter Clothing Provisions at lowest prices. RANCH SUPPLI HOUSE. .3$&cjU?.riW. if Cook, "Proprietors. A RELIABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Xbatls tts Obarsoter Almost rnlTsnslly aivea to The Wbbkly Ihtbr Oobah. Bo oiMt la Its popularity tbat tor 7fx has. baa tbe ULHOEST CIBCUXA SSMoSmwU XUI TSblCft WOkSSHOPT md THE BOSlMUBB OFFICE. ft la a Ww? RuWl97 e$papcr, dldlr end solr. Wbllo it ot'! '' trsot rtr OFPOBEOTO I8USX8 AMD MONOP nd prtTOU interest. r at Um mdit is loMlont. asd has amona BBdaZ atanXtS mU aqual of Uios of aity sialiar pubUcatten in U counter. IU YHikT fcwrtcat, Cirwity m Itm'i mem, ul Tit Haw - AKB IN THBMSSL VBS EQUAL TO A MAGAZINE. In addition tojall this tha MEIva OP THE WOIB U Qron in Us coUotos evarr waak. la 4TT dapartiaanta- is osntolly adltad by compatant. map am piorad tor UMt purpe. , ... THE PRICK OF TCS WEEKL? DTga CCEAI IS $1.00 PER VM. TOT IBXt.WEETtT Ttrmn OOEAW is polished ach V-.M lay end xbundaynornlna. and la So Scallant publication;.ao;tw.-u, a daily papar taoulariv and a;a not satlsftad w4U a rkly., ra mi um zzi-umiumwwn jiw pee - By fpaotal AnaaoseMat witfciaaPakUsbarsflf C5RIONI2R',0 MAO ASNirj ba Xaoaatse aad Tae rassb Istsr Oceea are eta Seat to sTabyerAera 0a TrTmDotlradXiMtr Caa(x : . m cm im Tii1 m nm ar ra u9auxi tun, us UuilKjJt COMIC IMeTOMB qlvan a saaaitaaaisiit,- ASaaawsMwasis to aotive ftBis. BA9CVI4S cortotmf