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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1891)
s 4i 1 ' t V . t I? f- v V-Vv' " w i., , ''4. . II II ; ww,m oocarr ratm I. J. Price, flM T. Jan. 1, UM. toalL BmnaartodteettfJaann L. (J. C. Uwr will, ia tha Mar Mm ViMOmi ThttttmjaMr tbJag for aba to do. Ifc ought nerar to hare The Vilmtiii OmmUe apeak of the t look oa a crarkena too. i with a Cm would proTe quite and tbe Com MOhM mm pat h oa oihihitkMi, of putting it ia ' rejoiom that a oottoamill hw I for that city which will ifejttmoMwind Inada, buwr ot mom kt to right to ImI proud of tbo fact. Tb whale atate of Xebnaka ia at rtngrata later! on the acaueritioB of mw iaoaatry within bar borders, and tba of Knaraay hi certainly com- The reporte ara that tha exteation of tb Fuoiic Short Um will be built, aa tfaaappoiataaantof a receiver will help and not antler tha oonatructioa. Sioux county will bar over thirty-eight mOm of that road within bar border, it ia nopal that it win ba built before tba ctonoftho A terrible atom profiled laat waak mr a gnat portion of tba UniUd State aodOaaada. In Maw York tba atraata ware blookadad ao aa to itop Um cars. It la aaid to bar been tha wont atonn aiaoaises. In Sioux county wbtra tba waatbar ia warm and plnnnt it ia bard to raaUa that in otbar parte of tba coun try rarr aaran waatbar prevails. Tba idaa of producing rainfall by erti- ncial itMtbcot tt gaining a good daal of prominence, A bill baa baan introdoc oad in ooagnaa for aa appropriation for that purpcee, A few year ago auch wing wm taognaa at nut now many dentist claim that rainfall caa ba pre cipitatad by tha ma of eirpkaavanv 8eh a method would ba 'a than irrigation. Tba reporta indicate that oourtaai wall M client and honaat attoraaya am get- tin tire of tba work of triekatam wl profaaj to to mwyen, iirfM a retult a nunjbaf oi nawaga haw baaadUbarwd fmrntOj. A purifying a tha raaka of The lagal pwfonkia would ba aa excel- lant thing. VthavataoMarafa mora than aaotbar wbicfa dawaadi tba atricteat honaat r it ia tbat of law for clkbMtonhmlMnantfavHralTictfaa band of bia attomay, and eoaaaqnantly ba ia wholly at tha mnroy of tbatiadiTid ual, aa4 abould ba ptora to ba diahoMat or uMmaBMn. gnat injury may nault 0 wft fca4(n Oaf Carnal daVSAaat tba bat caaa' bat baaa crHkaaal a that iadirianal baa mada to amount for bia to Kfchanu and Boyd, but ba aaa not auceaadad ia making aa that wm at all aatiafactory to whom auoh rplanatinn ia fawdaya ago aa opan Uttar Nthliabad, adiwmiil to Edward by U a Bobnida. Ia tbia tba writer pata aoma vary pki mant in print and roaata Boaawaterto turn. Tha dnaaiaaattoa;, rula or policy of tha Omaha man ia abown up ia good ahapa, and tha fact damonatratad that tba only naaoa ha bad for oppoaag WMthatha would not parmit to ba run by would-b Dictator FREE Tban it .UU , Urga amount GOVEBSMEiT LAND opto toantry in HaUm to Cwaiun. oatea kibarcaT atvaa aa all aaraoaa ksr- m elate aad Tlnnart im H it Dw tar, to at ami ooaty. cu. Iiiiiii i. for anaa; elalau aaaiaat oath ttom Um Brt day AU Mh penou in r : tkatr alalM with tk mM ! Ms of Juun. ma. aalrad to mat ran nar. io mm eoaaw laaa of aata aoaaty t kla i an in Itedi. aa immm tk ar day at Jm, tan, ud aU elalM ao tlad wlU aa aeara nac at UMaataiaaaaoaUM dar of Job. MM, at M o'clock, a. m. iMiao on Hta oar of jm BBAL.I a. fw-nj uoutr jadfc. Xotieeof Cataat. C. a. law omca. I Caanaoa, Maa. Dm. 11. UM. UDtalBt Ho. WW haTtn baen aatcred at oaHec by Hturli W. Milfihlan arninat rfuu Mm mini i or i ui are to comply waa law a to Umber enltar entry no. M,datod Jaaaaryll, lam,aponttieeMBw K.iwfc nw H aaa aw aw n. aeeuoa u, tovaanip i rane M, U Hou county, nabraaka, wftb tmw to tba eaaeeUatton of aald entry: eon taatant aHeslna; tba aaid elalmant baa wbollr abandoned aaid tract in tbat be ba failed to break or otberwlao col Urate any portion of aaid tract alnee maklnc aald en- i .1 .W 1. W ttiM . . k. j . ieeta ap to oate of uu aamarit, io-wit wee. a. wm at partteaaia t tbuoflkMOB to tbe 11 da of rebrn ory law. atW6'elook a.m, to reanond and f umiak taattmony eoneerulna laid alleged fallnm. Taattmony of wli will be taken be fore (ieora Walker, a notary pablie, at bia emee in ujutuoo. on um aay or recy tan, una.. x. w. rowna, aeonrer. a. i. usnii, uon tenant a any. is xi j Wells Drilled! I hart a good wall drillnig and am raaoy to drill any sued well on anon noooa. Tarma good and pnoas low. Poatoftoa, Harrison. C a Soon. L. K. BELDEN aV SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. afnalrtagaaaaoa abort noatae. flood work and reon able rbergw. oath ef Urwy barn. P. LI of Crate, baa aaoenUy sub mitted to Um farmar of Nabraaka tbrough Um qoIuqim of tba praaa a plan (or tb oqpaaimtigaof oo-oparatire farm aad loan aaaocteUw and naa tbair real aatato for aacurKy and mM boada draw ing I par Mat par annum, tba whole matter to baragulatod and gorarnad by law, uadar tba authority of tha atate. Tba plan baa cartainly tha appaaranca of baiag praeibwUa If tha legialature wmtaMthaknatterupandpamUM ne- caaaajytew tJknn mM that tba farmara wonki afTaot tacfc organinatkma and dariT graat banest tbarefrom. Tbat woukl tea graat daal batter tban an at tempt to make aUiagaal uaury lawa, Haniyof avaaay wmaqpn atop tha ua- nry. : TMla from tba Inman naarration to thai a ftgbt oocurrad on Wounded Ban onak Mwaan Eg Foot', band and asUfaraaadna of fJOManadrad and fifty of tba Ia (pa waYiiora, Tba ton of aodian It japofiM M twaaterra killad and rnwma3ad. Tfaara of alirnatramCa agaacy.but tmMaaaai,aut tha Iadmn angnatly axotte4 amy apt rrratoMMfctryMtoTbaT an. f rte na. TUaottoa of Eg Popt tiia.ct wft Mteattoa of tha ta-r Cf ;.? aansn. nay nn, j. - w r, mill and wmte aaiag t rlfcnlSep aaitealy oja-ad t ijCic-tJ than- nmn v.r t-s-wiCj peer Maptad W tha a--abi',--.-s-- k---' - " mvL 1 m M' 'V tx" rt-Sd! aJam, .'V TTU C5 at 4 , Vfwsjtasl. OMAHA WORLD-HERMD 1891. MrasSa's Creates! Newspaper. Huriog 1P90 the Ov aha World Hkr d haa cuma to tbe front uid estab- kti it:-lf iw tha leading ncwipaper of ) r.'t-st. It bits wrested first pleo am tli J O-iulii lice. It boa won tbi m -Unco t !'.- i:tti..l.:. It has become s. .ii.ici piiws .in tba weat Thear i it h:: wlvucatcd; . . 1", zi.UA tit mid RfKlnoti n. : i In the Yalrr.o c .'o;u!ation. r yr.tah ani Prevan T;.j V7' Ji.a-IIi?RLD is new the recog f-hsrapSoa of pupulnr moTemcntt . I'.ic nrctt. Ite adrgc-ary of railroad -Inticn hM been UECsasiug aod vie rju& i!4 exposure of the ibiquitie of "uMoKinleyblll wiu of vast infliieact . iUi- l.iic campaign. )t drmnad fur a i jLi i.i the Bupply of money fo, jo - !' h is been widely cadorted 1.; iyitaitoa agalut tbc robberiet ol liaa bopn earnctt. , st uBimoa roicna: ai.y Wnrld'Harald-parjraar t 8 and Sunday, . tc yaaWy WorM-Hwrald, .. Tlia grcatett paint an taken with the nftt.D Uf.rau by IU editor to make it ; va rEorLB't KAnsa. t stair of editor and writer ia the rgest .f any wi-atcra newapaper. IU r' M rvica. Mate, nstiooal and foreign. uc moat compirte Af AaniCCLTURAt, DRPAnTlfm. t uu IV KEKI.T WOKLD-UBUALD COU- ts Hi.; only agrlealtural dapartmen iu:ntaiuu by a wattarn nawtnapar. Ux.e wb'. taka tba Wntxr Wonur .L::.t:,t tuercfon need, tabacrlbe for an ncnltural JoumaL Tha Woua-fina. u'a aenirultanl editor la tMlaarifef . rirt pu fat topic in tb watt T It1 WfWiilVrTwtia M :mtai; .wMSr Pul.l. - -j? . i-T. A Plrialt? a----4l , Map of the Elkhorn System. Sioux County, Nebraska. Sioux county ia in tbe northwest corner of tbe great state of Nebraska, and in about thirty mile east aod west by seventy Diiles north aod south. It eompriw.K rich valley, DM rolling table land and valuable timber lund. The county contain" 1,800,000 acres of land. Something near one-third of this arm has been tllo.1 on In settlers, a Urge number of whom have made final proof and have d. 1iii Tha remainder ia still open to settlement. Of course there i a portion i f tii tbat is not suitable for farming purposeH, a part ling timlier land iml 'a llir fore valuable, and other tracte, too rough cultivation, prrxlure t!i.! , i , ' . tious of grasses and ara excellent for stock raising puren. This locality has an advantage which no other portion of ;elwai'. Fuel, Posts and House Logs are FBK This, alone, makes it possible for a man to improve a piece of land wit!. much speller outlay of cash tban ba could have done in other part of the xtnw mile of railroad. i Uw reader goon it for ana at KMn gave a Urge amount of bond for a few rh, uMMiuMnnjr map will gir 1 vantage, po-m-d by Sioni county. ... :. -i a aiura to eminaatly Dt it .ill mxm fa an of tb moat ioaianto Uictaintb. world, andotbar crop, i,, ) Tbere are a grt.aua.brr of snudl.atiaan. n,,' . 7 w. ti for stock raiaag and atiU am aat laraa f umaming mi-w- n ftW .ii- a heavy public expeon for bratge Tba artUar caa ga Sioux county and boy Uafive Pine Lur.ibi ... .i... Kir -h. th. aimi arad of material would coat flta maajaj eaailr obtained from Tariowt Lark east Of nere. " . ., - . i... .,ii,t aualitv of brick hava been mada a faw mite freaj H ti.. f ti- w.ur ia tha vert beat and ;tba climate ia aaa. U .u-- .f. tha oolv railroad towa ia tboogh new town. are berng Uud out at different pointa. Tbaiaa l bourn wteea'coat $10,000, and rrematetiraa of riaaaat all lima of Tban i do raibxavl tend in Sioux county, it ia either go rerani to an try; school land subject to team orarohaa. or land that.baa byntUera. jyCOME WEST, SEE AND SETTLE. tha coanw' teebrvT, kaaanaa I rtlaoia ban Ukt aV.fcV r3 rrly b n-i rf:if"i 3upuuturnc3 .i 1; ;x.Tiofj,f r- -r OOKREsrOKDCKTS: Eouarta Bao., Kew Tork City riatr Xaxioial Bavs, Omaba. Bamx or CAoaoa, Cbadron. Hen. THE IStXJttPOE ATI J Am um S5 Uilea of Eailroad. t2r'Ky V W from ar- - araanani ay aVMnr auar uig. iniM Mvajft attarl n.L.f- I a a at rrnantlai ntnllMaai iiaii ni i . ii ,ui,i. a,. . " iq mint oi ita !!!!;.l!a,wBtoCM"ty- Thi. road bring. oowath. coal from th. MwnnaMl laJad at Nawcaatla, and tha road ia bMng puabad oTto rtetena, MaMMaw-jyaJ aoron tba awtbara paH of th. t inform m that before tba elon of anothar atMoa It abtrondtMwaat Um of Hatoaata. Tha W J ia OilUK OF HflilulSON IfABBIHQX, NEBbUbEA. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. 125,000. Twwisacts a Genera,! Bankinff Businer Puyt School Orders, County and Villagu Warnata. llTIfltaraat Paid on Tim Dapoaita, Loans Money on Improved Farms, CHAS. p. HOLMES, CASHIER, Tha Paoiic Qmrt Um bat county, aad ta aiaaaa wqiaMniaMjteoMraUaa tha ImotanrSMt IJa i fPsV. m a U a "tP MaatBTTWtnMttnwoMaarW. Anu. : j.- ?f.rthMWUlM naai wsanai wmaiia fe&a . - -ur "w"wravitteaot txund k t2m aba. Tba aanwr wlU bara onr 18 miln of track 170 DAffiSOAD EOITE3 est: tamlhfiaaWw k2af acy BaJ taia .attoto H. T. CONLEY, lawyer. Loam no Money, Kepieaauu ao laMiaae eompany aad.kaa no land to mil ont give hi antln time aad attrition v tba pracUe of tbe law. C.&HOUTEA Attomy-at-Lawf AllbaalaMt Maraateatektatan WlU and earafal aitoatloa. 4t:WJaUw, WIUanateAMUoojrtaa4 tM IUMOata, ivadaan ania4 to anafnaatnaromat attaaatea. i faaTfti l 0,1 Grant G&Drio -OaVUh-ir Lumber. Oo:' ..v ..r A.- TV i . r, ' 'ft .37 SV V -f.