1 - SO"- r r tor , ttoftaf thair 8 V o Pnc, ta w i . . - tiXXar. 1, IT, J. f aK CtmUtiM. ( I National bank ayxteru i f uodaroeotal ideas pre ( provide market for da. aad, second, to pro- eurrwocy for Uie people. Jr very organic life rest . They oouid not or lerwardi without them. J a correct understand t financial situation to two bottom facta and the ' bai occvrrad as regards wishing to maintain a e of the problems of the jm the bonk system with- aw aearTy its practicable. Wl's hlea is to diHpen (tojfwtlier, substituting rnii- iber bonds in their place, la not meet with much fa .aoeral dioitioQ is to let drift along in the old way nes absolutely necessary to ibatitute. The bridire need for the present, perhaps si years, and Mr. Lincoln's Aial remark about not cross I actually reached applies to f Io otlier words, the motto of ty seems to be in tliitv connee Whing to day that can be put i to-morrow. Tlie. currency however, is different. A grad es has been going on, and seri "IBient luis resulted, which -Jial attention. , ere allowed to issue their eot of 80 per cent of their imfta! deposited as security, ""-"-oar wm tfiat the greater 1 aj woudT be used, but sai-J-Jdd tliut all baoks C"-' See, in the country T Jt50,000 with the ,2r stirar as security for ' ' ma not provided that Jm obliged to take out JAon. It was not con jBy bank would fail to lite privilege of issuing ''yt Of 80 per cent of the JO government deposit as i circulation. On the con Nposed that with few ex ks would go very near flowed by law. But as lull the Natianal banks )Wir deposits to the mini ma of them take out no cir lt law now stands, t lie re . t to prevent the entire wiping iClltL?ational bank circulation al Jkdimastbo kept on deposit for js ecurity, and it is quite possible, al though not probable, that such a total lisappea ranee will occur. It is certain pat the amount of Uie volume of Na tional bank circulation is dwindling Sry gradually. This is a feature .of S financial situation which ought not m ignored or underestimated in its Vity as a factor in the momentary olem'of the period. I The latest report of the National banks Vavelbe total capital as $030,447,235. AAA, a: A v -" 7 : I 1 1. -nA V US UlUe WWBWUtl wan Wb would have been estimated that th a National banking capital of six undred and fifty millions there would an actual National bank circulation at least five hundred and fifty millions instead of that Uie exact figures are 111,005,418. There is thus an immense ly Wide margin between what would have been estimated and what have ved to be the acuuat facts in the case. Home way must be devised to supply this deflcteocy in the currency. Then would be some relief afforded by the banks themselves, if allowed to issue to the full par value of their bonds, but not much. An increase of ten per cent Would be the utmost, and that would be 'poly about thirty millions, a small frac tion of the margin explained in tlie fore going paragraph. There is in this mal ar an opportunity for non-partisan state- 0 Tr4.aa4 Ocmaatiwrs. I Hu Youth's Companion tot lritfl will 4 1 A .11... t l.l..f.,l uv;Aa rtt 11W SO IDMfUUUT WM IMIMHI ww.,". v. paparsv each of which describes Uie char- of some leading trade for boys or I occupation for girls. They give infor- stioa as to the apprenUstliip required i lean each, Uie wages to be expected i qualities needed in order to enter, 1 the prospects of success. To new nutters who eeod L75 at once, the Ur will be seat free to Jan. 1, 1801, I for a full year from that date. A Tkt Vovth'i Companion, Bostoa, Mass. s 4 I 1 will eAt.the titi Weed It .withaNs r Mrr Haraapanua oraces up uie sys i purine and Invigorate. Invalids , r . jjjtans Lcmxo: We havs a good If of seasoned lumber constantly on Ak ow miU on West Doggy. 10 tJatotliaOOi Hand M..ftaH.1100 f riMMiil fwt rlrstrclaai nauve ! k , tlnf on hand. First-class S; C.-.'.'f-r Ppv thousand. 4; . J.M.AMUX As a booie reenedy for Uiroat aad lung diaeaase, Ayer's ("Wry Pectoral is inval uable. IruggisUaow have Ayer's Al- Bcat Urn to the East. The Burlington Boute B. A. U. R. R. is running elegaoUy equipped passenger trainee sriUiout change from Newcastle, Wyoming aad Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas, City, St. Joseph, St Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east Remember Uus is Uie only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha Uie next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria and St Louis the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B. A M. R. R. NEW KODAK. I "N "You Press k the Button, CrCxJ Nq "do the Rest." Seven New Styles and Sizes ALL LOtSCO WITH Transparent Films. For sale by all Photo. Stock Dealers. THE EASTMAN COMPANY. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Said fur Catalogue, The Bee Reduced ' in Price. The price of the Omaha Weekly Bee has been reduced to $1.40 a Year. Now is the time to subscribe for the best newspaper in Um west. Send in your orders early to' , TUE BEE PUBLISHING CO. Omaha, Neb. Toledo Weekly Blade. 1891. ONLY ONE DOLLAR. TJib mont popular Weekly Jiwpper tu the foiled HUiU-x, the ltirxrst circulation, the only strictly Weekly NewpupT that ever aucceedml in obtaining; and holding year after, S circulation In every xtatc and territory n nearly every county) of the t'nlb-d Htate. All the news, better depart ment sml more Brat- class entertaining and Inatruetlve reading than lu sny other dol lar paer published. AN SOl' Nt'KM KJiTS. jfe.storv to eomuieace flrnt of the year, written expeclally for the Iliad by Oliver Optic. "Money Maker Xwlea." A aeries of special articles on "Hide laaui-s," wrltton for the Blade. Illade tlilna Tea KeU and Dinner Hets given to club ral-M-rn. Rend for speci men copy of the Weekly Illade and rend onr lnU'reatlug announcement for the coming year. , nTKUMENN. , A -eclinen copy will give you a bet ter Idea of the Weekly Illade than any de scription we can give In an advertisement. We therefore Invite everybody to write u lor s M'rliueii, which we will cheerfully msil yon free; snrl at the aame time please mall as a list of namea of your friend and neighbors, and we will also mall them speci men. "ONKIDKNTIAtTO AGENTS. Anybody can earn ten dollar very quick ly ay raUhkg (-tab for the Blade. We are now parltAg tke highest smoun for clubs cveroaTerew by any newausyer. W want agents every where. Write us lor coiutden tlalterm wsgeots. Address, THJJ BLAUE, Toledo, O. i'Sl.AAW 1 I WVi VUJ, l.iaa, m iW Hum, 7),ifm. W (SJt. INMMsfIMIalWtBa. "s nit f -mf RwtM rwrjW--S7 (MLM intth. Tntj ran ) lM Wwfll k tv Wif mff HP)I MrsW Ml ft t It-a.ss.. All tmknm e4 aiart I'm to tytf tkM Tho najority se-eaL eosHnVeans ae UtUe awsre II tpssasr tfae digestive ruaeuoae aod ereale M. Aysfs Ckerry Peetoral, oa the euo trary. walls it cures the eouga. dees eat is terterewtta the fuaettaas of either stasasefe er Uer. No other aseeletos Is se sals aad la eseases of the throat aac "Four year age I took a severe eoM, which was lulluwed by a terrible cough. I was very ska, sad eoaaiicd u ssy bed sbealusr a-anths. 1 essployed a pfaysictaa aaoet ef the tuae, whe auaily ssM I was in cces-usas Uoa, sad that he could ne4 help bm. Oneef Bty neighbors advised bm to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. J did so, aad. before I had (nlabed taking the Irst battle ws able to sit up all the ubm. aad Is ge out By the Bsse I had Inisbed the bottle I was well, aad have resasined so ever sloee." L. D. BixDy, Bartoosvllis, Vt Ayer's Cherry Pestsrel, paaraasD sr DK. J. 0. Am ak OO., Lowell, afaaa. Bold by ail Dracsiau. lrk 1 ; ats bouLaa, H SH0RT UNE J THE ONLY DIRECT LINE FROM Alt Points in Dakota, Dixon, Cedar, Pierce,, An tlope and Holt Counties to fv Sioux City, St. Paul, Duluth, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis And all Points East And South Purclume your Tickets and ship your Freight via The Pacific Short Line. For Pataenger Kkd h and Tiine-Tablrs: For Kate of Freight between all Station. on the Paclllc Short I.lne and to Klonx City and all poi n t cud, apply to tha Agent ol the Paclllc Kbort I.lne at N'Selll. Neb., or Geo. W. IIiiihmo, I). MACsrifZIE, t.en. Freight A i'aas A (ft. Oen. Muic'r. RIOUX CITY, IOWA. A PRESENT TO OIR SUBSCRICFR8. It is with pleasure that we announce to our many patrons tliat wo liavo taale arrangements with that wide-awake, il- lustnited farm mapizine, the Aiiuriain Fartiur, published at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 200,000 farmers by which that great publication will be mailed direct, FREE, to the address of any of our subscribers who will come in ami pay up alt arrearages on subscrip tion and one year in advance from date, and to any new subscriber who will pay one year in advance. This is a grand op portunity to obtain a Uirxt-claHs farm journal free. The Arrummn Farmer is a large 16-age journal, of national circu lation, which ranks among the leading agricultural papers. It treotn the ques tion of economy in agriculture and the rights and privileges of that vast body of citizens American Farmers whose industry is the bom of all material and national prosperity. Its highest pur- xie is the elevation and ennobling of Agriculture through tho - higher and broader education of men and women en gaged in its pursuits. Tlie regular sub scription price of the American Parmer is 11.00 per year. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. From any one numlier, ideas can be obtained that will he worth thrice the subscription price to you or members of your household, YET voc get IT FREE. Call and see sample copy. Fremont, Elkhorn -AND- Mo. Valley RAILBOAD. (NORTHWESTERN LINE) -BETWKEJt- Harrison, Nebraska, OMAHA, SIQVX CITY CHICAGO AMD ST. PAUL And All Points in the r East, North, South & West. -tt-TmBjOvOM TlCHCTt TO ALL POINTf . j. u Norntitor, Agent, Harrison, Neb. H. Q. Burt, J. t, Rucnaiiaji, ; ' .Oen'l Manager. Oen'l Pass. Agsjnt 9MAHA HIS, OmCIAL DIRECTORY. J-TATKOFFM'tltS: John at. Tliayer, -Governor, Uunoln, Keb. Geo. L). atelklejobu Ui-olfmul Governor B. K. iwery -retary of state T. IL Beotan Auditor Joba K. Hill Treasurer William I a. Attorney (ietteral Jobn KMa. Laud ConiuiUaloner Goo. B. Lone ..bupt. Public lnatruction 11. Hoplclna.. Warden rf Penitentiary W. II. Kaip.Supt. Huxfiital for Insane CX5KE(IOiiAL HEUXa'tT-JS: A. 8. Paddoek.. 1'. a iienator, Beatrice C. f. Manderaon 1". S. w-iiuU,r, Ouiaua W. J. Connell, Ouugreanuuitt lxt Hi at., Omaha G. L, U, " Sd Mol'ook Geo. W. E. Dorwy, 3-1 " Fremont JCDICIABT: Amaaa tobb-. Chief Jutice, Lincoln S. Maxwell ...AasurlaVe Judge, Fremont T. L. liorval ..AMM-laUi Juitge, Seward W. A. leeae (Ic-rk and Iteporter, Seward TWF.LFTH JI'DK IALDISTKICT: M. P. Kinkald Judge, O'Selll Conrad Llndciuan Clerk, Harrlaon COr STY OFFICERS: S. Barker County Judge Conrad I.lnilenimi ... (l,:rk M. J. Gaylmrt Treasurer A. Southworth Pupt. Public InHtructlon Tboa. Keldy ShcrirT Geo. J. Sbafer ...Coroner A. B. l)ew Surveyor Conrad Llndeuian Clerk of IliHtritt Court I. . O. Hull County Attorney BOA HI) OF COMMISHIOSEBS: lion M. Weir, (chairman) lat lilatric-t ( ha. C. Grore Jd " J. A. Green Sd " LEGISLATIVE: A. I!arU)W..pciiaUr, DUtnct No. M, Chadron U. W. Miuoiinon Hep., I)Ut. Ko. IB, Alliance l'RECI.NCT. S. L. R. Maine.. .Jnntice of the Peace II. Mcrrlfleld ' It. K. Pout Countable VILLAGE OFFICER): C. II. Weller (chulrnian) Truxtee W. it. 8mlth J. ( Northrop... , . " C. E. Iloluicn " W. II. WrlKht C. E. Verity Clerk D. I". Davln Treasurer WIKKIL OFFICE RS: fc. L. R. Maine Director W. K. Smitli Moderator G. W. Ilexter Trtuurer TERMHOFCorRT: lllatrlet Court, At lliirrlwm, eoninieiiMw April IStb ami SoptumtxT 4Sd, l-c.io. (Xiunty Court,-At Harrison, commences 11rit Mondnv of cam-Ii month. BEATTI'S TOIT. OF TIIK WOULD. F.-Mayor Dack.1 F. H.-aUy, of ll-atiy'i Celfbratcd Oraus and Pianos, V Jfcl. iijjtoii. Near Jrry, has returned htmn from an 11 tended tour t'at world. K-ad hi adv.r timPnt in fltii twtjt and rtd fcr catalogue. EEATW Dr Sir: Wa tvltirnstd to md Ar 9. 1119, ft aia twr r a d t i. WW). I, TstltlDf KvrifMs. Atta, (Molj lnd). In K Cr., Af-Tlr(h$yptOrm- tliU, .BiftBd Of lli M, an'l Yi tataro A marl' Oft. V In aJI our f veat oilrn7 or '-,: hiiim, wadonot fwiiiwru- tr f bAAMnff piiiin orB o'can lir In lnn Ikfto Bmtttr'. Tr bit !) hsT it. rroa TMmv . ik In Undon. iltntranmmll kngUd, lift. irmd.fti i.y prim. Knw to pnrm t y Ittnl thl atatmnt f VmtiaUlf trM, w wii) lu.. rr irr ra4ar or thl aLr Io or4ir one of u march ' yrrt pliDMa. ftBtl w will oflar yu fmut biritlu. ntrtlonl Vr. (AtwIftfHlfm OUAfiAN l fcEM rr mortwy promptlj r rn1a'l at any Unit within thr(tj yuftra, with Intarwst lp4rrl.rrnlihr nana or Of-an, full warramM rastra. INTO w lft hom "n.M plowhoyi t4my w ha niMrtj on taunrfr"! Uirunl of Baaliy's orvana uul ptftnn In uim all Aver th world. If iliy wr not 'k4, we ootiid not bnv Eld J nur tiBW wl No, mirtnlrtly not mm! Try Inatrumsnt U flljr u,rrnU'd for ton war. t Ua mAnufactur-M from Uia baal aalftnai sBJU-aax anorua, or ramoj uuncy omo bu sx-Marna Das elv. n rati v. V ? lJFI! b oaf i .awasssaaaaw. 1 AT n J ' M aVOA ORGANS wllllllll V autiful W.-Hin. Itirta- l.rnak 1. .a A .lain Hon. Dajticl f. Hcaity,Wahi ,tton. New lerJf 6," tm. I..rr'.'a J. ltM n , . i.-, I ri . l.uai,I, 1 w nkt na iu li. It we can ,'H f b'vt ).-, tu ittm f f to ll.v "!(!, fud Up. iw t en p'i sr., a, I p In .-f it mt ,ti- -((.- I V . I ! o hi I i r .-it. H"tl in-, i -rt)!i hii.f I . .Snl.y, Mt'li l.ifl.V Ircn...!. ' i.Ai.'M Jul.?;, i h-nt-t,i ii.) .f iVKiiuA.,H, 1HAJAU M 4 1 f -- n ((siafnrliitnurKf.WltntrifwAffll, .ill V r!.My tMJ h"tirah1, by Ihoaw -at I 111 If P W 1'b-r t. -mini or ol'l, inrl in Utcir Wat r..rii.h atvMwtsilt W. I a.aa tin rlaaS Y,M rla iaal jamr apar oHimema, ut alt fmir Hme Io the wnrfc. laU It an atuirwif n-w irr,ww nitfru wawtUTnii aurrvaa io rrwry wo rat sr. Hir.rtairi arc enn-lnff fruut to prr Mi-k in1 upwirda, lid mr aflTi L!tt)t fi(,erlroc W i-an flimlth you th m- 'Itrywni ati tch y-to nHK, No to iilaln htrr. Full ia.Wniat.ua rKKK. I RI T At CO., AlwLila, lAlaa, Hnirtah to ti?fl i K-raon or minr write, and who. rk tuduairVuwalr, AllllllAA YCAX1 lnr1.rtah TM 1 1 II iwch any fairly inMHamt H-m IK 1 1 1 1 1 lafi, who ran rwad and write. Vaarta rLkMrfrawa lN-allllaa.t Itrtvvwr lhv llva.l wlllataofuniiaai tha a4tMU4jaort-mttrryRinMt wlilrh you raa ram lhatanioanr. Ho monr tm ia an Iran aupraarul at Imvi. Kastly and quick lr aanid. I daalrw but out worlsrr from aacb rtlalrl' I nrcouaty. I navaalraady touirht aitd fndi with anijdoyaiwtn a larra aaaibwr, wbsin maalnir fWNM a traraarh. Il iMEW aad jMIJp, fall iNrtlealara PBKK. Alr at oik. B. , a4.lt L KM. kioa. 4, AuStaalai( MaUaie. NCW HOMt M. CO., &f 5 id-'J . ill!? 7Maail. aaawr arkavra ifck.Jk.lt. laktaa. P r ii s-am , I - a I o 22 ? " a wlm fV 3 fag I w la ii.twHS A!lvl m 'I 3Sllp.?R8L?3f:r?!o " ieri iiia c r ? M lis 3 v 5 s- r Eh E H 9 P m g Q S raw ri Fa? i!5f las: 1 . ( ! S l "If r, EverQQMv Wagon" No. At Witli Half Sprint, ono Soat, OusMon and Bbana. "Good Tlmbasrand Bona Qrf." Matfa Th box limallv tikn "ft a I thmr ar Icmfth -nc-d nit fur the u of enrpenters and i-iams TH warirt b s st, Ilu.ia, li iwiiit i b'unrand artnotlvo, mi l I airons and . r ......... ir i: TH3 WIUON3 JafAOOH OO.. 'lUssitotjr -. , tU OeleDrHtcd liusLiu-d vuwjl-u, 1010 W. Btit Ct.,Winom, BOOK HOLDERS. The Most Pcsrscr DlCTIONSSY HOIOCS. Folding ind Adjustable Tablet. SEN U roa CATALOCt'K. R. M. LAMBIE, 39 E. !9thSt.,N.Y. A aaawawaaa Ar itrietly flnt-elam erry detail, pnsMM ai absolDtelj perfect rejuting tetioa auvd aaadMBie cum. Fully war- ranum, n JNB a, I II -a A EM fllfiAffiM arm -r r Mil to rit ii . aen UUPI Rin TfH J An the awt li the wrM. tni hare all (tken for yean, (rrer 210,(100 Me. Tbe teeil an swaaa to have twit, aid will kave noir, bat tbe ESTEY nw psyaeiu ar (Mb, ai caste: frmer. CaU art tee at, tr ieai for Catalwe aid fall iifwnaatiea. 233 to ChbtTA . f7tr Jxut Houne, O10 A DT CUY9 Clt i 1 isWbtPsaW' P'wWlsAPMslPWBWrtsWPaW A J iav. . , i