- ' -vyx'v'-v. .-: . V-'v .. -v'? 4- ''j.Jw-'....- . . - - ftllil' iruia t nw Y- . ' , '"I-,. ; IMMM (letter entered liwoffioa tuusrt - V; !k.u .... .l... ... . i Iron th IUrM ooudIt fur ou ramr. r rf1. I ' i lliiv UDV UI IIW uaTvlAliK I . w? VfBMitaii.loj.dbr bia Hrm W, I Morr t of Saetog got prrttj mbwlr to r1' mMt'cl b' b,Tin pbottrph . . . . i 5rfll on bim. lUvMmoviB it and L IbMoieot out to collect .0m, b.IU and u,lk'J'B il '" tte vagoo at tb had appropriated the moor ao coHect- . Htob:(ovn um. Tb. raitor wanted ConaUb'. Julian, of Xnim; rob tokaow if tbera aaa not lomi . . TBt o " aummona on a mt-ifk ,. n,.ti.r i.i v. . n and after hantioff for bim two which would not lay tha firm t . I J' UlrnH thl '' nl lo dd twa damae. uit. lie bad noUcad that '"l wbnvr any one waa nroawuted for Uick Moor blle J'rDf wU oa nr crime and tba off.u. u i a" P106 ,l "diajiola, found part of a fiidoo tha party aom.iad.tb.t n-rr,n .nBM '"' oin.ty four tot U'low al no.t invariably turned on tha aceu-r. "Urf'- Th '!,w bon' collu U). tyW Orean related Saturday a-V a bottom of which tUre to ba a aaoaation of mcxler- waaa. which haa not yat oomatolixbt rf iOwatratta tha borror aoma paopla Jk. TfA. I ' mu on or tha Irirc V.'1 -(W4"k V, 0 amploiad by bia tlrm had 1 '7j''"'4v Vjund by tb firm to ba an eatbauk ' " iCt'd'--.'' vbaaiaonnt of W,OCa Tb fellow NEBRASIA STATE SEDS. JliB Gefcler broke jaU at Preatoat by Ukir.f out knee brick Beit to the door I am. Peter Kline, of Tobiae will ba triad lit fetliof h)uor without a lioeeea. The MrCuok Tidtott iimtili that Ihe farmer' aljianoaUka bold of ni com boatiJaa. wh h 10 bwBk into tbeir i- aT . " WM " by T. "diaaa. whn f I a ioaa f n ...l mvarwviy lumeaon theaccueeri I 7 ' """-i lb a daman auit for a creater or l- appM "rm nd 0M loolh w m:uBL lie waa ...r. ti... k:- entatateof paerration. The en- anay CUV i ood .pAl recited the facta and told 'V " lh.. t"tb" ibe iUtot mi.neaeee in auch a U.r ..i 1 h. Belndre " tbiafood pra.tiva manner that tba oouaty attor. L b,lvtion "'at J7 ww coomieo. that ba oruldaeDd . ""J, or mora m.n acroa. tbaaUte. ht Pwr,7 "e rUtian Qutadera.-are '..! A-.. - .-S" l; - "I Mean- ,;-'! i " U-ii ' '' -IT wwade.1 f-r ? -. 1t YjT' i,r iV.'t -it Haw ,.,, .u.tthathawouldr.lWlM.-.T Dtotb!t"iD(r f0liv,neaa of ' - - - -'H:-;C"V , "totkerUkofwJ'C Wb - lop. t rp" U.5VS,-V ITuta k,nd. But cf eoui tb. 1..! .- r dUm. thought J5. V i . t . af j'. f-l-Av ' ' K u u . ""raating tbey would do mor 1,1. n,.. . . ' '.' l iXv.;: Vt i tVe7mi,r"lMm'0Wb0 did H the indication. 7.t . .T" i.-tH.- ..-SZJirjj i. j-jf . pear- , wrm. and sre a:. WW Vi'"f' 5' ' ""'"" murder Th ir ,W,c give. th!e -jr;- "V-' -v, ... ... -'Jlv -w-r- '?s-?jejto : ;:;..:r"...uniy- uM.rtiB, fw;; Mr.i.K0u.ni .if-iw'f'' . .u ., . - - - i ri ?.i 'r-,Cr . Dlred theatora of II k r .t... ditorof tli. .. " c- V V -V '-iX-Tlw--' VVyW: -vbV- rt'-V w''"thawood.cloM by Utyofh.y.So ra i.T r" li - j . -s j. i ' f - J "i.S ' -rt-I two ,vu. ln the county i-JIfS ""Cim prac .... C2 V;. bwCartabriwm. fofc s. Etaa Injury gu baajriawiCoM aaaMWV' tataad-TV ' gailtyr S V w to4kJr.Vw.' "Of h44ow.of mmt ti! "CXmartaekatbefir J o Uaaoral Uraard inBHiw3 i t mk loraaaiwam AnaraBMawt cit taUoatrttkJabaBiulu.l aadUiaaaataao. aoj MtaB tU clerk, a-bo tbaa rad a,f bof j "iBaae & BaataUa. th. nawJ vne law. yon Maw f Ninl . dar in tb. Irat aWraa. 1. mpnaoaad la tb. atu . wJ 80 t cord until tba Siat TualJT? aoaal a- and that you tbau U J: Wt aaf tha n.-;k until dead." t owt tt Tba jury tbaa Lwft iK. J fWt nearart door aad tba prinaar cuciM out by a door ia the at courtroom. Tbaagaaa , Tbkj in tb. Mlreaaa. Tba rooa w ''ghted aad aartlv dltari i.J that? rradually lnrraa.nl, bat did 1 wan nair oil tba aaate oeforti Muamooy, which ooaaaia,! u-i Bot! minutaa, waa Balabad. t Th. priaoaer waa pate, bat "T raaka a mot inn. atni it,., k. ur 'ully turned bra baa toward 1 j ban tba eenteooa waa r..? . th nothing ) 1. m. i tia cte that ha had jaat baeo e(r. 1 -ha aam. ti the Xbaaaai-W ) ErualD.IW.1,- wuH. SA 1b furmebed by Uokara md J chant of Europ, and tba nmalaiLl local inv,tor The objaot of thai J POfation ia to . . ri lural eettUmeoU upoa taMtT JBruij. which ar.ttya.tn. rf "7 toe soiernmeot 1. 1 a. J prV to conatroct I ioaa of (ajW C'cing th.ee MltUma.1. . ct,on each othar $ai taJC'w to carry outti, mining Deration. .-aTC-T"1 ot ur, brick., liu. rticle-, for M ? "Ml.Uaa.lkaa t Ml njb mvuiiaaaiai aw. a a . rnti who will h.i... 1 SWeral and aayaraj f Brailnarari ougfa JafM' I The xivaat raapara, 1 actor 0 ytoocvpa VUM Vkav in v