The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 18, 1890, Image 2

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Ml A
f5fe Im Imdoa says: The
af ta Inset Majority is bow bit to have
Im the aaly aolutio passible ot the
i Parnell would Mitbar
'pit aa ekurau tbe questioa
rftteretiraoaeat He ha played with
. put akill ud bo scruples and hi op
whMsj rijoiced that tho Clancy
ava Maoc, a tay feared it would,
redaos their majority. That majority
vaUluvabeea larger Lad Mr. Glad
to ssade a full answer but English
OBiaioa aa uW and would haro
aad aim for giving pledge tor urn
g to yield to ParoaU. Tha liberate
who were alarmed on Pridaj ara now
rJarved. The Times openly backa Par'
neil sad ma ay expect a reapproeohmmt
between his and the toriee. Th stmg
giaiaIrsIod will be bitter. Both
bans an hope uL Tho majority claim
' Iho oouatry diatrioU and tha Parmelitee
wy oa tho towns. Parnoli ha tha na
tional league office in Dublin and prob
ably moat of tho branch, but tha bulk
of tho rwhor nationlista, like the clergy
' ageinet him. What haa happened
has ao far not much cheered tho Eng-
Iwh toriae, and no speedy direolution of
jarhmeot la expected, but oonfuaion
aad an out break of Crimea in Ireland
or the adbesioo of a diatinot Iriah ma
jority to Parnell would daman the
'.one ml cauae perhapa fatally in Ire-
'aad, and injure the good uoderetand
In of the English librala and the Iriah
A MrMia. Maa.
Ivaw toek, Utc. UX Jay Gould, to
who a reportas showed dispatch from
uaioniaron, km, announcing new pur-
efcases in the town for tho purpose of
rauiae; up new sail pi an la and also re-
farring to aa alleged deaira of Mr.
UouJd to shorten th Miaaouri Pacific
from 8t. Louis to Denver by forty -eight
Ue,said: "That ia all don by the
other Jay Gould, tb one who roam
ing all over the country and working at
everything that I know nothing about.
He-is not this Jay Gould. He is a my-
tory, a great mystery." After indulg
ing- in a hearty laugh Mr. Gould said in
reply to aomo other inquiries: I don't
knew anything about the rumors aa to
tbUaoa Pacific flcatiug debt except
mi rend thorn in print or heat tbeex
The aompaay had to pay tQjOOOjOOO for a
aewa.uipeat which it badly needed,
rta people wanted their
that haa ail been arranged, and tha
awviay raoatva lat new locomotive
a aerf bevM MM to 5,000
, Hoaxnawa. inart is a great deal of
wheat m tb northwest which could
no ba asoved on account of the foarcity
of ears. We have money on hand to
meet our interest, and we feel that we
are in clover." Mr. Gould spoke hope
folly of too prospect of gold imports and
eddedr "This last decline is bringing
on tl investors aga n. We have evi
deoos of this in tb cutting into small
day." .
Tfce TKi Beaaaa Tarsia.
LoarooK, Dec. 10. The anti-Parmeli-te
are very well satisfied with their
first day's parlimeotary work, under
their now leader, Mr. McCarthy. They
think that gentleman's agressire action
with regard to the Dillon O'Brien proa
eeotioa to have been an auspisious
opeeiug of business at the new stand.
The sUeao which yesterday perrailed
ia the other wing of the party promises
to brood over today's beginning of the
prophet's hegira to tb Pannelit macca
Cork which city he will hardly lose
moon tisM in reaching. Indeed it U
aawaawtt d by some of the MoCarthitas
that the doors of Leinster hall in Dub
Ha will hardly be closed on Thursday
wight before Mr. Parnell will ba route
forthetoata of this constituency. At
tai suggest ioa implies nervous ha
OBtawnsef 'Bormally phlegmaUc
bad it ia very vigorously denied by
taw FaraaeUt tart airy eeaoga of the
stviael Uiaerrary iaooatompUtsd. Up
to bobb today nothing bat bsen heard as
the oearas which, in view of the m
at ompHmiin, Bir Joha Pope Hsa-
Cary fans to follow with regard to
. unr.w by tha aeUcalists of North
,V.T.Daa tO-Aa
i :czxmKjOfmmm West
t 'ttszz tnim i Owtnl
. -rjar r Km TTast Caor
' ' '' tT BBBmW to to
" iaa if ftV.
rue- :tt:
The Kaaraey ooUoa mill will ba M
feet lea
Griaiay eoaatv is having some troable
with bar ooaaty booka.
The Elkhoru road is reaping a rich
wrest during this b I on disss Skmu war
Ashland has the distillery fever and
thinks ah will get a million doilsr plant.
Fall wheat in the eastern part of the
tata never Looked better than it does
this fall.
Tha ealvatim army at Alexandria baa
rounded up forty sinners and made them
oonfeaa. j
Oae store ia EowaUa purohaaad more
than 1300 worth of poultry in on day
last week.
The citizen of Valley have organized
a joint stock company to build a town
ball at a cost of f 1,800.
E. K. Keutner of Humboldt baa sold
his standard bred colt Willie McMahon
to Mr. Fisher of Lincoln tor VflOO.
Tr new court houss donated to Box
Butt county by the citizens of Heming-
tord will be completed by January 6.
E. E. Reeca of Lincoln county haa
shipped KO head of hogs to his father,
near ureenwooa v reoa. xnere is no
ro out where he is.
Fremont is now reaching out after
listillery, cracker factory and packing
house. It ia claimed that these three
nstitutions will employ ISO men.
Davenport, Thayer county, is getting
t hauling over the coals by the salvation
irmy. The meetings are very interest
ing and a crowded house greets them
arery night.
The taking of testimony in the con
test cases will be held at the following
places and time: Lincoln, Dec. 4; Uma
as, the 15th; Norfolk, the 23d; Indian
Ma, the 2Gtb.
The children of tie Hebron achool
Mlected and st two barrels of pota
toes to the home for the friendless at
Lincoln. They have a society in school
sailed "The Potato Society."
The Sarpy county Republican ia the
a teat newspaper venture. I is pub-
ished at Papiilion by A. O. Webel and
Mra. F. A. Harrison. TLs politics of the
jsper will be what the name imp!
Ed Sweeney of Fairbury haa been ap-
wintad claim agent for the C. B. k Q.
ailway, with headquarters at Galas
jurg, 111. Nebraska boys are always
tettiag to the front. It is in the atmoe-
John Honeycutt, residing on a farm
wuth of Wymore, while out hunting
Jong tha B'ue the other night captured
i great big fat opossum. Some say they
ive only where the persimmons grow,
mi this provas the contrary,
Tha farBaKra b4
tave orgaBixei a stock eompsny to atari
i lumber yard at that plaea with a cap-
tal stock of tatvm If they cannot buy
he yard already there they say they
rill start one in opposition.
The Box Butts county commissioners
lave met for the last time at Nonpareil.
Fheir next meeting will be at Hemicg-
'ord, the new county east
Tha organization of a 'militia com
pany atO'Neil haa beecxmpletedt oftl-
ra have bsen elected and members
re fast learning the manual of arm a.
la tbe tbirty-nve miles bicycle con-
eat at Grand Island tonight in addi-
ion to the title of championship of Ne-
raska the following prizes will be given :
irst nrize. diamond medal: aawtnd
prize gctd medal1; third prize ail ver med-
John Brown and his son Iticherd of
.-huyler, have a contract for aheanog
1,000 head of sheep at Albiox They
eft borne Thanksgiving day to begin
he job. Tbe sheep are fat and ready
or the market and they shear them to
ore shipping.
Tbe Juniata Herald tells this tale of
appinees: A J u mats kid who escorted
little miss home the other night re
vived a card from bar reading "Y. M.
." Not being able to guess the puz-
:.i hi brought it to this eocyclopediac
imporium of knowledge and learned
that it meant "You may call again."
Mrs. Cornish, an agsd resident of
Seward, fell from her doorstop tbe
jther day and broke her arm.
Adam Pretleg, a prominent citizen of
Plattemoutn, died at his home Satur
day, aged fifty-six years.
The Butler county court boose is un
let roof, and will be pushed to eompla
uon. It will eoat (00,000.
Vasta'a new Methodist churoh eoat
fZjyX, all of which has been raised and
the new sdiae dedicated frea of debt
Two huadred and fifty Sohayler peo
ple ate bean at the supper given by tha
Grsnd Army Peat of that oity to the
Woman's Balisf eorpa.
A team of horaw atoeBB from MUo
Bayes, a livarymaa of Carsseo, was i
.xTvered near OjUmbos, bwtB3 traea of
;he thief waBlowad.'
Thaaaw Oanasji LaUaraa okwrafc
oearAriijtoa,OBaoftio baat aawaiy
urohea to C , w&l ba aVUoatod
X HllsT BW I f-rt-
Just at taa Trtariaary
Eagtaad diohMad
Two man were a hot at Lav
ItfcestinMtedtht: t:reaf 900,000
-T ; f t1- Xmd
nearly all tha trees are big saoiigi to
make stove wood or bang aaawaweha ia.
Now that Jay Gould has bought the
big Hutchioaoa salt alaatall theleUowa
who have bean ia doubt at to tb value
of an iavastsMot of tbe kiad will be
jumping in. It will not be many years
lillsalt wells will be aa thick in central
Kansas aa prairie dog hle
years ago.
So far there ar but two
for the position of chaplain of tha com
ing Kansas legislature. 4 -
a uougias county sun read- a paper
before th stale borticultaraj eooiety
tha other day and ia tbe course of his
remarks advised the farmers sat to sat
pi. Isn't the revolution ameag the
farmers going to have any Uattt what
wuo only four ioers ia tha aomiag
Ksnsss lsgialature th people are al
ready ooogratulating themselves on the
probality of tha paaasgs at law that
can be understood.
Now tLat Kansas ha gone up to the
first of December without a frees tbe
prophets have begun to predict a pleas
ant winter. Ia many instances the
Kanaaa weather prophet and th Kan
aaa political prophet is found to be one
and the aura pa. son.
It is reported that Suoci, th faster,
refused a glass of water tha other day.
Out ia central Kanaaa, it thou wheat
crop should happen to tall, something
it seldom if aver doss, all th farmers
have to do ia to dig down a MttK fur
ther and take out the salt. That part
of the staU ia getting fixed aa ' that a
failure of crape will not effect very
The muskrat and th bone are in coo
flict in reference to the severity ' of the
Kanaaa winter.
A snow fU to the depth of four in
ches in tbe western part of tha atafa
tb day beto. a Thanksgiving. If a man
'Hike th balmy Italiaa
of tb eastern part ba does aot have to
go out of tL state to gat a change.
If Kanaaa ehould, by ream of the de
crease of that 82,00 majority gat one
of bar favorite son appointed to the po
sition made vacant by tha death of Jus
tice Miller there will not be mac (nan
half the sorry men In Kansas a there
are bow. , , . , h
A Kanaaa axabsnaw remaAz Asa It is
great iesoes ar at stake. TberawUlbe
lotn of cooeolatioo in this little remark
to th politicians who realize that they
have to "trust."
Tbe election seemed to bar no afreet
whatever, upon the number of trains
loaded with cattle and wheat that
sent out of Kanaaa. It may be posaibh
however, that in some instances tha
earns man didn't make draft for th
amount they sold for who would ban
draws tha money had th result beer,
There ara savers! ligb tning rod awind
lera reported in Kanaaa by tb Iocs
papers. It seems to be a little lata ii
the season to put up lightning rods, and
no one seems to be afraid of a stroke
atnoe the returns came in.
It Providence keeps tally on th vol
cast in Kanaaa, there is going to be th
biggest crop in Kansas next year th
state has aver seen.
Th Topeka Capital remarks that
hat is wanted now ia for tha state t
get together, ragsrdlf of politics am
boom Kansas. That is a little matte;
that is seldom forgotten, 00 matter how
hard the strife may be.
Kanaaa papers are still insisting that
tha winter will begin early this year
But than if a Kaaaaa wir target around
by Christmas it is always eooaidared a
being on time.
There ara 837 newspaper pubUshet'
in Kansas. Anyone reading all of then
will discover that there are just 82'.
asona why it happened.
Ia the wheat belt of Central Kaoaat
and in tha apple belt in the sea tarn part
of the state there have been so vacant
I tises since the crops war hanreetod.
Vacant bouses mik mighty good ator-
aga room aaaarally.
Amatonr theatrical troupes ar organ
ixing ir vry town la th state,
Themmbrsottbe legislature fron
the west half of tha state think thai
thsy will be able to attoad to all tbe
basins aaaaaaary to ba don ia To
peka aest year ant hav plenty of time
aftrward to raaw about thratorop of
LMvanworth, &aaa City, Kan, and
Atafasmw as ttll farreaBgs towhioll
oMotthatbmibovUBm it joiaU
Ariodauaymaa wbo Hi mot
at. crz:nm, wVk
atbKLaaVtfUto Ca kJMmn
mrm wmw wm
Z i tri O taw iuci t Usty
rpr rif
wargaosj of
the uaa of
VOUm, Deo. 1L-Mr. Paraall, a
. -
of taa Motors of United Ireland haa
the plant of that paper,
taa publioatioa of its carrent
adaioa aad ajeotod the acting editor.
Mr. ParaalTs ageat then took
saoaof thepremissa Uaited Ireland is
the paper of which Mr. William CBHan
on of th Irish nationalist delrgatioa
ow ia New York, ia the editor. Tha
ants-Paraalitas have bean discussing a
propjsittoo to sscurs full control of tha
paper aad iaaueit aa the organ of
party in Ireland.
it was later learned that wLen &.
Bodkin, who ia acting aa editor in charge
during tha abaeooe in the United States
of Mr. William O'Brien, entered the of
floe of United Ireland today and found
Mr. Parnell in possesion. Mr. Parnell
read the articles of the association uo
dar which the company was organized
and than instructed the sheriff to eject
Mr. Bodkin. This that officer immedi
ately proceeded to do. It was no easy
matter to accomplish, however, as the
acting editor offered a stubborn, if inef
fectual resistance. In tbe down stairs
office a desperate encounter took pi
between (be shsriff and his deputies,
and the sub-editorial staff, every man
of which rushed to tbe sesistMoe of
their chief. In th mL sticks ar.o
cudgels were freely used, an 3 stools am.
ink bottles, paper weight and othei
art:cies of office furniture were hurled
through the air. It was onf. after
prolonged and desperate st.urzle that
the editors, grimly hghting every
inch of the way, were finally thrust out
of th premise. Th news of the fight
spread rapidly all over the already ex
cited capit-J, and within a wonderfully
short time the 0IH0 of United Ireland
was surrounded by an iateoasly inter
sated crowd.
labeaua Treatment,
Washihotoh, D. C, Dec. 11. Hear
Wallaos, a white man from St. Loiis, is
at the emergency hospital in tbi city,
suffering from alleged cruel treatment
on board an oyster boat Wa'.laca r
lata a horrible story. If says that
man who gave tho nam of Captain Bo
th all met him in Baltimore a few weeks
ago and secured him a poa-uon on ao
oyster drodger. Tbe tht toe boat
left Baltimore, Wallace refused to per
form some menial labor and tit- oaptain
oftbaveaseL aooorig to his atorv.
knocked him down and kicked bim ir
thefaoa until he fainted. In "culling
oysters WalUoe's bands were frightfully
lacerated and gangrene set in. Because
h could not work on account of the con
dition of his hands tha oaptain ordered
Wallaos vied up and had one of ih
crew adminivter twenty lashes on h'
ia. Wallace bled freely and flaall
fain tad. He raarsatoiBd to orienwtoaa
a by haviag a buckot full at aUs
water thrown over him. Wallaos ba
cam so ill that he was put ashore. Ha
will go to Baltimore and prosecute th
oaptain. ,
Beateeee Baapeaderf.
Snuouaa, N. Y, Dec. 1L In the
court of sessions yesterday sentence was
suspended during good behavior on five
men who were employes on the New
York Central road at DeWitt during
tha recent strike. They were indicUa
for conspiracy and itwaa intended k
make an example of them, bat the;
ooBoluded to make a plea of guilty anu
avoid the dangers of trial.
Live Stock Aaaeclatloa.
Ceioaoo, III., Dec. 1L The meeting
of the American live rtook association
was concluded yesterday, and a divi
dend of 150 per cent declared. The
board of directors was in session nearly
tha entire day, and it was nearly 7
Volock last night before it adjourned.
The result of the session is unknown to
anyon but those present, as tbe meet
ing waa held with closed doors even to
th stock holder. Th latter, however,
hav great faith in the directors. The
company was organized in May 1888.
and two dividend!) have been declared
la that time. The first was declared
last year 186 per cent on the capital
stock, while this year it Is ISO par oent
Aa laaagaate CloalBg Oewa.
Wilxbsbabbb, Pa, Dee. 1L An In
oeanite ciostng aown or ail inelr mines
haa been ordered by tha ooal depart-
mania of tba Delaware, Lackawanna k
Western railroad company. This ac
tios is dus to ths continued dullness in
tan coal trade and Decease of the large
supply on bud. The order goes into
effect today. Thousands of men will be
toresd iato idleness aod much su (faring
OM4 aalapag t I Catted
New Toax, Dsa 11. A London dis
patch to private parties here says I3S0,
000 ia gold were withdrawn from tba
Beak of England yesterday to b asot
to th United States. This makes a to
talviUkdrawalywterday of fiOOa
Th aBragementa only flgur It up to
fSfStfiCO from Eagland. Henoa, than
BmaaaaothaaithatbavaBot baas ra
twwa Bets; OeaaasM .
rjBLLAiaa, use. 13. A oooper
arop la Bowo'xJ,jat opposito th oity
aaog&tflra UatBight aad Um
rtaad to six dwelling bobsbs, s
ry atiroylagevsrvtblagla Uaair way.
ww" a mm bsbibi ot Mtsm
"Ztwm tomtfJm fewa tklg aitp
immtmMMcm fm
: r. In ti pry kzzj.
aaav fasfsslaa.
Lcrx, Da. 11 Tl peniavulartBd
oriealal stevaabip company s atoamat
Nepaal, last Bight straaded at Ply
moath breakwater during tha prove-
Isacs of a dense teg. Some of to p
soger were immediately landed by a
tag which weat oat to the vessel's re
lief. Others elected to remain oa tbe
steamer ia hope that she would spasdi
ly be floated into deep water. Govern
ment and private tugs were hurried to
tbe assist snoe of tha big Indiaaum. the
tow lines ware attached aad a aimultaa-
eous effort wss mad to drag tbe Nepaul
out into high water. Tb effort proved
a failure, uad a fsw momenta later the
ship wss found to be rapidly taking
wp'.er through a great rent in ber bot
tom, and further hopes to float ber was
abandoned as hopeless. The tugs then
took off tboee passengers who had at
first declined to leave tbe ship. Dur
ing the entire time from tbe stranding
of the Nepaul up to the mcmentof
tleir being taken tff by the relief boat
tbe conduct of the Lascar sailors was
disgraceful and cowardly in the extreme.
Ttey seemed to be seized with a wild
unreasoning panic Time after time
the officers and white sailors of the Ne
psul were obliged to beat the Lascars
back from the boats, when the decision
Lad been finally reached to abandon the
steamer sr.d the European efflcera, men
and paaaecgers were obliged to unite
in driving tbe Lascira far enough away
to make it possible for the women and
children" to reach the boats. Not a life
was lost Tb specie and baggsze of
the paseengers, acd government and
private disputobes, were also savei Tht-
cargo, which consists of 1,300 chests ol
tea, 1,500 bags of .heat, 1.CC0 bagso!
rice, indigo jute, eta, is doomed, tht
ri pid in-rtehing of the water having
uin'e any attempt to save it impossible
The cargo ans ineurrd in Lloyd's foi
100,0 0. Tbe Nepaul was tuund fron
Calcutta for London and Ltd stopped
a. MarseilUe.
t Will Ua'ae I he Uenard.
Cnic.w, III, Dec. 1.'. Attempts to
locate the whereabouts of the missing
millionaire, B. tL Campbell, bsve proved
friiitltea nd as a final move the farailj
have concluded to rait the reward for
hia recovery from $200 to 15,000.
Damaged by Fire and Wsier.
Mabshalltoww, Ia, Deo 12. Fire
n tho rear of tbe Fremont hotel block
reeterday afternoon caused little dem-
age to the hotel, but the stocks of firom
ley, Irgoldo & Co., boots and shoes.
Stearns' clothing store and Iloyt's gio-
ery house were badly damaged by wa
ter. The loss x-ill secrrffHte fSOjftxY
UllvaU ain r-.r.u -
jrrr?f:iu,.. III,. Dec. 12.-TI:i
patexri n.o t-iliiy adeptcd KSolutitu,
ienjtndir.gthe appointment cf Geoiir
juu as rtiirosd rod wart-Iioice;.
toner, the election of Ueited Htaxee
inatoraby the jieopte, tbe placing of
iindets and mowers on tke free list and
he exclusion of liijuur fnm the world's
fair croutd.
ArrcMrfl for mlKftl rlltent.
QohtM, Dec. IS, Henry U. Blue a
Idrlt employed by Thomas II. Perkins
4 Co. Hack brokrs, was arrested ot
ioc.i jerterdny charged wiih the c m
ezzleuicnt ot $17X00.
A I'ecailar AcolUcnl.
I mni-iiiiAU.PA, Dec 1 .-While a
etl bound fuat freight was roundn a u
urve on the Jersey Central rond ueai
ire thie morning several planks full
rom a car to the eual, bound Irack. An
jiiat bound freight crashed into them.
ud was draileil throwing both trains
uto iho canaf. F. reman li.nkBra
er;ouly and Brakemun Hint fauiiy in-
iru. .lucaner orait man was .iled
fiy fee; th.-ouzh the a:r iuto th
i:::tinvfcr. lie lwuhi ui tha
ndLuir.edlotho tracks in lime to
flag tLo No York flyer, which is the
fastest pueseuger train on tbe road and
was l.eaviJy loaded. The tracks
blocked for several houin.
CaaadhMu Sqaebbie.
VJlebec, Dec. liA disgraceful
enacted 10 the legislature
jesterday before th doors weie opened
premier, uaa aoui
wmark about a private document
hicu had been presented to him by tb
oip3.iiion. 111s remark woreevidsutly
no personal that Mr. Leblane rose and
asked whether he was referred to. The
premier acknowledged that be referred
to Mr. Leblane and the quarrel between
tbe two became hot Mr. Leblane in
1 a . .
repiy reierrea to an occasion whan th
iremier waa charged by a certain news
paper with bains' under the inHn..
"luul auis w?3uenea Mr. Mercier.
who epraog to hia feet aod offend to m
u'liaiue anu seme me matter. Mr. Le
blane atepped forward as if to meet tb
premier iu the aiddle of th floor, but
jm ot hi friend intarhnd and re-
atrainao: him. When tb door war
anally opened lb men bers ware ao x.
oiUd tiat Co business oould be doua. .
WAjiiifOTo, Dec 13. Isador Straus
of New Toik, in an interview published
bra. predioU a poor man's Dania Bo
far, hassid, ws bars had t rich bub's
paate laduofd largely by spseulativ t-
lorta to deprati ouritla. -Beforatha
situation oa it ia relieved," aaid Mr.
EUaas, nh aaa ar bound to auSar
Wfwat to.' fawtoriat aaat
wraaoa irort Uaatv wtrat
KaJkaisB DaaiftB f
U. 8. lUgeiatea.
The nteatlale?
8e FsASCiauo, Cau. Dee. 9. King
Kaikaua haa not come bar saeraly for
hw haaltb; Bei'ber haa ha com 1
hav lapwrted to float a 12,000,000
oa which be would pocket a tidy
mission. It has just leaked out that
his muauoei is to propose to taeetato de
partment the annexation of th Hawai
ian islands to the Uaitod States. Thie
news ounea direct) from a man largely
interested in the sugar interests of tba
island and may ba accepted a author
itative. Of course, Kalkaaa'e officers
will den it bat all tba root show that
tbe king haa reached the jumping off
place, and must decide shortly either to
risk another revolution or to sell hia
kingdom aod get a fat pension. lie baa
been authorized by tbe Hswaiiaa gov
ernment to tender the island to Secre
tary Blaine on term which, it 1
thought, oongrcs will aeoept The su
gar planters aa well a Kaikaua ara in
the hole. Under tha reciprocity treaty
they really got a bonus of two cents a
pound 00 all their sugar. Now, under
the McKinley bill, which make sugar
free, they lose this, because the growers
of thie cot n try receive a bounty which
would smount to eeieral million during
the yr.r. It is believed th administra
tion will receive Kslkaua'a overtures
with favor.
Mr. tiiaine on repeated occasion baa
expressed tbe opinion that sound policy
demands that the United States should
control the Hawaiian islands, and he
will back any movement for their acqui-
tition oa favorable terms. It is not
nown what dimands Kalluua will
make, but tbe belief ia that they will
sot be exoessive.
Iudlaa 1 eprtdatlena.
Pikk Ridok, Nr.B., Deo. 0. Reliable
information baa been received here to-
lay that the renegade Indiaoa are com
mitting depredations on the Cheyenne
river north of the Bad Land. The set
tlers and ranchmen have all left Battle
and French creeka. The Indians enter
ed the bouse of a ranchman named Jack
Daly, who live between Battle and
French creek on tbe 6th instn and made
him stand up in the corner nt tb ranch
while they took everything he had in
cluding bis horses, and he was compell
ed to walk from hi horn to another
ranch that bad not yet been pillaged
rhis report ooioiade with a rumor that
prevalent bar tody that th oamp
jI tb tiebgerattt IwCMb has bsen bro
ken up and that they havCZT oat
tared in email band througX aS Bad
d oaa that ta oouftofl bald her
yesterday between General Brooke and
thirty of tbe hostile was but a ruse on
tba part of the Indian and that thoir
camp was actually being broken up at
the very time that they were here in
Scouts will be sent out this morning to
investigate the con lition ot this camp
and to ascertain if the report be true.
No cno here, not even the friendly In
diana believe thst the hostile will come
in, except perhaps, few who have
been anxious to come in all the while,
but who have been orevented from do
ing no by the other. KapleeioB.
Bu ffalo, N. Y, Deo. 9.-The boiler of
a Lehigh Jocamotive exploded al 1
o'clock this morning at Dale, two sta
tions from Ulica. Ths engineer, Thom
as Manoney, and tb firemen, J. Leary,
both ot Buffalo, were killed. Their
bodies hav been taken to Dale, lh
locomotive was attached to an aaat
bourd freight The train was about to
atop for water when the exploaion oc
curred. The boiler was lifted from 1;
trucks and carried back about eighty
feet The tender and trucks did not
leave the rails.
Hhocklr.g Marlae Dlaaater.
Ostckd, Dec. 9. A fishing smack
which arrived at this port this morning
bring with it th alarming report of
the foundering at sea of th Belgian
training ship Vile D'Anver. with 100
boys on board. The Belgian govern
ment ', without any information regard
ing th disaster.
Oanaagea by lire.
Pittsbubo, Pa., Dec. 9. Tha suddenly
inorsaasd pressure of gaa is tha natural
ga main, supplying fusl to tba Conti
nental tubs works, located on Second
avenue, b'w a atop 000k out of the pip
connected with a stove in tha meohiae
da part ment at 6:15 o'clock this morning.
Watchman Campbell waa seriously
burned in hi repeated attempt to re
place to broken stapl aad aav hi sat -ployaiw
property. Th flame got be
yond hia oontrol aad damage J tha ata
ohin department oil waraboua aa4
pattrn dspartment to tba axtoat at
bVXXX It to fully laaaiwd. ,
Vibjika, Dec. tr-At Taaatrti a fist,
aged vBta yaa-t, wbo had baaa ta
oculated with tha eurativ (yavrii t Dr.
Kooh, died ia th hospital. Ttelsa
tlon waa waakooa,lhaiyri lariix
purpoasly waltsaaa. FtnqptM
waa tba ImaMtato eaaw of br ;"ja
yo womaawasof atnt j t 7i
oat was pwwrVtoai r 1 )
tharaaaUoa. 13Er aw to W k. 1
v eOar t attci to a totaa: J
.' j