The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 11, 1890, Image 2
u waM. run f a . . NEBRASKA The Tea e Oataarl. ' Ova. Nkb Deo. TIm third bad; of troop ordered to the Indian Nutr; is gatberin at Oman today. The iterf tbe column, being com penyofthe Seventh infantry, reacted ObmUib thie morniag via the Miaaouri Peetan from Fort Leavenworth, ia oom Mad of Oeptaia Sanaa Four other ameana of tha aama regisaeat am ex pected to erriee from Fort Logan. Ao enrdiBa to diapatohae, they are to await farther ordare here aad ara to ba moua tad it poauanoe of General Milee'io atraotioaa. Tba First infantry from Saa Francis new reported an route and due to each Ogden today and Omaha Monday eight They ara aUo under order to ait here and oe mounted. Nona of tha militia have 800 noraaa at com maador know that any ara being bought Oanaral Milee believe ia aatad infantry on thiaoooaaioo, how r, aad did that with the Fifth caval ry. The troop f-om Fort Logan were leaded on tha oar at Denrer on Tuee dey aad thaa unloaded. Tbe iodeoiaion with whioj thetroope ara handled eug gtated that tha authorities at Wash ington may be divided ia their coun sels. OoL Sua loo, the fighting paymaster, left for Pine Ridge yesterday morning. ' Newe waa received at army headquar ter of '.he death ot Surgeon General Baxter. A sarlee AcetAeat. Ocrnca. & D. Deo. X Walter Stem epring, a ra-cber here, while intoxicated discharged a pistol in hi pocket in a am dad room last night. The bullet tensed down his leg inflicting a sari jus flesh axuud aad paaaed through tha saUSk. JtMSTBUDAjf, N. Y- Deo. 1 Julius E. Smith, the defaulting teller of tha Mar saaata' national bank of this city who left a faw weeks ago, ba returned, soma at his friends taring settled the amount afbla defalcation, which waa nearly (0,000. Smith is now wiUt his family and it is doubtful if the will aver pun ieh him. Waela BaaAv fMWU. CrnxamuTt, O-Dee. I. Mrs. Margaret Sakmidt-App idowofCbarlaa5kjBklt App, preeea tad to tha otty InAOOOfor Swnday afternoon eonoarta ia Eden park Tha gift is eoeditionrl that tha fund be raiaad to76,000 by popular aubacription. Para Kan Aauwct, 8. D, (via Rush rlOa, NebJDecl -State Journal Sp aial A par y of eighty-fire soouts was ant oat by Oanaral Brooke to nde to Wounded Knee and report to him aa saoa aa paaaibl. Shay are expected ttoeht The noted Frank Gerard tha scout. Tha geoersl relies aad depend a poo his judgment great ly. W.F.K. Touno, O., Deo. 1 Fire broke out ia the oabin of tbeateanahip Cormorant laatevwaiag. The flames spread rapid ly throughout the Teasel and her en tire upper works ware burned. She waa loaded wi'h ore and it is thought wOl no sink. She waa owned by R. K. Winalowot darataad aad valued at QfiOO. She waa insured. i la are. VieroaiA, V. C, Dae. Yesterday daring a dense fog tha steamer Costa Bieasaak near Bee rocks light at tbe aouthaaat eoraer of Vaaoouver Island. The tog was too thick to send aasiataoot and no particulars of the wreck can be marnitl Tha steamer ia owad by ft atwasmoir 4 Boae aad was bound to with a cargo otooaL . ratal W: Pbwdcsto-, Ons, Dec. 8. Near Hav staek last eight a freight train on tha Backer branch of the Uaion Paeifio I in which tbe engineer aad akccoJ. H Ltoktr. .killed, aad J. E. Cameron another waa fatally injured. Tha of the engineer and fireman aeald not ha leaned. If. T Dae. L There has a eiac ia tha taatory of tha Cos fc?-:a XrJ.C :aajBSSarof I ha boot aad .C-i3uwfcl3tact!anJ aaina aalS ;CraatlataMwltB Cos amanlatorr wen rf tyf art ft-t ht'urtlaSua uf laatiag r.r::r i trr a a laaiflnatn ' i I rrry atl urn haaa ? v .rJ"rT' - aasaaaaaasnWasBsa d' ' J?-zL ?' Cor. Sl-Tkm k ' ?7C& 'wnS-SK9w A lug tint!! DETftoiT, Dea. 4.-At 2 u nlock f eeta Uy moralag tire broke out hi tha in cut department of the immense tobaea aunufaotonag establah asm of D. 8. CUtoe A Co.atFortandOamnairatraata this city. A heavy fall of aaowpreTeaV ad proapt attendaano of tha firedepart mant aad whan a aufhoieat tone waa oa the ground tbe fire had attained head way. The fine cut depart meet waa a building 200x400 fast aad in three quar ter ot an hour it was wholly in flame. Tha firemen ware fighting tha fire hard under the Fort atreet wall when tha oonice toppled and the wall fell before the fireman had got away. Fipamaa Robinson of engine company 8, aad Lieutenant Patrick Coughlin of tha ame company, ware buried in tha debris, Robinson was dug out dead. Coughlin waa taken out alive with hi head crushed ia and ba died ia an hour at h hospital. Ha had been on tha de deparUneotof honor for repeated acta ot bravery. Paymaster Cull en and Lieutenant Demay were also caught by tbe wall and badly hurt. The fire was still smouldering at 10 o'olock. Tha big buildiss? waa destroyed with a loss of IICO.000-while 20C,000 mora in and machinery were lost Tha are full v covered by insurants. The fire thrown 400 hands out of employ meot for the time, but the place will ba immediately rebuilt Pet His Era Oat Vit ifCA, Ia, Dee. 4. Joe Buckets, litUe 15-mon'Jts-old child, fell on n slid rf wood and put bis eye out There In . been considerable chioken stealing ne'. here among the farmers, and Saturday night Frank Archer ahot twioe at e chicken thief who was making are- with a fat turkey. The first fhot kille the turkey and the next one made ti thief yell and kept the doctor busy IU rest of tbe night picking out the ahot Will Beiafarae tha Trsnp'. 5x Fbascisoo, Dc. i. Ord's received here yesterday for tie first Uoited States infantry, now sUtiouad at Angel bland acroes the bay, to pwed at once to South Dakota to reinforce the tro pa there. General Gibbon con. mandiog the department of. t) i'acinc baa received orders to detach all ara;! ab'e troops in Oregon and Washingto aud rush them to the seat of boslilitet. Auaiacr Faetery Bnro4. ax, O., Dec. A. Johnson A John aon's large apoke factory was ar.tice. .destroyed by fire last night, I ha &mm starting in the belting room. Tbabuild ing waa a tbree-atory frame and r filled with a large and valuab: stoc1. The Lima fire department waa wr . for out arrived after tha bu:'dirg hat been consumed. . ladaatlf Kll. CiscursATi, O, Lec. A. Una. 1bm K. Jordan, a prominent lawyer of this oity and ex-member of congress, wa It stantly killed at 1 o'clock yaatarda. morning by falling through an aievm i abaft at Lincoln' court, which id beer carelessly left ran. ' ta SlrletaM iwiiif, Ocaua, Fla Dec. A At tha last are ning' aamion of tha national farmer alliance tbe report of the committee oc credential was reed. A resolution wet adopted enforcing all tha member to tbe strictest secrecy regarding tha boei neas transacted. A press committee was appointed, which alone ia authec iaed to give out information. Othai committee appointed were on Pratt dent Polk's mawaga, on order of bus! neas, on mileage and per diem and ot fraternal relatione. Tha Iaai committee ia a vary important it duty ia to receive reprresutalive from other natioaal organisations siJ lar in character with a view to escurinj concerted act ion on lagialatioa and mm ing at tha ultimate consolidation of tbsa? a!'. ; A Mr. Powderly is axpactad her early this committee will doabUaM ht aa early eoaferanoa with him. AtOwwVi Kw Yoax, Dae. A A meetirg am new last evening as Cooper Union ta protest agalaet the execution of Sopaia Uuosbsrg, the yvaag Rasaiaa girl who iaeoodemned toaaathinRaaaiacB aas- pimaaofamaga nihilist Baadutioes govaraaieat to aiodify tha aaa espy wUl ba seat to tha Baatfi Uratnaaaiagtoa aad aarAhar Mp wUlUasatto gaarataii Bain, wttb tha idea that ha will Utaraada b, behalf of Oagwt tod oCaan &. fta OrrwaB. r!anciAt Waaar A vatri caaval OsCtMl A. It. Caacar Cxe Cm, Ia, Can, 1 Tartsar f -;! Haol CA aUfld tU ljr toKt wtdal h a tr-rrU Cetaaaaa, Paa. AyTaa Ajmscfaaa aar thafarmaticaaf whiaa waa made ia taeas fajrtahM a aaatttaaa ago. alee- Ml.'ia, W. Tta InaavAaaction Eaf u ! craw aad Am wattrnt Verge afDtarityriMu ABSIMTOX WIHTIID. Chtcaoo, Iia, Dee. S It is not un likelyhat the a'.atude assumed yes terday by PameU will lead to tbe ebv doaonmant of tbe tour ot O'Brien aad DiUon and their eolleague in behalf of ti e nlan of the campaign. Until long after midnight, whan it waa auppoaad tony had retired to their respeotive aoertmeate, tha envoys wars cloeotad ia uarlor 15 and engaged in an animated diacuasion regarding their future move menta. ' According to tha programme originally adopted Dillon and Harring too should appear at Dayton tonight, O'Brien and Sullivaa at Indianapolu on Thursday and T. P. Connor at Dulutb on the same night while Dillon, O'Brien Sullivan and Harrington were to nx at 8t Louis an Sunday. After that the party will separate, Dillon going to Kan eeaCitv in the west O'Brien east aad others to tha aouthaaat This pro- gramma, however, ia likely to be aban donad, although definite decision will be postponed until this afternoon, in hope that 3omtng devalopemenU may ehanaa tha situation. Harrington i aid to have declared that he would not accompany tbe envoys any further, at thoue-h ha ia undecided whether to re turn to London at once or remain foi awhile in this country. AH will de pond upon the instruction which b receive after tha London eonfarano hat concluded hie labor. If Paroell instruct him to gu ahead U will make a tour of this country on hie own sc count aa Paroell' representative. Dil lon Insists that tha present cruris and especially the manifesto of himself and colleagues baa seriously sompUcated the aituation, and holds himself in readiness to return home at once, it Mc Carthy consider his prsssnos and that of bU associates neoeeaary. Meanwhile the question at to tha diapoaitian of the funds secured on (be prawn t tour will not down. The delegates announced at tha onset that they were lepreaeotaUve of Paroell, end like wiee gave it out that tha money contributed would be for warded to the trjasurara at Dublin, ap pointed by ParnelL Tha collection books issued by tha proeeoter of the local detnons tret ion ot the statement oa the oovera, that the money raised would ba banded to tbe Irieh delegate to be forwarded to Mr. Parneil. Taememban oi tha local aaaoBtiva aBritten, bow ever, ara Sniti on thaaneiUon wbath- thia pledge should ba carried out Soma contend that if Parneil is disposed ha oaa no longer be regarded a a prop recipient of tbe fund, and they should be catrueted to O'Briea and hia ant. league and used at their discretion. Thia view, however, ia atrongly antagon ized by an influential element ia har mony with Harrington and a ean;ue hitob in th dktribuUoo of the twenty thousand or mora dollar so tar aab- acribed here eeem iaavitabla. Should Pbmell ba deposed tha aama trouble would ba likely to occur at every place tha envoys might visit Mil ataaiBcTraasa. Nxw Yoks, Dec 3. Lieutenant A daraon ot the Sixteenth U'rited SUtet infantry left tha recruitlnf; station at David's island laat night with aixty-flv. soldier bonnd for the frontier, ' where they will join the Second and Eighth infantry at Fort Bobinaon, Neb. Orders were received from the war departtaeat Sunday to get a detatchmect ready foi service in the Indian campaign. The soldier, who are nearly all recently i listed men, do not like their daagarout detail, andaome ot them awore they would desert before they reached theit destination. Aaother letatchment will be aunt on Satardny. Amtyal Paaeval. Taa Haovc, Dec. 3 The tunaral oi tbe late Ueg of Holland took place yes terday with imposing ceremonies. Aa immense srooimion attended the body to tbe Noordeiude palace with the booming of sen none aad toll lag of belle All publ uufidiag and moat of the privatodweUinga bora symbolaot mourn lag, aad flags ware everywhere at half mast The popular outpour waa ua prasadcatei The ixterment place oa Thursday at DeLt AaanA Bee ateaateawa , CbaBaawaa,W. Va, Dee, 8. Tat athaeaiamployadby tha Moaoagahelt coal and soke company, struck yestar terday agaiaet a deeraaaa at Ave easias toa ia pay, Aboat 130 ma work. Thia b) a graat miaiag and taare we lallsattnas llm theatnta win beeoaw gaaeraL The men ara at detry aadaetiwahU hi espested. ; A a Wtmf I WSU acMaae. ' Carajiaffft, Il4 Pea, LAaothar sCwi mil beaMiefcera Uoaday tooe-aaiee 1 CMS t treat A mmtUm niC:!t)Ni a kti f-3 three alaa. PjtiJphBi4, Pa De .- Shortly awfbee neja yesterday a gang of a. en mpioywa by the Beediag raiUcad torn- aany at thwr ronSiohmota ocel whar vea, wwat to th oatee at pier 7, below William street, for the purpose of iagpaidoaT. Tha ofaoa m eanas to tha oartrat k. A crowd of man anre'ataad tag ia line haa the re suddenly ahot arouad tbe corner a train of eoal Tha mea ahouted and thoea th distant from tha window started for the other aide of tha track, which hav ana- eeeded ia reaching in aafaty; tha ether were aoteuffloently quick and tha trair oam dawn upon them, eruehiag tha lire out oi three man by forcing against the vail of the office. fcoiABACVus, Ian, Deo. 6.-Judge WouUeoTthe federal court yeatarday graoted a writ ot aasiataaoe to the Chi av wa oago m awie rauway company in pro- curicg from tha Wtbeeh railroad com pany 10b-milfe of track from Hammond toLekenon. The Wabash claimed the Ueok under a leeaa from the Chicago A Atlantic company, which has become tha Cranage A Lake Erie, and obtained an injuaotk n from tha letter to deprive it of tbe use of eaid track to Chicago, rhe decision leavee the Wabash with out a .Chicago entry. Judge Woods holds that the relation of landlord and tenant under Indiana law cannot exisv betweea leHrtiail corporation. Kill by HI Brataar. Bolton, Miaa., Deo.6 J. A. West, a resident of Savannah, G-, who own large pisatatation in tbe Brownsville neighborhood, wa killed today by his brother; Hugh West, who has been man aging the plantation tor several years. West waa bare tor a settlement of hit affairs aad a disagreement led to th. killing. He was shot several times wit'i a piatol and then the entire top of ba head blown off with a ebotgun. Saoeea Uaatb af a Chlaaga Mas. Omaha, Deo. 6.-D. L. Moea. western euperintandent of the Fidelity insur ance company, died suddenly in thia city at boob today. He came hart laat Saturday, and registered at tha Mr- anants hotel. Ha was token ill with a peculiar ailment of tha Btamanii anrf grew wore until today when hia death occurred. He wss about 30 years old leave a wife in Chicago. Hia wife u only 19 years old. A ratfcatM Cfcareh la Aahaa. PiTTsarao, Pa., Dec. 8. St. Mary's Catholic church of Homestead, Father Bullion, pastor, waa destioyed by fir thia morning, together with the paroch ial residence, a dwelling occupied by the eister of merer end the dwelling Louse ot a man named Vielheimer and H. B. EocleSDC. Ths Iocs I t2SX0 snd theohuash will loes 115.000 of this. Th fire originated in the basement ot th ohur:h. ' A tpeelal Cieettoa. 8raraopu, Iij Dae. O.GoveroM Fitwr baa order i a sparial election fo December all for repreaenlatire in th Twenty-first ssnatorial diatriot to tbe vacancy oansed by tha realgns' n of William E. Collin, repub'ioan Ruck Island. Cortina waa ineligible. -ot having been a resident ot tbe stat five years before the election. . Aa Haav With Cladateae. Loiroon, Dee. ft. Messrs. Redmond. Sexton. Ileal and Leainy. on behalf o! tha Irish national conference, had ai hour's consultation with Gladstone Previous teWbia meeting Gladstone ha-1 been vito by VLr. John Morloy, Sir Vernon Rwoourt. Earl Spencer and Lord GrasviUa. Aaelfcer Expleetea. CiHcOBiAwk 0 Dec. ft By tbe explo aion of a tank fn the chemical works in the eastern part of the city, three men ce fatally aad two slightly wounded. Tbe tank aaa used for making yellow prvwiati of potash. No on know what eauaed aVe explosion. Tha fattllj injured aye Lonie Sk-huluss, John Print; and Jamas Fehl. A Olaauma Baaaarj. fLursAa Crrv, Mo- Dae. ft Detective are at work wpoo a moat mysterioes die atoad roUbaf Diamoade worth HO. 000, tba property of Mrs. Kirk Brewer. ware etolen from a private box ia the vault of the Savings company. KUJeabre San Artamo, Tax, Dea, tr-OontU- Vaoawkf, a raeaiaa, wad waa tha or of tha whildfwa al tha emperor of Rasmsat oae Uma, was na ever aad mad by an wtornaUoaal ttwla watte ha his wsy home to his raaah. E waa Uywaat aid, Km Oaxaaaa, Nor. S3. Tbe steamer T. F. Lsathers waa. burned yasUrday Fort dame, Miaa. The brat aad area total leas. Taa en am bar gad tew iiaatilMiiits, all eeUted ! NEBRASKA STATE m Li Pyle, ot Humbolt rectaily auld a Calttay colt to O-taha parties fof 11,230. - 3. H. Yates, wife ud four child ran of Geneva, haaa died within the peat year. Tha creamery at FrirfieM ia ruaniag along all right and the farmers are vary wall pleaeed with it COeorge Keen !f Dawaoa claims that he has husked ICO boabala ot era! days thia year. The farmer along the Miiaoari River bottom near Rulo are stocking their ponds with fish from theraate hatchery Troasurar-aleot Hen toa aad Coenmie- sioaor-alaot Hodgkina, of Red Willow county have been served with a notion of contest. They are building an iee boose out of the base ball fence at MoOook. Thia looks like ao ball games there the com ing season. A Kearney woman recently aued a faithless lover for breach ot promise in the sum IS.OOO. Later aha has oom promised tha case for 1100. At aa election at the ME. church at Aurora, last week, the vote stood forty to one in favor of allowing women to not as delegates to boafereuo. Tbe water mill at Tecusmeh- haa-nnt n a sixty hone-power engine to run when the Nemaha ia either too high or low. They want to keep oa going, aad this shows enterpriea. Seward street M. E. church at Omaha ia tha only M. E. church In the state ao 'ar record a vote against giving tha wo voteia church matters. The vote there waa twaaty-tbree for aad fifty againat. 1 Fairfield bad a hunting match the other day. One party came home with 127 quails, thirty-four rabbit, four chickens, one mallard, an owl hawk and several other birds. The defeated crew who paid for the eupper, said the win ners had better luck than they in run ning across boy who had been hunting and had g ame for aula. The people ot Dundy oounty alk of tapping the Republican riier at Ben kleman and oonvoyiug the water along South divide and than return it to tba river at MoCook. Tha object ia to irri gate tbe country along tbe route. Ei- part engineers say tha plan ia practical and will ba of an Incalouable benefit to tbe country. The Hemmingford Guide talks thua of irrigating Bos Butte oounty: The people of Alliaooe have two plana in view, one ot which Is to tap tba Piatte somewhere near Ft Laramie and bring the water as nearly a possible through tba center ot the ooonty, and tha other leto bring the BootTa Bluffs oouaty ditoh ecroe the divide. As tha latter plan could bring water to only a amall portion ot tbe country, and at a consid erable outlay ot capital, it can scarcely be roaaidered a good plan, yet it would beat no Irrigation at all by a large ma jority. Tha batter plan of tbe two, in our aatlmatlmatloa ia to run tha North Piatte through theoentreot tbe oounty Keneeawheaa school of telegraphy and it ia very aucoawf uL A. M. True ia bow the editor ot tha Browovilla Kev. Ha ia a eon of Pro fessor M.C.C Trus. The citizens of Obiowa made Rv. Pat terson a present of $100 the other day tor the good work ha did at the revival there. Kearney had a charity ball Tbanke- iving and cleared 193, which they urned over to the committee tor tha re let of the poor. A Chinees waahea at Superior got trunk thf other dsy aad waa going to -Jean out the town. The marshal put iim in tka oooier. The Brownville ferry has to run day and night to accommodate the trav el along that route. The removal of the pontoon bridge at Nebraska City helps it some. - The Cbadroa people eay thia Sioux Indian acare ia all a fraud and aak the people to quit talking about any danger. rhe oUieens ot that town have signed ta address to that effect The Methodiete of Douglas have add ed ninety-nine names of oonwerts to tbe hureh roll tbe past two moo tha. Tbe Methodists of .Nebraska ara having a neat awakening thia fall Dustm A MoOooneil, proprietors ot the Auburn boa line, never charge the 4ckor wounded to ride with them. They always provide a special baa for '.be injured and give them every care, Albert Dalgrea, living Bear Bartraad, aia thrown out ot a wigoa by a run- tway team and had his arm brohea aad abadgeafaatittoabead. Thm baa beeaaearr three baa deed toa of brerjaieora raiaad aad owed for UppiacaJoaaUQteaaweod tkmyear Um egeed MykM atop aad tienaa who raJaaitmakeaaaMeaaaotltoealtaa. Ooloa! W. W. PattersOB, the founder of KeetBey, ieetartlag a towaia V( Mnejrfc,lCewtxte-, Ee aaa CafO bsada ia Chkajgo to iarawve ta parttad how gattiag ap a eotony ataarartoaamajatowa. tt r3, & iJaalwtt yeaaaeli, irfctsnA Caaiar jaeeLjatl ,1 Tbeiaduetryef tha anldiera waa at gwardiaf the CheroU atria eat aad wood pretty esarce aad to get along the 11c ia south ventral ffiiawajaataow- i ItmawttiagHmaaaJwfactbecoaatry oaaa paid as tar this pear tba at the aame time ia any previous year of the eUtoaaiatory. x There isTaeora meal tamiae from Naaoaha rouaty. Aad a eeal faarhaa wp there ia nearly as bad a a potato faawaa ia Irelaad. Tbeprioaof poultry is reportod tobs advanciag all tha time in Keneee bow, notwithaUadingth tact that theedi ters of local papers bare quit bringing out a bow rooster with every iasue. It onst two Emporia mea $12 apiao to kill a farmer' quail tbe other day after be had told them not to do it The man who doot respect what a farmer ia Xanana tolls him this year ought to pav for It Tbe local paper ie authority for the teWmeot that a woman coaaoil haa green Canton the best govarnaMO tit haa ever had. Jake Stotler has been appointed re ceiver ot a farm etottgag company. ItbaeidtfiepretUeetwomcaia At oblenn is over sixty year old. The trouble about It Is that tbe young wo men rant aay piteful things about bee '- could if he were their own saw. It seem that the Best Kansas legis lature ia to be' made up aa follow: Al lianne 97, republican 27 and democratic " ' If there were any prices tor terminal figures tbe three parties would be a tnd off. ' Nearly all tha cities of Kanaaa have ordinance sgsinst eeltiog sider in lets qnantltlsi than a gallon, but ainoe tbe fellow have become aoouetomad to It they find that they much almost as easy can driak that aa they could a quart a month ago. Several waterworks oompatiea have tailed recently ia Kanaaa. They raiee ao many watermelon down in tha extreme south eatera part of the state that tba melon i ara allowed to decay and only tbe seed is saved. Arkaneaa City is feeling a' little ear beearaa the Indiana wbonrually camp in that vicinity have concluded to hve no ghost dance. The booming town onV the border has made up Its mind to errral the redakina when the fun began and charge an admission fee. Some one broke Into a western Kan aaa newspaper office the other evening and scattered tbe type all over tbe floor Thia is bad enough, but it ass me to be sows imprcTsmsat over tbe old waattra Kawaaa plea of btatWaf ka tba oCae end BMttarmg the ex over tbe door. Oaawatoaue ia going to baa otty of the aeoood elsea pretty aoon. Tea years ago the old town didn't have enough people ia ittoflllaUtbeofBoeelneoity of that grade. : , In Atebieon tba Ka lopbrooeen socie ty ia giving "book reception." The time of tbe first one waa taken up by one book, the dictionary, aad that was ussd for tbe sols purpose of finding out what Kelophroacaa meant - Nobody bat the Kanaaa boomer know how much Jerusalem real estate nn ara loaina by no' having halt a doz en or mora old line Kanaaa newspaper men there to run morning papers while tbe rush ia oa. ' Tbe Kinsst banks are eaid to be in better condition now thaa they have been before for yeaaa One township in MoPberson oouaty cast m votes at the late eleotion, and from tbe bottom to tbe top of tbe tick et the greatest difference wee three votce. When Kanaaa takes anything , aha generally takes it straight Tha committee asleeted to try tbe Rev. Bona acanda) case at Ottawa, Kansas ia oompoaad of the following clergy men: Kev, J. H. Bioa, Rev. H.P. Culiisoa, Rev. W. A. Howard, Bar. Thomas Pmgrey.Rev. & A. Day, Rev. L. M. Rhodes, Rev. C. W. Bailer, Rev. H, WhiU and Rev. J. F. Steavaltoa. Letter just received from wast Africa aanounoa lbs death of Chariaafialmh etRotafttlahOotaa He is the third member of the Kansas band ot atiaaion- ariaawhiohktftTonakafor Africa last spring to succumb tota fearful African fever. Helmich waa one of the travel- ag aecratariea ot the state T. M. C A. aad waa tor a long tfaae located at To- Tba security ssvlngi bank of Itinsai aty, Kan-, filed IU charter with the sec retary of etatethie moraing. Tba nap- ital 130,000 aad the directors ate H. X rVieaMane, Oe L. Kroh, John Tront- maa, Ivan D. Heath, Maroua Hame,W. a Beard and & & Jeaainga, all ofKaa saatji;i There were three painful Beoidaataoa tUMlaBPaeifie tailwv Bear tbe Uakatrartefeadag at AaaVlasa, all maUe of w Irefer. Ceary tmsisx a brakamaa, wai ki lajarad ky tzj tomabseaMaadetrixj tzt ta oteweart TreOi l.7t4,mrfZt ' wwtetrwsaswaxit guac'l iewttitl fcJ ttC3L O0toLU3.a GettS aU3attfei strkg aBerraaitreiaaJ totr aveTdfUAfct3tleteaa HH Icj The tJ J Li ti tjcry CbmbV HW DwA LAt Carta Kl 5. r " I li,f Tl nCir.l f-i t1 tt?t" tie