The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 11, 1890, Image 1
... ' " " . in " ' 1 , Ife.- Journal ioux VOL. 3. IDBO. 11, 1890. ETO. 13. PTT1 : The GdUNTY THE 8IOUX COUNTY h. J. Mttor m4 rnrctotor. For farm loans Co to R H. Jones. KbU school at Um church at S o clock sharp. Everybody inritsd to at- i Saturday, at 8 o'clock, tha luiios of the Union art requested to meet for important business. Meeting at Mrs. Boaattt's room. Fraok Nutto baa purchased the farm formerly owned hy John Hunt in Mont ros prvcin' t. Mr. Nutto baa faith in Sioux county raal estate. Aa announced Bishop Oraves be Id Episcopal wmni at the church last Fri day evening. Hia diimuMi i cad by ail aa being on of Um flneat aver aeu versa nere. In speaking of tha aaJa of a farm by W. R. Smith to Mr. Seivier in our last issue, an arror occurred in regard to the location. Tha property is aituated north waat of Harrison instead of northeast. A union Sunday achool waa organ iaed but Sunday. The following officer were elected: He v. Rorick, supt: Mis Minna Smith, assistant aupt ; G. E. Lunaford, treas.; Miss Ellen gatterlee, secretary. It ii reported that the F. E. aY M. V. wUl extend iu line waat from Caliper du ing tha coming season. The vast oil and mining districts a abort distance beyond the present terminua of tlie line will, in all probability, be rapidly developed within the nest year and that will prove a grant benefit to this locality. SKAsaifio Lraaoi: We have a good aupply of aaaaoned lumber constantly on hand at oar mill on Went Boggy. 10 and 13 feet $10,00; 14 and 16 feet $12.00 per thousand feet First-class native shingles always on hand. First-class 98; second-class $2 per thousand. J, E. Akxer. One of the most interesting of the many public documents sent out about this time of the year, is the report of the Life-saving Service. It presents a story of peril and daring, of thrilling and un selfish devotion to duty, that deserve the highest praise and admiration. In the last year, 8000 lives were saved and property valued at nearly $1,500,000 wax rescued from destruction, at a cost of leas than $1,000,000. 'There is probably no other investment by the Government which yields so large a percentage of Numerous Inquiries have been made as to the bast method of cultivating the sail of Bioux county. The reports, in every instance, ore that deep plowing al ways brings the best results. In soma portions of Nebraska it was necessary to Mm wiui anauow plowing and iro a I sowuev V yoo wiah to get the best re ward for your labor, set the plow deep and work it thoroughly. To half way put in a crop and half way care for it, will never make a farmer rich. The same rule applies to farming that applies to all other bust newt, and that is, that in ellegent and thorough attention is de njanded to insure success. The settlers of this locality need have no fear of the Indians. J. H. Cook spent some days at Pine Riege last week. He is well know among the I ml sans who have a great deal of confidence in bim. He visited the ghost camp and states that the dance is harmless, and that the : Indians do not wapt to tight, and even if they did there ore plenty of troops there to keep Uiera under subject ion, and should any outbreak occur, the aatilers would be notified in plenty of time to get to a place of safety. The most trouble seems to have grown out pf reports carried over the country by persons who desired to scare the people for fun. On Indian reek the word wan passed that Sheriff Rk'dv bad sent word for the SHttlers to gather at the borne of David Anderson. No such word was sent out by the sheriff and that is a sample of the "scare" reports circulated. It is hoped no one will indulge in giving out any more groundless reports, for it orlu a hardship on the people and they hare enough to contend with now. " The session of the county board on hurt Saturday was a busy one. The con tract was let for a bridge in White River net to T. M. Ti torn ton. This bridge has hoea nikvd by the people in this lo cality for a long time., Thomas Deven port Um made numerous trips to Harris on to atHxair before the county board and urge the matter and now that it is to be built he ocd his neighbors will doubtless be highly pleased. The contractor, in such cases is require? 10 give dodos in doable the amount of the contract and Mr. Thornton will be here on next Hatur day to present his bond and the work will be commenced at once. Some road petitions were granted and others laid over until next meeting, A demand was made that warrants be issued on some of the old allowed claims of 1880 and the demand refused, A bill (or sal arv of L. O. Hull as county attorney wm presented by E. D. Batter- lee, to whom the claim has been assigned for the first three quarters of the year, to the amount of $8T5. . It was stated by a member of the board that a nil for attorney had been allowed and warrant Georse Walker baina- present stated that u Mil was put in "ior ser vices to Sioux county as attorney" and therefore salary of county atty had not been allowed. The board decided to lay the matter on the table until next meet ing. County Attorney Hull took occa sion to make a few remarks which op- psoi'sd Comm be rather uncalled tor ana r Oreen informed bim that sT ha could not to civil he tad 1 Wm tkm roam. It ia sofa to say tbs tnomoaitioa of a few words In the ill of Walker will not osass we com- kofsM to allow a escona mil pay isf a eeasfty aUonsty, and if the urwa tmm to pay the dates .which iteassatosViaw TJM bOOfd will FEE80WAL. Stewart colled at our office H. O. terdav. yes- J. H. Cook left for Pine Ridge lost evening. Bar. Lusk waa up from Hay Springs yesterday. Hsary Wertt returned from the bills last Friday. Biglow Bros, contributed on subscrip tion on lost Friday. Rev. Wm, Wilson returned last Friday from bis visit to Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Tims. Devenport were up from Glen on last Saturday. John Messing was in Harrison on Mon day and called at our office. Mrs. 8. C. D. Basset returned day from a visit to Chadron. yester- Sheriff Ueidy returned yesterday from a trip to the eastern part of the state. Mrs. S. H. Jones spent Sunday with friends in White River precinct We received some cash on last Thurs day to send The Jocrnai. to Fred Bunge. Chos. Haas come down Saturday even ing to visit bis mother and returned on Tuesday morning. H. II. Russell was up from Glen on Saturday and called and gave us some cash on subscription Eli Smith left last evening for a visit to a brother in Iowa whom he has not seen for over twentv-flve years. M. J. Weber, of White River precinct, called on Wednesday and added his name to our list of readers. Mrs. F. E. Saunders arrived on Mon day, and Mr. Sajinders will lie here the lost of the week. The latter is a nephew of S. L. H Maine, and they come make their home in Sioux county. Married. Gbov Cuit At the residence of the bride's parent in Cot tonwood precinct, on Tuesday, Decem ber 9, 1W0, Mr. Charles U. Grove and Miss Hattie ' Carey, both of Sioux county, Nebraska The contracting parties are well known to a large number of our people. The bride having been one of the members of Sioux county's corps of teachers. The groom is the enterprising and reliable commissioner from the second district and one of the representative young farmers of Cottonwood precinct The newly married couple left on Tuesday evening for'a visit to friends in Iowa, af ter which they will return to make their borne in Sioux county, among friends who extend hearty congratulations and good wishes, . How It Beads. Ron OR Jot'tWAi,: As the editor of the gang organ has taken it upon himself to . ui. n tiv. hoiw. ,,mA .t ju s6 about the impression made by perusal of that paper: WHO I AIL I am consistency Slingerland, other wise known as Chaw ley Slingerland. I am editor of an allegsd political handbill (some people think it is a newspaper) known as the Simix County Hercua. But what I most pride myself in is my simon pure consistency. Now 1 have no interest in this county attorney matter, but 1 tell you those. tickets prepared oy uoniey ana nis friends were illegal. I am not at all in terested. I am just tolling you about it as a matter of news, and I am a compe tent judge of the' legal points. I want you to distinctly understand that I am not interested at alL Now those tickets were deceiving. I told the people before election not to vote for Conley (not be cause I was interested at all, but simply as a matter of news) and what do ypu think? When the votes were canvassed Coniey's name was found written on in dependent and democratic ticket as well as on repubiicon ucneis. just ininic oi it, democrats and independents votin. tinz tol for Conley after I had told them not I was deceived.. But then I am not in terested. I am furnishing the people with asws. I am consistent, I am. There is that chump, H. G. Stewart, lie has the audacity to contest the elec tion of Senator-elect Wallace Wilson, on the grounds that Wilson has committed A horrible octbaob on him by placing his (Wilson's) name on democratic tick ets with a rubber stamp, which was a veritable imitation of writing and will undoubtedly be construed as written, hence the ballots were legal. But if Coniey's name had been stamped or even written op those tickets they would hav.3 been illegal. I am telling this to you , not because I am interested In the county attorney matter, but simply as news. I am pretty smooth, too. Perhaps you noticed that I worded the contest article about Wilson a little different from the contest article about Conley, in order to sustain my reputation for con sistency. You see the people who read my alleged political hood bill are "lunk heads" and will never catch onto the in consistency of thjB two articles. lam Consistency Slingerland, I am, just as a matter of news. Respectfully, QtrX Of THK (iVKk-HBADS. The report, has been received from the state university of the sugar.' beets, tot there to be anal vied and gives, $1 per cent sugar. Partlcnlan next weak, what county can beat that? It Is reported that the plan of ink ing a test Well for artesian water in the Hat Creek basin is growing in favor all the time. The prevailing opinion; is that such water oan be had at a reasonable depth and should it be successful, great benefit will undoubtedly follow. A move in the same direction should be put on foot in this part of the country. If the people north of us get a drill for such work, the Deonle of this locality tsbouU get ready to have a teat well put down this an of the pine ridge. Don't nesrlect tout oouotl Avar's Cherry Pectoral will cure it, and prevent eoasampwoa. vt me i. u jayer v. LgeUfaf frtJalll. . WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAR OF FLOUR, sU tndard grsdes, wbich will be sold at loweat living prices. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Shoes, Good Quality, $1.23 a pair. Ladies' Shoes, WARRANTED, only $1.75 a pair. Mens' felt Boots 15 cents a pair, and others equally cheap. Felt Boots and Rubbers $2.10, CHEAPEST ON EARTH! Good Grade of Prints, "i cents a yard. Overshoes $1.49 a pair, f . f r Bargains in Dry Goods and Clothing. Call and bo Convinced. Groceries Fresh ty FRESH and SALT MEATS always on hand. new ncpcATinc rifle MARLIN SAFETY EJECTtnG. DU UtJMfl 32-20, 33-43 sad fx Ires osscrtpwrs Ocsble AMmm OARUS nSE ABS3 - a-- liaaodsWal lllVfui?ll 1 Pond r Oetslogoe A, Showing Bights sad lUes of ltfM design. Addraau EU LYEia, Cadi, Ct. Wm. Christensen, Wholesale and Retail Hardware. A large and well selected steck ALWAYS ON HAND, ACORN STOVES. BARBED WIRE at prices to suit the times. Agent for CHMJPIOfl BINDERS AND Jlowers. Qhadron, Neb. L. E. BELDEN A BOXK Wagon and Qarriage Makers. Bepairlng done on short notice, good work eas reasonable (barges. mop MMith el Uvery barn. m ; m land Prices Low. Geo. H. Turner. SOLID TOP. and 44-40 CartrMfM. Mss - nst or BMSwasns; boss, VstsIvsss, stc. Iotas KEW HAVEN, CT., U. 8. A. WBII31BI NVC. ILMMTSATCe . T CATALOQOC , 1 eOHTAINIMO VSIUSBU IMSTSWCTIOSS OM MOW TO HIIHIK TOUR OWN AMMUNITION. ICEIL KFt St., Boi 8, Raw hm, 01 B. E. Brewstek, President. C. F. CpFI'IK, Vicp Piv CIIAS. C. JAMESON, Casliier. Commercial Bank. WOORPORATEO. General Banking Business -TRANSACTED.- Harrison, WeUs Drilled! I have a good well drilling niavltjoe and am ready to drill any sized wi4 CH short notic. Terms good awl prices. low. PoMtaffliev Harrison. - W K UPON US, And now. is the TIME Stoves and Furniture, COME IN GRISWOLD & BUY YOUR (MI Ranch Supply House. ksta to. ,ljl4WwA Corn, Oats, Bran and Chopped Feed Al ways on hand, LOWEST PRICES. tySwcta htdiiamisnt tollavchm)!.. COME AND SEE OUR STOCK (p Winter Clothing Proyisxon at lowest prices, RANCH SUPPLY HdCSE, NTE o) TO BUY AND SEE US, MARSTELLER. AT THE " ill I ..ft '- h . -;! ,v '0 y - .j. 1 r.