The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 04, 1890, Image 4

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VD Ctjx Journal.
famcuL otrmr PAftx.
IMwrriptio Price, ftW
L.I. (Ummwis . - Editor.
fWrtit at line HarrUos poat offlra u
,Dbc. 4,1990.
i ballots have been cast in ttie
i pro rided by Uw," ys the state
i court, "the presumption is that
in legal, and this presumption can
Mi be overturned by vague; indfieoit
i testimony."
F. W. Sprague has sold the RushviUe
Am to E. W. Miner who will conduct the
paper ia the future. It is tlie intention
of tike saw proprietor to enlarge the size
f Um paper in the near future and other-
i improve Um paper.
It ia not surprising that tlie American
people rebel against the making of capi
tal when Jay (Jould is spoken of ofteoer
t Hag than in any other way. Kings
Wat sMOarchs are not looked upon with
favor by the people of the United States.
Congress convened on last Monday.
10m presidents message is a clear, strong
document and covers the ground of need
ad legislation. The sugar beet industry,
'Irrigation and other matters of great im
port to the west are brought to the at
tention of the legislative body, and
I action is urged by the members.
i people of Beatrice think it would
be a good plan for the governor to call a
special session of the legislature for the
purpose of providing relief for the set
Urn in the western part of the state. It
la bat a few days until the regular ses
sion will convene and it would cost more
to bold a special session than it would re
quire to relieve all those in destitute circumstances.
' The officials of Cuming county have
been ovehauling the books of their pre
decessors and And that ex-county clerks
had treasurers are ahead of the county
to the amount of between four and
fire thousand dollars, and steps are to be
taken to recover the various amounts
from those who have possessed them
selves of the same.
It hi reported that the greatest need,
existing among the settlers in tlie south
west portion of the state is fuel. That
ia one thing the people of Sioux county
n more fortunate in "than those of other
localities in the new portions of the state.
Our settler only have to go to tlie tim
ber and haul the wood borne for fuel and
posts for fencing aod logs for building
are to be had simply for the labor of getr
ting them. The most that Sioux county
aaeds is seed m the spring.
The farts of so many contests coming
up for various offices causes the question
of who will fit! the office being contested
for until the decision is reached. Tlie
ones who are elected on tlie face of re
turns will take their seats and perform
the duties of the office until tlie contest
Is settled. Then should the contestant
be successful, the coo teste would be
ouated from the ofllje which he has been
rrnW'iu, ! i,t .ill olfh ial acts performed
bv fciim would he as legal as though there
had twprt nu ,':.-" for tlie position.
JS'otioe of contest has been served on
ITaiam mieoa by H. O. Stewart as
'ssoatgr of this district. The grounds are
Stated to be illegal votes cast, Wilson's
'sawoe haMne; been printed on democratic
'tickets; bribery, which is claimed to have
'toes done in Box Butte county; failure
'of Box Butte county to make returns in
'proper time, aod failure of the clerk of
'Brows county to tabulate in the time re
. quirad by law. An attempt will be
made to throw out the vote of Box Butte
county sad if that is done it will elect
Stewart Toe iodtcatioss are that tlie
portico of the sixty days for
members of the legislature can re-
reatv pay win be occupied by contests,
.aad the legislation will have to be done
a CM stpnass of the members.
inquiries made of parties li v-
iferj; hi various parts of the county, the in
'tCra&oas are, with but a few exceptions,
-ttas the settlers will be able to get
CJQujfr the winter all right They may
r4 Eva on the best in the market, but
wCI uot suffer for the necessaries of
j prevaling idea asems to be that
Ussst mm m mors m each locality should
UjrCja little aod sse that none are
'iZmi toaufer. The settlers are poe
VMssief a ntate in bung able "to take
3t of Iheaisalias and will not seek as--'
'.. mCmm absolutely obliged to.
fetter tori M mettle to devel
't7sVaW swMMry, but the hardy pion-
Us'l Mot let their pride get the
t, "at tSiesn auSfcient to let them
" -taad familv suffer before thev kit
'ttm .atfassttou, ia about the
v" 'wr twofja enough on the
s?w so tiat aa outbreak wom
" Wmdm. Some chum that
- Tsr4Wtk Indians are not
. -r IMMt, Agent Boy
r iwm goa many
1 was 1
. '
the Io
J nrs ts baa away
-'m mil to taken for
t (UkO m re-tr-fb
ws like
i 1,btsM word baa
in ifi The
i l wU tSr srs to
inl tJ A lit-:
Tor YrAw Safely.
Tim citizens of Chadrou ami Dawes
county held a meeting on Nov. 25th at
which the following resolutions were
Whertus, It is public information that
at this time quite a large body of United
States troops has been ordered to and
stationed at Pine Ridge, Rosebud and
Standing Rock Indian agencies on tlie
Sioux reservation by tlie government for
tlie purpose of preventing or suppressing
an Indian outbreak, ami
iereax. We, citizens of the state of
Nebraska, living near the border of 1he
Great Sioux Reservation know whereof 1
we s)eak, and j
Whi-Tfo, At tlie invitation of the Go
ernuient, we have purchased our I.iikIs
from it, paid our money tlwrefor to it, ,
and established our homes upon Siiid
lands with tlie implied assurance of Crov-.
ernmeBt protoctiou, ana,
Whemu' Tlie freciunt recurren;e of '
threatened Indian outbreaks is a source j
of alarm, resulting in injurv, Icuss audi
dis-ut.T t) us . 1,. i' '.'v and collect
ively, r.-lar-lii-." f r .- .-ttlement
and deve!iiw:UT:it ' ' (iv "ountry
bonlerintf upon or alj:o.i,i lo k.; ! reser
vation, thereby depreciating ai:4 juopjir-
diiiing our property, and virtually de
frauding us of vested right s. Therefore
be it
Rimirtti, Tiiat we respectfully demand
of tlie G .iverameut, that such steps be
taken at this opportune time, as shall ef
fectually dispose of the "Indian out
break" subject on the Sioux R-servation
and restore to the citizen the confidence
the Government may demand of him.
- Itfscjrvd, Tliat the allowing of thous
ands of savagv-s to I "armed to the
teeth-' in the cenWi' oC a sp.iriely s-.-ttled
agrurian Mate, is a cotKuisi-n im; rovui nt
and ur.renHonuliie.
ItmAwti, That the leaders and iustigii
tors of criminality in mvages, s!ioukl re
ceive at the hamb of tlnvernm'-nt the
punishment the law provides frtiu.ljrs,
anarchists and jissassius.
limvlwd, TliAt in our iud.roeiit t'ie
exegencies of the occasion demand noth
ing short of the cotnielte disarming of
the Indian, and making it a crime for nny
person to furnish him with arms or im
plements of war; and we respectfully
suggest that the shortest route to the
satisfactory settlement of the question
would be to deprive the savages of their
horses, subhistutmg therefor oxen trained
to the plow.
F. S. Little,
W. Rickeh,
E S. Rii ker,
A. C. Pmi.s,
A. Bartow,
Committee on Resolutions.
A committee was appointed to send
copies of the resolutious to all points in
the territory of the northwest with a re
quest that the citizens ad pt resolutious
on tlie subject and forward copies to
members of congress, senators-, the sec
retary of war and secretary of tlie in
terior. There is no question but that the set
tler are entitled to absolute safety from
an Indian outbreak and the government
should take prompt and effective action
in the premises.
Tliere is Mill a larg amount of GOVERNMENT LANX ojn to entry in
Wii O Street, Lincoln, Keb.
Practice limited to diseases of the
Read the press notices,
Send for symptom chart,
State your case.
If you are sick and want to get well
write all about yourself.
J?o trouble to read letters; send stamp
for reply.
Dr. Leonhardt,
1452 O St. ' Lincoln, Neb.
Jiotire of CoBHninsiom-r's Kc"tin.
The board ol eornmliiIoiirrs of Sioux
county, Nebraska, are hrrhy notinl to
convene In i'Kiii .t tljfclerk bofllcv of fail
eountv, ia Hurrimm, X!rHMkiv, on Hatur-
tlay, lax. 8. iHSiO, at 10 o'clock a. 111. , for
thf' tranAi'tt'j;i of ordinary wanty buniuc.
Comity Clerk.
Wicrtlf'8 X.ile.
Kotioe is Jierety irlven that by virtu of n
ordfrof sule lts"uI by i.oiirud'tctuxii,
:lerk of the IMstrtet Court of slou j tountv,
NebnuikB, npon s Jtidniont ni
decree of foreclosure rendere1 in nniii
district CkHirt in fayr of The Kiirm-
er Truat (Company, a corporation rxi(uir
nnuer na ry virxae 01 ine laws or lowa,
siwl uirsinst John Connor for tlie followinK
stnoBiit, io-wit: S4W.U0, witli interent nt f ilt
rate of 7 per cent pt-r Kiinnin from tlie M
day of 8eptmber, 1HUU, and 11.43 r,t of
suit and scerulujt cot, I have leTtj1 iinm
the following di'ttcrthPtl real e-4ttHts to w it :
the soatueiuil qnarti-r (m'4 Rfit tiou twentv
elght in township tblrty-flv (6), fn
runs nfty-fonr (M), in .Siooc county, Ne
bnuiks, and 1 will offer miid rel t.. te for
sale on the I-lttid ly of Ueeember, WO, at
o'clock, p. m. of Kiid dity, at the front door
of the conrt hou) In HnrriMmt in h1J
coanty, to the hiifhest Milder for eunh, to
satisfy hM ordr of sale tlien iin in tlie
anmof 4'((iu and 1 1 .( oU, f Kether with
lnteret and aocrui iijt t)t.
listed Harrisou, KeMwfko, tlile Sth day of
rovewber, IKA. iiioaiAS Kcmr,
id-Wj fihtrlir.
Order of Hrarhif m Fvtltl m fur ApioIiit
awst of AiioilulatrMtrll. .
mti o srakasa, ,,
aMMlXMaricTT. )
AtasMdnn of the (vmnty Coort, held at
tae Coanty Umrt Koon, in and for asiid
Coanty, Xorruitier ft, A. D. 1S(.
freaest, H. Marker, County Judv.
Is tbe matter of the entate of Henry UU
ter, doaaed :
On reedint aad filing tb peatloa of Ida
Ik ueiawr, prayinf tuat aaminiatranon of
mm entsM may oe graniea to Ber a so
OwwaitD, That Deenaber It, K. II. last, at
11 oc a. la afnlffaea for neannf sata
petmoa, ttn slI'seraeiH tatetcsted h sM
aantMr aaar asosai' at a aaaMuit at the aia-
ty Vort V be beid la and fur
saM' euaa-rr, aad ahanr eaaaewbf . tae
taw ef ' eke ;wtitKMtr boid aot
Mt'atM; sua tst nottoe of tse aeadoary
ef petraoa, aad the bmurinf UtrwaT, be
1 !,
tr .v.. f. .... ...
'-- -k r v. ...-- . .
1? I ' -nfs ' ' k VP , 1 'V ) x
gave a Urge anHiunt of Ixnads for a few miles of railroad. ,
Tlie att-ompanyinx ma will give U rewWra good Wea of the railroad ad
vantages jxissessed by Hionit county.
The soil is of such a nature to eminently lit it for "culture. CfieniiinU
indicate that it will soon be one of lite most profitable sugar beet praducins; dis.
tricts io the world, and otlier crops will not be far behind.
There are a great mi tribe of small streams distributed throughout tbe eouaty,
furniidiinfc- excellent oportunilies for sbxk raising and still are not large aorh
to cause a heavy public for brid Tlie settler can go to the sawmills us
Sioux county and buy
Native Pine Lumber
for less than half what the same grade of material would cost five hundred miles
east of here. Good building stone can lie easily obtained from various part of the
coudty; an excellent quality of brick have been made a few '.miles from the
seat; the quality of the water is the vet t heft and the climate is floe,
Harrison is the county scat and tlie only railroad town jn tlie county, al.
though new towns are being laid out at different poinU. The is a fine brick court
house winch cost iplO.OOO, and representatives of almost all lines or business.
There is no railroad land in Sioux county, it is either government land subject
to entry; school land subject to lease or purcliase. or land that has been taken up
hv settlers.
Map of the E!!horn System,
lOiinty, Nebraska.
fiioux county is in the northwest corner of th'j great state of Nebraska, nnd is
ntout thirty miles east and west by seventy miles north and kouth. 4 H comprises
rich valley, fine rolling table land anl Value hie timber land. Tlie county contains
1,BOO,0()0 ai res of land. Somethinjr near ono-thiM of this area has tjei-u fihl on by
settlers, ajarg nunib-.r of whom lutve rnfcJe final -rorf and have deeded farms.
The remainder is still 0111 to seltk-ment. Of course there is a ortion of this
that is not suitable for farming purposes, u tart being tiiiiV.r land and is there
fore v:iluiible, and other tracts, too rough tor cultivation, prodiM the most nutri
tious of frrases and are exi-ellent for stock raising purposes.
This locality hus an advantage which no otlier portion of Xehmska poHsessed,
Fuel, Posts and House Logs are FREE!
This, alone, makes it possible for a man to improve a piece of land with n
much fcrosOler outlay of cash than he could have done in other parts of the state.
T V. 3 a! -X SJ "v." I Q .1 iT MM 1 I I I
; 1
S -U.l
fc. li
85 Miles of Railroad.
Sioux county has the main line of the F. E. & 31. V. railroad crossing it from
east to west and connecting with the Cheyenne & Northern, thus making a line
through from Omaha to Denver and the Pacilic coast., and also connects this local
ity with the coal fields just across t line in Wyoming. This road lias 82 miles
of track in Sioux county. , ,1
The B. V M. crosses tbe northeast part of the county and has 1", miles of its
line within tbe borders of Sioux county. This road brings down the coal from the
newly opened mines at Newcastle, aod tbe road is bcimr pushed on to Helena,
. Tbe Pax(lc Short line lias a line surveyed across the southern part of tlie
county, and the management inform us that before tlie close of another ueoson it
will have its line in operation beyond Um west line of Nebraska. The survey of
the Pacific Hhort Line snows that the road will have over 88 miles of track in
Skrax county.
The B. eV M. has a survey runniof wast from Alliance, crossing- the south part
of Sioux county and it ia expected that it UI be built, but a the amount of the
line which would be io Sioux county is not known, it not figured in the above
statement. .;
Wbas you take into cooaideratiea Um fact that Sioux county has got so. great
a railroad mileage aad has
I 1 fiW CA 1
1r i I 7'V
, 1
1 lM w& Mitt
Kol'KTZE IIko., Sew York Ctly
Fissr NiMoNiL IUkk, Uiimha.
Bak or Chadbos, ( badron, Neb,
Transacts a General Banking Business
Buys School Orders, County and Village Warrants.
CZTlnterest Paid on Time Deposits.
Loans Money on Improved Farms,
H. T. CONLEV, Lawyer.
Loans no Money,
HeprenenU no Insurance company and ha
no lani to aril bat given hi entire time and
attention to the practice of the law.
Hjuaaww, - - Nebraska.
All hnnlnmaentniaUKl tolrls care wilt re
ceive prompt and careful attention.
. AttWe-at'LaW.
Win ankctkre bafora all oonrU and tae V.
8. LanaOfltoe. Rnataest sntnuteA to my
ears will receive prompt attention.
Grant Guthrie,
-Diakr In !
-l-jmt ! S to'
atewiaaB9sta(emitod la mm mat
trtiMiof tats urdar iav toe
(mtmmrrt -JS
L. O. tTClX,
at s eaiy
? af-f-'
. V
ttttf kind bat war
"U f.Tif'aWitTlfMf
low swseitaaw i.v
.ry ' yj-"Tt. riZUzx