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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1890)
Sioux i 3TO. 12. VOL.3. TT A T7.TPTRQ-NT, 2TIB23., -DEC. 4. 1890. County J OURNAL 11 HE THE SIOUX COUNTY JOTJRKAL. us. Mltor and Proprietor. y.E.AX.TK.B.TlMUble. Going- Witt Gtn Eut Ho. M. rraM, las I Ho. 94, frel-htJ: I'era-p handred .. Data- r haadred ft.. 1 bawl red ft.. ran per hand red Feed chopped per hundred n leele . pernnndred ft.. Matter-par ft - tags pm doe-- roaltry per dot (Moaa par ft . fleam par ft.. Caal per tan woed-p lumber native per ai.'fl .... "Corrected rrrry Thursday. 1 1 1 10 1 la 1 1 at U It 1 0I I 1 4 I to u For farm loam co to B. H. Jones. WAJma Several loads0' wood on subscription at tbia office. Tmt JoOdUL and tbe Omaha Week ly Bee for one year for 92.78, caah in ad vance. --The hall on last Thursday evening teas a very pleamot on. The attend' ance was not large, but all had an enjoy kbta tune, , Rev. Dates and Bishop Graves will hold tiiihcotm! services in Harrison on Friday evening, Dec. nth. All are in vitod to attend. On last Friday, II. A. Cunningluun moved his stock of harness and saddlery into his new building, and now has as neat a shop as one could ask. On last Friday, L. a Bull instituted a contest for the office of county attor ney and the case will be settled in the courts. The case will come up in the county court on January 5, 1891. There will be a meeting- of those in tetested in the establishment of a Union Sunday School, immediately after tbe morning service on next Sunday, Dec 7, vm. Borne unprincipled scamp cut the iwiee ' attached to the town purnp on Tuesday '-H-4 V&A it awny. TJ onsh It only takes 91 79 to pay a year ia advance for Tm Joctdul aad the Omaha Hatty Bm. Now is the time to sub scribe. 1 W. R. Smith has sold his quarter section of land noftheast of town to Ju lius Siever, a gentleman from Iowa. We understand that tbe consideration was 91,500. It is a good farm, conveniently located. It is expected that the track laying on the Cayenne Jk Northern will be com pleted on next Sunday and a new time card over the F. E. M. V. to expected to be issued very soon thereafter Notice is liereby given that tbe Sioux County Alliance will nx-t at tbe court houses in Harrison, on AVe-laesdar, Dec 10, 1800, at 1 o'clock p. m. - IL O. 8TKWAKT, Pres. Co, Alliance. If our readers will f urtuan us with a list of names and addresses of friends in the east who desire to know more of this country, we will send a copy of TM JoraMAL to them. We have a few cop ies, as a rule, each week which we can spare for such a purpose and it may help to get new settlers to rntuu nvrc, On last Monday a little accident oc curred a couple of miles west of town. An inspection car, carrying four men, coming: in when tbe east bound freight ran the little car down and threw it off the track. The men stayed on the car until the engine was within less than a rod of them, when they jumped and saved themselves. The engine and boil er of the inspection car were pretty bad ly demoralised, but the car itself was not iniured to anv great extent No one was hurt in tbe least. J. C. McBride, president of the Ne braska state flsh commissionor, states that they have a good supply of German carp and black bass, which be says are the best for ponds. Later in the winter they will have three or four more varie ties of trout, which require running streams of clear, cold water. There are a number of places in Sioux county where flsh could be put into the streams, and ponds arranged with little ex pense, and our people should prepare to take advantage of the offer made by the state. w WE HAVE JUST fcSCETVED A CAR OF ; FLOUR, ail atandard (rad, walcta will be sold at lowest UTlng- price. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Shoes, Good Quality, tl.M Pfc Ladies' Shoes, WARRANTED, oniy.fl.75 a pair. fens' Wool BooU 05 cents a nf, and others equally cheap. . Bargains in Dry Gabds and Clothing Stoves always pn tap. I kiwi lawaTvieiit4 tOlaOeO Who get their water supply from that pump. NTE cd: And now is the TIME TO BUY and Ptirnr ture. Groceries Fresh and Prices Low. COME IN AND SEE US, FRESH and SALT MEATS alwafs on hand. Geo. H. Turner GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. 3 new repot fine rifle U Ui ARLI N ' SAFETY B&aboMd LtTMBsBt: We have a good ', supply of seasoned lumber constantly on 'hand at our mill on West Boggy. 10 1 and 12 feet 910.0; U and 10 feet 91 00 lpeir thousand feet Flrt-cHusi native ' shingles always on hand. First-chws 8; ' cond-class 2 per thousand. J. E. Aran. Tttk Jourxai, has just received a targe invoice of job stock, including let ter heads, note heads, statements, bill heads, cards, cardboard, etc. , and is now prepared to supply all demand for One job printing. A nice stock of cards, suittibm for ladies are among our sup- vo: rvil and aaa us when in need of anything fn the line of job printing. the articles for the organization 'of stock owners to provide to 'pay a bounty on wild animals killed are at the ' office of the county clerk, Owners of 'stock are requested to call there and read the articles and If agreeable with their views, sign them. As soon as a sufficient numbet have signed he paper meeting will be called and an organ liBstkBtMrfected. In another column appears the ad- ' vartissment of Dr. Leonhardt, the well- known specialist of Lincoln. Dr. Leon ' hardt has bad years of experience in the .general practice of medicine, hut decided that the field was too large for one man to cover thoroughly and for a number of . vears has confined himself to specialties. We have known Dr. Leonhardt for more than adorn years and can assure all Kn wira to be treated by him that bs to worthy Of their coaOderx. Being i aerates, ho has fitted himself 'thoroughly for his work and will treat 'Us patients rateUegently na, nonesuy. It is not neoMtmry for you to make a trip 'to Linoolm to see him, write to him and Ia. riii inArm vmi what is use seas ry in 'the treatment of y our altroent ' A meeting ia to bs held at Montrose, 'oa Saturday, Dsosuber 18th, to discuss 1 the wrteaianweU project The farmers 1 have em talking it among themselves for sontetiaas sad now they have 1 to bokim msttiag and get ths views of as manv as possible on tbe subject. The geneial idea, as we nYs informed, is to t t . makma that will maks a ate Inch ' boh) ud go to tha dnpth of 1,800 sH aWrad. This is a matter wucn k.. aaie la nsoux -county. The ' siakiax of artWan wells would oertaialy kaaaaiLarttisr duexwy or indiMotiy, Kaad nnsll iisnirr snlrt in tbe develop- 'aasnt of the oonnliy. His hoped that aU a wfil aensnd ths isetiM at iwontae4ihait.sjalws ato oonfi MeemM who wiU tolsj an nettve wi.tAt lha Tamilv TusMsnCf M WO- burn, Mass., on Monday, uecemoer i, 1890, Emma Weit, aged 1ft years. Tbe deceased was well and favorably known to many people of Harrison aofl vicinity, having lived here for some years prior to last spring, when she went to Woburn, with her mother. She was taken sick about the middle of Novem ber, with an attack of pneumonia and after suffering for some days, congestion of the brain set in and terminated fatally an 0 o'clock last Monday morning. Tbe family have (he sympathy of all n the, aad affliction which has befallen them. II aBBBBBBBBBl aj MBBBBI . 5 sCOLID ) - H - ' TOP. I) EJECTI,. QS Ustafl 82-20, 3-r,v J44eOCWtw. PislVi'ViTu't efatesagfcajr DAn.i:iFi:AF:n3c: SiiAYEti, ct,, u. 8. a. iLr-rtMTXs-uc:' aai sm aasi aas . TSanTiaSsii. 1 BUY YOUR GRA1 AT THE - Ren if Ibr CrUl-xm A. Afl abtsi4 an "e -e" FRCC. uiee avw CATALOOUC senTM"ia vsLuaau iHrraueTioas en Maw re cmri v a own m-uhition. WLym. o. I, law Hrni), 61 H Ranch Supply House. Win. Clxristenseii, President. nttsmuL. Mrs. S. C. D. Baasett, went to dud ron Tuesday evening. David Bartlett left on last Friday cr visit to his old home in Iowa. W. H. Zimmerman sends us word to send The Jocrmal to him at Eureka, 8. a T. B. Snyder was in Harrison Friday night and made a pleasant call at our of fice. V On last Friday, Miss Minne Smith and Master Ked Simmons arrived home from their visiio Missouri. ratvid Anderson, of Montrose, was in Harrison oa Saturday and made a pit ant oaH t oar office. Sam Tebbet was in Harrison en Satur day and added bis name to tbe list or readers of THX Joubhal. Jerry WiU returned a few nays ago front HotSorin. He bad the misfor tune to lose one of bis mules while away. P. B. Collins, representing the Carpen ter Paper Co., of Omaha, was in Harrison Monday and made a business call at this office. E. Covrlishnw called on Monday and gave us the caah for TO ffocnwAL and .mii.m nanar and the Omaha Bm tot the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. rown name to Harrison to attend the Thanksgiving ball and on Friday morning Mr. -Browa -gn us some oaab on subscription. kC. Q. Dauel arrived the Hint at Was week from tbe'Btack HUU and yeeterdny called and gave us some caah te conun- ua Tm Joowai. to the address at Mrs. Tneian Deuel, who is la town. W. H. Cook twrted for I'toe-ladgeMon day evening. There are men whose go- inc ths was heralded a great deal but we doubt if then la white man Uv. uw who aetsr Dostod on tbe situation or has i attr.OMk. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. A Urge and well selected steok U.mYS m HiHO. AOOBN STOVES. BARBED WOU5 at priees to suit the tunes. Ageato'or llowers. Chadron, - Neb. krouse the fshfltlefe, stimalato tbe rwrttaWwlttlAJr C. F. C xt, yicePiw. CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. , WCWRTOXA D. Corn, Oats, Bran and Chopped Feed Al ways on hand. LOWEST PRICES. I (3TSjecial Inducement to Ranchmen. .A. L. E. BELDXM h BOM, Wagon and Ctrri2 'Makers. nspairl 4eaa short Wiirgn snmef Uvsry General BangCuslness I TRANSACTED, COME AND SEE OCR STOCK OF Uuiter Clothing Proitiflioiis at lowest pricca. Wells Trilled! Ihaveareod well drUUng maohinel lead am ready to dViUenytaea reH on I janitt rnrnee Ternte SaraanMWhv . ".it I'