The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 20, 1890, Image 2

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    Ki ten cc-xtt ami
9. L. ilSJalOJIS, rrseUsSsr.
XVa k rsllsie.
New Voas, Nov. 1.-Th first failure
has just bees announced on the lock
HkHf. Tba embarrassed firm n C.
M. Whitaey k Co., the repieeentatives
mt assay of the southern financial inali
tutiuaa and representativee of the Whit
Mf aatioaal bank of New Orleans. A
iMg MMMWt of stock has been sold
rU for their account. No
stof tbe condition of tbe firm's
be obtained. There it a
ore-d of 1 bankers and brok
en assembled in the uffices of the firm.
A ieesivr haa juat taken poa esioa.
The opening of the stock market aa
oxtnaisly wild. There were good crowds
ia ell the stock, and the range of toue
la London eraatad a general disposi
tie to by. The first prics were from
1 to 1 per ceot higher than the cloe
tog of yesterday's, and tha offering for
eaomeot ware not heavy. Then it ni
esseovered that tbe Villitrd stock vera
strap ptsg, on which everybody tried to
aali and prions yielded 1 per cant within
Ire minute after the opening. Tbe de
eiiae ia tba general market then atooped
aad Northern Pacific preferred and
N'artb American became the centrea of
a interest.
'Aa firm of 7,'hittney k Co. s com
posed of Charlaa M. Whiitney, Edwin
Arthur and Frank M. Laichen. The
eexnc of the company are at 80 Broad
way. John T. Walker. Son Co., merchsnts
aad importer at 81 Pin, also made an
sesignuiset today.
. Wert 1 Jets Mwlllgsa.
SiMUitoriKLD, Maw., Not. 12. Tbedi
reatora of theConneticut Hirer railroad
iaat night elected John Mulligan presi
eteet of tba railroad toiucceed tbe late
X. A. Laonafd. Mr. Mulligan will re
mete aa superintendent until hie suc
cessor ia elected. He haa been in the
railroad bonine rlfty rear.
Hin.i ir. pAmf Jiov. 11. The atate
dsaartsssnt granted charters to two
railroad companies. One ia tha State
Iae Railroad company, extending from
the New York and Pennsylvsnia state
liae, near its intersection with the Gen
esse river, southerly to Perryviile, a
eUataaoe of two miles in tba country of
Fatter. Tbe capital of tbe road is 1300,
taX Tba other lathe Erie k Shenango
railioad. I, will be seven miles long
frees a junction with the New York,
Catcegj k " St. Louis railroad near
Cirard, Erie county, to a junction with
tlaa Pittsburg, Sbeoangu k Lake Erie
rasl read near Cramsville. Tba capital
af titla company ia 1100,000. -
. BM a aretwt Meettag.
8aoLU, Mol, Nov. 1L Keprrseita
tiraaof all the brotherLood of railway
traiamea aa tba Missouri Pacihc and
Tanas k Taaaa railroad bald a meat
imm bare yestarday with closed doors.
Taa isaiiag waa for the purpose of dia
eaaaiag tha practicability of a system
af aoaiiaal fadarattoo.
Aaassatlsa the Paly Mrmtj.
Hiurax, N. 8, Nov. 13. In a speech
ai St Joaaa, N. F, ia tba campaign juat
I, Mr. Soutt, tba drfeated opposing
For many moatha
fast taa bitter feeling of resentment
aftaal Britiataegiigeao ia New Found
saaaf vital iatararts haa brae taking
r aad deeper root in tha hearts of
aarexation with tba
i republic ia beginning to be
I by a vast number . of New
i aa tha eoly roatedy for
Bom iatana tl snti-
i ia favor of annexation has already
i waa eridaaoad by tba oonduet
C tia paMio neeting on Monday night.
O. Boott, ia raiarring to tbe long coo
taa aaaial at jusUce to tba country,
aaaaf word which oecaaioasd an out
Vaast af aataoaiaM. Tha audiaoc
aaM act haap ailaaea aad cheer after
afcarecJadUro$out the hall until
X. iCaatt waa foread to etaae epeaking
w4 wait far Uaanthnaiaani to subside.
CsUtar.Bontt: Iehariabramy heart
I of ioaT aaroted loyalty to the
i af bar Kost graetona
I priM BMatasarly tba privi
lag Brttlafa oiUaaaship which I en
fa. I WoaJdgiadly lira aod die under
tat fjwUw flag, which ia a much
C taa af tha true bora Maw' Found
Jbr'iMtotaa traa Eagtiahmen. 1
44frCat 'taat I am a Maw Found
tx' i. 1 wno inrjat that tha party
Xt2t tha paopi of thin- country
1 .'- aKiwKji ao othtr ratura than cold
i " VakMaeg from tha mother ooun-
iSeM Metlse
111 Nor. IS Tba
:J J Kjaf the head oawpof
7. A flsnaaaimi af tha iateraal
:tatteartar iaaot iapfomv
tn fjr MtcjV
' :r-rwaar.'it
A Trestlti Fall tutd m Train nir
ryiiig it Precious Load
(illril DOWII.
The Can Lit Ks4 ai Uh are ''
IM Klsalla; Wasd.
Post-laud, Orr, Not. 14. News hat
been received that the aouth bound pas
senger train oc the Southern Pari tic ran
Cl a bridge between Salem and Turner
last evening. It ia reported that about
tec persona were kil'd and at least
twenty injured, many of them seriously
Among the killed and injured are a party
of tourists returning from a trip around
tha world. The killed are:
Engineer John MFadden.
Fireman Tim Neal and two unknown
men. The train carried over a hun
dred passengers, nearly all of whom
were mora or less injured. Tbe first
class day coach which wua saved from
going over, alighted with tbe front end
on an old troe broken off about even
with tha trestle. Than followed tbe
smoker, the seats in which were nearly
all broken. Next waa the tourist sleep
er, in which were twenty-five or thirty
passengers. Of this number, only
three ware nainjured. Next waa the
Pullman oar "Alsatea" with seventeen
passengers. Only three escaped with
out injury. The next and last car was
the "Roseburg" in which were fifteen
passengers, only four of whom escaped
with slight bruises. In tbe smoker and
dry coach eTery seat was occupied. Firra
were built along either aide of the train
to keep warm the wounded who had
been removed from the wreck and to
give light to tha workers, who had
hastened to the rescue from this city
and vicinity.
Cantlaaed rerdt'n.
'Vashihotok, D. C, Nov. 14. Re
port have reached here of continued
depredations on the Seal island fisher
ies by the Brittish. Six veeeels en
gaged in catching teals were counted
from the St. George lalanda. One ves
sel cams ao close to the island thst the
guards on duty there tired on it t.nd
those on the vessel returned tbe fire
with such affect that the guards were
run into tbe interior of their stockade.
United State war ahipa -an alongside
of a number of approaching vessels this
summer and fall in - Behring sea. Tbe
vessel bad seal skins on board, but no
attempt was mad to capture them. Tbe
fact that diplomatic negotiation ware
in progress in Washington prevented
the United States veeeels from confis
cating the skins.
Haw the Shis Wast Dsws.
Lovook, Nov. It. Later adrioes from
Cape Bueick in tha province of Comma
Spain, the scene of tha wreck of tha
British torpeda cruiser, Serpent, state
that at U o'clock Monday night, in tha
midst of an impenetrable fog, tbe war
ship struck tha reefs, bow on. She
was burled upon the rocks with aoch
tremendous force that their jagged
edge tore her keel a readily aa a
match might be aplit by tbe sharpest
knife. A moment later a mamoth wave
lifted tha cruiser high above the reef,
only to daah hlr back upon it strong
fas tba next instant, with a great hole
tor in her bottom. Tue next aea tha
unfortunate vessel slipped from 'he
rook into deep water. Through the
awful gap in her bull tha water rushed
in by the hundred of ton and then in
tha midst of tba awful blackness of the
night and the howling of tha wind and
the hoarse roar of the water beating
against tha fatal reef, tba cruiser, Ser
pet t with nearly 300 man, plunged to
tha bottom of tha Atlantio ocean. At
tha moment of tha fearful catastrophe
tba great majority of tha ship'i
company were below decks, - uncon
acioua that death waa all around them
They never reached tbe deck. On deck
those who duty kept them than
found themselves ao sudden If confront
ed with tha deadly peril that it waa im
possible for them to launch a aingk
boat. So overwhelming, ao sudden snj
I complete was lbs diaaeter that oftbt
snip a company no numan Doing made i
sign or uttered a cry a they swallowed
up by tha water. Tha three wretcbec
Survivor of tha calamity, torn bylhi
cruel rock to which they marvaloual;
ehrng until reecued, bavs been ssmovec
to the hospital, where they are now be
ing cared for.. The will ha ordered homt
to England aa aoon, aa their conditio
will pemit of their removal, to testify
bafora tba inauierr . which will be bek
iby the board of admiralty. Thauaat
Ha fall of aolicituda aad haa gala tela
Igraahed her sympathy aad a request
'that ah be fnrniahed aU tba inform
tioa obtainabM bsanog on tha dlaaater
fTha sOoiala at the admiralty offioastaU
Umw wnaa taa ios at taa narpani oe
ahawaatryiac to make aitaai
or tha bay of Vigo for repair
Ttoaramba4Madthraefh ahu
ad ra partially diaabted.
Bar PkAjrotaoo, 5 or. 11. Tha whaler
Charts W. Morgao, which has arrived
from OVhatak aaa, raporta tba torn af
M mm tsaaad Cgta Kartia pad fro
aaeafh white to jraiwlt of a whai.
II la lr tl wtata aatacUdlk
c" rnl':
' r l J -
- . ( "t
! t ( -.
Kales tb Wla.
L;VKfroKTB. Ki- Nor. l-The'
! Bandana club of this city aod other k-
i Ml democrats celebrated tba eevaoly-
Itoventh birthday it A Use. ti. Taurines
at thi National hotel with a baaquet
j sod speeches. This afiarnooa the po
ice raided the hotel and coafiaUjated
hirty gallons of claret, which waa at
race poured into a aawer. Tha wine
as labeled "Bandana Club" aad was
h club's property. A warrant cbarg
ag tbe police with grand larceny was
aiued by the county attorn ty aad they
vera placed usdr rret by Sheriff
?loreand admitted to 11,5000 bail each,
ffine was served at tha banquet to
light and a number of deputy sheriffs
tood guard to prevent polio interfer
no. Teles rams of regret for their in
tbilityto be present at tha banquet
vere received from ex Senator Tbur
nsn and ex President Clsvelsnd.
Krlr4 Trmm It salsee
New Vobk, Nov 14. The Knicker
bocker Fire Insurance company aod tba
3usrdian Fire Insuranos company have
lecided to retire from business, owine
o the fierce com pi lion and small prolits
o be mad at the present low rats.
Trahold Fever Baa-iac-
O.EXKKTVIM.R, O., Nov. 11 An api
lemio of typhoid fever is raging her.
fhere have I een already eighty nine
see, of which twenty-mo have proven
atal. At present forty , person are
rtricken and business is entirely sus
pended. niw HI Brals Oat.
Spokaxb Faux, Wash., Nov. 11
iiVilliam Denny, a prominent broker on
vhe mining exL-hangs, yeaterday com
tiitted suicide by blowing hi brait.
iit. Financial loss, it is said, induced
,he act.
ilea 'tural Itesth.
New VoKg, Nov. 14. The base ball
aar is practically over. The new or
ganization has d'ed a natural death.
Brooklyn and Pittsburg oluba have
igreed upon term and conaol'.dated
tnd the Chicago club has offered toaell
nit. This leaves the Boston, Philadel
phia and Cleveland clubs in the lurch,
(t is barely possible that the club will
xmtiaue next season in snother organi
sation. Want t Sqssal.
Chicago, Nov. 14. rbe Nw ay:
3'SuIlivsc, the iceman, who is aerving
i life asntencs in the Joliet penitenti
iry for complicity in the murder of Dr.
Jronin, baa intimated to a number of
Vienda wbo called upon him this weak
ihal he ia anxious to tell ail he knows
ibout tba murder and thinks he baa
ilready suffered enough for the misdeed.
" lUlsriea tesCsnslttee.
Chioaod, IIL, Nov. 14. The Wastern
freight aaoociation today considered,
unong other things, tha polio of the
Alton's intention to put in fore a re
duced rate on live boga from Kansas
City to Chicago aod St Louis. Tha
matter waa finally referred to a commit
tee to decide what readjustment of
rates from other point will be neces
sary. Om The GrsaaS sf Vras.
C mcAoo, Nov. Is. Attorney General
Hunt baa filed a bill to wind up tba
affair of the Mutual fire insurance
com Dan y of Chicago and set aside tha
deed of assignment executed a cos pie
weeks ago on tha ground of fraud. Ser
ious charges are made agaiast tbe offi
cers and director of the company.
Nst a Fa.
Bccxnr, Nov. II. Prof. Koch will
publish to the world on Saturday the
composition of hia cure for consumption
Any physition who de'.iree further infor
mation a to tba details may thereafter
apply to Or. Cornet. Piof. Koch's assis
tant, who has established hospitals for
tha treatment of horn and foreign
patients. Prof. Koch Will now begin ex
perimenting for a curs of diptbsria.
A Trials- IsetSMt.
Londoh, Nor. It. Tha Cbrooiol'
dispatch from Rom states that in a lat
ter transmitted through Chancellor
Von Capri vi to King Humbert, tba Em
peror William oonseoled to tba mar
riage of hia ejter, tha Princees Margar
et, to tta Prinoe of Naplee, hair . to tha
Italian throne. Tba princees will em
brace tha Catholic faith as incident to
tha marraig.
msTaetOssa ItsOssvm.
New Tobk, Nor. 14. Tbe North JUvsr
baak did not open its doors aad ratum
at lOo'ckwk this morning at
eipsrtod It would. To a reporter
tas cashier said that although tba baak
ofMals fait aura H oould pall through
au rich tit coaldaot rsansM bueins
for aaearal days to osma. Aasiataat
KUta Baak Examiasr OahUI aay ht
will hav a atateasaat of. tha baak!
aaln raalyat aooa. r.f ,
Wilt be trssg jar Cssstsey.
Nw Yom. Nor. U, Riobnrd IX
Yoaas. af l'ai tsnma. N. J. I a arisoa-
or atfoiics hadsartar awaisVag teaaa
farteP itirin, whsrsaa wUl ha triad
for tor amawiraay. Taaag aecatij a
i ta obtsia a Owe from hta
wCs. EarfaM-ad thsaiotaai
en i sd
9U4m&jnm. tmtmiar ha w
A KkkeuiugSuretufie In Mid Air
lhat -Made, Mm' Wood Kuu
Ise OsVsniHwal Um Mr Btrchsll Ihs
I'litHs-a' Htrylsg the ItoSr r her
WcorxTOcK, O.-rr., Nov. 15. Birchall
paid the penally of his crime at 8:3. 'j
yeatstday morning.
The morning dawned bright and clear
It waa one of those Indian summer dsy
when men feel joy in !i ring, and in Ox
ford county, just in this pretty town, J.
Reginald Bircball awaited tbe hang
man's summons that hs waa ready to do
him. to death. Tbe condemned man
passed yesterday niucn a he bad passed
the days preceding during the last four
His wife was with him uptj a late
hour tbe night before last and tbe meet
ing muat Lave been a trying one, a
Birchall appeared somewhat unnerved
yesterday and more inclined to reticence
snd gravity than on the previous dsy
He spent much of his time with Rev. H.
Vade, bis spiritual adviser, and ftieuds.
Every train brought crow da of people,
meetly repreeentaUva newspaper men,
and the hotels found it hard to provide
placee for alt. The sheriff waa besieged
for pease !o the execution, but le thsn
were issued. Mr. Birchall has
borne up wonderfully under the strain,
but spent most of yesterday in her bed.
Death Watch Midgely aaid to the Unit
ed reporter last night: "Birchall will
make uO confession: lie says he has
nothing to confess, and persists that h
ia innocent. Whether this is true or
not he has got wonderful nerve. The
interviews with his wife have been very
harrowing to assist in. He baa told her
just what he haa told me, that he did
not do the actual shooting, but ha has
had a fair trial and a good jury and he'll
have to swing."
The ofHcisle at the jail were early
astir that morning and some of theui
had been np all night. Birchall had
not slept, but watched and prayed
through the dreary hours with Rev. Mr.
Wade, whose loyal kindness and Chris
tian devotion haa stood him in good
stead. Breakfast was served to th
prisoner at 0 o'clock by Deputy White
head. Rev. Mr. Wads joined his in a
cup of wffee. Afterwards Sheriff Percy
and Priaon Inspector Chamberlain en
tered tba celt and tha death warrant
waa read ta tbe condemned man.
His friend Laetham had been admit
ted meanwhile, and as the fatal word
wars read BirchaUahaidderea a little-
ond turning to hia friend said: "Take
bold of my band sal man." Tbe re
quest was com plied wftb and the two
trisnda stood together. "Have you any-
uisnua snoos
thing to aay
law being fu
tor, finally, i
sat tbe warrant 01 thai
fulfiiwdr askad tha inspee-
whss tba sheriff finished
reading aod Birchall replied. liav
nothing to aay." A big wall enclosirs
carpeted with green sod and flanked on
the east by a aaildiap out up by barred,
windows waieh let Jight through the
masonry walla and U tbe corner, where
a new gibbet stood. The ward was full
of men with note books out and anx
iously gaxed alternately at the acaffold
and at the door io the building ap
proached by five atone aaspa. Then th
tsrribla sound of insasurad stsna sraac
heard to resound from the paved pass
age iato tha jail and a man 'a voice broko
the stillness with ths beautiful words:
Iamtbs resurrection and the life,"
and tbe peaksr appeared a handaoma,
kindly looking cWrgyman in his white
robes, book to hand and eyes turned;
upwards. It waa Hy. Mr. Wade, and
ho beaded tba procession of tba con ¬
demned. After him came the old
sheriff, with his cocked hat and inaiona
of office, and other jail officiate, and then
Birchall himself, very. bate, aod his
Slor intenaified by the-blus chevu t suit
Whan ha dacsnded tha step th
keeper took his left arm and hia friend
Tjsatham hia right, and between tbese-
two ho waucsd nnBweaiaaTly to ths gal-
Iowa and too a: ma uaoa oeneatn trie
beam a little east of ths center. -Lord
lot ma know my end aad tha number of
my daye, thai I may know how long L
have to live." It eosnded particularly
grim, this appeal of the goapel to those
who knew thst tba braver bad been ao-'
wered before it waa spoken, for Birch
all's vary laat mowsnta were counted.
Tbe m (bister tbea shook Birchall' hsnd 1
and kissed him good bye, after whijh
tha 39lh psalm was road through, and
tha hangman, grim looking, took Birch-!
all' shoulder aod squared him under1
tha bean. Next ha produced tbe black .
cap aod fitted it over his face and thel
minister Dagmn ut uora prayer.
"Deliver us from evil" tha aianal
OX a
death was given and tns form under tb
gibbet shot npward in th air, tbe band
horribly twisted to on aide. It want
away ahoy tba gravity linaaad created
a horrible "alack." It completely left
tha psrpstodloular and for a aacond a
oart of the body waa sideways, aod tha
bead grotssqusly twisted to on aid,
bat thi jut a f raction of a ascoad and1
tha body dropped bsavily to th snd of
ths rope. Tha weight fall precisely at
138, aad than strong ataa'a baarta war
stirred aad faea turned pal and blood
oblited ia the veins, for Bircball began
a terriUeaort of callow dance in mid
air, ate teg drawing up aad straighten
bag ontauay time, hte hand oteeoh
tag eonwleiyeiy and uaaienreiing a If to
awMamr. Tothsaswhs lasted to
hoartVid sastsam it seamed aa if he
, Imasaiian eemttwew
tWiacT. Iu- Not. 1L The ti
of tha IUliwteoidisr'jdaaik)r'lsmai
lewd a mroalar Mnoaaciag that w
of tM erowwed ooaMsttioa
f the hem it will be imwmsibto te ad-
atiswmemeari msCI a-ai ea
am lasintaii. Ihesa sa
ttaMMUiitof whsaa t
tawsito jrsfsalt rr'
t lf ljami tots
Has lets a f reight Wrerk.
Ptmat so, Pa., Nov, U-Theseo
ood section of tbe western ei frees oo
the Pennsylvania railroad, due in thU
city at 7 30 o'clock yesterday morn ng,
ran into a freight wreck, between New
Florence and Johnstown, about 0.1
o'clock. Two persons mere killed snd
eleven injured. Six of the Htter ars
said to be fatally hurt. The passengers
were transferred and will reach thi
city within an hour. No uames or fuller
psrticulars have as yet reached the
railroad office.
The first section of the western ex
praes as detained by the fre'u ht wreck
near New Florence station. The aecsoti
section wss following close up snd
when the Bret train pulled out the sec
ood was held up in the block to alio
the precedicg train to get ahead. The
third section of the western expree
came thundering alone at a high rate
of speed snd dashed into the rear car
of the second section. This car is said
to hsve been the Washington, D. C,
sleeiwr and wss well filled with psssen
gers. All of t tie killed and injured
were in this car. A special engine an:)
car with several physicians on board
wss sent from this city to the scene of
the wreck immediately after the report
reached the city.
The following statement is given out
at the union depot, this city: The acci
dent occurred near New Florence sta
tion shortly before 0 o'clock yesterday
morning. The second section of No. 9,
western express, had slopped at New
Florence for orders. A Hagman was
sent back to warn the third section or
the mail train, alo cuuing from ths
east. A dense fog obscured everything
and the mail train ran past the flagman
and into' the rear of the second section
cf No. 0. It is reorted that the sleep
ing car caught lire and was almost en
tirely consumed. The locomotives and
two express cars were badly smashed up.
AnarrliUI and Vollrrmf n.
Baltimork Md., Nov. 15 - Herr Most
and Lucy Parsons last night made ad
dresses at Harugari hall to a suisll
audiunce of anarchists and policemen.
There waa but little interest Bhown in
the meeting and no trouble resulted.
Tbe speeches were of the usual an
archistic order, but elicited very little
applause. The hall ns decorated with
red flags, and a tloral gallows in honor
of the Chicago ''mart; m" was displayed.
The Vol Is I'rmiM Ivasla.
Harrisbibo, Pa., Nov. 15. The com
pleted returns show that Pattison (dew)
for governor, has KvVl plurality over
Delamater (rep.); Wat res (rep.), for
lieutenant governor, has a plurality of
22,633 over Black (deia.V, Stewart (rep ),
for secretary of state, has a plurality of
2l,491 o-er Barclay (dem.) The prohi
bitionist vote leached 170u, white the
labor ticket polled about 2,' votes for
their candidates.
VTsslsrs Prslahter.
Chicago. Nov. li-Th Western
freight aasociatUSa yesterday discussed
at longth tbe Northwestern Union Pa
cific agreement, but final action was
not taken. The matter on rates on
soficosl from the Illinois mines to points
west of the Mississippi river was laid
over until the December meeting. A
proposition respecting ths handling of
live stock at Sioux City was referred li
a committee of the interested lines.
Market Oswaed Weak.
New Yon-, Nov. 15.-Wall street, 10
a. m. The first stock market opened
weak. North America opened irregular
at 12 and then advanced to 14. At this
writing the price is down to 12V
Northern Pacific opened steady at GO,
than reacted to C9,, and is now back
to CO.
Referred Ilia I'm tit ta Com mitts.
Chicago, Nov. 15. The freight com
mittee of the Central passenger aaaoci
ation yesterday referred the protest of
the Peono board of trade against the
eenaration of oorn and oats to a joint
The Marsaess Wis.
Salt Lass, U. T., No. 15 -The offi
cial canvass of the delegates' election
in Utah shows that Cain. Mormon, ha
9,441 major ty over Goodwin, liberal.
Thi result shows a gain of 0,332 in th
Mormon rote, and a liberal gain of 3,142
in tarn vssrs. (isms' muww Ik..
Jf - J .HHnr. WUOU
was 0,013. Tbe rote of 1883 was light,
especially on tbe Mormon aid.
Dairy Asseetstloa Nasta.
Chicaoo, Nov. 15. Tbe Coiumbu
dairy association met yeaterday morn
ing to discus th World' fair matters
Mr. Boyd of Illinote reported the dairy
products had been classed by tbe world'
fair commissioners as animal fat, sac
oteoa and butteries were, of course, it
ths same class. This waa objected b
by the member, wbo said there would
be ao dairy exhibit unless it was asp
arete aad distinct from the bogus pro
duet of animals. The matter waa di
at sosse length.
A Llwtr aesae.
8aeatooa,N. V, ll.-A lively
ocoarrad ia St. Peter's Cathobc chutJh
nere yesterday ,
Daring the celebra
tha pastor,. Her.
iMsoomv, wast down
MOB at nigh
father Jon
tMBuooie aktia demaadiar payment
ef pew rent He teJbwt lewdly aad at.
nralf to eeraral promuMBt member
nJ ordered the eh arch aboir to atop
tad is a- ahajr-ed from a htii taa
tew one. IsmArUi aatira e v
Um middle aJela
Ths travel on the railway i reported
better. The men who were etaying at
home to vote are now on ths wing
Township orgsniratioo was defeated
in Madison county by a large majority,
every precinct in tbe county voting it
djwn. , -
John ioh I man aod Jama Clark of
A u burn got so hot on eieHion day that
each wore the other's overcoat home be
fore they noticed the mistake.
Hsrry Harrison of Grand Island haa
been appointed oil inspector of that ter
ritory. Hi nam and politics are like
the president', but he ia related only
through Adam.
August Uhtof, a saloonkeeper at Elk
horn, is Isying in jail at Omaha because
he will not pay a HO) fine assessed
against him for violating th Slovumb
lsw by selling liquor on Sundsy.
' They are put'ing the metallic roof on
the new V. P. depot at Kearney. The
building, when completed, will coat
abut rJO,00, and be the finest in tbe
state outside of the B. & M. at Lincoln.
Johnnie Rsitt of Oester precinct,
Saunders county, is reported to have
hi.sked eighty bushels of corn per day
for three week and getting the last load
unloaded each day before sundown.
Who can beat it?
The Weeping Water .'iy tells this
story of two potatoes: The men of Ne
braska have failed to do their duty in
tbia fair state by allowing such men as
Roeewater to influence them en the a
loon question. If thst man ever guts to
heaves there will be a prosiect for a
good many more to enter who hereto
fore hsd given up hope ia tnst direction.
The papers which publish adve.tise
ments of merchants whogiveasag tick
ets with each dollar's worth of goods
for a chance st a twenty dollar dinner
est, will hsve the postoflice department
swoop dos'j upon it like a June bu
soma dsy. This is mentioned that they
may beware. They atop papers from
going through the mails now-j-dws.
J. W. Smith and wife of North llen'd
were going to Fremont and while cross
ing the track at Ames the horse teak
fright, and kicking himself from the
buggy, ran about two milo and wss
caught. The torse s heel struck both
Mr. snd Mrs. Smith in the face, cutting
them severely. As Mr. Smith is very
feeble, the injury and the excitement
almost prostrated him.
Th Wayne Herald tell this good
one about Halloween: W. 6. Uamble
lost a horse and a bundle cow Hallow
een night. He found the horse, but the
cow was as scarce as the Omette'g rap
idly increasing circulation. The next
morning he got a note. "Tiding from
the cow" he cried, and tear of joy ran
down hia cheek. Itrsadlhus: "Come
and gel your old roilk producer out of
my barn. Peed is scarce and high and
you needn't think I'm going to support
your Poland China cattle in idleness.
I'm no eleemosynary institution.
Henry fsy."
TbenewU.E. church at Grand Is
land will be enclosed by January 1.
Thursday, November -T, is th day
set apart for thauksgiviiig bud eating
Sam Gauger, cf Ashland killed a jack
rabbit which be claims weighed nine
Burglars hsve commenced their win
ter work. Kearney was raided, but the
re idera were caught.
Rev. H. 8. Cooper, a Baptist minister
of Loup City, ha rseigued hi charge
in order to take the post graduate
course at the atete university.
There were sixty tlrd party prohibi
tion votea cast at Syracuse and only one
ticket had a scratch cn it That man
voted "against" tbe prohibitory amend
ment. -ins weai i-oint lui-rrriser aavs:
Hay aelte for 10. It te liaM to b high
er yt, and there are sheep coming by
tbe thousand to our county. About
9,0 0 sheep are expected on the feeding
grounds west of the Elkhoro.
The Wymore Union ha consolidated
with tbe Motor and the paper will be
hereafter known at tbe Union Motor.
Hyphenated pepers are all the rage
now-a-dsys in spite of the fact that any
long nam te an abomination in tbo
sight of all good people.
The official from Fulterton, who n
turned teat week from Mississippi, says
that tb man apprehended there aa tbe
Nance county murderer was th identi
cal Furnlval, but he te engaged with
about elxty other working at a taw
mill, and they dung to him, and swore
an alibi.
A man caught stealing wheat out of
tbe elevator at Ashton the other night,
was arrested aad tried, dtemteaad aad
celled beck aad fined, aad afterweres
bound over to the district mart, No
one would ro hte bail drew a rail
of moaey from ate pooket ud depoaitad
sixty dottertWlUi thsjuatica to assure
hte bond. ; f
The Log? City rime gira that 'ao.
eoeat of a W who had read "yeller-
: vajanie uoawar na away trass
1?edesa& storalsg. At wa ro
to ftmm wtea
IjH fesaJ la
warn- ftasr
ial IsVthtm. with
tfv -J-fcjr-. a: ".( H
.m Marie t ti r-r
VaT was, - ,-:
rs' w. tl li rt
it Ttl f S sxi
; - - hw unu s
:u ifjiu rJk
i v.-.-