The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 13, 1890, Image 2

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t -mr.-- v- I
J. U HmOM. rreatlatar.
set aa AiUaat Krla.
New Tom. Nor. 4. A special to the
World from Philadelphia says a war-
nat wma sworn out shortly after mid
light yeetetday morning for the arrest
at Hon. John F. tile tin, one
ef the lee ling republ icsn po! it iciana
ia the city, oo the charge of attempting
to bribe Francia Gsnnoo, a democratic
judge of election in the the Thirty -tiftt
division of the Oce hundred and fiftieth
war! It ia etaied that Gannon was
offered 150 to change the returns of the
election for that division and that the
toner was actually paid over. T..e
testimony waa carefully presenred and
will be offered in evidence at the hear
lac. which will take place at noon to
Died rma HI lajarirs.
Kamas City, Nov. 5. W. J. Williama
twenty-five year old, employed at the
took yard, died at 11 JO oY'oek in Ar
moardsle of the effecta of injunea re-
ceiTed in a runaway last Sunday eve
lag. Williama waa riding a horse. On
Hiokory atreet near Twelfth be waa run
into by a buggy and thrown from hia
era. Ilia head atru : tbe curb atone,
fracturing hia akull. Williama l
noted for hia daring feata of horeeman
akip aad waa at one time a member of
Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" ahow.
I a Qaiet Day.
New York, Nov. 5. Tbe Irish Pari i a
ai eatery delegation passed a quiet day,
laoagn many Irishmen of local promi
nence called to par their reapecte
Among tbe caller was Rev. John A.
Nolaa of Madiaot,, N. J., who aaid he
bad raised r500 for the famine find.
Mr. O'Brien apent moat of the afternooo
raiding aad answering letter. Tomor
raw ho will make up tbe programme of
the tour of the delegation through the
eeaatry, which be uelievea will be sue
AaUaesoaJ Call. "
Halifax, N. S. Nov. 5. An action for
lit aalrage against the owner of a vea
ia almoet an unuaual proceeding, but
seen aanit will aoon be tried in the
. vie admiralty court of thia province,
where a writ baa just been ieaued for
30,000 againat the owners of bark Mel
aaerbe, recently wrecked at Boy 'a island,
Little harbor, with the loss of seven
Uea aaeo. Four men clang to the
wreck all night, and were rescued the
next day by four mn. These men now
brag suit against-the Melmerbe'a own
are fot ssrrios.
DxLMT,Wia Nor., Nov, 6. -A mis
placed awitcb caaaed th wreck of a paa
soagsr train on tbe Northwestern road
yesterday morning. Fireman Welch
waa killed, the engineer was badly- hurt
aad tfce paeaeegera shaken up, bat none
leerioaely injured.
CMtl l'-am flaad 1a-k.
Tilluca, Ia Not. 6. Miire Broner,
a 17-year-old boy was killed yesterday
near Carina, in Adams county, by being
osaght nader a sand bank.
rtenre tato the Cspll-I. . -Piaaaa,3.D.
Nov.a Tbore is the
mmX intense excitement at Pierre and
to attempt to picture it would be im
aoaslbls. Tbe Weatorn Uuion wires
near Huron wen again cut last night to
prevent the Pierre capital committee
from reaching their workers through
aat the state, and no eommuniotion
awoid be had by telegraph until this
sveeiag. Bulletins from every quarter
f ta state have heea (oming fast and
or one indicates Pierre's large and
tasriaatag msj-rity for the peroaanent
aaprtal of South Dakota. Tba muiti
taaW who throag the atreeU are crazy
wKkaf, and bands, cannons, balls,
aoaf raa aad every bing imaginable to
tatak of m brooght out to add est to t
the aosee. Paradea are forml ai .1
aatfebiaa; through ovary atreet and
there will be ao 1st np until moroing.
AH tkoaght of politics in forgotten, and
neeae knows Low tbe vote of the city
to aa7taiaUtU capital and
seseme. It it the meat intense
,.-. ;,,-! la the history of Pierre, and
sawwewawawa aaara was rarely ever
T IV - eaas.
a f : (T au
c vc.w.
-eieear 3js, Deo. 3c;
( , Caa. Ke. t
ft IA
- - Won
'l LJmt
rir n UI.
The Great Well Elerator
Buffalo Goes np 1b Smoke.
rala ah t tet the Air I
Mm re MUtoajs to Ban.
Bcptalo, N. Y, Nov. 7. The Wells
kvator, oaa of Buffalo's great graw
warahousas was destroyed by lira yes
terday morning. Tba toss on the eleva
tor aad cod tents is estimated at 1200,000
At 1:55 o'clock the fire waa discovered
ud a general alarm sent in. The fire
tug was the first to arrive and soon had
an effective stream playing upon the
flames, but it was uphill work, as the
llamas fanned by a atiff southwest wind
had made rapid progress.
The marine tower waa aoon ablaze
and it waa ao high that the streams
could not reach it. Whan the ateem
ars arrived tba fire had spread to tie
attire building and at 2:10 a. m. pene
trated every section of the dock side
and encompassed the roof. The build
ing waa doomed and the firemen turned
their attention to sarins the adjoining
jtroporty. TheWilkason elevator waa
eparated from the Wells by a small
alley and it waa in great danger. It waa
on fire several times, but tbe concen
trated efforts of the firemen prevented
the flames from making any headway.
Meanwhile the fire in tbe Walla was
burning fiercely. Huge sheets of name
leaped from the structure , lighting tbe
vicinity for blocks around. Opposite
the elevator on Ohio atreet stood a num
ber of buildings used for saloons, cheap
boarding houses and tecementa. These
structures were in danger aad the fire
men were obliged to deluge them with
water to keep them from burning. The
shipping in the river waa also in great
danger, but was pulled away to places
at safety before the fire had communi
cated to it. The brig John C Golt of
Like Erie transportation company lay
directly behind tbe elevator, but tugs
went attached to her and waa swung
around to a safe place before the flames
had made much progress. The elevator
waa covered with corrougated iron, and
thia metal in the fierce heat peeled off
in large aheeta and fell around the fire
men. At 2:55 a cloud of burning grain
snot up into the air and settled on the
booses on the north side of Ohio street
Tba fireman turned their attention to
thia new danger and kept the roofs of
these structures well wet down. At 3
o'clock the iron sides of the elevator be
gan to glow like a furnace and hers and
there ware gaping holes ahowing red
bot grain inaide. Three Lackawanna
3ara drawn up on Ohio street caught
Sre, but burned alowly. RU tar's boiler
hep, a large frame building on Miaaia
tippi street, took fire from the sparks,
but waa quickly extinguished. The
roof of every building in the neighbor
hood was covered at different times with
bot coals, and even the sidewalks
nixing and stewing.
A Plisattasa Flra.
Tbccku, Cai, Nor. 7. A most dis
astrous fire broke out here shortly af
ter midnight, and as the wind was blow
ing a herricane, tbe flames ware soon
beyond control. Tbe fire waa started
in tbe rear of Stall's brewery by a man
who waa aaen running swiy from tbe
place soon after the flames broke out
The brewery and half a dozen other
buildings were soon bunting. Citizens
fought tbe flames with great determin
ation. The Are train from Summit gave
assistance, but the efforts were of no
avail. East Main street was soon in
tea and all the frame buildings on
Front street were burning. Nearly for
ty buildings, including tbe entire buai-
a portion of town, had been destroyed
by two o'clock yesterday morn'ng. The
residence portion also seem ed doomed.
A light snow wsa falling, but Aad no
effect on the flames.
Philabklpbia, Pa, Nor, 7. A hori-
ble crime was committed here yesterday
morning. Mrs. Joseph Lamphent, wife
of a laborer, wbiie crazy on religion,
killed her slx-monthe-old babe by cut
trng ita throat, inflicting a sari 70s
wound from which it died. She at
tosspted to kill another child, by draw
tag a knife across ita throat, cutting it
slightly. The woman then cut her own
throat, inflicting a wound, which will
probably cause bar death.
St. Jons, N. B., Nor. 7. Tbe French
,Muere,of St Pierre, bat
seized for smuggling at Codroy.
An exciting struggle took place before
ike F leach men would surrender. The
ainwsri hare been brought here. The
aaveffaobooaerwasBMStly whisky.
Lime Bocsj, AaaNer. 7-The bal
lotbexaed retaroe of Eprtog Cseeh,
This teemeUp gave Peatherto, (rep.) U
Kaw Tewa, Ke. CIapaeter Ernes
saeeertan aeeeikCwki teyt&
Bkt aa4 Fatally Wwilii,
KASais Cm, Nov. 8. B. A. Greever,.
i well known cattle dealer, was abot
ud fatally woeaded yesterday after
a:on by Charles Clifford, a Mew York
traveling saksaan, at tbe Hotel An-1
Ire as. G reaver had paid considerable
attention to Mrs. Clifford sad her hus
band suspected their relatione were not
ntirsly innocent. Yesterday afternoon
he saw Greater enter hia a part meets
and going up tried to get into the room.
The door was 1 -Ued and on trying it
be heard a acuU a and then the key
turned. When he rushed into the room
Mrs. Clifford explained that Greever
had mada insulting propositaona to her.
Clifford thereupon drew a revolver and
shot Greever four times.
Grsiver, in hie ante-mortem state
meet aaid he went to the hotel to cm
Mrs. Ball, the landlady, to pay a board
bill. She waa out and Mrs Clifford
asked him into her bedroom, aaying aba
would get Mrs. Ball. After they bad
talked lor a raw minutes Clifford came
in and ordered him to throw up hia
hacda. Greever started to walk out
when Clifford abot him. He claima it
was a blackmailing scheme.
Traak Use Kates.
New York, Nov. 8. The trunk line
association decided to restore east bound
rates to tba basis which prevailed thia
year. The rate on wheat, goes up 25
cents par hundred, corn to 22 cents,
to take effect the 2 th. Tbe new rats
on dressed beet to New England will be
47 cents instead of 18. It was also de
cided to abolish commissions on passen
ger traffic in the territory covereJ by
the lines between Chicago, St. Louis
and tbe Atlantic seaDoardt
CormirtHoee Laid.
CniCAGo, Nov. 8 The corner atone of
the magnificent Masonic temple to be
erected a( the corner of Randolph and
State Atreeta waa laid yesterday after
noon by Grand Master Pearson with
tbe solemc and impressive ceremonies
of the Masonic order. The ceremony
of laying the corner stone waa preceded
by a parade of local lodges, in which
5,000 men participated. The temple,
when completed will be twenty stories
high and will be the largest building of
the kind in the world.
Will Ask far a Baca ami
Nsw York supervisor, who, as Mayor
Grant's representative, brought to this
city the police enumeration books and
who refused to surrender them to the
secretary, returned to New York with
his books and documents, after writing
a note to Secretary Noble that he ooald
not part company with them. "Thai
next step by Mayor Grant aad Mr. Ken
ny will be an appeal to ProsideLt Har
rison for a recount of New York City.
Wakhixotoh, Nov. 8. Assistant Sec
retary Spauld,ng of the treasury de
partment has informed a firm at Bur
lington, Vermont, that under tbe pro
visions of the new tariff, syrups of beet
juice or maple sap will be subject to
duty, and tbe syrup of canealone will
be free after April L 1891.
SmCWl Baake.
Chicaoo, Nor. 8. By the breaking of
a scaffolding, raised ten feet from tbe
ground, on which 130 men and ririi
were grouped for the purpose of being
photographed at Lyon It Healy's new
piano factory, ons man was killed, two
fatally injured and several others baoly
hurt The following ia the list of killed
and injured: Killed: William Kischang
er, 56 years old. Injured: August
Basket, injured about cheat and it is
supposed hia lungs are affected; Dora
Giffotd, severe internal injuries; John
Coulee, ankle broken; E. Grillu aad
John Riddles ankles broken. -
hat at the Palls,
Ihdepesdejice, Has., Nor. 8. Great
excitement prevails in Liberty over the
shooting yesterday afternoon of nonsta
ble Johnson by William Bummers, who
waa intoxicated aad boisterous at the
polls. Johnson is dead.
slier tbe shooting tbe excited
tried to lynch Bummars, but be
to this 017. v
Mseearraat, '
A aw Yonz, Nov. 8. F. G. O'Reilly,
who yesterday bought Haaover at the
Dwyer sale for flfiJSOO, sold the horse to
Kittoa Touag for tdOXXX
WsaaiaoTos, D. C, Nov. aBrdk
ettkelseeae ooBsmlttosoa anre
has bsea eat totls
the oommiUes requeetx
te seset ia Washingson on IW
j say, Ksvember S to begia
eae) rwawly Isewaee
laiPsrwrra, lap, Nov. a-Geoo
Caaett,e. geJatsr abet aad fs0
wmaUtifi V0sO;-m the'lr:'.
siKtttteaiset 12ett
. v-a m--. ava-
.Jfc. J wa
Mkoel I'mIIs.
1 he exact '.m f t talis, so plainly
seen from the "JstJSt," i tffO fet-t in
width and tSt la height, besides a dozen
feet of rapid between the upper islet
sundeied falls and tbe united great fall
Prom tbe Raven's Roost the entire
descent can be awn almost as one fall,
writes W. Dyman in Frank Leslie's
Monthly. Hnt thia is a good point
from which to see whether we used the
word Niagara advisedly in cuunection
with the Great Shoshone, or JSho-sho-nee.
as rue tribe of natives call it. or
J'alichulakah, aa it is known to another.
For i s general effect, as compared
with its cldiir brother, we believe that
any one Jl nd'nit its accessories to be
jn!inat-y gr.iule . 1 he fall itself,
though hait aa wide, is nearly
twice as Ititih. The volume of the
1 iver ia probably not more than a third
i!;at oT Ni:,Tr:u
Niagara i ini?3tic, Shoshone it ter
:lble; Xi.ig.u'1 has a tranquil and
irresistible nvglit, Shoshone a sarag
:itensity. Niara. while it awa, alsj
irotlies tlie wiU; .Shoshorift, aws, but
terrifies. Owe feels as though he wer
.Kkii)g into the dim chaos of au eartli
half formed. He feels as though he
were anticiiistiiig creation, looking ia
upon her work U-foie it was meiit that
human eye should see This eingulai
impression is heightened by the full-
nesi of the geographical record graven
here where the stitTeued fire-flood bat
been cleft a thousand feet kjr tbe cease-'
leas hewing of the cataract Une can
almost imajine that he sees the lingers
of a man's hand writing (he earth-an
nals upon these mighty ram parts. Or,
to look ) t farther hack, as tne mist
twirl una dizzy our sicht, we can halt
see lingo chaotic forms of tbe primeval
enrtli Titans amiting the crust asunder
vith Thor-liamnicrs, and fanning the
volcanic furnace, in which the frag
ments melt Kkc vvhjc.
Hut it is 110; enough to look from 1
a distance. ? must go close to tint
lleicules of cataracts. There is a path
down a ravine, shadowed with stunted
junipers and pines, and this conduct
to the level below the falls. The thril
ling roar deepens as we near the brink,
and when we stand upon the mass ol
rock, emer led with moss, almost ua the fall, we are nearly blinded
by the whirl of the spray that issue
zpon tho wings of a chilling gust from
jeneath the mighty mass. But thij
passes in a moment, and we look up
Here, as in the presence of all sublimit
ties and 'verities, man feels the shadow
oteternity cast upon his soul, proving
therewith his kinship to t e Author 01
ubliraities and vereitiea. Beneath thi
twful avalanctie of foam and flood
while the spray-cloud shudder ia Um
shaken atmosphere, while tlie wilder
ness of rainbows sparkles in ruby and
emerald and sapphire profusioc on tht
very lips of the cataract and the solemn
lava portals above seem to bow them
wives as If to imprison the escapeing
stream, we feel as theugb they wen
eternal, without beginning, always, at
now, partakers with the stars of tht
morning of the years of Him who sit
tothtipon the circle; of the heavens
Here again is seen most powerfully th
contrast between Shoshone ami Xiag
era, Niagara has all manner of "sweet
securities" and human associations
Fboshone f3 the weid death-march of 3
;ava-wilderness. -?
About ThuiMler Clouds.
Among the eji'iott rymptoms of thi
approach of a tlm:iltr norm is the ap
pearance on the aratern iiorizon, of a
line of cumulus ( 'v,oi patk") clouds,
exhibiting a pciii ir turreted struct
,ure. I SJiy on tho westera horizon, foi
most of our clianjr of v. father comt
from that rjiiarler nndit lias beep
proved that thunder storms, like win!
storms, advanca over tho country gen
erally from Komo wcsttily point Thti
bank af clouds moves on, and over il
.appear firs', streamers and then sheet
f lighter upper clouds (cirrus, 01
("mare's tail") whic!i spread over thi
sky with extreme irpldity. The keavj
i-ltw ewsetttsi a.-kiaarei an atn.lA i a ilM
CsWtsHst iiiOM wsitvib winni atiA9 IU1U
anditisagenaMlobarivation that ne
idectric explosion or Covifsll of rait
ever takee place from a c'.oad unleat
streamers of cirniscmuii.atingfrom iti
upper surface are visible when thi
felood ia looked at sideways from a dii
tAJMfeXew OrleaiO 1 icayune.
- Vnkrella Parage.
. There waa a novel displayejy the col
or d people of Elllcott City, Md., a fea
days ago. Itwu called an umbrelli
Darade, and consisted of a line of met
dressed In dark dotoea with white caps
earrying tri-colored umbrellas, and fol
lowed by two gayly decorated eharioti
wmAalslnf chlklren and ladk dieesed
in wUte, the wbess headed by band
While marching tke tttsbnCae twre
kept eoisstaaCy t10 ssaking a
pietaveeaswavsM. TUaCJrww un
A Oerrkk IMlaesed.
Pmasvao, Nov, 4. A trsvsilaff der
rtokoatae tsssttewerk of theOkioeoa
waetlej ferkfso afcere Preble aseoue, At
XbOrsrv)f-,:,rbf. wr'-.wwiiji
Nsbraaka City will soon bars a
factory located tears.
Passenger traflb ia reported
light on all roads just now.
There is an excellent opening for a
shoemaker at Clerks, thia stste.
The Metcelf craeker factory of Kear
ney baa at last goes into tbe trust
Church Hows gave s reception at tbe
Marsh hotel Brownrille the other night
A herd of 5,200 sheep were brought
from Ariz ;na to Glidcen, tots state, to
A. Trout of Schuyler will feed f.000
sheep this winter sod Mr. Bailey will go
him better and feed C,000.
An incendiary fire burned a barn,
contents and three horses belonging to
Fred Meyer of Fremont Thursday.
There were forty wagons loaded wiJi
hogs, which drove into Orleane the
other day. Pork waa moving that day.
Falls City added a kraut mill to their
canning factory. They cow pay out
atvarsl hundred ner dsv for apples to
Joel Hoffman of Elba get tied of life
and abot himself. He fired five shots
at himself, only two of which took ef
The eight-year old daughter of O. M.
Vonnff of Berlin fell and broke both
bones of tbe forearm while play lag at
The beet augar factory of Grand Is
land consumes tbe product of 2,000 acres
of land. Next year this will btt greatly
In Nebraska the past year, there have
been three Demoreat diamond medals
issued, nineteen grand gold, 133 gold
and 1,628 ailver medals.
The cattle of Messrs Carpenter and
Gibson, near Orleans, were fighting the
ather day when ono ass pushed into a
well 100 feet deep.
Tbe eleven -year-old son of John Mil
ler, reaiding near Clarke, was kicked in
the mouth by a colt, severely hurting
him and knocking hia teeth out
Miss Bessie Hull of DeWitt won the
diamond medal at the contest at Hast
ings Friday night. Tbe Kebrunktin
saya it waa very worthily bestowed.
Wax. Burrows has shipped 123 besd
of hags from Custer county to Csas for
feeding. He will purchase corn in
Saunders county to ship to bis rsnche
in Custer to feed the balance of his
On Saturday evening, Nov. L in Graf-
toa six young Ladiee of Fairmont mrt
an equal number of Grafton young la
dies in an oratorical contest The win
ning side received the admhuijn
money. .
There are 1,296 farms in York 0011 a ty
that hsve not s penny of debt standing
against them. Many of these farms are
100, 240 and more acres. In one town
ship tuere were eighty -one farms clear
of debt.
Inspector Howard of South Omaha
reports for the month of Ootober twenty-two
lumpy-jawed cattle and six dis
eased hogs condemned and killed. Tho
boga netted to owners t&O and tbe
cattle 11135 per head.
Grand Army hall on West Fifth street,
Falrbury, will soon be completed. The
cost will be 11,000. Tbe Sons of Veter
ans will probably inherit tbe property
when the G. A. It. has gone to the final
bourne to join tbeir comrades.
Two Franklin county editors are very
wrathy at each other.. The other day
they met and one extended hia hand,
but was ref us . d by No. 2 They are off
the handle. The one had no business
to extend his baud and after he did the
other bad no business to refuse tosbuke
This is from a Scribner paper: Thurs
day evening as a special stock train, east
bound, wsa pwiing the depot a young
man named James Taylor attempted to
board the moving train to steal a ride.
He failed to catch on and was thro, n
under the train and hia tight leg terri
ble mangled. He Was picked up and
taken to tne Winsor hotel, where his
log waa amputated near tbe hip by Drs.
inches and Mortlock. The operation
was successsully performed, and not
withstanding the large per cent of mor
tality attending thia class of amputa
tions, the patient la doing well and has
fair chance for recovery. He hails
from Plttsburr, Pa aad doss not ap
pear to be a regular tramp. He is re
oei ring good ctretppears to take hia
Tne tt.eernoy.MMo tells thia tale of
mixture and it is an interesting one:
The boys was loose last night, and they
prooseded to mix things op. Signs were
oLaaged all over town. Agricultural
elements adorned the street corners.
A spring wagon elimed on top of Hatch's
buUdlfisT and a wheel barrow aot aa f..
aa tbe abed, Joe Grass's Indian wander.
eddowa toKeasoresnd bore a piteous
voaI . am here. Take me
A thing in the stmiltude of a
vita darter pooketa load! with
kotes kaag frees thesleetris kbt at
tie CsJisw tJe earner, labetbd, The
I- i of tia ProMWtiectXa." fewer
tt!tl trees axJ oaeef
xata&m Vhi& a! mU
t":r:rt fcar-rxted eseae Ceases,
AKaoaswaaaarBsiasJ iagetring a
cross : ween a Bee Davie aad a Ooidsa
Russet, allien is said to be superior te
say apple yet grown. This basts aay
political combination yet reported.
Kaasaa mea thought they were pretty
long wiaded ie s fight, bet they hare
about given np the palm sines Oklaho
ma entered into the capital loaatioa
The Lawrence cider factory is going
to have IQflOO barrels of cider to ship
this year.
The Kansas town that baa not a can
ning factory is sway below par this
year, and the inhabitants are preparing
to content themselves with dried apples
sod pumpkins or pay the freight from
some other place.
Tbe first oar load of beer shipped to
Topeka under the original package de
cision was sold in nine hours. Ths
reason assigned for it lasting ao long is
that nearly all the officers and employes
of the state house were out in the coun
try making speeches.
A man in Doniphan county, when
asked ebout hia politics, aaid he kada't
time to rote this year, as be had to go
to ths city on election day and get a
check for 16,000 for bis apple crop.
It hsa been discovered that a woman
held th office of aheriff in Westmore
land, England, in the thirteenth century.
But this will not discourage Kansas
women any. None of tbem got the
nomination for sheriff in tbeir county
this year, but then the old English
sheriffs did not hsve to be so quick on
the trigger as the Kansas sheriffs have
t'i Le now.
An Emporia man went out the other
night to kill a cat and shot bimselt
As a somewhat lame apology for not
producing a good crop of potetoee in
Kansas this year nsture is turning out
cres-of turnips, and each turnip is as
big as a peck measure.
The fall pnaturage ia going to give the
calves mighty good picking thia year.
Tbe Manhattan agricultural college
gou, tl.".000 from the government this
yenr with ahlch to make agricultural
. Although broom corn has always been
a pronounced success in Kansas, farm
ers bsve been slow to improve the op
port unities offered by ita culture. If
tbisahou'.d happen in any other stale
there would be insinuations thrown
out about tie men being afraid of the
articie after it ia manufactured.
Whatever elas may hare been a fail
ure m Kansas this year, ths e has been
no dearth of statesman. That country
would be wealthy if it ooatd only ssil
them out in job Iota now.
Lawrence has discovered the remains
or a mastodon within the oity limita.
One important fea'ure of the cam
paign that the boys are pretty sure not
to lose sight of after election, ia tbe
pretty women who have been writing
political paragraphs and making speech-
Whenever anyone says that the state
university at Lawrence has not a good
foun I at ion it is understood that a stone
snd not an educational or literary foun
dation ia meant ,
It looks njw as though . ths farmers
are going to keep right on putting in
wheat until it ia time to begn plowing
for corn unless the ground freezes up
so they will have to quit.
A man who was reputed to have
killed seventy men in Kansaa and
the southwest died in tbe Indian terri
tory the other dsy. Just such fellows
aa be ia what keeps that country from
showing up in the census returns as it
The Kansas sugar mills have about
closed the season, but' they didn't do so
well as they do in an off year. There
has been a greater demand for vitrol
this year than there baa been for taffy.
There isn't going to be ss much corn
lying around under the snow banks in
Kansas at Christmas time thia year aa
there was last
It takes an editor with a great deal of
hard nerve to demand 'of hie farmer
subscribers that they bring in potatoes
on subscription this fall.
The provident Kaasaa editor Ie just
now beginning to trouble hia brain as
to where he is going to gat material to
fill up with after he gets threugh tolling
now 11 nsppsaea .
Prattled With Her I
New York Herald: A peculiar fan
ily attracted tlie attention of the naa
sengers on a Brooklyn bridge train ie
rently. The entire famhy were deaf
and dumb. It consisted of the far
I wn apparently It years old. wt
looked Una aa imlustrious tSSkmZ
tbe mother, a lieodaome, aeaUy-dreased'
woman of about . and a haatiA.i
child, a littls girl under I yeariTf aie.
It waa the child tn waom the JSZ
gen seemed to take the
eat, the Mtte "tot e" anions
many a inenosy smiw, Yeun m
was the ehlkl conU talk iaDia
aa vua cuim cutiu ISVX g tju A-f
and wb tesutra wick aRwwotMse
ben bsrpaMUa, who mmZ
veraiEg ia tbssek-"L. L
tlooed snyUitsg that ratatj t L
jsh f'skeJweiiM a 'i ait
her KtkaoJa, much te L -ltef
lUwkosawker. fawasa irsrr ae
aWfirti :f roHnt,
ttol-jr- t. ar , ;f ,
1 r Trt tr r-. f-t i v I
; j :
. g-V