The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 06, 1890, Image 3

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The Adranlaa-e of I'r
Only nil lr lopiuiamin, iyrwpi,
kur Musnarlt. tU Mi-iularlir. teael
No rliiitia. i;o liauara. no
mall WIJ. Kie Vill. Rnl 1111.
Dli M l IT A Chicago.
Judge West wa.trjiiiffa very lrapor
I out case in lMlefoutaine. Tbe plum-
ill -tlMs bliud orator appeared for tin
ii-feiidant-was tiy all the autliuritie
! tturinf tii.laU ttrike on tb. New ' :w,c4ed to be tlw bouwliett mau in
, York Ontral railroad, th. militia war. 1-"' County. His face wai i frequent
orJered to be in retuliur iu uu of tbe cause of great, uerye-liarrowmi
riot, but Uuy were not called out. ,' paiu to him aad oft in the stilly niplit
,Hln an interview, Gov. HUI aaid tbe "-e was compelled to arise from hi
I troops were aot to be called upon except ! eoUc'.i and have hl i son carry it, iu
ia cat of an emergency. Tbe emer-1 Order that be could get to:ne sleep. It
' geocy had not ariwn, therefore they ' fc'ave him more trouble than almost
would not be ordered out. He remarked j anything he ever had tnat militated
x. x. v. Xtt y i
Vork, Xeb
, W as Not llis Wife's CIdsL
A Wife Miijo'il to W PoihI
.MM'l nlier Ilusiiiunl on a Dark
K 'inl.
I..-ok I'pon AA'itrits A moat a l jr uric.
Mosiur-Ai, QfK., 0:t., MO. -Lunt Mny
when tlia fjongui Puiol. in man upyiuin
was bur&ed, it was luheveil tli&t over
JIX' ioilo re tiiirncl ia it. Mmy
j.iit it-t.l esciified, tut it wag supiEcl
tliy ii'J n'l Iwu rec.iptured. AcDonif
thoue in thuustlaiu, but mins n, was
tbo wi'.eof Auiee Ie(iraijlhler, a far
morof fct. liiireiit. It :a lhouiflit
the Lad btn Lumt J. ly:r!y jtHtenluy
iiioroii;g lie (Jruulriirr, acyuinpaijioil
by a neighbor, ss coming into toun
uitli ft w.tiun load of produce, when
they t4 it woman iyiiKf bei-idi ilia roiid
They rta.'il lipriujJ niked her wh;it gle
was doing tbwe.. Kite slid she was look
ing far the road to St, Laurent and had
traveled for reany weeks, - mentionit g
places she had visited in Iw.-r Quelieo
2 9 miles from Montreal. I)j (iruulhier
asked her to gut into his Wilson Qd lie
would drive her ton hob 1 furli.eran
As she stepped into the w-sgon he f! luhed
his Inntern into her fdeo and dropped
it with an ex ilamatinn ulooHtof terror
The woman bajliad fouad ss his own
wife whom he supposed wan dead rind
. who he 'aad not seen for over eighteen
montiis. They drovo her ho mo lit untie
where it was found a'i wua huif titarveil
and nearly dad with coid. She is in
capable of telling a cohereut story of
her wanderings since her eseitpo 'rjm
the asylum lira, but her Buttering .mist
have been terrible, as her feel and limbs
arelbliitered and raw. There is grout
exoitemnlin the villngo ocir the HlT.iir
nnd the simple people look upon Mrs
De (Janthier's return us ulmost u mirn
cle. She will not be returned to tbe asy
lum. A Ward Corner.
The age of ) is a hard corner for n
woman to turn, and . is still harder.
She feels that she is fast leaving her
voiith lteldnd h. l!ut there is no rea-
boii why a woman should be faded and
; isj! at 33, or even at 43. The chief
cause of the early fading of American
women is found in the fact that many
of them safTer from some form of fe
male weakness or disease which robs
the face of its bloom, draws dark cir
cles about the eyes, brings early wrinkles
and sallownesa, and stamps the face
and figure with signs of ill-health. Dr.
Tierce's Favorite l'rescripeion will cure
utl these troubles, will bring back the
lost bhxim, and remove the pains and
ailments which make women grow old
biifure their time, Guaranteed to give
a-itlsf action In every case, or price, refunded,
r ATriiic Too Cool,
i "Doctor, just an Instant, pla'-' er
Jlaimed a Caller at the odice of a mat
lf phyaic at he caught siglst of tin
ihysiuiau disappearing into his privati
H'll see you shortly,
frurt reply.
"But a second is all I want," persist,
4d the caller.
f "I'U neb you directly, sir," with stern
, fceaa. i
! Tlie visitor took a seat in the genera
Wntion room, read the afteniiKm p
jwr, looked at the pictures and played
irlththedog. After thirty minutes oi
Lore had passed the medicine' mat
lame out of his den and, with an air ol
Lndeacenslon, said to the visitor;
I "Well, now, air, I am at your service
tour turn baa come. What can I d
for you V
i "Oh, nothing in particular," was th
ply. "I J"t dropped In to tell yoi
Lhat just before I called I saw a coupl
W men clearing your garden of thos
(towen you liad put in yesterday; that'.
bLV" London Tit Bita, . ' :
, that this was the lint lireut strike with
j which he had had experience, and he
did not propose u loee his head; the
only point at which there bad then
' been serious trouble was at Syracuse,
nnd there a deputy-sheriff had lost his
head and precipitated a.i encounter.
j The strike continued several weeks
and there was riotous action at various
' points along ibe roud, but tbe civil
without calling on the uiilitiu.
The toit of a man's real ability comeu
when an emergency arises which make
against him.- r
When he appeared in court Judgs
West, v.hc had been told of his facial
misfortune, immediately had him
placed on the witness stand."
H wish you'd turn around, sir," said
Julsii'.Vest, "so the jury may all sea
Tin plantifT turned Ids soul destroy
ing fate on the jury.
Turn clear around, if you piease,
jir," said Judge West, "eo all ihejury
can fiec you."
The mau wheeled himself iuto a
a hasty call on bis good juiJgmnt and iruer )osition yet, and the jury receive,
discretion. The man who retains bis the full benefit of it.
presence of mind, maintains his equi
poise and exercises sound discretion at
such critical junctures, is to be relied
on and will be put to tbe front
Men with level heads have the staying
qualities which do not fatter ic the face
of danger. Otis A. Cole, of Kinsman,
O., June 10, lS'J), writes: "Iu the fall of
' 1888, 1 was feeling very ill. I consulted
a doctor and he said I had Bright' dis
ease of the kidneys and that be would
not stand in my shoes for tbe state of
Ohio." But he did not loje courage or
give up; bo says: "I saw the testimonial
of Mr. John Coleman, 100 Gregory S',
New Haven, Conn., and I wrote to him.
In due time I received an answer, stat
ing that the testimonial that he gave
was genuine and not overdrawn in any
particular. . I took a good many bottles
of Warner's Safe Cure; I have not taken
any for one year."
Gov. Hill is accounted a very success
ful man; he is cooi and calculating and
belongs to the class that do cot lose
their heads when emergencies arise.
A Queer IMiicc to STwnriii.
Bees sonu-times select queer abodes
but one of the queerest yet is the hon.t
of a newly aw armed colony in Augusta
They have tuken possession of a veutil
ator Hue of tin: chimney leading frou
the clerk of court's ollice at the court
house and as many as fifty are at timet
buzziiigaround Clerk of Court's Choate'i
desk. As yet they have stung no one,
but the occui ants of the. room do not
fd uuile at .vse,-.Lewiston Journal
A Prodigal ladei-U,
l ater sly son, beware or young
Winks. 1 le's a spendthrift, and plays
fast and loose with his cash.
Son Xever knew that of film, and
non't think you can prove , your state
l'alcr I can. I saw him buying foi
lady in his company three pears and
a peach, with the air of one who was
doing an ordinary act l'lUaliurg
Mom Hleurt.
it is generally gupposeo that the fact'
that bread grows sUlc arises from the
bread becoming actually drier by thej
tradual loss of water; but this is notl
the case. Stale bread contains almostj
the same porportion of water as new'
bread after it has become completely)
cold. The change is merely in the in-i
iernal arrangement of the molecules ot!
thebiead. A proof of thin i, that ii
iveput a stale loaf into a closely covered)
tin, expose it fir half an hour or an)
hour to a heat not exceeding that ot!
boiling water, cud then allow It to coolj
t w ill be restored in appearance and
properties to the state of new bread.--
CbnHer. .
During an awful, painful silence ol
five minutes the man sat there. X
one spoke. The jury, with gaze riveted
on that banerul face, sat mute and
motionless. Judge West calmly
stroked his beard. Then when the peo
ple began to grow nervous and appre
hensive he quietly said:
"That's all."
n u-nn the case. The Influence ol
that awful face had done iU deadlf
work. Toledo BUde.
The Bright Boslonesc.
The Boston girl may wear glasses,
but she has energy and push when she
desires to reach a desired end. One ot
them recently devised a neat scheme to
get her verses, which were usually "de
clined with thanks," published. Sha
would send a line or a verse from ona
of her poems to the query column ol
soma paper, and ask from wnat poem
such a lino came, the name of the
poem, and that of the author.
A friend, also a rhymster, would send
the querist's own poem to the paper
with the desired information, and ot
course t would appear in print. The
querist would do the sains for her
"friend," and so on until between them
they had the most of their effusions
printed. If that doesn't show gonius
we are no judges of tliat Boston com
modity. -Manchester Union.
A Munooicr.
"I have about come to the con;
Mntoii that a surface road is a m&
. low do you make that out V"
"Because nothing short of an invcstl
gating committee will bring anything
regarding we auairsiviuo o
New Yftfc worid.
: In the person of Miss I'milie Sells
America has produced a woman who,
during the past few intnithi, has baen
astonishing London music hall patron
by her wonderful feats of contortion.
Some of her tricks surpass the most
wonderful of those performed by thi
"snake man," without whom no circiu
b complete.
She discovered that she possessed hei
peculiar ability by pure accident. Af
ter witnessing the feats of a male con
tortionist at a theatre one night Misi
Sells went home, tried to imitate them
and to her surprise found lhat slu
could do it. Then she commenced U
practice with a view of going on tin
stage and in a short time she had mad
her spinal co.'umn and joints sorlexaalt
that the body could ussuine almost an)
position. -
It ia the easiest thing in tiie world
for her to turn back on you, and, with
out moving her feet, twist the tipjiei
part of her body so as to face you
Another favorite trick of hers la to lit
on the stage, raise her right foot, twist
her leg and use the heel of her foot as a
pillow for her head. Such little thing.?
as twisting her legs around the back ol
her neck' are common feats for her.
One day she called on Dr. Dvvight,
the famous Philadelphia physician,
Whose astonishment at her antics knew
to bounds, and he said he wouldn't be
surprised to hear of her snapping her
spinal cord and dropping dead.
Miss riells, however, says that she
feels no pain or giddiness when she is
pn the stage. Many people thought
lie used a "snake oil" to limber hei
bones, and a few have offered her large
prices for a few bottles, but the fact ii
the uses nothing. On one occasion a
visitor forced his way into her dressing
room and, snatching a bottle of em
brocation, slipped a $10 bill into her
maid's hand and dashed away with the
: Miss Sells eats anything light and
easily digested, and she nightly prac
tices a little before going on the stage.
On the modern stage there are many
men and boys who earn a living as
contortionists, but very few woman.
The authorities, however, declare that
only women are recorded as performing
in ancient Kgypt, and but few instances
were known of men and boys contorting
In Greece and Home, while in the early
Saxon translations of the gospels it ia
stated that the daughter of llerodiaa
"tumbled" before Herod.
Last year the internal revenue rroru
tigarettes was over 81,000,000. The in
crease over the year before was $145,
JOt). And tliis indicates the increase
if the consumption of the daily article
Hiring the year boys and young
Minumed 2,230,000,000 of these littl
paper rolls of poison. Tnera are mul
titudes of boys, not yet gi own, who
toinke from twenty to sixty a day.
Millions of Hnmc-io Wars the Standard.
'J lie aft f rnee mado. lion not taiBM steak.
) at a i-at distance. Tboiauid at tola.
i.-.uniHi. be! f-r circular anl INritaaa Maej
. A. BAKBEH. PmaMent.
i:i-n Wiife. Aririn
Sour Wire Fence Co..
,-.'3 UI'LCA liVIM. ni.ll.iuin, tnivanA
A. nTKEn. te-ntur. V.'x. UOLBf.NWEl'K. '
Stomach Powdei
U dm c Dyapepaia and
nnciTivn V
rVJUITEiLI, Stomach Powdei
Haa BO Equal tct
IDdlgeallOB .
1'rle TS mil P! Bex.
Snfficirot for 8 day treatment. .Vailed it. an? nd
drww upon receipt at trice. Write F tonii-
W. I'oik tit.. Cbiwim. U
Send for Or. Gregg's Book
How to Cure Tourselt
! Ir. S. II. cCfclKSj. OrlflMl UUe!
I I'uinUu Opium AalMota. r
.VTJ enre yon at 1 ome witliout anf initrrapHea
rf oiii'iinrr Imsine. Hook epiit f i U all) arL.
I dret liundmla of oriiual twdmiak n4
lt,yiiciaH! i-iidotlir fT i&apef-tiii at mv nr.
ficw. IU,i: '.1 Airi' Kaprx-a lmildiiuc, 11
n ft, I :hiece-o. i 11., 1'. O. Itraw t mi ((oimellr
I Jt Port. Jnd
At Home by Electricity.
10e Stamp.
Home Treatment I.lectric Co.,
191. WebaeU Ave., Clilingu, 111.
KA11NUS and bKNOfSia
of FrNBlox 4 noi'MTV Inw.
Blank and information f no
fount addrew.
Itiekford, Waaaton, 1) ('.. late of Ce. b, iM
N.U. lnfl.
tor the General Ailment of Hones, Cattle, HiM
ana etneep. jury innuy u , -r
cure d.M-ase. llonrat iiml reliable, la honeet
For tal
(I r M chang c
t f A) itions.
,SJ1: WiilJi Av.. riii'fliro. 111.
(,KO ( MOIMi AM Wtrn Agttt
i,nn i .s l&eatiy
Yisierday morning at exactly K
o'clock a well-dressed young nian en
tered a gate on Congress street east and
pulled the door-bell of a house.
Xo response. - '
Then he turned to the front of th.
house and pulled the bell again. After
waiting and watching for a couple of
minutes he went to the side door, (let
ting no response to hisjrepeated knocks
he pidled a paper from his pocket and
was making a "mem" when c second
story window was carefidly raised, a
pail of water balanced for an instant
on the sill, then souse it went over ( lie
young man b.dow. lie uttered a yell
and leaned inta a lilac bush and irom
there he reached the fence and gained
the street . Just then a otticer cam up
and asked: , .
"Anything the matter?" r
- 'Oh, only a trine. - -
'What are you doing In there?"
"Trvinir to collect interest on a chat-
tie mortgage that's alL Lady told me
to call at 10, and I. called. She wai
'ready for me. Good day." Detroit
Free Tress. . ... ...
"A'a other Wttkty Paptr gitu suck a Variety of Entertaining and Intiructin Reading at to low a price."
a. fcV ffl .
crcciucv corns ajh i-vll - asnovscevent wai. bi sext ex AFnicATiost.
Illustrated Serial Stories.
Tli Sloriet tnsajed far tlio year will bo of unusual lutcrcst and Finely IUmtrsted,
Through Thick and Thin ; Ij Molly Elliot Seawell.
Nepigon ; U C. A. Stephens.
Caieika ; by Hjalmsr Hjoxth Eoyeseu.
Kent Hampden ; by Rebecca Harding Davis.
The Hcygood Tea Sccvice; by Elizabeth W. Bellamy.
pai-kace; lined ami warranted for over tweatr
vean KveryuiietiwnlRcaliuraeorcallleBlieaJi
Klve ii a trial. Mad tty km
Madf tty KainaRT rnoraunaar
Caicaico. Hold by all (Iruioclsla.
t Mam tliebablea are carried on the
. , j t.i nf thai mother and it I
b,,,...----- - vnmn need it. It'i a lcml
U not an uncommon uiibw"i"' - ..-". vwr.A
.ZnteofTearsokltitttinf-tride ot . m-U ' -PJ255
The turning point
in woman's life bring peculiar
weaknesses and ailment, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
brings relief and cure. It is a
powerful, invigorating, restorative
tonic and nervine. It imparts
strength to the whole system in
general, and' to the utenne organs
nd inncndaffcs in particular.
"Run-down," debilitated and deli
cate women need it. It's a lcgiti-
tu f ataer't tnoukkrt smoking a cigar
Mrfectlr harmless. It's guarantied
to give satisfaction in every ease, or
money refunded. Nothing else does
as much. You only pay for the
good you get Can you ask moref
- Ar a regulator and promoter of
functional action, at that critical
tun-tad of ohaon from eirlhood to
Vomanhood, Favorite Prescrip
tion'' is a perfectly safe remedial
i-ent, od can produce only good
results. It is equally eSeecioua and
valnahla in iU eSeflU wbsft takA
for tboat dkordm ud dtme-a-BMota
moiient to taU ltr sod
most critical perio4fci0at,,X
Chacs of LUs."
Army Life and Advontmre.
A Phenomenal Scout ; by Gen. O. O. Howard.
Reading Indian "Sign;" ty Gen. John Gibbon.
Hunting Large Game; by Gen. John R. troofce.
In Big Hora Canoa: by Gca. James C Brisbin.
Naval Life and Adventure.
Adventures of a Middy; Admiral David D. Porter.
Powder Monkeys; by Admiral S. B. Luce.
A Chat obout Samoa j by Admiral L. A. Kimberly.
Overland in a Man-of-War; Admiral J. H. GUlia.
Latest Discoveries in Science.
Shis Serios of Tapsn exp'.aim In a iljnp'.e mtnnsr llis recent reitarchei of ibe greateit SpcclaliiU la Sciencs.
The Stars ; by J. Norman Lockyer, F. R. S.
The Moon; by Prof. E 8. Ho'.den. The Ecrth; by Prof. N. S. Sha'.er,
Tbs Ocean , by Camilla Flammarion. The Sun j by Prof. C. A. Young.
College AtMe'iiio Sports.
By Harvard, rrincetoa scd Ya!e Ctjtaini.
College Boat-racing; by . R. W. Herrici.
Foot-Ball at Princeton; by '. E. A. Poe.
Bass-Balls Matchei Ut r.nd Wun; by A. A. Stags.
How to Choose a College.
Pour Artic-'.ci of prent talue to any young raaa connlderiug
a Colic; Education , by
Pres. Seth Lew. Honu Andrew D. White.'
Prof. Gcldwia Smith. Free, Merrill E. Gates.
Important Articles.
The Euceesa at tr.c Ear of Famens Lawyeri; by Lord Coleridge, Chief Justice of EneUnd.
Incidents in. the Lives of Famous Surgeons; 1?. Sir Morell Mackenzie, M.D.
Railway Storks by Railway Men; by Prominent Railroad Officials.
Jules Verne's Boyhood, tcliin bow he became a Story VTriier; by Jules Verne.
Among th Highlsni Feasaatryj Ly The Marquis of Lome. Illus. by The Princess Louise
The Oirl with a Taste for Music.
, How can Sbe mike the most of Ker. Volet
A remarkable imIm of ppr written expwMly fol
Thk Comi'axios by tlw inlawing : mom ilajm:
MaJamt Albani. , Mits Marie Van Ztntl
Misa Emma Jnch. Emm. Kwads.
Madams LIUiaa 'Koriica.
Thrown cn Her Own Resources.
What can a Girl cf Sixteen do ?
A P,r of l'oar practical ami Iwlpful ArtidM, wlilcli
jirove ufgtlie and a!uablc to anjr girl; by
Amelia E. Ear:. Jenny June."
Mary A. Livermore. "Marion Harland.".
And oth Favorite Writers.
Weekly Kalterlata n Currant Swtrta at hem. ard abroad. A Charninf Chlldrtn'i Pat Beery Weak. ,
HeaeekoM Article, will b. p.iU.ah.1 fr.ct:y. fLine .teM Mformnllon In tbe , ZlZ
Art Wart, Work,, tko UteetBiiea of lioomi, ll Carf riant., Cooktar, and Hint, on HouKkccplng,
FREE TO JAN., 1001.
T T Hew aafserifca rk will et a.t "" WJ, VSSa?
ra'e ae4rM and tJl.ta, w. win e4 Tka '"'aatula
Jaaaarv 1. 1M1. ad Ut a Pall Tear frem lhat Date. Tal.4tr llaa tka
mi T HollPAV MtrMBCBM aad all eh. I l.l.l STATED WSEKI.Y
kVPPLMIKXTS. Send amm,imllln Order, or TjaUttnd Letter.
Tim YcoTiro CsiPANiorj. csston, nsxs
' CkeM Kmy ITtafcAJ. ninttnM.-Kead in U0,O00 FumUiee.
01.7o I
Carts Chapped Handa. Faea f
Una. Tan. Sanborn, Vlmvl.
u.Icm rouirh akin eon ana
without be nit tyrjnar
Delicately p ifamed.Renoei.laoe
powder invliible and rnaka H a,
(.ere to the kin, Imparting at enea
a brilliant complexion.
Mailed to any addreaa on teeatft
of price. Send postal note, eutar
or sump. Addreaa plainly,
nSClambirnf Cummerr i-hleae.
Tbe largsat atock o Aftlfl Uyc in the Welt An as
sortment of eyes tent to say
'addreass, allowing purchaser
to select one or more and re
turn the bpJance thus assursae;
a perfect iU7 Office, i6,l State St., Chicago, 111
1H. II. A. CAFII5l.sJ,
consulting and operating surgeon to the Chloafe
Eye and Ear College. I'alients at m distance trealea
with unparalleled success and when visiting the city
are provided board and lodiring at reasonable eaten.
iW MorlicnnneM.HalataA
, iuu ii, m uuijvu
Ml of Catnrrh. Throat, Lonaa,
jntiu, i'orrw, in uieir Tart' US lorma.
I aHllFC By lrcatnlcnt Pure lovely compleaioa
sni iau "r irurn sauowness, xrecwea oiacn
heads eruptions, etc., brilliant eve' and perfect
h alth can be had That 'Hired" feeling ar.d all Fe
male Weakness promptly cured. Nervotit raatra
lion, Ge eral IVbility, Sleeplessness, Oepraesiea
and Indigestion, Ovarian troubles, InBammatiaa
and Ulceration, Falling and Displacement., Spinal
Weakness, Kidney Complaints, and Chang, of
Lute, vounNuii me oio uocior.
FV Itlll r i n Acute or Chronic Intatmna
Llr HlfU Llln tion of the Ev. lids or Globe.
and Far and Near Siirhtedness, Inversion of the
i.kiu ncrolulous Kyes, Ulcerations, Innammationa,
Abccsrs, DiinnesK of Vision of one or both eye.
and Tumnis of Lid. Inflammation of the Ear, UN
crratioii or Catarrh, Internal or External ; Deaf neat
or 1'iiralysis, Singing or ltoaring Noises, Thiev
urn iruin, ere.
spoiiiiciny, I -oss of Memory, Confusion of IdeM
ihim ih; jim c i hi; r-yi:
iion of Spitits, Ave
njyptl, Lack of confii
lutly or l(if?iness, pt-nnniiently cu
tilnr before the Kyc.IjinKiior.GloomiiieMDeprw
.tun m cipiriiN, rtvcrsonio society, itaniiy isiacoor
Hrtl, Lack of contidence, Dull, I-ik-tless, UaAt Cor
Uudy or l(if?iness, nd hndi life a tardea, aaltlf
rinnneiHiy cured.
Consult Conf.dtntially. H la
unv trouble call or write. De
Vnil la t-ci , stamps, for Medical Guide or Lew
' f' alth. Oihif hours, , . rn. to 8 p. in.
Free Trade Prices
Protect Ion I
No Munopolleal
Sewing lnowd" P
Maclilne. icmLri I D
are now aalline nnr
Weetern Improved Bintw
clewing Machine same aa
cut complete with all at
tachment, and warranted
fn, a .-mm I.... nni. aia
Send for oircn'ar nnd eoe full deecriution of tide
and other tyl to M. A. fcalila I Co. t W.
Lake .U. Chicago, 111.
P' t ur the renovaTer Maerlaana hair rroai aaaa
I th. face and areas earnsei rally and sainsMtJl
ly In nv. mlantsa. Barmleas aa. will not Injur, tbe
kin. Hand for drrakum. Or. WHITINC. Chemlat.
tulte 43.49, n t)t.M trw.l, Will!, ill:
nm umr rtii.
Acts radically but
and Oplata hahlt ctrctDl Hear
remedT. Parucular. Fit
AcU radically but gently; does not ctnaoat ba
fore building up; requires but a abort time; ana.
reeds when other treatment, fall; relieve, tanaaa
dlatety without Suffering or Semi Starvatioa :
Strictly a Home Cere; reasonable la coat; want
cases souciieo. awuws
u m A. Ckuaemo, IU.
2 & ei-
at I I' I
44 I
lUk I v
ffi I iaai". -aal
The nvat oom plate lias at
Drew Hefovaa Quad, la la
north weau taoiadlot th' oele. ,
brated nlpolaiMa OaUiarta
waiste, Jfin-. MUlgt apacaal.
tin. and Janey Knit OaJaiwaaa.
Bend sUosp for tree Uraatratad
7d Jladlaaa mU, Coioaaia
leading reaaedy far aU aa
naaalnria aisuVasms aa4
prlvata dlsiawaicaem. A
I es rial a our
' vauuf
se womea. . . .
atr.salrbT . Injeaerls)Ilaiisjai.Baiw
iTiaEvtMCBCIfirVl, l reccweeaiat .
.ttaoanuTL4 ,,'i.isu.ti.
u.a.- IMtl'lIt'-" ...r-
lwae -
j mourn ww
tM nuuu. nan
tar m
D3. A. O. OLICT COa, ' .
OX . Chtaatra, W. ' t -
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