The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 23, 1890, Image 2

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    T ' ",TX COUflty JOIaYTsSla
hK-aMark'ts. j
Wli KA J October, W o , uecetuuer, fr0Jn lh KJ,ilioo foiled States tress-
1103',: Msy, 91 ( 4. ; urer to that of tnird assistant secretary,
CORN October rtece"' , wouia ,n things considered, be in the
4It5.iv. Uiv. ai'.C .... .. i-.-i
- , ... r i Ddiuni ui ku instil unjuiuiii'ii.
OATS-October 11 V; December,;
41sc: Mav, NV U-
Jta'K Steady. at (3c;
FLAX Firm No. 1, I1U
PRI M E TI MOTH Y Easy, tl '-Sc
1 as.
PORK Market steady, mess, cash
G2N'r9 73 January-; U7-S; May,
112 37' i,
LAKO eteadv. Cash, '. 17r6 20;
January,; i.K May Pi 82'iC 1
FLOUR- Quiet, steady and easy.
Winter wheat. Si i'ft i'jrc spring wheat
ri 805 CO; rye, WSrtrZTO.
BULK MEATS-Short ribs, F 30;
Shoulders. 85 tSJ'4?3 73; Short clear
.i 70. 5 73
CUTTER Steady Creamery, l?;Zfc;
dairy. 13 1-.
CHEESE Easy Full cream ched
ders and Bta, 8,,18-tc; Young
Americas, DlM-jo.
EGGS Firm." Fresh, 18c.
TALLOW-Steady. Xo. 1, solid
packed, Xo.,i3' Jc; cake I'.c
HIDES Unchanged. Xo. 1 heavy
and light greon salted, 8c;
salted bull, t'c; green salted
calf, G$l,e; dry flint, 89c; dry
salted hides, 7c; dry calf, 3?i'c; deacons
FnaiHl J-l in llml.
WAKHiKtiTox, D. C, Oct 11. (ieneral
W. W. Belknap, ex-sccretary of war, was
found dead in bed yesterday morning
in tie Evans building on Xew Yorkave
mis in this city. The room in which lie
was found join. d his oflice rooms and
wns occupied by the general during his
wife s absence from the city. General
Belknap was last seen alive on Saturday
night about midnight, when he wason
his way to his rooms apparently in ex
cellent health. Mrs. Pelkcap, w ho is in
Xew York City has been notified of her
nusband's sudden death.
General William Worth Belknap vas
'wrn io Xew berg, X. Y., in September,
1829. He graduated from Princeton col
lege in IMS. and in 1S19 he removed to
Keokuk, la., wh re l.e practiced law.
(ieneral Belknap served through the war
leginn:ng hia service as the major of an
lows, regiment and at the close was brev
eted general. Ia October, 10! I, he wa
appointed secretary of war. This office
he retained during Grant's second ad
ministration and until March 1&76. when
in consequence of sbarges of official cor
ruption he resigned, lie was impeached
and triad before the senate for receiving
bribes and for the appointment of post
traders, and was acquitted on the techni
cal ground (if rant of jurisdiction.
The coroner's inquest showed that the
gsn irai suffered from fatly degenera
tion of U -heart, and that Jibe immedi
ate cause of hia death was in (tarnation
of the heart.
Criminal! jr Amattltett .
Shelbtvm.i.e, lso., Oct 13. Xora
Farlow, a feeble minded daughter of
Nathan Farlow, a well-to-do farmer of
St. Emers, near here, was critnina'Iy as
saulted 6 unday night by W. Slifer, Leslie
Averrsnd John Carroll, each about 17
years of age. The brutes entered the
house while the family were at church
and the girl at home alone. A boy
named Mook saw the villiane enter the
house, and bearing the screams shortly
sfter wards, surmised the truth and in
formed the neighbors. Slifer was cap
tured bu the other two escaped. The
officers are scouring the. country for
"them. Slifer ia in jail under a heavy
(ruard, as there are threats of lynching.
Fell and Ilrnke His Sera.
Fbakctsco, Oct 15. The only son
of Col. Charles Fred Crookera, second
vice president of the Southern Pacific
railway, fell over the banister in hm
father's house Sunday and was killed.
The boy was but ten year of age, and
would have inherited the bulk of hia
father's large estate, estimated at $15,
000,01)0. ", , -
Xiae NklBwrekMi Men.
Balimok, Md., Oct. 14. The team
ship Barrow more, from Liverpool ar
rived hare last Bight, having on board
nine shipwrecked men. The) were Cap
taia Mueller and the crew of the Norwe
gian briar Dover. They were rescued in
an unconscious condition Ovtoter 5 in
mid -ocean and the Dover aan k soon after.
11m Dover waa bound from Liverpool to
Halifax with 370 tons of salt tod had
when sighted been out thirty-six days
The sumps bad been worked constantly
far Ivw days and nights and the men
had given up hops whtn tbs Barrow
mors arjssarsd. Tbs Dover wasJ338 tons
and bsipngsd to Jnejen Halvsrton,
Oriastad, Norway. Captain Mueller re
ports that on ths morsiag of Sept 21 be
sk) lb wreck of a berk in laUtode
47 earth, loagitode 27 JB wast. . Tners
-ajff3n sf life about U vessel, nor
? U It hs sssa whether (bs life boaU
t as tbs decks were under
r CiiHla Knsllsr thinks that
UacrJirsD.COci. No cre
r ' lis rrm Cmt CaCsi
r" ''t "sy ai tin tfaaaary
. '"i')kji-rrsiii
:Ct:- n to
lid t r,rj
yar, that of an assistant sv-retary of
, . th treasury H .M a year; that there
ar three assistant secretaries and that
a new appointee would go down to the
1 bottom of the list in relative rank;
that the position of the treasurer in a
. pra -lically independent position while
, that of rn assistant secretary is not, and
for these reasons to transfer Mr. Huston
A Murderrr at l-'irir-B.
Mashaitas, Kax, Oct. 17. The young
est murderer ever committed in Riley
county now lies ia jail in this city await
ing the coming of Sheriff Martin of
Clieyeone, Wvo. His name is Charles
Miller. lU is fifteen years of age and is
the self-confoesed slayer of two St 'Jo.
seph, Mo., young m.n each about eight
een yrars old, who were stealing a ride
in a box car between Sydney, Neb, and
Cheyenne, Wyo. For weeks the oftieers
have been endeavoring to penetrate the
mystery surrounding the crime, the only
clue beng the fact that the brakemao
upon the train noticed what ho bud
pc4od to be a tramp get out of the train
and that a Dersou answering the de
scription which the former had given of
j the later and inquired at the railroad
i office regarding the prica of a ticket
from Cheyenne to this place.
The liee corresjiond'Ut called at the
jail today in conpatiy with Sherif!
Myers, and aas ushered into the recep
tion, where eat an intocent appearing,
grey-eyed boy, who looked litt'e like one
who hud taken the lives of tw j of hi
fellow creatures. If t u lktu freely and
frankly regarding the affair, making no
attempt at concealment. He said:
"I have one sister and Uirea brothers,
the fornir, a resident-of Rochester, X.
and the litter, of LeotmrJtville, thi
state. My pnreuts died when I was five
years old. My father kepi a saloon, was
a hard d-inker and tioaily committed su
cidtf. I was tnktm care of in a children'
home until I twelve old, when
I was sent to St. (Tiarles, Minn. The
man for whom I worked abused roe and
I came to Leonardsville. Leavirg there
1 went from Orcaha upon a Union I'a
cifiu freight train. Near Sidney, I
changed my quarters to a b:x car load
ed witti ties, and hidden among them 1
found two young fellows from St. Joseph.
I hud had nothing to ent for s veral
days snd was penniless, desperate and
hungry. Knowing that they had money
I conceived the idea of killing them.
Emmeraon had a revolver, ho I killed
him tint and then shot Fishbeugh.
From the body of the latter 1 took 17
j i , ' a i , i , .
ana a jai'K KDiie. i came simgni mj
Tjeonardsville, and the fragment of an
old paper in an out building there gave
an aexiunt of my crime was what hrst
caused me to confess."
BrMegreem Miaalna;, .
Auiiox, Michm Oct. 18. Another Dr
is missing this ime from this city
nnd Albion's social circles are greatly
ngitated. Some time ago Dr. Johnson
became engaged to one of the belles ol
the town. Yesterday was to ha-e been
the wedding day, and when the Dr. re
tired Tuesday night he notified the
clerk not to call in the morning. At
noon the clerk rapped gently on the
door of the doclor's room. There wot
no response and the clerk opened the
door. Some of his clothing was found
in the room, but there was no trace ol
the doctor, and the most persistent
search has failed to reveal any .clue to
his whereabouts. Ths young lady it
heart broken. The doctor had ordered
a lot of furniture and fittings for the
place he was to use as his oSise and res
idence The br de thinks there is fou!
play in the case or tha the doctor has
been tpirited away by some strange
power. Her friends say it is just a plain
case of sneaking away.
An Appeal for Help.
St. Pail, Mijr., Oct. 19. Mayoi
Smith baa received the following appeal,
signed by A. E. Bartlett and other
prominent citizens of Brown county,
South Dakota:
At a meeting of the citizens of th
township of Brainard, Brown county, S
D., to consider the question of procur
ing ths necessaries of life for the com
ing winter, a decision was reached that
help must b- obtained from outsidr
sources. We therefore solicit aid fot
tbs needy and destitute af this immedi
ate locality, caused by drouth and crop
failure during the t past two years.
Wheat, oats and barley and vegetables
ws have needed. , Our fuel is gathered
from the pastures, our clothing thin
and worn, oar farms and stock err
mortgagsd to such an si tent that ik
future loans can bs , secured on them
Ws must have hslp r many will suffer
and some will perish for ths want of it
Aaaaal Maatlne; mt tn railmaa Car Ceai
aarv Chicaoo, Oct 18. The annual meet
ing of ths Pullman palaos oar company
was held here yesterday. All ths old
directors were re-stsotsd, as follows
OeorseM. Pullman, Marshall Field, J
W. Doane, Norman Williams and O. S.
A.Prayns. After ths masting of ths
stookboidsrs the imed of directors met
sad rs slectsd George M. Pullman
prssidsat, and also rs-eleeted all th
oidsCosrs. Thsueos! qnartsrry diti
sVxsjafCSssr sharsfrom net saminat
C3fCa yaar aawtsdtsCl, t.
tvtmttm,KM,Ontt 11-Christsm
CasssICUdssr hnstaad, U Wit
tia fcAfcqlwti taaxjr nmJ
T" Mnier' uul a ! an lh K,ult
I buakw.iE,.,,).!! miOilli Mil'
on, a raroaer or Allegheny county, dis
covered that an intimate relation was
existing between his wife and Mars'. all
Halaey. Wednesday he found ths par
ties in a ooinpromiiiog position and
promptly shot llalsey. lb threatened
to kill hia wife bu her piteous pleading
caused him to desist. He told her, how
ever that he wished never to see her
again. Xew a of the tragedy soon spread
but everybody justified Dixon and
swore that they would pull down the
jail and free him if he should be arrest
d. Late in ' he evening, Charles Hal
ley, a brother of the dead man hunt J
Dixon dowc and pulling a revolver tried
to shoot him. Hs was prevented by
e vera I persons who said that if he
anted to tight he would have to light
'air and give Dixon a :bance. The
ord was given and both mea began
'.ring, llalsey was shot four times aod
fell dead, but Dixon was not hurt. Dix-
)n Las not yet been arrested, am) the
people of the county say do sheriff can
lake l. uu. Heretofore lie has been a
oeac-eable man an'l well kn?wn through
jut the county.
A Sror nf tliilil rn are llagljr Bu-acd.
Chicago, 0-t 10. A small lire at St
tanislaus Polish Cat hoi ;c church on
N'obleaiul Graham streets yesterday
aimed a Danic, and a score of children
were badlv burned. Some of them will
probably die. A patrol wagou from the
Raw-fon police station arrived, and the
-ouce with theaiu or the tire depart
ment, began to restore order. At first
'hey met with very little success. It
-eeais as if everybody within a mile
Around waa at the p'aoe, and
'.he crowd was so' dense that
a passage could only be made with
me greatest ot enorta. Alter naif an
hour's work the police succeeded m get-
'.ing the wore', victims to an adjoining
irug store,
The Rev. Father Barsnyki and bis as
itstants did all in their power to make
;le children understand that there was
co danger, but their efforts were rsn
lered fruitless by an old woman in the
-ear of the church who screamed "Fire!
ire! children you'l all be burnt Oth
ers came up from the basement below
and the jam was made all the worse.
Frank Dxsiewski, the 11 -year-old boy
.vho cannot survive, lay on ths sidewalk.
He received internal injuries, and the
.looters express no h ape for his recovery.
Horrible Tngty.
Bxxw, Oct. 19. Tbs city is excited
ive. a horrible tragedy just discovered
by the pe'ic. A builder named Scheaf,
residing in Rsiockendorf, a suburb of
Berlin, horribly mutilated and. hilled
his wife and three - children ' with a
hatchet and terribly injured two others
of his Ave children, who may yet die.
Scheaf was a builder who grew wealthy
during the resent real etats boom of
Berlin. He got into financial difficulties
losing nearly all his fortune, and was
hard pressed by creditors. Fearing the
proceedings ot bankruptcy be became
nearly insane with brooding over his
troubles, and of late bad shown signs of
being out of bis mind. In this cocdi
iion he attacked nia wifs and children,
horrib'y hacking them with a hatchet
early this morning, their cries for hslp
being heard by the neighbors. Soheaf
has disappeared snd a search is being
made for him.
Kebberjref M veral fas rmgmn,
Kansas City, Mo., Oct 19. Indefinite
information ct the robbery of several of
the passengers on the Missouri Pacific
Omaha expresu tonight has ' been recei
ved. The robliery occurred within the
city limits, but aa all the persons who
had knowledge of it besides ths robbsn.
went on with the train it is difficult to
Isarn anything. Conductor Wslch asnt
two telegrams to headquarters one
that several passengers on histrain bad
been robbed bf three men, and anotlisr
that J. A. Howsrd bound for Nebraska
City, was robbed cf 138, an dthat J. W.
Dolby drew a revolver on
the robbers and drove tbem from the
Terrible smtartac mt Saibm.
Sas Fbahcisoo, Cai-, Oct 18. Ths
ships R R. Thomas, Captain Ooulson.
from New York, snd Alsxsnder Mc
Cullum, Captain O'Brien, from Balti
more, which arrived here ysstsrdny, had
curvey on board. On fas Thomas
there were foar cases and seven on the
MoCullom ths man were in a horrible
condition, ibeir bodies were covered
with running sores and their gums
black and swollen. Tha sailors say that
during the voyage of 164 days they baa
not tasted vegetables of any sort aad
the meat given tbssa was putrid. Two
of tbs men, James Mnsurs and Thomas
Hayes, ss a result of ths dissssi, bad
become bHnd during tbs voyags of tht
Thomas. Second Mats Caspar was lost
overboard. The ease will bs rsportsd
to ths Usited States SBthoriUes by th
quarantine ofiosra.
Hwat nanirasallir WeasSeS.
Cmicmio, Oct. Id. Officer Jungs of
the Stanton srense station was shot,
aad probobiy fatally wounded, by Tim
Kaddso, a brother ofioW , at 3 oVfeofc
yeeterday morning. Tha two ptitlesmsa
tot into ths orai(aUos kaswn ssQha
Unllsd Order of DsMttiss. Jaags
0Mr draw bis raralm a4 abet Jwy-
thaisoststtwaicjs oUvt
to swart. TMlaiwrlJa was
vsyed Utka Ciefcr4 - hospital
j The Keariey Joitruel is eighteen
I yens old, and it is sll right.
j J. R. Mote of Kearbey lost a barn and
1 team of horses by fire Wednesday.
A. C Pepper of Rudolph has missed
twelve head of cattle from his herd.
Hemingford is soon to have a butter
packing establishment It will be r
good thing for the farmers.
George Seyfert residing near Fair
mont realized 00 bushels ot potatoes
from feur acres of ground this year.
The M. E. cbursh at Hastings held a
jubilee Friday night over the conversion
of a hundred smils during the reviva1.
Two of Prof. C. D. Brakeatraw's chil
dren, at Nebraska City were jolted out
of the rear at of a buggy and severely
i Elmer Williamson, residing near Hum -bo'dt,
killed IV) iat while cleaning out
'hisgranery. He now feels greatly re-
! Miss Emma Lsa?b has retired from
tbo management ot the Ashford A'lro
rate snd G. L. Shumway issumes entire
The boodle commissioners and court
House qaotrsctor st Fairbu-y have been
'ined by Judge Morris and this ends
hat ugly case.
, A conference of christian workers is
to be held in David City Oct. 23, CO un-,
der the direction of the Y. M. C A. dis
trict committee.
Northern Box Butte county is soon Is
be bleeped wih aa irrigating ditch. The
county will never regret the day it made
this advanced step.
There ia much typhoid ever at Xe
braaka Ci'y and Dr. Watson think it is
due to a slough running past ths pack
ing and slaughter house.
Some toothsome wretch stole a 1300
case of dentistry tools from Dr. R. D.
Messier of Falls City the other day
while he was waiting at the depot
. jury at Fairbury found Scott Stone
guilty of rape. Judge Morria gave the
prisoner a new trial because he thought
the evidence did not warrant the
The county comsaissioners of Otoe
countv have recinerlbi the order forbid
ding political or other meetings in th
court house. It vraa a wise step on their
Ths l . M. C. A. at 1 ork is titling up
new rooms and wi'l occupy them some
lima in November. It will hare more
room and better accommodations in the
new location.
George Hull of Kearney was found
wandering aroaud the street ot St
Louis in a demented condition. His
relatives at Kearney were notified snd
went after him.
Elk creek has a firebug asd he
needs rootiag out Last Thursday tie
let fire to au old barn and it was with
much difficulty that the citizens saved
the surrounding houses.
A lot ot Iowa Indians went from the
,-oeervstion to Rulo the other day and
got dntnk. While going home Mrs.
Cosooma tell from the wagon in whiob
he was riding and broke her neck.
Joseph Knotts, a Plattsmouth youth
waa struck on the head with a stone and
severely hurt His playmates did it
jjstforfun. Joe thinks it poor fun to
-arry a knot on hia head as large as s
con's egg.
Tbs citizens ot Humboldt made up a
runs for a certain man to take his jin
rey out of town and shoot it. He took
lbs gold, snd went ovsr to s neighbor
ing town snd sold M:ss Jinney to s
banker as a burro.
A young man who calls himself Frank
C Werunan was caught last Sunday at
at Ansa mo in the act of breaking into s
hardware stors at that place. He wss
taken to Broken Bow and lodged in
jail. He admit breaking into ths store,
but rays bis only object was to secure a
gun to commit suicide.
The citizens of FellsCity claim that
Viieir water works bare paiJ for them
tvs i, number of times in ths proper
ty thai has Uses sivsd from fire. The
water is purs and wholesome also, (t is
taken from walls north of the oily.
And aa tba dip or current of sheet-water
underlying ths c'.ty flows southeast,
tbsy have water ss pars ss sand can
make it, naVurs's best flitterer.
To our sastern breihrsn who omitaav
platan comiag out to Nebraska to assa-fl
V) the heathen the following smsst is
r.reo ia order to show lb nwMsssity of
oading op to saad. Last Wsdnssdsy
Rsv. N. U.'a. ffaV and Prat Cksmoos of
I rssnont started out la tha oonntry to
sStasjd a wssMlag Thy were driving a
lirsrriaasL aod when nsar tbs
Ostcaa Hons aad Land oosspao's
yards tbs horses bscsms og'f sed kicked
f.ri(aUUtUoss. Tbsvdid aotsoo
.mU, howsver, in avitlag away, and
tbsy bad got throogh kloHisg aad
rad aothtag sLte to Uefc, tha rsverend
gsaUssaan of ths oioth kspd astrlds of
km of tha mesa, aaraly bratss
rods to torn, ssenrsd anothsr rig, drovs
4ttflssanof tbslats nastsssaat-
aMfMtnenCsssorsod want
0ttUwd4iMUoci With
,t ktJ barpsasd. l. rJa la tbakiad
hataias out hara, Vim aa
at ta saarry a sospts ha cats Utara.
There were 30,'M) on the VVichiU
fair grounds the last day.
The poorest sidewalk io Atchison is
in front of a lumber yard.
Two men at WaUeney haveexpendeu
000 in a lawsuit over a cow.
Lawrence has the best houses and the
poorest sidewalk of any city io Kansas.
Ths Wipfield Tribune has changed
from a morning papr to an evening paper.
A wealthy Tofieka man has purchased
one of the largest salt plant in Hutch
inam. ,
The Fort Scott papers claim that there
ia a very active movement in real es
tate in that city.
The Coffeeville Journal says there
sre a) ore children in tnat city than can
be accommodated in the publio school
There sre several packers shipping sp
ples out of Lawrence. Douglas county
wO make & pile of money out o'. fruit
this year. .
The Salvation army at Wichita gave
an ice cream festival the other night
The N. A." will becomf just as worldly
by and by as t be churches.
Governor Riddle, who is the smallest
editor in the state io stature, not in
brain, publishes the Minneapolis Mecn
ger, the bigest paper in Kansas.
Whenever there is a college contest of
any kind in Kansas the students of the
state agricultural college can al way be
"spotted" by the corns on their fingers.
William Dunkle, or Musoolah ha sold
his appU crop of forty acre to a New
York man for $3, 00. Thi- ia more than
be could have soid the land for las'
A great many women ot Kanaaa are
notaries public. It is said, however,
that they learn to swear other people
much quicker than they learn to swear
It is said that Ed Howe makei 97(4) a
mon,h out of the Atchison OMm. The
chances are that if any other man ahould
buy it and attempt to run It ho would
starve to death.
The farmers of Doniphan county wit!
sell their apple crop this year for 8100,-
000. But it will take about ten apple
crops aa big as this one to pay off the
debt of that "ousty.
A good sized newspaper fight is on at
Emporia. That town has been protty
lonesome for n few months, and the
noise that ia being made now remind
the settlers ot ofd t 1 uca.
It it hadn't been for the Mettmar
muider nnd the board of police commis
sioners the newspaper of Leavenworth
would have been pretty short on Iocs
news for ths past few yeas.
There were only two members ot tb
Oklahoma le-rialaturs wbo voted for th
Kansas cods of laws when ths questioi
name up there. And yet no one has ac
cused the settlers of tocl'ing io bravery
Two correspondents of a Newton pa
ner are having an animated discus
sion as to the population ot tie infer
nal regions. As yet, however, neither Iibi
suggested that any Kansas man hn
gone there.
They have more watermelons thai,
can be sold on the markst in Arkanaav
City. The doctors, and the farmers wh
planted plenty of melons about Arkan
sis City, are bboul tha only ones in tlv
county who are getting rich.
John N. Reynolds has made nearl;
30,000 in the paat eighteen months sell
iog his boon in reference to the Kanau
state penitentiary. Still there don'-
seem to be soy other editors in 11
State who want to make money as ran;'
y aa that.
At Atchison as Mrs. Daniel Kline,
highly reepe.ted lady, wa going fron
th residence of Jsrob George to he
horns on ths opposite side of ths street,
she was assaulted by a man and womsr.
who placed a cloth over her bead ai
attempted to take her pocketbook an:.
watch. She commenced to scream, tn
R. T Hazard, tbs new sdi'or ot tbs Pa
triot, who bnpened along that wa ,
started to her rescue, and th robber
fled, crossing ths river in s skiff.
As II. B. Fortnsr. ot Wichita, wa
walking in tha resident portion ot th.
city shortly sfter dark, two man covered
him with their revolvers, and asked foi
his money. He gave them $200 in cash
a 14 X) diamond pin and a gold watch
Aa soon S bs waa rslsssed hs rushed
boss, sseured a revolver , stsrtsd after
tha nasa and followed tbem six blocks,
firtef a number of shots without' result
Us was just back from Denver and waa
supposed to bars won on tbs races an.i
It ta believed bs ws followed from ths.
by his sssailanta. Fortunately a so p
aa bs left the train hs left st ths hots'
roll of mousy.
Ths wits of John Bean of Valley Fall
sgsd 63 years, gars birth to twins or.
Monday evening. Her daughter, Mr
dtrsttoa, who lives in a neighberir i
township, presented hr husband with
twins ths same svso inc. Mrs. SlrsltonV
dsugfater Era was married a year ago
and livss in Arriagtos. Thsfrisnds ot
Mrs. Strsttoa snd her mother were not
yst through ooogralutstipg thsm over
th istsssstiag natal ootaoldsnoe la th i
tarn Hiss when Mrs. glrattoa rsosirsd
Utter frna bar aon-in-law aaaouno'i
UiatbarogBtsrhad ft van birth
twtsabsfsstfoalloBday avsalng. Ti
thras dsnbls births osoorrsd within U:
laatss of saeh other.
The lluurt Hotrl at Hynu-Hftt, X.
Y., Totally Icbtroyrl.
Many I'msI Lm from WMtin m-.4
art Killnl iMHllr.'
SrEAfHME, N. Y, Oct 17.What has
proved to be the most diaalroua fire
that has visited Syra us for many years
years was discovered in the Leland ho
tel yesterday at li:30 o'clock. It ia now
2 o'cIock mni the fire is still raging, al
though the onlir fire department, con
siatingof nine engines, ia working hard
to aave further losa of life and limb.
An eye witnees of the fire sajs ho ia
positive that at least twenty-five persons
lost their I've and many more injured.
One woman was being lowered from
a window by the aid ot a rope. Siiebad
reached a point opposite the third story,
when thx rope became ignited from a
burning sill, the rope parted aod the
woman fell to the pavement, h-r brains
being dashed out and her body flattened
into a shapeless mast1.
' S great is the confusion and excite
ment that .he identity of those killed
and injured is unknown.
The fire is said to have stancd-in th
The building will be a total loss. It
was built two vcars ago a, a cost ot
l.V),fX). It was six stories bigh and
contained 400 rooms.
It is impossible to learn how many
guests were in he hotel at the tim the
(ire broke out.
The total loss will not fall abort ot
.1 a. m The hotel is still burning.
Vcgue rumors are afloat that the list of
killed will number fifty persons, but
this fact cannot be substantiated and it
is believed the number will l.e lea than
twenty-five, the first estimate. The
guard lines stretched A men tno street
are inadequate to keep back the surgi
cal crowds of people that are packed in
the streets leading to the hotel, and po
lice are atationed ull around the build
ing. The cenes and incidents connected
with therescueof the inmates are heart
r ding in the extreme. The cries of
the women standing in the upper win.
dows and of t Iib excited crowd below
were deafening, and added to thia the
constant roar of many lire engines cre
ated a babel of confusion and panicky
excitement in and around the hotel.
The newspaper representatives are en
deavoring with all the energy at their
command to obtain substantiated list
ot those who lost their lives, but have
met with little success. .,.,
At 1:22 a man and woman were seen
locked in each other's arms in a window
no the fifth floor, at the northeast cor
ner of the building. Beinw theai waa a
perfect Bea of llamea. No possibility ot
escape except by the window wa open
to them and it seemed inevitable death.
No assistance could reach them. The
women seemed anxious to jump, but
her husband wns earnestly entreating
her to desist The crowd below waited
with bated breath. The women made
one lost effort to jump, but wa restrain
ed by er husband and the cry of tbe
crowd aignalled the awful eoj that muat
have befallen them aa they fell back
ward into the room in a mass of flams.
At a window on the fourth fl or, al
most diieotl) uader thi, o t.onian waa
surrounded on all sides from the inter
ior of the room by fierce flamed. She
seemed irresolute aa to whether to jump
to the pavement or to face the fiery foe
that was fast encroaching on her liberty
and life. She stepped upon the silt ot
tne window and placed ber hand above
her had. The people turned their
head to keep out ths horriable sight
that ranat meet 'heir gaxe ahould the
woman jump to tbo ground. Th wo
man did not jump, but seemod to bs
withheld by fesr or by a fssling that er
cap would com f torn some other source.
Sbs stepped down from the sill into ths
room, but remained at the window but
an instant, wheu ths Jvhoteroom became
enveloped in flames snd tbe woman sank
back from view.
. Ttit-jr Can b uv lised.
Lark Mi-HoKK, N. Y. Oct, 14. -The
eirhlh annual Indian oonfsranoe at
I a :e Mohonk began yesterday. Presi
dent Gates of Amherst college waa
mxde chairman. Geoeral Whittlesey of
Washington, secretary of. the board of
Indian commissioners, gave a general
survey of tbe liel 1 and referred especi
ally to tbs bppy change in publio sen
timent in tbe st fsw years, due large
ly toinflusocsemsnatingfrom Mohonk
Ex-President McCosh read an able pa-
Kr to demonstrate ths eapscitv of the
dian tor civilization. Ths woiat of
red men, bs said, are not in a lass favor
able condition for civilisation thsa our
own tnorsto a, ths Britons, as described
by Csssar. It waa Christianity that
-rough! their change and it would do
ths sams for ths Indians.
"'A Pe lar Case,
Coi.i'MRi a, Kas. Oct 14.-A peculiar
eaas with a peculiar defense esmabefors
the court in this city Saturday. James
Wilson was arrested for breaking into a .
aalooa aad etssliog a quantity of liquors.
Ths act was uot denied but tha defenss
set up th plea Uat a ths selling or
keeplog of liquors was oontrary to law
ths not of tahiog was no crims. Tbs
jory returned a vsrdiot la favor of tha
defendant aad ha waa rslssssd. H was
then rs-arrsstsd on lbs cbargs of steal
ing ths boUlss aad prsliaslaarr sxs&Ua-
atioa will ba hsM today.