The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 23, 1890, Image 1

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    The Sioux County Journal,
"VOL. 3.
H-AIEIRrSOlsT, USTEIB., OCT. 23, 1890.
-T. O. Williunm is j.uttin down
well in Wyoming.
Siitterlee. Walker tinil lh ffmi'il
L. J. KIbmoum. Editor and Proprietor. ! now have full possesion of "rotten
Dr. Shufer reports tlie arrival of a
great, big boy at the Louie of A. M. Tay
lor on best Sunday.
F.E.4M.VE. B. Timetable.
Ooti.g n.t . liofng Kat.
Va. 1, pmwnifer, S:st! No. Mi, pnwtiRcr, :W
o. SJ, frriKtlt, 6:33 .No. W, freight 8:00
torn per bmirlrel t..
U x"r liunttreil .
MiorU-rwr lmiulrml
Ilraii-prr uundreil t.
rl r)io)pwl- ht huiiilred f
J'otatowt-per hundred t
flultrr ier Ih .
fit- per dun
l'onltry-per doi... . J
Ojjon-per t'
ll"Knn - wr .
4 OMl- XT tO.l . .
T.owJ per cord
Lmler native-jr in. ft
t'orreeti'd -very 'J linil.iy
1 2S
l m
l 10
1 10
75 a 8 on
i So
3 Ml
IS no
(Jet photo's at Haines.
- See our new combination offer.
For faiiii loans o to S, 11. Jones.
Wasted Several load.-, of wood on
Mil MTidion at this oltice.
Horse blanket, wool, i.-hmh and f.n
rolx-s jt H. A. t'linninliain's
llaines will lie iu Harrison hut a
abort time ho that thoi-e who want
ihoto's should call soon.
THE Ji ft'HN.U. anil the Omaha, II 'n k-
lire for one your for $'i.7"i, cah in ad
vance... Just received nt Mr. II. A.- lun
jjincjiaiii' a new shx k of fall nnd winter
millinery goods.
Iiililu School at 10 o'clock sharp. It
is desired that all make ii'i eirort to he
cm time.
No fictitious certificates, but solid
facts, testify the marvelous cures by
Ayir's Sanparilla.
Potatoes, oniont-, cabbage and other
kinds of garden "miss" taken on sul -scrip
lion at this office. Anything fjood
to eat is as good its ca-li to us.
l'avid liarUett is buiiilinj,' a m w
residence on his farm south ol town,
lie snyn he wants to live comfortable,
if he does keep t'lsichclor's hall."
It only takes f3.75 to pay a year in
advance for THE JoTRXAL and the Omaha
Werkly Ike. Now is the time to sub-
scribe. " ".'u j.nji.n.
The material for the new business
building of H. A. Cunningham is lieing
put on the ground and the work of put
ting it up will be pushed along as rapidly
as possible, d. W. Hester has the con
tract to furnish the material and do the
' C. L. Brooks informs us that he ex
pects to have a lot of new machinery at
his mill within the next sixty days,
among which will be a shingle mill,
planer and other apparatus, so that he
will lie prepared to furnish all kinds of
Jumlnir needed.
Seasonkd Lt'MBKu: We have a good
supply of seasoned lumber constantly on
Juind at our mill on West Boggy. 10
and 12 feet f 10.00; 14 and lfi feet $12.00
per thousand feet First -class native
shingles always on hand. Kitst-class
second-class 'l per thousand.
J. E. A UN EH.
An adjourned meeting of the fiioux
County Alliance will lie held at Harri
son, Net.., on Saturday, Oct. 25, 1800. ut
o'clock, p. m., at the court house. .
II. CJ. Stewart, President.
Notice is hereby given that applica
tions will lie received by the otlicers of
school district No. 7 for the position of
teacher of the primary department of
' tfie school at Harrison. School to com
mence on Monday, Nov. 4, 1W00. Wages
o be paid, $25 per month.
S. L. R. Maine, Director.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. have
arranged for a grand rally on' Tuesday,
, Oct. 2Hth, at the c hurch. It is hoped
that the neon from the country, m
well as those in town, will turn out.
Let us see the capacity of the house
A light snow aoconiauied by a high
wind visited this locality Monday morn
ing. The white flakes melted nearly us
fast as they fell.
v The dance at the court house cm hist
J j Friday evening was a very pleacnt af
fair. I ho uttemuuice was not as large
as on some occasions, but enough were
there to make it interesting. Other ir
ties of like nature will proliably be
quite frequent during the winter.
It will lie rememliered tliat the gang
and its organ last fall made the hardest
fight against Judge Barker during the
campnigit nnd the result was that Barker
received the biggest vote of any man on
the ticket. Taking that as an indica
tion, C'onley will lie elected" by a hand
uue majority.
TieiiK-mlw r Unit IT.iiiy.:', the photo
jmpher, will remain but a few days
longer and if you want anything iu his
line you should call at once. f you
want a picture of yourself or family,
you should take advantage of this q
ioitunity, for his prices are exceedingly
The gang organ says that fonlcy i
in the hands of his friends and that his
Irier.ds are to be pitied. There is one
thing certain, and that is that Conlcy
will never prove a traitor to those- Who
nominated him, as did 1'. P. I avis, the
"advisory" iiitmlier of the Herald Puli
liahing Company, two years ago.
It is reported that George Furneval,
who murdered live persons in Nunce
county some years ago, has been ch
tured in Mississippi, A man's crime
usually overtakes him, no matter how
he limy dodg-,;. Should tlie report prove
true, it is likely that the purpelrutor of
the cold-blooded murder of live jiersoiis
will pay the penalty "f his crime.
At the recent county institute four
scholarships wire oll'ered as prizes by
the Iowa Slate School of Shorthand, of
Kellogg, Iowa. The following are the
names of those to whom the prizes were
awtuUfci) aud the grades -4-bHt
excelled: A grade, Miss Eva E. (Jonnorj
& grade, Miss Anna Price; C grade, Miss
Addah Aruer; D grade, Miss Minnie
Some one broke into the harness
shop of II, A. t. unniiigluim lust, Thursday
night and took aciiich oil' the iinest hud
dle ho had in the shop. The entrance
was effected through the window at the
rear of the shop. This is the first case
oj burglary in this place that we have
heai-d of for some time. A few petty
thelts from cellars, barnii or like places
have been reported occasionally. If.
some one is going to burglarizing people
had better look to the protection of their
The last issue of tlie Jh.rahl con
tained a card signed by F. L. Simons,
the gang candidate for coniinisioner, de
nying the sta lenient that ho intends
leaving the county if not elected, and he
clenches the statement with tho regula
tion argument of the gang "liar." It
will be but a few days until Mr. Simons
will be defeated, and what follows will
prove w hether Till! JoCHNAL was misin
formed or not.
. The report from White lhver is that
Uau Klein says he is going to do all he
can against Conley until election and
then leave the county. It is safo to say
that the influence of such men will not
lie im;i!(lt injure C'onley to any
great ejcUat. it is men who have about
the same amo'.ml of interest in tlie fu
ture of lh county who are making the
most of the light against C'onley.
Some of our farmers complain of
the treatment received at the hands of
the threshers. It is said that for a time
j they ch irgcd six'dollars a setting w here.
there wits not sufficient to make that
ttd. Extra seats can I wcuvwl amount ut tire regular rate per bushel,
)uy every lover or ttio iiome ne present
Mrs. 8. C, D. Baskhtt, Pre.
St. Louis
Sent Free to any Acldre
" ST. LOUIS, M0.
PERSONAL. I On Account of Short Crops.
C. S. Scott and John Wade are in Cus-j jhe state board of educational lands
ter county for a few days. and funds met on last Monday and
W. It. Smit h went down the road last ! adopted the following as a reieif tneas-
Mouday evening.
,pre for western farmers whose crops
tailed them the nast season:
i "WHEKEAS. There are at present a
l payment o" senfr'mTtTTnTlfiW
Whereas, It would be a hardship to
r...... 41... nl IKU lima llinivi.
, , . ii, 1' 1 I ) lO'ce Lite ijav iiiciiu mir, um,,
"""-i"- " fore lie it
C. E. (iowey was in town the first of
the week aud called at our office.
from his father in a few days.
E, L Pig
for representative for this district, is in
this vicinity looking ufter his politics!
E. M. Carrier came down from Custer
City last I iv ' ttiiu remained until
Mundav. lies., s work is plenty in that
C, E. Holmes, cashier of the Bank of
Harrison, returned on Tuesday from an
extended trip through Hie Black Hills
It. W. Windsor and wife, of Alliance,
came up last Saturday for a visit. Mr.
Windsor has not yet recovered from his
severe attack of mountain fever.
Ftank Tinkham called last Saturday
gave us some cash on subscription. His
partner, Jack Kriesler, intends to go to
Washington to send some months,
leaving Mr-. Tinkham to look after their
stock and farming interests in Sioux
W. A. Nelson came clown from the
hills last week, and having obtained a
leave of absence from his homestead,
took his family with Mm to spend the
winter at Custer City. He says all the
Sioux county boys m that locality are
doing well. The Joi unal goes
each week to keep him posted,
R'Kuhi'd, That the commissioner of
public lands and building be and is here
by instructed to delay the preparation
of the list for the forfeiture of all clelm;
qtient school land leases until Hie further
order ot this hoard.
to him
r-The necessity of some step being
taken to organize a cemetery association
t again called to the attention of the
jtfoplc. of this locality. It is right and
proper Uiut the ground lie laid olf in lots
and blocks and arrangements made for
puking tlie little "silent city of the
dead" ft beaut if til spot. There would be
)itlle e.npen -is attached to the organiza
tion of un association and then proier
but ufter the creuin of the work was
done so that no other machine would
come in, they put the price) up to ten
dollars a setting, and no one can blame
tlie fanners who had to pay the increased
price for kicking.
A man was tried for murder a few
days ago at L'avid City and the jury ac
quitted him. A minister of that place
took occasion to criticise the verdict se
verely in a, sermon on last Sunday, in
which ho bUted tliut such verdicts would
cull out lynch law. There nre .Kome-
ct;mi could be taken. Let some of'
those who have relatives buried there j times cases which are so handled by the
take hold of the matter so that an or- ( courts, or delayed on one pretext or an
TOitizslion can be perfected and when j other until patience ceases to lie a vir
unr mm tl (rrouiul can bo fenced j lue and iu thvir wrath they proceed to
and some trees planted and other iin-ideal out justice without any red tiipe
yrovenientK made. When once csUI
elwil pfeoplo wlu exjiact U nuke this
Owir home will purchase a lot and pro
ceed to Improve it. io not wait for
Mflh oilier, but let some one make a
but plenty of rope, and it is a noticeable
(act that, a. lynching lias tho, fleet of
hastening the stejis of justice in case of
.crimes in Unit locality, nnd gtvnlly in
crease) the certainty of punishment for
At a recent meeting of the school
board it was decided to divide tlie school
into two departments and employ an
additional teacher for the primary grade.
This step is considered necessary on ac
count of the large and increasing atten
dance. It is tlie proper thing for the.
board to provide the best educational
advantages that circumstances will al
low. Tlie fall term of school closes this
week and the winter term will begin on
the first Monday in November. Miss
Conner lias been retained and will have
charge of tlie higher department They
also instructed the treasurer to proceed
to collect the funds yet due from John
Thornton, the former district treasurer
Every family should lie provided with
a bottle of Aver's Cherry Pectoral. It is
a specific for colds and coughs.
J. A. Brill'intends to put in tlie win
ter logging at Afner's mill. He will
likely take his family to that vicinity to
enable him to live at homo.
J. W. Arnest will begin the erection
of a new house on his farm on Running
Water, in the near future. He exiects
to have it ready for occupancy before
cold weather sets in.
Rev. Itorick came up last Saturday
and filled his appointments as announced
and returned to Hay Springs Monday.
Mrs. Itorick is improving and they will
move here in about two weeks.
-r-A strong effort is being made to in
duce Gov. Thayer to pardon John It.
Polan, ot riattsmouth, now serving a
lifa sentence In tlie penitentiary. Tlie
man was first sentenced to lie hung and
the sentence was commuted to impris
onment for life. It lias developed that J
Metteer, the man Polan killed,, had se
duced the wife of the latter, and per
suaded her to jlesert her home, but that
fact was not shown nt the trial. The
governor should not hesitate to grunt a
pardon when asked for under such con
ditions. No man ought to be piinishixl
for avenging himself on the destroyer of
his home. That is a crime which the
laws fail to reach and when a wretch
intrudes and dostroys a home, the
injured pnrty certainly ought to Iki jus
tified in meting out swift and terriblo
. K"M F?T3 "TS! "v.-.
For the Tamiiy, School, or Professional I-ibmy.
lieoii for years Standard
Authority in tlie ovcrtiuiont
l'ri nt inOfUco and U. S. fc-i
r-rt-iiM) Court.
It is his Uly recommended by
;t:-4 Slulrt 8ujp'ts of School
timl.'.zKainsr tlollceo I'msidr-ntH.
Kcuirly nil tlio School i'oolca
pr.hlShfid in this country lire
buhrd uiMn Webster. aHutit ht-
f(l,by tho leading School Hook
OOt more Words nnd noivrly
200O more KngrainpH tlmn
any other American Dictionary.
Jha Ymk World iy: WnbuteriJiU-
""Tmi I iniiver-allyeoneecledto he Vie bent.
ThD n.-inton fikbfl nayrn Wobntcr is t!i w
'twZVr'i ftiiisir' in lexter,jfrity
louit 1,-,-n tn.-i-lni.unMl tuitlmrlty In our nltlee
Thfi i Ti r.ann iiiror ocsan etut-r'
rMi-nVi(t- a haw finvM m he n Vtn efnninr!.
Tho N-w Orloi'ng TimogDnaoarat -
- , W ","l' I in Mlali'liil ii uulli'M ily ill UMi-l'ii'lC',
tlin NeW York Tribune It if iv ...'t.l' 1
in. iiinl. ii..-iiilni tlrt 1"w.,nl-l..k ut
t tat(liHh lBn(nifj" ' ' '' f tlio wot id.
- MMt.ylli!iwH;iil!rri. I'umi.hVt fiw.
And now is the
Stoves and Furnr
Ranch Supply House.
iirA iiiT'
Corn, Oats., Bran and
Chopped Feed Al
ways on hand.
"Special Indtifiemnitn to lliinehmm.
Winter Clothing
Provisions at lowest prices.
-fKl --'1
ft-. '
gkKt k t U KJttocutUoa or,
vwUtioiu of. Urn law
vengeatjea oa tlie tlestis vv
i -
,.t. -