fceatlllltliiB Price, 19.00 twj. Editor. TteMMT, Oct. IS. 1800. BlWa Htate Ticket L. D. BlCHAKDS. fm UMtacut Governor, THOMAS stAJOBS. far IihiHit, stats. J. a ALLKS. THOMAS BBSTOS. J. X, HI I I, Wm Com of Public Lands Sod Bnildliigs, R. HUMPH BEY Bee Attorney General. UBO, H, HAST1BG9. far Superintendent of !"sblls Instruction, A. K. GOl'DV. leyabUMUi Cmctwm1 Wears, far Oongxnssnun, jd dlsfriet. uao. w. b. ixmaisr, BMikllMa LagfelatJw TVart. Bar IsaaSoc. Isth District, WALLACE WIL90S. far sVipressntatiTs, serf District, EL. L HEATH. )UeBlleaa CMBty TVaet. Bor Coanty Attorney, H. T. OOXLEY. far Conaty Commissioner, ELI J. WILCOX. I appears to be a question as to fha Ifilitj of the election of state and Be. county officers in Wyoming, and tbe fctaiM for a big muddle is excellent. It mt be that aoeae way may be found a of the difficulty. i Dorsey is in the district and is making an active canvass, being trilled to apaafc almost every day from Bow until Nov. 4th. He ha expressed hjjnjaif a being ready to meet either of hie opponents in Joint debate, and a lively pane ta looked foe. Hem are being taken by those inter- fl PTPM axbibit from Nebras ka at tbe World's Fair. That pve ia tbe right direction and this state oofht to make a creditable showing. It SU be ia order in the near future for mix county to get to work and pre- aam aomeUung to go into the exhibit Cga (Bf fffSM says T55 Jocbbal, the Bww leader are about on a rr. That is psdeed compliinentary. Both tbe Inde pendent and Leader are recognised as being; the most influential republican pasers of tbetr respective counties, and V&le that ia tree of Tin Jocbxal, we m aoi' thin that the doubW-primary worker who edtts tat t&nua would ac- kao wMge it Tbe tow of L. D. Rkfaaros and Tom Majors tbroogb tbe state is proving trinmfJail warch. The fact ia tbe entire repnbliran state ticket -ie growing strong er every day. towers k practically out of the raos and tbe people aw axpraesing thimaalTsa as weft plsasid with the bend of tbe ticket It is well understood that Boyd was pot up by tbe democrats be canai be was tbs possessor of a barrel tad it is just such man and meestr that the people are lighting against Tbe 4tb of Hovembar will witness rraod republican victory. Tan Torn Hepuuteew aaa tuts to say as ta. what the people of the county Smk of the amaarvieor system: "Be v. era fanners are riscalating petitions to aahaaH the question to a vote to see whether the people want to return to the jptsaiasioaer system of managing tbe aCatraaf York eooaty. The petitions aw kaisar eagerly signed by nearly all to twareprBBnte4. There is lit tmtemetobewasted.if His to be eub asftted at the next election. There is no hemM bttt that tbe supervisor system wig bs TQted ont of exieteace byaaover- nr aMjortty." rarafaaaltograattlMpetrof tbe IJzJimtX to CeUey, who acta as f laaaiyiis eonwey. tiorasy 10 taa iisamaiihsiii.-flsreM tZksooi Wvtgp&Mot the rji fata wmi by tfca gang ami its or l", tta bbbWob to aakaaU tbs to-rnsfcj. --aa treat, marBM yE. ji'aa CM vary sterna- tbe 1-r-t TB9naa i iltWarfdettaaw-od aaerTt iwav Tbs Mt . ,. J O TJ. OsTtr, aal J C traa ta eata. . It fa -jj J iaiMfe keMsffsai Mtm4 XI trs QaiajVir af 1 "I'Bm&ixt la "iiSieiS M te HerTlaoa post oatce UMMMIM. , Tbe fotiowing is by a corraaptiadnt of the Seward AVaJf, living in one of tbe outlying ptacinrts sad abows the rasult of tlie township organimtion system: 'If the delinquent taxes were paid, it would make a big difference in the price of county warrants, and if township or ganisation could be ahoJIahed, the coun ty might stand some chance of getting out of debt" There are now about 750 cases in the supreme court of this state. Each vol ume of the state reports contains on an average 185 cases and therefore there are enough cases ia court to make six vol umes of reports and two volumes repre- ssots tbs work of three judges for a year so that a case taken to tbe supreme court now, unless it was quo-warranto. mandamus or injunction, would not be daradad until three vears hence. It w when matters are in such a condition that corporations and capitalists carry tbeir cases to the supreme court and by the long delay virtually freexe out the noor tartias who have had occasion to become involved in litigation with them. It is certainlv essential to the interest of justice to the masses that the number of judges of the supreme court be in creased so that cases taken to that court may be decided without a delay of years. The legislature of 1801 will have tbe railroad problem to face in about tbe same shape that it was found by that of 1880. It is certainly the duty of tbe next session to Drovide for a board of railroad commissioners to be elected by tbe people and wbo will not be compelled to do such work in addition to that now devolving upon state officials. A man may be a roost excellent clerical officer, one wbo would attend to the dut ies of any of the state offices acceptably, but because be did not do just as they waot him to as a member o( tbe state board of traoHDortatioo. a bowl is made to lack him out and the state loses a val uable officer. If the railroad commis sioners were elected by the people men could be selected for their fitness for the spocial work of that position. As it is now, there is one clam who want the board of transportatioo to be cranky anti railroad men or tbey are not suited, and another class want them to be cor do ration tools or tbey raise a howl, and tbe result is that a fair-minded member of that body is kicked and cussed by both sides. As 8. Barker is as mum as an oyster in recard to the recent chann in these columns, tbe inference isadmisaablethat tbevare true statements of his short comings. Herald. It is a poor rule that will not work both wavs. and from tbe above rule the following may be deducted: D. P. Davis, the "Mviaory" member of the Herald company and the gang candidate for county attorney, was charged last fall with having "sold out body and breech" at tbe stqatorial con vention two years ago. This he has never denied, and so it is fair, according to the theory of the gang organ, to con sider that he did sell out This same Da vis has been charged with taking from the county about $J00 more for insuring tbe court bourn than other agents would bare charged. He has never denied it and therefore, according to toe gang or gan's way of judging a man, be is guilty of thataleo. The editor of the gang organ baa been charged with, doing double primary work but July and baa never denied it and so according to bis way of putting such a case, be is to be taken as guilty, and as the penally or that kind of work is a term in the peniteutiary, tbe editor of the gang organ on bis own theory must be guilty of a crime. Af Otkn 8m Hbm. Under the above" beading tbe gang or gan in its last issue republished tbe criti cisms of tbe Mtrsland Tribune and Hemingford Guide on what we said of Mr. Dorsey and ha Columbus conven tion. To show a man up "as otbers see him" ia perfectly proper, sod the. fol lowing in regard to D. P. Davis, the gang candidate for, county attorney and "ad visors" member of the froid AMuftmp Company appeared in the .Daves Count Journal in ft issus of September SO, 1880, and show bow that paper sees him: ' "C E. Davis, one of the firm of Davis A Slingerland, publishers of the democratic hawnrnaid known aa the Sioux County Herald, nostaetar'at Harrison, and bog wbo aola himself body, breeches and soul by tbe pound last fall at Bush villa, and also at Cbadroa,. baa recovered himself jeaoogti to pay a half column of atten- u immm oaiy reprouucea our comments in full wt shouldn't bathe careful ly smothers reference to (acta which be evidently don't like to "draw asms the screen aad abow ' tbe festering miss'' at Davis ia aa animal wbo wouldn't Irat Bay attention, from 10 satf ieajsut I farf aarapapar or hoasstoitlasn, except that ba la aesd aaa toot by a very ratten rJacat aiamtoa a great deal of dirty work asm trmtaeceat iatsres. oC Mat I Of CB FewwJavWtaak a paCtt card aaV kwtke ret It ami tbe JhensVe raJl f-M' ;iBvhaaalai wfcb wajrai ie " r ir ; ua aiaaa 1 A v w "f WtteWft Bat to . . it A. f o ill 4 rv r . i 1 A petition signed by ffty legal vo ters, (just tbe number required by law) was presented to the board of county commissioners at their meeting oa tbe 7th iast, asking that tbe question of township organization bs submitted to the voters of Sioux county at the next general election which will be Nov. 4, 1890. The board conavlered tbe matter and decided that tbe legal notice could not be given for tbe question to be voted on at that time and so it was decided not to submit it Commisaioners Weir and Oreen voted against submitting it and Commiianonej Grove voted in favor of doing so. It was simply a question of time as the law is mandatory on tbe sub ject and could tbe matter nave been put legally before tbe people it would have been done. We do not know tbe object of thus springing that question on tbe people. It is to be hoped that Sioux county will not adopt tbe township or ganisation system until the laws govern ing that method are very materially changed. Tliere are a number of coun ties in the state that are working under the present law, and we do not know of one where it is giving satisfaction. It is exnensive in a number of ways. One item of expense is tiiat of collecting of taxes. The town treasurer collects taxes and receives the same pay therefor that is provided for tbe county treasurer, and he turns the money over to the county treasurer who receives tbe same fees as be does when he collects the money di rect from the taxpayer. 80 that it costs iust twice as much to collect the taxes as it does under tbe coramiasioner syi tern. Then there is a supervisor for each town, who is a member of tbe county board. That would make, Sioux county is now divided, fourteen members of tbe county board. Ttiey receive the same pay as commissioners, three dollars a day and mileage. That would make the per diem of the board amount to 942.00, and tbe mileage would be something which would appall the taxpayers of the county. A sujiervisor from Sheep Creek or Snake Creek pre cinct would have to travel forty or fifty mites to reach tbe county seat and where would enough money come from to pay him? The eroes amount of taxes this vearin Sheen Creek precinct does not rf a . amount to enough to pay the assessor, and if it cost double what it now costs to collect them and a supervisor had to be paid also, it Would take quite an amount of money out of the taxpayers or the other parts 01 trie county 10 maxe un the deficiencv. The writer lived in a county which adopted township organi sation. At tbe time tbe change was made the finances of the county were in rood shape, and warrants were cashed by tbe treasurer as soon as issued. Af ter the township system had been in vocrue a couple of years the funds began to run low, and a little later warrants were beiiur registered and not paid for waqt of f rnds. a9 ld t a discount We do no. bilieve there is a county in tbe state w Iters tbe township organisa tion system is in force, Inst is in a goon financial condition. There is a system of towashto omnization which is goon. but it is not the one on the Statutes of Nebraska. ELECTION rtfCUATIOS OS TtKMXG BOXD0. ai a miksui Moioa of the board of conn ty commliwlonprs M'the county of ftloux, and state of Nebraska, beid on tbe sixth (6th) day of September, leso, It was by said board of county comniimtonera, by virtue and bv the authority In tbam veatm by an act of the lKglslatnre of Mebran- ka, appjuvefl Marcn I. vr,v, ana amenaea In UM, resolved that the following qntw tlona be and are hereby Mibmltted to the legally qualified voter of Sioux coanty. MrbreHka: To the qualified electors of Woux county Ntthraaka: The board of county conirntndoners of aid connty hereby submit tue following proposition : Shall the county of Moux, state of Ke brwka,iaaue iU coupon funding bonds in tbe amount of eight thousand ittflOtM) dol lars for the parpoae of paying the outstand ing Indebtedness unprovided for by warrants existing end now due of said coanty sad appropriate the proceeds of aid bonds to pay the outatandlng indent ednem of said county of Moux, unprovided for by warrant, eaid bonds to be of the de nomination of tl floa t each, dated January I. ISM, payable at toe oBtoe of the County Treasurer of said county, and to run twen ty () years With Interest at six () per cent, per annntu, payable aemlahnualiy, the county reserving the option of paying any or all of said bonds at any time after ten years from tbe date thereof, If the county eommtettonera, by a mal irlty vote, order the coanty treasurer to do so. Said boDds shall not be sold for less than PYurttjer, shall there. In addition to tbe snnaal levies of taxes tor ordinary por poses, be levied and eoUested a tax anneal Iv u inr law iwovaded for tbe payment of the Interest ea said beafts as uch Interest snail become due, sna snail an aaaiuonai amoant be levied sad collected, as by law provided , su fBclen t to create a sinking fund for tbe pay meat of said bonds M maturity, or at anytime after saM bands have run ten yasrs from the date tbereor shoald the eoantv eommtmloners at such time Lsoasadiir ft dseirahVe so to do. rrovided. Hfeat not more rain is per cent, tm tne principal of astd bonds, so leaned, shall not exceed Bve per cent, of tbe aaaemed r si nation of said coanty. Provided fur tnerTtnat ae levy shall m made to pay any part of the principal of eaid bottd until after tea years from the date Tbs form Was sad In which the prafjosttloa shall ' bo sabmittod, snail bs by ballot, anon which said ballot ASU M "THUS srirH, w tmmj jni tea or partly prutad the words ror fawdtag oods aad levying tax," or aai.urandus? bends and leviina tax aisf all MuJoSs east barlag tbereon the words "Per reaesaa- baada and levying sshI taken to be In tax" eaau ne Lfawor of said 1, aaa airpsiiDts "against IftosdtB boWs and levylag tax." shall be tsemilaad team, ta ka. aamiaat sbm pro- itted 1 asemsiim.-sssa." wa, waua. es lajsssaw un ten, Bevies ta tSaiaeters.' kw Usi t-r t-a e av-asasv J if - at t y, a tae f - t ee - rarT- a as e -v as 1 tf-a s-srta t rWarie -' aBBJ - -lwiU , 1 V. -sje Dev I ft - a jaen -- --asseTI rsotUBATlOT. inu, A iolat resoluvlou Was aae adby taelecislstaraof tbe state ef "sbras ka. at the twenty drst Misatna taeraaf. and eppnmd March SMB. A. D. ISM. iwopaslngsa aaoeadmeat to secttous two (IJ. fear (j and are (6 of Article six fJ of tatioa of said state, and that I as amended shall read as follows, towit: mim I. That sertUMi two (t) of article six () of the cotituttoa of the state of Kebraska, be aiuendvl so aa to read as fol lows: "Section t: Tbe supreme court shall con sist of are i) Judges, a majority of whom shall be nceMary to form a ouoram or te Pfonounre a deofsioa. It shall have origi nal Jurisdiction la eases relating to reva aaa, civil eassa In which the state shall be s party, mandamus, uuo warranto, habeas corpus, and such appellate Jurisdiction as may be provided by law. ece. I -That section four ) of article six (). of tbs constitution of the state of Nebraska, ba amended so sa to read aa lot- toSM-ilon I: Tbe judges of the sapreme court shall be elected by tbe electors of tbs state at large and their terms of oBsoe, ex cept as berelnalterpro-id4 shall be for s period of fle ( years." fcwtlon I: That section ve() of article six () of the roiiKtitiitloB uf the state of MebraHka be auiMided so as to read as fol lows: Kactkm (1 "At the first general election to be held In the year 11, and after tbe auiAtiiHi of this aiiieiiiluirut to Um consti- tation. there sliall be elected three (i) Judges of the sup shall be elected 1 . of the sunreine court, one of whom be elected lor the term of one ( 1 ) yesr, one for the term of three (J) years and one for the term of Bve ) years, aad at each general election thereafter there shall Ik elected one indite of the supreme court for the term of B.c ') years, rrovided that the Judges of the supreme court whose terms hare not expired at the time of hold ing the general election of 11, shall con tinue to hold their oBlee for the remainder of the term for which I hey were respective ly elected under Us? present constitution." Hertiou 4: That each person voting in favor of this amendment shall have writ ten or printed upon his ballot tbe follow ing: "ror the m-onoMed amendment to the con stitution relating to the number of supreme Judges." Therefore, I, John M. Thayer, Governor of the stste of Nebraska, do hereby give notice in accordance with section one (I) article Of teen (l ), of the constitution and tbe provisions of tbe act entitled "An Act to provide the manner of proposing all amend menu to the constitution and sub mitting the same to the electors of the state. Approved Kelirusry lsth, A. l. Irt", that said proposed amendment will be sub mltted to the qualified voters uf the state for approval or rejection st the general election to lie held on the lib day of Novem ber, A, II. I"W. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be afflxed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Ikmio at Un coin this with day of July, A. U. 1HWI, and tbe twi'iitv loiirth year o) the state and of the Independence of the United states tbe one hundred fifteen Hi. By the Governor. JUIIS If . TIIAYKK. Bksjamis K. Cob-debt, 1ELJ Secretary of Stale. ruwuiUTiox. Whibsas, A joint resolution was sdojtt ed by the lrglslsture of the state of Kebraska, st the twenty -Ant session there of, and approved March soth, A. D. 1, proposing an amendment to Section Thir teen (IS) of Article Six (6) of the consti tution of said state; that said section as amended shall read as follows, to wit: Section 1: That section thirteen (U) of article six (6) of the constitution of tbe state of Kebraska be amended so as to read as follows: auction IS: Tbe judges of the supreme court shall each receive a salary of . L.,-. .. ... I pl I u as MSI ruit- annnm and the judges of tkt district court shall rirl a salary of tbree thousand dollars (aBaW) per annnm, and toe salary n bses wwi ims szaui w ' Section t. Kacb person voting In favor of this amendment shall have written or printed upon his ballot the following: "Por tbe proposed amendment to the eon stltntlon, relstlns to the salary of judges of the sapreme and district court." Therefore, 1, John M. Thayer, governor of tbe state or Kebraska, do hereby give notice In accordance with section one (1) article fifteen (It) of the constitution, and tbe pro visions oi an act enutieu; "An act to vide the manner of nrapostiig all amend ments to tbe constitution and; submitting the same to the electors of the state." Ap proved rebrnay Itth. A. D. 177, that ssU proposed amendment will be quirailtted to the t)itsJ tiled voters of Ibis state for ap proval or rejection, at tbe general election tn be held on the 4th (lay of November, A. I). MM. In witness whereof t bare hereunto set my hand and ceased to be afflxed tbe great seal of the stale of Hebraska. Done at Lin coln, this Hth day of July, A. l. u, and the twenty-fourth year of tbe state, and of the Independence pf tbe lulled Mates the one hundred fifteenth. By tbe Governor, JOHN M. TIIAYEB. BSMJAMIX B. COWPEST, (sbalI Secretary of State. rBOCUHATIOX. Wsjaxass. A Joint resolution was ador ed by tbe legislature of the stats of Kbr as ks, at tbe twenty -first, session thereof , and approved February Itth. A, I). 18, propos ing an amendment to the constitution of said state, and that said amendment shall read as follows, to-wit: Section I : That at tbe general election to be be Id on tbe Tuesday succeeding the Bret Monday of November, A. D. lSsS. there shall be submitted to tbe electors of this state for spproval er rejection aa amendment to tbe constitution of tatr state In words as fol lows: '-Tbe manufacture, sale and keening for sale of Intoxicating Honors aa a beVcr i are forever pronwitea in mis state, ana taak lextsletuse snail datnre shall arovlde by law for the eaforeetnahtof this Wis mvtunon." ana tnere election be separately sub etors of this state for their shall also st said mttssd ta the cleetora approval or rejection an amendment to the constitution words as follows: "The manafaeti Intoxicatli mannfaetuiw. sale and keetrina for sale of mating liquors ss a nevsrsge shall un ed and regnlated by law t: At ancll election, on Uie ballot of each elector voting for tbe proposed amend ments to the constitution, shall be writ ten or printed the words: "for pro pose lamendmsnt to tbe coustlvotlon, pro nlbittngibe ttVahUfaetaie, sale and ksepmg for sale of Intoxicating llqnors as a bever age," or "Against the proposed, amendment to tbe constitution prohibiting the manu faetare, sate and keeping for sals of Intoxi cating llqnors as a beverage." there shall also be written or printed on tbe ballot of each elector voting for tbe pro posed amendment 'to tae constitution, the wends; "Par mutidsed amendment to the constitution that tbe manufaftbre, sale and keeping for sals of Intoxicating liquors as a beverage In this state shall br licensed and isarnlated bv law." or "Aaatnatsald nroDosed ameadnMat to "tbe eonstltatlou thai the msanfsetnfe, sale and keeping for sale of Intoxicating liquors ss a bessrag shall be lleensadaad ragniated by tew. see. s: u eimer as tne ansa muuuseu sssBstssents sbsll be snnraved bv a aialor- ny of te eleeters votswa at tae said esse tlsln. ttssn It sbatl isaastiUta saetion twan- tynsveaJtTl of arttcie one jl of Bis coaetl- law wa, I, Joan aJ.T of alius she an aerofJ why give aotlea I wise ssitina one Til arttele Sftesn t Ul of tbe emwUtavsoa and as Btevts tans of tae net enttasMl Nss ant to Provide ttsstsiskiaeref nrowoainf all ameadafsnts to wjm an swssrasas. w w- nantr ef a-e essse-r 'eassWvat dr -ra- t- -eattaaf -sanralelesateslsaMaeM Oa aaCyefV-er.A. .isd, . as. aiiMSar wissfssr-vasennMyass ei waanW" at fca-4, es4 eanae te bs SB ss4 aanfl eft rri jar -re ef l.sas-a aa af eW. A. D. i 4. e w-e tv J . -,e 1r4 e state, isst ef nwsa iisa.ndia. ,1 mm bsaaaa, atMss tae ewf Ma4 i eO aeassw, JOKM at THATI2, tXBtrr:DEirtS: KoesTXB Baoa., Ksw Terk Cttf riaar KssiowaL BsSX, Omaha. Basra or caupeos, chsdrou, DANK OF IIARRISO.I, HAEBISOS, REBRtHKi. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $20,000. Transacts a General Banking Business, puys School Orders, County and Village Wnrrunts. taflntereet Paul on Time LepoaiU. Loans Honey on Improved Farms. CHAS. E. HOLMES, CASHIER, B. E. Bhkwbtbr, Ptvaiilent. C, F, OirrB, Vice Pres. CHAS. C. JAMESOM, Cashier. Commercial Bank. wooaroaATBc, -A. General DanScinj Business -TBAIflACTia) E. J. WILCOX OsTM tw toUowing brand on right hip or left side. "W Ranra on Koaroe creek. P. O. Barri rison, Nsb'r. ft T. OONLEY, Lawyer. Loans no Money, Represents no insurance com pny and, ass no land to sell but fives his entire tlms snd attention to the practice of tbe law. HaKJBOa, , - NOsUSKA. C. E. HOLMEri, Attorne-at-U'V- All business entrusted to his care will re ceive prompt aiu?. careful attenttap. HAKKBOH, OEOBOK WALRZR, AtteTBey-at-Law. ' W1U practice beis all oouru and tha V. . LaaOtBoe. Business entrusted to. mjj care will reesive prompt attention. WOHUajtA, L. O. HULL, sVttaTOJsat'Lsw. Ibavaafxwd wsU wrUliaa; aad aaa ready to drill any eixed well install Ternta good i . aafloorr. i . - tansas slim S"e.jsei ssy jnnnnjsnsg asj an .aTkssi IU.aa. A a east s. n sve4 Hf a-n aaja M ir.xe, bAsst-t A, aa left sdar, LV w'1 TT"" rmwmt-.ar.m' IBUUKlVJtATsUt V MlibK STATK LA (ft- kcu. THE - Wm. Christensen, Wholesale anil Retail Hardware. A larre and wsll salacted stock ALWAYS 0 HillD. ACORN STOVES. BARBED; WIRE. at prices to suit the tiros. Afanta for- CHinFIMOSIlS -co Mowers. OlmtlTQU, Neb, Grant Guthrie; ocaub iN- Lumber, Lime, Qrain L. E. BELUKX 4 ipf4 Vya.arrdffjf., MtifgfK Bsaalnnnvoss en abort aotfat. i , Y ; i Oeaa worh aad resisBshls rtMtfaa ' , sssrsowta ef ryery ,kera(