The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 16, 1890, Image 3

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' ill. A
KaiPuuaBtciHartin Liver Pill
V lii;m, Wlulnesa. Tor-
W . XjJiJ Liver. ttur tiiom- .
I Thousands of
ramntol Nrvou
rbliiir. Lost
I Manhood, etc.
eared by fli KUVITA. tnnknup; 8 for
19.00. TIIIAL KENT YMC.Y. fur is cent
IOX t. Cklrao. III.
STnT U Na 90." . York. NVU
Tea PcrMiM Klllitd, Tsrrmy tVonnriod anil
Iowa rrrkl.
Wilmikotdk, Oct. 9 Several start
linK explosions in quick (uccetfeion
ome counted five, others seven, at 3:30
announced to Wilmington adjuster at
the deot owiler works on tho Brandy
wine. A rush was made fur tejophonos,
but nothing could be learned beyond
Tague reports of the damage.
An Associated press representative
hastened to the wona and wired that a
section of the works known as the ''Up
per Yard" ia a complete wreck and at
least an lives are lost
One of the magazines went off tirst
and the rollinp and dryir.g mills near
by were let off by the concussions,
which followed in rapid Biceefi.ion.
There were at least seven distinct suc
cessive explosions. Every dwelling in
the neighborhood is reported wrecked
or unroofed or more or less dumNged.
Telephone (equities from West Chester
state that the explosion was distinctly
heard in thnt section.
Later A metawnger has just brought
in tbe following dispatch, which shows
that the worst has not yet been learned
of the f.owder mill explosion: 'Tn
killed and twenty wounded. Rockland
is a complete wreck. None of its houses
fere left standing."
Rockland is a village on the Brandy
wine aboto theactne of the explosion.
It comprises large paper mill owned by
the Jetuup i Moore company, and about
fifty dwelling?, in wbicb chiefly reside
tbe mill employes. Its population is
bout two hundred. Evidence of the
destruction at that distance leads to
the belief here that the number of killed
and wounded have not yet been fully as
certained. The Dupont powder mills extend
along the Brandy wine and are chiefly on
the west bank and clcee to tne water
for about to miles. They aro divided
into the 'upper," "Hagley" and "lower"
yards. The is thre miles and
the latter five miles from Wilmington.
Rockland proves to b incorrect as to
the locality, the name of Rockland be
ing erroneously used for building clus
tered around w hat is known locally as
the "upper yard.'" There are some fifty
houses inhibited by employee of the
powder mills, clustered here, and these
were all wrecked.
The damage to property cannot eb
thoroughly fslimatcd tonight. The
force f the concussion even broke win
dows in some parte of Wilmington, four
or 6th niles away.
Thr Can be Civ linnl.
Lakk Mohowk; N. Y. Oct. 10. -The
eighth annual Indian conference at
li'te Mohonk began yesterday. Presi
dent Gates of Amherst college was
made chairman. General Whittlesey of
Washington, secretary of tbe board of
Indian commissioners, gave a general
survey of tbe HeU and referred especi
ally to tbe bappy change in public ien
timent in the last few years, due large
ly toinflueo ceemansting from Molionks.
Ei-Preeideht McCosh rea l ai able pa
per to demonstrate the capacity of the
Indian for eiriliMtion. The oist of
red men, he said, are not in a less favor
able condition for civilization than our
own ancestor r, the Britons, aa described
by Csnsar. It was Christianity thai
tronght their change and it would do
the same for the Indian.
The Krle KallroMl Trouble.
Nbw Yowk, Oct lO.-Everything Is
quiet on tbe Erie railroad. Yesterday
wae set fof the strike in case the de
mand mad by tbe employe of the road
for shorter boar waa nut granted. Sec
ond Vic President Thomas ha sent a
letter to Chairman Youngston, of tbe
delegation of employes, informing him
that b would positively give the men
an answer tomorrow. Iti understood
that tb board of directors are in favor
of itnf the men on a rir ba .
TM Cfcaaaatm Oarmuan.
JfBwToK,Octl0.-A peoial cable
a sporting paper from London says:
WHIUm 0Ooarer, the ohampion oara
aaaa of America, has posted 103 a the
w Jmit in hla match with Kemp,
cfcWh waa arranged in Australia. Tb
Mt toforJSOOand and is to b
lvwd It Anwrioa in Mveh.
iibk iiiiiii
Kadour ben-Cherifa, sergeant major
of the Algerian aiiariis.iii'j-.-j, was be
lieved to be tlyiii. tKt'.it no?, carried
'.nto old ltip ert s vr.i.ili or. the Sau
erbaeu. For five Jo q tks he lived
is in a dream, parched with fever and
racked with tho pain of hi wound.
Sometimes he thought lie was in the
ijattlo again, shouting and bounding
across the flax fields and hop gardens
of Wissebourg; at other times he fancied
liiiusdf once mora at home in Algiers
with his father, thekaid of Matiuiates.
At last he opened h.a eyes and be
came dimly conscious of being in a cool
clean room, with white curtains at the
windows and outside green brandies
waving and light clouds passing before
Hie sun. Near his bedside sat a little
sister of charity, watchful and quiet,
wearing indeed no silver cross, no ros
ary, no veil, but instead, two long braids
of yellow hair falling over a bkick vel
vet bodice, lrom tinio to time one
would call "Katel, Kate!!" and the peas
ant girl would go on tip-toe out of the
room and then the invalid would hear
a clear young voice which seemed to
him as refreshing as the sound of the
brook that ran Murmuring under the
windows of the mill.
Kadoiir was ill fora long time, but
the Rapjierts took such good care of
him that his wounds heale l, mid they
concealed him so cleverly that the I'rns
sians were not able to send him to die
of cold in a casement at Mayenee. Soon
he began to talk, showing his white
teeth; then he took a few steps around
the room with one slve hanging
empty and a great gaping hole in the
midst of tho embroidery, and his arm
still bandaged and helpless. Then lie
went every day into the garden, and
Katel would bring out a rush seated
arm chair for the invalid, putting it
down in the warmest comer by the
wall, where the grap?s ripened the earli
est, and Kadour, who,' being a kaid's
son had studkd at the Arab's college at
Algiers, would thank her in French,
which sounded a little barbarous, min
gled as it was with bono bezel! and
maeach bono.
Without suspecting it, tho young
Turk w s falling under a spdl. The
easy gaycty of the French maiden who
lived aa free as a bird, her face unveiled
even in the open air, ami lur window
unbarred, astonished, t.liile it fascinat
ed him. It was so very different from
the walled-up life of his country wom
en, with their white, lemon-scented
Katel, on her part, thought the
stranger a little too dark skinned, but
ae had such a frank face and he hated
the I'rus iani so! One thing displeased
her terribly, and that was that over
there in Algeria a man might have
several wives. She could not under
stand that, and one day when Kadour
to tease her, said in h!s foreign jargon
"Kadour soon marry have, four ivives
four" the girl exclaimed angrily:
"Four wives?. Oh, the villain, the
the pagan!"
The Turk burst out laughing as glee
fully as a child, then suddenly growing
serious and silent, he fixed his ffreat
dark eyes upon her face. That was the
Kadour, completely cured went
home to his father, and one can im
agine the festivity that were held in
his honor in the land of the Matimatas
The reed-llute3 and the littlo drums
played their sweetest airs to welcome
him, and when the old kaid, seated in
his doorway, saw coming down tho cac
tus walk tho beloved son whom he had
thought dead, he trembled as with the
ague under his white burnous. For a
whole month there was an tmiuter
ruptcd series of diffas and fantasias, all
the kaids and agas of tho neighborhood
disputed for the honor of entertaining
Kadour-ben-Cherifa, and every even
ning in the Moorish cafes he was en
treated to describe the battles in wliicU
lie had fought.
But alas! all these fetes of hcor did
not make him happy. In the midst of
the souvenirs of his childhood, his
horses, his greyhounds, his aniM, and
all the splendors of his father's mansion
there was one thing wanting '-he, merry
laugh of Katel. Tin little perpetual
prattling of the Arab women, which
had oi ico made his heart beat
with pleasure, now fatigued "and an
noyed him; he would not adn.!-e their
orange (lower wreaths and wide trousers
of rose-colored satin, but thought only
of a pair of long braids having no
pearl ornaments, yet shining like golden
threads under the letting sun in a little
Alsatian garden far away. And yet, if
Kadour would only look about kim, lie
could see a pair of beautiful black eyes
made languid with kohl, watching bim
from behind the grated windows of an
old aga's house not far distant. Kadour
cared nothing for them; what he longed
for was Katel's quick glance around
tbe sick room to see if anything were
wanting for his comfort: he sighed for
the blue eyes in which the light played
as bright as in drops of clear spring
water. ,
Little by little, however, the t nder
charm of those blue eyes, mingled with
the memory of hit convalescence and
the so ft-tempered air of France faded
from bit mind, At last Kadour had
forgotten Katel and throughout the
Talkr of Chelif, nothing was talked of
but nia approaching marriage with
Yamina,th daughter of the agaof
One morning a long train of mules
was seen wending towards town; Kadour-ben-Cherifa
and his father were
going to buy wedding presents. The
w hole day was spent by them in the
bazaars, choosing burnous shot with
silver, Smyrna rugs, amber necklaces
and earings and while he fingered the
pretty jewels the floss-silks and fine
stuffs, Kadour thought only of Yamins
The orient had regained him complete
ly, but more by the means of force of
habit and the influence of the atmos
phere than by genuine heart bonds.
Towardi evening the train of mules
laden with couflius all puffed out with
treasures, turned down the street of
the faubour?, when before the door of
the Arabian bureau they found their
way obstructed by a greater crowd. It
was a parly of immigrants who had
just arrived from France, no prepara
tion had been made for their reception,
and the unfortunate strangers were
vainly entreating aid and seeking in
formation. Soiin of them were hopa
lessly sitting on their baggage, exhaust
ed by their journey, and annoyed by
the curiosity of the crowd, while to add
to their misery, night was coming on
increasing with its darkness the deso
laleuesa of the unknown laud. Kadour
looked at the exiles mechanically, but
he was on a sudden seized with emotion
as ho recognized he dress of the old
peasants, tli velvet bodices of their
wives, and the women's long hair, of
the color of the ripe harvest. In an
other minute his forgotten dreams had
become a reality, fur he saw before him
the soft features and golden hair of
Katrel. Yes, there she stood with old
Itippert, her mother, and all the little
children, fir away from the saw mill
on the rip;iliug Suierbi'jli which still
Mowed past the ab audoned homo.
He turned pale and she bluseed
In a few minutes the exiles, dilliculty
was settled, The Kaid's house was
large and tho immigrants were wel
come to install themselves therein un
til their little portion of Ian 1 was ac
corded them. Quickly tin mother
gathered up the bundle a 1 1 called to
gether herciiildrun, who hvl big. m al
ready to play with tha little native);
pell mall tliey were all pal ir.) in t lis
couiiii)3 among tin t;illi3 and preciom
stuff si, and Katel lauglo-l merrily at
finding herself inountel in sueh grand
style on an Arab mule. K flour laughed
too, but lew he irtily, usr.l with a s:rt
of suppress J delight,
As night was falling round and the
air growing c ;1, In wrapped his fo.-m
er niirsj in a bemtiful striped baruoas,
one of tho wedding presents, embroid
ered with pearls, and with its soft folds
falling around her and the fringe glist
ening brightly, ;' e sat motionless and
smiling, like a blonde houri escaped
from the harem.
As Kadour gazed at her a thousand
mad projects crossed his mind, lie
would break his troth with the aga's
daughter and in wry Katel -nous but
Katel for him. And some (lay they
would be returning together from the
city all alone in a lane of oleanders,
she smiiling at him from the mule's
back, ho holding her bridle as at pres
ent. Eagerly, still dreaming, he gave
the signal for the depwtun of the
train, but Katel stopped Iimii, saying in
her soft voice:
"Wait a minute. Here comes my
Katel was married. Poor Kadour!
From the French of Daudet.
Ideas of Hell.
We give u summary of the hell"
opinions of niany religions and that
of a famous astronomer: The hell of
the ancient heathens was divided into
two mansions - Elysium on the right
hand, which was the abode of good
men's souls; Tartaruson the left, a re
gion of misery and torment, the skwful
abode of the damned. The ancient
philosophers were of the opinion that
the infernal regions were at an equal
distance from all parts of the earth,
which may lc the foundation of the
modern idea of hell being in the center
of the earth.
The people of llerniione, coaliiiry to
the usual belief that one's own country
is the best in the world, thought thai, it
was a very short distance from their
shores to the "lake that burnetii for
ever and ever;" for this reason the peo
ple of that country never put money in
the mouth's of their dead to pay pass
age to the laud of oblivion. The an
cient Jews placed hell in tho center of
the earth.
According to them, there were three
passages leading to it; the first the will
derness, by which route Dathan, Korah
and Abiram descended; the second is
the sea, because it is written that "do
nah cried to God out of the belly of
hell;" the third passage is in Jerusalem
because it is said "the lire of the Lord
is iu ion, and his furnice is in Jerusa
lem." Mohammed said that hell lias
seven gates; the first for tho Mussul
man, the second for the Christiana, the
third for the Jews, the fourth for the
Sabeans, the fifth for the Magians, the
sixth for the Pagans and the seventh
for the hypocrites of all religions. ,
Among modern philosophical opin
ions that of Mr. Whiston, the English
scholar, was perhaps the most unique.
The comets, according to Whiston, are
so many bell appointed in the orbits
to alternately carry the damned into
the confines of the sun, and then to re
turn thm beyond the orb of Saturn,
there to str.rve them in the regions of
dismal cold.
Among the Christians there are two
controverted questions in regard tb heil
one concerning its locality, the othe:
the duration of its torments. St. Louii
Stone Inside of Him.
Sir Charles Hall, a celebrated physi
cian of the Seventeenth century, relates
an extraordinary case of a man who ac
customed himself to swallow stones.
This man, Thomas Gobsill by name,
and about 25 years of age, bad for some
time suffered from colic, till a sympa
thetic friend advised him to swallow
small, round pebbles. He followed the
prescription and obtained relief. On
being seized some months afterwards by
a violent return of his complaint he
swallowed nine stone", and as these had
no effect, repeated the dose until about
30!) pebbles had accumulated in his in
terior. He endured their presence for
two and a half years before submitting
himself to Sir Charles Hall. Sir Charles
found the stones were situated in the
lower part of the body, and on shaking
his patient he could hear them rattle.
His first experiment was to suspend
the sufferer by his feet, in the hope that
the stones might be shaken out of him.
This met with no effect. The man was
unable to work without pain, and suf
fered much uneasiness at all tunes.
Nottingham (England) Sun.
Within the Law
"I want to be posted on de law," said
a colored woman who called at the
Gratiot avenue station the other day.
"Well?' replied the sergeant.
"I've got a gal."
"Yes." ,
"And she's got a beau."
"Very likely."
"I can't abear him, an' I doan' want
him 'round do house. What co'se shall
I take?"
"Have you ever given him a hint?"
"Lands, sail' but I jess tole him to
cl'ar out or I'd bust him to smashl I
reckon that's a hint."
"lint ho didn't go?"
"Xo, sah. Xow, den, 1 want to know
how fur I kin go an' keep widin the
law. I've talked to hi in, f rowed water
on him, hit him wid a club, called him
names, made the dog bile him, an
p'inted a pistil at him, but he won't
stay away. How much furderkin I go
an' not break de law? Could I dun
Stan' iu de yard an' mow him across
de legs wid an old scythe when he cum
upiudeda'k? Could de pistol go oft
accidentally ?"
"When advised to try peaceful meas
ures she indignantly responded:
. "Dat's what I did on the very go off.
I took him by the coat collar an' frowed
him ober degate!" Detroit Free Press.
Not DiMHHiraireri Yet.
It is wonderful how much pertinacity
and courage are displayed by the aver
age settler in a new country. Up in
Itickey and Jlclntosh counties, bi
North Dakota, the crops have failed
for several seasons from various causes,
and the hardy Russians and sturdy Ger
mans who have been holding down
claims iu these localities have had
pretty tough times. This year the hat
winds have again cooked the crops, so
j that there is nothing left to harvest,
and the poor foreigners have been
forced to leave their farms ond look for
work in northern "Wisconsin in order
to save their families from starving
during the coming winter. "But they
are not discouraged," naively remarks
a North Dakota paper, "and will cling
to their claims, feeling confident that
there is a good time yet in store for
them." Chicago Herald.
"Oiiiiiu" nt Home.
"Ouida" (Miss Louise de la Ramee)
lives iu a gorgeous Florentine palace,
whose stately rooms are rich with choice
statuary, paintings and bric-a-brac.
Her visitors are received iu an elegant
bourdoir at the end of the house. This
room is tilled with tropical plants, and
is lighted with just t.o wax candles
with butterlly shadts, the dim, scented
light revealing the hostess sitting at
her tea tablj in gorgeous brocade, with
golden embroidereries, or perhaps a
bronze velvet tea gown bordered with
fur. She does not like to be asked
abou her work, but says she prefers to
call it an "inspiration." New York
Ledger..' ...
A Model Intelligence Oflicc.
The women of the Woman's ex
change and tho New Century club in
Philadelphia have started a free regis
try office, where housekeepers and
doraestcs may be brought together,
and written contracts made as towages
and other matters. The exchange con.
suits the interests of both sides. Women
are allowed to register who come from
i good training school, and have eight
months' good reference, and finally,
who have nevet' "lived out," but aro to
be taken as learners at low ' wages,
with special encouragement to Ameri
can girls and women. Exchange,
A Trick of tho Wires.
A prominent Denver man was mar
ried recently with great eclat, but he is
already unhappy. He is unhappy be
cause an Associated Press dispatch
announced that he hod married a hand
some Colorado woman was mixed in
transmission, and he now has the repu
tation of having married a handsome
. a. a i a WY
coiorea woman. ueiroii x rve rreaa.
Zl.NE.llH! Oiraicl ' I
vc fp t'lj:Jtp! l(i nal
mi M-(l
tvt r
our iAy reiulem u tiui.t
1.. t
i! ll
Cut out iLirt :n!.!.l
a twocvul fciaiui f"r i'
rtii'l vcmr u:vvv ami a
.iprnilhC! LMiM'N .t, l:.
tt;i ii
Nw 1 ork. uti V"ii v
Mr.n r,.li..
pi itc
tnttt-l fu'lv Ut.
lax-Lrt (n-rtl 2.. '. It uii; u itn-l
di-sircd. Bust. .04. -16. or 4(1 Intl.'.-.-. VVi.tit- lt .1 .... -t'-ta
not ft Fli!oti Mtiirtir.llii.'. luittiv mt-t-r 1! t;i l.r l.i- :t'W"
Its Katlnot! lit-iiartiiiftit, like ail it' o'.U-r It. i.j.tin'1 u
Is po w?rtt. Vu pally a uoz'U il.-.tii.t.. .it oii.'
every month, for i p2r yoor.
Code on Air.
Ciievekivk, Wye., Oct. 10. While a
Union Pajilic freight train was runr.irg
belweeii Ilotk Creek and Wilcox sta
tions against a strong (,'ale, Iho wind
tore off tho roof of a freigl t car. Uruke
ruan Sam Hurri?, of Laranaio was on the
car and with the roof went sailing
uhruugU the air. He was ca ried near
the wires and tried to save himself by
catching them. He did not succeed and
fell to tlie ground lift feet, frox the
track. One of his legs was brokr by
the fall, but otherwise he wai uninjured
KxtrftSeMHion 4'al!l.
CoiA'Mnus, O., Cct. 7. Governor
Campbell has issued a proclamation
convening the legislature in ext.ra ses
sion October H, to consul r legislation
relative to the city government of Cin
cinnati. EdinuiHiV .ToTvC.
When Senator Kdmunds gave a tels
gram to a page, the littlo fellow askei
the St. Jerome of the Senate over whicl
line it should be sent, and Mr. Ed
launds replied: "I am not particulai
bat as the Western Union may nee(
tie money you may as well Bend it b
that line." That is the nearest ap
preach to a joke that ever escaped 14
naads on the floor of the Sonaet.
Don't read! Don't think! Don't be
lieve! Xovv, are you better? You wo
men who think tha', patent medicines
are a humbug, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription the bigggest humbug of
the whole (because it's best known of
all) does your lack of faith cure come V
It is very easy to "don't" in this
world. Suspicion always comes more
easily than confidence. Put doubt
little faith- never made a sick v,o nan
well and the "Favorite Prescription"
has cure I thousands of delicate, weak
women, which makes us think that our
"Prescription" is better than your "don't
believe." We're both honest. Let us
come together. You try Dr. l.'ierce's
Favorite Prescription. If it doesn't do
as represented, you get your money
Where proof's so easy, can you afford
to doubt.
Little but active are Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets.
llest Liver Pills made; gentle, yet
thorough. They regulate and invigor
ate the liver, stomach and bowels. .
Little Jim was but a few years old
hen there was a wedding in the fam
ily. The aged grandmother kept her
seat during the ceremony. Iu. telling
about it afterward, Jim said, "He all
stood up and got married ' cept graud
Don't read! Don't think!
Don't believe ! Now. are you
You women who think that
patent medicines are a hum
bug, and Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription the biggest
humbug of the whole (because
its best known ot all) docs
your lack-of-faith cure come ?
It's very easy to " don't " in
this world. Suspicion always
conies more easily than con
fidence. But doubt little
faith never made a sick
woman well and the "Fa
vorite Prescription " has cured
thousands of delicate, weak
women, which makes us think
that our "Prescription" is
better than your don't believe.
We're both honest. 'Let us
come together. You try Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
If it doesn't do as represented,
you get your money again.
Where proof's so easy, can
you afford to doubt?
Little but active are Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. -
Best Liver Pills made ; gen
tle, yet thorough. They regu
late and invigorate the liver,
stomach and bowels.
'J hp - nrVwt fVrir mad: Don not infos i
fci' Je at a ifieat dibtacrc. TtrfMisanoM of t-ti-
;i c;niip. Send for circulars and pricc Boats
i itU Wire, Address
Sour Wire Fence Co.,
i i.i;.v i oi sk i:i ii.ii.G. tsiao ..
u-t!.rv. Wm. IlOLUENWKt'K, T renin lW.
Or Morphine Habit
Dr. Is. Ii. COLLINS, Original DiMMTorM
1'aiulf'M Opium Antldof.
I Will enre yon at vjo e without any io'rnpt!oa
1 of oidinary bnginetM. Hook sent ftre toaor ftd
dera. hundreds of original tnttimouulii ot
, physicians unclothe fi r inepecti'.n atmrof
i lice, Jtoom 27 Ami'ftcan Eiprert ltoildinji. Hon
I roe ni., CbicBKO, ill. P. O. Urawr eill (formerlf
I La Porto. Ind )
for tiic General Ailments of Horses, Cattle, Heft
ami Hlieej). Tliey purify the Mood, prevent and
n;re (I wasp, limiest and reliable, in honest
pifkaaes ; used and warranted for over twenty
.wars. Kveryone owning a luu senrratil jhould
iveitatnaf Mudeby KMHKKT fKOMtlETABr
Co., Clucuvo. Hold by all drutarists
7ZoMiiEi Alh.
Smm4 far W 4m IM (rial PaaM
tiTe.r Catarrh, Colds
and Wau t-unari.
It will cure j-ou at night white
aiempiug. '.,orjti,tntin earrtit bmmJ
icu-4 orounfj air. prvduciuf mbm
effect farnr abl change at U
oiat. ffirraalad. Addrcaa
Common Sense RomocVCf.
7 Slat SL. Chlca, in. I
t tlie lai-e ami ami Kucresnlulljr and permanent-
.y In tlvc i mlnutca, Harmlesn and will not Injure t,
A In. Si-nd (ordrmlnm. Dr. WHITINC. Chamlat
Suite 43-4S. 78 Stata Strett. Cfflc.To? Ml.
The largest stock oi Artifi
cial Eyes in the West. Aa as
sortment ot eyes sent to any
addresss, allowing purchaser
to select one or more ac4 re
turn the balance thus assu'inf;
a perfect lit. Office, 163 State St., Chicago, HI.
consulting and operating surgeon to the Chicago
Eve and Ear College. Patients at a distance treated
with unparalleled success and when visiting the city
are proviJed board and lodging at reasonable rate.
Free Trade Prices
No Protect Ion !
Ka MnnAiuillMl
SB.MacliinenlonliJ I 6
vearo now selling our
Western Improved Hicftt
Hewing Machine rarne aa
1 nt complete with all at
'achmentfl and warranted
or I j tars for only f 16.
. c.rcn'nr rim.
Iu li.eecriptiouof tl'is
i tj lea to Itk
, Chicago, 111.
Cactus cream?
Cores Chapped Hands, Face an'
T.tna Tnn. Sunburn. Pim-le.
Makes rough skin soft and smooth
without Be ng sncay or greasy.
Delicately p rfumed. Benders net
powder invisible and it ad
here to the skin, imparting at one
a brilliant complexion. Price 15c.
Mailed to any address on rrcetpi
of price. Send postal note, silver
or stamps. Address plainly,
7iSChamber of Commerce, Chicago,
MM IM 2i5
i Wabath Ay Chloaa).
1 sioiiincii 1 UHtii't
Inn bo Eqnnl for Iho Care of Dyspepsia anti
I'rlce 75 cents Per Iiox,
Rnfficient for 0 days treatment. Mailed to any ad
dress npon receipt of price. Write for toeli
W.Polk St., Chicago, 111.
EJESU 166 W. Madison EgS
All difionsps of Catarrh, Throat, Langs, HEART,
Brain, Nm-vee, in their rari' ne forms.
I A IliCC Ry treatment a pure lovely comple-cion
LhUILw from Millowness, freckles black
1 cutis eruptions, etc,, brilliant eye and perfect
h filth can be had Thnt "tired" feeling and all F
m:.Ie Weakness promptly cured. Nervous Proatr
tinn, Ge eral Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression
and Indigestion, Ovarian troubles, Inflammation
and Ulceration, Falling and Displacements, Spin)
Weakness, Kidney C omplaints, aud Change of
Life, CounRult the old Doctor.
CVJ Hill fl D Acute or Chrerdc Aiflamnui
Li AHJ CAll tionof the EvMida or Globe,
and Far and Near Stifhtedness, Inversion of tha
Lids Scrofulous Eyes, Ulcerations, Inflammation,
Absccses, Dimness of V'ision of one or both area
and Tumors of Lid, Inflammation of the Ear, U!
cemlton or Catarrh, Internal or External; Deafness
r Pnralysi3, Singing or K oaring Noises, Thio
encii urutn, etc.
I ,)onJ-.ncy, Loss of Memory, Confusion of 1
Loss of Vital rower,
d e -Ideas.
iluir lipffiriMhe Evcv.Ijiniriior.Gloonii.iess. Denree-
sion of Spirits, Averson to Society, Easily Discour
nerd. Lack of confidence. Dull, Listless. Unfit for
Htmly or Business, and finds life ft bafticn, asiely
ami nernwncntlv cured.
DtlTU CCVtC Consult Confderiia'Jy. H In
uU I II uLAtu any trouble call o: write. De
lays ur" datigurous.
Send J.! cct.K stamps, for Medical Guide ot LAWS
of Health. Office hours, 0 a. in. to 8 p. m.
and Oplnm habit cmnl frw
MntMlv Particulart FRICICa
Acts radically but gently; doc, not cnwclat ba-
fore liuildmit up; requires but a short time; snc
cecils when other treatments fail; relieves taaajs.
lliitly without SuffcrinR or Seml SUrratronJ
Strictly a Home Cure; reasonable in coat; worst
casts solicited. Address, -l!2Z
"a 170 A, Chicago, IU.
ag&'a.'. -
Send for Dr. Gregg's Dft
how touurBTCiirs:7
At Home by Electricity.
10HonSereatment Etoctrl Cm
11, WaoMk,
r.U .i. o
il . l,.ir