The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 16, 1890, Image 2

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    C.tmx County JournsL
hurt aa TiHhtmd.
New Yoaa, Oct IL An unknown
wn wai found tarred and feathami in
the etroete of Bro klyn early yasUrdey
morning. John KarehweTer discovered
him on Barry street.
The man waa partially nndfaaaad, bia
shirt being torn off ao that hi body
from the waiat to the shoulders vaa ex
posed. The portion of the body ex
posed to view mm covered with a thick
layer of tar which hod been liberally
sprinkled with faathbra. The man waa
removed to Sixteenth precinct station
bouse wkere he aoon recovered con
rcioumeaa. Tba odor of chloroform waa
detected and it was learned that the
man had been under the influence of
drug. Aa soon as the man recovered
consciousness he told the story of
his adventures. "I had been over to
Harry Miner's Bowery theatre during
the evening," he aaid, "and when the
performance was finished I started for
toy borne in Brooklyn, I crossed by
the Roosevelt street ferry and started up
Barry street. While passing through
that street I met two men, one of whom
caught bold of me.
I did not recognize my assailants and do
not know who t aev were." A can of tar
and a pillow of well filled feathers were
found in Ross street near Bedford ave
nue by Detectives Doln and Holland.
The mat.' name waa found to be Wd
liam Pryor, and he is a well known res
ident of Barry street, near Fourth street.
Pryor' assailants jumped out of a cab
to attack him, when he waa aiezed,
bis clothing torn from him and the tar
dashed over him.
Turned the Table.
"Stbaccse, K. Y., Oct. IL Oawogo
oounty 1s just now enjoying a hearty
laugh over the clever manner in which a
very pretty miss of that section turned
lb tables on her lover." Miss Ella
liearihan, of Constantii, is a beautiful
rwasg mdy who about a year ago waa
ongaged to be xarried to Jay Nichols.
An elaborate feast had been prepared,
Father McUlynn has been summoned,
and the young lady, surrounded . by
friends, stood waiting for. the expected
groom, but be did no1, appear. It waa
subsequently learned that tha young
man' parent made such objections to
his being married by a priest of the
Catholic faith that he weakened. Soon
afterwards he -vent sooth and remained
there several months. A abort time ago
be returned and met bis former sweet
heart, who greeted him cordially and
soon ao other wedding waa prepared for.
H;v. Mr. Embry, a Prodestant clergy
man, had been secured to tie the knot
this lime. The young couple were ready
in the parsonage and had just joined
hands when a gruff voice cried out:
''Break away T and inNantly Jay
dropped Ella's hand. The young lady
-went to the door, met her brother and
Uarvey George, and bidding her faint
hearted lover good night, left him stand
ing along in the parlor of the parsonage
with the the dominie who was to have
Ia the Haade afa Beeelver.
IffDiAVAPous, lnd., Oct. 11. The In
dianapolis Car Manufacturing company
has been placed in the hand of a receiv
er on the petition on John Voorheea,
purchasing agent of the company,. The
petitioner says that the company is in
solvent, having debts to the amount o'
about 9630,003 and no mean to pay
them. lie says alto that the aasett
have been largely pledged to secure in
debtedness, and that 9100,000 of this
amount is now due. The company is
composed of C 8. Millard and George
A. McCord, aid baa been in business in
this city for years. Millard amid to
night that the failure was prec'pitated
oy iH coiiapae or. toe umpire uumomt
company of Chattanooga, Teen., and
that nearly all the indebtedness was lo
cated in'the south. Matthew Banning
waa appointed receiver. An attempt
will be made to carry on toe works an 1
retain the 00 employes if possible.
A Tassel Take Fire.
Drrmorr, Mjcsl, Oct. 11. The steam
er Reason for Pjrt Huron, with abou-
dfty ttstmgirt aboard, was discovered
oa Am ywterday when about six mile
from 8t Clair flats. The fsssenge
wera panic stricken and were all driver
upon the upper deck by tba smoke and
flames. The fire was fought ineffeet to
nally by tha oraw until the
tag Jessie came alongside
poured water into tha hold, subdn'ng
Us tames. After oaatslaattoe it wa
sound that fee bold was not injured
ad Use
r Teeat, Oafc lL-Ck Gear
CyS Ktim IVayaU, isaibsr of aarfls,
C '1 fc eaef tbe dMeioae of TJmt
I Ctrftdjf afcfct II
' " X tottiat aai Cm Cdirm
tr xtrtz' oil
CxorAflo, Oct. 11. -The
from Switaartaad that Dr. M. Biber, Ne
vada's cowiiasinaar to tha Paris world's
fair ia ia prison at Salaae, Switzerland
Biber had word seat here several
saoatha ago that he waa dangerously
tick, and then came a report that ha
waa dead. This was probably to pre
vent many mining man whoea he had
swindled from prosecuting him. In Ne
vada be -Wted" mines and gained ao
hard a reputation that wonder waa ex
pressed when he waa appointed commis
sioner. Many valuable ' mineral speci
mens ia the Nevada exhibition entrust
mated to him to ship borne, he sold,
and he also swindled people in Zurich,
Berne and several other cities by selling
bogus mining securities. For these of
offenses he was imprisoned.
Ska Was Harden.
LaiVExwoBTH, K., Oct. ll.-Early
yesterday morning. Young Davis, grand
son of Matilda Davis, discovered his
room afire. He rushed to his grand
mother's room to rouse her, but could
not, then he attempted to put out the
fire, which with the assistance of the
neighbors be accomplished. It wna
then discovered that Matilda Davis had
been murdered. Her husband, whobad
been heard to threaten her life, baa
been arrested.
A Doable Murder.
Minneapour, Oct 1L An Ashland
special to the Tribune says Alexander
Pattleaon -.d his son equalled on a
zlaim near Republic, which was claimed
by a man named Nellie. There were
frequent altercations between the two
and the Utter had often threatened
the Battleeon'a lire. The threat has
svioVrntly been carried into execution, as
party of prospectors, coming by chance
upon the cabin, found both father and
ion murd red, Nellia has disappeared.
Foaad a New Koa'e.
Washihgtoh, Oct IL Elward Ca
ton, a cigar maker, twenty -five years of
age, committed suicide here last even
ing in the rear of the white house. Ho
squeezed his bead in between the iron
railings of the fence that surrounds the
rounds and choked hioieelf to death.
tetkttetorlly fettled.
8t Louis, Oct. 12. The trouble which
lately occurred on the Houston k Texas
Central railroud, growing out of the re
fusal of Receiver Dillingham to dis
charge negro switchmen, hsa been satis
'actori Iy settled. After a long consults
,ion with the railroad officials the su
preme council of the railway employes11
'ederation concluded tbe strikers had
nade a mistake, that the color line could
lot be made an issue, and after a prom
ae on the part of Receiver Dillingham
hat the strikers will be reinstated, the
jonferenee ended and the men will re
turn to work.
The Pre ideal at KaeeM City.
Kansas Citt, Oct 12. The presi den
ial train arrived here at 5:15 lart eve
ling under tbeesoourt of the Hon. Wil
iam Warner, Mayor Holmes :nd other
iiatioguiahed gentlemen and committees
The president and party were driven
ibout the city somewhat and finally
iakec to the Coatei house. Here a mag
lificent banquet was tendered to the
president Secretary Tracy, the presi
pent'a brother, John S. Harrison and
the remainder of the presidential party.
Before leaving tbe president spoke brief -:y,
excusing himself, saying in cooclu
uon that he hoped all their dreams for
Kansas City may be realized.
After his return from the residence of
bis brother the president waa given a
public reception at the Kansas City
chamber of commerce. It was an en
thusiastic occasion and tbouaands of
people were present Hon. William
Warner introduced the president, who
poke very briefly, saying that he would
lubmit himself to any arrangement the
jommmittee had made. It waa aubmia
iion to sacrifice, fo: during tbe next
bour the president waa compelled to
make hands with a multitude, until he
was completely exhausted and then not
half the people bad gained tba honor
they aougbt
Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 1 1. Steve Jacob i
a notorious negro deepen do, waa exe
cuted today at Lumberton for tbe mur
der of tbr womas near thtre several
months ago.
TaberraleeU ia Cattle.
Mavchbstkb, N. IL, Oji. 12. Tuber
culosa has been discovered in a third
bard of cattle on the wast aide of the
river and it is reported - that herds ia
Goflstowa and Bedford are affected.
Tba citizens are uneasy and tba sale of
milk aad beef baa been seriously inter
fered with.
TwaXtaw. Killed.
. St. Lot; is, Oct 11 la a coliaiou it
tba bridge ttmaei this a-oniag bevweee
a lkbt serine and a frtAgnttnUn Benja
min Ingram and John LiHngatoaa, cm
aWetoffeoeridje aa
KSee, ""
Bai FaAjKnaoo. Oct. 7. In eetioectioa
wMh tbe ssaaaUnasl story publisfawdia
Haw York to eCeet that a yoaag French
ssaaUaal atadaat named Louie Baaaalat
MbaM-eria4etef9UCC0ia that
f"y ty a fH fyajaata of Yasser aaaud
Laaneaa U- Jraoa, who aftorwarda
I ft far Caa tnitn. tiw aatisja af tola
ellalaarasj Ua IWlowfci iwCa.
w'm. ir -to Ksaaak ami kaa
tjaat-tr-' J Hi aa iwetto ct a
ttti L'laaalrt to tt km
"t . :rwla fcsa r- -tie
E. A. Baraa has raaigaed the poaitioa
of register in the Oraad Island land of-
Te Catholics of Laxiegton realised
STlO clear mooey at a church fair held
last week.
Prairie fires burst hp one hundred
tone of hay tor Joe Miller, the other day
near Detroit.
S. Macumber, residing near Ainaaort b, '
baa threshed more than 3.0U0 bushels
of wheat He ia a lucy man.
The d rectora ct Ihe R-d Willow ooun
y fair announce that I bey can pay only
30 per cent of the premiums this yrar.
ut. i. a. naixaii and wire were
thrown from a but;gy at Kearney Sun
day by runaway horse and severely
Sheriff Loecy has twenty -live glan
dered horses quarantined near Madison
and proposea that the diseawe shall not
R. H. PeterKn, of Louienlie, while
riding a bicycle last Tuesday, ran off s
bridge and into a creek bruising him up
The -vaterworks engine house st Val
entine has burned down. Tbey can
put fire out up in town be'ter than at
the wells in that town
Tbere are 1C2.000 sheep being fed in
Dodge county. The cost of feeding
them is estimated at $471,000. Quite a
.urn of iconey to scatter around.
The dwelling on St.ll water f tock farm
owned by B. J. K ndall of Calboun
burned to tbe ground Friday night.
The loss is estimated at 10.COO.
W. H. Bhuyle of Rickford recsired
wenty-five carload of sheep from Kan
sas the other day. He think then is
big money in feeding f beep.
Tbe loss by fire at Crawford is estima
ted it 940,000. Colored soldier from
Fort Robinson are suspicion d. and an
Investigation is going on.
Chris Johnson, of Nebraska City, had
950 taken from his pants pocket while
he was asleep Saturday night. The
pants were fVund outside the building.
Oxford, this st ate, has a oopulstion of
803 and is a thriving go-ahead town.
Hut it has no lawyer and is willing to
try one if it has to play a Iming game t)
get it
The militia company at Kearney is oc
the boom. The buys are working like
beavers and will eo-ift have from fifty to
seventy members from the beet young
lien of the city.
Dr. A. W. Oilbraith, of Oxford, has
ieLfl appointed surgeon of the Ohio in
sane asylum by Governor Campbell.
The position ia worth 93,500 jear. He
fa one dmocrax in luok. :, ..
The many friends of the moose wbiob
trotted at tbe state fair in such poky
lime, are informed that tbe animal ba
yielded up bis trot He couldnl stand
the Kansaa City fair and died.
A collision on the race track at Teka
uah last week marred the otherwise
pleasant and successful fair. -The care
leasneas of a driver threw Mr. Harknesj
from bissulkf, badly injuring bim.
Tbe Neligb Tribune says that the An
lelope county fair waa a failure on ac
count of lack of iotnrest from exhibitors
and patrous Tbe paper adviaea tbe
abandonment of the fair in the future
Jim Paoe, of Beatrice, has hanging
over him the charges of disturbing the
peace, carrying concealed weapons
breaking jail, resisting an offioer in tbe
performance of h'sduty and shooting at
an officer with intent to kill.
Tbe christian church at Sterling was
ded rated last Rabbath, Rev. Robert
Raina of Topeka, officiating. The build
ing cost 92 200. Half of this was raised
during fbe services Sunday and tbe
church is now clear of de'rt.
A gentleman by the name of Park waa
struck by the elevator in the Security
bank block at Grand laland while it was
dacending. Like the boy wl.o was look
ing down tbe gun barrel to ree the ball
tart, ao he waa looking up tbe elevator
way to aee the big cage come down. He
raw. '"
Mica Lillie Iswey, of Stanton, was
putting coal oil in tbe wash water, the
other day, when the oil took Are, the
can exploding. Hor father was near
snd succeeded in extinguishing tbe
burning flames from her burniug cloth
ing before she waa seriously hurt Af
tor that be bad hard work to savs tbe
building from burning to the ground.
Some person in Terrs Haute, I:d,
writes a W. Beach, of Auburn, tuis
state, that Talavera, the great trotting
colt waa not burned ss rsported to bi-c.
The writer says ths staWa waa burned
and tbe remains of an otd plug palmed
off on theublic for Talavera. The own
er of tbe barn writes that tbe ligataicg
strucVthe building aad the boras vaa
burned up. Hs wss valued at 910O0
aad ewaed by Mr. Beach.
. Aatoaajat taa teas from LoagPma
to Alaaa-urifc tha other day IwsmmI Jaaad
sad loai aad tamed over to tha sheriff,
UboriBg under a temporary fit of iaeaa
ity. It appsm that themaa'aaaata ia
l-radrtoraa4taathe waa oa bia
way fraai Oaator coaaty to EawUaga
SSiriDstoUla abos"M wtth
sa-anaaCaaMlkadeakBi jnm&
ariwa Wkaaba waa faa4 at
LtcT Tiat kyfe-j oa the ratlrcai foask
totstowtarsasassjr. Krjr f-
Parsons is the beet saarket ia Kaaaai
for apples aad mulea,
I U. CUy Park received 9S,r00 ia casi
for tbe Atchison Patriot.
Kansas baa fourteen counties border
iiitfce tbe Indian territory.
D. R. Anthony presided at the BrodVr
ick meeting in Leasee worth.
The total enrollment of tbe Kanea
state university haa already reached 42 .
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion for Kansaa will meet at Leaven
worth this month.
The Kansas militia ia a very formida
ble organization with its 141 offiuersand
1,493 enlisted men.
Three Atchison doctors have died i th
in four months. Djctors may die, but
their patients must
Tbe proposition to vote bonds to the
Pittsburg Mining sod Smelting com
pany in tbe sum of fjXK) was defeated.
The youngest member of tbef.-ealiman
cLss in Harvard college this year is Ben
Sna'tinger of Topeka. He is only seven
teen years old.
Fort Scott is having nearly as much
trouble with its cows and hogs as it is
with its legislative candidates. All of
them run at large.
There are fifteen newspapers and
magazines published in Salina. During
the quarter ending Sep tern ber 30, 7,171
ponnds of newspaper were deposited
at tie postoffice for mailing:
The gospel wagon at Atchison doesn't
b pin to draw tbe crowds that tbe wiz
ard o 1 outfit did. The people of that
town care a great deal more about their
bodies thsn about their souls.
Tbere aro about 240 pupils in the
deaf and dumb institute at Olethe. Be
fore the camp ign is over the people of
the state will wish there were more
ones than that in the 'state.
It is aaid that C ay Park received
f 5,0 0 when be walked out of the Atch
ison Patriot oftioe. It that ia true it
will occur to a great many Kansss news
paper men that it paya better to go out
of the business than it does to remain
in it
Tbe apple evaporator at Lawrence
burned down tbe otber day with all its
contents. It is so 'ate in the season, too
that the housewives tbere are afraid
they will have t) fall back on dried
pumpkin for tbeir aupply of pies this
A Jugbandle Story,
A party of Jacksonville mechanics
were at work on the Matanzai rivet
some months ago raasing a sunken
dredge boat, says the Florida Times-
Union. Tbey lived on board tbe big
Hfhter on which they worked In a small
house on the deck. One noon their bill
of fare was somewhat strengthened by
some wild turkey egg which had been
found by some of tbe party whde hunt
ing on shore. After tho hungry engin
eers bad destroyed a heavy dinner
tbey hft their dining room and
returned to their, work. The doors
and the windows were all open, and
the cook did nU clear off the table for
come time.
Jn this interval a Urge water mocca
sin of nearly six feet crawled on board
the lighter and wriggled into tbe dining
room through the open door. In his
prospecting tour be climbed the table
leg, and here, with a snakes fondness
for eggs, he went in for a feast . Ono
of the eggs lay alone by a plate, and
the rest were in a dish on the other
side of the table. In the center stood
a large water jug and right here the
wily serpent slipped up. After swal
lowing tbe lonesome egg he started for
the main supper and in his artless
manner crawled through the handle of
tbe jug. It was a tight lit and he had
to stop about half way through on ac
count of the egg which enlarged him
somewhat So stretching forward he
bolted another egg and thereby fast
ened I imself.
On each side of tbe jug handle was
an egg on bit inside, and he could not
move neither forward nor backward,
practically rivited in position. lie waa
soon found in this peculiar situation
by the cook, who speedily killed him.
The reporter was shown tbe skin of
the snake with a crease still in the mid
dle from tlie tremendous pressure, and
he waa also permitted to gaze on the
jug whose handle proved so fatal
Hevere on the Militia.
Ono of the regular officers who waa
at tbe Mt (Jretna encampment says tba
following in regard to that camp: "I
eannot refrain from saying that It looks
as if the state of Pennsylvania paid
9166,000 for an inipectioo and two re
views. Beyond that nothing waa at
tempted which could not fuwe been bet
ter executed at the armories at noma.
The militiamen have tha Idea that if
thar gat a tow af the aaswriaata down
Ana which are sraul awt before them
in. Upton tactics tbey are in condition
to conquer tha world and barest any.
thing more tolaarn. Why, they leave
off jast where rati warfare baritrt-
Boch a thing as modem iMtUa tactical
aniuMWB to fee. It torn tha ability
to rirt Uy haatdia jnat anea bodiea of
nMVMtfartdlvblca of 9,000 mllltte
aaeawfetoii Keampal at Mt Grata.
teCaantaOMartia ara
That tort of work ttat wO'itfcafsry t&farj
Udlitmr ttewitol'-ArKy nd
garTfJsafTiri '
Tarsi Xaiten.
TLa dairy, wbethM on tle farm or in
tLe town or ciiy, must be governed by
certain general ruk of managt-meut
in order to make it a nuitm The fol
lowing rufca were adopted by llic New
York Dairymen's association at tbeir
;aat meeting:
First-Milk from healthy cows only
should be used.
cjcond Avoid excitemetit of the
cows, produced by chasing with dogs or
Inary oUr .i ai;:.e. Harsh treat
ment les&eus O e.t-n.-itily and injures
the quality el nt.'.'i.
'I hird o s should have an abund
ance of suitable f-od "d pure water,
and salt ke t where they can have
ready access to it every day.
Fourth Cotv should be kept froni
ail foul odors and not be allowed to eat
or drink anything that will give taint
to the milk.
Fifth-Milking should be done at
regular hours, with clean hands, clean
udders and clean stables, and the milk
kept away from any contaminating
Sixth Milk should be strained
immediately after bWne drawn, and
nnt I disturb! until creamed.
Seventh Milk pails and other vesse's
for keeping milk and cream should be
thoroughly cleansed -first well washed
and scalded with boiling water and
then aired to keep them perfectly
Fanners should see to the milch cows
on the farm, and conform as nearly as
possible to the most approved system
of management adopted by the well
managed dairy.
Acrlrullnie aad Geaeimt Mule.
Thorough tillage is necessary in a J
dry season.
A few piece of horse radish root
put among pickles, will keep tho scum
from rising on top ai'd improve their
Tbe farmer who has advanced to lire
point of knowing what he is feeding to
each animal, will not long be satisfied
with wasting good feed on his inferior j
The railways of North Germany are
nearly all under slate control. They
operate there a system of fourth class
cars, in which there are no scats, and
the fare of which is about one-quarter
that of first class.
Agriculture is the lead ng interest in
this country. Seven or eight millions
farmers are engaged in it The value
of the products' of their industry every
year reaches tbe vast total of between
93,000,000,000 and 94,000,000,000.
Early Lamb. j
In rearing early Iambs, several meth
ods are followed by different men. One
is to buy tbe ewes as early as possible in
the summer, wherever they can be
found. As soon as tbey are housed in
the fall they are sheared and kept in
doors all the time for tliey will feed
better after the wool is removed. They
are fed heavily right along and sold
fat, a short time after the lambs are
gone, when mutton is usually high. In
this way a profit is made en the ewes
aa well as on the early lambs and wool.
But it is often difficult to get suitable
sheep early enough. Most sheep
brought in this way are fine wools and,
although they are more hardy and may
be kept in larger flocks, they are not as
good for milk as the mutton breeds.
Another way is to select the eves more
carefully at the start," rejecting the
poorer ones each year and replacing
them with lambs of your own breeding.
This is more expensive, but one will
soon have just such a flock as ho wishes.
Each method has its advantages. Ewes
from the mutton breeds are better for
milk and are more prolific breeders than
fine wools. But whatever kind of
ewea are used, the lambs should be the
beat to be bad from one of the mutton
breeds, preferable one of the downs.
I do not know of tlie Oxfordthire
downs being used for this, but tbey are
claimed to be fine sheep for native mut
ton. The reason for useing rams from
one of these breeds -are, tbey imprest
upon their lambs a tendency to fatten
jnore readily; they give bettor size and
the facet are dark. That lambs should
have dark faces may be only a fancy,
but tbey bring better prices than white
faced onea. Finely-bred ees of these
breeds art not plenty enough nor cheap
enough to use to any great extent for
this purpose. Hampshire downs are
favorites with many for this business.
One of tbe moat difficult things in
raising these early lambs it to get tbe
ewes to take the ram early enough in
in tha summer. To obivato this dif
ficulty a new brted has been brought
Into tbe country (the Dorset), that it
aatd fsv Una traoat in England, 'and
moat it st to sustain ita reputation here,
Tbey art good mothers, giving plenty
of aalJk, and usually bear twins. Tba
lambs ara stronger and of good size,
taking on flaw wall when young. But
tat treat point in their favor it that
may will breed at any season of tut
jtar. J, D. A vary, m Farm and Home.
Waea te Mreat the Saw.
Ifboa lrrprortBMHt iu stock it bs
gun wa bart naaaSy more than fifty
par cent: of btttormaot In tht first lit
tor, ktataat fee lotoneHy of dmnetor
iimama br totorta boar of hlrfclv
knietot oovfiai for moeh mora fees.
oaa-half fee Kttor from a scrub tow.
Tbottssptrtoncaai Eiarlitti brtsasri
first eoaate the pair at agea varying
from six lo fifteen months. Braadert
should bo takn from tin ing litters
and if their growth lias been steady and
unbroken, if their vigor ia full and in
dividuality fairly good tbey may bt
bred to produce a titter for the follow
ing spring when they are one year old
Tlie rates which apply to the sow may
be held to be of equal value iu deter
mining tbe age of service for the boar.
With the whole summer before him he
may have the advantage of exercise in
bis oien yard, with cut green food and
a good nitrogenous ration- to grow
sound bone and good muscle. Proper
ly grown and in good condition, he may
be used at eight or nine months old.
Farm and Home. '.
i eeaiag Crap.
A word as to seeding crops may not
be out of place at this time. With the
price of wheat, com and oats advanc
ing as they have during the summer,
there is a tendency, almost irresistble,
on Ihe part of tbe farmer to hold on to
his crops in the hope that the upward
limit of prices lias not yet been reached
and t natural desire to reap the advant
age of any further rise. We believe
however, taking one year with anothei
that the farmer who sells bis grain
crops as soon after they are harvested
as possible, gets the largest net return
from them. The loss by holding, aris
ing from shrinkage- in weight, depre
dations by mice and insecta, and inter
est on the grain and on the necessary
esjiecially constructed granaries to hold
it, will more than equal in a series ol
years any rise in the price of grain
Wo believe the present year will provt
no exception to this rule. The Practi
cal Farmer.
K.lndr for I'wlalo Dueate.
Creosote lias, it is said, been success
fully applied as a remedy for the potato
disease in Scotland. Every eye of th
seed potato is touched with creosote by
means of a small camel's hair brush
Tbe product of potatoes so treated it
almost totally free from disease. Where
the creosote is not applied to all tht
eyes of the seeding tlie result Is partial
disease. If too much Is used the seed
will not germinate. A combination ol
sulphate of copper and ammonia
sprayed over the growing crop has also
been found efficacious in checking tti
disease. A wonderful spraying ma
chine has been invented which can thor
oughly distribute one gallon of kero
sene, for instance, over one acre. Tbit
is accomplished by means of a pneuma
tic blower and the liquid falls upon
crops almost as imperceptible as doet
dew. Such a machine should be intro
duced to this country. It ia called tht
".Struwsonizer.' Farmers Review.
Caauiaiaa fvialnr.
It it a very rare occurence that
Canadian potatoes ore shipped to tbe
United States thus early In the season,
we can now report the exportation of
two car loads of very fine varieties
from Montreal to Cincinnati in refrig
erator rars to ensure their arrival at
destination in good order. The pota
toes cost 40 cento per. bushel in Mon
treal, which is equal to about 77 cent
laid down at Cincinnati duty paid, anc
should they realize late quotations
there, namely. SI 23 per will
leave a handsome profit to the shipper.
Farmer' Review. -,
Coin Hnk I per. . '
It is staled that one of tbe best util
ized waste product in Australia it
that of to-n husks for the production
of cloth and paper. The husks art
boiled in an alkali in tubular boilers,
the gluti'iotu matter bzing pressed out
from the fibre by hydrau ic apparatui
leaving the fibres in the shape of a mast
or chain of longitudinal threads, inter
spersed witi a dense mast of short
fibres. The fibre is easily worked, eithet
alone or in combination with rags, into
the finest wilting or printing papers,
and it alto very readily takes any tint
or color. If the gluten is left in tht
pulp, in the process of manufacture,
the paper cau be made extremely
transparent- -Exchange.
Kutiuif Human Fletli.
The most repulsive food which liu
man beings itould eat is man. For
tunately caiiibalism, although ones
very general, Is now mainly confined to
the most degraded tribes of tlie South
Sea Islands, and some districts of Aus
tralia and Central Africa. Lindsay, ot
Pitscottie, relates that a . man, tit wift
and family were bume J to death on tht
east coast of Scotland for eating
children whom they had stolen, ana
during the French revolution the heart
of the unfortunate Princess Lam belli
was actually torn out of her body b)
tlie yelling savages near, taken tot
restaurant end tbere cooked and eaten
Human flesh it told not to bt iTnpaia
table, and .this it conflrraed by tnt
horrible narratlrt given by Lindtay
He mentioned that as one of fee girlt
wu being token to execntlon the e
claimed: "Wherefore chide ye wife me
at If I had committed in unworfe)
act? Qire me credence, and try me, it
ye had experience of eating men ant
women't flash yt would never forban
It again." The Tanneat of oar owl
distribute human flesh in little bits U
their friends at deUetoat mortttt, Mtf
toy the flesh of s kffwk man to tret,
able to that of vfcito mam, for tittle
tor tnrtrt ttit; atisar tat"' 'n't hall
tome.-' Bcotttefr Tfiattow.