The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 09, 1890, Image 4

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fltncuL oqcwT rim.
Price, tS.00
TsTcbbdat. Oct. , 1W0.
I ; - -.-
For UMtauoi Governor.
For Secretary of Stale,
For Commissioner of Public Land and
Ibr Attorney General,
For SuperinCendeut of Public Instruction,
A. K. Goror.
Beblku CmtUm1 tic.
roc Congress msii. M district,
BeaablleaB LsgtsUtlte Ticket.
natorJtth District.'
For Representative, SM District,
BbIkB CoaBty Ticket.
For County Attorney,
h: t: cos let:
For County CommlMloner,
It Will now be in order for D. P. Davis
to withdraw In favor of L. O. Hull.
ConercaS dtHourned Oct. 1st, and now
Ihe members ran devote their entire time
to political matters until Nov. 4th, after
wh'ch they can take a rent.
, The fint legislature of Wyoming' will
be composed of fourteen republican and
two democratic senators, and twenty
eiirnt republican and Ave democratic
We are in recept of Vol. 1, No. 1, of
the Hat Cheek, 8. D. Frontier, with the
name of A. L. Baumgartner at the bead
of the editorial column. He is a young
man of energy and good habits and will
give the people or that place a good pa
bet. We extend best wishes for his strt?-
The campaign of 1890 in Nebraska is
botea lor tne attempts at ooint oenates.
la the first district, Conneil and Bryan
are to meat each 'other and the same is
true of Harlan and McKeighao in the
ecoad district. In the third district it
!l ftboftsd that Kem has challenged Dor -aey
to meet bam in joint discussion, and
in this representative district, C. W. Al
len,, the democratic nominee, has issued a
challenge to EL L. Heath to meet him
and discuss the issues of the day, so that
fnom bow until Nov. 4th, political dis
cussions will likely be quite plentiful.
The fact that Senator Paddock was
one of the thfM republican senators who
voted against the tariff bill as reported
by the committee, elevated him several
nigriw in the estimation of the people of
(ho west A ftjrbt bad been made to
have binding twins put upon the free
list, but it waa not done and that was a
very important item to the western
farmers and in voting as he did, Senator
Paddock voiced the sentiment of the eo-
"tire west There is a growing demand
for independent voting on matters effect
ing the localities which men are sent to
represent, and it it quite likely that it
will not be long until toe caucus rule
will be broken, except on matters of a
strictly party nature.
It has been charged by democratic
newspapers that Hon. Geo. H. Hastings,
tan republican candidate for attorney
gsasral, is a railroad attorney. The Be
Mart has investigated tins charge, and
ads it to bs absolutly untitle, Mr.
Hastings is not now, nor has be ever
been attorney for any railroad company.
tferiag the building of the Missouri Pa
cific throogt) Saline county, Mr. Hastings
was a nssssbsr of the committee of the
ttty of Ctote to secure tbs right of way,
and in thin catavcity appeared in court to
In these sorts he
f sBrsI as tin attorney of the company
wtn& kerf gnaraateed the right of way
tetberaliroaa. THa is the entire his
tory ef George Hearings as a railroad at-
St wm wail ansssratoos that a P.
t toBstsM to rssnove from Btoax
iBBry. Wt sfter ton atsssnpts of the
rtorassMCSMslM to bs a
Claatss tfcn tor eonaty attor-
I .,mJ Mtjk nssl so n vnnt
VAUtk t, Bswfc. Us
lli(ACMCJimma, stttT'latotor
'ivmUmmm lata
yt"xyj s bm
i III -T-Tf
I rttnt
k 1J J.
if f t i k- -v H
' ijtrr .if v if
, r- t it i
1 1:
v L "9
it r v
Ms Plaanrisl HUnsllng.
Under the heading of "Is it not Per
jury" the gang, organ in its last
makes a great bowl against . 1L T- Con
ley because he signed the notarial bond
of Thomas Betdy on' (he 12th day of
April iSHt, and takes as evidence that he
did wrong in doing so, the fact Utat Mr.
Con ley was assessed for the year Is8V in
Sioux county, but I?) dollars for per
sonal property and none on rwI estate.
That is the same kind of tactics em-
ployed by the gang last January when
they attempted to keep the legally
elected officers from taking their seats
by declaring their bonds insufficient be
cause the bondsmen did not have a lot
of real estate assessed to tbem in Sioux
county. But it did not work at that
time, neither will it have aoy weight
against H. T. Conley.
While a candidate for the suffrages of
the people is public property and the
public have a right to know of any past
shortcomings of such candidate which
would unfit him to fill a position of pub
lic trust, either from a moral standpoint
or from the standpoint of qualification
we deny the right of any individual oi
newspaper to willfully malign, villify
and lie about a candidate without any
foundation in fact for its statements.
-Mr. Conley signed and verified to the
notarial bond of Thomas Rekly on April
12, 1889. He swore that he was a resi
dent and freeholder of Sioux county,
Nebraska, and that he was worth at
least the sum of $2,000 00, over and
above all debts and liabilities by him
owing and all property exempted by law
from levy and sale under execution, and
that affidavit was true in every particu
On the 12th day of April, 1889, H. T.
Conley was a resident of Sioux county,
Nebraska. He was also a freeholder in
Sioux county, Neb., at that time, being
the owner of the northwest quarter of
section 3, township 81, north of range 56
west, by virtue of a timber culture en
try which be had on said tract.
He was also at said time worth $2,000,
over and above his liabilities and exemp
tions, being at that date the owner in
fee of a bouse and lot in the village of
Ansley, Neb., worth $1,060.00, the own
er in fee of 160 acres of land (being om
of the best improved farms in Custer
county) three-fourths of a mile from
Ansley, which tract he proved up on as
a pre-emption, a hundred acres of the
place being in a good state of cultiva
tion, said farm being worth $20 per acre;
he wai also at that date the owner in
fee of the undivided one-half interest of
480 acres of land situated from 8 to 10
miles west of Ansley; which land was
worth $12 per acre, which ownership ap
peared of record in the office of the clerk
of Custer county, Neb., at the abovj
date, and in addition to the above be was
also the owner of personal property in
Custer county, Nebraska, which
consisted of a farm .team, harness,
plows, etc, all of which property was
subject to execution.
Mr. Conley was assessed in the spring
of 1889 by the assessor of Bo wen pre
cinct, Sioux county, Neb., in the sum of
$75.00 personal property, and no real es
tate, but be did not take the oath de
scribed by the Herald, tor the reason
that the ossessor ("id not ask it Had
the assessor requested it Mr. Conley
would have taken the oath as that
was all the tanable property he had in
Bowen precinct, Sioux county, Neb., he
was not listing his Custer county proper
ty with a Sioux county assessor, the
law not requiring it. The Custer coun
ty assessors looked after their end of tl
In another article the Herald wants to
know "when Hugb Conley has been a
freeholder owner of ral property in fee-
simply in the county!" For the benefit
of the Herald editor will state that a
person can bs a freeholder without being
the owner of real property in fee simple,
and we cite as our authority Prof. Wm.
C. Robinson, of Yale law school, who in
his work on Elementary Law, published
in 1882, says:
rreenoid estates grew out or and were a
part of the feudal ayateni. The king would
parcel out a targe tract oi tana to a oaron.
toe nm so lurnwn toe Kins a certain
amount of military service yearly or a cer
tain fixed eem of money yearly, toe estate
to last daring the life time of the baron on
bis eamaltanee with tbe aareement. The
baron In trim would subdivide his manor
Into a number of (Mailer tracts and sublet
tbem to freemen in tnw same manner as be
sera it irons tne sing, we estate to last dur
ing tbe lifetime of the freeman, on condi
tion that tbe ervlree or rental was natd.
neb estates were known as freehold es
tates lor tbe reason tbat tbey existed for
tbe lifetime of tbe freemen who occupied
tnssa and on their death reverted to tbe
baron and the king. From these principles
arises tbe Bret grist division of estates in
rest property into ireeaoia
tatss less than fraeaoM. I
including life estates, inheritable estates
ana estates ts ie stmpie. Lss tnaa free
noMlneladlnsTallsstafea for fixed aerlodi
of slate, tbat Is, estate for a errteta deanite
lassoarof years known at the time ef
rsstlon of the estate.
Thus all claimants at government land
indar bnsnsstsad, pre-emption or timber
coltnr filings are frsatwlders. Their
title to the land doss not depend on their
tbs government a certain
yearly. Alt tbs government rs-
j owes ef taetn la uatt titey perform cer
Ma acts of improvonnawt and settlement
for tnssssiivis 1st a few years.
Htaweavianiat utsisr the h
rtaoa or tiasbsr enltare laws die
a any vmm after asking entry, even bs
tJl tisM to i tttta Bs Stsnpj lrt
VsWftnsnWst4sj M ggM&f 0M Wt liflfl
as J ttM fresfaosl se-
fr3sMI )sV staWsnsssl tisMslai fest ins HKBtilt tO
1st Mhlis amm Mm to ton
i yswlsW-
wrjuiiBii trt .trf. Warn. C toe
BJ ttH
II L wsbs CJ-tlw af Ibs Ur
Tlte Ownership qsmtlem.
The gang organ ntst week oontoiaad
an article in which a number of am
are applied to the editor of Ta JuoDiAL,
and sandwiched among which is, tint as
sertion that IX P. lis vis has no "proprie
tary" interest in tbe Herald, but was
made an "advisory" member of the firm.
A man frequently baa an interest in
concern where his name does not appear,
but tlte fact of a man being a naembei
of an association and still have only an
"advupry" interest looks a little pecu
liar. But in the case at band, tbe rea
son for the gang organ proclaiming that
0. P. Davis has no "nroorietery" inter
est in the concern is found in the records
in tbe office of the district court where
iudirinents are foun against D. P.
Davis amounting to over $1,200.00 whicli
nave followed him here from Valley
county, Neb. , artd If it was admitted that
Davis had any "proprietary interest
the Hvrald execution would issue on
said judgments. Id order to avoid any
such state of affairs; W. H. Davis, a mi
nor son of D. P. Davis, is the one who
lias tlie "proprietary" interest in tlte
concern and D. P. Davis simply has an
"advisary" interest therein. The gang
dodged a grand jury last spring on
technicality and now I). P. Davis at
tempts to be rid of fathering pottion of
tlte rot publistied in tlie gang organ on
the trround of simply being an "advis
ory" member of the Herald Publishing
It is repeatedly illustrated that there
are a few of the old gang who know that
if a constant turmoil is not kept up their
accuiution would be gone. They came
to Sioux county in an early da' and got
on the inside and proceeded on the line
that "public office was a private snap'
and things went along right merrilly for
a time. But after a while new settlers
began to come in and new business en
terprises began to start up and tbe peo
ple began to inquire into tlte conduct of
public affairs. Then it was that tlte
gang began to realize tltat tlte days of
their rule were numbered unless they
did something desperate. Tlie keeping
U Oerlitcb and J. M. Kobinson irom be
coming members of the county board
was a part of their scheme and another
part was to make it as unpleasant as
possible for every one who would not lie
controlled bv tbe gang. Tlte result has
been a crusade of abuse,, vilification and
persecution against a number or citizens
among whom were Conrad Lindeman,
N. L. Pollard, W. E. Patterson, H. T.
Uonley, S. Bitrker, Thomas bevenport,
M. Gavhart, Thomas Beidy, Chas Urove
John A. Green and others, tlie purpose
of prejudicing people against Utem, but
while the work oi the gang nas been al
most incessant the parties against whom
it was directed have continued to rise in
lite estimation of the tieoble. The fact
of the matter Is that there is not a dozen
people of tint county who approve of the
work of the. gang, but so long as the
leaders of tbe old gang remain in tbe
county, so long Will they 'continue on
the line Which IHey have been following
for the past two or three years. It
would make no difference, if an angel
would come direct from heaven and lo
cate in Sioux cotlnty and refuse to be
"worked the gang the would at once
proceed to concoct some kind of a cock
and bull story reflecting on his character
or business ability and publish it in tbe
organ of tbe gang.
At a special sewtion of the board of coun
tv commuwioners of the county of Sioux.
and x tate of Kebrsska, held on the slxtb
(itlt ) dny of September. 190, It was by said
board of county cotiitnlMiioner, by virtue
ana ity tne sumoruy in mem vented
by an act of the legislature of Nebras
ka, approved March I, 171, and amended
in isst, resolved tbat the following ques
tion be and are hereby submitted to the
teguiiy qnaunea voters oi nioux county
To the Qualified electors of Sionx conutv.
The board of coantv coinmiwdonera of
said county hereby submit the following
proposition ;
Sliull the county of Sioux, state of Me
braska. Issue its coupon funding bonds In
tne amount or eigni tnousanu ( aol
turn for the purpose of paying the "outstand
big Indebtedness nn provided for bj
warrants existing and now due of saiii
county and appropriate tlte proceeds of
said bonds to pay tbe outstanding Indent
ednese of said county of Hlotix, unprovided
for by warrants, said bonds to be of the de
nomination of tlfitmm each.dated January
,, toi, psyKutt, at tne omue oi Mie uoaniy
Treasurer of said county, and to run twen
ty (W) years with interest at six (6) per
cent, per annum, payable semi-annually.
tne ivinij reserving tne option oi paying
any or all of said bunds at any time after
ten years frem tbe date thereof, if the
county cemmtss loners, by a mat nity
vote, order the county treasurer to do so.
said bonds snail not be sold for Ibsa than
Further, shall there. In addition to tbe
annual levies or taxes lor ordinary pur
poses, be levied and collected a tax annual
ly as by law provided for the payment of
the Interest on said bonds aS such Interest
snail Dseome due, and snail an additional
amount be levied and collected, as by law
provided, snmclent to create a slnklns tniid
for the payment of said bonds at maturity.
or e anytime aitvr swtu uvints nave run
ten years from the date thereof should
tbe eouutv commissioners at such time
consider ft desirable so to do. Provided,
tost not more taan n per cent, of tne
principal of laid bonds, so Issued, shall
not exceed Ave per cent, of the aitassd
valuation of said county. Provided far
ther, that no levy shall Se made to pay
any part of the principal of said
bonds until after ten years from tbe date
The form and manner la which the
above proposition snail no suumitted,
shall be by ballot, upon which said ballot
shall be written or printed, or partly writ
ten or paVtly printed the words "Fet
fundlnar bonds and levying tax." at
"Against funding bonds and levying tax,"
and all ballots east having thereon the
words "For fending- bonds and levying
tax" shall be deemed and taken to be In
favor of said proposition, and all billots
east having thereon the words "Agatest
rending bonds end levying tax." shall he
a seated ana tasen to ue against seta
The said proposltloa shall be submitted
ana voted npon at tne next general election
to be best In the eoantv of
of Nebraska, on Tuesdarjttos 4th day at
Chairman Board of Oosuity Commlasloaers,
CXMBty Clerk.
Ketlee te Csntrartors.
S salad plaas and sneelBSstwrns, tMnnna.
atsd by bsas fee (ne uwuliatitioa of ias
same wttl be iseslvsd by the Beard of Voaa
ty Oessjassatssssrs ae statu sottaty, at the
wast) aosst efU 7 sr of Itevember, ui
fsv tne ssaniteni at a bridge aerossa
dry psa H jsjrwsr on tbs ner5
rseetbss ms,,Bawae St, In Wh-e
p--iisisis'itasais eluaeTswJ
ttl llKn.fl its tbf ssseias Haw.
,- s" s sue., TBs Bs- I
14-IJ CcntaAB Usb-ass,
Wbebkas, A Joint resolution was adopt
ed by tbe legUlsture of tbe state of Vebras-
ka.attbe twentv Srst session thereof, and
approved Man-b Wtb. A. 1. last, proposing an
amendment to sections two tj, four 4
and Bve at Article six j of the coasti
tntion of said state, aud that said section
a amended shall resd its follows, towlt
Section 1. That arction two () of article
six (6) of tbe constitution of the state of
Nebraska, be amended so as to read as fol
"Section z: Tlie supreme court shall con
sinter Ave IS) Indies, a uistorlty TX whom
hall be necessary to form a unoruui or to
pronounce e decision, it snstl nave origi
nal Jurisdiction in esses relstiiig to reve
nue, civil csseit In which tbe state shall lie
a party, niandamun, quo warranto, habeas
corpus, ana. sncn sppeiiste juneuicuuu as
itisv ts Drcvlded bv Isw.
hec. t: "Tbat section four (4) of article
ix ), of tbe count ltntion of ute slate ih
!tetraati, uestneuueu so as 10 nwt as tut
swtion 4; The Judges of the supreme
court shall be elM-ted by tbe electors of tbe
state st large and their terms of office, ex
cept as hrretuaf ter provided, shall be for a
period ol nve i years.
u..,!..!, - Th.l HM'tlnn fll-a, f5t of srtlclM
six (6) of the constitution of the state of
Seltrassa lie antenuea so as to resu as tot
Secimo 5: "At the And general election
to be b-ld in the year IHvl, and after tlte
artoptlpu oi litis amendment to tne const)
tution, tttere sltall be elecUnl three it',
Jutla-es of the HUiireine court, one of whom
mUhii tte etecteti lor tne lertti oi one 1 1 1
ottefyr the term of three (S) years and one
for I4te-term of live (S) yesrs, and ut each
general ele'tioii tlieresf ter there shall be
electrd one Judge of the supreme court for
the U-rm of live (A) years. Provided that
the Judges of the supreme court whose
terms usvc not exptreo at tne lime oi notu
lita the general election of 1H9I, shall cou
tiiine to bold their office for tlte remainder
of the Unit for which they were respective
lv elected under the present constitution."
Section 4: That escb pemon voting in
fsvor of this amendment sbsll have e-rit'
ten or printed ujiou Ills ballot tbe follow
Tor the proposed amendment to the con
stitution relating to the number of supreme
Therefore; I, John If. Thayer, Governor
of the Mtate of Nebraska, do hereby give
notice In accordant Willi section one (I)
Hrtirle fifteen of the constitution and
the provision of tlie act entitled "An Act
to provide the manner of proposing all
amendments to the constitution and sub
mitting the same Ut the electors of the
nutte." Approved reuruary lain, A. u. is,,,
thst Msitl ttroiMtsed amendment will be sub
mittal to the qualified voters of the strife
for approval or rejection st the general
election to Is- held ou the 4th dsy of Movent
Iter. A. It. IsW).
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hHiid and caused to 1st affixed tlte greitt
seal of me state ut seuniska. Itnne ttl 1.111
coin thi.lli day of July, A. I). 1HW. ami
the tseiity-foulth vear of the state and
of the Independence of the I'nlted Slates
the one hundred nfteeutn.
Ily the t.overnor, JOIIS M. TIIAYKK.
seal K'cretary of 8tute.
Wheseas, A Joint resolution was adopt
ed by the legislature of the state of
Nebraska, at the twenty first session there
of, and approved Mnrcb SOth, A. 1). IhsU,
proposing an amendment to Section Tltir
teen (IS) of Article Six (C) of the count!
tution of said state; thitt said section
as amended, shall read as follows, to-
Section l! That section thirteen (13) of
article six (6) of the constitution of tbe
state of Nebraska be amended so as to read
as follows:
Section IS: lite Jndgen of the supreme
court shall each receive a salary of
thirty-five hundred dollars (SaOO) per
annum and the Judges of the district
court shall receive a salary of three
thousand dollars (SsmD) per annum, and
the salary of each shall be payable qnar
section . Each permit vnVlnfc In fafor of
this amendmeltt rttall have written or
printed upon his ballot the following:
for the proposed amendment to the con
tltutlon, relating to the salary of Judges of
tne supreme aim uisinci court. '
llterefore, I.John M. Thayer, governor of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby give notice
In accordance with section one (I) srticle
niteett (10) 01 uie constitution, and lite pro
visions of an act entitled : "An act to pro
vide the manner ef proposing all amend
menu to tbe constitution and Submitting
the same to me electors of the ulule." Ap
proved Februav 13tb. A. 1. 1x7". Unit said
proposed amendment will lie submitted to
the qualtnea voters or this slate for ap
proval or rejection, at the. generitl election
to be held 011 tbe 1th day cit November, A. It.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and caused to be affixed the great
seal 01 tne smie ot neursska, Itone at Lin
coin, this SSth day of July. A. II. isw. Hnd
list twenty -1 ourtn year ot tne state, ana 01
the Independence of the United H lutes the
. . - . T SI. . . .
one hundred fifteenth.
By the Governor. JOHN H. THAYER.
I sea 1, 1 Secretary of State.
WHMMAS. A Joint resolution was adopt
ed by the legislature of the state of Nebras
ka, st tbe twenty first session thereof, and
approved February IStb, A. D. ISMS, propos
ing an amendment to tbe constitution of
said state, and that said amendment shall
read as follows, to wlt:
Section I : That at the general election to
be held on tbe Tuesday succeeding the first
Monday of November, At I. ISW, there shall
be submitted to the electors of this stats-for
approval or rejection an amendment to tbe
constitution of this state In words as fol
lows: '-The manufacture, sale and keeping
tor saie 01 intoxicating liquors as a never
ace are forever prohibited In this state, and
the legislature shall provide by law for the
enforcement of this provision." And there
shall also at said election be separately sub
mtttea to tne electors of tnts state tor tneir
approval or releetion an amendment to the
constitution In words as follows: "Tlte
manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of
Intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall be
licensed and regulated by law."
Sect: At such election, on tbe ballot of
escb elector voting fog tbe proposed amend
ments to tne constitution, snail oe writ
ten or printed the words: "For pro-
Dosed amendment to tbe constitution, pro
hibiting tbe manufacture, sale and keeping
lOTsaieot tntoxicaung liquors as a ocver
age," or "Against the proposed amendment
to the constitution prohibiting the manu
facture, sale and keeping for sale of intoxl-
eatlna llanora sa a beverage."
There snail also be written or minted on
the ballot of each elector voting for the pro
posed amendment to the constitution, the
words! "For proposed amendment to tbe
constitution that the manufacture, sale and
keeping for sale of Intoxicating liquors as a
beverage In this llate shall belicensed and
nlated by law," or "Against said proposed
ndment Ut the eonstitutum that tba
HHiHSiin mim Bwunsg iw, mmm
Intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall be
unanaea anu retntmieu py taw.
Sse.St If either of tbe said Pro noted
amendments shall be approved by a major
Ily of the sieetors voting at tbe said elec
tion, then It shall constitute section twsn-ty-seven
Jtll of arttsle one 111 of tbe eeaetl
talien of the state.
Therefore, I, John M. Thayer, Governor of
tbe state of Nebrseka, do hereby give notice
Is setsadsiina with aaattnn ona 111 artinls
BY teen I Is I ef the coustlisitioa and the provis
ions of Vastest entitled "an act to provide
the manner of proposing all amend mania to
taw eeatstttntton and submitting tne seme to
tne alee tors of tne state." Approved Feb
rssury iftn, A. I. 1877. that said proposed
aasastdtneat will be eabmltted to the quail
Bsal voters of tne state for approval or m-
li 1 linn at she ww, aUtftinn ia ha haul oa
tee 4th day of November. A. D. ISSS.
la witseae wnereof 1 aereoato est my
tasi. and eaaae to be affixed tne greet seal
at taw stats of Nahraska. Done at Llneola
IMs SHh day of July, A. O. HM, and the tMth
year of the state, aid of the ladepeadenoe
M the Vetted Btstes the7 oue hundred
r iMUovenswr, JOHKM. TUATIB.
I vtnis B. tWDtrir,
Koicms Bans., Hew York City
Fiasr Nakioxal Bass, Omaha.
Bass or f'ff Anno, t'badron,
D ( OF I1I1IS0,
Authorized capital. $25,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Buys 8cbool Orders, County and Village Warrants.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Loans Honey on Improved Farms.
B. E. Bbkwbtkk, C. F. Corfu,
President. Vice Pres.
CHAS. C. JAMESON; Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Owns the following brand on "KjT
right hip or left side; "V"
Range on Monroe creek. P. 0. Harri-
rison, Neb'r.
II T. CONLEY, Lawyer.
Loans no Money,
Represents no Insurance contbkny and has
no land to sell but gives his entire time and
attention to I he practice of tbe law.
Hasbro, ... Nebraska.
All business entrusted to hit care will re
ceive prompt and careful attention.
Will practice before all courts sad the U.
8. Land OHlce. Business entrusted to my
ears will receive prompt attention.
Wells Drilled!
I have a food wall drilling machine
and am ready to drill any sized well on
abort notice. Terms good nod prices
low. PoetoAos, Harrison.
C & flOOTT.
Tskaa an an a nisailiin an aaetlno si.
townanlo H. ranee at. on Asrast t. una. one
STay ssare, swpuoead to bs g years old,
asdwlth tsAlng " eolt rtawrasler'
Wm. Christensen,
Wholesale and Retail
A large and well selected stock
at prices to suit the times. Agfchts for
Chadron, Neb.
Grant Guthrie,
AOKNT PON WIN omius and pumps,
Wagon and Carriage Maker, j
Bapstrlng dons on snort notice.
Good work sad reasonable charges.
Shop soeth of llvwry bars.
rJS2f - - ' r "rnaBn.
9r99 I sBaWfVanys9f srV sVSS4ff 1 eWpVf
vwastsy ctsrn.
J twepsvarp ss ssate
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