The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 09, 1890, Image 2

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    Czax County Journal.
Clitcago Markets.
Wit f. .T Firm; Cash, Wc; Decem
ber." t o: May. 1 '5.
CORV--Steady. Cwh. 48j; Ow-to-ber.
4-, Msy,0 OS'a
OA:S Msrket easy. Cash, 8;
October, 38Mc; May, 41!t?41,3.
RYE Easy. No. 2, attiuH
BARLEY Quiet; Sa 2, caah, 75c.
FLAX-Qnu. No. Lei 5l't 1 51
MUfcE TIMOTHY Steady; 11 27.
FORK Market tirm. Caah, 5),
October, 19 95; January, 111 6?tf.
LARD Ma' ket stronger. Caah. $6-
(7W; October. $6 07 January, 6 47 'i.
BULK MEATS Short ribs.
5 25;
Shoulders $5 75 t3 87, abort
r 55 '.'0
BUTTER Steady, creamery,
dairy, i:rUe.
CHEESE Quiet Full cream chad
dan, 848Jc; flats, 6io;4c; Young
Americas, 9l9Wc.
EGG8-Firm: Freak. 1617.
TALLOW Steady. No. I, aolid
packed, 4 He; No. 2, 3,c; cake,4a
HIDES Higher. No. 1 heavy ani 1
light groan aalted, 8c; salted bull. 6o; I
arson as1 ted ealf, tW4r.; dry flint,
lAlk. ..Ill kiiU, 7 ilrv ilf r.K'
decon, each, 30c.
WOOL -Slow.
tr ASTcrttaM Worth 7 5, BOO
Baltimore, Md., Oct 3. The jury io
the caae of John Subsrricht against
William H Evan for 17.5,000 damegee
for alleged allieeation of affectiop of
Mia. Wilhelmioa II C. Suberricht, now
jdrs Evans, prese nted a Eealed verdict
laat eight, which was this morning read
io court It gives the plaintiff 810,000
damage. The testimony pre r nted by
I be plaintiff the t ftVet that Evana
after gaining the affections of Mrr. Su
beiricht counaeled the arcuring of a
divorce from her husband because of
family dissension, while at the same
time advising Suberricht to let the caie
go by default. Suberricht did not ap
preciate the true condition until after
I be divorce waa granted, and Evacs i in
ane iately married Mrs. Suberricht
Evana is a very rich contractor and will
probably appeal the case.
X Mora Kalfhta el Labor Employed. '
New York, Oct. a The New York
Central official" have deciJed that no
more Knights of Labor shall be em
ployed on the roed, and yesterday Vice
1 resident Webb issued a circular direct
ing the heads of the various departments
to make thia decision known. The cir
cular ia addressed to the geneial man
ager, general superintendent, chief en
gineer mod superintendent cf
power and rolling stock and says: "The
recent etrike and acta cf lawlessness
committed in connection therewith, the
published jorrespondenne between leod
- n. iufr - - ;t
and the fact that many men are seeking
employment, saying they quit work
from fear of peisansl vio'ence and that
they did not dare to offer to re
sume wjrk for the i ane reason, compel
the management of the company to an
nounce that it objects to iia employes
L-eing members of the orgrnization
known as the Knights of Labor. The
management ia a stirfied that member
ship in tbir particular organ ixatioo ia
inconsistent with faithful and efficient
service to the company and liable at any
time to prevent its properly discharging
its duties to the pub ic. Youjwill take
such action as will bring this circular to
the attention of the employes in your
respective departments.
Bergaa'Mlaa ml Kwlnrcs,
. New York, Oct 2. The prominent
dry goods jobbing house of Johii V. Far
well A Co. of Chicago ia considering a
plan for the reorganization of ita busi
ness by merging it into a stock company,
ia a manner similar to that made a few
months ago by the New York house of
B. H. Claflin & Co. Thi plan upon
which Farwell k Co. will pro eed haa
not been made public. In fact the
greatest secrecy has been maintained
by the members of the firm regarding
the proposed change, which him to
have become public in New York ere it
was even hinted at in Chicago. The
tnith of the rumor wae, however, con
firmed uj the statement of Mr. Burcb.
Ha said tVat the firm waa not aa yet pre
pared to give them publicity. He felt
that a simple confirmation of the rumor
would suffloe for the present.
The Mipmi laeerrea.
Essnmsi, Pal, Oct. 3. The report, of
the arrest e Operator Oloaser, who is
charged with beiog respoDsibU for the
disaster on the Jersey Central road on
Eoaday night above Ltighten is inoor
vet. Be visited the scene of the wreck
yesterday and was about to bo arrested
wheat W diss aiisrsrt sod haa not been
sees eiaso. Ee ia a yoosg boy aged be
tavaaiSaad H. When told of the
vxtavewaa attending the Katie Rooe
nttrtxaHaosaadbad the orders for
C-stfcl "ra ot tbs trains in hia
, Sane aVeae ky nrc. " .
. CraaravttiflllrV Get, i Fire btt
i' 'JSr " ttatbofcstraMtloaof the
r te Athsseomolab
. -,-,r 'wt aarja : Wttt
tOI kf
ke Tlaerarf
Dcaun, Oct 4. Much axcitemea
was occasioned in the court reom s
Tipparary by the evidence of one of tbi
witmssii, a policeman who testinet
that he followed several of the defend
enta into the vestry of a Catholic churi
and tried to overhear what was aaid br
them. This testimony aroused the is
dignation of counsel for the defense, ao
be demanded to know if the penal day
had returned, when the aaneity of tb
confessional could be invaded. Th
court room became a babel af cries, at
the confusion was so great that it wit
impossible to goon with the proceeding!
When court convened the policerou
waa cross examined by Harrington, wh
called the witness a shadow. The mag
istrate called upon the counsel to with
draw the expreiaion. Harrington re
fused to do so and waa ordered to )eav
the caae. An uproar ensued, O'Briet
and Dillon commenting upon the man
ner in whizh the case vat conducted
Finally a half hour adjournment wci
ordered. During the adjournmoM
Harrington's clients decided to defeat;
.themselves. When the proceeding
were resumed Dillon bad juat begun it
address the bench when a cheer wli
raised for Harrington. Thia so exasper
ated the magiatrate thatfhe ordered tu
court room cleared and the proceeding
were adjourned abruptly amid the great
est confusion. A large body of pohc
waa maased outside of the court room
There waa no rioting.
Bailer Exploaloa.
Pvrdy, rtM.iOct.4 Yesterday about
I o'clock, at Chewaba, McNary county
fire men were instantly killed by the ex
plosion of a aawmill boiler belonging t
Mr. Guriey, who had recently bought
the mill. Gurtey'e body was torn intc
shred. Wm. Johnson had bis head toix
from hia b Aj ad it wm thrown fifty
vardafmm the mill. Walter Pit mat
and his brother and a son ot Guriey
were killed. A negro waa badly injure.!
and it ia thought he will die. There w
another person injured, but to', serious
Contlaaoui Mream of Wagaaa.
Kaksas Citt, Mo , Oct 4. For tbt
laat two days there haa been r continu
ous stream of emigraDt wagons paseing
through thia city south and parties com
ing in from all along the line report that
hundreds of boomers are crossing th
line and preparing to eettle in the Cher
okee strip. There are severe! regularly
organized colonies and tbey are indig
nant at President Harrison for not com
pelling cattle men to obey bis order tc
vacate. The boomers say they are at
good as cattle men, but they want hornet
and if the attempt ia made to put then:
nut they will resist
Uithbie,0. T, Oct 4. The excite
ment over tie capital location continues
After the demonstration again s, Messrs
Daniels, Perry and Neabitt had subsid
ed, & R. Mitchell, city attorney of Ok'a
homa City, who chanced to be in town
aent thia telegram to oue ot bis friendi
at home:
"Your representative were tuobbec
on the street yesterday. Send l'O armee
1 he armed mep arrived and were
among the first to secure seats of van
tage in the hall of the lower house
Fully aemaoy friends of toe Guthri
measure, equally strongly armed, wen
also d resent Their presence caused ar.
intense feeling and would have taker
but the slightest outbreak to hav
caused considerable trouble. Speakei
Daniels was too ill, svffering from ner
vous exhaustion, caused by the excitinj
scenes of yesterday to preside.
Llaala to Preiratloa.
Lokdok, Oct 1 At Lambeth's court
the council for the crown said that tb
Slavin-McAulffe fight was held by thi
court to have been unlawful; thost
arranging the preliminaries and abet
ting the proceedings would also be pros
ecu ted.
The Lambeth police court has post
poned its decision in toe Slavin-McAul
ffe case for one week.
A Vetera Oaae.
Baltimore, Md Oct. 4. Pbilipt
Francis Thomas is dead. lie was one ol
the best kaow and highly respectec
characters in the state. In 1830 b
was elected to the Twectv-siity ooagrcsi
bate on be was governor of Maryland
secretary of the treasury for a ahor
period uider President Bu-banan, sac
at different times a member of tlx
bouse of delegates; was sleeted Unitee
States senator in 1806, but was refuseo
admittanos because of alleged disloyal
ty to the union during tbs war.
Ceasaawsssl fargarr.
Mabkjum, Oxt., Oct 4. Thomas Wil
Uaaason, a local preacher in the Metbo
(Ustehuroh has Red, after having com
aitlsd forgeries of neatly $WyooO.
nnaaaa BUtea.
' Owe nunx, Sep', 80. -The daoia-
aaUi jsacass aad Mssmgir trafa of the
CaH.-'wro Oh- Boatbwestera road
(Oiag ssik ran into tbo rear of eon.
stnistioa train mi tio Iiimd waa
tt Thesasass-irs nMaid ktiary
aTsptoeaaa efOat.
CSaiioms, Fa, Oct L By aaexplo-
tof cms4 iteCrbts aaRIerr, U-
tirarVoa, Mtm trtmOf PfciSap
:.X eMi (Kim.' Trsssas Ersaisa
lrss aaJtammtrra wmm my anrt-
otisly burosd aad tse otoart awio!nl!)
Injured by being blown abnst tbs eham
bars by the forue nf the tXpioatoa. The
mine is badly damaged.
Tkrawa t'raM a Waaww.
N'EGBAHit Cirr, NtB., Oct 1 James
Wrgbt, sed eighty-six, residiag eleven
miles south uf thi'' eilr, was thrown
from a wagon ner the 11. A M. depot
during a runaway and euatained a froc
lure l skull and other serious injuries.
His Eoo-i3-Uw, C 1L Divi, who wa '
drivinif the toim tscsped uninjure
Mr. Wright's ijjurtes will doubtleai
prove fatal.
Vat ieCeararaaee.
Evaxsviiai, Isd, Oct. 5. The coni-
Qiltee of operators and station agents
?n the Mckey lines met here festerday
i i conference with General Manager
Saul. The matUr of the discharge of
Mr. Seare, of Princeton was discussed,
jut no dehrite conclusion res .bed.
The conference adjourned until this
rorninj. It is hardly probable that
seare will be reinstated. The engineers
ind firemen on all Mckey lines south of
Terre Haute presented grievances to
lieacral Manager Saul yesterday, ask
vg foe an increase of wages and for reg
ulations for rucning freight trains. The
conductors on thecr line are also men
:ioned in the grievances.
Imp irtaat OmImmi.
Grand Rapids, Mich, Oct A de
;ision made io the United States court
restt r.lf.y is very important to the en
ire couutry. i s it effects the right of
ha Weslern Umoa telescrsph company
to use the highway for their wires. It is
:h opinion of the court that the act of
jongro-f permitting the Westen Union
iro all government and postal routes
o string their wires is permissable only
mld)einot gie the company the
right to go into the states and use the
iiigliways unless by state authority.
Tho court further holds that the char
ter gives the city authorities can exclude
the wires from ary street and can desig
nate in which street the company can
iet their polss and atring their wires.
Will Not Fxcwrd (I.OOO.
Cikcdsati, O., Oct 5. Suoerintend
eut Weir of the Adams ex pres? company
ai ;e n ysroay mcr i n? in r'ira c
to the train robbery on the Cincinnati,
Sandusky & Cleveland road. lie said;
The exact amount stolen will not be
known until the way bills are all checked
up, but I hardly think tb it it will ex
ceed 81,000. There may have been tome
diamonds and jewelry in the safe, but
that will not be known to a certainty
until we hear from the offices on the
road. Two of the robbers were cap
tured this itorniair at Bllefontaine by
railroad detectives and ooe of them has
made a confession. The third robber
implicated in the job is still at large
with SOOof thepluuJer in hia po;ei
rjion. .
Po3TtSD, Ore., Oat. 5. H. H.Mason
a keeper of a small candy stand at the
I he fair groun-ir, sent a small boy to a
drug store for tartaric acid to be used
fa making lemonade. He was given
tartar e-netic and the mistake was not
(Uncovered until E'igah J. Hart aad four
rhildren, Morris Erickson, L'llie ChBp--uan
and others hao" taken a quantity of
Lemonade. Mason drank a small qi as
(ity after mixing a drink and ia in bad
thnpe. Three ot the victims cannot re
rover. Wall for (he fonalrj-.
BosTOi. Mass., Ost. 5. Sir Harry Ty
ht, M. P., of London, president of the
Orcnd Trunk railroad, who with Mr.
William Wainwright, of Montreal, gen
eral manager of the road, is here on a
(usinees visit, was seen by s reporter
)wt evening. He said he thought the
McKinley bill aonld work to the inter
isUofthe Grank Trunk roa for if
Canadian products were exoluded from
I be states, they would go to Europe.
The results ot the bill to the Cana
dian producer may be serious for the
time, but the country's exports would
pon find a new channel. Should it pt ove
hat the states need Canadian products,
he thought the increased duty would
not keep them out Absolute reoiprooU
ty, which is practical free trade, he said
was not possible, but be thought that
reciprocity limited according to Mr.
Blaine's ideas- upon certain articles
would be well for the country. As for
annexation, Sir Harry does not believe
that any considerable number of Cana
dian people want itor that there i the
lightest prospect of their cooeioering it
pjriously at present
awr falla Taaaal.
NuouuFalm, N. Y, Oct. 5. The
ceremony of turning the first sod for the
Niagara Falls tunnel took place at 10
o'clock thia morning. Tbs officers and
rngineers of the Cataract Construction
company and Niagara Falls Tunnel aad
Power cojapasy not at Tenth street,
where shaft No. 1 will bo sunk, aad oaob
000 look out a shore! fall of earth oa a
plated ahevei. The ceremony is tbs 00
easioo of s general jubilee. AreoepUoo
will follow In the Cataract bouse.
. aata.rvMMas . .
PsoviDncft, R. L, OH. 5. The ssom
tkMal featars of the aottoa osateaaiat
oelsbrstioa aotoa tha prograaisM, waa
theptwfoMaaos ot Cerriok Devlin, a
aFiodoUaad aaaaMa. Umm.
mtiomUtmTtk,U4ln& tromUsm
Pawtostatbrs. Caatrook Ins toa
aaotswMMl fcctjr tost imp, lata
wfcfcatUrwt ; l oaTysata
aamSts ty Za a Urn sssoaj
twvtji sUarsi ky fe
aasiksj saji is ia :
th the senate the homa bill to pro
mote the admi&iit ration of justice In
the army was reported and passed with
a verbis! amendment
A resolution continuing the select
committee on irrigation end reelama
mation of arid binds during tha present
congress was reported and agreed to.
Also a resolution continuing the psy of
sessiou committee clerks and clerks to
ml a tors during the recess.
A deficiency bill for the compeusa-
i 1 1011 01 nienioers nu uwgi wa ia
! ported and passed. A motion to reeon
! aider was mads by Mr. Morgan aud en
The conference report on the tariff
bill was taken up.
The conference report waa agreed to
on the signal service bilL
The house bill to enable the past mas
ter general to test at small towns and
villages the practicability of the free
delivery system was passed.
Mr. Gray spoke briefly on the tariff
and Mr. Aldrich then closed the debate.
The senate proceeded to vote 011 the
conference report, Messrs Paddork,
."ettigrew and Plumb (republican)
voted in the negative. The following
is tlie vote:
Yeas Aldrich, Allison, Allen, ltlair,
Cameron, Casey, Chandler, Culloin,
Dawes, Dizon, Edmunds, Everetts,
Frye, Jlale, Hawley, Hoar, Ingalls,
Jones, of Nevada, McMillian Slander
son, Mitchell, Moody, Pierce, Tlatt,
Powers, Sanders, lawyer, Sherman,
Spooner, .Stewart, Stockbridge, "Wilson,
of Iowa, W.alcott 33.
Xays-llarboor, Hate, Illackbiirn,
Bladpett, Hutler, Carlisle, Cockrell. Coke
Colquit, Daniel, Gorman, Gray, Ifainp
tan. Harris, Pettigrew, Plumb, Push,
Ransom, Kegan, Voorliees, Walthall,
Wilson, of Maryland 27.
The following pairs wera announced:
Teller and Berry, Dolph and Brown,
Farwt.ll and Panye, Quay aud Faulkner,
Morrill aud Yanee, Davis and Gibson,
Hiscock and Jones, of Arkansas, Hig
(ansand McPhereon, Squire and George
Tiirpii aad AVashburn, Vist and Stan
ford. In addition Messrs Call and Kns
tis were paired with Pettigrew and
Paddock, who voted in the negative.
The house concurrent resolution to
correct the enrollment of the tajirT bill
was agreod to.
In tl'.e house the joint resolution for
the Tinting of 54,000 copies of the lifth
annual report of the commissioner of
labor and the joint resolution appropri
ating 310,000 to enable tne postmaster
general to test at small towns and vil
lages the system of free delivery were
The bill was passed for the appoint
ment of an additional justice of the su
preme court of Arizona.
On motion of Mr. McKinley 'the con
current resolution was agreed to, direc
ting the clerk of the house to number
consecutively the paragraphs of the en
rolled tariff bill
Tlie speaker laid before the house the
bill to define and regulate the jurisdic
tion of the United States courts. Re
ferred to the judiciary committee,
Tlie request of the senate for a coh
erence on the bill to promote the ad
ministration of justi e in the United
States army was granted.
The senate bill passed establishing a
custom collection district in North and
The senate concurrent resolution for
negotiations with Great Britain and
Mexico for the prevention of entry of
Chinese laborers into the United States
was agreed to.
During the recess nearly all the mem
bers left the hall to make preparations
for their departure from the city, and
the speaker reconvened the house that
official looked down upon a vast, row of
empty seats. He merely stated, accor
ding to the concurrent resolution, that
be declared the first session of the Fifty-first
congress adjourned without day.
Tlie minority of the special house
appointed to investigate the charges
against Pension Commissioner Raum
Messrs Lewis and Goodnight, hare
united in tlie preparation of a report
setting forth their opinion as to the re
sult of tlie Investigation. Tlie report
reviews the evidence in the refrigerator
case and says: "We lament the con
duct of a public official who invokes
tlie technicality of a criminal law to
screen himself from proper investiga
tion and to hide from public view the
details of a business which is being
conducted from ore of the government
bureaus and concerning tlie character
of which so many and such damaging
charges have been made.
As the majority of the committee In
tends to pursue the investigation fur
ther at the next session of congress,
their report will not be made until that
Mr. McKinley offered a resolution for
tha appointment of a committee of
three members to Join a similar commit
tee on the part of the senate to wait up
on toe president and inform him that
congress was ready to adjourn if be had
ao further communication to mafca.
Mr. Harris offered a resolution tan
ferlof the tenats's thanks to Vice Pres.
ksat Morton for tbs dignified and eort
aoas manner in wbish he has president
em tbs dalibsraUeaa of the aetute-
'TOtviiY ai1 ted. ao was also
! r t Jfi by Itr. Ltnaow la soaentl
h iMUr,Iac!i h iiastanvt pro
The new fort near Omaha
known aa Ft Crook.
to be
A business college si d shorthand in
stitute has been opened at Seward.
The Herald snnounose that there ia a
big real estate deal on UpU ia Scotia.
An effort ia being mad to organize a
daughters of vetraas lodge st Juniatta.
W. G. BuMard haa resigned as mayor
of McCook and C. E. Boyd aa council
man. Surveyors for the new railroad ara
working in the northern part of Hayes
The sisters of mercy have established
a school atSpaulding. It will be per
manent Fred C. Tuttle, a young man of Kear
ney, accidentally shot himself dead while
J. A. Dunlavy, of Holdrege. lost one
of his best horses from the effects of a
snake bite.
At the baby show at Midison county
fa:r s pair ot twins from Norfolk took
first premium.
O. II. Prime, ot Grant, bad aix head of
horses stolen firm CD. Miller's pasture
a frw nights ago.
Twenty-three foreigners at Grand Isl
and took out their first naturalization
papers laat week.
The city council of West Point haa
ordered three car loads ot granite for
sidewalk crossings.
The twelve-year-old daughter of Zibe
Jones took the premium for the best
pony rider at the Sarpy county fair.
An expert boa notified the water con
sumers of Beatrice that he has prospec
ted and found a body of water seven
teen feet deep.
A meteor of an unusual character
was seen at Jaunit the other night It
t lowly passed across southwest, drop-j
ping off bright lights ot vsrious colors.
It is now certain that at least one-
third of the burnt district of Arapahoe
will be rebuilt before enow flies. On
Monday work was commenced for at o
story brick.
Frank McCartney, living near Fair
mont fell from a step ladder while
gathering spples and ia believed to be
fatally injured . by the rupture ot a
blood vessel.
J. O. Breech, who recently sued the
GeDoa Leader for criminal libel and
failed to raceive damages, at last haa
revenge. Ha haa -bought the paper and
will run it himself.
Remus Ostdrhoudt, a thirteen-yoir-old
boy who was thrown from s hors
at Fairmont on the 13th mat., died since
of his injuries. He remained uncon
scious from the time of the accident
While the young ladies of Ohiowa are
cootmtto masticate gum there is a wo
man living near that place, the mother
of three children, who ia a habitual and
accomplished chewer ot plug tobacco.
While playing with matches a Nebras
ka City boy named Herbert Loar was
fatally burnad. Hia clothing waa ignit
ed and in trying to extinguish the flames
his mother was badly burned about the
William Wright, the farmer who was
fo terribly mangled io a barb wire fence
died from the effects of his wounds at
his home, eleven miles northwest ot
Beatrice. He leaves a wife and three
Nearly all the railroad contractors
have finished their work 02 the tiock.
Island near Papillion end departed
Track laying is now in progress, and it
will be only a short time until trains
will be running.
- Charles Harding haa completed aflenl
with the Norfolk butter and cheese as
sociati ?n by which he becomes lessee ot
their creamery. Mr. Harding Is a prac
tical creamery man, having creameries
at several other points.
At the Cummtng county r publican
convention held at Beemer, John D.
Neiigh was nominated for representa
tive for the Fifteenth district; Uriah
Bruner was nominated county si'orney;
Christ Rupp was elected chairman of
the central committee.
Two sturgeons about aix inches long
are on exhibition at North Piatie. They
were caught in the North Platte river
by Wild Cat Sam, and are the first ever
taken from the river at that point
Years ago eturgeon were plentiful in the
Platte river near its confluence with the
Otto Stocks, of Red Cloud has a ben
which lays double shelled eggs, or a per
fect egg inside ot en egg. The outer
shell of one of the egge measured 8J
inches long end 1 inehee iu circumfer
ence, the inoar t 'g was about tha site
of a common egg that a hen wjuld nat
urally feel oroud of.
The Star says there are a few shlldren
tunning wild about Seward who refuse
to go school, sod are growing up igno
raat aal vietoua. No one appesre to
leHethe slightest interest in their edu
eatioo, not even the parents. Ooe as
ptci .lly to a candidate for the reform
school and la surs of election.
The deputy sheriff of Hamilton coon
ty arrived st Fremont and arrested 8.
H. OUipbant, eetedsat et that place oa
charge of eeduotioa under prosaiee of
saairiage preferred by a young lady of
tha' v totally of Aurora. Ha sxersesed a
s crest eurprise whoa tha saaweoaotthe
sssrs wse snaae fcaowa to bias, aad it
ia too bed that ea laaoeeat
be eneated tat the wroagipf others.
kavsaj nr zziiz.
Parsons is reostriag over tew thstsas
bushels of sppUs daily.
It is thirty-six yeare smooths first
town Iota were sold ia Atchieoa.
Armistice ssssae t) bars boon declared
between Sol Miller aad Luther Challia.
Et Governor Olick rent aroaad at
the Atchison fair ia bis shirt sleeves.
An Emporia ataa exhibits a perfect
sppie which was formed from e July
Wellington is threatened with the loss
of iteslectrie lights at the close of the
Jos Ady and Lac-ian Baker look very
much alike, but not enough to eneursge
anyone to alap Joe on the ehouloer.
Every connty ia Kansas had a teach
er's institute thia year. This never oc
curred before in the history of the state,
Hiawatha reports a case of genuine
leprosy. Kansas ia bound to have a
whack at everything that comes along.
Hsrvey county has been setld twen
ty years and ths first iuu to take a claim
there is livicg upon it yet and ia well
The newspapers of Kansas are never
ao stupid and uninteresting as when
that state ia ehort on crops ead long oa
Richard Swichr, a wealthy Harper
farmer, fell dead while driving through
the streets of the city. Heart disease
waa the cause.
Kansas has increased its population 68
per csnt in ten years. New England
knows where a large proportion of this
increase has come from.
Osage has a larger representation ia
in Baker university than any other
oounty in Kanaaa. It haa twenty-nine
students at Baldwin City.
W. II. Campbell, the big slock grower
of Burton county, says the hog ia the
best friend the farmer can have. That
is a sort of a mean sluron the politicians-
Tne canning fsctory is now running
day and night and employing eighty
Lands. In one day 00,000 oans of peach
es were put up, saya the Norwich AVun
A barn belonging to Z. S. Spore of Hal
etead took fire from a lantern and burned
to the ground. horses and a
large amount of grain burned with the
A. J. llarwi came to Atchison a few
years ago, a poor "Pennnylvania Dutch
man," and now the Atchison newspa
pers can't get out an edition without re
ferring to him in some wsy.
The Fuwler family held a reunion at
Emporia the other day ond 10G persona
were present, and deacendents of -Jof-n
Fowler, who occupied the seat of rio'
The Fowlers have a scool district -
there own and alwaye give the teacher
plenty to do.
' A Kanaaa exchange says that this to
the time of yeir w ben the Kanaaa pni
losopbore quit talking about their plans
for keeping the hot winds out of tbs
State and begin agurikg on opacification
for keeping the northern blizzards out
ot the kitchens. '
The first prize for bent county exhib
it at the Kansas City fair was awarded
to Wyandotte county, Kansas, over the
Pettis county Missouri, because of the
decorative features of the former. Pet
tis county atood first in number snd
quality ot products exhibited.
Ooe of Dickenson county's farmers
went into 1 be bank the other day an!"
drew out ti, 00 for wheat he had deliv
ered to the mills He had previously
drawn another check for 11,500 end will',
soon draw another for 11,8 0, and will
have considerable wheat left
There is a colored man living at Ar--kanns
City who ia the father of thirty
six children. He has been married!
twice and each wife bore twins six times..
A man who has done as tnnoh as that
for his country deserves a pension
whether he is disabled or not.
According to the Globe this is why
there is so much "beefing" going on in
Atchison: "About four hundred beeves
srs inspected and killed a month for tha
Ate ison market In addition to (hie we
ent fifty of Deret & Ligeman's hogs a
day and two cars of Kansas City bast
A. P. Riddle ssys the bill ohanging the
name of Davie oounty to Qearv wee oon
stitutionnlly passed. The only discovery
made in reference to the bill is that the
bouse did not coocur in ths smendatent
to the title made by the senate, but that
do?a not allset the legality of tbe
meaaure. The ground ia dryer throughout Rook
oounty now then it has been known in
ths memory of the oldest settlers. Yet
most of tbs farmers sre banging oa, aad
putting ia tha ground all tha wheat they
can. Tbst whiohisupUgensrally kwx-'
leg green end hsslthy, audit the rain
will be ell right
Vernon Miliar, a former well-to-do-citizen
of Wellington, now rsssdlag in
Coldwater, is selling some of hia farm
in a novel manner. He has a aumber of
floe quarters of land, which ha oOsrs to
partles having enough mono to buy
seed wheat and who ara willlag to 'work:
ao cash being required la pay si eat ma
til tbs sixth year, tha idea being to Ut
tbe purchaser make tha lead pay for it-
The dai7 mileage usedo ia eftta) af
tha United Mates br sen mr-'l.
wish oieetrie BMtors ia bow Ron I ja
one aunrea tumu i a!
4 t I
1 Wijj