The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 25, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. 3.
I-3IIIS02r,llBB., SEPT. 25, 1890.
into. 2.
L. J. Simmon. Editor and Proprietor.
F. K. I JJ. V 1!. B. Time txhl.
floiiig Went, (iolug Kt
M- 'I. JmnT, f So. W, na-senirer fl -2'
...r.gui, b.w j u. ireigiu, :
Corn per hnudiwl Jb
(ii't jxTtmndrwi fl
i-horU-fwr hundred .
limn- per hundred 1h
Kfed-ehoppHi-p,.!- hundred ft...
I'otiitoe-p(.r hundred
liuttpr per D
1 Of!
'KK-Ixr iluz ,
I'oullry pur doz
oiontK'r Ifc .
1 75 $, 3 .
?!- jxt th . r
'Co .l-pir ton . ....
Wood-per conl
I.tlllltwr IHltlVf! HT in. ft .
'forrwt"l every 1 Innlay.
4 '.
IS on
For farm loans ko toS. H. Jones.
-t-A large attendance is requested lit
"I... fJ-'l I . I . i n . . .
inn mute OCIIOOI, niirillllV, Wept. I'.tll, IIS
a change in the hour of meeting is con
teinplab l.
ll.e tune for publishing the dclin
(pieut tax list is next week and if tin
taxes are not paid prior to Oct. 1st u jxti
nlty h added to the amount of t.ixe due
We in.derstnnd a cniinty alii
i i t ! organized here on Saturday
f pt. liTtli, hut us no one having author
ily has tolil us, we simply statu what wi
-The biggest squash of the season i'
;.t thi drug t;tore. Jt whs grown by J
iuiin'N, ami dors not indicate that
Ibis locality is un agricultural failure.
i rink Tea' given liy tlio ladies
at til'- ( lunch on last Friday evening wa
a pleasant affair. It is lik'dy that olhc
social fathering will hy arranged for in
the near future.
Mr. Humes w ill be here next tvnk
with improved facilities for milking first
' " ph'd igraphs and w ill stop throe
. v ith us. 'ards. four for (1; Cub
. i .ir for 41.50. Give him a call. .
fcEAHONKii Li We have a good
tupply of seasoned lunilier constant ly on
Imiiil at our mill on Wist Boggy. Ill
and l feit $10.00; 11 and 10 feet 1,12.00
Ji )ii-.iiiil funt Kirst-c
a.sM nativi
nuti'. u.i s on iiauii.
J. E. AliNER.
U. W. Howard brought a hay press
t this pku:e last week and is Uilin&a lot
of hay and shipping it to Fort UobiDson
Ui (ill a contract with the fowernment.
Some of tho finest cablmge and to
matoes we have seen this year came to
tlur oili. e through the kindness of Mrs.
E. IS. 1'rice, and they were highly enjoy
ej when served on the table.
i . . t i . . i
i ii'.iu is 10 oe an inoepeiKiaiH. rally
ul the court house on to-morrow (Friday,
evening. U O. Hull will address the
mooting', audit in expected that H. (i.
, IStewart will lie present.
In the district court on last Tuesday
Attorney 'onley won every case which
come to trial in which ho was interested
lis an Hl.tornesy und he had far more
cases thau any other attorney who was
it is a noticable fact that those w ho
make the biggest kit k against the elect
ion of . onley as county attorney nr.
those who have been charged w ith crook
ed work. That is a good argument it.
favor of Couley for that oliicu.
The heaviest arguments in the col
umns of the gang organ of late are idiot,
importation, sheeny, liar. etc. mostly di
rected at the editor of this paper. If
is quite likely that such arguments will
be looked upon by the voters of Sioux
county as unanswerable.
On last Saturday, four applicants
for teacher's cert. Ilea ten w ere examined
by County Koulhworth.
They were Miss Eadie Devenport, ol
(lien, Miss Annie Name, of Canton, M.
J. O'Connell, of Five Points, and J. W.
Grahniu, of Cottonwood.
An attempt was made on last 8at
uniay to organize a county alliauce
here. Jt was expected that deign tes
Irom the vurious organizations would lie
, here and It. O. Stewurt, the alliance cuo-
ft . t , . i . . i , .
' delate for state senator, wan to huvu
Wn present. Mr. Htewnrt did not ap
pear for mime reason, and not all the lo
:.l ai;. inee w-uro reiresented, so a coun
, 'y alliance was not organized.
-We shoulxl like to have samples of the
i sugar beetn grown from the seed distrib
i uted last spring from this olltce tliat
1 they may tie cnl to (irand Island to lie
1 tested. Only a few of each lot are need-
etl and Ho not bring the largetit, but tte
i K.ct nice, hniooth, perfect beets, and
1 bring them in at your earliest conveii
i iencts.
The W, C. T. U. of Harrimm is ro-
juesteJ txi meet ut 3 o'clock, sharp, at
1 the chiiah on Saturday, Sept. 17th. to
lin t olliceM for the ensuing year and
t iianisuct oliier iiiiMtrtunt businesn. The
county union will meet at the j
wime olttce ut 4 d'cliM.k. Tho huliu are I
i.all reipMiistwi to make an effort to be
I'WM.nt on time,
- Si-e our new couil.itiatioii offer.
U ASn,t Several IoihU of wood oil
nilst ription at this oltice.
The gar' oran says to have Barker
Jeny that he iuilutnctd a jury, or illegal
ly issued a marriage certificate or open.
ed tlte poll Wiks of 1' 9 and they will a little prwif to show who is
liar. We do not see that Judiro Barker
is alled on to deny anything. 5f the jranp
and its orpin has any proof let them pro
dure it. They can run a !lu!f in (,'oixi
slupe hut they know they cannot
aHtiate any such charyes.
Juiige Kinkaid and Reporter War
rick came up on Tuesday luorninji
hold court. The Jud'e demonstrated
his ability to handle business for lie lien
ail tne rases for trial to the court
and was ready to return on the evtuin
train. He does not HTiuit any dillyIn
lying in court and that is one tiling tl
makes him no deservedly popular
over his district.
The good of an exhibit at the state
fair i-t already, heiiir practically demon
slr.ited. Henry Hfofer and his wifo visit
ed the state fair and saw the exhibit
iroin Sioux county. Tiny made a good
many iiupiirios ami went Jiome, packed
up their K"'! and on laslT"liurs lay they
arrived in Harrison. On .Saturday morn
uiji llieir goods arrived, and on the same
lav they went out to the farm of Eli
Smith. On Monday, Mr. Ktofer haul
Ins foods to a place a fevy iniies north of
here and by this timo tliy are kec
yx house. That is only a start, a mil
kr of families expect to folio v if the r
ports sent hy Mr. Stofer are natisfactory
ind as he says he is v.efl ph ased, it
uoi niioiy i,o oe very loriif unlit mop
new settlers will Ik; here.
District (.'uurt rriiceedings.
State vs. John and Mary Shay, recon
iance forfeited.
State vs. John t, dismissal.
Slate vs. Mary Sltav, reconi;:ance for
State vs. Mary Shay, reconizanco for
Iiarta 7a rbicb vs. Fmlrick Zerbusl
tiii ken from docket.
School iistrict No. 1 vs. School Dis
trict No, 1!), plniiiLIV given 40 ilnys to
unend petition nnddt 30 day
thereafter to plead. To stand for dis-
nissal unliss nmeiidisf petition is iled.
School liislrn t Ko. 1 vs. Ed. C, Jjick
woou, mouoii lor new trial Btrickenlrom
. i . . . ......
S. I It. Maine vs. Thaodore Triinbur
sniissi d.
(.'. h. Columbia vs. M. E. Scholield, et
al, stricken from docket.
Anna. M. Richard vs. James il.. Kiel
ard, decree of absolute divorce granted.
lollerton & Stetson l.'o, vu. iiurtis
flora, et ul., Witt led.
John Hunt vs. Mary J.tne Hunt, dis
missed at cost of plaintiff,
. A. McMuiiu vs. I.izie McMarin, dis
L. O. Hull vs. John A. Green, et al
motion hy defeudent to dismiss; plaintilf
allowed to make showing action vvh
actum stiouiil not tut dismisseil lor wuui
of am. nilcd petition luring liled; plaiutil!
allowed to file amended petition on pay
uieui oi cosis oi mis wrni anil last pre
vious u rm wuinn j.i uavs or action
stand for dismissal next term, i-efend-aiit
to plead in i;0 days lliereaf ter.
John Thoins vs. Abel Thorns, derive
of absolute divorce, plaintiff to pay );'tri
ier year towards the support of the two
older children and ?'0 per year towards
the support of each of the two younger
iiiiu.e uiirog vs. jolin Ullrog; decree
of absolute divorce and oustc-dy of child
ren granted to plaintiff.
Fred Zerbst vs Bei tha Zerbst; decree of
absolute divorce to plaintiff at h.s cost,
custody of child given to defendant.
Martin Kily vs, Thus. Ruidy and Uuvid
H: Itiuds, ordered that justice make and
deliver to clerk to be filed by latter cor
rect transcript within 10 days and within
HO days thereafter dufendiUit to file an
Thompson F. Martin and Charles J.
Smith vs. Henry Wanieke und HaniKih
M. Wanieke; default; juclgmeut for
Weir & Co. el al. vs. Martin Guyharl,
county treasurer; injunction made per
petual. -
W. P. Sou lh worth vs. Will Trice; de
fendant defaulted, injunction made per
H,tuaL Farmers Trust Co. vs. -John Conner;
default, decree of foreclosure.
Emma Schonebuum vs. Martin Schone
buuui; decree of absolute divorce, and
custody of children given to plaintiff.
Emiuii Huhouebaum vs, C. Aultniau &
..'o. ; decree as prayed.
Agnoij E. Myron vs. Abbie T. brake;
default, decree as prayed.
AtcliiHotj vs. Charlou Atchison;
After a sea diet, to prevent boils and
assi.-,l uct limutioti use Aycr'n S.iraparil-
" 1
H. H. Steele was in Harrison lasJSuu
Mrs. W. B. Wright was sicK -with
fever, last week. - J
J. H. C)ok attended the fair at Chad-
run last week.
W. HerncHll, of ("anton, was jn Har
rison List Saturday. )
John Pluukett returned from Hie hill
country a few days ago.
I- Gerlach now has his family on the
Weir farm, east of town. f
Mrs, J. II. Cook was the guest of Mrs.
S. 0. O. Bassett a couple of days last
week. ,,
Miss Eadie f'evenport, of Glen, wa
the gue-t of Mrs H. T. Conley lst 'Fri
l i
li. E. W. Sjiargur, of Chaurijri, wa
here looking after his legal and commer
ml ink-rests. V
v. it. running, of l r.awt.ija, was
looking after the interests of his client
here during district court.
Attys. U.irtow, Jenckes and Bane, of
'h.idron, were attending district court
here this week. ' j
Mrs. B. Wolfe and children, Of Cn
county, cousin of Mrs. H. T. Conley, are
visiting here. ;
' Jliss Mary F. Wright, sister of Mrs. J
A. Green, arrived tiiU mornin-r from
Cliapin, Jowa, to visit for a while.
W. M. Mohrand wife, of Wall luke,
fowa, and H. II. Mnhr and wife, of
l'ierce, Neb., arrived last Week on
visit to A. W. Mohr. r
As Oilier See It.
Editor JiiIknal: Will yon kindly
publish the following statement of fact,
in the Shay case. Mr. Klien hag seen li
to misrepresent the case, and we liki
him would like to have the public know
Hie facts of the caso and thus decide
whether Judge Barker was justified in
releasing airs. Shay on a writ of hl
corpus. As to the law Jlr. Jvleiu uUut
to uphold his statements, we 'wiH je'er
him to sec.;i"i.i and sec. 331, crirn. oode of
the compiled sUtulen of Nebraska and it
he needs any more law we would refer
lim to the 1 1th volume of Nebraska re
pans. iow wime we concur Willi jam
in saying that it was a dastardly crime
we cannot concur with him in his -Mote
ment wnen he says it was proven clafcrly
initi sue put out me poison, aiow were
was no proof whatever to that effeclind
the only thing that was JiroVen IS'asHiat
sho was in the neighlwrhood at that lime
ud traveled over that road and there
was no evidence to show when tlu.t poi
son was put out, whether it was before
or after she was there or at the same
hue. Now v.o do not say that there
was not the It i. t bit of evidence to prove
ither her gtiik or her innocence. While
we say with Mr. Klein that the party or
irties putting out that poison cannot
bo dealt to severely with, we do believe
that every one is entitled to justice and
hould not be condemned until proven
ruilty and wu as taxpayers do object to
large bill of costs being made for us to
help pay for the mere purpose of satisfy-
iinyone's suspicions or gratifying
llieir jiersonal spite.
. E. Gatks, ' S. W. Kemp,
isici'H Decker, James Fimzjuu,
V. II. Johnson, Sajj"i, Chiusman,
jfore Aluml (lie SJniy Case.
Editor Joi'iisaj. I notice in the Sioux
ountv Urr'ihl a communication from
aniel Klein, win i.s trying to gain noto
riety as a writer for that sheet, and keep
his name before the public. Orville
liauk, who was employed by theZiraW
tho past year to w rite fiction, lias depart
ed to parts unknown and as that paper,
tho Ilnrahl, has very little except fiction
to place before its subscribers, it was
in want of a first-class liar. This ther
em X have found in the, person of
Daniel and to take his (statement of the
use the readers of the Htrahl would
suppose that he really was cast into the
lion's den. lie seems to be especially
grieved by the acts of tho county judge
and the sheriff. He docs not understand
hy Judge Barker could not hold Mrs.
Shay without evidence, and also ques
tions the right of the county court to
even look for evidence again.-.t her and
censures him for not holding her without
videtiee. He is at a loss to know why
Sheriff Ueidy docs not arrest John Shay.
As ueur as can be learned John Shay is
not in the state and his whereabouts are
unknown to Sheriff lleidy as well as to
other parties. The sheriff is opposed to
avehngover the country at the expense
of the county without knowing wltcre to
Mud the man ho is looking for. It would
be similar to taking a trip to Virginia
and have the county pay for it as 1 uniel
did when ho was commissioner or follow
ing' loni Klo to Tennessee ns the ex
sheriir did at a great expense to the
ounly without (hiding his man or any
thing being accomplished.
If Mr. Klein will refund to the counlv
the money he lias been accused of steal
ing and perjuring himself to obtain from
Sioux count Vc no doubt the county of
ficial will dispose of it in the let pos
sible way for the urrest of John Shay.
Mr. Klein also seems to have a dread
ol the election of Attorney
VOoU iMfjp iliiwOiHl: .Tlwt
prayer may im applicable by (he next
term ol di.-tr.ct court for lie is aware, no
Joubt that tlie law will have no help for
nun. Hie term though set for January
may prove extremlv sultry for ull the
w ho liave obtained ill gotten goods from
Sioux county, ( all again Daniel.
" - A Voter.
W. ('. T.r. ('unveiilion.
Convention called to order by Mrs.
I. I). Bassett, vice- pres. of locaPunion.
1 fevoliomil exercises conducted by Mi's.
1. 5L VVooilward, state organizer.
It'-ading of the call by the secretary
Address bv Mrs. S. C. 1. Bassett
which was accepted and thanks returned
for same.
Jlie following committees were pp-
Credentials: Mrs. A. E. Cunningham
Plan of Work: Mesdames Conley
Jones and NN illi.mis.
R.-sol ut ions: Mesdames Cnnninghan
ind Marsteli.T and Minne Smith.
( 'ommit tee on credentials rc om mended
oiai me ladles i)i-es.-ia tie ai cepted as
memlieis of the convention and t!iat,Mrs.
SUmard lie cordially invited to particj
pate in the proceedings of the meeting.
Tke following officers were elected by
President: Mrs. S. C. II. Bassett
Vice-president: Mrs. II. T. Conley
Corresponding secretary: Minne Smith,
Rai-rmling secretary: Mrs. s. II. Jone:
Treasurer: Mrs. J. E. Marsteller.
airs, t unuingham was aipointed sujit
oi iveniorest s contests, Mrs., JJassett
upt. of Scientific Instruction, and Mrs
Williams, Hupt. of Literature.
On motion, the hour for the eveniiu
session was changed from 7.SJ0 to S p. n).
ino ine nieeimg aujourned.
Meeting called to order Willi president
in ine cliair.
Bible reading by Mrs. C. M. Wood
ward and irayer'by Hev. E. E. Rorick,
1 he report of the comimtte on I Ian of
Work read by Mrs. II. T. Conley, chair
man of the committee, was adopted.
J ue report ot Hie committee read bv
.Ylinne Smith, sec. of the committee, was
Address by Mrs. C. M. Woodward.
Collection taken amounting to $l.0".
Meeting closed with music and the
benediction by lie v. Korick.
September 17th.
Bible reading and comments by Mrs.
31. VV ood ward and prayer by Pres. n.
C. 1 . Bassett.
.iiinutes oi me allernoon and evenin!r
sessions rend and approved.
1 lie county constitution was read and
adopted and placed on the records in the
proper place.
Parlinientary rule by Mrs C. M. Wood
Noontide prayer by Mrs. Hester.
lliuultji of Urn .meeting reuU and ao-
1 lie convention adourued the meet at
the call ol the president.
Mjnne Smitii,
Sec. pro tern.
Where the Money Went.
The following report was handed to us
hy liavid liarllelt, secretary and treas
urer of the committee who went to the
state fair with the Sioux county exhibit:
l-.i I'l s.
Kronj lliiaiiee committee . ft-io W)
A. ('. I'rftll, donated 5 oo
li. V. jMiriniH ;c, hj
Total if 120 so
Hoard, IrKlKltiff mid traveling cvpenses
ol coiniiiittee tfL"d -io
Miiti'riiil lor building and exhibit-... 14 on
KreiKliton car S-'t 0i)
Drayuge (i (
Total - yioil 4S
diince on lmiid IM.a1).
There is no better way to dispose the
funds in the hands of the treasurer than
to use it. as a start toward the organiza
tion of a county agricultural society.
But $-lt) more would have to lie raised
io make enough to organize under the
latute and that once accomplished
food ami effective work cart be done and
count v fair held hext year and an ex
hibit made at the slate fair wnieh will
e highly creditable and benelicial to the
White 111 ut.
Every .one is buny cut ting corn.
John Fry is building a new house.
Petitions for new roads are thick in
this locality now-a-days.
e see that a i Z has broken out
iga:u. iSevvs must lie scarce up Ins way
is there steins to he but two subjects
he can write about.
We wonder if Mr. D'orsey has made
Farmer" any new promises lately?
May lw that position is a sure thing now.
Wonder if the democratic convention
will nominate another attorney so that
Davis can withdraw in his favor again.
. School is progressing in district No. 1
with J. W. Newlin as teacher.
While Mr. J avis is explaining about
the insurance business would it not be
well for him to explain about that affair
at the time ho and J, W. Hunter were
delegatex to tho senatorial convention,
at which the I)t);vx Couiil Journal said
I1930I1I out, anil he bus never denied the
G. Pnd.'.y is entertaining his father
who came from Iowa recently.
They have turned the Handy house
into a "coon dive." llow long will it
lie before the proiier ollicers will take
hold of lh matter and close it up, for if
there ever was a public nuisance that is
J. T, Mason and others are haul
ing conl wood to the fort
Mrs. Gates returned Inst Thursday
from her visit in the eastern part of the
Aver's Siir,inp!irill:i, highly concentra
ted, m the iiiimt economical blood purill-
tr..tlitttw.U..u-. 1
Agricultural Implements,
Furniture, Etc.,
At the Lowest Living Prices. We Have a Big Stock of Barbed Wire on Hand
We Have a Big
We are Selling 25c. Eelow Market,
And nail it to your Door, so you
See it when you
Take Notice.
We are selling at reduced prices:
Clothing, Underwear, Boots,
Shoes, Hats and Caps
to clear them out
for new stock.
Plough shoes 10 per
as we do not want to carry
them over until next
TEED. We will not soil you some articles at less than cost to make
you think you are buying cheap, and then add an increased
prqfit on others to get even. We only ask a fair, liv
ing profit on what we sell, and we will give
you thirty-six inches to the yard and,
sixteen ounces to the pound.
Will save money by buying their sup.
plies in quantities, as in that way
we can sell at lower rates.
Hugh W. MacLachlan, ) D
start for town.
cent above COST,
- -
- H
I ' iit