r .1? ,-f.- 'V V- , i V,. IbSbux County Jnind. amnAL oocjrrr patdl Subscription Price,. $2.0B gats-red al the Harrtae-o post-onsre. as see- TOTUT, Sbtt.' 11, ma. Eeasbllraa ftfet?TMet. Par Governor, U D. BlCHABDfl. for LieuUOMGe-"ruor, TrHA-s M.VJUKS.. For Secretary of Stale, i. C. ALUS.- Tor Auditor, THOMAS BBNTOsC For Treasurer, J. E. HILL For Coinuiiartotwr of I'lfllC lands iumI Buildings, . G. B. HCMi'HRET. For Attorney Oeiier J, For Sirpermte ideat of Potjtio Iitrt-tion, A. K. isOLDYv BnmUkw CMrty Ticket For County Attorney,' B. T- (WSLEY. For County Carnmh-aMss-ssr, KL1 J. triUVX- Repablli-aa Senatorial roBtrwtM-a. The reuulilican elector of tlie I4tb writs torial district of Sebriski .ire reour--ts to send delegates front their several counttev to meet in convention in me town oi mien tine, ("m-fry eao: itv. Neb.. c nteinb-'r th Isvsi, ,,t l-.Mfp. tu., for the purno-" of ul :ciug In .o.nin.trio'i a c ansli'late ior i'rs n said itiwlricl. , . . Tbe sver ,i con itievuren'lles1 'to repre se.i talaon ue follow, belnt p "( ' til ss-nc ''tte as given by the state convent, on, to- ittx i.utte raunty Brown ' " flu-rry -. Uswes " . Key Paha .. Hook .' . hcriiaa " " Sioux " S t 3 It in unfed tb it there be a fuil ."itt-ntl hut id Mfflo pro.iea be ulloweai except to Tei ow being in tli county where tac dale ste giving tin proxy lives. .. WESLET TVCEFB, B. C. Eai, Chairman. Secretary. Ve kkjolin in pushing teaA as a fn. gr,i iurl ciiDdiilaUj m the lug third. He would make a clean,' bright, enenretk', legislator and a record for' the people. Lincoln Call. benattir taddo k, of Nebraska, declare agaiort all itdvaftcew m duties. This is the sentiment of three out of every four Western Republicans, although all ho entertain it have not the courage to avow it publically at this juncture St. Louis Globe Democrrt. It 1 an Klein is going to bring charges against Judge Barker M he threatened to in his letter in the gang organ last week, it would be Well to do it at once, so that if Barber is "ousted" a successor can be elected on November 4th. D. H. OrisVold, chairman of the dem ocratic county central coniniittee, has calUJ tin :n n srs t meet at Andrews' hall tomorrow. - it will not likely be long until O. P. Davis will know wheth er 1W is to withdraw in favor of Stttter- toe or Hull,"' It is reported that Judge Norris has entered the congressional race in the third district in good earnest and will go into the convention with a good deal of strength. The indications are that tlie race will be a mad and merry one with plenty in it striving for tlie prise," The columns of the boodle-fusion gang organ contain a good deal in regard to this paper and its editor because it op pose Mr. borsey. That is all right Mr, iJoTaey certainly ought to have the sup port of the gang organ, or the oullit Would show that tbey were devoid of all ; sense, of gratituae, if they did not try to help him. , ' W. L. JBailey after serving a year as editor of Ukt Whitney Champion decided that the place was too smalt to support a paper And has given it up. He has not gone out, of tbe. business but has pur ' ctwwti u Interest in the Crawford Cap puruud will assist through its columns to enlighten the people in regard to the great northwestern part of Nebraska. Tbefl. fc. aVK' .Y. has its line com pleted Wto Hot Springs, 8. U, and oow runs 'tituly trams. to aud ' from that friaoS with through sleepers attached. Hot Springs it rapidly bsooining noted as besith rsaort aad Um oompletion of the valihMsi ia tftt pUce will make it much kaora plissant for invalids and others go- ' fight wao esMraged ill at the T.fcfka coaaiy cow rati tM of ialniag aa bat 9$mmj bwtwsjsa Um IrfssW'aMn asHLrssy hctioaa.,, Tba wawtsM tSBweArt both sides tssAd aafla .asotiea to atoitra tseul Cs4eJia fjajr altaf Hts coagrwav asrJ vmmmtkm, varris That leaves CT fp wastaaw to- tba cotioty ta- rj r asttaaaji. m M is aU .J&KJ"! toarU tern. r 3 ... 'i' ".aC Caa ajar aasy. fjtfssc y ssgursassass te Ajwrs V- 4 tiftSi SxajagahtslaawMM!) Ji VPa,- V1 COMMISMOSEB'S 1CC0A9. tOffrbJl HiBMisoo, Siocx Co, Sta., Krrr. , 1 Board nt pursuant to call of clerk, rrearnt: Co umiasioner Weir and Orees and clerki MluatM of liut meeting read. and. on mo tion, approved. Oeaei 1 bond of H. H. Ruaaell for road overseer for district So. 11 was presented and approved. Rood petition of C. B. W.tdsworth, et al., aaklna ttM a pnblle nnd be eaf tblished rotnmenciaf at the soutbAut comer of oeo tSon thirty twe. In township thirty-oue north, of n r Bfty ali tlience run ning da north- n tbe section line four miles to the nortoev-t corner of esctioQ 17 In township 31 of range 5t wt, tbenoe doe ea V of a mile o l tbe section line to the southeast corner of the s V of the ae X of see .ion , same township and range, the'ice doe north V of a mile to the aoutbe ist cor ner of tbe nw of the ne X. suie section, tow nab I p and ruge, thence due et so rods to tbe southeast corner of the ne H of tbe ne it, some aoctlon, township and mnge, therice dae north on eection line SS Treanrer or ad countv, and to run twen rods, te minating at tlM ne corner of said I iv (SO l yenr with Interest t (SI rier section 9, township SI, r.inge Sfi, was pre -pent, per union, payable seTilsnnnallv. aented.and rt twin wh it is termed a ceo- ! sent ro-wl, the same was granted, and It is bereby ordered that the above described rand be s public rotd. There being no claims tor dtmuges Bled, and all other requirements of the lsw being ' eon. pi led with, tbe following discribrd sec tlon Unes were and are hereby declared to j be public road a: Couiuie icing at tbe northwest corner of sect:on 11, twp. 34, range !, thence soata one mile, tbence east one mile, thene aonlh one mile, t Shk i east on mile, thence aouth on township line six miles; Also, frou southwest corner section 13, township 81, r.inSn, thence due south three miles; Al- so, eo-.in.e'iclng .it northwest comer section , fnsiMb'p 32, range id, thence eiist to xouthL-ii.H coruerof section 33, twp. 33, range v. Reignst!on of Frank T. Gray for roid cVcreer of district So. 10 was presented anil, on motion, accepted. On motion, N. C. Hutching w is appointed ro d overseer for ro id district No. 10. Ufllclal bo id of N. C. Ilutchiugs for ro d overseer for district So 10, was preseuted and approred. Information from the bonds'nan of John . Taylor, road overaeer of district So. , to ths elfect thtt aiiid overseer b id left the dla t:;c md fuiled to do bis fluty according to law, imil a request fro u aald bondsmen to be relieved as bondsmen being on flle in the clerk's ofjlee. It was ordered that the :ild ofBce of roid overseer for district So. 9. be deel, red vacant and Orin C. Tulley w.uj oa u:otioi ippointed to All said vac.ncy. On motion, a w..rrant was ordered drawn on the county ro wi fond fa favor of A. E. Gates for StO.OO In payment of damages al lowed at April term of district court in case of A. E. Galea va. Sioux county. ReSigtiHtion of J. C. Pursona road overseer of district 'o. 4, was presented and uc- cepswl. On motion, I-. W. Bryan was appointed roud overseer for district So. 4. On motion bo Til adjourned for dinner, un til 1 o'clock, p. iu. ArrissooK ssssios. Board convened as per adjournment. Preasdt: Conmi.saioners Wair, Gross, Grove and clerk. Resignation of P. I.. McCrea, road over seer for district No. 11, was presented and accepted. On motion Jf, D. White w.t appointed road overseer for ro ,d district No. It. On motion, Uie territory In aevtlons 93, 13 and M in township 32, range !, was transfer red from Bod. re precinct to Boa eu pre cinct, aud tbe polling place in Bod arc pre Cinct was ordered changed from the bouse of W. I", rttzgerald to the school house In district So. . On inotlo i, the territory in section 10, 3D, fl,B,li, M.Xfi,i,X7, ., 30, 31, 39, 33, 34, 35 snd fti( In towiiKb psS7 ami range .3 and S4, Was transferfed f ro n Ixer Running Wa ter precinct to SnakeCres-k precinct, ,ml tbe polling place in Snake Creek precinct was ordered changed from the house of John Cuit.ui to the store building of Wencel Herncall. Petition snd affidavit of 8. C. D. Basse tt asking to have the sum of SJ07.10 refunded on account of being excessive iu conip.irisoa with other tixes in Um.and the so a of I M. IS on account of being levied on property Sbe did not own, was presented, and ufUrdue consideration the board decided not to re. fund the sum of SWJ.10 on levy of IW, as tbe petitioner should h ire appetred before the board of equ ills it ion of tit it ye ir and in ids co.nplal.it. In regard to tbe sum of t 03,10 tbe board flndi.ig that the same was levied 00 property not owned by petitioner. It was' o a motion, ordered that tbe treasurer be in structed to refund the same. The following bills were re-considered and, o a motion it was or lerei tb it no w ir rants be drawn for tbe same oa the general fund of ISM, n account of part or all of said services being rendered In la: ho. 773, Asa C. Davis, services on canvass ing board, et.oo. No. T7.t, Simmons Patterson, advertis ing, rit.oi. No. 7i, J. B. Burke, services as county commissioner, (4 .00. . Claim No. 774, Grant Guthrie, for coal re considered and anAO allowed Instead of ax.81. By request of claimant, claim Xo. 77a, An drew McGtnley, services sa eonnty commis sioner, was on motion withdrawn. Claim of John W. Hunter for S J.10 for jus tice fees in ease of Ht..te of Nebraska vs. George Walker, et al., diaallowed July 10, 1SW, Oil acoouut of ease not being ccrtlaed from Justice court, was taken op snd al lowed, as case had been certified to clerk at tbe time, and warrant ordered drawn for Same. Claim of C. I- Colombia for (27.40 for con stable fees in ease of btate of Nebraska vs. George Walker, et al., disallowed July It, lattvon account of eaae not being certified from Justice court, was taken up, and allow ed snd warrant ordered drawn for saute, as eass ha4 been certlied to ulerk at the time. On motion, the polling place of Andrews Braclact was changed from tbe residence of A.C. ftatt, to tbe reaidwBCS of A. T. Hugh On motion, the polling place of Five Points precinct was changed -from the resi dence of James Procaaier to tbe resides oe of rraak Tinkhata. Oa mot.o.i, the polling place of Bowen precinct was ch .nged (ro.n the school bouse In district Ho. 7, to the county court boose. The following petition soatalaiug the slg- a stares of over srventy-lye eibasas of sleos soeaty was ersosafd: nttstaM. award of eeaaty soaimlsslee era ef etoaa soeaty, Msbrsaks : The Bnders igisesl, stssloil Nabrska horasy awtatieii year tjaajy s eskdtU tthe uest feaseai latWiaa. A 'i''"' k, fsf a sbib net te Tr4 gajsiai for the p TTnt of Mtstinding Uasktsniiass of eatd eaanty." Afw due t iaUw Men. sw following prexible and nwolattoa were sdoptod : W (, roon livMMgttlan. It bta been dlwoveeed Ut tbe indebSadneas of Fiona, ronntv, not ntiwkW for by warrants, Smonnta to ahnat S .SWISS and as there will not be a fanda to sosra a nova the aetsl nerearv expenaeaof lelSfrwn tba lew of ! to -pply on aald indebted Ma, therefore be't. Bv rwn. fft tbe followina; prwrWtion b aniMnittMi to tbo voters of atsnx eonnty at t.h t wml election: "h'll the rtMntv of Btoov. state of !-hi-lc, 1u H eonnon fxitl-s bonds in the a-nonTt of elwbt tho!n4 faa.nftsssi doi lrfor tbe Mmn of B'vlns? tbe onttsnd in indt-rifxineaa . nnprovided for bv wrrnt eTltn and now dne of said conntv and -pnronrtit the uroeed of aid bond to ivy the ontatnd1" 'wieht of wld ron"tr of wants, nnniwided for bv wrr-int. aid boida to be of the de-na-nlnton o '.snns e-ch.dt1 Jsnnrv t. w, t vb'e at tbsojSJIoo of ths 'on-itv the rountv rerrin the ontlon of p-ylnw any or "I' of e--td bond at t"e after ten veira from tbe dse thereof, If the conntv eomniiaaonera, bw a ma! e?ity vot. onlr the ronntv tiwaurer to do ao. ld bonds shall not be sold for leas than p-r. rn'-thw. aVIl there. In sdd't'on to the anno"! leviea of tve for ord'nary pnr- pow. be ley'ed and eolleeted a, V annu-l- It a bv lw prov'rled for the pyment oT tb nteret on aid bonda as each Interest hll become dne, and sh-'ll an sddlt'onsl an'onnt be levied and rollectod. s by lsw provided. snWcient to create sinking fund for h O'Twnt -(ld bonds st maturity, or -t snv tl"a "ft"r a-id nonoa nsye ran ten yer fro-n the date thereof should the county commissioners at such time consider It desirable so to do. Provided, tbit not more thnn IS per esmt. of the pr'ic'psl of sild bonds, so Isaed, shall not evceed Ave per cent, of the assessed y-lo-t'on of asld county. Provided fur ther, th t no levy sh-ll be made to pay any prt of the prre'pl of aild bonds uitll after ten years from the date thereof . Tbe form snd msnner In which the above nroooslllon shtll bo submitted, shall tie by b'lllot. upon which ssid b-Hot shsll be written or printed, or psrtly writ ten or prtly printed the words "for funding bonds snd levying fix," or "Against funding bonds and levying ts," snd all b-llots cat hiving thereon tbe words "Vot funding bonds snd levying tix" sbsll be deemed snd tsken to be In favor of said proposition, snd sll billots ct hiving thereon the words "Agiinst funding bonds and levying tsx." shall be deemed and tsken to be sgalnst said pro position. The aiid proposlt'on shill be submitted snd voted npnn st the next general election to be held In the county of fioox, and state OT Nebf-isks, on Tuesday, tbe 4th day ot IVovember, 1W. By request of cIMmant, cllms No. W snd So. George Walker, services e county attorney, were on motion, withdrawn, and ordered that no warrant Issue therefore. Tbe following clalma were audited and al lowed snd warrants ordered drawn on prop er funds therefor: John A. Green, services ss do com... a't A. VicfJInlev, services as co com.. George Walker, services sa eonnty at S0S tnvney to A. ft. Dew. eonvi'is Held notes in p rt SO SB A. T.' Brysn, medical attend nee on R super, amount claimed SO, al iwevt IS 0 James Walprrie, ho rding p mner, amount claimed SMJO, si lowed XT H Omahs Repnbllcin Printing Company, atst'onery, amount claimed, S4S0 allowe! SS 40 Omaha Republics Printing Co., rubber stamp 1 Omahs Republican Printing o., road pi t book, amount claimed S1S.S0 allowed . IS Omabi Kepnltllcsn l-rlntlng Co.', crim inal court wrappers I SO Oinah-i Republican Printing Co., t gs fortsi list I S S. E. leach, services ft eonntv Inati- tntn SO Thos. Peldy. K herlrTs fees 14 40 A. T. Brvin. medical attendance on pauper . . . SO OS M. J. O'Con ell, cotst 'ble fesw t SO I.. J. Simmons, printing programs IS tS George J. Shafcr, examining ( has. Ms- Chas. K. Wolmes. services at county In stitute 00 Don M. ( r. sig ilng warrants and mlletge . T0 L. J. simn.ons, printing snd publish ing ....... -i H (0 M. Gavn .rt, postage and olBce ex penses i JS ft A. Southworth. services as county su perintendent .. 101 U Chas. V. Urove, services as commis sioner t7 IS J. B. Burke, services s co nmlssloner.. 13 SS James frocunler, um of dwelling for election purnoses, amount claim ed A. 00, illowed.' -. 3 00 Simmons A Patterson, advertising... SCOT Emanuel i.akeiey, dressing wounds of pauper 11 00 Tne loi lowing claims were examined and approved but no warrants ordered Issued lor same: Andrew ticGlnlev. services ss eonnty commissioner.... OS 39 Don Jt. Weir, services as county coti- mlssloner 4 40 James lTocunler, use of dwelling tor election purposes, In MSB, claimed S3 .00, and atjtOotsamewas approved. Claim of Omabs Republican Printing Co, for gs.40 for labels was presented sod not al lowed. The following claims were presented and laid over nnttl next meeting: A. R. Dew, surveying road ! tSS so C. II. Andrews, supplies.... 7 St State Journal, naper tor flold notes It 4J 8. W. Cox, b da ace due. on institute ez- pe mes a at On motion, board adjourned witbont day. COSBAO LlSDrMAS, ' County Clerk. For many years, Mr. B. F. Thompson, of Ues Moines, Iowa, was severely afflict ed with ehronic diarrhoea. He says; "At times it was very severe, an much ao, that I feared it would snd my Ufa. About seven years ago, f chanced to pro cure a bottls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and i narrboea Remedy. It gave me prompt relief, and I believe cured me permanently, aa I now eat or drink with out harm anything please. I have al so used It ia my family with the aaflM results. For sale by U. H. Andrews. Ayer's Rarsaparilla will car catarrh, and rsmovs that sickeiatr odor of thabraath. kray Hotles. - . tkMttai sr awialsss en ssefee It, n,si mims is. vaiaa M. an Aarnat Aaeaje saatvssh -ssa-sJaeT eolt at hot lav. 'imi s - i '4 I - jMwr, sjfV' J Vf fetasal, A jots rsseletleu was adopt ed by the stglslsura of the atsAef Meoras ka. at the twenty trat ssssios tbaresaT, aad approved March SKb, A l. lSBt, propualagaa sioendmewt to sect teas eo tj. foar fJ sodvslof Article sis (aj of She eonsU lAltion of aaidStaSe, and that said section ss amended shall read as foilowa, towit: section 1. TbJ section two (t) of artless six (6) of the jKMUttitation of Bbe stale of Nebraska, be amended so aa to read as fol lows: "seetloa t: Tbe sa pi seas eoort shall con ststof va it) Judges, a majority of whom ahsll be necessary to form a quorum or to pronounce a decision. It shall have origi nal Jurisdiction in eases relating to reve nue, civil cases in which the state shall Im apirty, mandamua, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such appellate Jsnsdlctiou as uii.y be provided by I-.W, eee. X: "Ibat section four (4) of srticle six (S). of tbe conslitiilioa of the slate of. Nebraska, !c aui..leu so bs to reao as f u4 lows: seel ion 4: Tbe Judges of tba so pre ir e court sb ,11 be elected by tbe electors of the slste at large aud their terms of office, ex cept as hereinafter provided, shall be for s period of Sve (.'.) years." faction 3: That section Bve () of srticle aix (6) of tbe constitution of tbe state of Nebraska be amended so as to read as lol lows: t hect on (I: "At the first general election to be held In the year 11, and alter tbe adoption of this amendment to tbe consti tution, there shall be elected three (3; Judge of the supreme court, one of whom sb..U be elected lor the term of one (I ) year, one for tbe term of three (3) years mid o "e for tbe tcriu of Sve (3) ye. rs, and bt eucb general election there, t t-r there shall be elected one judge of tlie supreme court for the term of five (A) yenra. i'lovided that the judges of the supreme court whose terms have not expired at tbe time of hold ing the gener.,1 election of isui, shall con tinue lol Mild their office for the remainder of the ts-rui for which they were respective ly elected under the preaentcoiistitullon." (section 4: lliat each person voting In favor of this amendment shall have writ-i tenor printed useu bis baigtt tbe follow ing! "for tbe nropnsed amendment to the con stitution relating to tbe number of supreme Judges." therefore, I, John U. Thsyer, Governor of the state of Nebraska, do hereby give notice in accordance wilb section one (I) article flfteen (IS), of the constitution and the provisions of the art entitled "An Act to provide the manner of proposing all amendments to the constitution and sub mitting tbe same to the electors of the slate." Approved lebruary I.Uli, A. I. l-77. that aald pioposed amendment will Is? sub mitted to the qualified voters of the st .te for i pproval or rejection st the general election to ba beld on the 4th day of Itovem ber, A. 1. IKO. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of tbe state of Nebraska, lame at l.in coin this s th day or July, A. II. 1, and the twenty fourth year of the slite and of tbe Independence of the I lilted (states tlie one hundred fliteenth. By the Governor, JOHN si. THAYER. Bas-laSUS tt. COWUEBT, skalj Secretary of State. PH0CLAJIATI0N. WheikaS, A Joint resolution was adopt ed by the legislature of the state of Nebraska, st tbe twenty first session there of, and approved March 30th, A. l. I sag. proposing an amendment to Section Thir teen (IS) of Article till (ft) of the consti tution of said state; that said section as amended ahall read as follows, to wit. Section 1: That section thirteen (It) of article six (6) of the constitution of tbe state of Nebraska be siueuded so as to read at follows: Section 13: The Judges of tba supreme court shall each receive a salary of thirty five hundred dollars (gsuo) per annum and the judges of the district court ahull receive a salary of three thousand dollars (IJSno) per annum, and tbe salary of each shall be payable quar terly. rs-ction 1. Kaeb person voting In favor of tbls amendment shall have written or printed upon his ballot tbe following: "for the proposed amendment to the con stitution, relating to the salary of Judges of the supreme and district court." Therefore, I, John M. Thayer, governor or tbe state of Nebraska, do hereby give notice In accordance with section one il) article nftoeii (14) of tbe constitution, and the pro visions or an act entitled : "An act to pro vide the maimer of proposing all amend ments to the constitution ami submitting tbe same to the elia tors of the at.te." Ap proved rebruuy 13th, A. I). 177, th t said propsised iimcudmeiil will las submitted to tbe qualified voters of tills state for ap proval or rejea'tion, at the general election to lie held on tbe 4th day of November, A. O l.i. In witness whereof I hsve hereunto set my band and Caused to be affixed the great seal of the stale of Nebraska. lMne st l.ln coltirtbls a tb d .y of July, A. V. IkVO, and tbe twenty fourth year of tbe state, and of the Independence of the till ted Kates the one hundred fifteenth. By tbe uovernor, JOHN M. THAYER. BcsasMiN tt, COWoESt, seal secretary of State. PBOCLAXATIOV. Whereas. ' A joint resolution was adopt ed by tbe legislature of tbe state of Nebras ka, at the twenty-first session thereof, and approved lebruary 13th, A. D. MM, propos ing an amendment to the constitution of said state, and that aald amendment shall read as follows, to-wit: section I : That at tbe general election to be held on tbe Tuesday succeeding tbe first Monday of November, A. U. ISiO. there ahall be submitted to the electors of this slate for approval or rejection an amendment to the constitution of tbls state In words as fol lows: '1 be manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of Intoxicating liquors as a bever age are forever prohibited in this state, snd the legislature shall provide by law for tbe enforcement of this provision.". And there shall also at said election be separately sub milled to the electors of this stale for their approval or rejection an amendment to the constitution In words aa follows: "the manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of Intoxicating liquors ss a beverage shall be licensed and regulated by law." bee. 3: At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for tbe proposed amend ments to tbe constitution, shall ba writ ten or printed the words: "lor pro posed amendment to tbe constitution, pro blbitlug the manufacture, sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as s barer age." or "Against the proposed amendweut to tbe constitution prohibiting tbe msnu fact ore, sale and keeping for saM of lotoxi eating liquors as a beverage." There shall also ba written or printed on the ballot of each elector voting lor the pro posed amendment to tbe constitution, tbe words: "for proposed amendment to the constitution that tbe manufacture, Sale and keeping tor sale of intoxicating liquors ae s beversgelii tbls stats shall be licensed and reg-ulated by law," or "AgalnstSsht proposed u,rtMtiua,L to the constitution that tbe manufacture, sale aud keeping for sale of in toxical Lug liquors aa a beverage shall be Meeussd and regulated by taw." hoc. I: if either of tbe said proposed eaoeudmeuts shall be approved by a major ity of tbe electors voting st the said elec tion, thea It shall eonstitate section tweu ty seven 17, of article one (lj of the couatl totion of the state. 1 kamsfore. I. Jobs M. Thayer. Governor ef the state of Nebraska, do hereby give notioe la sMseoraaaee with section eae llj article ariasu I lislsaf the eouatttation and the Drovla- Itwisof theaet entitled ne act to provide tee meaner of proposaag mi aswaauteau to toe eoswMtuUos sad swosaiMaf the same to the eieetors of the Mate." AsMNeveu rob roary iMfc, A. D. abet sale proposed aaaeadwesit will he aaihssi tted to tie q sall ied votars of the stats. tor aassroval or re fcseiAraa at the aaaerai elswilea to he held oa Was 4Sh day of eseiaher. A. U. last. ia witesss wwereof I sssreesto est sar (asMS Tat XJXi to rfcufer af Jaly. . if. iHsLasvi lessMttrsfi tsos bu 4y ef Jaly. a. tf. ihs year ef fae sweat aasi et .saw us at - the tV asteO- wtatee aisss. fx,- SABsar as 'Ssss avals, ' BaX jAtua tfctaiss-saif, !,,' ' ' - r ' aatftnnMDsWTC: JtoonrsB Baos., New York City tear XasionsL Bask. Omaha. stag or CBiaaoa, Caaxaxea, BeV -THE Dim: of iiiiiifiisoa, eUi.BIH0!l, SEBBASEJU AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $25,00(X Transacts a General Buys 8cbooi Orders, County aad Village Warrant tylnterest Paid oa Time OsfMaita, Loans Money on Improved Farms. CHAS. C HOLMES, CASHICMt B. E. Bb3wbts, C. F. Oorrtat, PrssiuVnt. Vice Pre. CHAS. C. JAKESON , Cashier. Commercial Bank. DiOOsUVBATBD. A. General Banking Business -TBAX8ACTED.- Hassbvom, NtanufsXA. MRS. H. A, CUNNINOHAM, Milliner and Dressmaker. One door East of Ranch Supply Store. E. J. WILCOX Owns the following brand on "fV" right hip or left side. Range on Monroe creek. P. O. Harri- rison, Neb'r. H. T, CON LEY, Latwyer. Loans no Money, Be presents no insurance company and has no land to sell but gives bis entire time sod attention to tbe practice of tbe lsw. -HaJUUSON, - - NastRABIA. C. E. HOLMES, Attorney-at-Law. All business entrusted to his cars will re ceive prompt sad careful attention. HAKXIBO", GEORGE WALKER, AttaraajatLaw. Will praetire before sll eonrta and the V 8. Iod Ottee. ' Business entrusted to my cars will receive prompt attention. HABBJBOK, L. O. HULL, AttorM7BtLBW. Wells Drilled! I have a food well drilling machine and am read to drill any sized well on short notice. Terms good and prioes tow. PoetoAce, Harrison. C. 0. SfXiTT. Xstlrst Attar ruasBt. Jacob B- DraatB will is he notlee that oa tae lets oar ex Assrast. ipi day af Aegust, lt, I. Bi Mcintosh, a lassies of the poena for W inx iHsssssiw wsuia aavar m sliirt, Moax eoaaty. Nebraska, issued i ersier of sttashnseut for the sera of tfty-B lastJS eMIars la aa aetlen Bending bef a ve n before iim whst'liB Thos. iMvenport isalal sJ ain tiff and bbj sv. vnae ss aereuaaBt, ta t 5 of the aefeastant, coast sting of sx, yoke red steers earned "Brlfht7 and "Jerry5 IsTsaasa eoants asif etrele oa left hie, aad ye-ve fer the as me, has bset. ataVsarsaxl anster lss awdor, asid saase was eowwsnaaT so the - sfc . a . INtXiRPOStArKLi LUDUvTvTI lli Banking BusincS3f Wm. Christenc(mr WholseaJs sad Retail Hardware. A large and well selected tie- ALWAYS Oil HMD, ACORN STOVES. ' BARBED. vTTlE at prioes to suit the tiroes. Afeatafer CHAMPI0;i BIDDERS M Chadron. - Neb. Grant Guthrie, -DtAtCft lr Lumber, liime. Grain Coal. aoint re, wind MilU and Pwtri. L. E EXLLEN V SOX, . Wagon and Ceri- Mstrtff, ssseeirlat aews ea ajsert asije. , aeaej aaath af U very epgT'4 ..." ' ' .'! '-.1, J ,''.T