i- .'.- . 'f f : - The Sioux "VOL. 2. HAKBISOIT, ATO. 21, 1890. mo. cd. County ournal TIIE SIOCX COUNTY JOURNAL. J. SiiHMoiN. Kcitor oa rroprlrfar. r.K.A M.VIt. R.TlHwtsliK Uritmt L IMnf Ksrt. V. '.'I. p mwiiitrr, S-SI 1 Mn. rt, un.ni;.-r ..t9.frrKl.t..l So. t4, h-right S U HARRISON MARKET. IVirn-jThmniil .... ?t iM-rltundml f Miurt-per huitUrwi i...... llrttn-v.-r buuclml 9. 75 Vfwd rho)M--pi.T humlred .... i t'ot itors nor hiiiw1r.il )h .v g r.utt.r p.-r IK.. fi Kb per !!.... . ..... o "miltry-jx-r ilor 1 3 s Wi finlimspiT . H-n- kt Ti 4 tto d prr ton 4 jji W(Kl-ptT conl.. j ji, l.umljf r-nativp Nr 111. ft.. 10 a, M (w.rnwU-d rvrry Ttiurrfluy. For funn lun Lro L.'s. !fJ.no. trt somethings "bi. forttlip state fair. ' -.t Unrwss made to order out of No. 1, oak leuther, at Cunningham).. A daughter m-rivetl at tlm home ol Mr. awl Mrs. IX II. Grixuold 011 lat Sun day. Congratulations ure in order. -Cull uiul see tlie complete line of liar-m-MK, middles, wliiM, l;iHlnsterH, etc. at the harness shop. By taking advantage of our new cluliluin; oiler jou can pet a liu-gt amount of good reading for a Rinall amount of rash. A good txhihit nt thi! htnte fair will incrca I lit value of evury hit of prop rty in Sioux county, no it U to the in-1i-rtst of nil to aw.ist in (he work. IU?v. H. V, Rltfirm will preach at the church in Harrison on Sunday. Aug. Jilst, morning and evening. All ure in vite J to nt tend. The pit of the water system an ln-ing put below fnmt line. Thin is an excellent moe ami will avoid a great d-ul of Iron Me (luring tliv winter. Tho latest from tlm locality when no many coons wcra w.-n a few days ago is that ten of the animals have been lulled, mid the farmer) arc after the rest. Kkaho.nko IrlKn: We have a g-ood supply of seasoned Imnlicr constant ly on and 12 feet 10.00; 14 and l'J feet l'i.00 -.-r thousand feet J. K. AitSKK. Th: iuiti of holding tlm .wnatonui ti.u .uiiltoit Im.s htieu 1 handed from ep-lniM-r 11th to September I-tli. Notice of thu i hanga was reriv?d too Int for last issue. - lie sure to lii in the best corn, oats, w h. at, potatoes, lomut'M'X, cahlsie, mcl- oni and every Ihitar else you have to help make up the exhibit t tlie slate fair. I that will help timke tip the exhibit and A. W. Jlohr reH.rts the loss i,f llvejil1 (1" f"r I"' individual pre- lalves front the disease know'u us black-1 leg und it is said that others have had ill luck from the same cause. It is gen erally lielieved the disea-i can U pre vented by proK'r precaution, but there is 110 cure for it know n. At the went deiuoi ratic congiess ional and state ronventions the dele jcatt rexrted as representing Sioux county were F l. Satterloe, t'. II. Wel ler anilJohn Marsteller. Tlie lirst nam eil was the only one who was present.. No democratic county convention bus ln-eii belli in Sioux county this year, - 1'or the (!orn I'alace at Sioux City agents of tlte Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis souri Valley and Sioux City & Pacille Kailroads will sell excursion tickets ut one fare for the round trip, impure ol any agent or write to Mr. Jonas M. t'le land, Sec'y of Sioux City Corn I'alace, Sioux City, Iowa. We are informed tliat 11. (. Stewart the alliance candidate for state senator, w bo is county orgauizer for the alliance, inteiids to 'visit (he north part of the county in I lie near future, for tlie pur pose of organizing the farmers of that lo cality into alliances. A number of Indians frvlii the Pine ULdge ajfuwey paswl through here on 1urtiiy for the hunting ground west ol w re. They were I leaded by Red Cloud, at tlte fnml of whose wagon limited the Mars anil stripes, probably to show that lav wan a "good hulian." Reineinber all the committees on Urn state lair exhibit are to meet at IWmsoii on Sutunliiy. August SOth, and verytiung Unit i to 1 uset to make up fae exlul.it sIkiuW bff here oil or before Uwt day. It m only a few days until lie jtnpuient must be made ami some tWinl, synfemntic work must lw done by ail iuU'res1eL A number of the alliance men of Cot leaaiMHl precim t were iu Harrison on Hatarduy lor tlie purpose of onruniiing tmt. lUe inteutions of Uw visitors evi 4tl hail out been watle known, to the brum of tat locality an but few of taeiu rv m to a, uai Um result wae, tjxit 00 attempt waa aaoie to orguaice. AtKtlurtfort wilt tikxly bo uiadu titlw Ujui lillim. WOU. Wctta miiiueiie Have you selected any tiling to help make up the exhibit at the state fair? 1 laving oneut of business, w de sire a aeltlemetit w ilh evervlotly owinp us, at one. Please reiiieinijer an act aw conlinly. Weir & I'aj. Rfcv. Wm. Wilson will preach at tlie . lain h next Kunday mornin. Come and hear him. Bring1 in a hample of 11 native ijrase which prow in your lo-clity to help make up the state fair exhibit Brin; a good lot of it, Don't te at all lakwnrd about bringing something for the stute fair ex hibit. The committee want all they can i-'cL Arner's shiiifile mill won taken out to their pliice on West Botrjry yesterday, ind will lie set up nt onci;. They exect to lie ready to fill orders by the first of September. Tlie flrx'. Work tlicy will do will be to cut the ohlUleH to cover tlie lo( Injure ut the stat fair. ?rtday Av(. 53hI, mid Tuesday 26th at tt dayi ominittpe want men. WKlWttistn p-t (he .tjcVfrVmKMonjoe (iinyon. 1 o not wurt tie ir4 jn-JUlisj imuu-r iml 11 s).s,iiie go uitire wmi your team and ax and help get the logs to the depot so that they can be ready in time to load. The coniitiitlee in charge of the pre paration of tlm log house for the state fair exhibit want all the men and teams they can get to go to Monroe ranyon to monow iKridayi to get out the logs and get them here so that the house may lie ready to ship. Take your team or ax, or Ikith, and go to Monroe imiyoii and help t he work along. E. E. I.ivermoro killed an animal re cently which belonged tn the cat family but for some time could not lind out just what it was. .Ho brought it to town and ('. E. Holmes looked the mat ter up and found it was a lynx. These ire not often seen in this locality, and ire nut very pleasant things to run across. The premiums offered for the liest oiinty collective exhibit are (audi prize of S'V)0 and champion silver medal, one hnudifd I'opips, one year, of tho Xtbrax ku F-y-ui r, and one special prize of $2') for the lw:st. and largest collection of na tive gmwiex. IVrtainlv that i worth a litl le f Hol t on the mrt of each citizen of Tt should lie rememWed that if nny on" bus any th'iig that is good it can 1 nkriil in its regulur class for piemiiuns in addition to K ing n part of the exhibit, n uise of grains, vegetable, etc., the required amount is not less than one-half bushel. Native hay to compete in class, should be. baled and Dot less than 100 pounds; ear earn not less than fifty ears; foeii on stalk five or morn stalks. Now see w hut you ma lind about your farm The case of Jas. H. Brookmire & Co. vs," Rosa & Thompson has been taken to the Hiipretuo court on error, and after a year or two that court will reach the case and decide it. If the decision of th. district court is sustained that will end it, if that decision is reversed tb case will ue heard again by the district court. The fact that the supreme court is more than a year behind with its work makes it very bad lor those interested in cases before it and the amendment to the constitution to increase the number of judges certainly should be adopted so that such long delays may lie avoided. A letter was received yesterday from Gov. Furnas, secretary of the state board of agriculture, who has been appraised of the intentions of those interested in the Sioux county exhibit at tlie state fair, in which he stated that Sioux coun ty sltould have as good a site- as there was on the ground. He further stilted Hint tiie exhibit contemplated was an pxtraonhnnry one and should have extraordinary attention by the manage ment of the state fair. Now let all see that every detail is curried out to the letter and if possible let the exhibit he made of such a nature tliat it will exceed the hopes of the mest sanguine, The Shuycaltle poisoning case is still in the courts. On Monday Mary Shay had a preliminary hearing before Justice Mcintosh, of White river pre cinct 'County Attorney Walker prose cuted und Attorney Elswick, of Craw ford, appeared for tho defendant. The justice held lier to np)car at tlio district court. On Tuesday she was brought up to the county sent by lXjptity Sheriff Decker. An application was made for a writ of habeas corpus, and the case was set for hearing on Wednesday but owing to tlie non-nrrival of some material wit nesses, the case had to 1 continued un til tkiy and is in progress as we go to press. If tlie writ is granted it will give the woman tier Utterly until court com mences witoirt bail, and the trouble and expense of keeping her will be saved. If the writ is denied, die will either have to give bond or remain in cuatody until court convenes. John. Stuvy baa out I ttaao. acnatod a jet. WILL HIKE AS EXHIBIT. Moat (;a1j Will M Kprat4 at tbr State Fair. ' Hie lollowiug is tlie secretary's refwt of the meeting on Saturday, AugtMrt. loth to arrange for making a couaty exhibit at the state fair: ' Meeting t ailed to order by Thomas Reidy. '? J. M. Robinson elected chairman aod G. Outline secretary. On motion it wan decided to inakrf a county exhibit at the state fair, but not to organize a county society this yealV On motion it was decided U erect house on tlie state fair grounds of 8iox county logs and cover it with native shingles aud set Sioux county sne treas around it. ' On motion Thos. Reidy, UtivM Bart let t and C. L. Brooks were apointed a coi mittee yu JOfhouse. 1 .' ri n,.,ifvJUia .h'lii. n .irvji n I u.1 .T 1 tCJieenJ Wileox und Eli Smith to make a flection of graiwes, lsith wiW anil tame. ' ' On motion B. F. Thomas, A. H Ken nedy, J. F. SchuU and Eli Smith were appointed to have charge of the exhibit, with power to appoint assistants. C. E. Holmes, S. II. Jones and C. E. Weller were apsjinted a committee on II nance. t;. E. Holmes was added to the com mittee on grasses. j 1.. O. Hull, N. L, Pollard and C. E. Holmes were npioiiited it committee m fossils. i Eli Smith, DeBock and Wm. C. 0'i'oiiuer were made committee on vege tables. ' Geo. Walker, B. F. Thomas Mild 0. & Holmes were apH)iiited a couiniittee oH hoikI, brick and stone, . i On motion C. E. Verity Wi!4 mad general secretary. " Moved that it is tlie sense of this ulettt ing that both county pupers piiblis these pnx'oediiig. Carried, S On motions. Barker us appointed tk take charge of articles as tiiey ua brought in. ' . It was decided that everything tt) ta made a part of the exhibit should ba liveivd on orlrlnmilnnl .inr1 Th ho Reidy,- K. P. Lindiay and J.'A. Green were ajipointed to make a collec tion of wild animals und birds. On motion adjourned. J. M. RoiUNSMN, . G. Gl'THItJ)-!, Chairman. Secretary. O. J. Gowey has the contract to car ry the mail to Royviile from Dawn. Since the establishment of the ollir-e the mail has lieen carried from Harrison by the patrons of the otlb-e but the govern ment lias now established a route and let the contract. There is a irtition to have tlie route extended from Royviile to Harrison and it is hoped the petition will soon be granted as it would prove a great convenience to the people in the south (Mil t of the county, for it would give tliem uireci man communication with the county seat. - Pursuant to the call published in Tub Journal a number of fanners and others interested in the matter of an exhibit at the state fair met at the court iouse lust Saturday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by Slierill Reidy and J. M. Robinson was elected chairman and G. Guthrie secretary. The report of the secretary appears in another column. The committees were selected with a view of having those in charge of the various departments who would look after their part of it in good shape. It is to tie boroe in mind that all the work is not expected to lie done by the committees, but the earnest, hearty co oierat ion of all interested in the fu ture prosperity of Sioux county is ex ectcd to be extended to them in tlie work. Do not wait for a special reipiest to assist, but go to work ot once. If you have anything good notify the com mittee and see that it is delivered here on or before Saturday, August 30th. If you have nothing suitable to bring and know of a neighbor who has, go to hi in and urge him to bring it and assist him to prejiare it. The cominittoe to attend to the log house need a good deal of help. Go to Monroe canyon on the days named and help them witn tlie work. If there is nothing else you can do notify tlie committee on finance that you will con tribute something toward paying the necessary expenses. It is but a few days now until the articles to be exhi bited will have to be ready for shipment and there is no time to lose. It would be a good plan for as many of our farm ers as can to come to Harrison on Satur m-day, Aug. 30th and tee what has been collected. The, reports are coming in from many that they will be on hand with something. Let all join tlie move ment and see what grand results can be obtained. Don't be afraid that what yoa have is not iTood enough. Bring it ilk and bring plenty of it. "Quantity in next to quali ty saya 0v, Furnas, se tMurj ef la state wmnI tt agMtaftftiMa, The committee of tlie state fair ex hibit want several bushels of -nice pine coues delivered here. Do loot be afraid tliere will be too many, but bring in a good lot of them. A special prize of fgS i offered by the state board of agriculture for tlie best and largest'displny of native grasses exhibited at the state fair. Alt tlie bot anists who liave visited roiix county have expressed ttieniseives that the finest as well as the largest variety of native grasses grow within its bordels tliat can be found in tlie state. All that is needed to win that prise is a little effort Get every kind of grass you can find and be sure to get plenty of it; It crista nothing but a little labor and Kill lie a great benefit to tlie county to Win that prize. Now is the chance to help your county. PERSONAL. Andrew Jacobs was in Harrison on Mondav. Mrs. E. M. Carrier left Tuesday for a visit to Iowa C. H. Wellef wpnt to Hot Springs Monday eveuiltg. F. F. Oray and N. G Hutchings were in Harrison on Monday i Tlie motlier of W. B. Wright came up to visit for a few days. D. F. Mack called on Monday and gave us some cash on stiWriptioib 0. E. Holmes returned on Friday from a business trip down tfie road. Mrs. W, Bi Wright went to Whitney hist Thursday, returning Friday. Mr. aud Mrs. W. R. Smith have been on the sick list for some days iast (). A. Garten Was in Harrison yester day and called at our office. B. B. Bixby was in town on Friday and made a pleasat call nt this office. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Northrop arrives! home this morning from their wedding trip, Jos. H. Motilgomory culled on Tues day and gave us some cash oti subscrip tion. Arthur BarUi has returned from his trip to tlie west ttnd will remain forn short time. Eitlst, the well-known Indian scout. nwnntthmiuXji iHjWiii ia m SEP. day nrd spent iMy-tvitl) J. H. Cook. I.'r. J. (J. Eltnole, of Rushville, was in Harrison yeHerduy on professional busi ness. He is n. plelisant gentleman to meet, and w hope he will come again. Warbomiel News. llev, F. 1 1. IHieshei', of Crawford, was in this vicinity last week. Dout Bros. & Riesdorfl' intend to take some of tneir li'jrws to d.n eastern mar ket Irt tiie near future. Anton Moravih is employed at Van Tassel. R. F.llis lia.s licen helping W. R. Smith iu the hay field. Mrs, Martin, of Battle Creek, Neb., was here a few days ago purehasing land with a' view to going into the stock business. Scrofula cannot resist the purifying powers of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by druggists Now You can get a farm loan of the Bank of Harrison. Small loans only. AVer's Sarsaparill never before equal ed its present daily recore of marvelous cures. With His Thumb, A boy Is said to hsve saved the Netherlands from Inundation. Multitudes have been laved from tlie Invasion of disease by a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine Imparts tone to the system and strengthens every organ and fibre of the body. " I have taken a great deal ot medicine, but nothing has done me so much good at Ayer's Harsspnrllla. I experienced Its bene ficial effects before 1 had quite finished one bottle, and I can freely testify tliat it Is the best blood medicine I know of." L. W. Wsrd, sr., Woodland, Texas. "Confined to an office, as I am, (ram one year's end to another, with little or no out door exercise, I find great help In Ayer's Baraaparllla, which I have used for several years, and am at present using, with excel lent results. H enables me to keep always at my post, enjoying the best of health," H. 0. Barnes, Maiden, Mass. Ayer'oGoroaporllla rasrABso T ML l. 0. ATSB OO.i Low-all, Xaaa, eldbyDraggMs. tl,U$i. Woitatbelk CHAMBERLAIN Eye and Skin Ointment. A nnrtain cure for Chronic Soro Em, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Soald Head,. Old Chronic Bores. Fever Boree, Ecsettt Iinh Prairie Scratches.. Sore Nlpptae and Plica, Tt la cooling a4 toothiflc. Hundreds of cases have been cured if It after all other treatment bad tailed!, a? ana eu ceo vuw w i. HERE, WE ARE READY WITH Ot II II MlldM FULL Bfardware, Stoves, Agricultural Fiirruture, Etc., At the Lowest Living Prices, We Have a Big Stock or Brbd Wirt on Hand Which Wd are Selling 25c. Below Ilarket. COM IN ANBtttCU, GRISWOLD h MARSTELLER. Having Purchased the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE We it re Prejjoml to offer o) pl,,'C3555Pi!SC3l? -IN- Hats, Caps, Clothing and At Reduced Figures in Order to CLEAR THEM OUT to make room for THEY MUST BE SOLD! Provisions and Ranch Suppfies at LOW ItflT MARKET KATES. dPfJCtAL INDtTCEMBNTS to' Ranchmen ami other trying in Quantities.' fAIft DEALING AIU 8ATISFA 1'JfN fttftANTEBIV RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. H ugh W, MWidrim, IrSatbir, Jacid Implements, Boots, Shoes, Underwear, NEW STOCK e i , i f i " y nt . ...! & ? :... ' . " - ; . . ' - "' 1 ' g- x . ... ..LJ-aiiMiiiMui.i ei iiiSoIH.'lWs, sl in I ,il v