The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, August 07, 1890, Image 4

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    0 ' ,
lMtTwipttmi Prio. tt.00
rAct 7. im.
toBBklltna Mate TVaet.
tor Goveraoi.
For Lara tenant Gdvwraor.
tor rretary of State,
gar Auditor,
Far Traaa rcr,
for Gaeainiasiauer at Fublie LuU ami
- - a.m. HrMPHKBY.
For Attarnsy UBneral.
For Baprrlateudeat of Public Instruction,
A. K.tiUCDY.
BBlicM Cawaty TVteU
Far County Attorney,
Far Const y Cowimlnslouer,
ybUcBB rUUaraw
Tha rvpubiicaas of Nobrnaka raiteraU
Bad cardial ly sBdoraa Um fuatdanieotal
BotaxMiiloa of the republican party, as
enunciated by a suocvaaioB of national
tvpublicaa conventional from 18S6 to
Jj, aad wg bsbovo tba republican par
ty ! of sealing with every viul
issue that coooerns the Aroeruau people,
- wheat re the rank and Me of the repub
Ucm parly are untrammeled in the
exercise of their political right.
We heartily eodtme the wiae sod coo
servauve admiuwtnttioo of Preside dt
Pgrrisou. We also fully approve the
wiae action of the republican members
of both houses of congress in fulfilling
(he pledges of the party in legislation
upon the coinage of silver and other
measure of national importance, and
congratulate the country upon the con-tmu-.-U
ri.lii':tioa of the national debt.
fe uioal htwtily endorse the action
of the republican congress in passing the
disability pension bill and the republican
president who approved the same, and
regard it as an act of justice too long
delayed, because of the opposition to all
just penion legislation by a democratic
president aad a democratic cougrwas; yet
we do regard as the full recognition of
the great debt of obligation which the
government and the people owe to
those heroic men by reason of whose
ascriBOM aad devotion toe onion was
saved aad toe government reetoredV "
We hold an honest, popular ballot aad ;
just bjk) representation of all
(he people to be the foundation of our
rapublicaa government, aad dewjaod ef
fective legislation, to secure integrity i
aad purity of etactiooa, which are the
foundation of all public authority.
We favor such a revieioa of the elec-:
tion laws of the state as will guarantee
to every voter the greatest possible at-1
crecy in the casting of his ballot, and
secure the punishment of any who may
attempt tha corruption or intimidation
of voters; aad we favor the Australian
ballot syatiin for all incorporated towns
and cities, applicable both to primary
aad angular electioae, no far as it con
form to our organic law. .
Wwwxmkms noopoiy V every
form, diinsnd the forfeiture of unearned
and grants aad the reservation of the
public domain for boujestaaders only. "
We recogniss the right of labor to or
ganise for it protection, and. by al la
fol noeans to aecure to itself the greatest
fewar4 for iU thrift aad industry.
We are in favor of laws compeiliog
railroads aad manafacf ins to use ap
tlfcnras which scwaos sapplius for tbs
MlactHM of toborors agaiost
TTssnni iltheeoactmeatof a law Js
Daaax taa Maatlity of eassjoyors tar in
jurant sastaisin by oatployes in such
caass where proper safagaaros have not
bsea uead ia occupations dangerous to
life, Kmb or health, lailroad aad other
Baltic oorpoiations sboahl l subject to
(ft the IsgMativs power
creates taeea. Their undue te
hi lagisastioa aad oourts, aad
SMwaas boob the peopk
twjJtot, iBwaU h BfbHed by atrlageat
Imp.' ,pMaai of taatbste that the
atxNMxqr of unyuiaUuas shall be taxed
unnmmt g tjr swannUsMiin reqnmog
CeWfaTttar reseat oar declaration
itvaaf a Jaat aad Isif ssrvios paa
to the leagth of
jnaj,wfT7 sia . as aaa aiiisr woo
fjrtia bseaaf r atav aai by
,fK3 tt wt ainjsai, mMrnt aad
- Ltt n . .
' C naaettsa af fNght
WtWait to osr
r jijl scsr ejbvbj ia the
Sb "a "J bJ aClplaBwaiaTBrJ 4(aaf
k wzj jt..
reive and handle grain far storage should
be declared public warehousemen, aad
compelled under penality to receive.
ship -aad baadle the grain of all
lusc.. without diSLnru lost ton,
the state regulating charges fur storage
aad inspection All railroad companies
should be repaired to switch, haul, han
dle, receive aad ship the grain of all
persons, without discrimination.
We favor the enactment of more
stringent usury laws and their enforce
ment under severe penalties. The
pnblicaa party has given the American
people a stank aad elastic currency of
gold, silver aad paper, and has raised the
credit of the nation to one of tbs highest
of anv country of the workl, and their
efforts to fully rimaaitias silver should
be continued until- it is on a perfect
quality, as a money metal, with gold.
We favor the modification of the stat
utes of our state in such manner as shall
prevent the staying of judgment se
cured for work aad labor and the enact
ment of such laws as shall provide for
the speedy collection of the wages of
our laborers.
We favor a revision of the tariff in
the interests of the producer and labor
er. The import duties on articles of
common use should be placed as low
as is consistent with a protection of
American industries.
We endorse the action of the inter
state commission in ordering a reduc
tion of the grain rates between the
lfasoufi river and take porta. .
t We deoouaos nil organizations of
capitalists to limit production, control
supplies of the necessaries of life aad
to advance prices detrimental to the
best interests of society, and an unjus
tifiable interference with the natural
taws competition aad trade, and ash
their prompt suppression by law.
Two men were fined $33 and costs at
llyanoiuH for violation of the anti-treat
law. They set a trap to catch a saloon
keeper and got caught themselves. We
helieve this is the lirxt rune where the
anti-treat law has been enforced.'
Tlie republican party will (Ind as tlie
campaign progresses tnat L. u. micii
srds will grow stronger with the people
every day. He is a clean, stronp, digni
fied man and will go into the office un
der no obligations to any clique or ring.
Lincoln Call,
Some man who in elected to the legis
lature on November 4th can make him
self useful as well as famous by putting
in some good work to get some of tha
useless laws now oa the statute books,
repealed. There are a lot of then that
are of no account.
At the independent oongrsssiooal cob-
vention of the first district last week, C.
H. Van Wyck was nominated by acclam
ation as the candidate of that party for
congress. It is hardly likely that he will
accept the nomination, as there will be
three candidates in the field and defeat
would be certain.
Ttae Onvunv Republican has been pur-
haaed by H. T. Clarke. For some time
the paper has not been a success finan
cially, and the sale was made just in
time to ksert it out of the courts. We
do not know what Mr. Clarke intends do
ing with it, but at all events be has the
capital to ksep it going if he so desires.'
' The independent stats convention at
Lincoln last week nominated the follow
ing ticket: Govwrnor, 1. H. Powers; lieu
tenant governor, W. H. Deck; secretary
of state, C. M. Xaybery ; treasurer, Jacob
Wolfe; auditor, Joha Beat tie; attorney
general, Joseph Edgertou. Ex-8eaator
Vaa Wyck was the opponent of Powers
for the lesnd of the ticket Powers is the
president of the sUte alliance. These
were over eight hundred delegates pres.
r The fourth aaWiual rsumoo 01 the 5orth
weatrni WsbiBeha vVtsiSD . associatioa
arUl be llaM at Asa. Aog. 2- io-
ekaava. A aossbsr of ahia- srMksrs
have been secured ioeiudingOov. Thayer,
Jept. Cora, darkaxn. Geo. Colbf
others. Camp dree will be a feature of
tbs occasion and sham battles, etc., will
add to the totatwst. TIm B it M has made
aa egcuraion tats of on faro for tha
round trip. - - . . - ,
Soma of tbs leaders ia ths eoutif are
advocating a boycott of tbs north in lbs
event of tba passage of, ths federal elec
teoabfU. Thoy BBMreatly do not want
hoosst ehK-tsons fa tbe south. The idea
of tbs south bpTootting the north .is
ridiculous aad Would be more injurious'
to the eecticp south of Maon and Dt
oa a line than to tlw terrHon' against
worm tns Boycott u ttircuceaau,
Tm twpBMioH platform aaks for the
A net rs linn ballot system for towns and
cttnMi H is to bs hoped that the laaHbta-
wiaxAstop at that but roak
awaacabls to awery voting wtaet to
Tbs Mctocte ta which ttmty
that w isNjurrwated are Iccatsd
bv beyoad tbs corporate litaits,
MaiaaHaaarth7n of ths ctnanty
U srark wadsr ttss ayatdra ana as
af pot BBnt woo Id Boi. r. Ths tatti
f tto rotors of Ifwtoeamdaaot
BerwW of towns, bt M tto ta?!.
A atst twolaUaa
ea fey tba laguUtare at
Keersasa. at tks siy arst
of, au4 spareiee March
Bmtpctaina; aa amaedaMat to SmUus Thir
teen (II) of ArUrls Ms () af ae esaitl
taUoa of Mid state; taat seat ssrUea
as seaweed shall read as Inlaws, te-
SaeUoa 1: That SMUoa ttlrtssa IK)
article ix () of the eoostttettea af tar
tale of Kebraaka be siasssis so sa to read
flection IS: The Jades af the saaieaia
court ahall each receive a salary of
thirty ae haadnd dollara laMstf per
anuaas aad ths jwdawa or tha district
reart shall receive a salary af three
thvaaacd dollars (SMSS) par aasaam. and
the aaJsryaf each shall be psyahsl qoar
Kection I. Karh aeraoa vottaa; ia favar of
this aineadaseat akail have written or
printed opuu his baliot the fuOaarlof :
"For the pru posed amends
assat aeioe
stltathHi, relattaa to the asiar
to the salary
of Jwlaesof
the saprame aad district eoarf .'
Therefore, I, Joha M. ThayaY, noveraor of
the stale of Nebraska, do hereby give nottce
lu acranlauee with eerttoa oue il) altirls
arten ( li of the eenstltatlOB, and the pro
Tlalonauf aa art caUtled: "An art to pro
vide tue bis seer of proposing all amend
BteeU to the coastltutiou and sabailttinc
the asmc to the electors of the state." Ap
proved rvbraay ISth. A. 1 ISTT, that said
bra pout asaeadaiant wtu be ahaOttsd to
the qasUOed voters of this state for ap
proval or rejertloii, at the aeaeral elertluB
to be held oa the 4th day of Bovessbsr, A. I,
lata. '
. In witness whereof t have herf Sato set
ay hand and caaed to be aalsed the arest
seal of the stale of Nebraska. (Maw at Um
coin. thUSsth day of July. A. U. 1SW, and
the twenty fourth year of the state, aad of
the Independence of the I'ntted Mates ths
one hundred Bflwn ta
lly the uoveraor. JOHS M. TIIATKB.
(ssalJ secretary of Statu.
a ncjUAS, A jinl raaotatloa was adopt
ed by the Uejialatare of the state of Bebrss
ks. st the twenty-nrst seaatoe thereof, snd
spproved rebraary ISth, A. D. law, propo-
Uob an ameadnseat to the eoeatitetion of
aid state, and that said amendment ahall
read as follows, to wit:
xscthm 1: That st the ewneral election to
he held on tbw Taesday succeeding the Bmt
Mouday of Xoreuiber. A. U. lata, there si
be snhwiiuad to the erectors of this state
SDDrovaJ or relertlon an ainaudnicnt to
eoastltntion of tbia state In words aa fol
Iowa: ' 1 he nianalartore, aale and keeping
lor sale of Intoxicating llqaors aa a bever
age srv forever prohibited in this state, snd
the leg iala tare an.ttl provide by luw for the
rnfon po ent of this provision." And )heie
flail mNo at said election be separately sa
untied to the electors of this state for their
approval or relecUoB an amendment to the
constitution lu words a follows: The
manaf aclurr, aale aud keeping for aale of
intoxicating lluuon aa a beverage ahull be
liccBnexl and rrgnUited by law."
H. c. t: At such election, on the ballot of
eaeii Wetor voting for the ptunoeud amend -uu-ui
tu the eouaUluUon, shall be writ
ten or printed the sord: "For pro
posed Bmcuduwiit to the eonstitatton, pro
hibiting the uiaiuru;turn, aale aad keeping
for aahi of Intostealing liqaors aa a bever
age," or "Agdinat the proiKMud aineoduient
tu ine coiiaiuniion pruiiiiMvmg ine nuin
f seture, sale and keeping lor aaie of llituxl
eating IMiuura u a beveruge.
all alao bu written or printed on
the baliot of each elector voting
lor tb pro-
posed amendment lo tbe'conatitftion.
words: "tor utouustd aiia-ndnaeat to the
constitution that too manufacture, sale Mnl
tmentBg for aale of Intoxicating
aora a a
bevarage in this state shall be llaeused
reawuteu Dy law.
or " Against safct proposed
aasendoMtnt to the coustltaUoa that the
manufacture, sale and kcenlug for aale of
Intoxicating ttqnors aa a beverage shall be
musissq ana regnistca o utw.
lated by law
rr of the
bbc.s: if eitper or tue ssra uiopostii
ta ahall be approved by a Major
uy or tae essctor vouag at toe ansa eiec
Wax, than It ahall oonaUtete action tweu
toWwwai MB J of srtiete one 1 J of the eposll
tteBwfors, I. John M. Thayer, Cat vug ii or of
(be slate of hebraska, do hereby give no ties
iBaooordaacs with sec Mow ana lir srUest
elswa I isj of the constitution and ths ptovte
u of the set entUted "an net to provals
the manner o proposing all aanasrtaisats to
the constitution and submitting the same to
ta electors or we state."
Assjawsd Peb-
amendment Wfll be submitted to the qaMM-
177, thai
aen voters ex tne stata ior approvBi or
lection at lae general election to be held
the tth day efVov ember. A. 1. ISM.
In wltneaa whereof I hereunto art my
muss, aau cbbw to or ntua im great seat
of tbe state of hebraaka. Imam at Lincoln
tbia Sits day of July, A. 1. bM, aad tbe ttth
year at toe stase, ana or tne maepraaenoe
of the united states the one huadrsd
By tha Governor, JOHJI M. THAVEB.
Bbsjauin B. cowprgv,
iSBAUl . Secretary of state.
WasagAS, A Joist resolution was adopt
ed by tbe legislature of tbe stale of Nebras
ka, at the twenty first session thereof, and
spproved March SMh, A. 1. IM, proposing aa
amendment to sections two 15, four ft)
and Ave (ft of Article six 6J of the tonsil
tu tion of said state, snd that said section
a amended ahall read aa follows, towlt
section I. 'last sect loa two () of article
six (i.) of the constitution of tbe state of
Nebraska, be manned so aa to read bs fol
tews: ,
"section 1; The suprrtue court shall cob
sfst of gve it) tegsjM, s majority of whom
hail bs DesaBxyu furut' a unorutu or lo
Steal, n shall have ortgt-
am tamwai naauus us
fa which the state thai I
a party,
wo warranto, hahaas
appNittte. juruHiictioo as
amy s
octioti four (I) of srtiele
six t"i. at tbe eonstitation r
um state ca
se as to rasa as I oi-
JTne Judges of tbe ssprewie
i ssawaw dy ton mBciora as um
state at targe sad their term of esjee, ex-
d of Sve () y
rUoat-r Taat i
provnea, snail se for a
eara. "
ssstles Bvefl) of amVda
six () of
SOB stlta lion of tbe state of
tgseaaiM so as to read as foi-
asctioo : "At the Irrt swatral eleettoo
to as hstd va taw- year Istf, ana after the
aaeoaxon tnia anisaent to las on
OAMfjt (rC BeBshal sHPSBefwaTj) OaaWaBaTtg Otsdl Oaf
snail he elected for tbe term of one (I) year.
ior tne terss or tares (si years aad one
for tbe term of Sve (l, years, and at each
gill i si eleettna thereafter there ehaU ha
Mil tone Jmfmuf the, subiubjs eoort for
Uls mfirrtTi) yearsV Prorlded taat
araase eourt wejans
at tee time of ho7-
U- osscefor the rsmsfartev
of the tama
rus bi wai tney were rest
IT sNVBlsBal
favor of
wasBSSBsal uuatlte
tea or prlBted apon his hsilot
aasteu-te gssewssam wtek awaaw satei'
. " f "a sy SMi.avtf. S
sslUedvaj t
f - 4 jwssri
taw r
UM alate of
In taere-
seta, a. d. Mas.
uiuuoaut a at
sana ta s a i
Legal XeUt.
la tha feistrlet Coart of aioaa Veaaty,
rarsuar Truvrf to. a corwaral
existing anorr sad by virus
of the Ian of Iowa, Plaintiff
va. I
JehB Connor, lefeadaat. J
Jaha (manor, defendant, will take
that ob the 1st day of Jalv. MM. The Fans
ersTrastlo.. plaintiff. hrrasa Bled IU petl
ttoa la the Diatrtrt oert or Saoex eoaety.
Beb'r.. against the said defeadaat, tha olv
hactaad arayer of which are to torsciues
osrtala sues iaTaa' eseewtea) by thedefssdasi
to the plaiutiff apua the iK h Saw. ej Twp. at
a. at so Beeves aae jaayaaean or a eeraau
uraaaleorv u tfaasd BlaT BBBd. BMS. for the
fur the aum a? SOS nnd das and payable
oa roe m aav is rfaue, isaa, uwi tasre is bow
due anon said note aud mortgage the asm of
ausss fur which eaai with iBlaraat from
May CL plainuff prays for s deeree that
defeadaat be required to hav the seats or
tbataaid premises may be sold la satisfy tha
aaiosuii iwnq bbb.
i ou are rrqaired te ass wee as Betlth
on or befare the SMh day of ABg-at,ISM.
Hated July 1st, naa,
l447i FAaaaas Tacsr Co.
Bv cnaatas B. Bousaa.
Attorsev for FIslatlaT
Katie te Xaa-rsaUeat DefsasaaL
In Diatrirt Court of rlous county, Nebraska.
aauiua scaoneoauai, riaiausr i
Martin Hrhoiiebaum, Defendant I
Tu Martin SnhiiaahailM. aou rsaldeat
feadant :
l oa are hershv nottaad that oa the Mth
day of JBly, ia, last aeboneuaaa Sled
petloa agslnst yoa la the district court of
nioux county, Nsliraska, tha object
srnf waloB are to ublBla S dt
voa oa the r round of a xt rente or
and willful abaudounwnt aad to obtain ths
custody of the I oi tow Ine minor children
the iasoe of ber marriage with yoa, to wtt;
KUs Sehoiiebaaa, aged seven years, sad
cua BcaoueiMuiu ageu iovr ana one-nau
years, on the ground that yoa are a man of
vicious and vulgar babits and wholly unit
to be entrusted with the care, custody
education of children.
You are required to sairwar said petluoa
on or before the SMh day of August,
t, law.
By H. T. CoKLgv, her attorney. M7J
Ntttlre ta Xna-reaidrat DcfrailiwU.
Warder. Ruahnell and Oleaaaer. defend
aula, will take uotloe that on the SMh day of
July, lSbll, Thompson r. MBrtlu sd 'haies
J. ftailth, pialntlga. Bled their amended pe
tillan i rbe 1'istrict court of Slous county
Nebraska, aaalnat said defendants Im
G leaded with Henry Warneke and Hannah
I. Waroeke, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage exe
cuted by tbs dsfeodaata, Ucory Warnske
and Haanah M . Wariiake, to the plaintiff
dated April tvU, ISOO, on the se X, see tl,
la p xi norvn, rauge wes lit mpux county,
touraaka, to Bscni tha paymuat of a cer
tain protnisory note duted April Vth, law,
for the Mil in of Slit, due aad payable oa the
tvthdayor April, DM, wtth Interest at the
rate of Ml per cent per annum from date
wnti'S "f was maae sudhici o
rtsnuxe of daTa Jsry ISth. I Sax. for Ml In
tavoror the nesu-rn nevuniy to., of wind
ham. Conn., and due July Sd
isle, i
rawing 7
per cent interest per ausnui.
That there ia
now due to ptah
in tin's
on their said note tha
sum of StKh.Ja with IS per cent interest from
tbi date, pialntiffa pray lor
i decree that
defendants be required to pay
the sains, or
that aaid premises may be sold ub)set to
the interests of tbs W
un-n hecurlty Co., as
HlorrsiLld to satisfy ths amount
losuq ana
and that said defendant be foreclosed of
ail equity or right of redemptioa In aaid
Von are required to newer" aaid petition
on or oeiore atotuiay, arpuunt s, itw. .
Dated Jnly as, leva. -
TUOBr-aoK F. MABTIV I ,.,,,..
by H. T. OosUlT, their attorney. (vtj
Not Ire to Nea-retidcat IkfeauasL
In District court of Sioux county, Kebrasks.
Emma nchonebauui, rialntlff,
C. Aultmsn A Company, s cor
porate body Incorporated
. underTho lu of the state
of Ohio. I fendant.
Tbs sbove nsmed aon resident defendant
will lake notice that on the anb day of July
late. Kmma ac bene ba urn Sled a petition
saailast you In the DUtrlct Coart of aloug
coauty. Bebrasks, tbe object and prayer of
wqtcb are to have a MHta-menl which C
ASItmsa a UMupauy obtained against Aa
drsw DahHaam. at. srhonetuU.B aad Bmnta
Sehouebanm, oa July talh, law, before tae
Oouuty Court of Mtrux rouutv, Nebraska,
for Sate and ail.w oosta (a transcript Of
which Judgment was Bled and made of rec
ord la the otnee of tbs Clerk of tbe District
Court of nioui county, hrbraska, on May
Hh, last) declared not s Hea saalnat tire
southeast quarter of section a), township St.
range M In Hloux county, Vebraakn. Hi the
ground that said trass, is tbe homestead of
Emms ncbonebaum snd that said tract con
tains only one hundred aud sixty acres and
not being within the corporate uuiitaof any
ertvor vtllufB and beiug of less value than
Stn. And to obtain aa injunction rv
strsiulng aaid 0. Aultiuan ft Lumpny aud
these claiming nude them from levying
execution on aaid premise to satisfy said
Von are required to anawer snid petition
on or bufore Monday, the sth day of Mp
tmbtr, into. Kbma mjuokssavk.
By H. T. CoNLgT. FtalntlBT.
, awAttormty. M-tv
Notice to Xiis-rcMdrnt IetfcadapL
In district court of sioux County, Nebrssks.
Agnes E. Myers, Plslntiff, 1
'VS. V
Abide T. Drake, Defendant.
To Abbte T. Drake, non-rcsldentdcfendant.
Yon are hereby notified that on tbe Mb
day of July, ikm, Agues K. Myers tiled s Ba-
tlttoa sgalnst yon In the district eourt of
eioux conntv, fc'eb., the object snd rsyer
of which are to have a Jndgiovnt which Ab
bie T. 1rake oliteined agaJust t. C Myers on
December autb, In, before H. H. Jones, a
Jostles of tbe peace in and for monx county,
Vebraska, fur 0j-v7 aud SU.I0 oust (a Iran
erript of which Jndguicat ws Sled and
nad of rscerd In the owam of the aierk of
the district court of flluux connty, Bvbrss
ka. ou January Mth. In dawlared uot a Hen
against tbs nek sec. tA, twp. , r BV Oa tbe
gronnd that eM tract was Usa homeatoad of
k C Mvsn an tha SM of MaV. una. wham feL
rv. atlas s sonvarrsa tae arawa tu uavta w.
Mack froas whom plalntt obtained title to
is. an that said tract eon tela sd only MS
Sawas and not Being within the sipursll
Uatlt of soy el tysr village and btdns of Mas
vales tfasa) Stjas on the said SM of May.
lata, and to obtain an Injunction restraining
warn a wove x . vraae ana tons claiming un
ar bar from aivyutf eiessMau oa ssid
rimisis to sattsty ssw juagvasst
You are iwourad to answsr ssid asUi
on or before Monday, the Stb dsy of 8sM
By B.T.OosLgT,
ber Attorney.
To all
Tbs e
ana Itatayee
mlasloner ap
say ss, xmsBwatyui atoaamsaiwesinei, i
eeuutv, ateagaaata. rsnwaaaT xBaaaaa avati
tectteB line thrsaaujaaw.sxsTsas; aw
U oaaooo oiwas kavaof BBansssTst: than
oM teroaart Mterof sssajl-tt aid U In
r ec ssts
JAaa four
1 laden IS-U-
et st eornsr of sscs. M-S sad IS,
-ass, has reported ta aVA of kbe
- thereof, and all ewjastfon
-w t eaxawa for dsot. gab TS3
1 1 -4,-oauity Lsvrrs ohese oa or safer
t f teat Stk day Of OetetOV, A. B. had or
'-d will bs stemTBjd" wlOasat rafor-
. CavsATBUsrk.
Jistlr Is Lead Owanrt,-
tb eu waota it may i
Bsettve-1 fwp as, i ill sa w nwoasy as anss saotaua la,
riaa. 1 Isrmtas ttii ttasw, Jgaj,. ananiaenclng it
h-ssTVwXJ sans want sat aeeUcaB.
"-- -T Ht ssettea s-
BnstSBBWOaBysjBw enfwayVsUsaSwVsal w9 BsSajPOwS sVsaf 4w
(d the s eaeBcig at tee w rewe- sasjs,
at the MB - TV rwnst Bnaan, nvui -wty, SH-
v-at nay at wv," ?: lZf' 11 ' -TTTr ZTTTT !
Ptud for
BflDu OMIflfiBlSOtJ.
C. K, Own,
CHA8. C. J AiUXON, f ashia. .
Commerqial Bank,
Gsncrt;! Canlcins Cusincos
(ssilliner and Dressmater.
One door East of Ranch Supply
Owns the following brand on
right hip or left side.
Bangs on Mooroe creek.
P. O. Hard-
H. T. fJONLEY, Uwysr.
Loam np Money,
Kepreseut no Insurance company ani) bs
no Issd to sell but gives his entire tints snd
sttentloa to tbe practice of Ike lsw.
OAIn0!f, NkmiNgA.
All business entrusted to his asra
eslve prowtpt sad cnrefsl sttootioa.
Will practbw oxf ore all conrU sad the P.
Lead Oakw.' Business astrutted. te at
oars will recelTfl prompt attention.
U O. HUUa,;
AawTIantf, .
Wello DriUed!
I have a good well drilliog machine
BtviBaU ready to drill wy sjgad well on
snort notice. sWsbs good aad ericas
. ... I ' !
low. Postofflve, IlBrrisoa.
.togsJ Xetles.
la Ilaatrlsi
saoagoognty BeB.
rot aerSst,
Wliol-le and Retail
A large and well selected stork
ants on io.
at priced to suit the times. Agents for
0ba4ron, - Neb,
Grant Guthrie
. ., , Atgl , .
W r 9" tVM-0 tlLLB (NO PUPHB.
fa E. KEIJJEM A MfJK, - .
yVaon and tyritg ,Mtkir,
- : ' fy.i a,'. H ' . ? ''
tZT-rh' ? - 1t7la4lftaw Armliaa Iak4
a - 4( i
C, -r""7 I Isr etet loasTty it Is gi
r-'' f YtiAfJm taan la
fw g lassCto tt ts gai tyjp,
- . SSatSj -
VTc? JOjaf5L
as f
t tiinWai s
sa a.
-a- wdSisaSsi S t S
t Ml t"
j (:rJtf ptetoct c Twton aa;t
, J Wore
r i. i. IsaS or
1 -t refer-
a.l ,
w wm mn svw fl
W tOOywk- a
.ai V -"awii
be a
answF.a t
-m ea or bnors seenf
at. J1-
ier7fwiBtaQMW tat
Ijrj s!tb Cefatv jJs At"
' rBabofMefbrh.
'1 "
V-Sj 1
. . . t , -- tm-t fi
absar- jt s i
-m tba iJ