The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 31, 1890, Image 4

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ornou. oonrrr pafib.
flatncriptioa Price, fA ...
, Staaera at the RiRlm part ona ase-
aw esBSB Buster.
State Tttet.
Par Ueeteaeat 6tir,
........ THOMAS MAJOftl
Foe Secretary of SSataT
For Auditor,
Par TissspsiiT,
J. I- falA.
For nnmariaslooer of rmblle Lands and
Far Attorney General.
For Superintendent of raMla laati nctiun,
EeaWMlcaB tsanty Ylckrt.
For Coaaty Attorney,
H. T. 00I.IT.
For Coaaty fonalMtMCT,
The republican ticket gives good sat
isfaction aad will be a winner on No
yembersth. The anti-proxy move appears to give
mtisfartirta sad it is quite likely that it
will be quite general followed in all
party work.
The delwcation from DoiurUaa county
at the state convention laat week was
composed of a fine lot of fellows, who
were a credit to the Omaha candidate as
aa well as to the Roeewater faction in
politics of the metropolis.
The first election in Wyoming aa a
state will be held on Thursday, Septem
her 11, 18U The Australian ballot sys
tem ia in operation in that state and a
satisfactory election is assured. The la
dies will also take a hand in the selection
' and election of officers.
In the state convention Gov. Thayer
had a good many warm friends, and bis
vote would have been much lanrer ex
ceptfor the strong feeling against a
third term. When his name was with
drawn his strength went to Richards, be
lli a part of the anti-monopoly element
in the convention.
The Davis deJeicntion ia the sUte Con
veotion voted for the railroad candidate
lor governor until Richards was nomin
ated and then made a scramble to get
into the Richards boat After the
'musa the aaac aad iu oma he pur
sued toward Mr. Richard for some time
past it would pat the otttflt in a
very Wleamat position, but just at
that point iU practice in flipping and
Sopping comes In handy and it win
probably attempt to make out that it
has been for Richards all the time.
The double primary worker who edits
'the organ of the fusion-gang Blla con
'UaMAia anaww is his' columns talline" of
doplky, treachery and timidity at the
republican county conveotion on July
Itth. The intent is very apparent He
would like to see thoee who have been
worUasr for straight republican princi
plea ketones involved ia qoarrete among
themselves so aa to weaken the party.
But tte methods used by the gang are
'too wall koowa and no one will be
lMOdwiofced by the statement of the
'gang or Its organ.
Tha oMdidatea ia the Held for1 coagnss
iiatMe UM aMftet MeftlejolkB of
-Itaaoe oowwty. Barrieoa of Ball oounty,
iill'smir if Buffalo oootrU. Each ta
backad a Ma owa oouoty aad each bare
:frieads ia varioos looalHiee which go to
'ak a gaxd following. All are men of
ability aad bold high oface. the former
hefamr lieateaant govaraor aad the two
latter occvpyiag poeitioos oa the disCrict
'beat. The bam of Judge Morrie baa
1heea wHfcw,aaweUaethat of Kin
Wd,laeac wiD wean ve some Ote in
'the timrmt u mm
!ia kkiret:lfor ttaas. , It will
'Ktaiy ta mm taw lafefi tiw ' iweAma-
tttMasaathia wm be imm aaa some
'pCa at,Jaai may y JMr e&rtota
mU ba
Vjfir- 4-'of'ilwtt'BBy.
-Vr' if tiw -ra.
... ... t ,h Sm
it'ttf tt, Taa fMn taa
-4... j.aL-.' -a
, - - t.-'.as.
- La" a
The Hwlsgates at tk FasWe Gaag
Seated su Eatka.lasi Over aa
The isaa'aUeaa Delegatiea Ufl Be-
niM ef Teath.
The reDublicaa state convention mt
at Lincoln oa July SSd as callea. uon.
Chore Howe was erected ttrrporry
ciiairmka. "
Oa the call of counties the contest
from Sioux county came up and it was
.Urwlatl that the conteetaats be allowed
'tn minutes sack to Uuaout their cane.
The repttMicaa eVlegatioa tiiowea tne
point of the chairman of the fusion-gang
committee particirating in two pnma
riaa aad asked to be mated on that
ground, they had declined to agree to
tUfte by the deciauM of the executive
committee on account of having been
divided at the state convention at Hai4
ine last vear. L). P. Davis, the delegate
elected by the fusion-gang convention,
did not present any arguments, but as
serted bis republicanism and stated that
he was to the soath 6gfating for the old
flag when Simmons was in pinafores.
This touched a popular chord in tne con
vention and the Uavis delegation was
Mated, the coaveotioa losing sight, ap
parently, of all elss in their enthusiasm
for Uie old soldier.
The temporary organization was then
made permanent and a committee or
fifteen, headed by B. R-ewater, of the
Omaha Bf, was selected on platform
and a recess of an hour and a hall was
taken to allow the committee to prepare
its reoort.
When the convention re-assembled the
platform was adopted and the ticket
which appears at the bead of our col
umns was nominated.
Four ballots were taken oo governor,
the candidates being Richards, MacColl,
lleraer. IrUiorx. Thayer and Reese.
Richards was nominated on the fourth
ballot and a number of votes were
changed to him before the result was
announced. A new roll call was asked
for which resulted in a practically
unanimous vote for Richards.
Majors' nomination was made unaci
mo us on the tint ballot.
Alien was nominated on the first form
al ballot
L. D. Davidson of Polk county, was
presented for auditor, and a motion
made to nominate bim by acclamation,
but Benton's name was presented and
the result of the ballot was that tne
latter was nominated.
Hill was nominated oa the first balkrt
to succeed himself as treasurer.
Bantings was selected as the nominee
for attorney general on the first ballot
Humphrey was nominated for com-
misaionar of public lands and-buildings
oa the third ballot
Goudv was declared nominated for
sUbermtaadent of public Instruction oh
the third ballot
The election of Church Howe as chair
man was thought to be a victory for the
prohibition element, but the fact that no
resolution was adopted on that point
proves the supposition to have been er
roneous. Others thought his etecttoa
was a railroad move, but as the railroad
elate was totally demolished that idea
was also wrong. , It was evident from
the results that the convention expected
a lone and exciting session sod desired a
man in the chair who would not lea bis
It was the first state convention ever
held in Nebraska where proxies were not
popular, aad it ia hoped that the rule
established will be followed in future. '
The conveotion lasted from 8 o'clock
Wadnaadav evenine? uatil nearly 9
o'clock Thursday roorniag.
Pmiirkerele Eat lived.
The following extracta apeak for them
selves la reaard to H. T. Coaley, the re-
publicaa candidate for county attorney
of Sioux county: I
The Reporter learns with pleasure of I
- i
the aomiaaUoa by the npubUcaas of I
Sioux county of U. T. tJoniey lor county
attorney. Mr. Cooley Is one of Bew-
aid's old beys, and steads high in theee-l
timatioa of every body here who
knows ilisL He we teought up In this I
eouaty, read law here, aad was ever dis
tinguished for starting honesty aad
alki common ssnss. Be has been
the wsaterasart of the state for several
yeais,sed has Made a host of Weadsl
kyteaMtttyaad sUafcttarwaiai
icti Tlte people of SUma eaaatf
wUI lad Mas always to be depsoM
aadikey wUlaodewbtssetDit tkat
is ttstlstl giemrrf Btparhr.
Tto CMtopltSMedto aris the Mr. B.
T. Coawey,of Bawtsoa, Kibraska, h i
lata tor eouaty attorney of Caw
r. Kr. Cotter -was a at slit at
tha state oaiveftfty a tow years t aad
Isa wembwjrar, aada jraoaf aaaa
af steriiaciategfttijaM assjsit force of
j wfc- VwV " '
As a result of the late state conven
tion tvo of tlte prevent members of con
gress arepracti-liy out of the race for
re-ootuiaatina., In the third district th
nomination of It D. Richards for go-
ernor puts an end to the contest by M
Uorsey for a fourth term, for it ia quilt
out of reason to' expect that the govern
or of the etat and a congressman should
be selected from the same towa. The
same condition of affairs exists m the
second district, J. C Alien, of McCook.
bavina: been nominated for secretary of
of state, tliat place will not ask the re-
aoni nation of Mr. Laws for congress.
Omaha secured no place oa . the state
ticket and Mr. Conned wilt be nomin
ated as his own successor without op
posion. President Harrison has taken an ac
tive interest in the suppression of the
lottery business and the bouse -committee
on postofficee and post roads baa
reported a bill prohibiting the transmis
sion through the mail of lottery matter
of all descriptions and placing in the
hands of the postmaster general such
authority as is necessary for him to
carry out the provisions of the law.
The bill excludes from the mails all ad
vertisements and money, checks, drafts
and all forms of values intended for lot
tery companies or their agents and also
of all drawing schemes. This measure
will meet with the hearty approval of
all honest people, end it is hoped the
bill will soon become a law and the in
famous lottery business stopped.
The seating of the Davis delegation at
the state convention and the defeat of
the republican delegation was hot a set
tlement of the question of republican
ism. Had the contestants been allowed
time t show the records in the case
there is no question that the result
ould have been quite different The
error was made in not going before tne
executive committee where tlrtie would
have been allowed to look over the facts
in the case. The conveotion was packed
in a close, hot opera house and did not
care to spend its time listening to con
tests over the seating of three delegates,
and when Davis sprung the old soldier
racket it took like wild-Ore and be rode
in on that alone. The action of the con
vention dots not legalise the par tici lo
tion of voters in the primaries of differ
ent organizations and they wilt yet fiiid
that it is not as smart as toey had sup
posed. The organization which held its
convention on Saturday, July lttb, was
straight republican and the time will
come when it will be so recognized.
Burrrs tocb of tbi wont.
m uk. & T I Ran,,, ft R-rl v'l
Kw lenry. hAf rncrat-c ncrmi n
ini't tear ef rt -oW. e s d'-r-
tiWmitit in lr pa- aJfsd
Ik a a --ttT-B
r m we k-ltove
Um. W9-4 It" f-r sway rta-ter ef tin
B4 W VW 4fer f-m m gnat tartn. faftk . lera Vrwe,
Wrret eetaair flay m . wmrrwi- A
FiiHiB) saiew i j ma i a. w..t. 1
,4 Maorx la aa a;l
U nl Be, aarla
J otr cm
iSsi. ml. l.r K. aanLAiyTKC
Tim aafaVyy laramwt la fcUywrrlor
tao naHL ta BjaaafanaiaS frwe Mm Bm
SJSSSjm TUSSTtm-t T taa Say.
Dot fce
I i 4 IVrt Vr ' VO
' inaaalfBrwr.iaiiR. Mrw-
bear-ar a.iMr r
ilF. hew J"-Jh
a IV'.r Plr:-r"9
JT SSS touriaaH !..
a -r -J xrti t, i
f cj tr a l-.r
I'aWoiM Ifalli! It"
m . va-i ', Tbltlab
J SW'Brii r.r. ft
"P-WNffc rl- a i 'iV ; -
. . . . VWra tmmt-
I ' "
A Vri.f -': 9 (.finari
aanun a'a'aSa, Chaw a. Phaaii aaaiaa
If 11! VSLf
aj a , t iMr rn"
" s t.. - uiMmm
H Sghest .
Paid for
!kc - aw-.- lium
"Yoa Pre
16 BtrttOfl,
e do the
Transparent Film.
For sale by all Photo. Stock Dealer.
Send for Catalogs
Wm. Cliristensen,
Wholesale and Retail
A large and well selected stock
MAWS (M HillD.
AgenU for
at prices to suit the times;
cnir..pion bimders und
Chadron, - Neb.
Milliner and Dressmaker.
One door
East of
Ranch Supply
Owns the following brand on
right hip or leftside.
Range on Monroe creek.
P. O. Hani-
risoo, Keb'r.
Wagon and Carriage Maker.
Bapalrlng done oa abort aotlca.
Good work aa I usesuable rhargaa.
Shop south of livery bam.
Seven New Stylet nd Sizes
u ieece aura
6'rncfAL omccTOMV.
j m Vkanr Uovaraer.
Gee. O. isaikk)aaa Uealaaant Owveniat
U. K. cawaery sa rj -
T. H. Beataa AedMar
Jofca K. HUL.
Wuuaai 1
..Attorney Canaral
.Laad Couiailsiloair
. sapw I'aMIe laatnteUoa
Wares of rValtaeUary
.JMipt. Hasmttal for teasaa
. Hopaiaa
r. M. Knap.
A. S- rteaek tr. 8. saoats
C. F. Msndoraon V. a. Iraator. Oaaaba
W. J. Coaaall. Coni t nsnisa 1st BUI Oasaha
CULaws, " " MeOoom
Geo. W. B. Boney, " " "'
Anises (tobb. Cuef JnaUee, Uooola
a Maxwell Associate Jadaw. rreaMtat
T U Korval AsaocUU Jodaw, aaward
W. A. Lease Clerk sad IU porter, Seward
Bt r. Klnkald 1 Jndejs, CMelU
Conrad Uadensji Clerk, Barrlsoa
S. Barker County Jadge
Conrad Llndemaa . Clerk
M. J. Gaybart Traasarer
A. Soathwortli Ha pi. public Instruction
Thos. BeMy Sberl
Geo. J. Shafer uoeener
iw . norveyor
Conrad Ltndeman Clerk of DUtrlct Cowrt
Geo. Walker County Attorney
i ' TtniRri of l)ft!lnBin!BS!
Don M. Weir, (eta airman) 1st District
Cbas. V. Grove "
I J. A. Green "
.. BaH.. Senator, District Ko. Is, Chadroo
,. W. SluonaoBBep., Dlt. Mo. at, AlUana
8. L. B. Maine Justice of the Peace
If Unrriflnld " "
u. v poat Countable
r. B. Smith (chairman) Troatee
J. F. Pfoat
J. C. Sortbrop
E. D. satterlee..
it. w. wtndanr ...I.::
A. J. Babeock Clerk
D. V. Davu. Traasurer
I 8. L. B. Maine Director
a. smith Moderator
D. H. Grlswold Treasurer
District CWSrt, At Bsniaon, commences
i apru ww aau iuui wu, .
I County Court, At Harrlaon, commences
I arat Monaay oi racn mrain.
AetNT ron Wind Mitts amo pwmm.
CP, com,
Vies Pres.
CBAS. C. JAXEBOK, Caaitiet.
Commercial Bank.
Grant Guthrie,
Lajal Nettee, , , .
ta Mstrk twart wf Moal t waaiy Ni
rVsd aattet, ItalatnT,
rtas laraat. Ilae4ent,
it, dafeaaaat.
I'lMtalHtaa ISalM fJ1
MaU.Vra-ia,taaakt e4 Bvayar ol
kt-k tookin a aivavaa
ta araand that raa aava wunauy
d Um plalnlli wMbuwt anud eaaae, fur Iks
tena of two yr last - """, VT
ad to ! ir Mid paUltoa or batora Horn
dajr. Aagact llth, la.
By H. T. OOBiat , ala Attorney.
. ruatrtat rwtri of Mouc Coaaty. Netr
rarmen man io- a amwiii
annua anoar ana ay irtmm
of tee laws of Iowa, FteuiUaT,
Joks 4 Unuor. dafendank will take notice
that on the 1st dr Jaly, ua, Tke Faraj
arTTBat,pA(utur.Breta Blad Ita prU
Uoo U Um DWtrtct 'oart of Htoai eonaty.
Hah. hiBt to oio daranaanft. w w
tact aad prayer uf wktrh are ta furscloaa a
eertala luoriritae ezaeated by taadafaadaBt
to tea alula tin upon taw SE
IkeSEKSea, MTwp.M
aeyueet of a eartala
, fiar aw. awt, for lh
pronilaory Bote dated 1
wniwuajj hvw wsaa b w atai aawa-B -
r tba aaai of eaMAS and daa and payable
for tne mi
ontae let davof Jane, law, last tBera at avw
due apoa aatd oote and aorlfiri tae sam of
loi for
una wlU las
kay n, MM, pUlntlff prays for a daeroa that
defeodaat be reqalred to pay taa eams or aid prenilatie way be aofil to aatlaf y tba
amoani loana uur.
Voa are required to anawar asld petltloa
on or before the SMb day of August, Me.
Dated July Ut, lam
(441 ' F ABB BBS TtCST Xl.
By CSASLks It. bourns ,
Attoraoy for Ftaiatiw
Katlre to Nea-miaeat Dsfsalsat
ta Dlktriet Conrt of Ktons eowaty, Kebraska.
Emma Mcnonebaum, rlatntlsT I
Martin srlionebaoai, Defeadaat )
To Martin aeMBBhaaai, Boa-resktent de-
You are hereby wotMed that oa the Mtb
day of Jnly, WM, Kmma acaoanbaeai
UM a
patloa afalaat
SiouX ovunty,
yoa In the district court of
BenrBABa. taa uvmm. mih
Drararof wnleb are to obtala a mvoree
. MB. . tim m nmh frnmitv
and willful abandonment and to obtain tba
runoay w tao roiwwina nuw mNnn
tka (imiu fpf har marrlmn vltk VOB. 0 wit:
Ktta tcbon-lMom, aawl seven years, and.
Kila Hclionebauui agad four eaO one ball
yean, oti toe groaaa wet you are a man i
Ticloos and vulgar pahjlla and wnollf OoHt
to be pU-ied with the cr, cnatody and
edwrnUon of ehlldren.
Von are required to answer asld petition
on or before the Mtb day of Anguat, IMS).
By H.T.CoslkV, her attorney. IU-4')
10256. 110135.1
Will make the season of ISM at my
place oa Warbonnet creek, S miles west
of ft F. Coffee's, except Fridays and Sat
urdays when ha will stand at Montrose,
besrriptiea aad Pedigree. Barbaria Is
a black-gray ; star in lorenaaa; Ionian
March 87, 18W; imported looo; weigut
1,800 lbs. Bred by M. uorchene, Com
mune of Coulognee les Sablons, Us
partroent of Orne. Got by Rouillard
10188, be by Favori, belonging to M.
Chamnaon, ,
TERUS-JJ15 to in
sure with foal.
Due and payable when the mare is
known to be with foal or upon her re
moval from the county or change of
I ownership. -
CsrswtUbe taken to prevent accidents
bat I will be responsible for aoae.
A. W. M0HR, Owner.
Mo. Valley
Harrison, Hobraoka,
Ant All Paiwtsia
- e ,., i
I "XiaaoveH Ttoaaia Ta six ewTei
. J. C Koaaxaar, Asat,
' 1 '"Cantobe.lCfr.
ft acw, j. b. ex:,
CaarllLaBpr. Gael fass. tttt.
- -ai r aija
WAV " ' -
.,1 - X