The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 24, 1890, Image 4

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Yb Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, t2.00
IJ. Mewes, - Editor
(tared at the Hxrrinon post office ax aee
ea4 elsae matter.
THCTKDAY, July 24, le'M).
EeMirsa tenet, Ticket.
for Comity Attorney,
Fur County Commiaaioner,
The country lias six sorts of money
gold coin, silver coin, gold certificates,
ail ver certificates, greenbacks and nation
al bank bills now, ami it will have an
other sort the Treasury bullion notes
which the Dew silver law provides for a
few weeks hence.
It is reported that First Assistant
Postmaster General Clarkson is about to
purchase' the 'machinery and outfit of
the Omaha Republican. If the CUrksons
take the paper in hand the republican
party in Nebraska will be benefitted by
the change.
The'lottery company may not make as
much out of its new contract with Louisi
ana as it imagines. Federal legislation
shutting the lottery swindlers off Trotn
the mails and the express compan
ies would make the new charter which
tbey expect to get worthless. This leg
islation, too, is likely to be had.
The'contents of the gang organ last
week was largely composed of person
alities regarding the person who con
ducts this paper. If the Herald con
tinues in the same line for a few weeks
its readers may be able to form some
idea of what a monster the editor of
Tmt JocitSAL is.
The congressional convention which
was held at Columbus last week by the
union labor and alliance organizations
nominated O. M. Keuim, of Custer
county as candidate for member of con
gress from the third district. It is con
sidered as a victory for the union labor
part of the convention, as Kemm is said
to be a union labor democrat.
Theaction of County Attorney Walk
er at the republican county convention
on last Saturday entitles him to a great
deal of credit. When his name was
mentioned forthe .nomination for county
attorney he at once declined to allow his
' name to be used before the convention
in that connection. His doing so proves
that the statements of his enemies, to
"the effect that his course in the past was
simply to get himself into office, were
false. He has made a hard tight to get
the affairs of Sioux county on a proper
basis and now be proves by his action
that he was sincere in his work, and the
people of Sioux county will have far more
respect for him now than ever before,
and his enemies cannot accuse him of
having made the fight which he has
waged simnlv because he was "office
The report of the secretary of agricul
ture contains a great deal of valuable in
formation and among the facts stated
therein is that in the vicinity of Yuma,
Colo., they are raising excellent crops of
small erain and corn, and it is tlie result
of deep cultivation. A" few years ago.
that country was looked upon as utterly
worthless. Its altitude is as great as it
is here was generally supposed
that it would never amount to anything
as a.farming locality. 4 Out thesettlers
made a determined elort to raise crops
,ai success hasciowned their efforts.
" The soil there is very similar to that of
'Sioux county and the farmers of this lo
cality will do welt to profit by the ex-
' .peri men ts made in Colorado. We hope
that when the ground is prepared for the
next crop that the plows will be set deep
and we believe that much better results
will be obtained. . .
The chairman of the fusion-ring-office-
for-re venue-only county committee and
-editor of the flipper-flopper-gang organ
'certainly performed an extraordinary
.political feat last week. He lives with
-bis family in Harrison but was billed,
aa Member of the fusion committee of
which he was chairman, to hold a pri
mary in Bodarc precinct on Tuesday
evening?. July 15th. On Wednesday, July
16th, he acted under the rules and oath
prescribed by the republican county
central committee,; at the republican
grimarr, also in Bodarc precinct
awl voted for delegates to the
iiiMbUoaa county convention which
naa aaU at the court house on fUtnrdav
.Jury lth, aarf beside all that he on Fri
4ajr, July l&h, as chairmaa of the fu
- k usibihUXs sailed the convention
'A.' - ' . .. 1. .L 1-1 .
Z3m mm asss m we wiwraw vt
,'CJt taijr Htm Bodarc pre-
Jl f hi' irtili ai f ilajn'-' t- the HWto-
7 ' laai wMrtstlTi rnamntinnt ""r
of two orgaaiaations
r-'StaiearbiM The fact of
'alLrJit:rrsetortthe repubKcaa
i T i - i iMiiantanilrTiTl irritT
'tr: ;," 79 tl-ofwU watt
PrwHinpn of the JU-paljlioaii County
Harrison Julv 19 1S0.
Metting called to order by Louis J.
Simmons, clmirman county central com-
mjttee "
On motion. Alanson Southworth was
elected temporary chairman and S. H.
Jones, temporary secretary. -
Motion made by C. E. Verity that tlte
chair appoint a committee on permanent
organization and a committee on creden
tials committees to consist of three
each. Seconded and carried.
Messrs. Gates, Guthrie and Verity were
appointed as committee on permanent
organization and Messrs. Cook, Green and
Kennedy as committee on credentials.
On motion, adjourned to meet at 1
o'clock p. m.
Alanson Sormwoimi,
S. H. Jokes, Teni. Clmirman.
Tern. Secretary.
Convention met as per adjournment.
The committee on credentials reported
as follows :
To the Cliairman and members of the
Republican convention of Sioux Co:
We, your committee on credentials,
would resjiectfully report the following
delegates as "nlUlfdto seats in the con
vention :
Andrews Precinct J. W. Robinson.
Bowen Precinct C. E. Verity, Grant
Guthrie, George dinger.
Bodarc Precinct Eli Smith, George
Walker, C. L. Columbia.
Five Points Precinct A. Southworth,
M. J. O'Connell.
Hat Creek Precinct F. W. Knott, W.
Montrose Precinct James Clark, M.
Running Water Precinct J. II. Cook,
A. Green.
Snake Creek Precinct J. P. Curran.
Warbonnet Precinct A. K. Kennedy,
L. Dout, Richard Dunn.
White River Precinct A. E. Gates.
We recommend that delegates
present be empowered to cast the full
vote of their precinct on all questions.
John A. Green,
A. R. Kennedy,
James IL Cook.
On motion, report of committee was
Tlie committee on permanent organi
zation reported Geo. Walker for perma
nent cliairman and S. II. Jones for per
manent secretary, and a regular order
of business.
On motion, report of committee was
On motion, C. E. Holmes was allowed
to select delegates to the senatorial and
representative conventions.
L. J. Simmons, A. E. Gates andA.' R.
Dew were elected delegates to the state
James H. Cook, Eli Smith andt Grant
Guthrie were elected delegates to the
congressional convention.
The following candidates were placed
in nomination for the office of county
commissioner of the first district :
Frank Simons, Eli J. Wilcox and A.
W. Mohr.
On motion, balloting proceeded by
The canvass of the ballots showed tlie
following result :
Eli J. Wilcox, 18 votes.
Frank Simons, 3 votes.
A. W. Mohr, 2 voles.
Eli J. Wilcox having received a major
ity of all votes cast was declared tlie
nominee of the convention.
The names of II T. Conley and George
Walker were placed before tlie conven
tion for the nomination of a candidate
for the office of county attorney.
Mr. Walker, in a few well chosen re
marks, declined to be a candidate.
On motion, the nomination of Mr.
Conley was made by acclamation.
8. H. Jones and LL A. Cunningliam
were nominated for the offices of cliair
man and secretary of tlie county central
committee respectively, and, on motion
their1 election was made by acclamation.
The following are the central com
mitteemen selected for the ensuing yar
from their respective precincts :
Andrews J. W. Robinson.
Antelope 8, R. Story.
Bowen Robert Wilson.
Bodarc Eli Smith.
Cottonwood Chas. V, Grove.
Five Points M. J. O'Connell.
Hat Creek W. P. Southworth.
Lower Running Water C. J. Palmer.
Montrose Eben Cowlishaw.
Running Water J. A. Green.
Sheep Creek R. A. Walker.
Snake Creek J. P. Curran.
Warbonnet A. K. Dew.
White River A. E. Gates.
On motion, it was ordered that if the
full delegations of the different conveo
tione be not at such conventions that the
delegates present be and are hereby
authorised to cast the full vote of the
delegation. :
On motion, convention adjourned.
Onaac Walxes,
H H. Joins, . Chairman.
Biadinf twine is advancing in price.
The reason give is that IttO tons of
reeeatly barned in Minneapolis. The
real reason, however, is that the trust
wanted to take advantagl of thedetnaod,
tf i alawet 17 pretext would. hats bee
Snstrettion In H?arl To S?p IWet
Culture. ;
Reports from tins sub-stations est&b-
jn tl spriur, by tlie Experiment
Station, for the purpose of dctermiuinp
the effects of the varying conditions of
! Foil ar.d climate, on trie growth of, and
production of sugar beets, in tlie
mam, are goou.
In many places, esie ially in tlie ex-
reine western part of the state, beets
lave suffered from hot weatlier and lack
of rain, as a rule though they, seem to
ithrtancl these unfavorable conditions as
ell as corn and better than small grain.
From some points reports tell us tliat
insect enemies have begun their ravages.
As tlie best methods of cultivation
with us are to 1 determined by experi
ment, the suggestion is made to those
having small plats, that during the dry I
weather, tlie ground lie frequently fat
least om a week) hoed or btirred. Not
only will this method of proi-edure keep
the ground free from weeds, but it will
lso aid tlie plant to withstand the effect
of drv and hot weather. This last effect j
S used by breaking un the littk. canals j
or channels, formed iu the soil by the
passage of the moisture from the ground
to the air. thus retarding the evaporation
of moisture from the soil and permitting
the free circulation of air throughout its
pier layers. Both of which actions
iave a general tendency to keep the soil
ool and moist. If possible, hoe one-lmlf
of the every week and the other lialf
tit once in two or eveuthree weeks and
arefullv note the effects on the growth.
As there are' several kinds of insects
that attack tlie licet, and as they have
already been reorted as having begun
peratioiis, it seems the projier time to
begin to learn something of their apfiear-
ance, liaMls, anu ist means 01 meeting
their advances. To this end the beets
hould be watched very carefully, from
;by to day and at different times of the
lay and even in the evening, for any in
sect, bug, or worm that seems to have
an interest in them: search the leaves,
ill up the beets and search the roots
and the top layer of the soil, and wlien
any marauder is found send it to the Ex
periment Station for study and identifi
Directions for sending such sjiecimens
ltopv from Bulletin XIV, on "Insects
Iniurious to Young Trees on Tree;
Claims," just issued.
Whenever possible, inserts should lie
packed alive in some tight tin lox the
liter tlie better, as air holes are not
needed along with a'stipply.of their ap
propriate food sufficient to them on
tlie Journey; bthwwisethey generally
die and shrivel up.
Send as full an account as jicssible of
the Iwbits; what part of the plant it in
fects, time of the day when .it isnw
active, amount of damage done.'etc
"hcA-n(K diould be viarked trith (he
name -of the v-nder and should be address
ed to the Entomologist of the Agricultur
al Experiment Station. Lincoln, Neb."
It will aid materially in forming con
clusions if all people who have planted
seed this season will send, from time to
time, reports of the condition of their
beets to tlie Experiment Station.
Agricultural Erjierinuni Station,
Lincoln, Nebuakka.
Tlie Nebraska association of trotting
horse breeders holds its annual meeting
at Fairbury Aug. 19th to 22nd inclusive.
Tlie interest in tlie organization is rapidly
ncreamng awl the number of -members
growing at a very encouraging rate.
Tiik Journal acknowledges receipt of a
complimentary ticket
A carpenter, by tlie name of M. S.
Powers, fell from the roof of a, bouse in
East Des Moines, Iowa, and sustained a
painful and serious sprain of tlie wrist
which he cured with one bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, He says it is
worth t-r a bottle. 'It cost him 50 cents.
For sale by C. H. Andrews.
Ayer's Pills promptly relieve stomach
troubles, correct foul breath and an un
pleasant taste, and cure constipation.
Paid for
mm w
"You Press
the Button,
.Ve do the
and Sizes
Transparent Fiims.
For sale by all Photo. Stock Dealers.
fi, ,.d fur Catal'igiie.
Wholesale and Retail
A large and well selected stork
at prices to suit the times. Agents for
Chadron, - Neb.
Milliner and Dressmaker,
One door
East of
Ranch Supply
Owns the following brand on
right hip or left side.
Range on Monroe creek. P. O. Harri
rison, Neb'r.
Wagon and Carriage Makers.
Repairing (tune on liort notice.
Good work and reanonsble charges.
Shop noiith of livery barn.
New Styles
ornciAL pmccTowy.
John SL Thayer, Oovmhut. Uneatm, Vekx
UM P. Meiktojotaii Lieutenant Uovaraor
B. ILOowdery Secretary of mate
T. II. Benton AmiltaS)
Joha E. Hill -ITMJHirW
William Lerae Attorney limeral
John Steen-. Ido ouiniUwionr
Oto. R. iMue , Hupt. Iublic lnlniftin
I. Ilopkina Warden of Penitentiary
W. U. Knapp JupL lloapitaJ fur Inaana
A. P. Paddock I'. - Srnatur, Bc-atric
C. f. Maiidnriuu 1'. S. Senator, Ouialia
W. J. lHuell, CungnMauian lrt Dirt., OinaBa
O. L. ! " 1 " McCuok
tieo. W. E. Hunter, " i " Fremont
AmaaaCobb . llilH Jnntiw, Lineoio
S. Maxwell Aanoclate Judge, r'rrmout
T. L. Norval Awmclate Jadgt, Seward
W. A. LttW Clerk and Keporter, !ward
M. P. Kinkaid Jodg. U'NelU
I on mil LlnUpiuau lerk, Harrisoo
8. Barker County Judge
Conrad IJndetnan ..Clerk
M.J. Uaytmrt Treasurer
A. houtbworth Supt. I'nblic Imtruftion
Thou. Keidy Sheriir
Geo. J. SUaer Coroner
A. K. Hew Surveyor
Conrad Ltndeuian Clerk of liUtrict Court
Geo. Walker. . Coutity Attorney
Hon M. Weir, (chairman) WUliairict
Cba. r. Grove ." d '
J. A. Graen Sd "
A. Bnrtow..Senator, ljitnct Nil. 14, Chadron
G. W. Simonaou ICep., tit. So. 5.1vAI1Ihuc
L. R. Maine Jnatlce of the Peace
II. Men-Meld " "
B. K. I'oat Constable
W. R. Smltli ; liainnon) Trustee
j. r. rfoit "
J. C. Nortbrup "
K. 1. satterlee "
H. W. Wlnior "
X. J. liiibrurk Clerk
I. P. Havls f Tri-a-urer
school iKri;ERs:
I.. R. Maine Ilrf:tor
XV. R. Huiltli Moderator
t. II. Grii. old Treuxurrr
IHtrkt Court, At llarrtaon, cominrncm
April IStB and September 1, IhMO.
Cunnty y)Url, At Hnrrinon, Ommenoes
flrnt Monday of each month.
Grant Guthrie,
Drauw Iw
B. E. BBKWBTEB, C. t. Cm,
President Vice Pres.
CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
Gensral BanMn3 Business
-trffaj "eUee.
In IMalrlet Court td Sloes (nty Meb
fred itcrta. ITauilig, 1
Bertha Zrbt, IMIendaat.
To Bertha rbat mmt raaidaat, dfen4ant.a
You are ben l,y nwtUied that ua the ml
day of May. IM, Frad ertt Ued a petltive
agalnt ran in tba LiUtrict Court (if Moas
county, Vebraaka. toe object and pl-ayer 1
irhieta are toobtain a dHuroa from Tu oa
tlie ground that you have aillfuUy abandan
ed the plalntl without good ranaa, far tba
term of taro years U-l I'Ou are reijuir
e.1 la anawer aid x-l1llio ua or before Moo
cUv. Augual 1 1 lb, IMS.
Plain tir.
By If. T. Coa'LCr, bia Attorney.
Legal Xetlrt.
In the KUtrlct Coirt of Sinus County, Meb.
Farmer Truet Co. a eorporntlon 1
rxiat ing under and by virtue j
A the laws of loa a, I'laiutln, 1
v.. j
John Connor, Itefendant. I
John iMinnr. deleudant, will lake notice
that un ttoe lit dav of July, I, The Farm
era Truxt Co., plaintiff, herein Hied It peti
tion in the litrlct Court of Sioua county,
Siclj'r., agalnat the mid defendant, the ob
ject aud prayer of hi b are to forecloae a
eertxln mortgage executed by the defendant
to the plaintiff upon the SK Sec. Sn Twp. S5
K. M to aerure the iMyment of a certain
proiuUory uote dated May find, ls0, for the
for the turn ol tiMA and due and payable
on the ll day of June, ISM, that there la uow
due UMm aald note and mortgage the aum ol for which aum with tutereet from
May ti, laav, plaintiff prays for a decree that
defendant lie required to pay the auma or
that a aid pretniia-a may be avid to aatiaf y the
aiuount found due.
You are required to anawer aald petition
on or before the th day of Aaguet, fsw.
Hated July lt,iW.
By Charlr E. Ilouatta.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice to Von-refcldeut Defendant.
In Ulatrlct Court of Sioux county, Nebraska.
Kiiiiua Schoiicbaum. l'lainliir i
Martin 'hielaum, imfeiidant )
To Martin liDiieljuiun, 11011 resident de
fendant: Von are hereby notified that on the loth
day of J ill v. iali. Euima Hchonehaum Slel a
H-ilim HKuliiRt you in the dUtrict court of
Hloux county, Sebraka, the object and
prayer ot which are to obtain a divorce
Iromvoiiou the ground of etlreine cruelty
and willful almiidutimeul and to obtain the
i-uatodv of the lolioahiK minor children,
the iniie of her marriage with you, to wit:
Ktia Hchoiiebauui, K-'1 aevan year., and
Ella Schonclmuin afed four aud one-half
yearn, ou the ground that you are a man of
vicious and vutgur liahil and wholly unlit
to be entruatifl with the care, enrtooy and
educMtlou 01 childmu.
Vou are reUtrel to answer aald petition
on or before the 'i'.lli cl.iv of Augilat, llW).
Khwa sc monk lit I'M, Plaintiff.
Rv II. T. Conxky, her attorney. 44 47 J
10256. I10135.1
Will make tlie season of 1890 at my
plaoe on Warbonnet creek, 8 miles west
of C. F. Coffee's, except Fridays and Sat
urdays when he will stand at Montrose.
Iresrrlption and Pedigree. Barbaria in
a blacK-grav; star in loruneaa; ioaiea
March 27, 1W6j imported 18H8; weight
1,800 lbs. Bred by M. Dorcliene, Com
mune of Coulognes les Sablons, De
partment of Orne. Got by Bouillard
101S3, he by Favori, belontfing to M.
TERMS-$15 to in-
pure with foal.
Due and payable when the mare is
known to be with foal or upon her re
moval from the county or change of
Care will be taken to prerent aecMtuta
but I wlllbe renponalblc for none.
A. W, MOHR, Owner.
Mo. Valley
Harrison, Nebraska,
And All Point in the-
East, Ilorth, South &lV:a
; a ' -
J. C. Nornoar, Agent,
llarriaon, Neb,
H. O. Btbt, 1. R BudUKAjt,
Oen'l Maimtfer. Oeo'l Pbm. AfMi
-wV ' t J... -
. -t eV-r" .4