The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 17, 1890, Image 4

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CI lk i Ma.
e(aeatee of Bo-
Uoe ant estate Wnni
issfoUowe, beta buM seoa tba
l far, Warn Benfs H. Maawnaa, pr-
glrta om rtalsealt
I to aaa eoaaty. aad oh for eaeb 110
mrsum, . aij enemas.
- ii i i r y I
' inutt. . ,. tikers rate t
ma. i
Uoa toba aaM at
MllLim, 4 aalaa-tat ta a raayai
awl tea vaattaa af taaM aMet; I fak
taaaa ta tba aaaaaartal toa-it tin of tba
latbdtrtet; I ttlaatf ta Uta nyttMo -ttaa
awiTiinWaa af tba at aattrtav. aa to
i aoatiaaala aaa4ttaa Xo aoaatT
OTaaaW WtBWtw OTaVSaalMDa
kmmtJl-'ZSm tCl a &
ta waaajTwlaft- AwMramsf bat-
r-Hsajm t tVa
t ft? ffaataai eWffliab
aala an m taw -
t r ' ' ::
t .tJhJC' M mtmew af
f -,r-. a - - aa"
f 1 , -
ir J t t t a)
satiate Miaai. MMfcr, Mr .
Illllllp . m far tbe parpoee ef
hllhiy iiMMitu far m
.cmmjThmIi aaata a-.Bii.
T tU AIOBTHJ '. ' i'
iaa?.. an.
Caaer , tlBaae
Came llemaba II
t8S r:J
f - ; 1 ra-aaa ; m
f , ., 7 Perkins 1
faatlat ... t Pierre 4
Caatar HTbelpe
aaaav at1 Bakaa
1 seas VTotk T
1 twssa Bad Willow I
Mai . ti tekantioa II
fcaaa T Bock
$ ...lMatt aa 11
f Tr teaadara,,., .18
I H T-awi ,..l'.."17ll
iiy ... ' - f -artea
II - . . i. 1...
,. laayar , . ,,.i
aasly ..I aTameaaT.lll.I r
I VI MiTalarr T
1 nwf-sa tiweaategtoa W
-naa liyi-aT
i Jw.!1. ,..TTrT :
I rmeeeatood iaim at admit
ted te aoaaab-a;a ssakiissty
aaa iaw art literal, aad tee tbr
fat I te at ta aalaatalf
4 tai tataia a tba taaaJaataaa af Kea
aaaaVup? !' iMm5laa ftOnUm
HH Hiaa a. ml, ta aiMt aiiit to Um
atati iiiaiiiallna toba aaM at Iiaaow ea
fallewa, ssaac baaMl aa the rote east for gats
smb. eee. aaamaa, rwweaMaa 4 eteo
aria Msl! , . . , '.
ajws , , ,, t
' '.. - - .-..l"- '. ,'
nre i I,, , ,, ,. ii t
- - -
tawert tmm ,
t i Sni J ,
Itjaraseaajaaaaaaa tbataostiaiii be d
wlwafc bw aTam bats Jiligiiai. arsaaU
mam aay arealartba isi si mite east tba
sVeteav' ' Catlratsa
t- tiiiwilir
f j -Jjx.'l
""if 'te at raaa l
froat Fra-
aajn Doraay ab-kia M aaotr ia bia
sua aauaat fctfaairifa, a claiaM
tbat baa paopla of Fwatot aara bo-ocad
ataa aWbck QXMW ta t marita. Ha
fartaar ataaat b i Mr. Doraty. Uka tha
yraphat of pM. "haa Tary litUa boaor ia
bia ova Mwatf."
dM m kut
Saab-y. Ba ha4 fcaaa. ia daHcato baaJth
far anii tiaM aa bia afa aaaaa raoor
ary ot of tha quaatioa. Biaoaraar ama
oaa of tfaa moat aotad of aoy of tha old
oaraly bkmuimmI ail orar tha aatioa.
aaaata7it-wM ojaw
ior U aaaabtaaabM. Tha laaaiii
atoaan ha ordarad wtnuti drawa for
tit. bills of im, ao thart ia no queation
ahou( tbtipoibt.
TWcriyorta front Agratt daai of
tairitotj art not at all flat taring. Kau
ai baa bad bar crop cut abort d is
aMtta looalitica it ia- a total failure. Ia
portions af Naaraaam, lack af raia baa ia
jurad tha eropa to quita aa ax tent Tba
corn uarkat ia oo tba riac and it ia ra
portad tba grata aWan kaaa baaa ia
atructad to purrhaaa all tha oora tbay
caa, TUx ia raportadaa alatoat a faU-
ara hi oartaia
.Harargo wkmm yon ara not iavitad, ia
tha tort of aa item aoat gnraa; tha ronada .
If a asarcfaaat doaan't want yoo to go to
ajaatora ba will not ia'ite yotx through
tba praaa. If ha doaaa't larite you, lat
hinaloaa. Doa't diaturb him. Let baaa
ha aaata ia bia roooay drawer, lat die
aunctuata: tba entries ia bia okd back
aum bar liir, aaat apiaVra bold orgies
a oag tba straws in. bia hair. r. ;
ac-M of Gov. Nkholfc, of
aaa, rtoiBg tba lottery bill aa passed
by tba lag la tore baa giroa bia i a rapwV
aaiea lor bo ear aaa manliaaai excallai.
byaaa iaa aatioa. It is to be
aal-Maaaet a-an will be dertaea
to'b1 tha great lottery burl
aaav Horn th actio on that matter,
tb a lag- tura of Louiaana looks rarf
Ukaataaof boad rt.
m BMjaa-i algaad tba bill
Wyoasiag one of tba great aiaterbood of
ataeaa aadoaaad atar July, 4, Mat, tba
-biwmoaa-ilanyois'a-ra. It ia
baldly likely that any more states will
be created tor a ausnber of
eom jWyoixalathaeVatr-tato ba
admitted with a cua la the cooatitu
tkt giriog to women tba right of suf
frage Tba waat carta ly the pra-
giaaaftt art af tba uaion. ,
Tb rapahUcaaa of Brown county
aatcted delagjataa to th fjongreaawtasl
cg-sation who wM aa ladga Ba
aaid bsta a aallditi r, Bolt oeunty
oonrautioo and Bichard iehv
to tb state eonraotio. From
wtt Caa be learned Etwee county alact-
d enhance nalagitut to rtprieia
hi to ajunba rapubbcan cniiTaarwi-.
Fraaos baa laoad a
- bU tt -
UkaratoNyia w-stT where pracV
S 1 ( K & 1 ,a t . I a a.
mansi, pat laia upmi aa taaau tot t
go too JbrJ that dimetioo. If other
couatriea ase goiag to impose aa export
duty a soon as tha United State ra
th imawrt duty all the differaaca
wHt be nt tha am waat paiiiaa duty will
go to foaaiga couatriea isnteed of rs-
in lla) TJnUai Plats.
Aocoamag to the mag-fiiaiaa orgaa th
iaaa coart am to bara hands! dowa
aa iiabaia hi aba KuX-Waflcar
.VafcalBaC-lrM tahal
M made the rt tern sat without aay
fawadattoa far it, The eaaraaia court ad-
ago for tb
mabeojaaty attoraa
( h . XaCjoftaafMkb. Hull
rmaio ee3r gawtto
la toabaaaja aait, Wtaam'daB tyla
esart ia which to eaad tbsrmg axpk
ia oat f oourt, aaa Mr. Walker
at- Cat thatCc af eaamty attorney.
aaaaa aad other ptaom ara tO
aCaatCit the weather to axtreaaaly bet
by eoatiaaaidry wmtbar. ia ii
w , -,
AaaWMaaaaataKawaJ j
'L'"t ta
r .. -aajgfr
Twact-aateay haatj w1i
Cxty ftmOm km iayad aad tatCbi
'rr,traftomrmar. Ofi
tV t 4 rfnr laaa""a as br tL,
aajnw Bwrveajeaapw awaaaaaaa aassarBBTmsma' eaarw aa eaawea
ttatietaasmeaf Of
atM ia it wmt, bet M aark
ir c-; t i--w3rs
A coiTaapoihiai to ta
aatsioa aawi
aatemaar, aad a
caa waa
.f . eaaaaaaranmm
0 t- WaaaBaaaaaaBanPVwaT
fiaalafwal a0aaj twW 4aFm4lasmms aaawtl afatwasmml
mi nx-as- wt-urg riim.
Sabraa-l KUta fair aa4
The tiaaa ia drawiag mm t, wbe tba
Wiataasa u board of ttgrtcaj ra will
bold lte twaaty-foarUi aaaa t axpoaHioa
a lar tha aaw oaatraet tarsa far iva
rears. risjasrlag thia yaar 18. Aa
the city ef L cola.
t lea yaaas,; While
ex safra aad aapa-
to ao other
ia Uta eoaaary. "Mra aaal batter art bs-
in( pror ad for the coaniag fair. A riai t
to thr groiasds lada a fare of work aa
eagaged erect ga awgaeatire new aad
sywama tkally arraagad art hall; addt
tio astoagriaalt - haU, iaerseaiag Ma
apaea aaar doable what it kaa baaa hera-to-fore;
a aaw and aekuired poultry
bouse; the ate ta bah exhibit bona tea rg
ad aad raarraagtd; tba water maiaa ea
ktrged to farm aa craned supply of
pure water front t city water works;
tha capacity of the amphitheatre will be
aulaigad. gather with aay other pra
parate mm to aeeommodate, aaaoag which
will be taata about the grouads where
the weary may rest, shaded aaata about
the show nags aad tha like, for tb con-
Every effort oa tha part of the asaa
agimeat ta bring out the producte and
show the reaourota of tha state ia beiag
made. aawedaUy ia behalf of agricuU
tural products. This yaw, for county
-leoaiTe'ex ibrte, the premiums ara;
For frat btat collection tSM.OO
For second beat collectioa SOaOO
For third beat collection ISO. 00
For fourth bast collection 199.00
For aftb bast collectioa..,. ..100.00
For aith btat collection...., 75.00
For aeveatfa bast collection........ 00. 00
The management intent on both in
struction aad amusement baa contracted
for, aa a attraction, tha Coup pannes
curriculum of sixteen wonderful horses,
the aaat educated in the world their
equals do not exist Also Professor
dog. ' Tbeaa woder
falaajsaak perform military drill with
equal pnriasaioii as old soldiers, aad act
ually perform theatrical plays, areata t
iog marrcnoue and highly adnraHoaal
exbibitkHM. They will aatoohii, plaaes,
aad amuse, not only the rouag,
but the old as wIL ApracUcal illuatra
tkm of tba power of eductioa, abow-
haj to what extent ereilTthe duaBb aai
mals of citation can be adncatad. .
From aw mterriew with the secretary
baaaftlaa, w
Uwmlm, tteatr-itr t ta H. It I I
avga aad comiIiii 'Swn NW SMm Md b-fl
a b b a a asjaa aaiab
T Mw bava that aagotiatkirts af giaHiig,
wtth prcma. of pvtuag "ras swapper
oa the aaM track, that will cmW.,two
fetossr thaa'rrer know aa tha
5ebraaka state fair , or any other track
mtbwsjtfd.t;;J ; f. ' ' ' ,
No pain will ;be apared tfai gmar to
tab coming' fair aad exbfbftion su-
perioTmaAVaBpactatoaaybf ite prede-
- Aganaralpubtk iotereat is ba-
ir imtiffasfaf of most encotyaachar.
aecar. urn noes staoi, stall aaa
pan aia'bemr called for iaor than us-
uaL Spatd LUiate art fllling up nicely.
Tba two large puma, op thwimad dot-
mra aacb guaisotea, are alraady fllledto
orerflow. fljpamv too, In ell tb balls is
largely amngal area atthls data. The
ascretary aysr 'All looks bigt If th
clerk of tba weather smiha 6a us aa ua-
uaL the fft r bfJtJ Will ctipM all others
For tafnraatHim, write th ctary
f. Furaaa, BrowoTill. "Bis buai-
i" is to "dm um light aad iafoimationn
in fair
A carpenter, 'fry tha oame of M. S.
Powers, fail from th roof of a bourn in
aMDMMoiaa,Iowa, aad susteiaad a
painful aad serious sprain of tb wrlat
which be cured with oa bottle of Cbam
bariahrs Faar Max Be my it Is
worth g8 a bottle. K cost him M cecta.
For aele by C H. Andrews.
aaajhm) - aad -all ; other wba mil
Ayar Agaa Oar ara autborimd to
tmiimto3mi7a- .Try
hfchi atdfcaaa trat
,V 0,iit. 4'tf 4aiai
v. rr:
, ll''
& - ; f ' , . . . y . . -
You Pram)
th Button,
TramfJafwftt Rlmt.
For sale by all Photo. Stock Dastors.
amdot Cafalaaaif.
Win. Clirifltencoii,
Wbolamleaad Beteil
A large aad well selected stock
mvits o:i iulid.
at prices to aait the times. Agents for
aesn coebs-'o
Chadrdxi, - Neb.
and Dresstrialcer.
One door
East of
, Store.'
Own thfollowiag brand
right hip or toft aide.
Bang oa Monro creek. P. O. Harri
rison, If eb'r.
" Wi-Ofl rkj Carritft Makort.
gepslrtag aoa'e ea sbeit aottae.
geo warb aad rttttaselt rbngis,
laf Mraryl
till J hi w ' i L
- - I I
Ml nitre ara
orrtctAt ptrttcrowY,
Jab M. Tbafar, ttaretaor, Uama,3.
aaa, d. Maaajtae nr t i
a. rawdarv . aaaretarr ef
I. H. Beatoa.. ., ..
Geo.1. Uaa.
. Mast, rubu lastraettaa
Waiaa at reatteaUary
aapu Bospttel for lama
D. Hopalaa
W, M. Kaa).
A, I. Paaaaak v, a.
C r. Mta issue C. a.
J.UaaaU.liiantfis tel
O. L. Uwa, " , as
B. Darety. . . M
.XsdaT J
M. r. giaaabt ,, ,, ,,. Jaaaa, O'aetu
Coaxed llsdaata nark, aUrrlaoa
OOfJaTTT OlllClBJUi - -
S. Barker.
0aaty Jadf
Oaarad Ilnrteiaaa
H. j. Oar hart
A. ftoathwortb.. Sept. rubne tastiest!
Tboe. Betey
Oaa. J. Bbafar
A. a Dew. .,
Oaarad Ua4eeaa.,Clerk of Dlsatet Court
Geo. Walker Coaaty Attoraef
. -
Doa M. Weir, (obelraa)..-...ltt DlstrUt
Cbaa. U. Grore M "
J. A. Cusa M "
mater, Mamet Mo. 14, Cbadrea
a. w.
.Be, Ob. Be. Ml Atnaoaa
ILL atstea aatlasef the FaaM
n.Merflleld " " Port.. .
W. B. SbIu (ehalnaaa)..
J. r. Wort .
J. c Berthas
K. D. 8atterlae... .
B. W. Wiadeor
A. J. Baboock Clark
a r. Paris Trasearar
. acuoOL orncBBs:
ILL Ualae
W. B. 8arith.. -.
D. B. Citewote ...
District Cearv-At narriaaa.
April 1Mb eaa September d, IMS.
Ooaoty Oaurt,-At Harruoa,
aat Msaaajr of eaobateatb.
Grant Cut iirie,
c T. Coma,
Crcrniiticrcial Banlr.
taaaas, Uaawla
T. LjlorT....... . anrteta Jwtf. teased
W. A. Leeet Qartr aad at pa iter, tewerd
MaasCaaaty i
fkad arterBMitr, i
eaanty. Kite stht. the object aa4 arayar of
whkb are to obtels a dtoras . fxaama oa
the moaad iraa barajrUtfatiy ittbi
a Um Utlf wttboat aVpTeeaes. far tea
term or two yeanian m iieiiwnw
4 to answer mM awUUaa um mt before atea
"J M.l.tlaT
By H. T. OolT. Me attaraey
a aeae .
bttal Xotkr.
aTSTfiwe t tew, fuiau.
i 0a i sr. Oata
pf awas oaaaty.
it, um ea
faraeloae a
oa tea let dt efJaat. bjis, real team U aow
iaa aaoa as aaM liad oa of
attsaftor wbiab re Vwrwima froat
May M, Mall ial tothf am ye fee aeae that
aarmaaat aa raaauea ta aay- taa eaias or
tbatsaM preiliu may be.apM te senary uta
era I faaa aa
Tea ara raaalrat to aaawar-oaM beu
oa or before Ue awb aay mt Fagatiii
Data Jalr lat. Ba
(tt-tfl - ' -
rumbas Tartt Co.
By CBAaua c. Bourne.
Atteraey fe nalatia
Keure te Kea-retideat OeftadaaL
la Dtetrirt oisart ef Moas eeeaty, Nebraska.
Kauu abeaeaaa, rialatlaT . 1
MartU aeboaebsew. neTeaeaat " S 1
To Marun tcbneetwm, ao-seeklent de-
to ambers aesUta that aa ma 1Mb
day of July. leaf, fcsm aeboaebaam Bled a
BiUea ea-aetyeata dUtrtet aourt of
Stonx roaatr, Meteaeka, Iba ablaat and
prayer of wblca as te abfem a dlvoree
fraa yoa oa tba ereaad pf aasrnelty
and wlufal abeutoaweataad to OMala tba
eastody of tba foilewlae mmjar children,
use itsae of bar atarrla with yoa, te wit:
Kua acbeatbiai, mptt eaaaa years, and
Ella Sabooeanaai MrM
yaan,ontbegToaBdtBatyorS man of
TletaaeaadralaarbaMtB aad irboUr anBt
to be eatrasted with tee ear. easUMy aad
edaeatlou of eblldsea,
Toa ara raaulred to aaawar aaat net 111 on
oa or bsf ore Uta 1Mb day of Aaaaet, Use.
ftuiA acaoaaalsa, rTaletl.
By H. T. Coaisr, bar atteraey. (M 41
'"'""iiiv ...
esry.j.i fi..3 -)
102SS : ! 10135"
WW taaaataamaaaaof UM at my
place oa Warboaaet creak, atUto4 waat
of C. FvCoffo, aampt Friday aad 8at
urdays wbae be will ttaadat Moatrom.
OaMrtatlaa aad Pedlgre. Barbarin ia
a bbtck-grayi star to forabuadt foaled
March , JCMvimportod I8Wv .weight
tWO lbs. Bmd by M. ttorcheoe, Codi
awaaofCoulaa to mons, Dm
partamat of Orae. "o by Bsulllard
Mttlbaby Farori,, balongtog to M.
TERI1S-016 toin
me Icial.
Due and payable whan tb mar to
knowa to be with foal or upon her ra-
ntoralfromtb couaty or cbaag of
Cam will be takes ea preraat accldeate
bat I wul be raapeaslble tar aaaa.
A. W. M0HR, (Xvner.
Uo. Valley
s - ,v rl .A, A t At.?--'
-bgTirwuu .'. - .! i
. cicuxcmr.
tvr. pxvl
b rKCfB,""
XCCrst, ft r -
. . v. . ,
esrtaia iaorf-ea
la ll atelar 1
atea are is
B. H ta