The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 17, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
I..''' " - '
I 'he Sioux
X. J. SltumuiH. Editor Hud Proprietor.
F r. M. V U. B. Time h1.I. :
Going Went. ilolnff Eant.
Xo. HI, piiaMigr, :S1 Xo. , Bnwigfr, t2
Hit. MB, fr-lHit 5: No. M, freight, 8 :0U
Corn jx?r biindiPrt lb
Out JK-T IniiKlrcd t
fchortw per hundred 1h , .
Pr.-'t p -r humlrM 1 .
Vip1 choprwl per hundred ft...
f'ot-H4eH per hundr-t th
h .r - 'vr i.
'k.' tVTlo r
iTni.'try-per 1oi , I 75 S
OlllO'l pf.r
-U"in per
r;il .pt-r ton
1 15
1 00 j
S3 00
4 M
3 M
Wool-jier cord.,
" 'Comber Jintlve prr in. ft ,
"Correctel evry ThurwlKV.
IS 00
For farm loans e;o to S. 1L Jones.
Feed and grain for sale at Smith
. Bros, livery barn.
v'. .". Harness made to order out of No. 1,
' oafcleather, at Cunningham's.
. Call and ee the complete line of
nes, raddles, whips, lap-dusters, etc. at
the harness shop.
If you want the very best terms on
farm loans, go to the Bank of Harrison
before making implication elsewhere.
Parties liaving stock to ptisture will
do well to see E. A. Weir, at the Ranch
Supply House. Plenty of good grase
and water.
Reasoned Lpmbkr: We have a good
supply of seasoned lumber constantly on
hand at our mill on West Boggy.
Arner Bro's.
Preaching at the M. E. church next
Sunday morning and evening. All in
vited. L'r. Slinfer informs un-that a daughter
arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa
C. 1 uvis on Tuesday. All doing well.
Charles Smith has purchased the in
terest of his brother, Frank, in the livery
establishment and will continue the busi
nen alone in the future.
A numbur of pine trees have been set
U) front of- the business houses, which
add gr;;iit!y to the' comfort during the
"'ho't ib vs.
By taking advantage of onr new
.r.. . . '
i ii li 1 1 nmm ii my i
amount in goou reaJing for a small
amount of cash.
An .ice-cream social will lie given
mxi j-rniny evening unuer tno auspices
jf.'Ui'f f.'RtAid sni ietv. All ure cor
, rl.;. Uv w-. -t.-d io attend and have a good
v:.ycrtiscmnt of Mrs. H. A: Cunningham.
'' IW stock of millinery has arrived and how psvpured to take care of all
Ihe adies wuuts in Unit line.
Aii. ).-!. Mm IL A. Cunningham
v. i. .Hi i-i-pms ol haudsouie hang
ing: lamp as a wedding present from one
t t!i-. -.viik-ul-j houses with vvIkuii Mr.
Cuiiiiiiifjitttiu deal.
It is reported that John Gibson, who
left the Hat Cruek country last winter
just uhtxul of on ofttcei, returned a few
days ao and soon an olllcer came from
Lawes county and took him in on charge
. of hurl stealing.
'I a. crop report from Hie south
p: 1 1 ut Uw county aru in tlie same vein
as Iroru other localities. Small grain
has suffered from liu k.of raiu, corn and
potatoes are, still growing but neod nun
UuUv. Ju.te a Itirgd uumlier of fruit
trees were set out in that locality last
spring and those that received pioier at
tention are doing well.
The basket meeting at Bixby'g grove
on last Sunday was well attended and a
pleasant time had; A new church, or
ganization was perfected, to be known as
the Hat ireek class, and started out with
an uni'titli.iiini. mum lti.a!ii Ui.U T .llul
i to be oougratululed on the fact be can
report to conference toe. organization of
a Dew church in his territory.
. The Bible School will convene at the
oliurch,. next Sumlay,. at ten. o'clock
siiarp. Every boily requested te be on
time if possilile.
Lwsoou lor July, 20th, will be found in
Luke 14:20-3.5.
Miss Ellen fiitterlee was added to the
oorps of otllcurs UmI Sunday, leing ulvct
ed a.isUiut urgauUt.
A new tune card went into effect on
Uiis line hut Sunday. Tlie passenger j
from the east arrives at tlie same time ur f riuud nor foe in the discharge of tlie.r
a before, and going east arrives here at'dutie. The new administration has no
9:38 a oiiaiige of only seven minutes pts and if any one has any dealings with
fhrni the old time. The freight going 1 the comity they must he correct or they
West arrives here at 5i23 a. in. and going ! aru Imd over for correction. For all the
tst arrives at 8 p. ni. The passenger j bills allowed, the warrants are drawn and
goe west only as faros Louglas and. a , oniy net4 the signature of Com mission
mixed tram is run from there to Casper. er yelri as chairman of the board, and
It trill long now until the Cliey
enne & Northern will' be completed and
tben it is quite likely that additional
ttafn ervtoe will be put on. The consol
idation of the North western and U. P.
- uompaaies tin good as gives them a doU'
Me tnudc from Omaha to iJenver and
i probable that the built of Uw through
tkatfu w4i iMcutvowHT Ums bmi..
On last Saturday evening, the school
loarl Iveltl a meeting and selected a
teacher. A nurriber of npplK'fiinn had
been made and the result wast the select
ion of Miss Eva Conner. The lady
letted has the reputation of being- a jrood
teacher and will doubtluss give satisfact
ory wrvice. The contract will be for
three mouths, and school will lx-in on
August 4th, that being the first M onday
in the month. There will lie little
i chance for vacation as there is to le ten
months school during the school year.
The r pcrt of the village treasurer
j has not yet been published. It is rumor-
10 1 en that warrants were issued last year,
10 I far in excess nf the limit MvoH W law
f the village hoard will comply with
the law and publish the financial stand
ing of the village and' would give
an opportunity to know the condition
of affairs. The continued neglect to
comply with the law makes it appear as
if matters were in such a condition
that they dare not let tile public know
the true state of affairs,
The Itorsey organs are making capit
al out of the fact of Judge Kinkaid de
dining to be a candidate for congress,
and some of them go so far as to assert
that Kinkaid has said that Dorsey is the
best man in the district for representa
tive. That statement is absolutely false.
Judge Kinkaid never said it, and such
statements, misrepresenting leading men
of the district, will not add strengtli to the
chairman of the housa committee on
bnnking and currency. Some Dorsey or
gans pretend to believe that he will be
nominated by acclamation but thnre is
not one of them who would not give a
good deal to lie certain of such a thing.
Those who are booming him quote what
the democratic papers say in favor of his
nomination. Of course the democrats
want Itim nominated. Democrats work
for democratic suocesi and is wlial
they look for if the republicans nominate
orsey for u fourth term.
We are informed that L. Gerliu-h
has deen appointed local organizer foi
the farmers alliance and it is prohabh
llmt a number of sulordinate alliances
will de establish! in the county in tht
near future. . The entire state it pretty
well organized into alliances and the
members are taking an active part in the
.... - .
mi mini miiirtm in nun in iinr uwv u n.
going into the primaries of their respect
ive parties and nominating men favor
able to them. In others they are put
ting independent tickets in the field and
in other Ls-ilities tlicy are waiting to see
if the old parties put up the right kind of
men and if they do not. an alliance man
will likely be put up. The indications
are that the aspirant for office who is
not in sympathy with the fanners will
have a rocky road to travel.
!n conversation with some of our
farmers the question of listing or plant.
niff corn came up tor discussion. Ihe
general opinion appeared to lie that tlie
liest results were to be obtained by list
ing. The only trouble with that method
is thecultivation of the corn when it is
small. In the eastern part of the slate
w here a large proportion of the corn is
listed they have a cultivator especially
gotten up for that work, and since those
cultivators have been in use better re
sults have been derived than ever. There
appears to be every reason for listed com
doing well in Sioux county and before
another crop is planted it is probable
tluit someone will introduce those culti
vators. We should ltke to have all the
information we can from those who have
experimented with listed and planted
corn in this county so that we muy en
able the farmers to get the best results
from their labors.
The board of county commissioners
adjourned on last Friday. As soon as
the work as a board of equalization was
completed Commissioner Weir went
home aud did not attend any of the time
during the session. A number of points
can be noted by perusal of the proceed
ings of the board,, which appears on the
third page of this issue.
One of the most important points to
the taxpayers is that the new board pro
pose to keep within the law. Another is
that no bills created prior to ceceiuber
1, MjU, will be allowed lor payment out
of tlie lsW) funds. Another point is that
every bill is examined and if it is uot as
it should be it is ordered corrected on re
jected, and still juiuther fact is very no-
ticable, and that is that they know ueith
then they can be delivered to those to
whom they belong. The course taken
by Commissioners Grove and Orcun in
regard to the bills presented will meet
Uw hearty approval of every honest man
in Sioux uounty. The proper thing for
iCiau olllaal to do is to "haw to the lino,
anii D0 honest or faii-mimlcd person will
,lv fumwiu.U) ooiiiyU"" 'i ''"-'i'
Tlie lose ball boys of Lusk are ex
pei ted here on Wednesday to try a second
(fame with the Harrison Itoys. A good
game will lie played, and although the
score may not be as low as in some of
the league games, there will lie a lot of
fun in it, both for players and specta
tors. A grand free dance wjl! lie given
in the evening, and every body is in
vited fo come and enjoy a good time.
County Commissioner Weir came in
yesterday, the county clerk having noti
fied him that the warrants were drawn
as ordered by the county board and only
needed his signature, and is now at work
signing the warrants. This is simply a
clerical act on the part of the chairman of
a board of county commissioners, as the
statute is mandatory and states that the
commissioner whose term shall expire
within the year shall sign. So be has
nothing to say in the matter.
The republican primary for Bowen
precinct was held at the court room yes
terday, from 3 to 6 p. m., under the
rules adopted by the county central
conimmittee. The delegates elected to
the republican county convention which
meets on Saturday were C. E. Verity,
G. Guthrie and Go. Olinger. E. E.
Livermore was nominated for assessor
and P. L. Mc 'rea for road overseer. N.
L. Pollard and I'avid Bartlett were
nominated for constables and S. II.
Jones for justice of the peace to till va
cancies. Candidates were also nomin
ate! for judges and clerks of election.
Jones Price At lire residence of the
bride's parents, in Sioux county, Neb.,
on Wednesday, July 1, 1S90, by Bev.
I. F. Lusfr, Mr. S. H. Jones and Miss
Wiza Price, all of Sioux county. Neb.
The contracting parties are both well
and favorable known to the ocople of
this locality. The groom is one of the
most popular young men of the county
and holds the position of deputy county
treasurer. Tlie bride lias a large circle
of friends, won by her kindness and pleas
mg manner. All extend liest wishes to
tho happy couple for a long, happy aud
prosperous married life.
Prohibition League.
Pursuant to call published last week,
in prohibitionists met in the court house
in Harrison, lost Thursday, for the pur
pose of organizing a "Non-Partisan Pro
hibitory Amendment League.'' After
preliminary organization, it moved and
carried that U. P. Lavis serve as presi
dent of the league, S. L. R. Maine secre
tary, Rev. I, F. Lusk, treasurer; Messrs.
Thos. CevenKrt, B. F. Thomas, Charles
U. drove, and Asa C. Lavis. were elect
ed vice-presidents.
The constitution for county leagues as
provided by the state league was taken
up and adopted seriatim with some
slight changes. ,
The ExecutiveCommittee proceeded to
appoint the following Associate commit
tees: Warbonnpt precinct E. J. Wilcox, O.
A. CJartert, B. F. Thomas.
Hat (.'reek precinct F. W. Knot t, B.
B. Bixby, U W. Woody, Mrs. F. W.
Knott, Miss Eva Conner.
Bowen precinct Asa C. Davis, J. M.
Robinson, Robert Wilson, Mrs. S. C. Bas
set, Mrs. S. E. Hough, Mrs. L. H. Gris-
Five Points precinct A. Southworth,
Harrison Biuiis, B. B. Smith, F. M. Smith
Cottonwood precinct I has. U. Grove,
Mr. Blood, John Baml'ord, Miss Alice
Swain, Miss Hat tie Cury.
Upper Runningwater J. II. Cook, A.
Bodare precinct W. 8. Hall.
Montrose precinct James olark.
Antelojie precinct S. R. Story.
White River preinuct-r-Thos. Deven
port. .
Andrews precinct H. Armstrong.
Sheep creek precinct T. B. Snyder.
- Snake Creek precinct John P. iurran.
in those precincts where only one or
two are appointed, tliose appointed are
lusreby auttionzed to appoint others on
their com in it tee Irum their respective
Voted, That the several Associate
Jomnnttees hold meetings at sucn place
as they may designate within their pre
cinct ou Saturday night, July, ltf, loW),
for tlie purpose of coiisumating the or
ganization of Auxiliary Leagues in the
Ui lit rent precincts ol bioux county.
On motion the meeting adjourned to
meet at the call of the executive com
mittee. S. L. R. Maine, secretary.
Mr. Van Pelt, EJitorof the Craig, Mo.,
Meteor, went to a drug store at ilitisdule
.owa, and asKed III puysiciun in attend
ance u give nun a dose of. something for
clKilera- morons aud looseness ot the
bowels, lie says: "i felt so much better
the next tuornmg that i concluded to cull
ou tlie physician aud gel hint to tix nie
up a supply ot tne uiwiicine. 1 was sur
pi ised, wneti lie handed me a bottle Of
k unintjerlain s Colic, .cholera and ijia
rrlioea Remedy. He said he prescribed
it regularly in his practice and found it
the best he could get or prepare. " 1 can
testify to Its elliciuucy in my case at ult
events." Kot sale by d ii. Andrews,
For the complexion use ,Ay'n W(v
uuriiia. it biu b!uutnui( Uulik to
VU4 utMXilMis , ; i
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wells are spending
this week at Hot Springs. S. I).
R. Simler lias taken his family to re
side in the nortn part of the county.
J. W. Langdon came down from Vor
heeson Monday eveniny, returning next
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Olinger and Virgil
Hester returned from 'the hill country
last week.
C. L. Br.ioks called the lirst of the
week and added his name to our list of
J. P. Curran, of Snake Creek precinct,
was in Harrison on Friday and made a
pleai-aiit call at this olllce.
J, II. Ballingee is in charge of the in
terests of tha F. E. & M. V. at this place
during the adsence of Mr. Northrop.
Fred Smith arrived the first of the
welik from an extended trip through the
hill country. He will remain until his
harvesting is done.
J. C. Northrop left on last Friday for a
visit to the east. He will be absent four
or six weeks and it is rumored that he
will not return alone.
Andrew L aiilman was in Harrison on
Friday. He has been up in the hills for
some time fit work and inten led to re
turn. He says nil tlie Sioux county men
there are doing well.
f '--
t Ability Abroad.
Sjieakirig of tho celebration at that
place on July 4th the Alliance 77mi of
tli 11th mst. contains the following par
agraph: fAfter parading the principal streets,
the populace assembled at the bowery to
listen to the exercises of the day.
Among the most, intereating was the
reeli ng of the Declaration of Independ
ence by I r. F. L Knight, a number of
happy toasts by prominent citizens of
Ulbi rity and Nonpareil, the oration of
the day by Hon. C. E. Holmes, of Har
rison l'iie latter was the grandest tieat
iivwirfory our citizens ever listened to.
Always a forcible talker on any topic,
thf speaker warmed up to his subject al
most at the l-ginning and delivered a
powerful speech tliAt held his hearer's at
Irqfci first to lost."
' $i speaking of the same speech, 'Gene
Htnth't Grip makes the following com
mfafit: V which was followed by the
rtflr of the day, Mr. C. E. Holmes,
tse well arranged oration coupled
highly iippreciateif by the lnfgrMF
dience, aud was loudly applauded.
A Good Sort of Man.
Norfolk Journal.
There was, according to accounts a su
perior brand of harmony at the Dodge
county republican convention on Friday
last at Fremont. The chief business was
to get L. U Richards formally into the
Held for governor, which was done, and
very well done,, in a preamble of four
whereases and one resolution. Mr. Rich
ards responded iu a very neat little
speech refering to the odice for which he
was endorsed, in which he s-aid:"I shall
make no scramble for it. If it comes to
me. it will come in an honorable way.
The contest must be a fair and honest
one as lar as i am concerned. But if it
should come to me, i sh ill try to prove
myself worthy of it, and to lulllll its du
ties to the best of rny ability." Mr.
Richards seems to be a very good sort
ol a man. His neighbors say it, any-
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between L. J.
Simmons and W. E. Patelrson, doing
business under the the firm name of
Simmons & Patterson, is this day dis
solved by mutual consent, W. E. Pat
terson retiring aud the business will lie
continued by L. J. Simmons.
All accounts due the firm will be col
lected by them, and all firm debts paid
by them. L. J. Simmons
W. E. Patterson' ,
Dated, Harrison, Neb., June 2, 1890.
All indebted to the firm of Simmons &
Patterson for job work or advertising
will confer a favor by calling and set
tling at the earliest possible date.
Its concentrated curative power make
Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best blood pu
rifier. Nothing Else
equals Ayer's Pills for stimulating s torpid
liver, strengthening digestion, and regu
lating the action of the bowelt. They con
tain do calomel, nor any other Injurious
drug, but are composed of tho active princi
ples ot tho best vegetable oatliartk.
" I was a sufferer for years trom dyspepsia
and liver troubles, snd fouud no permanent
relltf until 1 commenced taking Ayer's Pill.
They have effected a complete cure."
George Mooney, Walla Walla, W. T.
"Whenever I am troubled with constipa
tion, or nuTrr from loss of appetite, Ayer's
Ptlli set me right again." A.J. Klser, Jr.,
Sock House, Vs.
" For the cure of hcadsche, Aytf Ca
thartic nils rc the must effective medicine I
ever used." It. K. James, Dorchester, Mass.
"Two boxes of Ayer's rill cured me ot
severe besdachs, f mm which I was long s suf
ferer." Emma Keyed, llubtuirdston.Conn,
Ayer's Pills,
. rnsrABin T
0. ATBB A 00., UnmMtmtf
Hardware, Tinware,
Agricultural Implements,
Furniture, Etc.,
At tlie Lowest Living Prices. We Have a Big Stock of Barbed Wire on Hand
We are Selling 25c. Eelow Market.
Foot Prints on the
Tlie Footprints of
a great many of the
folks in Sioux Co.
lead to the
In Every Transaction.
Boots and Shoes,
and Hats and Gaps,
and We Are Still Offering Some
In Several Lines;
. '
' f K.'
I . 7 :.