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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1890)
-ti .- 4 "-, jTfc " e i - - -.J . ..,1 t ft. ' ' ' 1. ' ' t .1 '4 1 4 i '4 ' - t : .ft-1- . MMar. .t, Jolt 10, 18M. tt-t kliTI C99TESTI03. . laa aa liiaiaB. akstmiirrWr or se- MMM rataoaisn to send delegates from l to asset IB convention ipgao'stork " for tn" purpose of la Hon candidate for 'ne ml of rnbtte Instruction. of such other buyi aew a before Ik convention, hi imtnonnr. aresotitd torepre- oaaksllsa fnllmri being based upon tbe .ess last, ft Hob. Gsorge H. Hastings, presi 4BtM aloutut ia IM, giving one dclegate-t-karga to each eodnty, aad one for each IM iMM aad the anajiajr faction thereof. ' coram. ,. .'' dbl.1 cocrrite. 'del. aiaa ...... U Kearney 8 Altfaar l Keya Palm . S Aatoiope Keith 3 baa r .. Kimball 1 Ulna f Knox 8 . f 1 .alienator S9 t 6 II Choyoaa D NnekolU. taerry ciir Cu'nlng . IIS 10 16 Patrnee -. 7 Perkln : Pierce 4 Caster. 19 Phelps 9 0 HI 15 imiZis Dakota . B flatus Daarea , t-Polk... Kwaoi oal. . K Ked Willow. . liRlchardioD- DtaM. . 1 Rock . Dooe IS Saline . Sarpy-. Dundy Fill m or- fraoklla rroatlar. Tarmm 9 -IS -U Scott Blatf. 7:Sewrd Shertrtan -) Ahermaa . -stoa S 1J 8 1 ttarfteld. Baaatr . 4 . - 6 Thayer 10 ! 7 10 6 10 Craat. ftSTL::: . X rnomaa . 4 Thurston ...IIV.IH Hauilltr Harlan. Nsyea.. Hauilltoa.... ..1.1 Waxhinirton. Harlan. . w Wayne Hayea 4 Webrter liticbeock.. .- 7 W heeler.. . 8 14 York IB .7. Unorganised Ter 1 Hopker Jefferson. Johnson.. Ui Total 818 V, It reeotMnendeit that no proxies be admit ted to tha convention; that :icS rraiily OBventlon elect alternates, and that tlie dries. tea present be aatherized to cast the fall vote of tbe delegation. L. D. Kicaaana, Chairman. Walt U. Stctr, seeretary. MefWemw Cuty Coarratioa. A eonyeatlon of tbe republicans of Slonx osnty fs hereby called to meet at tbe court fooro In ftafrtson, on Saturday July It, mm, ' at m a'cloek a. to elect 3 delegates to tbe state wiwulim to be held at Lincoln on Mrr tat M, and delegates to the oongre- vention of tbe Id district; 3 dele- to the senatorial convention of tbe Maa district; 3 delegates to the represent trveeaavaatioaof tbe 6d district, and to l Is asalDsttan a candidate for county r from the Brat district and a for eonnty attorney, and to trans act sack other boalneaa aa may properly eoeae before the eoavoatton. The several precinct an entitled to representation as followi, betas; based on tha vote cast for Boa. Ge. H. Hastlngm, for prealdentiiU elec tor ia MM: Andrews ' .; 1 Asteiope . t Irasan Oaatoni five Points Hatursek. lower stauaing Water. snm- kvannlng Wator- p Creek awake Creek.. War Boauet. Walla Mlver TotaL. ItJai dad that no proxies be ad Baittod, bat tost those delegates present from aay prestaet ha empowered to east tbe oto at the rail dalagatloa. L.J. Hmmona, . M. tmm, ' Chairman. IbM C ' wy tha Bmvid refers to ffw roaaVk'l of Tn JockXAI. it ia to be iaaatni tlart tba oditor doat not like) the r at ma. That ia tba bigh- tUwaAitorof the fuaion- ra ootikl poaafbly confer! Tts rapai tiliuaa tMtrai commitUe of laawaatar cotaaty adoetod ruloa for gov tr?jCipieft1m tary ataalur to those ,t ' WiyVH, npMkmt ovatraj coan- ! oosaity. Wbon priiDa- tUlMawiaatKiucsralw there ia 00 y iLrnaw j thafr wguliiHi. . - C wdaj wa 3aa baa tWoaandod M la I I'll II at toracroisa of 70,00flt It baWsBeaewtor UmCbw to toil tba f r' Xam Jktw iMlorw JDr iJawlty ha faajgfor thaaa. UJ fcdti mnm t srator is ta3Ka4Mry . r7 Oat oaaaMM ia JC$mmm t aW ia 6 .C.n f-at tkM ta 4v a.T.I COsV'... Wt tf 1 TV iiniaiyof afte. . . -'; k, MMMH MMia Aaooaata. ' v ' 4, OMHMHI Of riMK LUU IH nua Aa4taMtreaaeUeo ox Batte Lincoln i Brown a Logan s Buffalo ) Loop . . staslor , ., li Msdtwu la fjejrt It McPherson 1 Cs M Merrick Csssr ,. .., ,. Nance Chase . Nemaha Coder tbe proposed Federal election la, tfaa But will be left entirely free to bold honest elections. It ia ouly dis honest elections that are to be interfered with, and then only when they involve the dMoaing of Federal officers. The Alliance Tribune is the latest newspaper venture at O'Neill, and tite name of C. 8. Evans apjiears at tite head of the editorial column. It independent in politics and has for its motto "Intelli gence, not Wealth, sljould rule. It is well gotten up and starts out with a good advertising patronage. Tbe Dorsey organs are making a great deal of capital out of that speech sent oOt by that gentleman on ttie silver question, but none of them point to any mention of the delivery of that speech which appeared in tlie state dailies. It is an easy matter to have a speech printed and seat out for campaign purposes. J. V. Lansing of Lincoln is being talkind of for attorney general. He is a live man and possessed of a good deal of ability. John M. Stewart of Mindcn, is Also said to be in the race for the same position. Mr. Stewart has been deputy attorney general for a number of years, and has thus acquired a good deal of practical knowledge as to tlie duties and needs of the office. There seems to be no lack of good timber for candidates for any of the state offices. A long cam paign has no terrors for a clean man. On last Friday the stars and stripes floated over the capitol at Washington for the first time when congress was not in season, and this pleasing circumstance was due to tlie efforts of Serjeant-at-arms Valentine of Nebraska. Tlie rule has al ways been to lower the f;ig whenever congress adjourned and raise it when that body re-convened. Judge Valentine did not think that was riht and thought out a way to have the national emblem fioat in tlie breeze from tlie capitol when the national law makers were celebrating. Nebraska men always get to the front when opportunity offers. An article headed "Harrison"' appeared in tbe Crawford Time of last week and seemed to be a communication from this place as it was signed "Professional Crook. It mentioned some facts about the condition of the crops which were all right, but berore it closed the article re ferred to a matter which cliarity if noth ing else should have caused the writer to refrain from mentioning. From the tone of tbe article one would infer that it was written by one of those who es caped a grand jury last April on a tech nicality, perhaps the one who remarked when the grand jury was dismissed that "that meant freedom for six months more." On July 4th tbe board of pardons set two murderers at liberty in tlie state of Nebraska. Walter Hardin, one of tbe men pardoned was serving out a 25 years sentence, for tlie cold-blooded murder and robbery of a man by tlie name of McGuire, in Chase county in 1874. His partner in the crime, Hank Dodge, was shot by tbe infuriated citizens. John Avonutz, tne second man pardoned, was serving a 49 years sentence for killing bia wife and throwing her body into tbe Nemaha river. Citizens of Richardscn county attempted to get the board of pardons to recind their order, but with out avail. Tbe idea of a board of pardons may be all right, but when a man has a fair trial and is convicted of so grave a crime as murder, and is sentenced to im prisonment for a term of years, be should be obliged to serve out his time. An it is at present the per cent of criminals who escape justice is much too large and nothing should be done to lesson tba cer tainty or seventy of the penalty for cnaie, and if the chance of being pardon ed ia added to the already large number of chances of escape, it will make the path to crime more enticing. From tha way all the Dorsey organs are whooping it up for McJoll for gover nor, it is apparent that Mr. itorsey not only intends to go entirely back on his afreemeat not to be a candidate for a fourth term but alao intends to do all in bia power to knife thoaa who supported him in the past. If bia ambition haa got tha better of bis sense of honor to auch aa axtoot that ha will go back on his promise and jeopardise tba success of tba party by -attempting to force himself aa a candidate whan bo ought to step down ha oarttunly ought to bavo enough man hood loft to deter him from persuing a courae which will deprive hit f hoods of tha recognition they are entitled to. His groat deatrs to oontmua in office haa lad mm to stoop to things that entirely unlit bJa for reureaeritaUve from too third diatnst. When ha made the promise to aupport BtcHard be certainly should aaro kept it aad the ropubucaos of the Uwi tuatnet abouid ria aad compel him to away me word. Too truth of um mat tarileVtaat tha democrats ail over Um are asafciaa- aa effort to bar if no m mated tor they aw caaoco to g a aomowat elected. U Mr. an mf m fcio I" i ad right, am im a rifwainaii furia of govornoMai Ma turn Mast tha t raalur m bigger thaa mtmiimm appuoa ia ail caoaa u Mi. fctotfawtotiia party at will aa OCrjw ahead asa aot anaf rtiasetor tOpKjr fea a BMai awoutat to eaitafy tpaaBtjaWfc, , Senator MuftWaoa baa our tbaaks for a copy of the report of tha aectwuu-v of agriculture for JStSK. It contains a great deal of valuable information. It is reported from Abelina, Kan., that continued dry weather aad hot winds have injured tbe proapecto for orn and unless the winds cease and rains fall the crop will be a failure. That territory is considerably east of the center of the state of Kausas, ao it is apparant that tbe west is not the only locality that is out of luck. A joint debate on the question of pro hibitioa or high license, occurred at Be atrice ou July 5th, 6th and 7th, Prof, Samuel Dickie, chairman of the national prohibition committee, and Rev. 8am Small, took the side of prohibition and Hon. E. Rosewater. of the Omaha Bee, and Hon. John L. Webster presented the side of high license. The entire debate will be published in the weekly Bee and will probably run through several issues. The price of the weekly Bee lias been re duced to thirty-live cents from now un til llecember first, to Nebraska subscrib ers. Tlie arguments on the liquor ques tion will be well worth the price of tbe pajier. It is repored that Judge Rinkaid has decided not be a candidate for congress, but so far no authentic statemeut to that effect has been made public. Judge Kinkaid never said lie was b candidate. He was brought out by the people who know him to be a clean, able man and it does not appear to be his candidacy but that the people demand that he lie a candidate. In these days of scrambling for office it is seldom that an office seeks the man, but in the demand for Kinkaid to be tha ttandard liearer in the congrens ional contest this is as nearly true as a tan be. It is likely that the hosts or friends of Ju.lge Kinkaid will demand that he content to Vie a candidate for con gressional honers in the third district The' question of irrigation is lapid ly being taken up by the people in the territory mentioned in our last issue by Prof. Hicks. Box Butte county peti tions are being circulated asking con gress to appropriate money to sink artes ian wells for irrigating purposes. Tlie same plan should be idopted by the people of Sioux couuty. Almost tlie en tire valley in tbe north part of the county could be irrigated by erecting dams across the canyoua and thus creating great storage basins for the water. Tliere is plenty of moisture for crop purposes if it only fell at tbe right time and if the proper course is pursued that difficulty can be overcome. Then with artesian wells on tbe tableland this would be one of the most desirable farming localities in the northwest. Let the farmers hike hold of this matter. Get up petitions and send them to congress. It will cer tainly do good. Some folks do not appear to like it be cause The Jotrxal attempts to encour age tlie settlers and call attention to tbe fact that the same difficulties have had to be overcome in tbe older settled coun ties of Nebraska that Sioux county ia experiencing now. But for all that The Journal will continue to do all i n its power to show tbe people the brightest side of the matter. Tbe Herald aod its pretended corresKndenta can get all the satisfaction possible by making such statements as appeared in tbe columns of the gang organ last week. If it is any pleasure to call tbe editor of this pa per names, tbe entire gang after tilling its organ with them can form a line in front of this office :vnd proceed to relieve their mind. Publishing tlie worst aspect may be the way to build up a county, but tnis paper doea not intend to follow that line, and if anything comes up to encourage the faiuers, that ia tba kind of news we are looking for. There ia no denying tlie fact that some of the set tlers liave had. and are having a hard time, but tbe same lias been tie case in every part of the United Sh.tes. Pio neers aa a rule do not hav all tba com forts and frequently lack tbe necessar ies of life but these who keep up their spirits and endure the hardships for a time are tbe oaea who reap the best re ward. vvLIJlEu HI ighesfes ; ; Price D10B. Oil--03001800. The levy made by the commissioners as appears in their proceedings in another coluiuo, is to raise $7,715.10, provided every cent of the taxes is paid. This shows that tbe bowl made by the fusion ring organ about the 187,000 estimate waa simply an attempt to mislead tbe people. The result of the work of mak ing tba levy shows that only about f-4 000. can be available for general purpos es and this Is going to make it difficult to carry on tbe business of the county. what will be done with tbe old indebted neas is a question yet to be settled. It is right that tlie debts should be paid but the way to do it is not so easy to And. The Newspaper Basiataa. Lincoln ( all. More and more every year the news paper men and the general public are realizing that tlie printing and publish ing of a newspaper is a busaness, and not a political or rtisan enterprise. When tlie full realization of this fact dawns up on tlie wbrld, then there will be newspa pers in tliat broad and liberal sense that will command respect in all quarters and from all classes. In bis masterly ad dress on "Tlie Emancipation of the Par ty Press" at tlie national editorial asso ciation in Boston, the other day. Editor Carl Snyder, of the Council Bluffs Non- pariel, voiced this sentiment in an able manner, and his words will doubtless have much to do with bringing about this milleniuni. Mr. Snyder said: When the newspaper shall recognize its own high office and lead the public to such a recognition; when it shall be re cognized that a newspaper is a business, professional and educational, and not a political or partisan enterprise; when it shall be recognized that the individual and the newspaper is always greater than nnv party that ever existed; that the newspaper is tlie creator and not tbe creature of parties, and that parties are in themselves nothing save as means to an end; when, moreover, it sliall be re cognized that an office is a bribe, and that an acceptance of such by a newspa per Is an abdication of its high function aa a teacher and preacher, a legislator acd reformer, a sentinal watcher, a lead er and a guide for the people, then will the emancipation of tlie party press be achieved. Mr. Van Pelt, Editor of tlie Craig, Mo., Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale Iowa, and aked the physician in attend ance to give him a dose of somethins; for cholera morbus and looseness of the bowels. He savs: "I felt so much better the next morning that I concluded to call on the physician and get him to fix we up a supply of the medicine. I was sur prised, wlien he liaoded roe a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dia rrhoea Remedy. He said he prescribed it regularly in his practice and folilid It the liest he could get or prepare. I can testify to its efficiency in ray case at all events." Eor sale by C. H. Andrews. Home Seekers Excursion. Excursion tickets will be sold from points east of tbe Missouri river to sta tions on this line, on May 20th, Sept 9th and 2Srd. and Oct 14th. Tickets will be good for return, thirty days from date of sale. Stop over priveleges will be al owed in either direction during life of ticket. A carpenter, by the name of M. S, Powers, fell from the roof of a bouse in East Des Moines, Iowa, and sustained a painful and serious sprain of tlie wrist which he cured with one bottle of Cham berlains fain Halm. : tie savs it is worth $5 a bottle. It cost him 50 cents, For sale by C. H Andrews. .Ayer' Sarsaparilta, operating through the blood, eradicates tbe scrofulous taint, ,' ' . .. , . , DEATTY'SORGiflS.; Are tbe bet rite lor cataJorue. Address Ex-Mayor Uaniel r. Beatty. , Washington, New Jersey. BPITTUia nlllina In ne every Kl Mayor lianlel Y. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. ornfctisL oiwccTowy, btatk ornciEs; ... . Job a U. Thayer, Govetaor, Uaeola, Neb. Oeo. D. Mclklcjohn . f aitaaaa GwreraoT B. K. Powdery . Secretary of Stats T. H. Benton . . Asditor John E. Bill . Treasurer William tmesn .-Attorney General John Stern, Laud OomaiisBloser Uso. B. Lh Sapt. Public Instrwctlon D. Hopk.Tn Warden of Penitentiary W. M. Kaapp ..Supi. Hospital for Inaaae COKD RESSION A L DELEGATION : A a. Paddock t. 8. Senator, Bss trice C. r. Manderson- V. 8. senator, Omaha W. J. ConnelL Oongresnmaa 1st DIM., Omaha O. L. Laws, " 1 - MaCook Geo. W. E. Horary. " M " lYsBaoat JVDIC1AET: .. , Amass Cobb . CtSlef Justice, Lincoln 9. Msxwell A Mortal Judge, Fremont T. L. Norval Associate Jadga, Seward W. A. Lecse Clerk and Reporter, Seward . . TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: M. f. Kinkaid Jndgs, O'Kelll Conrad Llndetuan .....Clerk, Harrison COCKTT OrttCTHS: 8. Barker Ostinty Judge Conrad Llndeman. ...Ilerk M. J. Gaybart Treasurer A. gontbworth Snpt. Public Instruction Thoe. Bcidy ..... ...... ..Sheriff Geo. J. Sbafer... Coroner A. R. Dew . 8orveyor Conrad Lindeman Clerk of District Court Geo. Walker County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Don M. Weir, (chairman) 1st District Chaa V. Grove W ' J. A. Green.. 3d ' LEGISLATIVE: A. Bartow ..Senator, District No. H, Chadron O. W. Sluionson.Bep., DUt. Mo. M. Alliance PBECINCT. 8. L. K. Maine... Juatlce of the Peace n. Merrifleld " ,' B. K. Post -. Constable VILLAGE OFFICERS: W. K. Smith (chairman) ...... TrnHtec J. F. PfOBt J. C. Northrop E. D. Satterleo " K. W. Wlndnor ' A, J. Bubcock .Clin-k I. 1. l)vl . Treaxtirer SCHOOL OFFICERS: 8. V. R. Maine Director W. B. Smith Moderator D. II. GrUwold ... Treaaurer TERMS OF COIRT: District Court, At Harrison, commences April 1Kb and September kl, 1SIW. County C'otirt,--At llarriiwn, commenrts first Monday of each month. Grant Guthrie, -Dcalc In- Lumber, Lime, Grain Coal. Aocnt roil wind Mills and Pukms. a E. Brkwbtkr, C. F. Corrra, President. Vice Pro, CHAfl. C. JAMESON, Caahior. Commercial Bank. OfOOaVOt ATEO. -sAs- !:n:rd lnUnjDusIn: TKANeUCTtD. ' ChoUra mrahturh baa u vti since tha iotrodrctlon of Colic, .Chalom aad Eawraoea . Whan that ramodv ia Baal aad tba trait moi aa airacaaa wita aaco nonia m ioi lowed, a com ia oartain. Jtr. A. W. Wattor, a proadaaat morchadt of Wal tenburg, TIL, lays: "It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after several other remedies had failed. Tba child waa ao low that oe an mod almost beyond tba aid of human band or roach of aay medicine." 14 and 00 rent bottles for sals by C. H. Andrew s. E. J.WiLCOX Owns tbe following brand on Tfi7 right hip or left aide. "J Bang on Monroe creek. P. O. Harri rison, Neb'r. Legal NoUre. In District Court of Sloax County Neb. Prod ZertMt, Plsintlff, bertha ZerLnl. Delendant. ( To Berths Arl)t non reeldent, defendant. You are hiTfliy notified that on the nth day or May, !. Fred Zerbxt filed a petition agoloat yofl in Ibo District Court of Sioux cmr.y, Nebraska, the object and itrayer of which are U obtain a dlvoix-e from you on the eround In it yon hare willfully alMiulan ed tbe pluintlft without aorxl him, for tbe term of two yeant lat pant. You are requir ed to answer anid petition on or before Mon day. August llth, ltmo. 1 42 43 J FREUZIIBST. I'lslutin By H. T. Covlkt, hi Attorney. Legal Kotire. In .the Ditrirt Court of Sioux County, Meb. t ariuerx Trunt Co. a corporal ion i cxintlna under and by virtue of tlie laws of Iowa, i'lulntuT, f v. I John Connor, DeTendant. J John Connor, defendant, will lake notice that on the lat day of July, ISM), The lirin ers Trust. plafntlV, herein filed IU peti tion in the lllxlrli-t Court of Sioux county, Nr b'r., Hglnal the said defendant, tho ob ject and prayer of which are to forwloeo a certain inortgKKc executed bv the defendant to the plalnllir upon the fK H Sec. SH Twp. 35 K. M to MH iire the itayment or a certain nromlaory note dated May nd, ISM), for the jur the mini 01 and due and payable on the 1st (In vol Juno, INU4, that then' ia now due iikii mild mite and inorlgKice the sum of UMM for which utu with liit-rct from May W, Ismb, plnliitirr l.rny. for a decree that defendant be rf(Hlrel to pay the Mnu or thut aalil prcnilKcs may be aold to satisfy tho amount found dno. You arc reUlrl to nnawer aald petition on or befon-1 he 10th day of Auguat, Ihuo. Diited July lt, ISM). 4 4A Farmcbs Tat'ST Co. lly E. Holmes, Attorney lor Plaintiff FISAL PROOF 50TICEN. All peraona hnvlng finsl proof notice in thla pier a lll rein-ive a murkixl cony of the paper and am rciiivHtel u esamliie their notice und II eny errors exlat resrt the nine to till office t once. Conxillilslnl Niiiice For lnlillration. Ijind Office at ( liadron, SceT, ( June. ISW. Notice la hereby given that the following named settler ha filed notice of Ma . inten tion to ainkr final prooT in support of hH claim, and that mid proof will be made lie rore ( ouriul LlndeniHii the clerk of the dl liict court ut llHrrlaon, Neb., ilti Jnie -ft, law, vlx: " ' I'efer Srbeltel, of Montrowt, 5ebr., who made D. S. No. W4, for the lajcwo , tpM.roS. lie name the following witnesses to prove hla contiuuotia reaideuue upou and cultiva tion of aald land, vis: Jacob, Jolm Wfher, Jacob Henry, all of Montrose, Ncbr and Wllelm SchNltx of Harrison, Ncbr. Alao Jacob Donirtnliauaer. of Harrison, Neb., who inado D. S. No. soon for the e.t nwnM aw H see t, tp xt, r as. He names tin- following wltneaaes to prove his contlnnoua reaidenoc upon and cultiva tion of said laud, vlx: Han !enker, Ferdi nand Podoll, (bus. Sanllcr, l'eu;r hchcltWi all of liariiaou, Nebr. Alao Barbae! J. Walker, of Collins Neb., who made D. 8. No. 14 for the sew arc X. tn 4, r 5s. sne names me rollowing witnesses to prove hor continuous reaidenee upon and cultiva tion of , said land, vis: T. Snvder, of llar non, Nebr., George Todd, William Pollardi R. A. Walker, stl of Collins, Nebr. Js-4J W. II. McCakn, Register. THE ir.lFO-TTEQ PERCIIEROfl : i it -!- - - Si mmmu 10256. !10135.l Will malM tba soaaon of 1800 at my place on Warbonoat crock, a miles went of a t. Coffee's,' except Fridays aad Sat urdays whan he will stead at Mohtroae. IresfTtptloa aid Pe41gn. Barbarin ia a black-gray; star in forehead; foaled March 27, I860; imported 1888: weight 1,800 lbs. Brad by M. Uorcbono, Com muoo of Coulognoa las Sabloua, De partmeotof Orne. Oot by Rouillard 10138, bo by Favorl, belonging to M. Champaon. . v , , TEBHS-pl5 toin Bure with foal. Due and payable whoa Um mars is known to be with foal or upon bar re moval from tha county or chango of ownership. Cars will be taken to prevent accMoata feat 1 win bt rsspossfbla for none. A. W. MOHR, Ownr. L& BELOCXaS 60V, WmQpn $nd Carriaja Majctn. tapoMagdooe oa short notiea. (eaorl work awT ssasoasbtn rbargas. be aowtfe of Hewrs knelt. ChaatOkril ! . as. . ssx. W "SI r v h i rrrr. uJ - .i v a, ". .-.- , . ,.' ;V rfV l?i . A 1 A' ;,, -M-"'