The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, July 03, 1890, Image 2

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Csux County Journal.
LJ.MMW, rreprteler.
Which U He-
' NaVYojiaJuBe K.-A World special
fro Washington eas thai the port
mmIw nntnl has been compelled to
aieUguardof man to White Springy
Pte, to protect the postmaster there,
C It. Morrison w appointed to succeed
OL K. Pax ten, a "holdover" from Cleve
toad's administration.
Morrieon appears to hav been vary
unpopular, and syetematic boycott
wan immedistely instituted by the in-
' habttanteot the tows, who mailed and
received letter through a amall post
ottos a few miles distant , - ,
' Not satisfied with this, Morrison's en
emies eoooocted a eonspiaracy to annoy
, hie aa much aa possible.
They succeeded in getting an igno
raat white man named Lewie to believe
that ha had been appointed a detective.
' A fraudulent warrant calling for Mor
rison's arrest wan given to Lewie who,
with the aoaistsnns of a man named
. Morgan, arrested Morrison, bound him
with open, and took him to Lake (City,
, thirty miles away. , . ' .
The fraudulent character of the arrest
was discovered by the citueos of Lake
r (Sty, and Lewis afcd Morgan were oom-
, palled to rslsaae Morrison, after whiob
they themselves were iocked up in jail.
Lewis, discovering the fraud which
bad been perpetuated on him, turned
etate'e evidence, and upon bis testimony
Morgan, ax-Postmaster Paxteo, Princi
pal Shipworth, of the Florida state
iorasal school, Assistant Gilleem and
"Mr. Cola, said to be the richest men in
tbe Bounty, were indicted. 'Morgan waa
' aaateoced to pay a fine of 11,000, and
' tbe others were placed under heavy
Morrisons life was threatened again
by some of the conspirators, with tbe
rastlt that the department baa deter
mined toptotest the postmaster with
an armed guard.'
Mmrrini hjr Mistake.
Sciiutleb, Nr.a., June 27. H orfrf
BeraU SpeeialThe Poole Wood di
voree cans is now being tried in the dis
trict court. A few months ego tbe
, abowe earned couple wars joined in wed-
a. haak, white, steading - up with - another
eoaple that war being married. The
lady clains aha was married .without
her consent or Imowlaore and be re-
fnaedJ?M4witb Pook. :
Case of AM !.
or. CkTWxauiKS, Orr, Jane 28. A
eans of abduction ocoorred hen y ester-
day. A straager drove up to the door
leading tojha joome occupied by a lady
kjown si a&s. 'Ril: tWe stwagar
iBavM fra the buggy, rushed up stain;
and quickly returned wAth a little girl
about six yean old, in his anna, and
placing her in his lap placidly drove
way. Shortly after Mrs. Riley ap
peered in the street, but just in time to
seethe rig dseppear. On inquiry
aid ha van divorced twelve moo the
ago u Bwcbeeter from L. JX bnttn,
the court giving her the chfld. She
came to Oanada for the purpone of
hiding from her husband, who wanted
the child. Johnston has probably
crossed the border by this time.
: y A lsaM reet.r 'f
VorriiA K; V, Jura M.-A-letter
from the City of Mexico, under date of
the 14th ibst, contains thia paragraph
"A gigantic project, in which English-
are interested, name to my notice
ff am feat at liberty to hay
) nkanahajithnt tt involves an invasteaent
' Beeawdting ssloaixslioc, whiob in of a
really colossi I character, and it is so
Uiiy practical; no moonshine in it If
thgovsramewt approves it the money
wiU be ready alMi,iAk abort time.
It will narteinly result t, if taken up,
the ssttlsment of a grant number of the
best class of eoloufctte from Europe.
T ' if a -W ilnmnj iiiiMea" i
, Omjmwen, 0., Jane a A report
awsMa from Onlaaa, aftaan miles north
of hers, that a wholesale b Dialing oc
awrredat tb ftmftt ranSfy
naa-dfrtk, X
UanVpiM oar Wadnssday. A public
Kkvl wnnn conducted, and almost
f Oe, mA bseanra fcagiwiualy
Wi TirSht todireet rwporte
iMfctiCJa arty that asveral of the
imm prove fate), but particulars
fasts aaat bs assured
Cmlu. hum 5X The insane
Carlan, who Ut, MokedaeNl
k-.79 laV; t'fwi vSry
C :-' V--i!-taJ tJk UemW arias
- C r 3t U, tt Uf
C Ir.-
"2 ft
WAaativoToii, D. (X June ttCapUio
Henri Erbin, president of tbe trial board
of the cruiser Philadelphia, which made
her initial trip yesterday, telegraphed
to Secretary Tracy thia morning that
the trip was highly successful in every
way. The speed of the cruiser
was unexpectedly high and the vessel
had returned to the ship yard. Ka de
tails ware given but the navy . depart
ment officials are sanguine that the of
ficial report of the trial board ill fully
confirm the brief dispatch and published
sport which appeared in print this
morning. '
. Meeett DtlM.
tUl-irx, K. S, June 28.-The report
that the Brittish war ahips here ware
coaling and taxing on amunition is not
true. Everything is quiet at the yards.
. Kiiessesclsghsfhu
OasTAHTMopuv Ju 2b It is
learned hetr in connection with tlie
trouble with Eraeroum that a guard of
Tur'ueh soldiers invaded a church in
that city in the midst of religious ser
vice in search of arms, which they be
lieved to be secreted in the building.
TYe worshippers promptly resented
the intrusion a'-d opened tuailade with
revolver i on the Turks. A struggle en
sued in which ons Turkish officer, eight
soldiers and four of tbe Armenian oocu
pante of tbe church were killed. Both
Turks and Atmeniana suffered consider
able Iocs in the wounded. Later in the
day a mob of musslemen made a tur
bulent demonstration in front of the
British consulate, the walls and windows
of which were bombarded with stones.
1 '- AS IBMUM Act.
Ncbbamcs Cm, Nrs June 28.
While lsboring under s fit of insanity
this morning Mrs. Fritz Albers jumped
into a cistern and was drowned. She
was discovered and a rope lowered.
which was clutched by the drowning
woman, but just before she was drawn
to tb top her hold loosened and she
fell back. Lsdders were procured but
too late to aave her life. This is tbf
second attempt she has made to com
mit suicide.
' Takes PmmmIos.
St. Johxs, N. F., June 28. Sir Bald
win Walker, captain of the Brittish war
ship Emerald, has taken possession of
Mr. Baird's V baler factory at Fiahsl's
brook, 8tOaotge's bay. lie left four
mannas in charge of the premises. Mr.
Eaird has refused to obey two orders to
close bis factory. Captain Walker also
canned Mr. Baird'a factory at Sandy
Point to be closed. It had been running
two yean so that the medua vivendi
does not apply. Mr. Bsird dispatched a
solicitor to serve a writ on Captain Wal
ker for illegal trespass and violation of
the modus vivendi. He will fight Cap-
fain Walker ih tbe law coorte, believing
roc that ha cannot enforce the modus
vivendi legally.; Twenty-six lobster
packen will take tbe earns oourae.
than fa great excitement at this news
hen and the opposition to the modus
vivendi is lerca.
,t. ' $ : ak ia thence.,' -
Londok, Jane 28. Tbe Dutch steam
er,Prinoa Frederic, from Aniaterdam,
Java was sunk on the night of June 15,
ia latitude 4, longitude 6, west, by s
collision with tbe British steamer, Mar
paasa, from Taganrag, for Dunkirk,
Tbe collision occurred during a denas
fog. The Marptesa has smved at Fal
mouth with her bows stove, and her
foranaek nil of water, rihe had on
board the crew, and ninety -three pai
e&gen of the Priace Frederick, Six
lives wen lost. The Prince Frederick
was 1,090 loos. The detaila of damage
done by gales on the Scottish coast dur
ing the middle of this week ehows that
sine veasahj ware wrecked, and twenty-
five pereooe drowned. -
Trala Beflly Wrecked.
Camibtco, N. June 28. An excur
sion train returning from Chautauqua
lake-over the western division of the
Erie road, was badly wrecked near here.
Peer persons were seriously injured,
one pfoLaWy fatally.
Tho following wen injured:
Mias Belle Ferrell, Horneikville, in-
ternal lajarie
Misn'Mida Langaley, HornelkvUla,
bdly bruised about body and limbs.
Edward Look, HornellsvilU, ankls
bwakanuaad leaalssd. r '
?iiaameteTsawi -hwdly bniisad,
ankriy all tb immk, wpn mora
or leas knjared.
TIm excursion train was running
about twenty five or . vhirtr miles an
noty, Mi ft ir&H tote the side of a
ftfwht, wWol ns bvaUng intos aiding
about a mile wast of Andovar. Tho en
gineer and fireman escaped by jumping.
kF" Twenty Miles mt Fire. ft. I
Dnwrxa, Jaae 27. A gnat portion ot
the SaagnDeCriato ranch in Colorado
and New Msiieo ia in famaa. The val
ley and passes an obscured by amoks
box the Btooatcrn. flVa fin extends
toawtr Mice up ana dowa theSaate Ps
aumnti Cmmatam.
Sbiu, JonaSS. Oaneral 8wporn
tendwat SuCrvan's ultimatum nfusteg
tbrravan Divlaioa Buperiotewdewt
RwnwU was laid batora tho otrikingoaa
aMnof tballlinoioCawtral at a goa-
Mat ajaMttuWI mrmnXkmani.
Tto aaaaioa baete aTV.16 jMooiLOtaad-
Wiarinaoa of too awUuhmaa'a
oMiftb)l(S f .
Van) Chadroa
ob the
O'Neill ia about to put 300 into aa
ortaaiaawetL "
. ThaSaminty bank ot Prankiia has
discontinued bustneaa. '
Eight asw brick blocks will be built
ia Onlnmano this aummer.
Mr. Davideoa of Kearwey m the cham
pion tennis player of the state.
People near South Sioux City make a
living by catching pontoon boata.
At the York poetoAoe one day bat
weak 2G0 stamps wan cancelled.
John M. Pagan, an old sailor living in
Dundy county, has become Inserts.
Tho work of nbuildinc tho town of
Bradahaw is going rapidly forward.
With base ball, tennis and cycling,
MoCook is becoming quite a aporting
Charles Etonian ot Broken Bow claima
to have the largest collection ot atampa
in tho atete.
Company A. Second regiment N. N
0. lias been ordered removed from
Shelton to Kearney.
Tbe Bradahaw fund now amounts to
8,000, wbioh is very amall compared
with tho lose.
Tho proprietor of tho Louisville pot
tery has put in n machine for tho manu
factun of paving brick.
At a called meeting of the farmers' al
liance, of Thurston county, not enough
wen present for a quorum.
Joseph Dukoalar hanged himself Tues
day at the residence of Anton Kocura
six miles north of Milligan.
Seward's city council has decided to
drill its well to a depth of 000 feet in
tbe hope of striking a flow of water.
The oommiasioners of Cedar county
have decided not to issue a license to a
saloon on a send-bar opposite Yankton,
The new manigement ot the Union
Pacific is getting in its work early by or
denng a reduction in tho force all along
tbe line.
The fifteen year-o'.d son of H. P. Her
nanaen of Howard county was taken
vith hemorrhage of the ccee ' and bled
to death.
A prominent prohibitionist, of Host
age, ia fond of declsring thathd will not
road a newspaper that does not endorse
t ohibition.
The good people of Palisade have or
ganized a law and order league, and
rropoee to make tho roughs of that
place tee the mark. '
The Burt ccuclyjfoinmlanooers have
anted a call for an election July 17 for
.ho purpose of vot'ng upon tho rekwa
4on of the county asst.
Eleie wants some girls. Tho Journal j
ys: "There are great opportunities
ion for young ladies, as those who have
men hen can testify."
After bonds were voted by Culborteon
o build an irrigating and water power
sanal, a homo company was incorporated
o complete the work.
It is reported that tho anti-treat law
m to bo enforced, and aberifia in tho var
oua counties will soon rocoira instrao
mom Ut arrest violators.
The lawn tennis clubs of El wood, Mo
3ook and Holdrege, will moot at Arapa
Boe on the Fourth of July, and play a
eries of championship games.
The town of Cozed boasts of a black -imitb
who fills up occasionally oq boon
and when properly full runs tho town,
mayor's office, police headquarter and
Omaha ladies aasembley of tbe
Knights of Labor an making an effort
to organixo the servant girls, and aa
rffort will bo made to reduce tho hours
nf work. . . '
The river ie cutting and al ashing away
U of old at the valuable towa property
kf Covington. Already aoveral boild
(ngs have been moved and more will
have to be. '
It was announced that tho Oraad la
land beet sugar factory will bo oonv
iloted an i in running order October L
when the beat crop will have boon bar-
rested, and a grand opening will bo
l.eid.;;,, 4
John Xoya, a railroad laborer, while
engaged in repairing tho Unba Pacific
wind mill at Kearney, was knoaked from
the platform, a distaaoe of about forty,
feet, and received fatal injnriea.
TboOatholioaof CNeil have com.
meflcethaWticnof a CW00 brtek
adatonooonvontbufldlnctobo toady
Cor PooftOTombarL TbomOaoy ia all
aabaoribod and tho work ai
Ovoof tawatraacsatfnakiof not an
ever oxhHitted uDodao was abown to
u by Joba Browia, of Goaoo ob
eiote Of a aat Oi v UrmiBl
rtbo 'Qmkk'XtifflkflFn ttslncrTtaB.
Jtaaiavij ' . tiraxXnbawna, asis
TfoOB F, fc ewvilfT, nador
mad at CaoUtfl flaws, faaaed through
the city yesterday, aa route to tho aaat
of war, tho Beaver creek barracks, any
toe Sidney Journal They -an under
orders from the eecretary of war to re
main in camp at that point until tbe
settlers fool confident that than ia no
denser which ib Act there never has
Mm. W..W, Jones, of Tobia ia the
only lady undertaker in the atete. She
was in attendance at tho undertakers
annual meetaaa at Grand Island thia
weak, tad whan a eorpee was provided
for the occasion, she dextrous! y stepped
to the front and took un the artery of
the arm. and showed aa mueh akill in
tbe work aa the moat export mole under
taker in the oynvention.
No one baa reported any cuiggen yet
thia year.
Tho propoeorl openipg of an original
WatervilU's brass band consists of
five ladies and five m-
packago houss in O
tiipitated a riot.
Kansas is a great state. A country
justice has just declared the origiual
package decision unounstitutional.
The msyor and city council of Mo
Pnsraon are at outs and the interven
tion of tbecuJrts may be necesaary.
Thomas Bill man, of Wichita was
thrown from his wagon in a runaway
and received probably fatal injuries.
William Clauamayer, a farmer living
near St Marks, drank concentrated lye
by mistake (or wine and died in a short
Burglars raided the houses of Mrs.
George Armour snd Mrs. A. E. Brown
of Emporia and stoke Henry Stephen
son's race horse.
Ottawa citizens have threatened to
tar and feather any individual so limer
oustc to open an original package
bouae in that city.
The Lehman Hardwnre and Imple
ment company's store wasrntered at
Newton by burglars Thurads) night and
goods worth WOO stolen.
Watson Sherr ington, a noted horse
thief and all around bad man, and four
others were captured Thursday near
Fredonia and lodged in jail.
Topeka't wants are tiot few. Accord
ing to tho Democrat a new citj hall, a
naw bridge, a market place, a h.m, etc.
are absolutely necessary.
While crossing the 'Frisco tracks at
Wichita, the carriage containing Ira
Walaon and James Fa! ton was -truck
by a passenger train. Walson was
killed instantly, and Falton was badly
injured,' '; r ,'
Messrs. O'Brein, Couler and Knobe Jc
Braggs will shear about 23,000 head ofl
sheep, at Rongis. '
Mr. Caldwell baa commenced boring
at Hot Springs hotel, and says ho will
continue until ho strikes water, hot or
cold, petroleum, natural gas or some
thing else. Saratoga Lyre.
Diek Darrell eamo in from Lost
Springs Sunday. Ho has a contract for
furnishing sixty head of Polo ponies for
Now York parties thia aummer and is
busily engaged looking after tho re
quired number. Wyomiug ponies aeem
to bo In good demand in the Empire
state and invaribly bring a good price
tor Prjto purposes. Lusfc Herald.
The oil fields of Wyoming, for rich
noas, an not surpassed or like fields in
the world, and the day ia not far die-
tent when the base of Oil mountain will
be lined with ' derricks. Thousands of
people will flock to tho oil country, and
as then is no live water to amount to
anything in thia rough rich country, the
great manufacturing plants that will be
necessary to refine tho oil, ill be erected
at Casper. Newcastle Journal.
amrOritn, ...
: Captala Cyruaa A. Earnest, Eigth in
fantry, Port Niobrara, Nebraska, has
been assigned to duty in charge of the
depart meat rifle camp to bo established
oa tho BoUovBO rifle range for the com
Botitsoai and will proceed to that place
by July U, next reporting en route to
Major Daniel W. Beoham, Seventh in
fantry, inspector ot amall arm practice,
department of the Platte, tor instruc-
Tba following offiosn will report ia
psreaa to oaptaia Cyrus A. Earnest,
Eigth infantry, at tbe department rifle
camp, near Bellevne, Neb. for duty in
connection vith tho approaching an
nual department rile compotitloo:
Pint Lteutenaat, Jamas B. Jackson,
Stvooth lofantry, Casap Pilot Butte,
Wyou, as camp ajutant aad acting sig
nal officer to i report July UL next
Pint Lieutenant WilHam A. Mai
Ssvonteoath Infantry, Fort Bridger,
Wyo, aa oampjoarterm aster acting or
diaaaoooOoor, to report July la next
F tat LlaweanaBt Riohard R. Steedman
Sixtaoatb bjCaBtry Fwrt- Da Cbosos
Utah, aa actiag oooamlosary of aubsis
tonport July 1 oeit Seoood
OrotoUatefainaoa. Ninth
oavalry, Port Niobrara, Neb aa otetis
tmalaBd flaaaBial ofloar, to nport July
Uaoct, Aaaiatint aUiraooa Alfred E.
BaaflaT. Uaited States army. Fort
Oniaii, Nebw, aa aiadiaal oCcor, to n-
gUiaxvoiaMart g miiiiii tot
Ia tho honas the coo test over tho lot-
ot tho aUvar bill was renewed.
The conference on the anti-trust bill
was adopted by a very unusual
yeas 232, nays none.
Tho iwaeJnder of tho day was
in wrangling over tho silver bills refer-
Tho house consumed nearly a day ia
conaidericg tho District of Columbia
business in committee of tho whole and
the committee rose without final action.
Tbe confere-e on the general pension
appropriation bill failed to agree. The
house insisted upon disagreement to the
senate amendmonte.
Mr. Springer of Illinois celled atter
tion to the fact that the legislative appro
priation bills aa amended b the sen
ate, had been referred to uOsppropri
ations committee without reference to
the house.
The speaker said the usual custom
had been followed, that tbe Record had
du'y informed the house of tbe refer
ence and therefore he declared tho jour
nal approved.
Mr. Butterworth presented the report
of the appropriationa committee upon
the senate amendment to the legislative
The report of the committee
agreed to and a conference ordered.
A conference was ordered on
bill to increase the number
msnagers of the national home for
unteer soldiers.
The senate amendment to the house
bill to extend the time for the payment
of the purchase money for land of the
tbe Omaha Iadians in Nebraska was
sgreed to.
Mr. McKinley from the committee on
rules, reported the following:
Keeolved, that immediately after tbe
passage of this resolution the house pro
ceed to consider house bill 5,181 (silver
bill) with tho senate amendments snd at
2 o'clock Wednesday, June 25 the quea
tion wss considered as ordered.
He demanded the previous question
on the adoption of tbe resolution, which
wm ordered, and twenty minutes de
bate in allowed on either tide
Mr. McKnley taid the purpose of the
resolution was to secure definite and
apeedy action upon the subject ot silver
It was twits that the republican aide
was after, said Mr. McKinley, and poli
tics the democrat side vss after. The
houM has passed the period of silver
manipulation. It was face to face with
a practical question whether we were
to have free and unlimited coinage of
the world's silver product, or whether
we would legislate to absorb every ounce
of silver produced in the United States
and make it part of our monetary svs
tem. ( in motion of Mr. McKinley the
Bpeciitl was adopted without divi
Senators Stewart and Reagan roes to
questions of privilege to deny that anjt
conflict had taken place between them.
The legislative, executive and judicial
appropriation I i.l was further amended
and passed.' 4
All iimemlmente having been ' agreed
to tbe bill passed.
The' college sgriculturd land bill waa
amended and pLssed, and the dependent
pension bill was Ukon up. Mr. Berry
said the prtcttal effect of the bill
would be to put 00 per cent of tbe Union
soldiers on the pension rolls. " Mr. Davis
denied that the bill was a service pen
sion bill, but a disability bill, pun and
simple. Mr. Gorman estimated the
cost of the bill at $100,000,000 and Mr.
Davis said it would not cost more than
910,000,000, After extended debate the
disensaion was dosed, a rote taken and
the c .inference report agreed to yeas,
44; nays, 18.'
Tbe conference report on the naval
appropriation bill was presented and
agreed to.
The senate then proceeded to the con
sideration of tbe poatofilce appropria
tion bill. In relation to tb first amend
ment of the committee, increasing tho
item for mail depredations, postofflce
directors' fees snd expenses from. 9250,
000 to t300,000, Mr. Gorman spoke ot
tbe postmaster general's plan for. Lav
ing additional detectives to inquire into
such matters as to whether the patrans
of a poatofilce are satisfied that tho busi
ness of the office is well preformed,
whether the postmaster employs
ben of his own family, whether in tox loo
ting liquors are sold in tho postof&ca
building and o'-her matters. He ob
jected to (he proposition of tho post
master general to enter upon a lysUm
such as be suggested in his statement
before tho hones committee dividing
tbe country into twenty-six districts'
with a chief detective for each district
and with a corps of detectivso to be
used for visiting local ties and getting
"ia touch with too people." He(0cr
man) did cot want any postmaster gen
eral to have a force under him whoso
avowed duty it might be to go around
among tho pple and got "in touch''
with tbom. , , ,
Mr. Plumb, alar spoke against tho
amendment, but it waa agreed to, as
.vere tSe other committee amendments,
and the btll passed.
Tho senate prooeodod to consideration
of tho diplomatic and ooneular appro
priation bill. Tho principal amood
monte reoomended by the oommittee
ban already been gives ia then dav
patohaa. . -
Mr. Bbermaa from tho ooamlUeeoa
fontga ntetkma, movad to laonaas tho
psaaatlaB of tho aiiBlator to Turkey
wifiv is siuviAu, Agraaa t,
Masmcld,0.. Jane TT.-Kiohael D.
Dosnocrat of thin city, woxtved tl enom
ination for Ctagresa hi the Fifteenth
Ohio district on the 13 rd ballot.
Rah, Wis , June 27.-10 tug Wei
rente of Chicago, oToed by Barry Bros.,
is reported hen to have been blown up
near this place and all tho hands los.
Ri-rrauo,N. Y. Juno 27.-Dr. W. R.
Wouleuo committed suicide j eeterday
afternoon at tho home of hie parent.
on Niagara street, by cutting his throat
w ith a razor. .
For reveral years he was telegraph
operator, and at one Uuie held quite a
prominent poailkm in Buffalo. Dr.
Woolson ass for a time ia Dr Baker's
office, aud si job tbe latter a arrest on
the charge of criminal abortion in the
Minnie Ellis case, Woolson has brooded
over the matter, fearing that be wouli
be summoned as a witness in the case, of
which he knew nothing. He wss 37
years old and ieavee a widow and four
Krlurna to Werk.
Dem er, Coi-, June 27. After an
idleoe a of eight weeks the striking
carpenters and wood workers returned
to work on the terms of ths mill men
unconditionally. The strikers lost over
10,000 and were driven to a settlement
by destitution.
The kraal HUUiriah.
Xkwport, R. I., June 27. George
Bancroft, the venerable historian, is
very feeblr, and no one outside of his
family is allowed to aee him. It is
feared that hs will not recover.
Cwttlng OaV Money for TJso.
A tall, black-whiskered man way
leaning overthe desk at tho Continenia
Hotel last night conversing with never
friends. Pulling a plethoric wallri
from bis breast pocket bo took there,
rom a long sheet of five-dollar bills,
I ust as they came from the Treasury
Department His friend inquired what
(I ley were. "Only advertiMmenU."
was tbe reply. "They're given away
nvr with tea Instead of the usual
iliromos." By this time there was
quite a crowd around tbe black-whiskered
ma a eagerly examining ths
'jilts. Some thought they were genuiuo
bills, while others, who had never seen
bills In this shape before, as there was
nearly a yard of them, really thought
they wen advertisements, aad would
not hare bought too whole lot for flv
"You're all just Ilka the fellow out ii
St Louis, He waa a dork ia a store,
and, when I had made a purchase, I
aeked him for a pair ot shears, and
proceeded to cut off a bllL You should
have seen tho man's eyes. They stood
out so that vou eoajd navs knocked
them off wltlra ettat Tbe ooteoine of
the matter waa tbVt he nfused to take
them, ' Just at that minute the propria,
tor came from the office.and seeing tba
status of the ease, discharged the man.
bat, after I bad explained the case, wo
all bad a good laugh."
Why do I carry them in that wayf
I guefts well I suppose to have a
little fun; that's all. I have a friend, a
earthier in a bank, and he lets uie have
them. Let's adjourn and have a U. aud
S. and aee what tbe barkeeper has to
aay."- I'ltiladelplua Inquirer.
Railroad Hamaa Rataro.
Haw and then one finds a person who
aaderstands railroad human nature, aa
exhibited by the gatemeu in the depots.
Then orders an to pass no one in
without a ticket and it is tho easiest
thing in the world for them to wavs
back old age, youth, beauty, aud any
body else who wants to tut in to meet
a friend expected on that train. One
of tbe surliest officials 1 every saw lias
a gate in the L. A X. depot in Cin
cinnati, aud I bavo seen him turn
stiffly away from detperate men, weep
ing women, ami bowling children. To
every protestation he had but one an
"Can't pass 'thout a ticket"
The other day while 1 waa watching
him a little blue-eyed woman cams
gliding into tbe throng waiting at tho
gates. Of tbe two tenders she selected
this ono to operate on, although any
one could have seen that tha other had
the biggest heart After several peo
ple had been turned away she slid for
ward in a graceful way aud liirj"red.
"Beg pardon, sir, but am I speaking
to the President of the road."
"N o, ma'am!" ho stammorad,
thrown ou bis beam ends by the query
"Ah! you look .so-much like bim.
Are you tbe superintendentr'
'So, ma'am not exactly."
"Then you must bo tbe managerf"
. -unruiy, ma am."
"Dear me! but bow could the peop
bo ao mistaken?" the went ou. "Hi
a dozen of them said you wen one of
the high officials, and I am so disap
pointed to Hud you aio not. Perhaps,
though, you have tho geueral mana
ge r's power wben he is not hero."
- "What U it ma'amf
"My sister will be in on tho J0, and
I ao want to go inside tho gates and
help Iter with the children. As you
jiiut have the authority of the mauagot
in his absence, I make bold to"
Certainly, ma'am; walk right U,"
bo interrupted.
"You an ao kind."
"Don't mention it
' "But all leading railroad mea arj
afar ooarteoua,H she said aa a partial
bit of taffy, and then aba made abaaUoa
down tho depot
"We turned to look at tba sptoflUB.
and too obaaga waa surprising. Ho
bad braced ap until hi aoigbtwaa lay
reesed by four inches, his abast waa
thrown out, and bo wu aUndlag at
tAif aa a crowbar white a tnaa pound
ed bin on tho bask and offend to Uok
tBOataOBSBOt of aim if he WWBlg
aoBM off the perch. ThelUtto w9b
fail had loBAdfcla waahil-TV.
1 1 '
; v
' See-
V 4