The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 19, 1890, Image 4

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    Vb to County Journal
ldrir'-' Pnce, S.OO
I t . . - E41tr
at the Hnrrlaoa post pom a w
v.JCW,!,, 10.
tamrcis htati costistios.
tfce feswbttesa auK-tor of the tate of Ne
B1 a, raquaated to wnd delegate f roi
(heir everl eonntle to meet in eo riven tioi
In the city of Lincoln, Wedueadjy. July
ISM, at o'clock p. m, for the pnrpoae o'
placing In nomination candidate for tht
fallowing atste officer :
Lion tenant Governor.
Secretary of State.
Auditor of Public Account.
Mate Treaanrer.
Attorney General.
Coumunaooar of While l ands and Build
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
And the transaction of aucb other bustue
aa nay eome before the coq vent ion.
tub rroTiomt!iT.
the several counties are entitled to repre
ratatkra a follow, being based upon tli.
rote cant for Hon. George II. HaNtings, pre
Oentlal elector In In, giving o ie delegit-st-large
to each county, and one for ech 13
Tote and the major faction thereof.
Antelope .
l4:Ke-irney , k
i Kcyi Huh i r
Box Botte
CI y
S( Kim bail i
SI Knox 1
f! Lncter . V
j Lincoln '
.... f l.oa in ?
w'i oup
IliMiKliann !
IMe'beroi '
ij Merrick '
f jv'ance f
live-neb '
I iNucfcolla
. 'ftj '--iee
' he'p
rVoel .
filled Willow...
Dtion ..
Itch IPliOl .
.n .iter .
'ri)tr bluff
Dnndy ,..
Fillmore .
Frontier 'j'-heriil n
Fnma '" hcrm cn lunx
Garseld H'U)i
Goaper Th yer '
lr-il i no n rt
... 4!ThnrwtoT
;'4 Vallev .
13 Wnshlngto
Hitchcock 7 w bf!er
4:Webter '
How rd
Jefferaou ..
J oh niton
U York '
7 L'norgmiied Ter
li Tot:il 1
It recommended th it no proile be admit
ted to the convention; tbit each count"
convention elect alternate, and thnt th
delegate preeent be autherized to cant th
(all vote of the Ueleg itlon.
LU. KicHakDS, Chairman.
Walt M. bBELT. Secretary.
Th republican finTtneW are taiing
u?ps to see thi.t tlie republican tarry
ut tie viithaa of the auti-raonopoly ele
ucnt of the JUrt.v. Tlmt U tlie rif-'tit
vay to procewi All that they have to
lo is to attend to tlie matter aod exer
im the powr they liave and tliere in no
question but they can get junt the legis
lation ttiey desire, Ud tne larmers
been aroused in the past as the f are at
present no occasion would ever have oc-
urred to cauise the preseut agitation,
rhe farmers are also interested to such
o extent that no pretended frieud of the
por farmer can inJuce them to go oil
on some indepeudent side They
will use Ueir power and use it judicious
ly, and the result will be, good men will
be selected for the various othces, ami
the result will be that the proerity of
he commonwealth will 1 protected.
A fiend in human form attempted to
utr-.tgre the wife of a neig-liW Dear
;badron a few daya ago, and failing in
he attempt threw her into a well. The
vomun tauirlit nolo ol the curium; ana
te stumped on Iwr lingers until she ss
hliged to loosen lier IkiIX 8lie caught
l' dd of tlie nipe and let herv;lf down
gradually to a point where the well tiud
aved in and crept into the cavity. Some
uea came alon shortly after and aasist
d in petting the woman out, her assni!
int tatin; that she had fallen into tlw
veil. The men learned tlie facts nnd
irrested the fiend and he was lodged in
ail. Had they done justice I'ney would
uve ended lus niis-ral'te exinteoce on tlie
pot When a bnite gets so low as to do
iolence to an unprotected woman, he is
oo degraded to he allowed to live.
A Pertinent tuery.
Under the above caption the followim:
ip)eared in the Om iha Ike of the l"th
HaERWOX, Xkb., June l i. To the Edi
r of Till! Bee: Plea- inlorm
hroDCh the "QuiTtes and Answeri
mm of voiirininerif Hon L.
Ctitd from T'ttrd Pjy.)
I'ntjatjr Trf.rrH 0fe, HarrlsoB, Jfek r.. Jhm 1, t5.
Financial Statment from December 31, 1889, to May 31, 1890.
Money received.
School Diatria Fund.
No. I.
WB n By ordar paid-
Money rceeiTed-
Money received.
Money reeeived-
No. e.
..IM 78 By order paid
014l 1
141 1
34 60
Bv onlera paid,
J y order paid
Money received .
4 M
No. 8.
t 0 00 Ily order paid
Money receTcd..... .
Money received
Money received...
Money received .....
Money received.
jroney received
Money re-eld
. Kicnaros,
hairman of the retmtilican state central
nmmittee is tl winie L. i . Riclmrd-
ho conducted a w liles;ile and retail Money rece:
quor house in Omaha some vears no,
A. No; tlie Kxhards w ho kept a (siknin
1 Omaha is a enwral, 11 moved to
hicago wiioe years ago where now is a
kputy city official in good stand, ng.
That is right , Mr. Richard is in the
eld and the people are entitled to all the
nforination thev can iret iu regard to
im, and like the above the inquiry will
esult in outline him in a better light
efore the people than ever.
Money received.. --
6ft 00
2-i a
t ft
s ot
I "'
5 U
...I 44 f J
44 W
,.Jt 40 71
40 71
ll 13
HO 13
... ."S 77
M 71
fll Til
1U 7ii
y order pild .
hy order puid
By order paid
ti. lance
Ky order p dd
Ily order paid
--JI40 It
1 SO
141 VI
4A 0(1
... to 00
) 00
rn i
Sx (5
.- 1
ti 02
.- 23
13 7
.. 4t 00
t VI
14 !,1
John M. ThayerOoTCtnor, Unooln, Beb.
Geo. U. MelkUOobn Ueownant governor
B. B. Cowdery Nratry oi eiaw:
T. U. Benton Auditor E. Hill Treumrer
William U- Attorney Gnoaral
John Steen LD Commlaalon
Ota. B. in supt- labile Instruction
D Ilapkin Warden of renlteutlary
W. at. Knapp Sopt Hupitl for Insane
A. S. Paddock V. senauir, Beatrice
C. r. Manderaun. V. a Senator, Omaha
W. J. Council, Cougreman lt Utt., Omaha
I f . w . d " Mc4ok
Geo. W. . Doriney,
jd " r'reniont
Ily order pid
balance .....
By order paid
Ily order P ml.
Amaaa Cobb tTle.r Justice, Lincoln
s. Maxwell Asuoeinte Juiige, Kremont
T. L. Korval.. Aoriato Judge, Sewaiil
W. A. Lee Clerk and ttcporier, H ard
M. I. Klnkaid - Judge, O'Selll
tonrad Undeiuan t lerk, Harrlwn
h. Barkor County Judgt
(sonrad l.iiideuinn - Clwk
vf I :.rh,t Trc;nrer
A touthworth 'oi't- Public Instruction
Tho. Keidy flu-riff
(;-o. J. i-b er coroner
A. R. Dew surveyor
Conrad I.indeman ....Clerk of HUlrlct Court
Geo. W alker County Attorney
Ikju M. Weir, (chairman) It llirict
Cbo.. f. lirove ' "
J. A. Orecn 3d
1.1.1. I1,ATIVF.:
A. Bartow. Senator, HUtricI No. II, t bfvlrr.n
(.. W. Siuouoii...Hcji.. l'l-t. o. M, Ailiuiice
Ask for Ayee. ftanknlUt, ft4
Bot Uke any other. Hold by all owM'
rMrtk of Jolf Eienrsloii.
Excursion li. acts will be sold July
d returning U July 5tl, W
any point within 800 miles, for one fart
for the round trip.
J. C. ORTHJtijr
Uoase Seeker Eifarsio
Excursion tickets will I f,xw
points east of the Missouri river U sU-
tions on this line, ou May sot". i"-
aiid 2ISrd. and Oct 14th. T kets w,u oe
Bofjd for return, thirty day from uate w
u. i.eicel!',-s Will le ll-
ifiiie. iv.'j' " o
owed in either direction during life
Owns the following brand ou
right hip or left sidu. 2
Range on Monroe truck. P. O. Ifirri-
rison, NeVr.
All person having flnat proif notU-e In
thl p..p-r will ieeive a marked COI'V of.
.itil are nau-'Urd U. esainlue. their
notice mid if any emir exl.t reiiort the
nine U tlii ofllce at t-iu-c.
Ived .- 1 19 By order paid-
Money received .
Money received
Munrj received
(.1 IV
A47 ( 5
47 I
. Si 16
U 16
.. 17 03
By order paid
By order paid .
balance ........
By order p-iid .
fjjl.iiice.- .
40 71
. 7 11
.. sti 44
1-0 IS
. M 77
63 77
. U !0
.. 4!' H
.... ni I1.
r,i v
M47 f.
.... If 40
S 1.
S. I B. Maine...
,.Ju-.tlecol the Pence
II. Merrlllclil
R. K. Pot
. Conl.ible
VIl.L.UiK ('I'KK FK-:
. It. fmlth (ctaalrmaii) TruU-e
F. l'fot
l Northrop..... "
1). sattertoe.. "
W. Vlndor "
.J. Balicock -'
li. P. Oavl irmwiirer
WCHOOI.' or KICEBi': -f
L. II. Mttiiit- Director
W. U. smith . Moderator
t). H. (.ri-wold.....' 1 r. ,ur.-t
Plntrict Court.-At llarrinnn, romiiience
April l.'.th and seple.i.bpr.XId. leo.
County Court, At llarrln, commence
rt Monday of each month.
7 rt
17 ttl
Money received.
KepaklfciB Cosntj Central Contmltte
The Kepnblican County Central Comndtte
of stoox county. St h., -Tailed to meet tt
ttiacnart house tn Harrison, on Saturday
June tl, 1W, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of fixing the time for holding the re
pulilii .m eunty co.-iventloa and to tran w
nch other buinHj a may come before 1'
All member of the committee are requestev
to be
L. J. Simmons,
6. H. Joas. Cb tiiJian.
Secret; ry.
Money received-.
The reports from some of the counties
in the eaatern and southern part of tin
state are to the effect that on account ol
coaUnued dry weather tlie crop of tame
bay is mined, and oats will not be half a
la too trad of McCauley, the justice ol
the peace at Crawford, who had charges
preferred against him, was tried be fori
the Dawes county board of commission
rs, and found guilty of extortion am
removed from office.
Henry St. Rayner is being urgl as n
csadtdate for attorney general. Tin
fact of Geo. Leese retiring from the po
aition leaves the place open for a ne,
nan, and a good one ought to be selected
for tn important position. Mr. St. Ray
nor has a good rec-ird both public ami
private, which wilt aid him in his prelim
inary canvass.
! Moucy received
i Moneys received
Sum total of moneys received..
General fund 1887
interest on same to date.
Xha Bsitimor A Ohio railroad has is
mai M order that no man will be em
ptoyad by the company who is in th.
haUt of getting intoxicated. The ten
Ity of all large employing organiza
tions is to be more strict with their men
ia raapeot to their drinking habits. Such
btiataoss rules are much more effective
than prohibitory law.
The ShorVaing of ('tinTejances.
t. loul Globe Deniocr. t.
New York lias just set an example in
egislation that ought to lie imitated by Moneyi Terrivrii ,
very otlter state in tlie uuioo. it re-
lutes to the simplification of transfers of
eal estates, and tlie shortening of the
nririB which now occupy so much space
ind l-.reed so much litigation. Hewafter
n that state tho various covenants ol
tie wet fcrth with so much elaboration
ind repetition in ordinary deeds ami
tmrtgnre may 1 expressed in a fe
lain and dirwt words, and the courts
will have to construe them to tlie same
effect as if the old-fashioned forms were
employed. The perpetuation of these
mcient and complicated methods ol
passing titles from one man to anotlier is
wholly indefensible. If tliey were ever
necessarv. thev are certainly not re-
quired by any of the present conditions.
Thev involve certain technicalities thai
re not at all essential, and that only
rend to make work for the lawyers am:
l-o encumlr the records with a mass ol
iseless verbiage. !t is stated tliat then
ire now over 5.000 books of record in ttw
rpgister's office in New York city, where
is under this new law one liook will
mswer the ruirpose which has hereto-
ore required three or four volumes.
Tlie saving in the cost t f recording a
.veil as in the time of examining thes
numerous conveyances can readily 1
sen; and the general effect will unques
tionably justify the change,
It is ft great pity ttiat legal document
f all kinds can not be abbreviated and
amplified in like manner. We persist
n clinging to a series of traditions anil
formalities in that respect which are not
at all adapted to our system of civiliza
tion and our methods of doing business.
The average citiztn knows practically
nothing of the processes by which justice
is administered and conflicting interest
are adjudicattd. When be goes into
court he is at the mercy of precedent
nnd contrivances which only experts un
derstaod: if left to his own resources o)
intelligence, he could not secure tlie en
forcementof any ordinary legal right.
In fact, he-can uotell what his legal
rights ars, so much depends upon the in-
No. 22.
I 40 70
40 70
U ?l
No. "25.
.I" 02
U 67
Ily balance 40 70
40 70
By balance 18 a
13 l
By order paid
By order p tid
By balance
.:... o
S ti
1 i
1 t,
9934.1 54
paid out'."'.""-.- 7170 5
ou hand...
Registered Warrants Unpaid,
2172 5Si
815 19
61 70
376 K6
General fund 1888 - 1829 "
,.n tMlnle o
UIMini vi -" ...........
2075 10
General fund 1889
Interest on same to date.
Bridge fund 1888 ...
interest on same to uate.
130 M
2426 21
193 71
16 89
209 CO
Bridge fund 1889 '"r
interest on same to oate - -
Road fund 1389
interest on same to date...
11SG 98
t aoo on
18 an
818 3H
M. GAYHART, Treasurer
A 111 nag the aspirants for state office
Sassii the name of J. H. McCoU ol
leiwsoo county, who is out as a candi
aae for governor. Mr. Mc ikll is quite
exalt kBOws and Will doubtless go into
BBieawtiM with quite a following. It
avaans to Je te otder for aspirant to terpeetetion of iavolved and tautological
mt& HmuMmy "too That i 'tu awl theaptt -ati! of technical
aaa, wwMCaMii oe naa neiore we rues to given circtiitistanres. He enn-
i n0 fa teM ernl then tw .mistakes CoBWnirnt tut' ordinary trade in
Oil t"S ' " m which pupers are to be signed without
-k-'rrrr '. .ait auilt-aUkMiaa lwyr: he cannot make a
! -1 i I nwattv wftat he WnnU to do with hie
j i
liiumJk HI property. H is iteteseary. of wMirse.wat
Paid for
!. t wlriietwshwM heaVBnitenee la documents
I fX"3tt a t WrPCW maw Wl ivnirarnim w
Imn' not nexsswrj- mat ws snoura i--bat
am forms "vBich ars cumber
iim aniWwiiderttifc expensive and in
liiaioaia. r-haeause they wereao
e. sWihnlos-atsJ flt and proper ia former
Vtt Sdd. mk Wt bo-M leamad by tWa ttot. to
r--mminnH with things that ooiy serve to
.... r- i .
at tho ,
Ijnd C.Olre At I hndron, Nebra-ka, (
ly II. IrtO.
Xotlee 1" hereby Kiven licit the following
n:nm-il wttler him ill'-'l notice i.l 1,1
turn to make mini piiKif in flipport 1 m
rlniin. and tht lu proof III b- bo
lorel onrnd Mndeiiniii, rh rV of tlie iiitr ct
court t lliurlson, Neb. on June Vl,l0.vit
lU'.-.-vl.lJL M II 1 IAJIH, of Monlnie, Kt.
a bo in; '!e II. .. No. MtO, for the S W H , nee K,
''i'e'nn'ne the foib.a ini; witties-e to prove
bU cO itimi.iu re;d.-r i i-ui-on and cultiva
tion ol s.lii I nil. viz: Kila in C. alyers, Iiavld
F. Mi.i k.iiriiilcy T. 1 li ijer, Lben Cowlisbsw,
nil of Moulrcw, Neb.
i ilV4il
. H. Met', Ki ifl-ter. fur 1 el Ii.-ftiin.
land dffli e.t f liidmn, Nebraska.
Grant Guthrie,
DtLR In)
Mnv li. IKO. I
Notice l hcrrbv ifivi-ii ttiiii the fnlloainir
nnu i d '-tt icr h i-lllcl nolice ih her Inten
tion to ii.skn final pr.Kif tn suiiporl ol her
cb.iin, ami lb it al 1 rKif aill tie tnada l
lii ill- l-tore onr..d I indeinHil, clerk nt tb
ill-irii-t court, at linn Ison. Nub., on June J,
IK-.O. via:
lioKTHEA WAI TF.Tt.of llarrion, Seb.,
wboniiUoli. E. No. 5zv, for the new tieV
llitl-k ne HlKl tleV MtV ol see ,tp, rU.
be ii oiii'" 1 In- loltoa InK a ilm-ses to prove
hci no itiniwi' rn.hle ice upon and ciiltiva-
Ion ol .i'l I Old. lt: joiiii ueriuan. nan
n i.kei . t. rdi-n u.d I'odoii, n iiiiain nun.
II of liiirriiein. Si b. W . II. .Mivtwx,
(;i4 4li, lu-guwr,
Consollilntril utb- Oir Pul'll'sMciB.
Ijovi Cfflee nt ( lmlron, Nebraska. I
Mav , Iwu. I
Notice i hi -reby jrHi " lht the fnllowlrie
niiiiil wilier bns filed iiotlee ol hi inleu-
Hon Vi in like llinil proof in anpiiort ol hi
l.uiii, mill t!it 'il riKi win i- mao on I A ndimi . clerk of t lie dtntrii't
court, at Harnon, SrbMiV, on July s, 1SV0,
Count It. V.'(lworili. of llnrrUnn, Xeb.,
who made l. s. Vo. tK'i, for the wH ' ud
H nee a, tp n. r a..
e name ifie tuHoa Inn wllnewen to prove
iIh con. tuition rclili-iicr uwin and cultii a-
Ion of Mlii I .nil, vl.: lllcb .nl Minlcr, John
orbin, ItulKirt iImjii, Keiiuui f. l.mdwy.
all of HarriKin, .Neb. Alio
l.oitl P, Mdworli, of Ilrrliu, Nfb.
who made I. No, in for the H V c s,
and ii iiei sec 17, Ip II, r M.
he name me ioiiowm'K viiumei mi
prove her contuinon reicience njn no
cultivation or said bind, vlt: klolmrtl him
ler, John Corbln. Koberl VV llou, Helium P.
i-infti-ey, ail ol nummm, !eo.
R. E. Bhewstkk,
C. F. Oiffkk,
S'ice I'rex
C11A8. C. JAMESON, Caahier,
Commercial Bank
Gsnsrcl (biking Business
i:onotiriau-u Nmlf Vot I'nbllcatlon.
Land Office a Clmdron, Neb., I
June J, lino.
Notice 1 hereby elven that the foilowlrn
aimii aetlii-r li.m lib-d notice of hi luteu-
lion to innke II i,nl proof In support ol In
clutin, and that !d proof will be made be-
ore (.onrxd l.iiiil:nan the clerk ol the U!
trict court at llarrlaou. Mil, ou July It,
:t0, rit:
Hifr Soliel'el, of Montrone, Nebr,,
who made 1). R. No. IMS, for the t!i mxi IK.
tp 34, r ri.
lie iiaine the following wltne to prove
hi eoiittnuou rorldenee iiikiii and cuitlva
turn of ni(l luiid, vlt : Jacob lHmieUhauner.
John Weimr, .IrtCOb Henry, all of Wontroe,
Nehr., and iinuu rsciiUitx oi iiiitrisoti,
jiebr. Also
Jacob liomfUlmiwer. of Hrrin, Nnt.,
ahomnde 1. ft. So. i"iiO for the eX nV d'a
nwH m-e S, tp S3, t ts.
lie HrtUie tlie loliowinr Itnenoe lo prove
lii continuous ruldi'iicc uoii ami cuiliva-
Uoii ol Kti i u Irtiiii, vir.: iiHim IienKer. terdl
Hand I'oiioll, 1i.n. !wnilli-r, I'eter i.hii:.
ail ol liKri inon, .Nebr. A)o
' lincliu'-l .I- Walkrr, of CoUIh Neb.,
who made U. S. No. 2K3 for tlie i-i anc 3, tp
M.. r5.
be n.imon tlie lnlIoa;ii(i aiti,.ar to prove
her eontiuitouH ri' njxin nnd culliva
tiOUOi, .ilii lrtllil, viz: 'y. mytlrr, ol liar-
i-ihon or., i.iKiiiee I oii, w i ! ilufti I'olUru,
it. A Walker, oil ol (oilii., Nebr.
S4Sj w, it. MU.-auk, Regtatm.
NolliT ol' ( eti'eM.
t;. H. Umd Olllee, ( tiiiilron Nc.,
April a, into. j
'OTtilil.'thit No, r li.i HK liui enterivl at
this oiuce by aiikukI v. . Mohr hk.iIiii t be
ter e . rtwiicy, lor Irtllure toi-ompiy with iuw
to Hiubitr cumirn u.ilrv . 4 .1.7. doled
aukumIIi, i li, iiWiji tlie m-H", i'(-llon 1, loa n
h.pi, laiiioeisi, 111 Mont county, Aebraxka.
iln vii' w ini- c.iiii'ciiiionoi hiu entry :
ro.ilet.Jit lli KHig til.. t tlie n.itd 4'laliiiMMl
h . ( toed to lirnW or cum- lo be broken
live ui-rc 01 ,.iu trnt I duruiK tlie Urnt year
ikir e..iry : anu 11 m 1.1111-u loeurv melleieei
up lo the ii. ,lt ill miloiliiiK lni co.iteht. I he p i tie nre hereny wuimiioried lo apfiear
,.l lll.M oni;i-o;i im; X.W u.iy Ol ,1U,.-, 1 0, at
ill u ciik k 11. tn., 10 n-H)iul and fiirnlb o-tl-iiiouy
concur. ung .iiu alleged falluro, Te
liinoiiy of a Hi!ce will oe ttikcn belore
r.. u riiy, ,,n I . n. ourt ('oiumisincr,
at hi olti.-e la tmrrlaoii, Aetiraaka, on the
luili d.y of iluue, irto, nl 10 o'clock a. m.
4ii-0 , , II. Mut'AKM. tlKltrr.
Tloiiil Notice t T.ailJ Owui n.
Te all whom It 1111.J' eoiua-nc
it oppc.iuig to tue jio.i.S.i.l County Com
mi.o.."r liiot ma piioiit- good reipiire
trui ioli(a liig eet.o.i line lo 11 opi-netl a
liuiiiic 10. ,ii., 10 a it: io,iiineicliig nw
cor.ierol iM.-e. li. tap. li, r tin, theuee ouih
1 mile, llience ei I mile, thence nouih I
nine, the mi' e.l I mile, Ibence MMitti 011
iwp iii.e a inUe. Alirfiirooi aw corner ec,
.4, i p. li, r if. Ilii'iii ti due wum throe iiiiiu.
aim) ci'iuoienclng at nw rorr iwe.S, lap
Hi, r &u ineuce f..i loan Corner ec. ai, tap. jtt
r ft... It I tm relore ordeiixi tb..t all oi.jcc
t.CiiJjJmrclo.jr c;..iiiiior(l(.igc mui ou 10 me couuly ele. k' oiuce on or tiefoie
uutu of Hie bin u..y of annum wis or rod
wiuooealrfoilniieu w.tnoiu reference theretij
l7-0 lv-U l.iKiia,lXiunly ( ieik.
Wgon, and Carriage Marten.
Xerirln aoae on pwt uoitoe
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Nwp wHit ftt lvry Xmm
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