The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 19, 1890, Image 1

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ty Journal
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Mauaea A Patter, . Prrteton.
OoU Wast, liixu v.m.
Jo. . psasensjer. I Jo. St, HMmmr, JO
Ho. SS, fwlghl.ll ja I Ko. M, freWlil,....l
Corn per hnndt-fd ft
OaU-prr handrert ft ,
KfcorU-rmr hundred 1
Brmn-per hnndred -..
Feed chopped prr hundred t
I'oUtoM per hundred t
Butter pr ft
1 U
1 00
Kf per do..
roultrr per do.
Oulon p-r .
Bemn per ft
OohI per ton
Wood per cord
.its a sos
4 50
S 50
Lumber nntive
per ni. ft
13 OS
"Corrected every Thursday,
Feed and grain for sale at Smith
Bros. livery barn.
Harness made to order out of No. 1,
oak leather, at Cunningham's.
We want a large number of people
to take advantage of our new clubbing
Call and we tlte complete line of har
ness, saddle, whips, lap-dusters, etc. at
the harness sliop.
If you want the very beat terms on
farm loam, go to tlie Bank of Harrison
before making application elsewhere.
By taking advantage of our new
clubbing offer you can get a large
amount of good "reading for a small
amount of cash.
O. W. Hester has his windmill and
pump running in good shape and says he
would rather have it than to have a run
ning stream on his place.
Hoaraww my fine stallion "Nor
man" can always be found at my farm 1
mile southwest of Harrison.
R Wmsos.
Fixture from the abandoned forts
pass through here quite frequently on
the way to Ft. Robinson:
We are informed that a lady will be
here in the near future to open a milli
nery and dressmaking establishment. We
have not learned tlie exact date.
Seasoned Lcmbih: We have a good
supply of seasoned lumber constantly on
am Bao'i
A sort of a neighborhood row oc
curred in the southeast part of tbe coun
ty last week and a number of arrests
were made and suits commenced, but
the result was that all the cases were
The surveyors of the Sioux City AV
Ogden railroad came here from the south
part of the county yesterday, and in the
aftemonn played a game of bull with
our boys. Of course the strangers were
defeated and a good time had by all.
They are a nice lot of fellows and we
hope they will come again. ,
The B. V M. arranged to take a few
of the leading newspaper men of the
state up into tlte region through which
their line of road has just been built
The party left Lincoln on Saturday, June
14th, and was under the special care of
J. Francis, general passenger agent, and
A. C. Zeitner city ticket agent at Lin
coln and Dr. F. W. Tucker of Lincoln.
The following is a list of the members of
the party and the papers they repre
sented: Seth P. Mobley, Grand Island
Independent; J. A. Creeth, Hastings Ne
braskan; C. V. Cole, Beatrice Democrat;
A. C. Jordan, Beatrice Express; F. O.
Simmons, Seward Reporter; R. B. Wal
quist, Hastings Democrat; Geo. F. Cor
coran, York Democrat; A. B. Knotts,
Plattsmouth Herald; John M. Cotton,
Lincoln Call; H. V. Hathaway and C. H.
Gere, Lincoln Journal; L. Weasel, Jr.,
and Fred Bensinger, Lincoln Courier;
Col. Hyde, Lincoln News; A. C. Footo,
Atchison Patriot; Bios Eaton, Kearney
Hub; S. T. Woodbridge, Omaha World
Herald; Victor Rosewatar, Omaha Bee;
J. J. Staadtnan, Omaha Illustrated West;
W. Norton Smith, Omaha Republican;
W. P. Cutler, Kansas City Journal; J.
C. McNeil, Kansas City Globe; & Wee
mi, Sr., guest of the road. On Tuesday
' the party arrived at Crawford on the re
turn trip and arrangements had been
made to stop there about three hours.
On the arrival of the train the party en
tered carriages which were in waiting
and were driven to Fort Robinson. . On
the return to Crawford they were taken
to Barron aV Souther's hall, where an
elegant banquet was spread. After do
ing justice to the good things, a number
of short speeches were made by members
of the party and citiaens of Crawford,
and at the appointed time the train left,
all feeling that they had been royally
treated. The trip was not mads to
boom the B. AM. road, but to giv the
repreesuUtivea of the press an opportu
nity to see what regions of undeveloped
country was opened for settlement.
There is no question but that the notori
ety given this portion of the great oortb
west in this mannir will be beoeflcUl to
il aortiow of the locality.
For farm loans go to B. H. Jones.
A party of four from the State Uri
varsity at Lincoln, passed through Har
rison to-day ia search of botanical sped
mens for the University.
Tell your friends in the east that if
they come here to locate they can get
lumber a great cheaper than they can in
most parts of the state. The sawmill
men report a good supply of lumber on
A warrant lias been issued for the
arrest of a German residing in the north
part of the county, charging him with
shooting a horse belonging to Aug. Wus
selman. We did not learn the partic
Hie judgment in tlie school district
case against ex-Treasurer Lock wood was
received by the clerk of the district court
from Judge Kinkaid on Tuesdav. It is
against Mr. Lock wood and is judgment
for 9331.96 with interest amounting to
$87.65 and costs $08. 10, making a total
of 837.61.
Lusk is preparing for a big time oh
July 4th. A barbecue ia to be a feature
of tlie occasion. As the base ball boys
of Harrison have "done up" everything
in the state of Nebraska, west of An
drews, and are looking for more worlds
to conquer, it might be that a game
could be arranged with Lusk for that
The September term of the district
court will, without doubt, be the largest
and most important one ever held in tlie
county. Cases are being certified to
that count at a rate which will make a
much larger docket than was ever ready
at the convehing of court here. A large
number of the cases will be for jury
trial and will consequently make the
term in September quite protracted.
We are informed that a man tar
Laramie Peak wants a hundred men and
teams to work for him. , It is about 60
miles from hew and he will have work
for them for three or four months.
Those of our farmers who have their
crops growing and nothing to do may
wish to avail themselves of such an op
portunity to secure employment for a
Some one has been making a raidsjo
secure a supply of harness. On last
Tburky night XBcOhadbaljra
brible stolen from the barn on his farm,
and on Friday night a set of harness
complete, except bridles and one collar,
were taken from the barn of Sheriff
Reidy. If the purpetrator of such petty
thefts is found it will not be very pleas
ant for bim.
The board of county commissioners
have got their work on the assessment
books done, but have not yet received the
railroad valuation from the state auditor.
The assessment of the real and personal
property in the county shows a total of
r294.36.V86. Last year the F. E. A M.V.
railroad assessment was 9104,440 in
Sioux county, and the B. A M. in the
county is estimated at about 962,000,
bich would give a grand total of
9520,765.86. Tlie low valuation agreed
on by the assessors and the dropping of
improvements on claims not proved up
on holds the assessed valuation quite
low. If enough can be collected on that
sum to conduct the affairs of the county
the amount saved to the farmers by re
duction of assessment can be used to pay
their debts and Improve their farms.
It is time for the people of Sioux
county to take active steps toward or
ganizing an agricultual society. It is
necessary in order to organize under the
law to have not less than 8A0 paid into
the treasury. Now if fifty persons will
signify their willingness to become mem
bers of such a society and pay one dollar
each for a membership ticket, the matter
can be started,' or if half that number
will pay two dollars each for a member
ship ticket the law will be complied with.
All who wish to see an agricultural
society organised are requested to notify
8. H. Jones , Harrison, Neb'r., either by
letter or in person of their willingness to
take hold of the matter. In giving him
this information please state if you are
willing to pay either one or two dollars.
Putting money into an organisation of
this kind is a good business investment,
for an agricultural society can do more
to attract people to a county than any
thing else. It is to the interest of every
one to get m many people here as possi
ble for as soon as the land is all taken up
it increases the value of all the land
around it and the result ia that the prop
erty of every one is made more valuable.
New people also bring in capital and
furnish employment for the laboring
uses. A society once organised and
officer elected will be a power for good
to the county. It is hoped the people
will take hold of the matter in earnest,
and that double the number required by
law will notify Mr. Jones of their desire
to assist ia the formation of an agricul
tural society in Sioux county.
Ayer's Saraparilla requires smaller
doses, and ia mora effective, than other
btood niedieinea,
A few dollars will buy a nee suit of
clothes at Ranch Supply House.
Why not buy a straw hat! Some nice
ones very cheap at Ranch Supply House.
The result of the contest for the posi
tion of sergeaat-at-erms of the United
States senate was that ex-Cong ressiuan
Valentine, of West Point, Neb., was the
successful candidate. There were eight
candidates presented aed it is quite a vic
tory for Nebraska that one of her citiaens
was tlte choice of the republican mem
bers of tlie senate. Judge Valentine is
well qualified to All the position, his sit
years service as congressman from this
district giving him a large acquaintance
at the national capital. The selection
of Judge Valentine demonstrates the fact
that Nebraska senators have some stand
ing with their colleagues. He will as
sume the duties of his office on July 1st.
On Tuesday an alternative writ of
mandamus was placed in tlie bands of
Sheriff Reidy and served on the board of
county commissioners, issued by Judge
Kinkaid, commanding the board to order
the county clerk to issue warrants for
the amounts of various claims issued by
the old board, together with interest at
the rate of 7 per cent per annum from
tlte time such claims were allowed.
The date of hearing is fixed for June
24th at Chadron, as the district court
will be in session there at that time.
Attorney C. E. Holmes represents the
parties holding tlte claims, and the com
missioners will be represented by County
Attorney Walker, and some of the tax
payers and parties interested in the fi
nancial transactions of 1800 will be rep
resented by Attorney IL T. Conley.
This question has been discussed to quite
un extent during tlie past six or eight
months and this action will probably
settle the point as to whether the claims
are to be paid in rotation or Whether the
expenses of each year are to be paid out
of the levy of that year, and that too,
with little trouble and expense.
It is hoped the the county commis
sioners will take early action on a imm-;
ber of important matters. The redis
tricting the county for commissioner
districts is a matter which should be at
tended to at the earliest date possible.
It is also important that some changes
be made in the boundary lines of some of
the voting precincts in order that it may
be as convenient as possible for the voters
and also that an election may be held in
every wecioct in the coTMtr. Ki
the county can have an opportunity to
vote. It is also stated that some changes
in the polling places in some precincts
are desired. 11 these matters are attend'
ed to in time, the people will have an
opportunity to know of any chan
made prior to tne day or election. ' An
other matter which it would be well for
them to see to is the condition of the
cistern at the court house. A large cis
tern was fitted un and all that is needed
now is to be cleaned out and a cover put
over it and the connection made with the
spouting on the court house and a good
supply of water could be kept on in
ready for use in case of a fire or for
other use about the county building.
There would be little expense attaclied
to any or all of these arrangements and
there is no reason why they should not
be attended to.
A Reminder.
We need money, expect soon to order
more goods and then will need more
money so everybody indebted to us will
please settle at onee either by cash or se
cured note. Ranch Supply House.
Everybody admires beautiful hair, and
every one may possess it, by using Ayer's
Hair Vigor. Keeps tlie hair soft, pliant
and glossy,
Cottonwood Item.
Small grain is suffering for want of
Sunday school in Dia No. 4 has again re
Rev. Mr. Good has been circulating a
subscription paper for buildinsr a church
on Little Cottonwood. We understand
be has ceen quite successful.
Mr. Wm. Dove has purchased J. B.
Kooser's claim and Geo. A. Dove has pur
chased Ed. McUowel's claim. This move
is evidence that these gentlemen are
pleased with the country and that they
expect to make this their future home.
We are glad to welcome them as neigh
bors as they are gentlemen in every re
spect. On last Wednesday, June 11th, the
people of this neighborhood were shocked
when the sad news was borne to them
of the sudden death of Mrs. Hall.
Ao a Rule,
It l best not to attempt to ressedy eostlve
aeea by the use of Milne or drastic purga
tives. wlMaaeatharttemedleUMtsneeded,
the most prompt sod benetelal Is Ayer's
Pills. Their effect Is to restore tbe reculsr
action of tbe bowels, without weakenlac
them. Being itifar-costed, these Pills retain
their sMdtelasl virtues for a long tune, and
are easy to take.
" I can recommend Ayer's mis above all
others, hevmg long proved their value as a
cathartic tor mrself sad tamllr." J. T. Hess,
tsiiasvlUe, fs.
M la MM, by tbe advice of a Mead, I begsa
tbe use of Ajers Pitts as a lamedy for bfl
loosaesa, eonstipation, mgh fevers, aad
eolds. They served me better than any
thing I bad previously tried, aad I have used
them m attacks of that sort ever sue."
B. W. Berth, Jndsoala, Ark.
Ayor'o Pillo,
rurAsan ST
fletd by all Dealers hi stedletMS.
4 B. B. Smith returned last Saturday
stow a business trip to Alliance.
i John Mack called en iart Thursday
aad gave us some cash on subscription.
R. A. Walker called yesterday and on-
failed himself as a reader of Tbb Jocb-
Mr. and Mrs. F. Nutto came up last
Saturday to visit their daughter, Mrs.
1 Simler.
'H. IL Steel was in Harrison this
-awning and made a pleasant call at our
'Attorney Holmes went down the road
ot legal business Thursday, returning
't, F. Gray came up from Crawford
tkis morning to organize a veteran as
saciation. W. D. Arner was in Harrison on Fri
day and called at our office and ordered
Tpl JockXai. sent to him.
John Corbin left this morning for Hot
Barings, taking Mrs. Corbin there in
bajies of improving her heal tit.
ed M. Hans was up from Spring
Clek on Thursday and called at this of
0o and added his name to our list of
Anthony ftforara was in Harrison last
Thursday and called at our office and
aCSed his name to our list of readers.
-It is rumored that a man living at
Montrose was killed near that place yes
telay by a load of goods falling on him.
. C. MacLachlan after sending some
moktbs here, lias decided that Sioux
county is a good place to live and has
land near the Agate Springs farm
H. Cook.
S. C. D. Bassett arrived on last
y from Detroit, where she hod
vara! months Witii her aged
ir wab has been in poor health.
last Saturday Mrs. O. W. Hester
iaed bar husband by retarniag from
.visit to Iowa without notifying Urn
iatantioae, Their daughter,
die, has fully rasrained bet baaHh.
i i-County Superintendent Cox left on
lac Friday for tlte state of Washington,
wi a he expect to make his future
His friends here wish him sue-
V. Lucas, ex-state auditor of
!ys : "I have used Chamberlain s
Cough Remedy in my family and have
no hesitation in saying it is an excellent
remedy. I believe it is all that is claim
ed for it. Persons afflicted by a cough
or cold will find it a friend." There is no
danger from whooping cough when this
remedy is freely given. 50 cent bottles
for sile by C. H. Andrews.
Eye and Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes,
Tetter, Rheum, Scald Head, Old
Chronlo Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
it after all other treatment had failed.
10 aad 60 oent boxes for sale by
C. H. Andrews, Druggist.
10256. I10135.I
Will make tlie season of 1890 at my
place on Warbonnet creek, 3 miles west
Of 0. F. Coffee's, except Fridays and Sat
urdays when he will stand at Montrose.
Description and Pedigree. Barbarin is
a black-gray : star in forehead; foaled
March 27, 1886; imported 1888; weight
1,800 lbs. Bred by M. Uorchene, Com
mune of Coulognes les Sablons, Lie
partraent of Orne. Got by Rouillard
10188, he by Favori, belonging to M.
TERMS-? 15 to in
sure with foal.
Due and payable when the mare is
known to be with foal or upon her re
moval from the county or change of
Care will be taken to prevent accidents
bat 1 will be rupenslblo for none.
A. W. M0HR, Owiwr.
Tk. rsda
l.wa, Ji
As usual, we are giving bo t ton prices on
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
h Big Line to Selent From
Hats, Caps and Queensware,
. and if you want
we can give you some
11. f V
- - -.
We will soon order New Goods
and are
Bold To
of some lines of goods now on hand.
I ' 0 IP
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