4 JThe Sioux County Journal Vol. 2. ECAJRISOlsr, NEB., 12, 1890. NO. GO !. V I THE SIOUX COUNTY lAPatterasa, rmrieUn. F. R. A If . T K. K. TImc tank. Goin Vwt. Uplnf Uat go. Jl, fumiw, :ll I ,. H, paMenger, 6: So. W, f rtj;bt,,I K Ko. M, frelbt!L. t:5 HAW WISOW MARKET. Corn-pr hundred Oau-per hundred a Short-per hundred ft 1 15 7 75 I 00 1 00 Bran prr hundred ft.. Peed chopped-per hundred ft. PoUUM-per hundred ft Jlulter-pr ft Kne-perdos 10 1 76a 4 " 4 50 I SO Poultry per dot Ontone per , Bemn per ft Col per ton.. Wood per cord Lumber native pur m ft 14 00 "CoiTected every Thursday. Paints and oili at the drug store. School close in less than two weeks. Peed and grain for sale at Smith Bros, livery burn. Harness made to order out of No. 1, oak leather, at Cunningham's. We want a large number of people to take advantage of our new clubbing offer. Call and nee the complete tine of har ness, Middle, whips, lap-dusters, etc. at the harness shop. If you want the very best terms on arm loans, go to tiie Bank of Harrison if ore making application el G. W. Hentei free Ws windmill and pump running in good shape and says lie would rather have it thanVo have a run ning stream on his place. -HbRSBfltttf- My Hoe stallion "Nor- man" can always be found at my farm 1 mile southwest of Harrison. The Village board do not like an in junction'very well Perhaps a manda mus would be equally unpleasant If the ilawig complied.with that is .all tliat is asked. Eev. L F. Lusk is hard at work on the census. ' He thinks it, will keep him busy the entire time, allowed,, for. the work. Tlie'papers'in'the first case of real state' foreclosure ia Sioux county were . ?Inj parties. It is reported that Judge Kinkaid hurt decided the case of school,ditrict No. ll vs. E. C. Lockwood, et al, in favor of the'i plaintiff. The docket entry has notv yet been made up. -lM farmers aN allOfty beginning to talk harvesters and threshing machines to get their grain ready for market, and the next thing needed is an elevator and mill at this place to handle the grain after it is threshed. When parties go to the trouble of putting up guide-boards at forks of the roads in the south part of the county for the benefit of the traveling public, it is hardly in keeping with the public spirit for some one to tear them down repeat edly. county iierK unueman informs us that ha has been notified by the state auditor that the appropriation for the payment of bounty on the scalps of wild animals ia exhausted, so that no more bounties need be applied for. A pension of $13 per month from date of issue and for 4 per month for ight years prior to that has been allowed to D. P. Davis of the Herald firm. That makes a nice little sum of money to come to a person. This office is in receipt of a'potato of this year's growth, whieh was dug about the first of June, plenty large enough for table use. It was grown by H. T. Mer riom, on his place a few miles from town and speaks well for the outlook for that kiod.'o( vegetables, The Infant childiof Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephens died on Monday of congestion of the bowels, the funeral occurring yes terday at 10 o'clock (row the family resi dence sou,th of town, Rev. I. F,. Lush conducting the service. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all in their affliction, Jam Scott ia still suffering from spra eyes. He has also been subjected to YM pains caused by neuralgia, but Dr. Shafer Informs us that he will soon top that The difficulty with hit eyes may- require treatment for some time, but it is hoped that they will all right after a time. -. E, ScOmje, of the Bank of Harri son, received an invitation yesterday Wrtacto4illacnaod deUyer tt omtym then oo July 4th, Mr $oJma nMriwid, the people of that in behalf of tht principles, of the rtpubiican part during (b campaign of taodaqwalwtNpaopUplid with his, oratorio nowara that they want tym to come and, fljr the eagle on JfdtpMdtqm) Day, If, tJ invHatyn t ffwapted U pavptt of Altyppt da. pnd on hariaf a food, tpaoh,. r, - .1..' i . "(it. ... v . ...... : , . ..... t. " ' For farm loans go to 8. H. Jones. For mixed paints, oils and varnishes go to the drug store. By taking advantage of our new clubbing offer you can get a large amount of good reading for a small amount of rush. By the June anportionment of the state school fund Sioux county is en titled to fl.M4.fl9. The rate per scholar is a little less than SB cents. The ladies' "aid society met at the M. E. parsonage on Wednesday afternoon and the following officers were elected: Miss Minnie Smith, president; Mrs. C. E. Verity, secretary ; Mrs. E. D. Satterlee, treasurer. The society meets next Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. E. D. Satterlee. Treasurer Gay hart remarked while here the first of the week that he ex pected to come to the county seat in the near future and take a hand in looking after the delinquent taxes, which should have been paid into the treasury long ago. Those indebted to the county need not be surprised if an officer comes to in terview them, armed with a distress war rant, A party living a couple of miles out of town occupied about a column and a half of the last issue of the Herald with a statement regarding the finances of the village, in which he makes the situation as clear as mud. It is not an official statement by the board of trustees as the law provides shall be published, so it does not fill the bill. Supt Southworth made a trip the "bad lands" a few days ago and wai rewarueu oy nnuing a number of very nice petrifactions. Among the lot was a perfect egg and also one that had been cruslied; some young ducks which hod also turned to stone, and a number of pieces of bone, wood, etc., making quite a collection. A great many curiosities are to be found in the localities known as the "ba lamia." -The report comes to us' that's few days ago the little child of A. E. Gates, of White River, met with a terrible acci dent, having been kicked in the head by a horse. The little one was taken to Fort Robinson and the post surgeon dressed the wound. It was necessary to nsTWehavenot teard how the patient ia getting along. F We are Informed that W. B. Wririifc has handed in his resignation us a mem ber of the board of village trustees. It is apparent that he does not feel like be ing one to attempt to get the matters of the village in shape, after they have got into the condition they are said to be in. unless the public affairs are run ac cording to law, trouble is certain to fol low, for people have got tired ofhaving things run hap-hazard. On last Saturday, the suit of Hans Denker against E. C. Lockwood and D. W. Woody for damages done to tlje crop of the former by the stock of the latter, came up in the county court. Ho de fence was attempted except to show that it was for damage done at th same time for which the replevin proceedings were begun before J. W. Hunter and certified to the district court, on account of the stock being appraised at over $500. The result was that the court rendered judg ment for the plaintiff in the sum of $46, the costs being taxed to the defendants, amounting to about $35. As soon as it was admitted that the case was for the Su,m damage for which the stock was taken up, the defence left the court room and let the plaintiff go on with the cuse alone, but why such a course was taken is hard to surmise. The board of county commissioners met on Monday,' expecting to .find the bond of the expert ready for approval, but instead of a bond it was found that he had backed out and would not give the bond required. That settled the matter, for the board do not want the books examined unless the party doing the work guarantees that it is correct. On Tuesday the board began its work as a board of equalization, and will proba bly remain in session for that purpose the remainder of this week and all of next Week. The. returns show that the as sessment is much lower this year than last, a number of items listed in previous years being left out this year altogether. The total will be about the same as last year as near as can be estimated at pres ent . The state auditor has not yet sent in the assessment of the railroad lines in the county,, and the board will be obliged to remain in session until that is received even if they get the rest of their work ftne before that time. So, far there lias been no complaints of assessmenU being too high, The levy will have to be the same rate aa it has been every year since the county was organised, 15 mills on tt dollar valuation, and it will require pretty close figuring to hay much, if any surplus, to apply on the outstanding Indebtedneas. The expenses of 1990 will tap to bi paid flnt and what ia W wilt Vtai-uWwtoWd.t. . . i: .. 1 ..-1 PERSONAL. ' John A.' Peters was up from Montrose on Tuesday. ! L. O Hull went down tins road Thurs day evening, returning Saturday. L. Gerlack spent Sunday with hit fam- ilv, nn hia farm ia- Stestney was up from the south "-(y h first of '" -ek Misses Anna and Wiza Price cave up from White River Saturday morning. County Treasurer Gayhart came up on Monday and returned home on Tuesday, T. B. Snyder was in Harrison yesterday on his way home from Fort Robinson. E. J. Wilcox was in Harrison on Fri day and made a business call at thfe of fice. V - W. H. Beck, brother of Mrs. j O. Hull, arrived here a few days ago on a visit. T. E. Sanders, state bank examiner, was in Harrison on Tuesday on official business. ,' Miss Mabel Robinson came up from Glen on Saturday to spend Sunday with her parents. D. O. Publow, of Cottonwood precinct, was in Harrison on Monday, and called at this office. 5 Hon. W. W. Wood, of Rusliville, Mass ed up the road yesterday, having legal business at Lusk. r W. Herncall, postmaster and merchant of Canton, was in Harrison on Monday and called at our office. J. r. Cur ran, one of the substantial farmers of the south -part of the county was in the county soat on Monday and uajieu ax, uwm ueuuquurcers. i completed his workj on the records of Sioux county as special census agent on Friday, and returned to Chadron that evening. M. R. McDowell and family left last evening for the east. Mrs. McDowell's health has been very bad of late and it is hoped that the change will benefit lietv W. E. Patterson and N. L. Pollard tl on luesoay morning on a com Dined o; ness and pleasure trip to the southf 'i- part of the county. They are expef 4 nmrtW'eti'ioa Ms bo wall pleased with the country that he took steps to secure a piece of land from Uncle Sam, and will probably be a resi dent of Sioux county in the near, future, Montrose Clippings. The weather is rather dry now-a-days. A good rain would do this locality lots of good. Corn is mostly up but does not look very good on account of the.recent cool weather. The most of, the small grain looks well although in some spots it is turning yellow. A good rain would help it. Hie grangers in general are just put ting the finishing touch to seeding and planting. J. Marking, A. Baker and Joe Hoff man left for the hills last week. Work is what they are after. Frank Hitner recently dug a well on his place on Antelope creek. It is 28 feet deep and the wuter good. Our road commissioner, Henry Was sorburger, contemplates ordering out the grangers and taxpayers of this pre cinct to do their duty and help improve the roads. The dance at Vroman's ranch was well attended and a general good time had. It seems the item in The JolrnaL con cerning the celebrating, or the 4th of July started the ball a-rolling. The members of the Montrose band met a few days ago to arrange for that occasion. Your correspondent did not learn the particular. No real, genuine county attorney yet? Our fighting county attorney may still stand a show. A frost on the night of June 6th in this locality nipped the corn, potatoes and garden truck and its effects are also noticeable on the small grain. Why would it.not be a good plan, for the Harrison folks to come to Montrose to celebrate the 4th this year. D. P. Duty. Home Seekers Excursion, Excursion tickets will be sold from points east of the Missouri river to. sta tions on this line, on May 20th, Sept. 8th and 28rd, and Oct. 14th, Tickets will be good for return, thirty days from date of sale. Stop over privileges will be al owed in either direction during life of ticket. E. J, WILCOX Owns the following brand on "VV" right hip or left side. Range on; Monro: vpeak,, p, 0. liurn rieon, Netfr. Warbouiiet Sews. John Herman and family are living on the E E ranch. They intend to stay there all summer. Justice Garten has built a nice house on his homestead. Mrs. Richstein is on the sick list. '( Anton Morrick, in his blue suit, can lfeexn turning the sod over from morn ng til night. Fritz Zerbst arrived lie re" la.st week from Stanton county, Neb., to help im prove the country. Rev. F. H. Dresher, of Crawford, will preach in school house No. 22, on June 22d, at 10 o'clock. Every one'is invited to attend. The ice cream social at O. A. Garten's last Saturday evening was well at tended and enjoyed by all. Hon. W. V. Lucas, ex-state auditor of Iowa, says: "I liave used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family and have no hesitation in saying it is an excellent remedy. I believe it is all that is claim ed for it. Persons allUcted by a cougli or cold will find it a friend." There is no danger from whooping cough wfien this remedy is freely given. 50 cent bottles for Bile by C. H. Andrews. CHAMBERLAIN'S Eye and Skin Ointment. ' A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment bad failed. 25 and 50 cent boxes for sale by C. H. Andrews, Druggist. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION, DARBARIH 10256. S10135.! Will make tne season ol loin! at my place on Warbonnet creek, 3 miles west of C. F. Colfee's, except Fridays and Sat urdays when he will stand at Montrose. Jlesrriptlou and rciligrre. Jmrbann is a niacK-gray; star in toreheau; loaleci March 27, 1880; imported 1888; weight 1,800 lbs. Bred by 31. IJorchene, Com mune of Coulognes les Sabloris, De partment of Orne. Got by Rouillard 10133, he by Favori, belonging to M. Champeon. TERMS-$15 to in sure with foal. Due and payable when the mare is known to be with foal or upon Jier re moval from the county or change of ownership. t'nru will be taken to prevent accideuts but I will be rcMponxible for none. A. W, MOHR, Owner, Better Clubbing Offer Than Ever. We stilll continuo our former clubbing offers and in addition submit the follow ing proiKsition to those who wish to get pajers cheap: For $2.25, cash in advance, we will send The JkITJMAL one year, and the Om aha Weekly Bee until December 1, 1890, or we will send The Journal one year, the Weekly liee until December 1, 1890, and the NebraiJca Farmer, the leading weekly live stock ar.d farm journal of the state, published at Lincoln, Nebr., for one year, all for $3. Thb Journal one year and the Xeliraxkr Farmer one year for only $2.00. These most lilwral. oilers should be taken advantage of by every one. Do not delay but take advantage of these offers at once. The Journal clubs with all publica tions and will save its friends money if they jet papers, magazines or periodi cals in connection with Thb Journal. Tills applies to all nnw subscribers and also to those now taking Th JttyiAV who pay for a year In adyanca. jMaUIBlaaMaVjaaBam JfSSTWMpwrT-vi HSI m W -. At -" i I 3 - Jo p" d b -3 I m 9p rt 0 V) SS. CD .KmaaB , ., . -vaarji--.-, S 2 5 1 illiIMfl?iPil?i3R