The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 05, 1890, Image 4

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    CtCcunty Journal.
MaeripUoe Price, 12.00
t. t Frwn - Miter
at the Harriaon port oBtoe aa aee-
kyftliU HcMtoa Kwalle4.
fetalis XHJlVli, ExEcrnvK Db
foanvtT d Uie Members of the T eo-ty-irst
tieoeraj Assembly: A legal
e, it line has arisen which may effect fu
tare restllU at td legislation to be enat
ewbjr tha legislature at Hie proposed
eperlal seesioa to convene on tle 5th day
Of Joes aexL I am advised by eminent
Mrthority, among the very highest legal
Mithonbea or the state, that grave re
enlte ma follow the passage of laws by
the legislature in its present condition,
and that such law may be declared void.
Tbia opinion is most pronotin'ed and ern
pbetic. Another opinion, equally tnii
heat, ia that the question is surrounded
with very grave doubts. The cause of
thee opinions is found in the fact that
several district in the state will be with
out representation. The spirit, intent
and parpose of the constitution is,
that all the people of the state shall be
represented. In the districts referred to
tha people have had no opportunity to
elect their representatives for the pur
pose of filling vacancies, and, therefore,
they are deprived of the right of repre
sentation from no fault of their own.
The difficulty has arisen from the fact
that a number of members liave been ap
pointed to lucrative positions in the cit
ies and counties, and others have re
moved from their districts, which fact
disrjiialifins them from holding seats in
the legislature. They had not tendered
their resignations and the official knowl
edge of such vacancies and therefore
could not order them to be filled. Tie
statute requires that before the conven
ing of the legislative body in special
session the vacancies shall be filled by
epeml election; the command is impera
tive. Therefore in order to remove the
difficulty, it would be necessary to post
pone the time of the meeting of the leg
islature to a subsequent date and to or
der elections in the vacant districts,
which might extend the session to mid
summer. Bather than to prolong the
agitation of this special session and to
cause elections to take place at this time
and to save expense to the state, and in
view of the legal difficulty, I have de
cided to rescind the call for a special
Kor, therefore, I, John M. Thayer,
governor of the state of Nebraska, do
i this, my proclamation, re-
r tiie call for a soecial session of
the lefjjsstnre contained in my procla-
i Of date, the 34th day of Hay,
. convening the legislature on the
Hh day of June next, and do hereby de
- dare that there will be no special sess
ion of the legislature.
In testimony whereof, I
hare hereunto set my hand
and caused to be affixed the
great seal of the state.
Done at Lincoln, this 81st
dav of May, in the year of
our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and ninety,
of the state the twenty
fourth, and of the independ
' ence of the United States,
the one hnndred acd four
By the governor:
: JorxM. Thayer
Secretary of state.
Bon. L. D. Bichards' boom for gov
enter gathers momentum every day.
It already looks ae though it would be
elms for any one else to apply. Fre-
The act of Oov. Thayer rescinding the
proclamation for a special session of the
leglslatim, appears to give quite general
mUeflm Itini The prevailing opinion is
tmt there wae bo emergency demanding
Jodje Erakaid fined a school , district
. Ilium P00 for contempt of court, in
Cberry oeemty a lew days ago. The
ett had eeeered t he ecneol officer to
fij nr T warrants and be failed to do
' eal 7n the fact being proven to the
wart U share Be was imposed.
TexCIcal aspect indicates that L.
- Ull Iw.
V -"";r ominee for governor. Mr.
-, ; state central committeeman
tatwa. - Hie nomination will
J ryoa by the repuUicam of the
V'fk amtiafactiea.-jrmtia Ob-
,tLJt, fee wprews court ad-
' Wt The decWen m
rrry eaa of HuB ra
"ll 'Ziluwn, Thepre-
" "lii;. would, fan
- r" Jtt wi
'io' ( mflta. on
C'Jf mam
t m ao-
Oil last Monday a third pro Initiation
from Oov. Thayer was publisiied. It
was rem inding the jro laiuation calling
the legislature to convene in extra sess
ion on June 5th. The last proclamation
was expected as ever since the call for
an extra session a great deal of prepare
has been brought to bear on the execu
tive to get him to rescind the call. It is
quite evident that ttie governor had
been led to beheve that a few men rep
resented the majority of the people of ttie
state and that a Biaxial session was de
manded, but public meeting were lield
aDd petitions circulated, signed and sent
to tlie governor w hich proved clearly
that the ieop!e of Nebraska did not de
sire an extra session, and the result was
the re-calling of tlie order.
It is now in order for the people of the
state to take hold of public matters as
they should. Let every one go to the
primaries of their respective parties and
send delegates to the various conven
tions who will select men for legislators
who will work and vote for the Austra
lian ballot system and a board of rail
road commissioners to 1 elected by the
peiple. It rests with the farmers and
laborers of the state wliether such laws
are passed or not. They liave the power
for they liave the numbers, but if they
do not take interest enough in tlie af
fairs of the public to exercise the rights
given them they should not raise a howl
because things are not done to suit
them. See that honest men are elected
to represent you, or rather, see that hon
est men are nominated. lM not stay at
home until tlie nominations are made
and then kick, but take a hand in the se
lection of the men.
The reports from Washington indicate
that there will no silver legislation.
The west ought to rise nnd make a
uuited demand that there be legislation
of that kind, and also that it be of a
very liberal nature. It is stated that a
party of importers representing $s00,
000,000 went to Washington to protest
against some of the items in the tariff
bill, and that will certainly have Rome
weight, but if the united west should
make an appeal for free silver coinage,
a much greater .power would be repre
sented than the capital of the importers.
The west wants an increase in the vol
ume of the currency. It is true that it
would decrease the purchasing power of
a dollar, but it would not decrease the
debt-paying power of the dollar, and
the west wants to get out ,'if debt.
The Herald makes a great ado about
the selection of census enumerators for
Sioux county and appears to feel bad
because the recommendation made by
the fusion county committee were not
heeded. It also states that the status of
affairs in Sioux county are known out
side the borders of the county. That
certainly is a fact. It is pretty well
known in republican circles that the
committee of which the editor of the
fusion-rine-onran is chairman, is com
posed partly of democrats, and that
democrat- is the guiding power of the
fusion political organization in Sioux
county, and it is safe to predict that the
actions of that committee will be dealt
with as they deserve. If any man or set
of men expect recognition from the re
publican party they should not fuse
with the democrats.
There is no qnestion but that the gen
eral agitation of the labor question all
over the country wfll result in remedies
being provided for many of the abuses
now existing. The new law in ew
York providing tliat employees shall be
paid at the end of each week and that
wages cannot be assigned to the employ
ers or their agents is certainly a step in
the right direction. A law prohibiting
lartfe companies from establishing
stores of their own and compelling em
ployees to purchase of them at exorbi
tant prices ought to be in force in every
state. The tendency is to assist the la
boring classes and farmere and if they
continue to take an active part in the
public affairs they can get all the relief
to which they are entitled, for they have
the numerical strength to compel recog
The candidacy of Judge Kinkaid for
congress in the third district is becoming
stronger every day.' Reports come in
from good, reliable sources that the pop
ular jurist of the northwestern district
will go into the congressional convention
with the entire twelfth judicial district
solid for him and will also have a large
number of delegates from other parts ol
the congressional district who would
like to see Kinkaid sent to represent .this
district in congress. . The fact is that
Judge Kinkaid is a man of honesty and
ability and wherever lie is known he is
respected and admired, and the repiihli
cane of the third district would honor
themselves by honoring bim.
JuetMeam as hot weather
were wilt be more er imb bowel corn
ier vs vicinity. Every person
ll lamibes, ought to have
some rshahle '"" at hand for ia-
letaot am u aase it ia Beaded. ' A W or 6
mt bottle of chamherlain's OohV', Choi
era and uttntuM Bewedy ia joet what
yen oght . have and all mat yon
vtfcUeetd, area for ttie moat severe
If eonere 'Would stop tlie bickering
on trie tan n sod pes ue iree stiver
coinage bill Ibey would do more to re
lieve the west than by any oilier action
they could perform. The sooner tlwy
uo mat li sooner u.ey wu, uo wnai a .
vast ma jomy of u peopie oi me west ;
want them to da j
Assistant Pott master General Clark-
son in an interview a few dUys a?o de- j
nied that Sm had sent in his resignation j
or that he ever contemplated d mig bo. j
The news gatherers at Washington are i
constantly in Vaivb of some sensational ;
news regarding officials and it appears
that the reports of the resignation of
Clarkson was a nepj.per fake. j
" j
Church Howe lias resigned his josition:
with tlie Missouri Pacific railroad. aii it'
is rumored that he will lie a canduitte ;
for congress in tlie first, district. There j
is one thing certian and that is lliat ?
(liunh Howe is one (T the aMest men in
tlie state and if lie gets out of railroad:
circles, a great many would support
him ho have always beeu opj-osed to
him for public office.
Tlie Valentine Gazi tte, a prohibition
jwper, claims that all license men op
pose tlie Australian ballot system. That I
is a grave error. Ward rounders and j
political tricksters nmv oppose the metis-
ure It by its adoption tliey would lre
ii . i t .1.. ,. (:., i ,,t '.
everv man who wants t see a fie bal-
t and a fair count is anxious to see j
that method of conducting
The following item, clipped from the'
Ft. Madison, Iowa, Drwxrul, contains j
information well worth rcmemliering: j
Mr. John Roth of this citr. who met i
i Ih an accident a few d.ijs ago sprain
ing and bruising ins leg ana :irm quite i
severely, was cured by one fiO cent lot- I
tie of Chamberlain's Pain li iliu." This t
remedy is without an equal i r sprains ;
and bruises ana snouiu imve n pi:i e in.
very household. For sale l y ('. 1L A.i-
drews. j
The indications are that the tariff leg-1
islation enacted by ttie present congress
will make material reductions on many
things. It is a hard matter to get it so
e to
prepared that it will do no injustice to
any of the varied industries of the c
try. A great cry lias guite up tu rwut v j
the tariff on sugar, but the projectors of '
the Grand Island sugar factory declare
that if the contemplated reduction is
made it will be ruinous to them. The
feeling in the west is for reduction as
rapidly as is consistent and that feeling
appears to be growing stronger all the
The laws of South Dakota provide 1
that insurance companies shall
publish a statement and also fixes tlie
rate to be paid for such publication. It
appears tliat advertising agents have ta
ken the contract to liave the work done
for the insurance companies and are at
tempting to get the work done for about
half price. The Oelri.'hs Adrvrale
through it column, cives the advertise
ur agents to undersUod that thev will
have to pay the rate provided by law if
the statements are published in that pa -
ner. If all the nuhlisherH of South Da -
kote' Like tliat Dosition and star bv it.
they will be following a wise course.
Decoration day was more generally j
observed this year throughout the eat
than ever before. The most notable
event of the day probably occurred fit
Cleveland, Ohio, where a handsome
monument was dedicated to President
Garlield. The affair was grand and was
attended by President Harrison, inein-
mers of his cabinet and other noted men.
At New York the corner stone of the
Washington memorial arch was laid
with appropriate ceremonies. At al
most every city and town the occasion
was fittingly olmerved. It will not be
long until the day .set apart in memory
of the dead heroes of the rebellion will
be most universally observed of all na
tional holidavs. '
ft 2i? w .
' VA J gEJ mm-
! nil ri
lils'lPPi!!'!!! P
i' S g III R
I Eys end SIda Ointment.
j A certain cure fur Chronic Sore Eyes,
jTetffr, S;.:t lUipum, hcald Head, Old
r Chronic Euros, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Sore Nipples
d Tt is coo!:nr and Boothine.
huc,W4 of e?s have Wn cured by
it gftcr jji other treatment had failed.
J3 and. 50 cent boxes for sale by
I". 11. Andrews, Druggist.
AUN'f SHAFFER'S Wrliffl;
An Oil W bo ia Put to Sleep by
1 aling of m I Irum.
Among In n penpie in this part of
the wur.ii. sny a kiu-r from Fiitdiay. O., is
Mrs. Ana Kiunrr, fiJii.iarij known as
Aunt At u." KUe hve on a far with
hi ha .Lin i b jt ten ciUea from luisci '.
i over t h !;iv-m e y.-ars id, and o fa.l
Jler0 c,!"1
4t r,it k..p wiLi kr bufctnd bi-.
a dn-m in trout vt tue i..?je fur at lca-i aa
l03rs tnd af er ,ter
b3 b,Mri by liie Drfg ;bo fr m
kt.uiuia r teaus v.e cuarire wuica a is
w;te is oifcSiit'g into drcwu ml lie bus a
una; e drum wLicti he ruu..e fur hiiuseif tiic cariy yeurs of Ite war, and, a
Le was isc!&.nuit'd from twg tnl-j the
art by re.,ii of physical dtsubii'.t'es, he
lid Lat tie cimlj for the country by
ui.i.tig as the orunitner f ir a company of
W;3ie guards" wuu.ii Urilied ia bis neijrb-
ll was durirtg this period that his w ife
Ccsl dev'ir.-d tier strange uiuitia. Bciq
of a kivU v U' rvy.ts un.ii'. lament, aud
nicfa wroiicnt tip over tte -ir, she could
tit .-jCP a' u-.irtil Ui.less lr hucumd itii
Itts.t As tin was nut perm iu-o to sleep
ua;.i Dis f" tid lli-st journeyed liitxi tlie
re.ili'is of siu-a x-r, he put in ttie ttiue prao
tic:cK upen hi drum, la tma wy aud
Aim" grew into tlie tabu ( f failing asioep
Ui tlie nystemaLic mtjBlc of tlio drum, and
sooalt liecaiue a neeessiiy. t-li9 could not
sleep v.1tbmi its solaciug sound, and thus
Aboat eight oV.ocX t'ncie Jaa.0 Rets
Cul bU uruia ai.d (iocs to work as if he
wer w.Ji -g a charge on a battery, and
tlieri grauuati.v drop luto slower ana more
k . ;:,.-.!.;. li.iisic until nl the end of an huur's
stidjr beating he feels conviuced that his
wifu is suuiid asioep. Tbeo he puts aside
tiisttlfwp prodav-er and jouis tno prtuerof
hi -jcy Jt.d S'jrews ou her excursion Into
si tniis-riuitfi
Tbe SiarT-ris bar'' a nice farm and are In
yt-oi ciroums-hitet s. atiu burriiig this drum
p !Cti!utrtlv. are met people audgood cciph-
fto'-s B nit lit;- ii.'.d ai.d wife belong to the
0256. ! 10135
Will make the s-ason of 190 at my
' pia on Varbonnet creeK, d miles west
'J , A I . .A
i . s- - T-.M, J C
; 01 v. X. inee s, except r niays mm
j uroays wtien tie win sumo at wuntro-e,
1 Desrrintlon and Podlirree. Barbarin
1 a black-era v: star in forehead; foaled
I March 27, lHt; inipr.rted im; weight
l.WWllis. Bred tiv il. txuxliene, L-om-
UM of &iu0r;s Sahloi.s, Le
nartmeiit of Orne, Out by Houillard
lot!, he by Fuvot-k, belonging to M.
TERMS$15 to in
sure with foal.
Due and payable when the mare is
known to I with foal Or upon her re
moval from the county or change of
Care vrill be taken to prevnt accldeuts
but I will be reapousible for none.
A. W. MOHR, Owner.'
Horsemen mv fine stallion "Nor
man" can always be found at my farm 1
mile southwest of Harrison.
R Wilson.
orrtcHu. DIWCCTOY.
Jotoo M. ThTr, OvcniHir, Unooin, Seb.
Oto. J. Mriklejobn LlMtenart Ooveriior
U K. t oiriiery irretry 01 t
T. H. Benton Auditor
John . Hill Treurer
W llllniu lnt Attorney General
John steea Iixl t ouimtoaioner
Geo. B. Ln (rapt. ltiblU inntrootton
D. Hopkins Wsrden of PenitentUry
W. M. Knapp Supt. HoKpitmJ for luMne
A. 8. lddoc r. S. Senstrr, Beatrice
C. F. HiDtterwo I". S. Senator, thriaha
W. J. lotmell, CouRreaitmai lt Dint., t'mHla
G. I.. I-awa, - " ft " M
Geo. W. E. Dowj, " 1 " rrmont
Aniao t'obb Chief Jantiee, Un'olit
S. Maxwell Associate Judge, Frfinon
T. l Sorval ..Aanociate Judje, beara
W". A. Uxwe Clerk and KeporIT, M
M. P. Kinkaid , Judge. O'Selll
Conrad I.tudeman Clerk, HarriTOn
U. Barker Coun'.y Judge
Conrad I.lndeinan Clerk
M. J. Gnybart .Tresimt
A. Soutlm orth Supt. Public Inatructioo
Tboa. Biddy Sheriff
Geo. J. Sbafer loronft
A. R. Iew ....surveyor
Conrad Liudeman Ocrk of Di.trict Court
Geo. Walker County Attorney
Don M. W eir, (cliairmn1 lt Ulmrtet
( has. V. Grove , M "
A. Green.... Sd " ,
A. Bartow. .Penalor, Dlntnrt No. 14, cuanron
G. W. Siiiionaon Rep., Dlst. o. M, Alliance
S. L. B. Maine ...Jutice of the Peace
H. Morrlfleld ' "
K. K. 1'oat Constable
W. R. Rnittb (ehalrnian) ..Tntw
J. f. Pfoat "
J. C. Northrop - "
E. I). Satterltw : "
11. W. Wtnflor ..: j . "
A. J. Baboook Clerk
D. P. liavla Treaanrer
school orricr.Ks:
S. L. B. Maine Director
W, R. fmith Moderator
D. II. Grixwold Treasurer
District Court, At Harrtmn, commence
April llitb and Sepiemter t3d,
Count 9 Court, At Harriaon, Commences
first Slontlay of each month.
Grant Guthrie,
-bcALta in-
Agent for wind mills and pumhb.
B. E. Brewsteb,
, F. Comrji,
Vice Pres.
CHA8. C. JAMESOS, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
. having Boat ' prw
wilt r-wfVe mark4 eot ot Wl
All nn"
tbia fHtprr
p rd are rue-t-d to '""l1
polii-KandU any error eslal rIo WI
aina 10 thU offi- at ouc.
land (ifllce at Cbadron, Kebraaks,
May 1. ltJ- '
ottcUbrebvien th?t wf"U?",Ln
namrd hitler b. Bled notice of bis ljUra
tion to i...k Sual proof in
claim, and tbHt aald proof .-ill "j
in-Conral Llndewaii. t ...
court at liarriaou, Mil- on juno "- .
Kl'Sff.LL WILLIAMS, of Montrow, pen.
Si, m1e H. K. !o- M. for the s X, sec n.
He name thf following wtineto tnprovs
blco. tiutiou. r-.i'lnc upou nud eu'UV
'nn of I d. vif : Kdwtti C. Myera. Ivid
F MHck.i.i!dl T. 1 Bayer, turn twwo ,
all of Moutroar, Seh.
Nollre for 1'Bl lirstloa.
Iud Office at Cbadron, Kebraaka.
Mv 1. ixte. t
Koflc ta herrb given that the following
u,tttr 1,. notice of her inten
tion to make Anal proof In anppon 01 nr
. .UL litnl nrtm in tnnm
. .. , t. . t ... ..1 hnnif will tic made be-
m tiv ta-ror i onrad I Indnnan, clerk of the
d!trii-t court, at Harriaon, Jeb.
, on Jane tt,
140, viz:
IXiRTHEA WALTER, of Harriaon, Neb.,
who made IL E. No. BH for the nrH n
and H nci, and nV a-i of m-c II, tpS. f
!-he naini-a the lol lowing wtincnaea 10
hr oo itiiiuou renl'le upon and cultiva
tion ol aaid land, vif- John Herman, Huns
Denker, Kerdenand Podoll, William inthuU,
all of IlHtrinon, Seb. W. H. McCaHs,
f 40) Kfeglater.
Nullrp for I'nbliratioo.
Land tilflce at Chadnjn, Ni-braaka. j
April K, 1- (
Notice 1 hereby given Ibut the following
named settler inu. hied notice of bla inten
tion to llntlie final proof In rapport of hit
claim, and tint Hld prool 111 la- made be
forel onr id I indeman, clerk of the district
court, at ilarrlsoii. Hebrou JnneS, ltf.l,vli:
W lilinm K. I'at' of llarrisou br
who mode I, S. No. SIM lor tBb "H ae and
.1, hi 14 aec 4, tp SI, r 6i.
lieiiHinea the follow lug wltneaaea to prove
bla contlnnoua reldcnce UHn and cnltus
tion f -aid land, vizt Dwlglit It. Griawold,
Llltert .M. ( rricr, Wlllet H, Green, Ldwsrd
A. elr, all of Harriaon, Nebraska.
IB-STj W. 11- McOs. Register.
Conaolidated Notlre for Pnblirstlon.
Jjind Offlee at Cbadron. Sebraaka, I
Mhv , l0 I
Notice i berebv Klven that the following
named act tier ha tllud notice ol bii inti-n-tlon
to make final proof In support of Ilia
cliilin, nnd Hint anld pnaif will le made tie
lore Conrad I.liideiniiii, clerk of the diatrirt
conrt, at Harriaon, Nobruaka, on July 8, 1KJU,
t'onnt H. Wadnwonh. of Hnrrlvin. b.,
who made ft. . No. for the wH e and
e.i ti ec , t p SI , r .v;.
hi' name the following wltneaaea to prove
hla contlnnon residence uMin aud cultlrs
tlon of a .Id I uid, vi.t Ricli.ird Slinler. John
Corbln, Koliert Wilson, Kellum P. Lindaey,
all ot HarriMim, Neb. Alao
Ijiui P. WaiUwiirtli, of lUrrlaon. N'eb.
who inude O. . No, M for the X imH ec ,
ami uH licit oc I", tp Si, r tw.
She nninea the following wltneaaea tp
prove her continuoua resilience upon and
cultivation of auid land, vii: Richard Slin
ler, John Corbin, Roliert W llaon, Kellum P.
Llndev, all of Hurriaon, Neb.
3i-Vl W. H. Mc"A)in, Keglater.
CudMilitlated Nntic For I'ttbllcatloD.
Land Ottltw nt ( liadron, Neb., (
Jnii, Pe. I
Notice 1 hereby given Unit tho following
minted ctUer Imk Sled notice of hla inten
tion to make dual proof In auiiport of hla
claim, and that km id proof will be made be
fore (ourad Lindeman the clerk of the di
trlct court at Harrison, Ntb., on July 14,
Into, vix :
Pi ter Sehrl tel. of Montroae, Ncbr.,
who mndn D. R. No. 14, for the e3 ec ffl,
He nainei the following witnesae to prove
hla continuoua residence upon and cultiva
tion of aald land, vIe: Jacob DotneUhanaer.
John Vaver, Jacob Henry, all of Montrose,
Nenr., and Wllhelm hchulta of Harriaon!
Ncbr. Alao
Jaroli I)methaner. of Harriaon, Neb.,
who mad-1). . No. for the eX nw nH
aw , Mt t, tp 33, r 8B.
lie uatuea the following wttnenac to prove
hl coutinuoiia reaidimce afxtn and cultlv.
tlon of mild laud, viz: Huua Denker, Ferdi
nand I'wloll, t ha Haulier, Peter Hcbletel,
all of Harrison, Nebr. Alao
Karhael i. Walker, of Colltna Neb.,
who made I). 8. No. 1149 for the se aee S, tp
a, t a.
he name the following wltneaaea to prove
her coiitluuoUH residence uiwn and cultiva
tion ol, wild land, vi: 1. enydex, of Hur
rinon, Nebr., George Todd, William Pollard,
K. O. Walker, all of l olllna, Nebr.
NS-.1J W. II. McCxss, Reglater.
Notice of Cnnteat.
tT. S. Land Office, Cbadron Neb., I
April Si, IMMl. i
f omplaint No. having been entenl at
ttila ontce by Augntt W. Molir agnint chea
ter nwaneVffor fnllnre to comply with law
aa to llinljer culture eulrv No. 4u7, dated
Atigunt t, lrv-4, Uiu the aeV, aec-tlon 1, town
ultipSt, iungi 5.1, ill hloux county, Nebraaka,
wtLh a view to the ctihcellutloiiof aaidentry:
couUnt.iiit alleging that tli auid ciaiinaiit
bua fulled to break or riw to be broken
live acrea of auid tract duriug tbo flrat year
after entry; and baa fulleil tocure the defect
up lo the Utile of initiating una conteat. lae
unt'l p.irtlea are hereliy niiiniiioiivd to appoar
at this ofnoe on tliervi day of June.
JO o'clock a. 111., to rcxpoud and I urulahtesU-
ntony concerning stitu aiicgeu ftiilure. lea
tiuiouy of witueaaea will laj taken before
0. K. V erity, alt C. H. (.uurt Couiiiiiaaioner,
at bia office in Hnrrlaoii, Neliraaka, ou the
Iclh day of June, lt, at 10 o clock a. m.
ia-) - . H. mccaxs. Kegiatcr,
Eatimate of Etpeiiaea.
Hakiisok, Nr.H , M at is.ism.
At a meeting of the board of county com-
luiaoloiiera ol nioux county, held on the
lull day of January, law, the following
atunnte fur expensed for tbe year low
we made:
Ijintnct uourt expenaea KKJO 00
naliirira iU0 W
ntallil.icl y 400 00
Printing . 1110 w
Ulllcel-a Iea : . J.V10 00
HoaUa mid briagiw 7100 00
iiideotedueaa nii'i mtereat lUJUu 00
inatitnte 100 0
ton it house ami Jail.......... 1,000 00
liicideuta.1 expnep................ sOOO 00
Inaaue and poor fund . SO0 00
Allowed uot-onnta outatandlng on
court bouae.. 1,900 00
Soldier.' relict t und W0 00
County Clerk.
Koad Xotlre to Land Oh am.
To all whom It amy concern:
it appearing 10 me tMi.tra of county com
miaato.icra lnt the irabllc good raqnirM
tbe lollowlng aectlou liuua to iw oiieued aa
public roaUa, towlt: t oiiiiiieiieing at nw
corner Of ace. 11, twp. li, r la, tltcinjc aoutll
I mile, thence etui 1 tulle, tneuce aoutb I
mile, lliciicc e.ii.1 1 mile, tbeuve aoutb on
l p eine o uniea. .tiauiroui aw corner aee,
13. twp. Si, r tlwnue rtu aoutb tltrea Btles.
alao eoiiiuienciug at nw corner aec. t. two.
Si, r lo luneeaA to ae corner aec. H, twp.H
r m, it ia tuerviore urusrsa tat ti oejet"
tioua thereto or cl.iliu. for daiugea tuuat be
aiotl In th eonuty cbnk'a ocsce on or bafore
noon of 1 he i .tn d.,y or Auguat, law or roads
will iwexUlMtteied without refereaeetlienTto.
17- toxaAi. Linti4,i, County Clerk.
. Waori and Corrltjt Mt&wi,
ReeatrlBi done om nam nettee.
Oeed work end reeeeasMs ebwejas.
ljP!7JMjiAOwi ttMra. It it the beet th
otbef livery I
i'li'liil! liii
aa pa mm tnoreMstHi traat-
IVWVill 14
fiiiariM k mm,
got mi kjd a. AaeVsw
tl t?