The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, June 05, 1890, Image 3

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Chicago, May 30, The western pus
Mr rata war ended. The war Las
bet the longest and baa inflicted
greater losses on the roada than any in
history. All tba roada are glad to quit
It wee a (airly hilarious lot of passen
ger man which mat yesterday and in
pursuance of tba instructions of thai r
presidents unanimously paased the fol
lowing: Rseolved, that on and after June 9
passenger rates in the territory of the
Western States Passenger association
be restored to the tariff in effect Decem
ber 31, im, and that the said tariff be
effective to all points subject to only
the regular tariff changes made by the
Trans-kliseouri association since Decem
ber 3L
The meeting adjourned until next
Tuesday morning, whan it is probable
that the reorganization of the Western
States Passenger association will be
Alaaaaaa Itaaaueratlc Coaveatloa.
MoNroGMEKv, Ala., June 2. Colonel
Thomas O. Jones was nominated for
governor by the democratic convention.
The platform adopted reaffirms al
legiance to the principle of the demo
cratic party aa "promulgated by Jeffer
soo, defend. 1 by Jackson and main
tained by Grover Cleveland." It holds
that any interference on the part of the
federal government in the selection of
senators and representatives in congress
is a usurpation of power unwarranted
by the constitution.. Unalterable oppo
sition to the present high tariff is de
clared, and a liberal and thorough sys
tem of public schools favored. It
further declares that the welfare of the
entire people of the state, without re
gard to race or color, deends upon the
continued administration of public af
fairs by the democratic party, which
lone combines the intelligence exper
ience and the virtue necessary to per
petrate the blessings of free government
therein, and that the continuation in
power of that party is the highest duty
of all white men.
Seataurril far Ten Vi
St. Paul, Mink., May :0.- Gerhard t
Thaden, one of the principals in the cel
ebrated real aetata forgery cane was sen
tenced to the penitentiary for ten years.
ParteloVaa sentenced last March, re
ceiving eight years and' five months.
J. B. Tall, the third will probably be
so tenced this afternoon. All three
weie tried and convicted and their case
appealed to the supreme court, where
the judgements were affirmed.
lataaaa Pealing.
Richmond, Va., May 30. Some one
climbed up the statue of George Wash
ington in the state house grounds and
put confederate flags in the hands of the
figure. Several protests have been en
tered against leaving the flags .there
but the authorities did not order tbem
taken down and they are atill there.
Several other evidences of intense feel
ing are visible but only in spots. The
Evening Statesman has; ' Robert E.
Lee, America's greatest man," over its
Garfield Moaamrat Dadlratod.
Ci-fvitlasd, O., May 31. In the pres
ence of a vast multitude and with all
the pomp and ceremony but albeit the
solemnity befitting the occasion, the me
morial erected by the contributions of a
f ratef ul country to the honor of James
A bram Garfield, canal boat boy, s?hool
teacher, soldier, statesman and presi
dent, was formally dedicated yesterday.
Of the Una of thousand! that were gath
ered upon the greenaward of Lake View
there were many that had journeyed
from far distant points to pay their tri
bute of respect to the memory of the
aeoond of America's presidents to meet
his death by the bullet of an asaassin
Two thirds of the state and territories
were represented in that throng. Upon
the olatform the nation itself, in the
person of its ohief magistrate and three
of hia constitutional advisers, ient or
ficial recognition and countenance to
the event, while over all, and aa a pa
tbetic aide to the pictu re, the w idow of
him whom all met to honor, with her
children looked down upon the scene
with mingled feelings of pride and sad-
HalBlMthe Lottery.
Minhrapolu. June 2.-The Journal
prints a sensational story today effect
in nrominent officials of the Northern
Pacific road. It charges that on the
night of February 4 the Western Union
wires were cut two miles eaat of James
town, N. D., and that investigation
proves that the work waa dene by a
prominent Northern Pacific official and
two operators. At the time a great
many telegrams both for and against
lottery project were passing over the
wina aad the operator aidetracked
uoh aa were unfavorable to the lottery
and rushed the others through. It is
charged that they advised the friends of
the lottery of the oontents of the mes
sages Intended for the enemies of the
scheme, thus putting them in possession
of their opponents' plana. A long peti
tion and lists of names in favor of the
lottery were, it la said, rushed through
without uharge, while protests egainat
the lottery were delayed. Passes were
issued, it la alleged, indiaoriminately to
the friends of the lottery bill with or
ders to conductors tlat they be re
turned to the offloiala wbea taken up.
The WeaUra Union baa make a full
Investigation of the charges, obtaining
eisfactory proof of their twin.
The World'! Fair BulMlaa;.
J At-KMOKviixK, Fla.. Msy 29.A model
for the World's fsir building has been
forwai ded to Chicago. It contemplates
structure in the form of s pyramid
100 feet at the bane and 1,'JOO feet high,
to be arranged in aixty stories, each
thirty feet high, the material to he en-
rely of steel, glass and iron. Two auto
raatic railways wind about the building
on the outside from top to bottom.
Iiullaaa la Bad Way Financially.
Indianapolis, Ikd., May 30. Indiana
is in a bad way ftnanc:ully. The neces
sary running expenses are rapidly in
creasing while the income is not, owing
to i j adequate taxation. The state audi
tor has figured out a deficiency of tfOO,-
0110. which the next legislature must
provide for either by increasing the tax
levy or making a new loan. An in
creased levy and higher appraisement
are, hflwever, declared to be inevitably
BaU-hcra' Protective Aaaoclatlon.
Cincisati, O., May 30. The Butchers'
Protective association yesterday elected
officers adopted a national trade mark
and adjourned.
Two Woawa Flogf-d by White Capa.
Louisville, Kv., May 29, A band
of white caps, thirty in number, visited
Corydon, Iud., at 1 o'clock this nio. nint;
and proceeded to the house occupied by
Lucy Noyes and Jane Flag, two women
of questionable reputation. The women
were dragged out of bed, taken to the
edge of town, tied to trees and flogged
until both had fainted from puin.
Their tongues were then cut, and the
white caps departed leaving their vic
tims insensible where they had fallen
at the foot of the trees. Besides their
general bad character, the two women
were suspected of having started the
recent fires at the fair grounds near
Ilea Hawklna llangrd.
Wahiiihotok, May 30. Bnjamin
Hawkins waa hanged at noon yesterday
for the murder of his wife in March.
No Additional Hudlm.
Sam Fbahoihco, Cal., J une 2. No ad
ditional bodies have been recovered
from the Oakland estuary, where the
train was wrecked Friday afternoon.
This leaves the list of identified at thir
teen. Engineer Dunn is still missing,
but it is not thought that he is drowned
as the statement is made that he was
seen by one of the Oakland railwny of
flcials a abort time after the accident.
The Cm i Ievlded
Chicago, May 29. Judge Collins, this
morning decided the case of Francis N,
Charlton against theChicago gas trust
He sustained the bill of the plaintiff for
a receiver for the trust and enjoined the
defendent and the four gaa compan'u
from tranaferring any stock, money or
assets to any persons or corporation,
Judge Collins said he would announce
the name of the receiver tomorrow.
Robbed of Jewelry and Razor.
Stanton, Ia., May Sk. The store of
C. W. Swanson was broken into last
night, and gxxls valued at several hun
dred dollars were taken. Juat how
much the loss will be is not known. A
large number of Swedish razor j and o
great deal of jewelry were also taken.
Men have been sent this morning in
search of the burglars.
Nenalble Iteaolntloha Adopted.
Washidoton, May 30. The railroad
commissioners' convention yesterday
adopted resolutions favoring a uniform
classification and a greater uniformity
in its annual reports and railway ac
counting. In the matter of safety ap
uliancea. the members of the convention
almost unanimously favored the legis
lation requiring railroads to be sup
plied with the latest improved couplers.
brakes, etc.
ladeta In t'auip.
Hastings, Nkb., May 30. One hun
dred and ten cadets, under command of
Lieutenant Griffeth, arrived here yes
terday. They go into camp at Dick
Berlin's park where they will remain
until next week. They will take part
in the memorial services today and on
Sunday will be joined by company F,
Nebraska national guards, and in the
afternoon lie reviewed by Governor
Thayer and ataff. Mayor Clark in a
speech welcomed the cadets the city to
Killed by Lightning.
w. if w Nr.n.. Mav 30. A farmer
named Edwards, residing near Weston,
waa struck by lightning and instantly
Will! last mailt about eight o'clock.
He waa a son of Rev. Jonathan Edwards
tnd was very highly see pec ted. Con
aiderable damage waa done to property
.a a a 1
by the storm in trie vicinity oi meau.
Forbidden to Make VialM.
Hamilton. O.. May 30. The lady man
avers of the Western female seminary
some time ago forbade the students
of Miami university to visit the girls
of the seminary. On Tuesday evening
theaa r tha famale teachers drove to
Oxford to attend a Methodist church so
cal.,When the social waa over their IG00
horse and carriage were missing. The
horse was found yesterday morning
dead and fearfully mutilated. Four
Miami university boys have confessed
to President Warfleld, who refuses to
a-ive their names, that ihey did the
Parlahed la the flaaaaa.
Philadelphia, June 2. The mills of
J. and R. Ritchie and Tohmas R. Wilson
burned this afternoon. Two employes
perished in the flames.
Will Break ap Uh UialillcrlM.
Cisci.nhati, O., May 30. The w hisky
trust has adopted a new plan to break
up the distilleries w hich are not in the
combine. A meeting of the trustees of
the great monopoly wss held here, 'jut
the proceedings were kept secret. It
has leaked out, however, that the trust
will sdopt a system of rebates. They
will give a rebate of 7 percent to dis
tributors who do not purchase from
outside houses. Prices of whiskey will
be advanced to $1.10 or $1.12 to enable
the trust to do tine and the rebate will
be paid at the end of each six months.
A Mia la California la Which There H
rarpataal Frost.
The altitude of the Stevens mine on
Mount McClellan (California) is 2.500
feet. At the depth of from 60 to 200
feet the crevice matter, consisting of
silica, calcite, and ore, together with
the surrounding wall rock, U a solid
frozen mass, say au exchange. Mc
Clellan is one of the highest eastern
spurs of the snowy range. It has the
form of a horse-shoe, with a bold es
carpment of feldspario rock nearly
t,0U0 feet high, which, iu some places,
is nearly perpendicular.
Iu descending iuto the mine nothi ng
unusual occurs until a depth of eighty
or ninety feet Is reached, when the
frozen territory begins and continue"
for over 200 feet. There are no indi
cations of a thaw summer or winter.
The whole of the 200 feet of frozen
walls is surrounded by massive rocks.
The miners, being unable to excavate
the frozen material with pick and drill
in tho usual way, found that the only
way to mine iu this peculiar lode was
to kindle a huge fire against the -'face"
of the tunnel and in the morning take
out the ore that had been thawed loose
during the night
in fact, this was the only mode oi
mining used while going through the
frozen belt some ten or fifteen years
since. The tunnel is now many hun
dred feet deep, and still there is no
diminution of the frost. There is, so
for as can bo seen, no opening or chan
nel through which the frost could pos
sibly have reached such a depth from
the surface. Besides this there are
many other mines in the same vicinity
in a like frozen state.
The theory is that the rock was de
posited in glacial times, when there
was cold cnougn to freeze tne very
earth's heart. In that case the mine is
an ice-bouse whose stores have remain
ed unthawed for at least 80,000 years.
A he phenomenon is not uncommon
or inexplicable when openings can be
found through wmcu a current of air
cau pass; but cases which, like the
Stevens mine, show no opening for
air-currents must be referred to im
bedded icebergs of the glacial period
Feeding Canary Birds,
A mod manv pconle don't know how
to take care of canary birds, and L
therefore, give them the following ad
vice which I got from a bird-fancier:
Mever give your bird sugar, or tigs,
or raisins, or anytmng sweet, except
small piece of swept apple (peeled)
twice a week. Put the apple in the
cage in the morning and take it out
at night. It should have all the rape
and canary seed it wants and gravel
should be kept at the bottom of the
cage. Avoid feeding tho bird celery,
Twice a week feed it on one-third of a
boiled egg, using both tho white ' and
tho yellow of tho egg. Grate up the
egg; that is better than putting it iu
whole, uivo it me egg trio day Dciore
it gets the apple and as large a piesu
of tho former as of the latter. Lot
it havo a bath every other day.
using water with tho chill taken off."
A Mad King's Strange Way.
The Hamburger Corrtspondcnz pub
I'.shes a description, purporting to coma
from a "very reliable source," of the
state of King Otto, of Bavaria. "If
appearance King Otto is robust. His
enormous beard, which be never per
mits to be cut, extends down to his
breast. His eves crcncrallv cazo into
vacancy, and ho only rouses liimsel
sometimes when his old servant, Mist
Mary, who nursed bim as a boy on her
knees, approaches him. Then, in a
sonorous baritone voice, be calls out to
her to bring him something, perhaps a
glass of beer, but when it arrives he
immediately throws it away. Othei
persons ho passes by as if ho never saw
them. i -
"Strict orders are given that no on
shall bow to him, nor address a word
to him during his walks. Freqnently
the unfortunate King, under the influ
ence of his hallucinations, stands in a
corner, violently gesticulating and
speaking of imaginary personages.
After such an attack complete apathy
usually sets in, which lasts for hours.
His Majesty is a passionate smoker,
consuming twenty to thirty cigarettes
a day. The number of lucifcr matches
ho uses is enormous, as he generally
lights a whole box at once and enjoyi
throwing it away while in flames.
"His manner of life is regulated with
strict care, bis dot being fixed by the
eiysicianon service. Dr. Snell and
r. Ranke take a mouth's duty alter
nately, and every Sunday a visit is paid
by the Director of the dlstriot luuatic
asylum. Dr. Gasley, who revises the
medical reports. At meals the King
its at the head of the table, and at a
certain distanco the adjuncts, the
physician and tho Court Marshal. Th
King eaU with a hearty appetite.drinlu
a few glasses of beer, and now and theft
calls in a sharp tone of command for a
glass of his favorite vtaa. He insist
on being completely unobserved, and
be himself takes to notice of his guests.
What he wishes for is brought at a sign
from the physician. The King uses
knife and terk like every one else, but
be often scorns to use a table napkin,
and be isakei hit coal serve the pur
AmtXor of "Barbara HeathcotS Trial,'
Wnk' Whim," "77k Search m .
Ban LyndhurnV -
I had been obliged to defer my visit tc
Annt Agatha for more than a fortnight
and it was not until an early day in Octo
ber that I could find a leisure afternoon.
I believe that only very busy and bard
worked people really enjoy a holiday
listless and half-occupied lives know noth
ing of the real holiday feeling and the
joyousness of putting one's work aside foi
a few hours of complete idleness.
I felt almost as buoyant and light-hearted
as a child when I caught sight of t h
old bridge and the gray towers of AL
Saints. The river looked blue and cleat
iu the October sunshine; there were bur get
floating idly down the stream; a small
steamer had just started from the tiuj
pier; two or three clumsy-looking boats
with heavy brown sails were moored U
the shore; there was a man in a red cap ir.
one of the boats; two or three bare-legger
urchins were wading iu the water. Then
was a line of purple shadow in the dis
tance, little sparkles of suulight every
where, jellow and red leaves fluttering, s
little skiff with a man in white flannel
comiug rapidly Into sight, omuibuaeg.
cabs, heavy wagons clattering over the
bnJtre. Beyond the white arches of tht
new bridge the busy hum of workers, the
heaving of great craues, the toil aud strain
of human activity.
The sight always fascinated me, and
stood aside with others to watch until a
well-known figure In the dlstauce recalled
me with a start. Surely that was Aunt
Agama crossing the road by ths bridge;
no oue else walked in that way that
quick, straightforward walk, that never
seemed to linger or hesitate, that could
only belong to her. Yes, it waa she, for
there was the dear woman holding out her
hands to me, with the old kind smile
breaking over her face.
"I came to meet yon, Merle; I did not
want to lose one minute of your company,
but I was a little late after all, dear child.
What a stranger you are, all these months
that we have not metl"
"It has seemed a long time to me, Annt
Agatha; so much seems to have happened
sluce I was last here."
"You may well say so," she returned,
gravely; "we have both much for which to
to be thankful. Your accident. Merle,
which might have bad such grave results,
and" here she checked herself, but
something in her manuer seemed strange
to me.
"We need not walk quite so fast, sure
ly," I remonstrated. "How these people
Jostle one! and I want to talk to you so."
"And I to you. Never mind, we shall
find a quiet corner under the shadow of
St. Mary's." And as she spoke we turned
InuUlie narrow flagged path skirting the
church, with the tombs aud gray old head
stones gleaming here and there. There
were fewer people here.
Are you sure you are qnlte well?" I
begaD, rather anxiously. "You are look
ing paler than usual, Aunt Agatha, aud,
If it be not my fancy, a little thinner."
"Yes, and older, and perhaps a trifle
graver," she returned, rather briskly; but
I thought her cheerfulness a little forced.
"We have not yet learned how to grow
younger, child. Well, If you must know
and this Is why I came to meet you, that
we might have our little talk together I
have not been without my troubles; your
uncle has been very 111, Merle, so ill that,
at one time, I feared I might lose him;
but Providence has been good to me and
spared my dear husband." And here
Aunt Agatha's voice trembled and her
eyeagrew misty.
I nas almost too shocked to answer; but
my Irst words were to reproach her for
keeping me In ignorance.
"You must not blame me. Merle," she
replied, gently. "1 wanted you dreadful
ly; I felt quite sore with the longing to see
you, but 1 knew you could not come to
me. Mrs. Morton was in Scotland: you
were in sole charge of those children.
Unless things grew worse, I knew I had
no right to summon you. Thank God, I
was spared that necessity; the danger only
lasted forty-eight hours; after that he
only required all the nursing I could give
"Annt Agatha, it was not right; you
ought to have told me."
"I thought differently. Merle; I put my
self in your place you could not desert
your post, and you would ouly have grown
restless with the longing to come and help
me the sume feeliug that made you hide
your accident from me led me to suppress
mv trouble. I should only have burdened
your kind heart, Merle, and spoiled your
present enjoyment. 1 sold to myself, -uei
the child be liappy; sue win oniy iret ner-
self Into a fever to help mo, and she must
do her duty to her employers.' If Ezra
had got worse I must have written; when
he grew better I preferred tolling you
nothing until we met."
I shall never trust you again!" i oursr
out, for this reticence wounded me sorely.
"How am I to know If things nrt well
with you If you are always keeping me In
the dark f"
"It will not happen again, Merle; In
deed, my dear, I can promise you that It
shall never happen. , IC you bad been at
Prince's Gate I should have summoned
you at once, but, In your position, how
could I ask you to desert your post. Merle,
when those who placed you tliere were
hundreds of miles awayf"
I saw what she meant, and I conld not
deny that she had kept me in ignorance
for my own peace of mind. It was Just
her unselfishness, (or I knew how she
must have longed for me; we were so
much to each other, ws were so sure of
mutual sympathy and help. Aunt Aga
tha cried a little when she saw tow hurt
I was, and then, of course, I tried to com
tort her, and I very soon succeeded. I
never could bear to see her unhappy, and
I knew It was only her goodness to me.
I begged her to tell me alxmt Uncle
Keith's Illness, and she soon put me In
possession of the salient points. He had
worked a little too hard, and then had
got wet in a thunder-storm, ana a snarp
attack of inflammation bad been the re
sult. .
"He considers himself wen now," she
continued, "but he Is still very weak, and
will not be able to resume work for anoth
er week or two. H is employers have been
very kind: thev seem to value him hlgWy.
Obi he has been so patient, Merle, It has
been quite a privilege to nurse htm; not a
complaint, not an Irritable word. I al
ways knew be wss a good man, but ill
ness is such a test of character. "
"But yon have worn yourself ont," I
grumbled; "you do not look well." But
sue imerrapted me.
"Do not noiiee my looks before your
nncle'slie aaid, pleadingly; "he is so
anxious about me; but indeed I am only a
little tired; I shall be better now I have
told you and got it over. You have been
ou my mind. Merle, and then that horrid
accident." But I would not let her dwell
npou that. We bad reached the cottage
by this time, and Patience was wstcbing
for us; she looked prettier and rosier than
I found Uncle Keith sitting pillowed np
in an arm-chair by the drawing-room Are.
I thought he looked shrunken, and there
was a Diocbed look about his featnres.
He had not grown youuger and hand
somer to my eyes, but as be turned his
prominent, brown eyes on me with a kind
look of welcome, and held out his thin'
hand, 1 kissed him with real affection, and
my eyes were a little wet.
"Hir-rumpb, my dear, I am pleased to
see you there, there, never mind my
stupid illness; I stn quite a giant now, eh,
Agatha? It is worth being ill, Merle, to
be nursed by your aunt: oh, quite a lux
ury, I assure you! Hir-rnmph." And
here Uncle Keith cleared his throat in his
usual fashion, and stirred the fire rather
loudly, though he looked a little paler af
ter the exercise.
"But I am so dreadfully sorry. Uncle
Keith," I said, when Aunt Agatha had
taken the poker from him and bustled
out of the room to fetch him some jelly,
"to thiuk I never kuew how ill you were."
"That was all the better, child," he re
turned, cheerfully. "Agatha was a wise
woman not to tell you; but there are not
many people in the world, Merle, who
would come up to your auut, not many,"
rubbiug his bauds together.
"No, indeed, Uncle Keith,"
"How do you think she looks?" he con
tinued, turning rouud rather sharply.
"Have I tired her out, eh?"
"She looks a little tired, certainly."
"Hir-rumph, I thought so. Agatha, my
dear," as she re-entered with the Jelly, "I
do not waut nil this waiting on now; it is
my turn to wait on you. I must not wear
out such a good wife, must I, Merle?"
And though we both laughed at that, and
Auut Agutha preluded that he was only
iu fun, it was almost pathetic to see how
he watched her busy movements about
the room, and how he begged her again
and again to sit down, aud not tire her
self; aud yet she loved to do it. I think
we ljoth of us knew that. I was not dis
posed to pity Auut Agatha as I had done
in former years, l'erhaps 1 had grown
older aud more womanlr in those eight
months of service, and less disposed to he
critical on quiet, maUer-ot-fact lives. On
the contrary, 1 began to uuuerstand in a
vague sort of way that Auut Agatha was
garnering in much happiness iu her use
fill middle age, in her honest, siugle-cyed
ssrvice. Love had come to her iu a sober
guise, aud without pretension, b'nt it was
the light sort ot love after all, no doubt.
To youthful eyes, Uncle Keith was not
more of a hero; but a plain honest man,
even though he has a fewer inches than
his fellows, may have merit enough to fill
oue woman's heart, and I ceased to won
der at Aunt Agatha's infatuation in be
lieving herself a happy woman.
We had not much talk apart that day.
Aunt Agatha could not leave Uncle Keith,
but I never felt him less in the way. 1
talked quite openly about things; he was
as much interested as Aunt Agatha in
listening to my description of Marshlands
and Wheeler's Farm, and had not a dis
senting word when I praised Gay Cheritou
In my old enthusiastic way, and only
soft "hir-rumph" interrupted my account
of Reggie's accident
It was Aunt Agatha who walked back
with me over the bridge In the soft Octo
ber twilight. Tired as she was, she re
fused to part with me until the last min
"Yon must come again soon, Merle."
she said, as we parted; "Ezra amt I are not
young people now, and a bright face does
ns both good, and your face has grown
very bright one, Merle."
Was Aunt Agatha right, I wondered?
Had I really grown happier outwardly?
Had the Inward peace of satisfied con
science and a heart at rest cast Its reflec
tion of brightness? I was certainly very
happy just then; my lite was growing
wider, friends were coming round me, in
terests were thickening, there was mean
lug and purpose In each opening day. I
no longer thought so much of myself and
my own feelings; the activities of life, the
needs aud joys of others, seemed to press
and crush out all morbid ideas. 1 had so
many to love, and so many who seemed to
need me and care for me.
J. went more than once to Putney dur
ing the next two or three weeks.. My mi
tress was far too sympathizing and unsel
fish to keep me from my own people when
they needed me; on the contrary, she was
always full of contrivances that I ahould
be spared.
November passed very pleasantly. Mrs,
Mortou was recovering strength slowly
but surely; she was no longer a prisoner
to her dressing-room, but could spend the
greater part of the day In the drawing-
room or in her husband's library.
But she still continued her invalid hab
its, and saw few people. I still sat with
her In the afternoon, and either Joyce or
Reggie played about the room. When
Mr. Morton was absent I came down to
her in the evening, and read or talked to
her. I prized these hours, for in them
learned to know my sweet mistress more
Intimately and to love her more dearly.
At the beginning of December Gay came
to ns. I was looking forward to her visit
with some eagerness, though I knew my
evenings would then be spent in the nurs
ery, as Mrs. Morton would only need her
sister's society; but, to my great surprise,
T waa anmmnnert to the drawinff-ronm
on the eveulug ot her arrival. She had
lust come iu time to dress for dinner, and
we had not yet seen her. I could scarcely
credit Travera' message when she deliver
ed It
"Will you please go down to the little
drawing-room, Miss Fen ton? Miss Gay
wants to see you, and my mistress does
not care to be left alone."
She started up and came to meet me
with outstretched hands. She looked pret
tier than ever, and her eyes were shining
with happiness.
"I am so glad to see yon, Merle. I want
ed to come up to the nursery, but this
spoiled woman how you have all spoiled
herl refused to be left She said Hannah
wonld be there, and that we could not
talk comfortably."
"Yes, but there was another reason,"
returned my mistress, smiling; and Gay
blushed and cast down her eyes. '
"I wanted to tell vou the usws mvself.
because 1 knew you would be Interested.
Sit down, Merle, In your usual place, and
guess what has happened."
I dirt not need to guess; the nrst look at
Gay's happy face had told me, and then I
had glanced at a certain linger. Opal
tell their own tales, w. f,-r:
"Guess." continued my mistress, mls
chievously. "Who waa the guest watt
came ofteuest to Marshlandsr"
"There were two who came most fre
quently." I returned, looking steadily ia
U Gay's blushing face, "Mr. Hawtry and
Mr. Koasiter. But I do not need to ns
told it is Mr. RosaiUr." And Gay jump
ed up and kissed me in her impulsive
I could see that she was pleased I had
guessed it
"I told you it would be no news to her,
Vi," she said, breathlessly. "Do you re
member our talk in the orchard. Merle,
when I told you I was afraid of poverty?"
"Yes; but I knew you mag m tied yout
ears. Miss Gay." But she shook her head
at that.
I hate it just as much as ever. 1 tall
Walter I am the worst possible person tot
a poor man's wife, and if you ,ask Violel
she will agree with me, but I am obliged
to have him, poverty and all; he would
not take 'No' for an answer."
I think Walter was very seusible," re
turned her sister. "I should have despised
him for giving you np."
"He would never have done that, re
plied Gay, with decision, "until I had
married somebody else; and there waa no
chance of that You are grave, Merle: do
you mean to forbid the bans? Why do
you not congratulate me?" .
I do congratulate you with all my heart
Will that content you?"
To be sure: but what then. Merle?"
I ought not to say, perhaps. If you .
have made up your mind. I like Mr. Ros
siter. He is young, but he seems very
good. But do you remember what I said
to you that evening, Miss Gay, when we
were watching the moon rise over Squire
Hawtry's corn-fields that your environ
ment just suited you? I can't realise
Marshlands without you."
I saw the sisters exchange a meaning
look, and then Gay said, in a low voice:
'What should you say, Merle, if I am not
to leave Marshlands if my father refuses
to part with me?"
I do not think that would answer.
Mrs. Markham would be mistress, and
you have told me so often that she does
not like Mr. Rossiter."
'There are to be changes at Marshlands,
Merle," broke In my mistress; she had
been listening to us with much Interest,
and I wished Mr. Morton could have seen
her with that bright, animated look on
her face.- "Adelaide will be mistress there
no longer. A young cousin ot ours, Mrs.
Austin, who was with Adelaide in Cal
cutta, has just lost her husband. She Is
an invalid, is very rich, and very helpless,
and has no one except ourselves belonging
to her. She is very fond of Adelaide, and
she has begged her to live with her, and
superintend her establishment. She has
a large house at Cbislehurst, aud so Ade
laide, and Rolf, and Judson are to take up
their abode with her."
Things have not been very pleasant
lately, Merle," observed Gay, gravely.
Adelaide has set her face against my
marrying Walter, and she has worried
father aud tormented me, and made things
rather difficult for all of us. It is quite
true, as she says, that Walter Is poor, and
has no present prospects," continued Gay;
"and she has dinned his poverty so Inces
santly into father's ear that he has trot
frightened about it, and has made up his
mind that he will not part with me at all
that Walter must make his home with
There was a terrible scene when
Adelaide heard this; she declared she
would not stop In the house under these
conditions. And then Amy's letter came,
and she announced her resolution of liv
ing at Chislehurst I do not Mke the Idea
of driving Addle away, but," finished
Gay, with an odd little laugh, "I think
father and I will manage very well with
out her."'
We talked a little more on the subject .
until I was dismissed; and I had plenty of
food for my thoughts when I went back
to the quiet nursery.
(To be Continued,)
What Cam-1 of Two Bands That Persisted
lb "Following tha Leader."
Several "sheep men" from the Inland
Empire were gathered around the
store at one of the hotels recently (lis
cussing the prospects for mutton this
winter and at last they got to telling?
stories about sheep, says tho Portland
One told about the captain of a
schooner who had a band of sheep ou
tho deck of his vessel. As lie was turn
ing and twisting the wheel to keep tho
schooner on her course, tho old ram
who headed the flock, taking umbrage .
at his motions, came up behind him
and at one full swoop butted him over
die wheel. The enraged captain seized
ais woolly assailant and threw him over
board, when, presto! away went the
vholo flock, popping over the rail, one
ftcr another, into tho sea. Boats
were lowered, and with much labor a
portion of the flock was saved.
Another told a story which illus
trated tho same follow-my-leader trait
n the character of sheep. At a port on
tho sound one evening lust after the
deck hands had got all the freight
stowed away there came down 600
sneep to do put on ooaru. ah uaous
were vexed because of the delay aud
trouble connected with shipping them,
but Anally a pen was made of hurdles
between decks and a gangway rigged,
and in the dusk all was ready to take
the sheep on board and they were .
started down the gangway. The first
one, as he struck the deck, saw an
opeuing in the other side of the boat,
across which a hurdle had been pUced,
Instead of going along to the corral
prepared this sheep made a running
jump, cleared the hurdle and landed ia -the
salt chuck alongside. Every on
of the band followed suit and in a short
time 600 sheep were struggling - in tba
water. The captain, having seen the
last one go down the plank, veiled out, .
"All right down there P" An answer
came back, "All right, sir; send 'era
down." "Seud 'em down," roared the
captain; "haven't you tbe aheep down
there?" "Not a sheep, air," was the
reply, and investigation showed that
there was not a sheep on the boat. .Tha
captain could not delay any longfet
and so steamed away, and only
small number of the sheep ever got
shore. , .. .
A writer in an eastern journal, talk
ing about church choirfceaye thoy hay
become the training school for toe
opera stage. "lira good deacons may
not neiieve n powiuie, uu a gwaw aw
the history of the most poyWlejrKW.
b ret tea and prima donnas shows ,t,a4
they graduated from oburoh onoirt.'